#in all seriousness thanks for the *checks price* 3 cents? what?
daddyplasmius · 1 year
SO i whipped up this pin for shits & giggles a few months ago & honestly completely forgot i put it on redbubble
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APPARENTLY someone bought one.
does anyone have something they'd like to say?
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assetsliterature · 3 years
7 ways to earn money while you sleep
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: Creating money while you sleep. Whenever I get this in my mind, I always remember a quote from Warren buffet “if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
First, let me tell you something. If you haven’t been heard this type of thing before, then believe these things:
Every way I share in this blog works.
Ways which can make money while you sleep are called: “Passive income.”
You cannot achieve multiple income sources just reading ``always remember “1 hour of doing > 5 hours of thinking.
Passive income :
Just imagine you wrote an ebook and publish it on Kindle, then people who are interested in your ebook will buy it, I know that selling a book on a huge level can be a hard task, but after doing this, you will make money while you sleep ;
This is just an example of ‘selling a digital product online.
~ Please scroll down if you don’t want intro~
Don’t let your area influence your mindset:
When I was living in my hostel, sometimes I used to to the terrace for stargazing at 3 a.m. with my best friend. One night he asked me to give my best advice to him because I haven’t got any advice for him in my mind.
But now I have one
You must have heard that- “the people you socialize with influence you so much.” That’s why you should be with people who have a positive mindset ~~
People around you affect your life in many ways. Let’s understand this with an example- “imagine you’re a student and your classmates don’t take their studies seriously, they only study one night before an exam, they bunk classes and waste so much time on not-so-good things.” Then there is a big chance that you can be like them too!
“Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime” every person you come in contact with is impacted in some way.
So, in my opinion, train yourself to not learn from negative minds. Stay with people you want to be. They will always lift you!
Remember: Just because someone is so confident at saying something doesn’t mean they are right!
How much you can earn:
Creating Passive income in your 20s is not something that everyone does, and for making your passive income source work good you have to put in some effort and time. You have to invest your money in it.
You can start with investing a little, and then you have to invest from your profit to make it work well.
So it depends on you; however, there are so many ways that have a huge income compared to another passive income source.
7 ways to create passive income for beginners :
1.Sell Digital Products:
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If you’re a newbie, then this can be a good start for you!
There are a lot of things to create and sell online! I.e., ebooks, online courses, podcasts, graphic art bundles, photographs, music, templates, and so much more.
If you like blogging, you can create podcasts, ebooks, online courses related to your niche. Visit this for more examples of digital products_ If you’re interested in photography, you can sell your pictures at reasonable prices. Just pick your interest and go for it! It is not effortless, but you can learn and earn a lot from this!
All you need to have is a phone, a good internet connection, an urge to learn, and a lot of patience.
How much can you earn?
If you choose to write an ebook and you list it on Kindle for 1$, and you get one buyer a day, then you can earn 30$/month easily; stock photos earn approximately 25–45 cents per image, it depends on how many people are buying from you. The prices of online courses are usually 8$. If 1 thousand students buy your course, then you can get 624$ from it!
The more you work, the more you’ll earn but make sure to be creative and unique and don’t forget- “quality over quantity.”
# Don’t give up too easily if you’re here to earn.
2.Start a blog:
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You may have heard that before, but it’s because it’s work. Even I was thinking about this so many times before starting this blog, and it’s good to have something on your bucket list to work on. When you are free, you can start a blog and give your six months in it.
Remember, it’s worth the hustle. Imagine if you started a blog one year ago. Do you believe you’re that useless that you can’t even get 50,000 views on a blog after working one year?
You can check this out if you’re interested in starting a blog.
I know a friend who is planning to start a blog. I asked him about his blueprint, and he said, “i will write and earn” he is stupid; I hope he is now seeing this right now, first learn about blogging in-depth and decide how much time you can give it, if you don’t have a plan then you will be lost for a moment, trust me I know that, been there.
These things are a must for starting a blog :
A niche
A map for both before posting an article and after posting an article
And expect the hard time will come, and if it will not, then it will.👁
How much you can earn:
Blogging is something a small blog can be a bug business after some time, many bloggers who just started blogging for a hobby leave their 9–5 from it,
It’s from google AdSense website;
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Google will pay you according to your niche, but if you create a finance blog and you get 50,000 visits per month, you can make 15,012$/year.
