#in a perfect world they become besties in high school through a series of unfortunate events/shenenagians
cowboyabunga · 1 year
megstiel is a great ship you guys just hate women :(
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smutmylifeup · 6 years
I Want To Play.
Eisuke (KBTBB) x Rose (OC)
Authors Note: Rose is a character I created for a series, I was a part of with @hifftn @whatdoyouexpectthistime @smile-smile-ichthys called MJS Marriage Match Making agency . She is one I feel comfortable writing at the moment although some of her characteristics have changed to fit the circumstances of the KBTBB routes, so she is the MC in this idea. I thought I had a solid idea but since coming up with it and writing about seven different ideas have branched off of it. I may possibly re-write/write alternate characters depending on how well I think I can write it. Anyway, this is the first bit of writing I’ve done in a while, so I hope you all enjoy.
Tagging: @sweet-n-smexy @rockingbrooklyn @elaera23
Rose had been watching the bidders play poker in the penthouse ever since she stumbled across their auctions that “fateful” night.
It had become a tradition for them to play after every auction. Whether it was a successful one or not - well they were always successful as if Ichinomiya would let it be anything less. 
She’d never been asked to play however - despite her position, which was basically being forced to be in their world whether she wanted to be or not. She never really gave them much of herself by being part of their shenanigans. 
Despite having access to her history - from the success of her parents, friendships/relationships, schools, grades, jobs etc. She never really allowed any of them to have anything other than that. It’d been nearly a year since they bought her and only recently had she told them the story of why she was called Rose instead of her actual name.
Although she wasn’t close to any of them, she got along best with Mamoru and Baba. Ota was the type of person she just couldn’t tolerate but she managed to avoid punching him...too much. 
Mr Oh was a lot like her, a closed book. One she wouldn’t mind reading but couldn’t muster up the effort to bring it down off the top shelf and dust it off.
And Ichinomiya was beyond her comprehension of mankind, purely because he was more robot than human.   
She was his personal maid. Not that she chose to be, it was decided. And honestly, despite his unreasonably high standards towards punctuality and making the perfect cup of coffee, he was the easiest to deal with because he barely acknowledged her unless completely necessary. 
Especially after she proved herself by keeping silent about the secret on-goings at Tres Spades. 
And that was mainly due to the threat of her parents hard earned careers being completely destroyed. For a while, that lingered in the back of her mind as she watched the depravity of the black market auctions grow and profit.  
Unfortunately for Rose, she’d come to learn they weren’t total scumbags. Even King Asshole himself. Although, she was still on the fence about him though, he reminded her of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
One day, he’ll announce he’d got to return some video tapes. 
In front of Ichinomiya’s guests at VIP parties, Rose played the role of his girlfriend/lady friend a lot. One of the ‘perks’ of her role as Tres Spades Penthouse maid. 
She’d been dolled up in fancy clothes, her hair and makeup professionally done and forced to attend one of said VIP parties and then the auction after. It wasn’t often the bidders attended in person, they usually watched from the TV in the comfort of the penthouse but they had to oversee certain items up for sale.
Rose didn’t focus too much on that, the less she knew the better. It wasn’t her first time attending one...or even being part of one. Something she wished she’d never have to go through again.  
It was business as usual for the Auction Sponsors, their profit growing ridiculously since the last one and when it finished, the regular game of Poker was started in the penthouse after. 
Somehow, Rose was still in their presence. Ichinomiya hadn’t requested for her to go home yet and ‘she wasn’t allowed to leave without his permission.’ So she sat back into the luxurious sofa and watched and listened intently.
She figured out Mamoru, Baba, Ota and even Mr. Oh’s tells fairly easily. But she was still trying to find Ichinomiya’s. He gave nothing away physically, his face never changed, he didn’t twitch or flinch. 
As expected of a robot. 
For a moment, Rose closed her eyes disgusted by the fact she had been staring at her boss and captor for such a long time. It wasn’t like he was bad to look at, but she would NEVER allow him the satisfaction of knowing that she found him attractive. The palpable sexual tension on her end was bad enough to deal with when his arm was draped around her waist earlier that evening at the VIP party.
She had to remind herself of who he was, how she came to be in that position and that his physical body was the outer layer of all his robotic parts so he could climb his way up to the top of the business ladder. And that his touch was just him conforming to the standards set by society of how a couple should look and act together.
There was nothing more.
Internally shaking her head leaving her final thought on the subject ‘I should get laid’, she tuned out of the background fog of her mind and back into the room as the familiar flamboyant and dramatically whiny voice of Baba filled her brain and her eyes naturally opened and focused on where the voices were coming from.
“Boss always wins, it’s so unfair.”
“Why d’ya play if ya just gonna complain every time ya lose?” Mamoru groaned, followed by the sound of ice clinking against his glass as he finished the auburn liquid inside. 
“It’s fun hanging out with my besties.” Baba practically sang, his theatrics never ceasing in any situation. 
“You’re so gross, old man.” Ota grimaced. 
