#important things with nanon
the-named-anon · 10 months
I thought of a great idea for Christmas gifts for you guys!!! (Mutuals)
Also I’ll make them and send ‘em out on Jan 1st (so I can finish the challenge)
I’ll sign one of my weevil drawings to you and make it more Christmas-y!!! (If you want)
Also, if you celebrate something else, I can make it themed like that instead! (Just let me know)
I’ll make a list of people who want one, and what they want:
Rox (surprise)
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gilly-bean · 2 years
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For Pran.
Bad Buddy Week Day 1: Favorite character
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just-bendy · 1 year
Bendy is there a reason why you have a nice flat ass?
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airenyah · 2 years
when you know a thing or two about acting so you go completely feral over scenes that the fandom wouldn't even think twice about
#this post is inspired by the bbs ep 4 scene where ink fixes pat's hair during the photoshoot#all of you don't even KNOW#thing is... i can't even explain it properly bc i learned all the acting terms in german#like. how do i talk about things such as spielrichtung or sprechrichtung or haltung in english?#how do i say words like anspielen or zergehen or auspielen in english?#and even IF there are things that i think i could maybe express in english#(i suppose i could use the word urgency to get my point across when i'm trying to talk about dringlichkeit)#like even IF i could find some words....#it doesn't mean that people will understand what i mean (or even see it at all) when i say things such as#''nanon sends really well in that newspaper game scene from ep 6''#like. it took 3 years of drama school for me to see these things#and only bc i had one specific teacher for whom it was important to make us see these things as well#and who'd make a point of us giving feedback (of us learning how to give feedback) in every single class#plus i grew up with a mother who also knows a thing or two about acting#who'll point out things actors do whenever we watch a show together#so i can't expect people to really Get™ or see what i mean. bc i KNOW how hard it is to understand if you haven't done it yourself!!#even after 3 years of drama school i still get confused sometimes when my mom is like ''did you see how [artist/actor] does [thing]??''#ooof this is one of those moments where i wish english was my native language just so i could express myself better on the internet#airenyah plappert#all of these ramblings just to say#that ep 4 hair fixing scene makes me go feral just bc of ohm's spielrichtung in that moment#seine spielrichtung is da so komplett nach hinten und auch irgendwie nach innen und er spielt milk da so gar nicht an#es ist soooo guuuut#vor allem im vergleich zu wie er dann nanon anspielt. zb in ähnlichen szenen so wie die ep 4 nivea product placement szene (my beloved <3)#and like!!! those two moments happen in the exact same episode even and there is such a difference and it just!!!! makes me feel insane#ich mein in der nivea szene da geht alles nach vorn da spielt er so stark nach vorne da sendet er so stark richtung nanon ich packs nd??#i still don't understand why people where worring about ink x pat being a thing after ep 4 aired just bc of the hair fixing bc like!!#the difference in ohm's acting is just so. so...!! it's so obvious. (when you know how to Look)#there's just no way pat is in love with ink#there's just so much i could say about ohmnanon's acting but i just don't have the words in english
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waitmyturtles · 7 days
Final Thoughts on The Trainee! (TL;DR That Last 4/4 Quarter Was a Major Fumble, But It Didn't Ruin the Whole Show For Me)
I had promised my friends @lurkingshan and @shortpplfedup that I honestly wouldn't write too much about The Trainee while it was airing, because I was mad sus about the crew of this show. Many of the crew of The Trainee had worked on an ill-fated GMMTV het drama called UMG, which aired last year, and which starred Nanon Korapat, Namtan Tipnaree, and Milk Pansa in an unfortunate, chemistry-devoid love triangle. It was a flop and I never finished it.
I had thought to think about where this crew came from about four episodes into The Trainee, when I realized that the MO of this series was to center not Ryan's and Jane's budding romance, but the inner workings of an office, and the infrastructures of making filmed content instead.
UMG was framed in a similar way. While the show struggled to contextualize romance among its characters, the center of each episode was actually about describing concepts regarding extraterrestrial life -- things like crop circles and whatever. (There were aliens in this show.) (Dammit, I can't find a gif of the aliens!) (Here's Milk with some boogie eyes instead, whatever.)
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As @lurkingshan wrote often during her watch of the series, The Trainee was ultimately a workplace BL, and I'd add to that that it was meant to serve as an educational series to GMMTV's unique audience. I wondered, early on in The Trainee, if I was just too damn old, as a working professional, to be an audience to this show. GMMTV's audience, of course, skews Gen Z and maybe very-late millennial -- GMMTV's shows are equivalent to shows airing on MTV or The CW by way of its majority audience market.
I certainly had a lot of experience by way of how interpersonal relationships mostly played out in this series (although I reeeeeally needed Judy to acknowledge her kissing Ba-Mhee and to talk about it, the way Jane acknowledged the power gap between him and Ryan after they started dating).
But, honestly? I ended up LOVING the breakdowns of how creating filmed content works, especially in regards to how viscerally and intensely these concepts were depicted.