# for blogging, you should learn daily and use google sheets for planning. You can download the sheets template from here
3.Join the affiliate program and use Pinterest:
You can join the Amazon affiliate program by just signing up to their website. By doing that, you can share your link, and if someone buys a product from your link, you’ll get paid depending on the product category and price.
So there is a problem in that like who will buy products from your link, I know, so that’s why you will use Pinterest,
If you don’t know about Pinterest, you can download Pinterest from any app store and use it.
You can share pics with links on Pinterest, and it’s called creating pins. So people can see your shared photos on Pinterest, and if someone sees a product they like, they will click on the pic, and then they will redirect to amazon.
Requirements: you don’t even need a laptop for it, just 1 hour a day and a little bit of Pinterest SEO, and it’s the best thing I love about Pinterest; it has so easy SEO compared to google.
How much you can earn?: amazon affiliate earning has no limits; you can increase it as you grow anywhere online. Once you achieve your target on Pinterest, you will thank you for just starting.
4.Rent your apartment on Airbnb:
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Airbnb is a platform where someone can rent out their couch, room, or home.
Since hotel prices are so high in major cities, it’s been obvious that before booking hotels people check Airbnb.
If you have free space in Airbnb, you can try this out, and after some time, you can hire a cleaner and an assistant to manage everything.
Requirements: you have to live in a developed city, if you are like me then AirBnb is no use for you, but I will wait when my hometown has so many travelers all around the world XD!!
How much you can earn?: That depends on the level you are receiving orders from AirBnB, but for a try, you should register on it and try yourself how often you get a call !!
5.Write an ebook:
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If you love the idea of digital products, then you can choose to write an ebook. In that case, you don’t need any investment. You can check this out for more category ideas !!
For creating book covers or any graphic, use Canava. You can choose something related to your studies or interest. But do remember this ‘getting readers for your book is not easy. Everything is hard, so choose your hard.
Requirements: just an idea about your ebook, map of where you will share your ebook(like Facebook groups. Forums related to your book title etc.), and you have to know good writing and your target audience but don’t worry and don’t afraid of failure, you should give 30 days to write your ebook and see what you can do
How much can you earn?: As I mentioned earlier, it depends on your readers. If you get 80 readers at a 1$ price per month, you get 80$/month without doing anything. It’s just a starting future. You will get more readers if you write valuable content for your target audience.
#write an ebook like you are talking to your friend about something
6 .Dropshipping:
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Dropshipping is like selling products online, but you don’t store your product. You use a third-party supplier (like wholesaler or manufacturer) to fulfil product needs; I am sure you have heard Shopify’s name before from Shopify; you can create your dropshipping business; I highly recommend you check out Shopify website. If you use Shopify, don’t worry; no one will know if your eCommerce website is Shopify.
From here, you can learn how to start an eCommerce dropshipping store from scratch.
Requirements: A niche, a supply for your store, build your online store and then market your store after that to improve your store.
How much can you earn?: It’s just like a store but online, but it can be a lot more profitable than an offline store. You have to put a lot into it to succeed, so your earning cannot be defined by just typing and thinking !!
7. Create an app:
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I am not saying that it’s not risky, but you can create an app that solves people problems or help them with something like if you use android, then you might have some problems and wish that there was a solution for it _
Some time ago, I was searching for friends interested in fantasy books, so i wish that I had an app where I can just find them ~
So if you can solve the problem from your app, then try it.
However, you have to invest in it first because everyone is not an android/ios app developer.
Requirements: an idea, some money to hire a developer, and a plan
How much you can earn?: when you upload your app on any app store, and user use it, you earn money, so it depends on what’s your planets
Like you can sell the app to every user or add a subscription fee or monetize your app.
So it will worth it when it achieves its meaning!
