#important asks
i think all this talk of exactly what Paul & Andrews relationship is defined as defeats the point of everything Andrew has been saying in interviews. We're queer! Why are we trying to fit a queer relationship into heterosexual standards?
It's clear that whatever relationship they do have, it is intimate& loving. And their label, or lack of a label, or being with other people, doesn't take away from it! I think it actually adds to it. Paul is a lot younger, and from what little we know of his potential queer journey, he hadn't explored much before AOUS. If I were Andrew I'd be encouraging the person I love to explore, make connections, have messy gay sex, etc! I see their relationship as an open door, not a closed one. We saw how much they helped one another grow during the promo tour- why wouldn't the same apply to their romantic&sexual relationship?
we must remember to kill hetero-patriarchal thinking <3 it does us no good
Beautifully put.
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ididntmean2hauntyou · 1 month
Please, my friend, donate to me. I need your support. My tent burned down and my husband and children were injured. Please,🙏🙏💔💔
Verified, please donate or reblog!
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feral-lore-creature · 29 days
I am Ehab Ayyad ❤ a palestinian youngman from Gaza🍉🇵🇸, seeking to find safety and peace ☝️for my family if twenty members. We have been ❤🇵🇸🍉passing through all forms of torture and pain for almost ten months because of the war on Gaza.
Life is very miserable and tragic❤🇵🇸 as we are now deprived ❤🇵🇸🍉of all means of living. Drink water, healthy food health care and medicine❤🇵🇸 have become things 🇵🇸🍉❤of the past. We are dying dear friends. That is why I am asking you to help us break through this tough situation.Life in hot tents is incredibly sad and miserable. We are now experiencing the worst circumstances we have ever had in our life. The war has stolen happiness and life from us.
Please don't leave us alone in such dire times. Your kind contribution either through donating whatever you can or sharing my posts will be highly appreciated and valued.❤🇵🇸🍉
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Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
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cicaklah · 4 months
I hope you feel better soon! To help combat that boredom, I have to ask you an important question:
What are your blorbo butt ratings across your fandoms??
(Alternatively: who are the fuckbois of your various blorbos?)
Best blorbo butt is agent 47 there's no competition. He is the pinnacle of male aesthetics for a reason.
I also do sometimes headcanon him as a bit of a fuck boy because he's like well if I can't have my true love I'll just have whatevers convenient. But im more into him getting said true love.
Controversially I think Spock's more of a fuck boy than Kirk but neither label fits each of them.
Uncontroversially though I think AJ raffles has never called someone back, and not just because the telephone had only just been invented. Except bunny, of course.
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nixiegenesis · 10 months
He’s the absolute orangest baby I have ever met
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His ears are so floppy lol
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Here are some things you could say to someone who struggles with schizophrenia or any other mental disorder:
"How are you feeling today?" - This shows that you care about their well-being and opens the door for them to talk about their struggles if they feel comfortable doing so.
"I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to" - This lets them know that you are available to provide emotional support and that they don't have to go through their struggles alone.
"I'm sorry if I said or did anything to upset you" - People with schizophrenia can experience delusions or hallucinations that can make them feel threatened or anxious. If you unintentionally said or did something that upset them, acknowledging it and apologizing can help to diffuse the situation.
"What can I do to support you?" - This question shows that you are willing to help in any way you can, and that you are open to their suggestions for what would be most helpful for them.
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kottkrig · 5 months
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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deadrlngers · 3 months
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Armand + looks through season 2 for @aarmand
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'm always pushing you away from me / but you come back with gravity / and when I call, you come home
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Would you mind a Gr***e and Andrew timeline? I was trying to work back from Glastonbury to see where she fitted in amongst Andrew and Paul.
From Reddit and G stans:
1) Paul and G first rumoured to be hanging out/dating Oct 23. She has gigs in UK that month. According to G fangirls they parted after 2 months cos "he wasn't over Phoebe".
Andrew in Vanya until end of October 23. We know Paul saw Vanya at least twice.