And The Trainee stepped into some other territory, y'all! Many of us had intense discussions regarding bisexual inclusion and erasure once Tae and Ba-Mhee got back together. These concepts are sophisticated and important to ruminate on -- again, especially for a younger audience being fed most binary male-male and female-female queer media and concepts by a giant like GMMTV, which makes a ton of money on branding same-sex actors together. Queerness has a lot of spectrums, and bi inclusion was something I was glad this series unexpectedly took on.
So, against all this good stuff, that last 4/4 quarter sucked. I felt terrible for Ryan's 20-something hormones. Jane went to get a masters', and didn't even *call* his.... his boo? (Ryan wasn't Jane's boyfriend, obviously, maybe we could call Ryan his crush, his boo-boo, whatever.) Like. Jane didn't even come back to Thailand to visit, ever? Come awn now. If a show is feeding realism to a young audience by way of how corporate workplaces work, and how the art of an industry is made, at least please make the final romance a little more realistic!
(All y'all 20-somethings who were watching this show and wondering if you should wait five years for a potential boo to come back from overseas, please listen to your auntie here, GO DATE OTHER PEOPLE. Don't be like Ryan. Focus on *YOUR* NEEDS. This has been your reality-based PSA.)
But the rest of the finale was lovely for me. Jo, to me, was a realistic boss. He had a priority in keeping on Jane as an assistant director, because Jane was a great assistant director, and served well in that role, which served well for Jo's company. When Jane expressed an interest in growing, Jo knew that Jane couldn't do it in Jo's shadow -- and Jo said so. Jane taking a risk to LEAVE is a kind of risk I've had to confront time and time again in my own career, as I grew out of a workplace, and grew out of what that workplace was demanding of me. It's a wonderful notion for young people to contemplate on -- that movement in one's career must be first and foremost driven by the individual themself, for the sake of their own accountability to their growth.
I was thrilled to see Sea Tawinan in them white pants Ba-Mhee and Tae's engagement, Tae setting guardrails for himself to focus more on Ba-Mhee, and omg Pie's and Ba-Mhee's breakdown had me howling. Poon's a new fave as well. The Trainee confirmed my continued deep love and appreciation for Piploy, I think she's cute and great-great.
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I truly enjoyed this show. The crew ultimately de-centralized romance for most of the show to focus on how work lives and personal lives realistically intertwine. We are the same people at work as we are at home, with all of the messiness we bring to those tables, including unrecommended romances that may traverse age and power gaps. Things can get messy, but I think, other than the whole Judy thing and Jane ghosting Ryan for years (wtf man), The Trainee handled that messiness with empathy for the young people who did a lot of growing up during the course of this series.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Hello this is basically a long post about me sorting through my feelings about bad buddy and why it means so much to me.
So over the past few weeks ( i first watched the show 7 weeks ago) ive been trying to figure out what exactly about bad buddy and patpran in particular have got me so inexplicably fond and devoted to them and apart from the usual answers of great writing, directing, performances and the best most electric chemistry and banter known to humankind, i did arrive at couple of other answers too.
First of all pat and (especially) pran are deep and well rounded characters.
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Their worlds feel lived in and real.
Their feelings and thoughts and motivations are of course excellently portrayed by both ohm and nanon. and they gave representation to queer people everywhere. pat being the pan/ bi king he is and pran being the gayest babyboy warrior poet ever. pran especially given his repressed nature and emotional closed-off-ness is somebody a lot of people surely saw themselves in, including myself. seeing myself represented like that starting off the way he is and then taking small steps one by one over the course of the whole show (and over years in the show's universe) to arrive at the more assured, more open, more ready to be vulnerable (but still very much the pran we all loved in the first episode itself) was so wonderful to see.
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The fact that the show happens in a non homophobic universe doesnt take away from just how special it was seeing queer characters fall, be and stay in love. and most importantly that they got their happy ending (i wont be hearing anything against this cos the ending was happy, despite the slightly bittersweet tinge of it, it was happy and there shall be no counter arguments begone i cant with that)
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That episode 12 gave a glimpse of their future.
A world where pat will one day be able to sit with pran in his house eating food made by dissaya. that pran and pat's mom work on a common hobby together cos why not. a world where they no longer have to hide, a world were they could well and truly thrive.
Its so so important as queer people that we get representation and that in a world that is often cruel to the likes of us especially here in asia, that we see happy adult queer lives, where they can be in love in the most mundane of ways.
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Patpran and bad buddy gave us that and i will forever be thankful for it.
That still doesn't capture exactly why i rate them as a couple so so highly in my head.
So i thought of patpran in the context of all the other love stories i could possibly remember watching. i thought of some of my top favourite couples - mondler, phil & claire, schmidt & cece, peraltiago, leslie & ben, jack & rebecca, randall & beth, simon & wilhelm, jaeyong & sangwoo, ji hyun & jaewon, bai lang & xun an, tara & darcy, sumi & rimjhim and so so many more and what stood out for me when it came to patpran was that they were the one couple out of all these couples i adore who didnt let anything get between them once they got together.