Thanks so much for reading this article, I will share more business strategy in-depth and if you really want to earn from passive income please accept my suggestion and plan something and go for it because i know a lot of people who learn and never take actions ~~
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Assets- Literature
Original article: https://www.assetsliterature.com/2021/05/how-does-cryptocurrency-work.html
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 3-23: Backstage Pass
This was a tricky one to re-write; the changes to "Trials of Michael Kelso" really start to factor in here, and that will lead into the season finale, but those changes meant that Hyde - a very guarded character - had to express certain things without saying them. It was a fun needle to thread, and I hope it worked out.
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. RADIO STATION - DAY   WFPP control room, early afternoon. The ON AIR light over the booth door is on. DONNA is in the booth, unable to stop grinning like a dork as she reads off the FARM REPORT.   DONNA: And in pork belly news, prices have risen to nearly 54 cents per pound. Mmm-hmm, bacon!   ERIC enters the control room, waving when he sees Donna. She waves back.   DONNA (cont’d): And I’ll be back at 3, 4, and 5 o’ clock with more updates. Until then, keep on farmin’!   The ON AIR light shuts off. Donna exits the booth and crosses to a frowning Eric.   DONNA (cont’d): Hey.   ERIC: Donna, you’re doing the rest of the farm reports? I thought we were going to the movies.   DONNA: Well, Janice called in sick, so...   She shrugs as she trails off and goes to work sorting records. Eric’s frown deepens.   ERIC: Okay, Donna, look. I think we need to talk. I think this job is really cutting into your Eric time.   Donna stops and looks at Eric, half-amused, half-annoyed.   DONNA: My “Eric time?”   ERIC: And I’m very concerned about your diminishing Eric time, because it directly affects me, you know. (beat) Um, I’m Eric.   The door opens, and MAX enters, tickets in hand. He crosses to Donna.   MAX: Hey, thanks for staying late again, Donna. You know, you might just turn this into a full-time gig.   ERIC: Hey, I’m her full-time gig.   Max gives him an appraising look.   MAX: Yeah. (to Donna) Here’s those tickets. Enjoy the show.   He hands Donna the tickets and exits.   ERIC: Tickets?   DONNA: Yeah. I know I’ve been working a lot lately and I wanted to make it up to you, so I got Max to hook us up with Ted Nugent tickets for everybody.   ERIC: The Motor City Madman? No way!   Donna presents him with the tickets, and he takes them in awe.   ERIC (cont’d): Oh, my disappointment is melting into a mixture of excitement and guilt.   DONNA: Great. That’s what I was going for.   She gives him a quick kiss, then gets back to work.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - DAY   The next day. Eric and Donna sit on the couch, Eric’s arm around Donna’s shoulders. “Cat Scratch Fever” by TED NUGENT plays on the radio.   HYDE comes down the stairs and takes a seat in his chair.   HYDE: Hey.   DONNA: Hey. Ready for the Nuge tonight?   HYDE: Oh, yeah. A night of business and pleasure.   He cackles as he opens up a magazine.   DONNA: What’s the business?   HYDE: Check it out: me and Fez, we’re gonna sell counterfeit T-shirts after the show. I figure with the original concert T’s going for 15 dollars, we sell ours for ten and turn a 50-dollar investment into 250 bucks.   DONNA: How entrepreneurial of you.   ERIC: You and Fez, huh? So you’re taking a break from corrupting cheerleaders to revisit the old standby of exploiting foreign exchange students?   HYDE: Hey, I get Jackie mixed up in anything that involves clothing, next thing you know I’m out my last cent smuggling discount Jordache in from Madison.   He turns slightly away, overly interested in his magazine. Eric and Donna share a look.   ERIC: (to Hyde) Seriously, man. What’s going on with you and Jackie?   HYDE: (warning) I keep telling everyone, nothing.   ERIC: And yet you keep doing not-nothing. (adopts stern, “fatherly” voice) “Come, come, my wayward orphan – confess your feelings.”   Hyde flips his magazine down in frustration.   