#destiel happens. obviously
cowboyabunga · 1 year
megstiel is a great ship you guys just hate women :(
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People in fandoms only want three things:
The dead favorite character to be undead
The characters that always inevitably end up apart to end up together (Plus points if they're gay and were victims of queerbait)
This same characters to have a happy life together, buy a house in the country with a white fence, a dog and two adopted child with the appearance of each parent but personalities swapped
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soullessjack · 4 months
honestly as much as I hate when Jack is dumbed down to the ‘destiel baby/lovechild’ (especially for domestic au reasons) I won’t pretend the actual textual aspect of it isn’t there yknow….like andrew dabb took an established trio, the Team Free Will and just stuck another guy in there and said “fuck you they have a kid now and this the cooler version of the established team.” if that happened in any other show I think it’d be the subject of at least twelve THE FALL OF THIS FRANCHISE type video essays on YouTube
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findafight · 2 years
I am so mad at myself. After writing in the tags "#not spn au just supernatural ok OKAY" on my supernatural au/human Steve au post. I am cursed with thinking of a cw supernatural au for human Steve au. Horrible. My fantasy mechanics work different than the show but fuck it if I'm not thinking about John Winchester sidling up to Hawkins, two boys in the back of the impala, a couple weeks after spring break of '86. Comes in cocksure and confident. It's a small town, someone had to have seen something, even if they had a witchhunt for some poor sap.
He meets the newly reinstated chief of police, (unclear why he was removed if everybody he's talked to loves the guy, calls him a hero and all that shit) and asks about the deaths. John's had a few years to work out the kinks in getting law enforcement to tell him about the weird shit that happens so he's not too worried about this Hopper guy.
He walks into the office and, well. Chief Hopper looks like shit. Sunken cheeks and sallow skin, the guy looks like he escaped prison more than anything. But. John can be polite. He introduces himself. Tries to ask some...subtle questions.
Cheif Hopper isn't taking the bait. Keeps twitching his nose, brows drawing lower and lower. At some point, he leans towards John, and there's a brief, instinctual, second of fear that runs down his spine, before the chief shrugs. Says "I've gotta make a call. I think I know who you're looking for."
John isn't asked to leave the office so he doesn't, just listens as the phone rings.
Someone answers and the cheif says "it's Hop. We've got a...visitor at the station. Figured you'd like to talk to him."
Some talking on the other end. And Cheif Hopper, who has, the entire time John has been in Hawkins, looked no more than fifteen seconds away from growling, huffs a laugh.
"seriously Harrington, I'd say you're the one with the expertise this fella's looking for"
A pause, muffled noise.
"good. Drive safe out there, kid. Oh! And might want to bring that book of yours, hm? See you soon."
The two sit in silence. John feels like he should recognize the name Harrington, he's definitely heard it before, but can't place it for the life of him. The door of the office swings open, revealing a... Teenager.
The kid wears a pastel polo, hair coiffed, highwaisted jeans, and is carrying the largest book John Winchester has ever seen.
He plops it on the desk, Cheif Hopper shuffling papers aside.
"so," he says, pushing his hair back and placing hands on his hips, "why'd you need me to bring this fucking thing here for? Besides the shady looking guy, obviously."
Well. So much for convincing the kid he's from the feds, probably. Couldn't hurt
John shrugs. "I was just asking the Cheif here if he knew anything about those deaths. I'm with the FBI, and we want to get to the bottom of it, especially if that Munson is falsely accused."
Harrington's jam hangs open. Snaps shut. He turns to the Cheif, corner of his lips tugging up. "The. The government. Wants to know about the deaths."
The Cheif nods. "That's right, son. The FBI, here in our own little Hawkins."
The kid. The kid fucking giggles. "I see why you called."
"obviously. Guy's as subtle as a train."
And. What? How'd they figure him out so quickly? Who was this Harrington kid? What was that book he brought?
"listen, buddy, I get that you think your trying to help. I do." John is being condescended to by a fucking teenager. "But we've got it all sorted. Hawkins is fine." The kid pulls out a chair from the corner and sits on it backwards, leaning forwards against the backrest. "I am curious as to what you thought the killings were, though. Vampire? Demon? I don't think anything else would really fit the descriptions in the papers..."
And. Fuck. Did this kid know he was a Hunter? "How'd you know?"
The kid smirks. "I'm Steve Harrington." He sticks his hand out, for john to shake.