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Every other couple among the ones ive listed have had jobs or other relationships or distance or parents or workplace rules /etiquette or circumstances or the royalty standing in between their love and as a result causing the couple to break apart ( a couple of episodes for mondler to seasons of confusion for peraltiago and schmidt & cece etc) even if briefly.
Except for phil & claire (who btw wasnt even sure about marrying phil when she did) almost none of these couples got together and stayed together throughout their relationship. and yes i agree that a lot of these obstacles and circumstances are very real and taxing and no wonder people chose their own peace at least for a while to deal with everything BUT i just cant help feel more appreciative of pat pran even more cos these two 19 year olds figured this whole thing out faster than any of those full grown adults did.
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And yes its fictional and maybe even unrealistic (given the kind of relationships i see irl) yet patpran really do deserve all the love they get. they do deserve a lot of props.
Its not like they didn't have adverse obstacles standing in their way, they had to fight against their families years and years of lies and all the intergenerational trauma and their faculty rivalry and a shitty friend who outed them and any single one of these should have caused at least 12 episodes worth of conflict and miscommunication in any other couple.
And yes i do recognise that bbs didnt have the luxury of time or multiple seasons but they could have kept them apart for a whole episode at least, i was convinced we were in for that at the end of episode 8 as the aftermath of wai outing them. like there is no way the relationship comes out of it unscathed ( i thought! ). and while im sure they personally were rattled and betrayed (pran more so), instead of blaming anybody else or each other they actually chose to handle it together, they worked together and chose to move forward together.
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The fact that such a terrible experience instead of breaking them apart actually reaffirmed to both pat and pran just how much their relationship means to the both of them, that they come out of it actually stronger??
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i was friggin shook to my core.
And then came the gunshots and the family finding out and the running away and the coming back and the fake breakup and the pressures of all of this should have been enough to drive a serious wedge between any two characters, especially at their age and lack of experience. and yet??? and yet at each obstacle they get up, they draw the other closer and they get down to working on it together again.
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Over and over and over and over again.
So for me what separates patpran from everybody else is the fact that ever since they got together, they have chosen eo, intentionally, that has made the difference.
Pat and pran's story may have been destined ( i personally don't know if i believe in destiny). they may have been born neighbours and felt unexplainable intense feelings (that later turned to love) for the other but when it came down to it, at its core, bad buddy soars when the two come together and they choose to keep being together, despite everything that stands in their way.
Love is a choice. love is a sacrifice. but its also a sacrifice and a choice they made for themselves and for each other and above all for their relationship.
Almost all the couples mentioned above arrive at similar destinations but they arrive at it with years of experience and years of struggle. i just cant help marvel at our teenagers who did love better than whole ass adults double their age could.
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And more importantly above the awe i feel inspired and hopeful because they showed me that there's always a choice. thats there's always another option. you dont need to get out of your comfort zone. but you also dont need to be in the comfort zone always. you dont need to keep lying to yourself. you dont need to hide every single part of you. there are always other options. there is always a choice.
That hope is not just a noun its also very much a verb. That you and i and each one of us can make that choice.
That if ever i choose to partner up with someone and if we do proper healthy communication (patpran invented healthy communication and consent btw, they deserve EVERYTHING for just that but thats a whole other post) prioritizing the relationship where it mattered, i too could have something ( even remotely) like their love.
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For the first time in my life probably i felt like that kind of love was attainable for me if i wanted to pursue it. They gave me hope. and they gave me joy. and i will never not be unbelievably grateful for it.
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jenyifer · 2 months
The Trainee Ep 5 Initial Reaction
Oh thank god, Episode 5 is exactly what I wanted! Episode 4 was a bit dry and boring, but thankfully Episode 5 totally makes up for it. Some people commented last week saying I shouldn’t criticize the show just because I expect spicy stuff. But no, this is what I wanted—and surprise, it’s not about kissing. Sometimes it feels like people don’t really read what I write. I make these posts to remember the shows I’m watching, whether I enjoy them or not. It’s all just my opinion.
But anyway, Episode 5 was fantastic for both the main and side couples. We got to see the shallow crush of Bah-Mee and the gradual crush between Ryan and Jane. I was screaming for joy when they were walking home together, finally talking about something other than work. Honestly, that scene alone would’ve made me happy, but the episode gave me so much more!
Jane’s apartment gave me major "Theory of Love" vibes with its IKEA and creative core aesthetic. Anyway, let’s get to the photo review!
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Awwww Pie does appreciate Ryan for his friendship and his skill. I love her.
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Okay yeah this boy’s mentor’s are actually fucking up. 1. Give the intern the invoices is a 1 way trip to getting fired 2. Don’t even check in with the intern to make sure he’s doing it right.
Idk at my company money stuff is the most important thing I can’t imagine HR taking this lightly. I got in deep shit when I had to go on a business trip and didn’t have a properly lit receipt. Got emails every single day. I had to have every purchase and movement accounted for and I think that’s less important than a department’s invoices.
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Hehehe Bah-Mee is too cute head empty girl
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No noodles is bringing Punn back!!! *once this series is over it’s time to watch Gifted again* seeing Gun’s forehead is a rare treat that I shall savor ahah
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Jane is turning his anxiety into his super power. I don’t think he’s as confident as he pretends it’s just hardened into “this is how it is.” He takes every job. Does it to the fullest never thinking of himself.