HYDE: Fine. You wanna know what’s going on? (beat) You know that episode of Wild Kingdom where the pilot fish hangs around the school of sharks? We can’t get rid of the pilot fish, so someone’s gotta show her how to be badass.   Eric scoffs and Donna chuckles.   DONNA: Well, if the shark had any other ideas, he might want to make a move, or else the pilot fish might just go back to the big, dumb Kelso fish.   HYDE: (scoffs) Yeah, right.   He goes back to his magazine.   DONNA: Really, Hyde, I think he and Jackie are gonna get back together.   HYDE: Trust me, that door’s closed. There’s no way Jackie’s going out with Kelso again.   CUT TO:   INT. CAR - DAY   The inside of a Lincoln, parked in a random lot. KELSO sits in the driver’s seat, and JACKIE in the passenger’s seat. “Fins” by Jimmy Buffett plays on the car radio.   KELSO: I want you to go out with me again.   JACKIE: What?   KELSO: Look, I know we were gonna stick to being just friends, but it’s been going so well that I think we should give us another try as a couple.   Jackie looks skeptical. Undeterred, Kelso leans a little closer.   KELSO (cont’d): We can start slow. Try one date, see how it goes. And it’ll be full of all the romantic magic you love. And I know magic.   He waves his hands around, turning the flailing into the thumb removal magic trick.   JACKIE: (giggling) Michael, I don’t know.   KELSO: Come on, Jackie. Just one date. Please?   He gives her a big puppy-dog face.   JACKIE: (laughs) All right, Michael. You win. So, where are we going on our second first date?   KELSO: The Ted Nugent concert.   JACKIE: Michael, we’re all going to the Ted Nugent concert.   KELSO: Hey, a date with all our friends there! Now how’s that for magic?   He beams at Jackie, who shakes her head and smiles.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - EVENING   Later that day. With the kids out at the show, it’s poker night with the Pinciottis. RED, MIDGE, KITTY, and BOB all sit around the kitchen table with cards and drinks.   BOB: You know – (points to Midge) Our anniversary’s coming up. Eighteen years. I can still remember the first time I saw Midgie. She was the tallest girl in chemistry class.   MIDGE: And Bob was the shortest boy. But what he lacked in height, he made up for in shortness.   The Pinciottis beam at each other. Red turns away to hide his eye roll.   KITTY: Red, do you remember when we first met?   RED: Like it was yesterday.   He leans back, and we cut to:   INT. DANCE HALL – NIGHT   FLASHBACK. A USO dance is underway, with great swing music and plenty of punch. A YOUNG RED stands near the punch bowl with a few army officers and navy sailors, spiking the punch with rum.   RED (v.o.): It was 1952 at a USO dance. Me and my buddies were blowing off steam. And suddenly, I saw her.   Red looks up from the punch and sees a YOUNG KITTY, bathed in flattering light, across the dance floor.   RED (v.o.): She was the most beautiful girl in the joint.   A MARINE gets between them as he leers over Kitty.   MARINE: Hiya, dame. Wanna shake a leg?   KITTY: No, thanks.   She turns away, but the marine spins her back around by the arm.   MARINE: It wasn’t a question.   KITTY: I think it was, mister.   Red come up behind them and taps the marine on the shoulder.   RED: (to army man) Mind if I cut in?   MARINE: It’s none of your business, bell-bottom.   He shoves Red back.   RED: I think you could use a little punch, leatherneck.   He slugs the marine good, taking him to the floor. Red stands tall and proud. His teeth actually shine in his smile.   Kitty scowls at him, and when she talks, it’s the voice of PRESENT-DAY KITTY coming out.   KITTY: Oh, you’re in big trouble, Red Forman.   RED: Huh?   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN – EVENING   The flashback’s come crashing down. Kitty glares at Red across the table.   KITTY: I said, you’re in big trouble, Red Forman. You’re thinking of some other girl. That’s not how we met at all!   Red frowns in thought.   RED: Oh. (beat) Oh!   He looks over at his wife. She is one unhappy lady.   RED (cont’d): Uh-oh.   They continue to lock eyes across the table, while the Pinciottis try to be inconspicuous.   