2) Dec 23/Jan 24 Andrew and Paul hang out a lot, go on GN show like limpets. Baftas and all happened.
3) April 24, G announces she's recording new album The Secret of Us.
Andrew and Paul spotted in NY. Happy selfie.
4) 14th May 24 Gucci party. Andrew and Paul close again.
5) 16th June 24 Andrew turns up at NP marathon. Paul looks v happy to see him. Spotted heading home together.
6) June 21st 24 G's album released. That same day, P and G are seen together at miserable lunch.
7) June 27th 24 Andrew and Paul on AOUS panel. Lots of physical closeness. Confirmed dancing until dawn at Downlow.
8) July 13th 24 G plays Bristol and there are rumours that Paul met her afterwards and she came back to the Chiltern Firehouse to see him. Another spotting at a gig together that week. Basically there were a few little spottings during this week but they weren't viral. G leaves UK by 15th July.
Andrew at Kylie gig with JB. JB blabs A had "good fun at Glastonbury" about a week later.
9) August 24 Andrew and Paul not seen together since Glastonbury at the end of June. G and Paul papped.
Setting it out does make it look like maybe something happened at Glastonbury. Paul was unhappy about idea of coming out? Or he knew he wasn't going to and told Andrew?
He decided that weekend to get together with a girl who wrote an entire frigging album about him, and told Andrew? Or he decided in mid July that this was the direction he was going to take?
Or Andrew decided they weren't going to work out? But then, why is he talking to JB about "good time" if things went very wrong. Because things didn't go wrong until mid-July when Paul met up with G again?
End of June to mid-August is confusing.
Sorry for saga but I wanted to write it down. What's your ideas about all this?
Thank you so much for this. I am so lost and confused about this situation and the timeline. Of course, none of us actually know anything, but when did that stop us?
Well, we know Paul was out at gay bars with Andrew in October, holding his hand and being dragged to the dancefloor. Yeah, he saw the show at least twice and went out for his birthday and at least one other time. He was also spotted in gay bars multiple times.
Of course, Paul was rumoured to have been with 6 or 7 different women during this period as well. I am still not sold on Paul and Gracie being authentic, as the pap walks are obviously staged and the time in line with Gladiator 2 and the drug video. I am not saying they are fake, but the way this is presented to the public is not authentic which then makes me question things.
Yeah, I know think that he and Andrew spoke about this at Glastonbury and things changed that Saturday/Sunday. But also, Andrew has left heart emojis and Nell posted that super couply photo. I am not convinced that is done and I think we will see them again. I suspect it's all gone a bit quiet for promotional reasons but maybe that is just my Mescott delusion.
IDK about anyone else but Paul's whole look, mannerisms and even voice has changed since the Gladiator promo tour started?
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ididntmean2hauntyou · 14 days
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please reblog my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.
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feral-lore-creature · 29 days
Hi Kind Soul 💕
I am trying to evacuate my family from Gaza, and really need your help to save him 🙏💔
I would be truly grateful if you help by donate to get the life our children deserve 😔
Could you please help me ? Any small contribution, it really helps 🥹🙏
Vetted by 90-Ghost
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Hi 👋
I am writing to u with a heart full of hope and faith , asking for your urgent help .
We are a family living in harsh and difficult conditions due to the war, suffering daily from fear and destruction. And Iam running a fundraising campaign to save them 🕊️.
Plz🙏 could u reblog the post about my campaign on my account!? Every share and reblog can make a difference in my family lives.I humbly request a donation of 5$ or more if you can my friend and if u can’t just support us enough for me.🌹
In conclusion, my family and I thank you foor yours kind attention to our message.❤️🌺 🍉
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oobbbear · 9 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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noodles-07 · 9 months
okay if you were to pit every modern-era Doctor against each other in a fight. no holds barred. they can fight as dirty as they like. physically or mentally. just full on duking it out. who do you think would win. this is not a "who is your favorite" poll it's a "who would beat the shit out of the others most effectively" poll
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