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“Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy. When I am with you, Getting to know what to say. Haven’t you noticed? Suddenly I’m bright and breezy Because of all the beautiful and new Things I’m learning about you Day by day.” Them talking about what they like and bonding over who they really are hits me right in the feels.
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I like that Jane NOT ONLY apologized but clearly explained why he had been overwhelmed and made the mistake in the first place. He really means it. Jane feels really bad that Ryan was so affected by his words. Just really precious.
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First off all I adore this song by Nanon. Second both of the side couple are in love with the theory of being together but that’s how love can be. You are going through the motions of what you think a relationship is
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Ryan being enchanted by Jane’s actions of giving him his clothes to wear is so heart warming and makes me giggle and kick my feet. Probably because stealing clothes is the peak of lesbian behavior. When you start sharing clothes you are close to discussing marriage plans with a girl hehehe.
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
why the entire bus stop sequence is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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preface: back when bad buddy was still airing up until episode 8, i had two favorite scenes so far and this from episode 3 was one of them. the reason for why this scene is so good is quite simple, unlike my other favorite scene.
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here, it is easily digestible, and the back and forth between the actors is entertaining. it's important to understand the foundation of pat and pran's relationship.
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pran is so right. as a fellow creative, it's so hard to be one. and people who work on technical fields won't understand firsthand how the minds of creatives function, especially an aspiring architect like pran because the design has to be practical, clean, right, feasible, and appealing. all aspects of aesthetics and functionality are considered.
clearly, pran is in a bit of a creative slump, and someone with a fresh mindset can help.
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they do, however, sneak in a bit more depth at how these two feel about each other, rather than act around each other, but it's still a glimpse. a taste test, if you will. the moment passes by and finishes immediately. pran tries to protect himself and his feelings, while pat breaks down a layer of wall.
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ohm does a such a good job with his facial expression: wincing at the cold answer. pat's smart, he probably has an idea that it's the usual snarky pran comment, but pat's still clearly hurt.
this small exchange ends, and we go back to banter. it's very representative of the show as a whole. it refuses to dwell on the heaviness of drama, and immediately gives it audience levity without undermining that it can get serious sometimes.
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(not gonna lie, i cried a little seeing pran so in his element and pat being secretly happy for giving him motivation. the sneaking glances.)
so after pat helping pran for the nth time by allowing him to organically come up with the bus stop's design and not force him just like how he folded the poster of the project pitch grant into a paper airplane + one oishi ad later,
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we get this. (also i see you nanon, you really moved a little bit so your blocking is v-shaped. you're not slick.)
this is what cemented the scene for me and made it one of my favorites: just six lines of dialogue.
"Do you like it? // The new bus stop." "I do. // I'm just not sure they will do too." "They will. // Because I do."
this original commentary was literally from december 2021 so some time has passed and a lot more facts sprung from this dialogue, namely the translation of it being "do you like [dot dot dot]? the new bus stop?" being a double meaning to pat asking if pran likes him, why there's a pause, and that's great of course, and we understand why pran always feels so apprehensive around pat when he says flirty shit like that lmao.
but the moment right after, the look pran gives pat when pat says "because i do" is so emphasized and knowing and that's why i zeroed in on it. this is my interpretation:
at first, i was slightly reserved with "they will because i do" particularly; i felt like it could've been better if pat said that it didn't matter if others didn't like it as long as pran likes his own work (and that it works obviously),
but i realized that that is not what pran needed to hear at that moment.
aside from the romantic context that pat believes in pran when no one else will (ahem his shit ungrateful friends making him carry most of the work when they broke the bus stop ahem) and it's genuinely a really sweet thing to say, it also eases pran's doubts. we know pran is a neurotic person, so i'm sure validation from someone (bonus if it's from your crush) is something he values a lot.
also: pat's absolute, genuine sincerity.
no games. no funny business. no pretenses.
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pran finally looks at pat without the stern facade and coldness, and for once he lets go. he accepts that warm feeling rushing back.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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patpran-bbs · 1 year
ok i was nervous about watching ep 3 of our skyy x bad buddy bc of some of the comments on underwhelming patpran scenes with improper communication and mischaracterization.
BUT i watched it and tbh some of it makes sense. i wanna talk about the “i can’t live without you” scene. Pran’s response of “neither can I” is Very in character—for crying out loud the dude writes songs to convey his feelings properly cause he can’t say it as openly and frankly as pat can. Now we know that pran becomes much better at communicating by the end of BBS ep 12 but this is still college pran and he’s still learning to feel “enough” and get comfortable with expressing his feelings to the guy he’s spent literal years repressing them for.
As for nanon’s acting aka pran’s eyes—the forlorn look makes sense. In ep 5 of BBS pat was relieved after their first kiss bc he was glad to have confirmed his own feelings and was overjoyed at the fact that pran liked him back. But pran? He was going through it bc he was thinking of the future. The same thing is happening here!!! While pat is in the moment and feeling warm about them loving each other so much, pran is thinking of how they’re going to navigate their relationship in the future and all the obstacles that come with their overwhelming love for one another.