CUT TO:   INT. AUDITORIUM – NIGHT   Minutes before the concert, a packed house. The gang take up an entire row of seats in the balcony: Hyde, FEZ, Donna, Eric, Jackie, and Kelso. Fez has a large cardboard box balanced in his lap.   FEZ: (to Donna and Eric) Hey, you guys want to see our counterfeit T-shirts?   He reaches into the box and lifts up a black T-shirt with “Tad Nugent” written across the top. Fez smiles, but Hyde stirs; it’s the first time he’s seen the shirts.   HYDE:  Fez, it’s Ted Nugent.   FEZ:  Uh-huh. Tad Nugent.   HYDE: No, man. I’m saying “Ted.”   FEZ: I’m saying “Tad” too.   HYDE: No, you’re not. It says “Tad.”   FEZ: I know it says “Tad.” I’m the one who put it on there. I don’t know why we’re fighting. What’s the problem here?   HYDE: Because the shirt says “Tad!”   FEZ: Exactly!   HYDE: But the “A” should be an “E.”   FEZ: Well, that’s not how you spell “Tad.”   HYDE:  No. That’s how you spell “Ted.”   It finally clicks. Fez gains a million-mile stare as he slowly replaces the shirt in the box.   FEZ: Oh...   But there’s no time to dwell on that. The lights dim and the crowd – including the gang – rise to their feet and erupt into cheers as the concert begins.   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM - NIGHT   Red sits on the couch, deep in thought. Unfortunately, Bob and Midge are sat right next to him, staring and interrupting those thoughts.   RED: You know, it’s hard enough trying to remember this without you two staring at me.   BOB: Hey, I could hypnotize you.   MIDGE: I know! You could retrace your steps. What did you have for breakfast?   Red is spared having to answer that by Kitty’s march through the living room, an empty wine glass in hand. Red stands.   RED: Oh, hi, Kitty. Uh... you know, (laughs) I was just thinking about how much I love you -   KITTY: So you remember yet?   RED: Yes! (beat) No.   Kitty sets he glass down and puts her hands on her hips.   KITTY: It was November 17, 1953, at a USO dance. I remember because it was the most important moment of my life!   RED: (beat) Really, Kitty? Because in November 1953, I was in Korea. (sits) So I’m pretty sure that you were talking to someone else.   Kitty tries gamely to maintain surety.   KITTY: Are you sure? Maybe – maybe you came home for the weekend.   Red fixes her with a hard stare.   RED: Not from Korea.   KITTY: Oh, great. Now, neither one of us knows how we met. Well, you better get your thinking cap on, mister!   She retrieves her wine glass and disappears into the kitchen as Red lets out a long sigh.   BUMPER   INT. AUDITORIUM – NIGHT   We rejoin the concert just as it ends and spares the accountants any licensing concerns. Everyone is still on their feet, making noise.   EMCEE (v.o.) Thank you, Wisconsin! Good night!   In a long pan, the gang all applaud and (ad-lib) remark on the incredible show they’ve just seen. We end on Jackie and Kelso turning in toward each other.   JACKIE: God, Michael, this was the most magical night!   KELSO: You know, during the concert, I rewrote some of Ted Nugent’s songs with your name in it. Okay, which one do you like better: “Cat Scratch Jackie” or “Jackie Scratch Fever?”   JACKIE: I love them both!   They both laugh with joy and hurry up the aisle, hand in hand. Hyde looks after them. His shades can’t hide his shock.   Fez waves a hand in front of Hyde’s eyes.   FEZ: Hyde? Hello? We have crap to sell?   He elbows his way past Hyde and heads up on the other end of the row. Hyde follows slowly, as if in a trance.   Donna and Eric remain by the seats, taking in the ambience.   ERIC: What do you wanna do now?   DONNA: Uh... oh! We can go around back and watch the tour buses from behind the chain-link fence.   ERIC: Great idea!   They start to exit, but Max comes down the aisle and joins them in their row. He has a backstage pass around his neck.   MAX: Hiya, kids. Enjoy the show?   ERIC: Are you kidding? I’m deaf!   Max smiles and nods.   ERIC: You can say that again, Max!   Max sits down.   MAX: Well, you know, I’m starting to come down... I mean, I’m getting tired. (to Donna) Uh, why don’t you take this?   He removes his backstage pass and hands it to Donna. She and Eric look at it as if it were the Holy Grail (or something.)   