It seems rude not to, considering this kid and-and the goddamn Cheif of police in this Podunk Indiana town both clocked him as soon as he crossed town lines, probably. "John Winchester. Hunter."
Steve laughs. It's cold. "Yeah. I figured. I dunno if you're new to the game, mister Winchester, but I'm surprised you didn't recognize my last name. My parents seem to be pretty famous in you circles."
Shit. Bobby has mentioned notable hunters, and the Harringtons were definitely on the list. A hereditary family of hunters going back four generations, impressive for their career choice even without their rap sheet. And John's just met their fucking kid.
"don't worry about offending them, though. I guess I'm just here to tell you to get the fuck out of Hawkins." He says it with a board expression, as though this interaction is barely
Steve blinks at him lazily. "Hawkins is my town. I know most hunters aren't exactly...territorial, but I am. The town is under my protection, and any and all other-natural occurences are my purview."
It's then that John realizes what the Cheif was doing earlier. The odd face he made. He'd been sniffing him. A goddamn werewolf. He stiffens. This was a trap.
"it's not a trap, mr. Winchester. You're free to go. But spread the word. Hunters aren't allowed in Hawkins. Roane county, actually. If I hear about a Hunter coming into my town for anything other than a fuel top-up, they'll regret it."
John is. He's furious at this fucking child who dare to-hes just letting the beasts run amok in town and preventing anyone from doing anything about.
Harrington stands, arms crossed.
"I'd better not hear whispers about Hawkins, either. It's my town. I'll handle it." He grins. Opens the door of the office. "And, you might want to double-check that the government hasn't already been through a town with a shitty cover story already, Mr. Winchester. Might break your cover." He waves with his fingers as John spins on his heel and avoid looking at the glares he's getting for half the folks in the station.
Dean checks the address on a source he was directed to by the witnesses, a one Steve Harrington. He's on a solo Hunt now, since Sammy went off to college his dad had been...tighter. he knows he's not supposed to be in Hawkins, but he's not entirely sure why. No is really sure why, honestly, but it's well known in the Hunter grapevine that Hawkins and greater Roane county is taken care of.
Except, apparently, it isn't. Hence dean being here.
He knocks on the door, which swings open immediately to a thirty-something man who was already talking before the door was fully open, obviously not expecting a stranger.
"didn't know you actually knew how to kno- Winchester." And. Well. Fuck, right? How'd this random guy know dean? The man scowls. "I spoke to your father once. Told him to stay out of my town." He crosses his arms and raises a brow. "So. Want to explain why you're here? I've already handled the whole 'accidentally bewitching people situation, if that's what your wondering."
Dean...isn't actually sure what's happening."uh."
Steve Harrington scowls again. "Fine. Come in for coffee or tea or something. Relax for a goddamn second."
So, Dean sits and let's a cup of coffee be pushed into his hands. He doesn't drink it. Steve rolls his eyes.
"I didn't poison it, promise."
Which now makes Dean think maybe it was poisoned.
"hunters, all the fuckin same" Steve mumbles. Reaches over and plucks the coffee from Dean's hands and takes a swig before sliding it back between his palms. "There. Proof. You'll be fine."
Dean drinks, watches.
Steve watches back.
He sighs. "I'm sorry, about how you grew up."
Steve shakes his head. "Being the child of hunters. It's difficult. Lonely. I'm sorry you went through that."
Dean shrugs. "It's not so bad. Free as a bird."
Steve hums. Sips his own coffee. "Birds have flocks, or gaggles, or whatever other funny words we use to describe groups. Hunters..." He shrugs. "Not so much. Most fly solo or in pairs. Didn't you have a younger brother?"
"how did you-"
"I may not be nomadic, but I still have ears on the ground."
"huh. He went to college."
"ah. Getting out of the life. Good for him."
And suddenly Dean needs to get out. Can't stand this stranger who thinks he knows him, the way his eyes turn down, as though he's sad for Dean of all people. No. No. He needs to leave.
Harrington follows him to the door, leans on the frame as Dean stomps to the Impala. He turns around.
"i don't know what the fuck you think you're doing here, with those monsters on the loose. My dad told me about the wolves you're protecting that're infesting this place. They aren't pets you know. You need a fucking exterminator."
Steve shakes his head. "remember Dean. No hunters in Hawkins. Safe driving."
Dean cannot believe they are going back to Hawkins of all godforsaken places.