This is just my perspective but I think it’s important to consider the time frame of the characters’ relationship when discussing this scene.
Although I do have to say the overgeneralization of characters (aka himbo pat) is worthy of all the criticism it’s getting bc pat is literally one of the smartest most intuitive characters in the show.
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the-named-anon · 2 years
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A Gender that can be linked to the persons love of weevils or identifying similarly to them.
Can be used with any pronouns but bug/bugs/bugself fits a bit more :)
The flag colors are the most common colors of weevil and most have spots so I added some spots :D
I’m pretty sure I created this gender so please credit me if you use!!! I made this because I really do identify with weevils so <3
Also please let me know if you do, I think it’s awesome people identify similarly to me <3333
Any negative people in the reblogs or comments will be blocked within 24 hours (I’m serious)
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frickwhat · 1 year
personally i think everyone should give it a watch because it is worth it. would i rewatch it? probably not the whole thing is very heavy for me but i would watch limingheart scenes ,THEY WERE IT. the acting omg, it's so fucking hard to believe that it was their first gig. they showed us their problems individually, like they were their own characters with their own struggles but they also were there for eo. communication was on point. liming had problems, real problems with college and money. he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself the kid's a fucking icon. and he is baby i will protect him forever.
the plot could be better, the acting was good but could be more natural, the chemistry BHAI. have i watched it 9 times? yes. the thing that stood out the most was their relationship they met eo and palm was ready to die for him (yes i know it was his job whatever) ??? palm is so in love with neung it's disgusting but so is neung. he hides it with quips and scolding. i read somewhere and they explained that the water shows how free they are on the beach. they can be themselves and no one would judge them. they could forget their status, family expectations and all. they're my beach boyfriends and i love them.
family hates eo so they hate eo? yes. childhood rivalry? yes. enemies to friends to lovers? yes. chemistry? yes. acting natural? yes. pran liked pat bohot pahle se and they showed ki he was reluctant to be with pat. nanon ate this role and left no crumbs. there are so many things i could write but i feel lazy so go and watch it if you haven't (shame on you). they're my slut bfs.
its actually a close first but idk why it's on fourth (i forgot about it). this show is so fucking wholesome that i cried (yes my friend has proof i hate her) tinn is so green flag babygirl bf. and gun is so dumbass oblivious but not babygirl bf. confessing to my crush? no become the school president and be rivals with him so he will like me. the dance scene has my whole fucking heart and i love it. idek what to say they're idiots and i love them. gun is such a complex character in my opinion. he has layers like we see that he is not very good in school but he has his musical talents and leadership qualities to make up for it. my man is actually very observant and he has the kindest heart. he deserves everything nice and so does tinn. he really was fighting for his life to get gun to like him. i would have given up in two months but that wasn't all. tinn was a really smart character and he knew how to comfort people. ahh i love him but i can't find words. geminifourth played the hell out of this. everyone should give it a watch the storyline is cliche but refreshing too and who doesn't love high school lovers.
a) not me: the whole premise of the show is genius and important for thai people but like also everywhere. they danced under a fucking lgbt flag and helds hand. i deserve that. the scene makes me cry everytime. sean knowing that it was black not white was nice i am thankful they didn't make him dumb. the show is politically woke so points. i don't really know the political status of thailand so don't come after me. seanwhite are my be gay and fight the government bfs.
b) be my favourite: honestly i wasn't expecting anything from this show but it surprised me. fighting for queer rights? pisaeng coming to terms with his sexuality without his love interest? kawi realising that he can't change some things and he has to accept it? him noticing that he was slowing becoming an alcoholic? max as a tired gay bestie? pisaeng loving every moment of him being a sugar daddy to kawi? kawi making him understand that they have to equals in a relationship? pisaeng being a clingy bf? everything is fucking perfect. and the time travelling part is well done too tho it makes no sense but yeah. also them actually giving pear a personality and storyline? thank you.
special mentions to:
1) the eclipse (my crybaby bfs. they deserve their own posts)
2) my love mix up
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mommyzhilla · 10 months
Bad Buddy and its aftereffects
Disclaimer: this is just going to be a word vomit. Something I had been meaning to do since ages but being down with flu finally gave me the time and mindspace to do it.
My first tryst with Thai BLs started with Love By Chance and I tried.. I really tried.. but the script.. the acting were just not clicking with me.
Then came the wave of 2gether the series and that was much better.. I was at least able to complete watching the first season even though I didnt get the hype around it.. It was my second time giving up..
My third effort was ITSAY and gosh what a show that was.. I was recommending it to anyone who would listen to me gush about Billkin and PP and the director. The show was heavy on my heart.. I needed to brace myself every time I wanted to rewatch it.. I guess I have rewatched it 3 or 4 times in all these years.. It just is that emotionally heavy show for me.
But the music.. Gosh the music.. the songs.. Billkin's voice.. When I tell u Skyline and untold answer were on repeat.. Specially untold answer.. I still listen to it..