DONNA: Oh, my God... a backstage pass...   ERIC: Oh, yeah! (beat) Oh, too bad there’s only one, huh?   DONNA: I’ll be back in five minutes, I swear.   ERIC: You’re going?   DONNA: Well, don’t you want me to?   ERIC: (beat) Of course I do! That’s why I said, “oh, you’re going! Yay!”   DONNA: You’re the best!   She gives him a kiss and rushes off.   ERIC: (to Donna’s wake) Yeah, that’s... (to Max) Yeah, that’s good. That’s nice for her.   MAX: You’ll never see her again. That’s how I lost my first wife. Damn you, Donny Osmond!   He shakes his head violently as Eric looks down at the stage, troubled.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   EXT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT   Just outside the exit. The concert may be over, but people aren’t in a hurry to leave. At the base of the stairs, Hyde and Fez try to hawk their counterfeit merchandise. Shockingly, no one’s going for the “Tad” T’s.   Fez is at least giving it the ol’ college try; Hyde seems distracted.   FEZ: T-shirts! Get your crappy, misspelled T-shirts! Can’t enjoy the after-party without your crappy, misspelled T-shirts!   HYDE: (to Fez) I rue the day I took you under my wing, my foreign friend. I should’ve gone with Jackie on this.   Fez looks over at Hyde and pouts.   FEZ: Oh, yes... Jackie, who kicked Fort Anderson’s ass. Jackie, so good at graffiti. Jackie, with the bobby pins for picking locks. Well, I am not your perfect student Jackie, Hyde! She is getting back together with Kelso, so you will have to settle for me!   He stomps his foot and turns away. Behind his shades, Hyde rolls his eyes.   HYDE: They’re not back together, all right? Jackie’s learned enough now that she’s not gonna go back to a buffoon like Kelso.   Speak of the devil: Kelso and Jackie come up behind Hyde, happy as clams. At least, they are until Jackie notices a puddle of vomit in front of them.   JACKIE: Eww! Michael, someone blew chunks.   Without missing a beat, Kelso takes the Tad T from Fez, spreads it out over the vomit, and offers his arm to Jackie.   KELSO: May I escort you across the vomit, my lady?   Jackie smiles and links arms with him.   JACKIE: Why thank you, good sir.   Heads held high, they walk across the T-shirt and proceed on their way.   Hyde glares after them. Fez turns to Hyde, rather smug.   FEZ: So... the buffoon makes his move. And she will go back to him. And then who will you have? No one – but Fez.   He retrieves another T-shirt from the box and holds it up for passersby to see.   FEZ: Todd Nugent! Get your Todd Nugent T-shirts!   HYDE: Fez?   He beckons Fez closer, and Fez leans in.   HYDE (cont’d): IT’S TED!   TWO POLICEMEN appear behind Fez.   POLICEMAN: Is there a problem here?   Hyde and Fez look at the cops, look at each other, and break for it, leaving the T-shirts behind. The cops take off after them.   CUT TO:   INT. BACKSTAGE – NIGHT   The life of a rock star. TED NUGENT and his band kick back after their show, a bevy of beautiful women hanging on each of them. Amps and guitars rest against the walls and furniture.   Into this den of cool steps Donna, jaw hanging open. Ted notices her first.   TED: Hey, who ordered the redhead?   Two of the band raise their hands.   DONNA: (to Ted) Oh, my God, you’re looking at me. (to the band) Ted Nugent is looking at me. (to Ted) Stop looking at me! I’m Donna. I am, like, your biggest fan.   She offers her hand, and Ted takes it.   TED: Hi, Donna. Meet the other groupies. (pointing each one out) This is Blonde Girl, the other Blonde Girl, Tall Girl, and the Tall Blonde Girl.   DONNA: Well, actually, I’m not a groupie. I mean, I love you, but I work at a rock radio station – WFPP, “The Sound!” I do the farm report. It’s like, a huge day for pork bellies. (beat) You don’t care. Sorry.   Ted stands and crosses to Donna.   TED: Oh, you work for a radio station? You wanna do an interview or somethin’?   DONNA: Oh, my God. An interview would be amazing. Do you have, um, a piece of paper and one of those, uh...   TED: Pens.   DONNA: Pens. Exactly!   One of the band hands Donna a notepad and pen.   