Castiel sits beside him in the passenger seat, sam surrounded by papers in the backseat and it should be pleasant, easy and comfortable. But. But they're heading to Hawkins.
As soon as the cross city limits, Castiel cocks his head, interested.
"what is it?"
"I don't...know. something is different about this town."
From the back, Sam huffs. "Yeah, it's got a rogue hunter protecting all the monsters and ghouls."
Castiel hums. "I am not so sure he protects the same creatures you hunt..."
Dean sighs. Fucking great.
Eventually, they pull up to the same house he visited all the way back in '02, and Dean is...sort of nervous. He'd been told not to come back, but really...they needed help. Information. And Steve goddamn Harrington was the best bet they had of getting it.
He rings the doorbell. When it's answered, the door swings open to a man, middle-aged with long greying hair and-shit that's Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin. That's Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin answering Steve Harrington's door and calling,
"Steve, sugar, you've got some... specialty guests!" He turns back to them, smiling, and Dean is trying very hard to not make a fool of himself. Tries not to tell Eddie Munson ofcorrodedcoffin that his first album changed Dean's life. He's going to stick with biting his tongue and nodding. Following Sam and Cas I to the living room, sitting down on the couch. He's fine. He's got a job to do. He's a professional.
Sexy middle-aged men have no power over him. He leans into Cas' space slightly.
Harrington walks in, pecks eddiemunsonofcorrodedcoffin on the cheek, oh god, and sits down.
Dean immediately stands up.
"could I, uh, use your washroom?"
Steve blinks up at him, but nods, gestures to a hallway. Dean strides down and through an open door with the light on. He pulls the shower curtain away, an instinct to always check his surroundings, and immediately jumps back as a seal barks at him. He slams the door shut on his way out.
"there's, um. There's a seal in your bathtub. Sorry guys."
Neither Harrington nor Eddie Munson have normal reactions to this piece of news.
Eddie Munson flings his head back and laughs, hair wild around his head.
Steve Harrington sighs and punches the bridge of his nose.
"sorry about her. I said we'd go to lover's lake for a swim later but living in Chicago with lake Superior right there is really spoiling her."
"one second. Robin!" He yells down the hall. "We have guests! Be decent!"
A few moments of Eddie Munson giggling and Dean decidedly not staring at a metal legend and Steve muttering about seals and soulmates and being impatient pass, and a woman, around the same age as Munson and Harrington most likely, walks down the hall toweling off her hair. She tossed a coat at Harrington.
"oh" this is from Cas. "You are soulmates."
The woman laughs. "Yeah. Figured that one out over twenty years ago." She settle into Harrington's side. "What can we help you with?"
Sam, who is curious but can usually figure out how to ask the questions he wants with out, say, blurting what the fuck do you mean SOULMATES or why is Eddie Munson (of Corroded Coffin) here? And can I get his autograph? It's probably the law school training.
Eddie Munson leans down, covers his mouth with a ringed hand, and whispers into Harrington's ear. Harrington turns to Peck Eddie Munson on the lips and whisper something back, rejoining listening to Sam and Cas as thought they hadn't done whatever that was. Dean grips Cas coat.
All in all, it was actually a successful trip to Hawkins, though Steve give him the same warning when they leave, with very little explanation for it.
Hunters better stay the fuck out of his town.
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uri59 · 2 months
When you go in the trending spn/destiel tags and you only find dumb posts and gifsets about the show instead of the news, smh 🤦
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
I saw this post today and I felt the need to write something. It's not really my choice, it just came to me. But it felt quite nice to write this. Basically this scene below inspired the following destiel ficlet. I hope you'll like it (I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing the gif at least).
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Cas is going through lore books about Nephilim, sitting at a table in the bunker's library, when he decides to take a break and go check if Dean is awake. He starts with the kitchen but Dean is not here and there is no new washed mug next to the sink. This means that he must still be sleeping, so he walks towards Dean's room. With his angel's hearing abilities, he knows Dean is still asleep. He opens the door slowly.
Dean is resting on his stomach in the bed, pillow under his head with his arms folded around it. The covers are undone, and hides only the half of his legs, the parts below his knees. He looks relaxed and peaceful. The skin of his thighs and arms is exposed, thanks to his black short and grey t-shirt. It's quite a sight, Cas thinks.
But watching is not enough, this is calling for Cas's hands to touch. He walks closer to the bed and leans a bit forward. In this position, he lets his fingers from his right hand travel up. He starts at Dean's calf, running up his thigh, Cas's fingertips stroking the soft hairs. He sees goosebumps drawing along his touch, making him slightly smile. Even asleep Dean's body reacts to his hands.