Despite my love for ITSAY and my tolerance for IPYTM.. I again took a break from Thai BLs.. and BLs in general..
Throwback to exactly 1 year back.. When I rediscovered thai BLs... let me be specific.. I discovered Bad Buddy..
My first watch.. awesome.. loved it.. listened to the songs a bit..
my bestie then suggested me Not me.. kinnporsche.. eclipse.. liked them all.. and I thought thats it..
But then I rewatched Bad Buddy.. and rewatched it the next time.. and the next.. I was literally rewatching those 12 episodes almost till April and May of this year.. for almost 6 months.. I didnt consume bad buddy.. bad buddy consumed me..
I was watching MSP and never let me go and other BLs too.. but an episode of bad buddy everyday became a need.. and this perplexed me.. I kept on having conversations with my bestie about my obsession with Bad Buddy. This level of obsession.. where I was crying listening to the BGM.. crying over a 3 min trailer.. after watching the show multiple times.. had never happened to me ever..
And apart from all this.. bad buddy was responsible for a couple of firsts for me.. first time joined tumblr.. for bad buddy.. explored ao3 and read way too many pat pran fanfics.. and also made me explore Thai music.. and my spotify wrapped is the proof.. its full of thai songs.. Bad buddy instrumental BGM.. is in my top songs..
I guess the obsession was a consequence of my failed past relationship.. which finally ended right around the time I discovered Bad buddy.. where things were very similar.. I used to call him soulmate.. but family issues made us break up after 10 yrs.. Every time I rewatch ep 11.. where Pat says to Pran that you dont leave me and fight alongside me.. I cry buckets over this one scene.. coz I didnt have anyone to fight alongside me.. may be its that.. may be it was the characters.. may be it was the magic created by p'aof.. but somewhere.. something struck such a cord that the show still has the ability to bring out emotions that I didn't know existed.. I always describe it as emotions bubbling and trying hard to break the wall and spill all over.. thats what I feel.. and sometimes they spill over.. and m left a crying mess.. No other show has made me feel this way.. No other form of media has made me feel this way.
Is the obsession still there? Not as much.. I still love a good patpran fanfic.. My top song is Just friends by Nanon which I listen to this day.. I still cry over the instrumental BGM.. But I no longer have to watch bad buddy every single day..
I dont know how much bad buddy has helped me overcome my past.. but I know its still a safe space I can visit when things get tough.. Funny how a random piece of media can have such an important share in your life.. A random show on the internet can heal you more than the living people around you.
Now that I have talked about it so much.. I may as well watch ep 6 (3/4).. fyi.. that beach scene is my fav..
P.S.. I know there would be typos and errors but I am not going to read it all back else I will not have the courage to post this.
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Jae's Asian Drama Masterlist
a list of all the asian shows I've ever watched (competed, we don't talk about the ones I've been meaning to finish for the past two years), not including any animation
all of them have some form of romance because at my heart I am a slut for a good romance, colored ones are those that changed my brain chemistry
Romance is a Bonus Book (my first ever Kdrama and the first one I saw on this list, will always hold a special place in my heart)
Hotel Del Luna (iu my beloved, it did make me very sad at some points, but the dynamic between the main characters so so so good, jealous jang manwol is the best thing)
Light On Me
The Tasty Florida
To My Star
You Make Me Dance
Mr. Heart
Color Rush
Doom at Your Service (I say this is my favorite Kdrama, but honestly it has some really heavy competition. I am not above saying im a little bit attracted to whenever doom fucks someone up ok)
Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart
Kiss Goblin
Where Your Eyes Linger
Run On (its just so sweet y'all, one of the most refreshing shows I've ever seen in my life, the characters feel so real and the relationships are amazing)
Semantic Error (this is where the heavy competition is, both the movie and series versions are insanely good, I just can't recommend it enough)
Tinted With You
A-Teen (currently rewatching it with my best friend, is the essential hs Kdrama, explores so many of the problems that teens face without minimizing them, really embraces that lonely/scary feeling of being in such a turbulent time in your life)
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Business Proposal (the romcom of all time, if you are someone who enjoys a good trope or a well done cliche this is the place for you, it will make you laugh so hard and feel so much)
Our Dating Sim (aljslkasjfkd so so cute, very much Semantic Error vibes and I love that, loved the dynamic and characters so much)
The Eighth Sense (yes give me the good mental health representation, women friends, and cute relationships)
Dream (movie, watched it just for IU tbh)
Love in the Air
Kinnporsche (this gave me indescribable brainworms but I could never explain it)
The Eclipse (the series really benefited from how comfortable first&khaotung are with each other, honestly they are friendship goals, but the show itself really tackles some great issues in the schooling system and how they relate to oppression overall)
Until We Meet Again
Between Us (yeah Tumblr really won with this one, I saw one too many winteam posts and had no choice, I do love a relationship driven show and the way the show pulled in discussions about trauma and family struggles was wonderful, I have never seen more of a middle child than win)
Bad Buddy (what can I say, once again the actors have insane chemistry and their comfort with each other really shows on screen, also nanon really is just a powerhouse actor, its sort of a modern Romeo and Juliet but has the most open & honest communication in any media I've ever seen)
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie 2 You
My School President (may have changed me as a person? I don't even know how to describe how important this show has become to me)
Bed Friend (loved the characters, idk if it gave me worms yet tho)
Only Friends (at my heart i am a sucker for anything First & Khao are in)
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun
My Love Mix-up! (Keita Hatsukoi)
My Beautiful Man (Utsukushii Kare)
My Beautiful Man 2
Be Loved in House: I Do
HIStory 3: Trapped
Because of You 2020
The Untamed (I don't even know how to explain the brainworms this show and the novel it's based on has given me, but we do love a fun period piece)
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
(Please forgive me if any of this has already been written — I haven’t gone through all the reviews on the tag yet!) I have ZERO BUSINESS commenting on Midnight Museum, considering I only began watching from episode 5 ONLY for the guest stars, but since friends are puzzling over the plot, and it’s as confusing to me as I’m seeing in the reviews, I just want to say:
1) There is clearly a mishmash of religious/spiritual commentary happening here. I know far too little about the influence of Hinduism on the history of the Thai cultural spectrum, but give me an ashram and castes (and spiritual figures keeping people out of religious spaces for their castes), and I’ll say that’s a commentary on gatekeeping in sub-continentally-influenced regions.