DONNA: You are the best. (to Ted) Okay, first question... um... uh... oh, my God, why are you so great?   BUMPER   INT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT   Eric and Max are still up in the balcony, both sitting, Max still coming down. A JANITOR stands impatiently to their left with a mop and bucket.   ERIC: It’s not just tonight, you know. Yeah, she’s been blowing me off more and more. And she thinks I’ll take it, but I won’t. Uh-uh.   MAX: Yeah, that’s how it starts. You say you won’t take it; you say you’ll be firm. And then the Mormon smoothie comes to town...   A haunted look comes to Max’s eye, enough to give Eric a chill. The janitor, on the other hand, is unfazed.   JANITOR: Can you two lift your feet please?   Somewhat grudgingly, Eric lifts his feet. Max doesn’t; he’s so lost in memories and his trip, he probably didn’t hear. Eric manages, awkwardly, to pull Max’s legs up as the janitor passes through.   CUT TO:   INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT   Some time later. Donna has taken Ted’s chair, while the Nuge plays a section of “Strangehold” on his guitar. As he finishes, Donna leaps up, applauding. When she realizes she’s the only one reacting, she’s flummoxed.   DONNA: What is wrong with you people? Come on! That was great! What, are you on dope?   They all stare back her with glazed expressions.   DONNA: Oh. (to Ted) Well, I better go. My boyfriend’s waiting. Thank you so much for the interview, Ted.   They shake hands again.   TED: You’re very welcome. You wanna stick around? I’ll let you touch the guitar.   DONNA: Really? All right! (beat) Wait, you mean your guitar guitar, right?   TED: Yeah.   DONNA: All right!   She reaches out and strokes his guitar.   CUT TO:   EXT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT   Far down the auditorium wall, with restroom doors. Hyde, coming down from a full run, ducks behind a tree and leans back against the wall to catch his breath.   Jackie and Kelso stroll up the sidewalk, their arms still linked. Jackie has a small bag of popcorn. They don’t see Hyde, but he sees them.   JACKIE: Michael, I have to say, this really has been a magically romantic day.   They look at each other and smile. As they reach the restroom doors, Kelso stops. He takes his arm back, holds up a finger for “one sec,” and steps inside. Jackie sighs contentedly and looks out at the night.   Hyde steps out from behind the tree. Jackie yelps and jumps back, her popcorn flying everywhere. She sees it’s Hyde and relaxes, though she still clutches at her chest.   JACKIE: Steven, you scared me.   HYDE: (points to restroom) What’s going on with you and Kelso?   JACKIE: Oh. Well...   She giggles. Coyly, she steps in toward Steven.   JACKIE (cont’d): Steven, should I give Michael a second chance? I mean, Donna says “no,” and I didn’t think I wanted to be more than friends, but he really has changed. He’s so different. And we’re different together. I felt that tonight.   She chuckles to herself and kicks at the sidewalk.   JACKIE (cont’d): I dunno. What do you think?   Hyde regards her coolly.   HYDE: If that’s your call, make the play.   Jackie beams and starts to pace with joy.   HYDE (cont’d): Yeah, I mean, you made the same call after he burned your house, and that worked out, right?   Jackie stops pacing, looks to Hyde, confused.   HYDE (cont’d): Oh, and when he first got his van, and you thought that was a step toward maturity, then he used it for nailin’ Laurie. Real good call there.   JACKIE: What are you saying?   HYDE: Oh, are you not getting it? Maybe it’d help if I waved around some pom-poms and used a cheer with all one-syllable words.   Jackie takes a step back; it’s been a long time since she’s seen Hyde like this.   JACKIE: Steven, you’re being rude.   HYDE: Sorry. It’s my nature to be rude to stupid crap.   JACKIE: (hurt) Steven!   HYDE: What, I’m wrong? When Kelso burns you over and over, tells you he’s changed, and because he kisses your ass and buys you crap, you fall for it every time?   He gives her a chance to retort; she can’t.   HYDE (cont’d): I had you figured right in the first place, but I thought maybe you weren’t that square and shallow, so I gave you a shot. Turns out you haven’t learned a thing from me.   