“Have you not learned by now that I always win.” Ichinomiya said. 
It wasn’t a question that needed an answer and no one gave one as Mr Oh dealt the cards again. 
Everyone looked at their hand and Ota and Mamoru immediately folded. Ichinomiya raised the bet and Mr Oh and Baba matched it.
Rose watched the twitch of Mr Oh’s ears - which she found totally adorable considering his completely sinister expression. Funnily enough, she figured out his tell first. It was hard not to notice something like that on a face that rarely moved. She then looked to Baba, the inside of his left cheek had sunken in slightly, she was surprised his tell wasn’t a wink or a kiss face. 
“Shouldn’t you both just fold. Why’d you both raise when you’re aware that I know your tells.” Ichinomiya said. 
Then it hit Rose like a frying pan to the face. She knew EXACTLY what his tell was. 
“We’ve been playing poker with the boss for years and none of us know his tell, even Sor!” Baba threw his cards into the middle to fold shortly followed by Mr Oh who more delicately placed his cards in front of him face down, agreeing with Baba’s fold.  
Ichinomiya revealed his cards and from the reactions he had a royal flush. 
Rose smirked, validated by his bluff and the fact she’d worked it out. She wasn’t sure why she wanted to know this information. It’s not like it was particularly useful. 
“Why are you smiling to yourself Koro? Did you manage to catch your own tail?”
Her smirk fell from her face, Ota’s voice nothing but a headache to her. But now the other Auction Sponsors were focused on her. 
“I want to play.” 
Was all she said. Her eyes staring at no one in particular but focused in their general direction.
There was a pause in the air but of course Baba filled it. 
“Princess, you continue to amaze me! I never took you as someone who understood poker.”
She wasn’t really sure how to take that, was it compliment or an insult? Well with Baba it was most likely a compliment. 
“The kid worked in the casino right? Course she’d have some sort of understandin’.” Mamoru added in her defence. 
He wasn’t wrong, Rose had had several shifts in the casino prior to that fateful day but that wasn’t where she learned how to play.
It wasn’t an interesting story, she used to play with the people she travelled with to kill time when they had no money to go sightseeing several years ago. She managed to win 9/10 times when her cards were right, although she never really played for money. They were all students, none of them had any money to play with.
“You have nothing to offer.” Ichinomiya stated. 
And that seemed to register on all their faces. Rose didn’t have the kind of money they were betting, nor did she have any possessions that were worth anything.
But she did have one small thing to offer. 
“I may not have anything you want,” Rose stood up from the sofa and walked causally towards the table, the diamond coloured dress flowing gracefully with her movement until she was stood next to his chair. “But I know for sure I have something the rest of them wants.” 
Rose didn’t really do sexy, but in that moment, the power she felt in her words came out sensually and teasingly. Possibly the most feminine any of the men had seen her be other than her physical appearance.
Baba’s eyes sparkled like a kid in a candy store and Rose was certain she didn’t want to know what he was picturing in his head. While she didn’t linger on his wandering gaze, she knew she had their attention. 
“Spit it out, Koro.” Ota whinged.
She grinned, again, possibly the first time any of them had seen her act almost natural with them. 
“I know, the great Eisuke Ichinomiya’s tell.” 
She said smugly waiting for all their ‘like fuck you do’ comments, especially from the man himself. 
“I do not have a tell.” He stated. 
“Of course you do.” Rose countered. 
“How did you notice it from so far away Princess?” Baba asked.
Rose just smiled and tapped her nose, if she said too much she’d reveal her hand before she was able to get an acceptable deal struck.
“I think Koro should play, every puppy needs some fun.” Ota grinned back at her. 
And while she really wanted to take off her six inch heel and throw it at him, she refrained. If they all agreed to letting her play, she could have not only a nice wad of cash, she might ruin Ichinomiya’s winning streak. 
That was temptation enough.
With no protests from the other bidders, this went in her favour. Ichinomiya nodding his head in acceptance - not quite defeat but more absolute arrogance that a mere maid would be able to beat him. 
“Damn, kid. Ya got us all intrigued, but what are the stakes? What d’ya want if you win?” Mamoru enquired, more lively than his usual demeanour. 
“If I win, I want all of this,” Rose circled her hand above the money placed in the centre of the table. “And, one of you has to be my maid for a day.”
She wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity like this, the money was great on its own but why not mess with them in the same way they mess with her on a daily basis? 
“Fufufuuuuuu, this just got extremely interesting.” Baba smirked, his eyes wide and his mouth almost salivating.
“And if you lose?” Mr Oh asked.
“I share Ichinomiya’s tell and whatever else you want - within reason.” 
She wanted to make sure it was abundantly clear that she would not do anything illegal - more so than she was doing by being involved with any of them and that they didn’t take any kind of advantage of her. 
“Deal.” Four out of five said in unison 
This was going to be either be a blank or a royal flush. However, Rose liked her odds, she was severely underestimated and her tell was just as obscure as Ichinomiya’s which meant it was a battle between the maid and her king. 
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