2) Couple that with a burning at the stake. Could this have been a reference to the American Salem Witch Trials? I feel like that’s a REALLY specific American reference in a Thai show. The Spanish Inquisition also had burnings at stakes. So maybe that’s a reference as well?
3) In trying to parse Khatha and Chan/Dome’s situation, what’s really coming to my mind by way of comparison is Achilles and Patroclus. Achilles and Patroclus of the Iliad were… what, exactly? Certainly companions. Maybe friends? Likely lovers — likely lovers, as was common during the time of Homer, when subordinate male soldiers served as… what, exactly — companions, friends, lovers, to more powerful soldiers.
It’s foggy. It’s assumed, but our assumptions in modern times do not account for the unspoken cultures that were assumed for Homer’s time. History can be foggy…. as is being portrayed in Midnight Museum.
But besides the lovers bit (ship ship ship), here’s what I think are the important parts:
a) Patroclus was adopted by Achilles’s father. They were raised in the same family — but it’s not clear if they were raised as brothers, per se, or more like supportive friends/companions. Some theorize that Patroclus was kind of like a servant-friend to Achilles (even though Patroclus was older than Achilles — so that may indicate a kind of caste-or-class-like difference there, too).
b) It’s often written that Achilles allowed Patroclus to die. Patroclus asked Achilles to enter the Trojan War. Achilles consented. After Patroclus defied an order from Achilles, Patroclus was killed.
It was Patroclus who defied an order — but at least, when I read and learned about the Iliad in college, it was taught that his death was attributed to Achilles.
c) As we all know, Achilles also had a “weak leg,” but Patroclus, of course, didn’t heal Achilles’s tendon. I think the healing parable there is just Patroclus’s companionship to Achilles, who was known as a totally fearsome warrior.
In the show, we are told that Khatha was the one who killed Chan. But we don’t see Khatha lighting the fire. We just see Chan cursing Khatha.
I’m not sure we can trust history here. And I don’t know how to put this all together. (And I have almost no idea of why Ton/Nanon came back, which was why I watched this episode in the first place, dammit.)
But the last thing I’ll say is:
4) There is a goddess in Hinduism named Devi. Devi is often referred to as “The Mother.” Many have called her “The One.” What Devi represents is the “oneness” of the world — that while there are countless practices, countless deities, countless ways of being, that Devi represents that we are all ultimately As One. Wikipedia has Devi down as representative of “ultimate truth and supreme power.”
I’ll say again that I have really no idea what’s happening with the plot. But I wonder if awllllll of these spiritual references are beginning to coalesce under that figure known as The One (and hell, I might tell a whole bunch of Indian aunties that a Thai show might be serving GUN ATTHAPHAN as an avatar of Devi—those home shrines could look a whole lot different).
The One is making Khatha face… something. Truth? Foggy history? The theme of the show is The Witch’s Game, and Anthikka has referenced a Creator in previous episodes, so maybe truth seeking is all a game to her and her god. What I’m honestly wondering about this show is whether or not it is a huge, confusing, macro commentary on the crazy-ass diversity of religion/spirituality/mythology, and how it can lead to the perception of various realities, as it were, when in fact — we are all just One Humanity, One Truth, and we are possibly fucking each other over by way of our selfish preferences (as Khatha wanted Chan all to himself) (but then Khatha let Chan go) (so Chan dies) (and Khatha is to blame).
I…. I just feel like there might be a simpler way to explain all of this in a drama, but who am I to be critical? At least the acting is great, even if Gun has to play like, five or six roles!
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
finished the gem that was 55:15 never too late :')
just finished 55:15 never too late and oh my god what a gem of a show!!! im so so so so glad i watched it.