His fingers arrive at the hill outlined by his ass cheek and wander there languidly. They slightly speed up as they climb down into the inviting valley that Dean's lower back forms. Their pace slows a little as they go up the rest of his back, feeling his strong muscles twitching underneath the light stroke.
"Hmmm." Dean groans, his voice sounds like he is grumpy for having been awakened, but it shifts into a more pleased tone when the angel grabs his shoulder with his hand and bends lower to lay a tender kiss on his exposed cheek. As Cas leaves, his fingers slide on the soft skin of Dean's arm and stop just before the forearm.
As he hears the sound Cas's trenchcoat makes when he moves, Dean opens an eye to watch him walk away and smiles tenderly against his pillow, a bit flustered by the touches he is not used to receive. He wishes to be woken up like that every morning for the rest of his life.
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manichewitz · 1 year
speaking of gay subtext i cannot believe that in season two of supernatural (SEASON!! TWO!!!!) dean asks sam why someone assumed they're both gay and sam says, without missing a beat, "well you're pretty butch, so they think you're just compensating for something" and dean just. stares into the middle distance looking disappointed and conflicted?? like he doesn't laugh it off or gets mad at sam for saying that, like he usually does when sam makes fun of him. instead he just kinda stares off and has the same expression on his face that he always does when he's hiding something. season two bro. castiel wasn't even a glimmer in eric kripke's eye and they were still making allusions to dean's sexuality and masculinity being more complicated than what meets the eye. i'm just astounded by straight people's ability to make things gay without even realising it bc what the hell else am i supposed to think of that scene except that dean is queer. i feel like i'm going insane
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theebarnscene · 2 years
i think the main reason why i prefer sastiel over destiel is because there’s just this wonderful understanding and respect between sam and cas that cas and dean never had. sam is also the one who always treats cas like an actual person. sam actually respects the choices that cas makes instead of making it all about himself (like dean tends to do).
dean’s love for cas (and really anyone who isn’t sam) has always felt conditional. he cares about them as long as they don’t go against him. then when they decide to do their own thing he lashes out and maybe even physically or verbally abuses them. that’s obviously mostly because of his abandonment issues but i still don’t think it’s okay and i don’t want cas (or anyone obviously) to be treated like that.
idk i just feel like cas deserves better than dean. he deserves to be with someone who loves him for who he is and who trusts him and respects the decisions he makes and that’s always been sam, not dean.
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glamrockcas · 9 months
So, here’s something...in time for New Year’s, I guess?? 👀
Jack: it’s Christmas Eve!
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Actual Useful Summary:
At the breakfast table, Jack enthuses about the special limited edition Christmas version of that cookie cereal he always eats—which, as far as Dean can tell, is the exact same as the regular version, only with red and green sprinkles substituting the usual brown specks that represent chocolate chips, and it costs a few cents extra.
Jack’s head pops up as he looks Dean right in the eye and says, blithely, mouth full of cereal, “It’s Christmas Eve.”
Dean frowns. “No it ain’t.”
Sam shoots Dean a look of pure pity. “Yeah, Dean, it is.”
Cas just squints.
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snakecat · 1 year
crying cause i just realized how fucking impactful dean calling cas his best friend in “regarding dean” is like. this man grew up travelling so much he never really had people he could just hang out with who weren’t his brother or other hunters. he didn’t have someone he could choose to chill with and gossip with and watch movies with. dean never had a best friend before cas and if you told s1 dean he was gonna meet someone he could call his best friend in a few years he would not believe you
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savrenim · 2 years
gods nov 5th is the gift that keeps giving
#I recently have been dragged into I guess sort of the boku no hero academia fandom in the funniest of ways#which is to say I read a crossover fic went 'huh that's good' and decided to read more fic while also deciding to never watch the show#which I've only done for one fandom before and tbh it might legit be a more fun fanfiction reading experience than the normal one#it is WILD trying to reverse-engineer what is simply well-accepted fan theory and what is actual canon#I've definitely gotten a few guesses wrong but the osmosis process is really fun#(esp bc if you want to be a good detective you have to check dates; even people writing very carefully close to canon#might have written a fic before canon came out)#BUT ANYWAYS I guess I read BNHA fic now it's actually pretty good#probably bc there are multiple characters that fit my standard..... not even 'blorbo' preferences#my 'you have a backstory and/or situation that means fanfic written about you is most likely going to hit the spot' preferences#1 defs being Eraserhead bc let's be real 'I am a very tired gruff teacher working two jobs at once who does not get any sleep and has#against my own will adopted all of you why is this happening to me I'm so tired' is The Most Relatable#Hawks bc Crafted Into A Weapon From Childhood is The Weapons Feels^TM#and then Dabi bc that was the crossover that I read that was fun ok it was a silly jjk crossover of 'what if Gojo is reincarnated as Dabi'#that just transferred all my 'HELLO FAVORITE CHARACTER' emotions onto Dabi who then I go and look up and has also the sort of backstory#that makes him fave character material#SO here I am sitting here just generally happy with all of this watching my annual Nov 5th meme compilation#and LO AND BEHOLD there is strong arm 'trending during the us election: destiel/ BNHA' meme#and I'm going 'what the fuuuuuuuck my new favorite fandom aLSO TRENDED IN THE NOV 5TH CHAOS????'#so obviously I had to look up why#WELL THE WHY WAS DABI BACKSTORY REVEAL#anyways my housemate had to check on me as to why I was screaming and it turns out that indeed nov 5th#is the gift that keeps on giving#if you have read this far down in my tags I feel like you now know uncomfortably personal things about me#esp if you know enough about BNHA to understand all of that#so if you have any fic recs About My Favs I'm taking them I esp enjoy canon retellings bc it's REALLY fun to try to figure out#which bits of those are actually canon
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keistance · 2 years
it was insane how in season 8 they paralleled sam and amelia's relationship with benny and dean's... both using the other as a crutch to lean on during that year and considering them right considering them different but still choosing to let them go bc they never get to be happy... and they still tried to deny dean was bi after that like im not the only one who thought that was insane right
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Out of all of the things to go full conspiracy theory over, why Destiel?
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Just crossed my mind that if Cas hadn't saved Dean from Hell 15 years ago on this specific day that is 18th September, the song "Watching over me" by Radio company wouldn't probably exist. And that would be a shame.
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shipsandmyths · 8 months
lately I've come across a couple people both here and on tiktok that are now getting into supernatural and basically going "woah you destiel shippers were not kidding, I always thought you were probably exaggerating". And it's like we definetely were not, but I also wonder where this reaction comes from and I think I've got it.
We all know what fandom is, especially if we're talking about non-canon ships. We take the subtext and make it textual, we live in the crevices of stolen glances and romantic paralels. But most of the time there's another (straight) canon ship that the writers can use to queerbait us, being like "see? this is who he really wants". Take BBC Merlin, for example: the devotion and closeness between Merlin and Arthur is obvious, but it's easy to point at Arthur's feelings for Gwen and say "see? this is what's real. you're reading too much into it".
Destiel doesn't have one. The very (mysoginistic) nature of the show means neither Dean nor Cas have any significant relationships the writers could point to and show us the "truth" so there is nothing to distract from what's obviously happening on our screens. There is no great romantic storyline to tell us "this is who he really wants" so they are all that it's left and what's between them becomes undeniable. What's even worse, the other main relationship in the show is as platonic as you can get because Sam and Dean are related (let's ignore the existence of wincest please and thank you), so the difference between Dean's relationship with Sam and his relationship with Cas is so stark, so obvious, that is hard to even begin to compare them and try to paint them both with the same brush.
I know I'm just rambling but would love to hear your thoughts on it.
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hopeswells · 5 months
“Just because Oliver is talking about Buddie in interviews it doesn’t mean that it’s actually happening”
Ok but consider this:
This is Oliver Stark.
This isn’t Misha Collins, who’d push Destiel at the fandom at every opportunity he got, even when both the show runners and Jensen Ackles said that it would never happen and that Dean was straight.
This is Oliver Stark, who’s head canoned Buck as bi for literal years but never once said so until it was canonically true.
Oliver Stark, who literally deactivated his social media because he didn’t want to accidentally come across as confirming anything and give fans false hope.
Oliver Stark, who is now answering Buddie questions in interviews – questions that ABC has obviously greenlit – and who plays along instead of backtracking when asked about a season 10 Buddie wedding and who admits to crying over Buddie edits and who has read Buddie fanfiction and who admits that there’s chemistry there and that the Buddie fans aren’t wrong. All with a giant smile on his face.
This shift in attitude and approach is insane.
Something is happening.
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