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i decided to give it a go just for nanon and khao but the show gave me so much more than them. idk why it took me till the last two episodes to get just how much emphasis the show was putting on the importance of friendships/ the platonic bonds in one's life, truly i can't think of the last time (probably heartstopper s2) where there was just so much beautiful expressions and forms of platonic bonds- the bonds between the 5 main leads (especially jaya and songphon, but also san and thep), songphon and mathee (from mathee's side it was platonic :3), songphon and his niece, jaruni and her father, jaruni's father and bomb, thep and his son, thep's son and san, thep and san, jaya and her manager -that you are my everything moment was really EVERYTHING to me.
as my usual practice of sharing my umpteen screenshots here's my most fav platonic moments from the last two episodes :')
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who let him out of my pocket ughhhh songphon/paul one of my fav characters of all time now
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one thing i've found it hard to come by in the shows i've been watching recently (bl dramas, mostly thai) is how there is next to no male interaction with women, and if there is, the bonds are very superficial or they stick to certain "acceptable" rules. so you could imagine my shock when i saw this scene of jaya sleeping soundly next to paul on the same bed. it is objectively a very normal/inane thing. but we just NEVER get representation of men and women simply being and existing as friends and doing friend things like sometimes sleeping in the same bed with the friend's pic on a frame that you're hugging (WHAT! ITS NORMAL), and so it really shook me. i love their bond so much :')
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also this moment...
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as a person who genuinely believes that friendship >>>>>>>>>> every other relationship, seeing these words uttered between two lifelong friends made me tear up and HOW!! one of the most special things ive seen on media.
also not lost on me how my two most favourite platonic moments featured jaya who is the only character who isnt given a romantic storyline/sideplot/spouse. also point to note that jaya and paul are the only two characters who didn't get a traditional "romantic ending/closure" and they ended up getting such beautiful expressions of platonic love. LOVE that for them :')
that being said i cried at the part where phiphu read paul's letter and they put that montage of them laughing over it like HOW DARE THEY
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i'm sorry but the mirroring in expressions drove me insane on first sight itself
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eventho i found their love difficult to fully enjoy cos of the nature of it, this scene was just too beautiful not to love and im so glad paul got to express it
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also khao looked so ADORABLE here i almost burst into tears not kidding!!!!
not to end the post without a nanon face appreciation pic- he was excellent throughout the show as expected and particularly in a fantastic scene in the finale episode that very few people could have pulled off like he did, what a frickin treasure he is.
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bless his puppy eyes nose dimples cheek smile <3
to conclude what i wanna say, i wanna reiterate once again how i really REAAAAALLY enjoyed the show through and through
and while this mostly typo free post wont probably be making it obvious but im writing through tears, it was such a wonderful thing to experience. idk if and how much i would rewatch it but i think it's right up there with some of the best shows ive watched ever.
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quodekash · 1 year
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this kid getting lost is such a mood
except for me its not "getting lost on the way to the top of a mountain that's really dangerous and far away to get to", it's more like "getting lost on the way to a friend's place who lives 15 minutes away, while they were trying to tell you where to go, and also whose house you have been to more times than you can count, but then you had to sit at a playground and wait for them to come pick you up because youre just that hopeless at navigation"
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stop i might cry
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this kid is amazing
i would trust him to guide me into the afterlife
he could take over charon's job fr
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im shivering so much rn, leeches give me the heebiejeebies more than like. anything
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i smell merch??
(side note: why are earth/phu's arms so veiny in that shot)
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i just love him so much
i hate children but i would adopt this one and take care of him better than hes ever been taken care of before
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he's just so silly
their father/son dynamic will be the end of me
especially when i think about pat and his relationship with his actual dad :(
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i love him so much
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also once again: his arm is so veiny???
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THEM <33333333
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these dramatic-ass gays
(i was gonna say something about the importance of grammar there and the hyphen needing to be where it is for it to be right / make sense, but "dramatic ass-gays" would also work)
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wait how long were they gone for
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are you sure about that
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theyre so important to me
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i really want noodles now
its 1am and i want noodles
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theyre listening carefully to all the tea, tuning in to the drama
its just, some are more discreet about it than others
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look at this little guy
just enjoying his noodles while the adults do their adult things
i love him so very very much
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something about this image is just so funny to me
i think its the kid
i genuinely forgot his name
but i love him so much
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as a 158cm tall (5'2) person, i dont like how tall they all are
knowing that ohm is 186cm tall and nanon and earth are 183cm hurts me on a deep emotional level
theyre so small. theyre such tiny little silly guys. and yet theyre all more than 20cm taller than me.
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honestly i agree
he's wonderful
he's multi-talented
just like sound
by the way, soundwin = patpran and if you dont believe me, click here! (that was a seamless transition into a very casual self promo)
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holy hell i love this child so much
i would protect Kampung with my freaking life
i would die for him without a second thought
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i should also probably do that
my eyes keep going shut so then i need to pause the episode for like twelve seconds so i can get a little bit of sleep
its getting more and more difficult, though
i think ill finish in the morning, it's saturday tomorrow
goodnight!! bye-bye!!
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