He starts to walk away.   JACKIE: Steven, what are you talking about? What was I supposed to learn?   Hyde stops and whirls around.   HYDE: To think! Maybe then you’d see life ain’t one of your Nancy Drew, Disney World, unicorn fantasies. That second chances are for losers who can’t figure out that people don’t change, and if they screw you once, they screw you every time.   He advances on her as he raves. Jackie doesn’t back up.   JACKIE: That’s not true! People do change! You’ve changed! At least, I thought you had, from when you were such a jerk when we first met. But I know Michael has, because I have thought about this, a lot, and I didn’t just believe that things were different this time. And by the way, Steven? I’m the one who was “screwed” and hurt and betrayed. What would a scruffy orphan know about that?   Hyde’s face doesn’t change, but Jackie knows immediately she’s gone too far. Finally, she takes a step back, her hands over her mouth.   JACKIE (cont’d): Steven, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean -   HYDE: (cold) You wanna know what I think? I think you can marry that moron for all I care. Next time you get burned, find someone else to cry to.   He walks away. Jackie doesn’t follow him, not even with her eyes. She just stares ahead at the ground, trying not to cry.   Kelso comes out of the bathroom, all smiles. He moseys up behind Jackie and puts a hand on her shoulder.   KELSO: Hey there. So, the concession stand’s still open, and I think they were selling cherry slurpees.   Jackie looks up at him, eyes shining with tears. She pulls away from his hold and stomps off. Kelso’s jaw drops.   KELSO (cont’d): Okay, we’ll get watermelon!   That doesn’t bring her back. Kelso throws up his hands and runs after her.   Further up the sidewalk, Hyde stands alone. He rips his sunglasses off, clenching them tight in his fist as he kicks at the auditorium wall.   The policemen come up the way Jackie and Kelso left, each of them holding Fez by an arm between them. Fez is handcuffed.   FEZ: (to Hyde) “Sell some T-shirts,” you said. “No risk,” you said. I’m going to jail, you son of a bitch!   They all pass by. Hyde looks after Jackie and Kelso briefly, then pops his shades back on and goes after Fez.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM – NIGHT   The Pinciottis have gone. Kitty sits on the couch, flipping through an old photo album. Red enters from the kitchen with two small drinks.   KITTY: (not looking up) Oh, Red, it’s killing me that I can’t remember.   RED: Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, me too. (sits next to her) But I’ll tell you one thing I remember: I remember that you loved Manhattans.   He hands her one of the drinks.   KITTY: Oh, that’s right. That’s what I used to drink. (laughs) Oh, I haven’t had a Manhattan in twenty years.   She and Red clink glasses and have a sip. It’s a GOOD Manhattan.   KITTY (cont’d): Oh, boy, that takes me back. Oh. Oh...   The lightbulb goes off in her head. We cut to:   INT. DANCE HALL – NIGHT   FLASHBACK. Young Kitty is sat at a table with A FRIEND, a row of glasses in front of her. She downs one Manhattan and accepts another from the WAITER.   KITTY: (to waiter) Keep ‘em coming. (to friend) Oh, my. I’m as loose as a goose. (laughs)   Back by the punch bowl, young Red and HIS FRIEND stand with shot glasses in hand.   RED: Okay, let’s do it.   They clink glasses, down their shots, set the glasses down, and drop their pants. On their boxers are written the words “HELLO LADIES.”   Kitty, her back to them, doesn’t see the mooning. She stands up as well as she can, all giggles.   KITTY: Upsy-daisy. I need to use the ladies’ -   She turns to head for the restroom but collides with Red’s ass and falls down on hers. It doesn’t damper her mood any; she falls into a fresh round of laughter. Red turns to look at her, hiking his pants back up as he does so.   RED: You all right?   KITTY: I bumped into your butt and fell down! (laughs)   RED: Sorry. My pants were...   He helps her to her feet, and they look at each other – really look at each other. Red’s grip turns into a handshake.   RED (cont’d): I’m Red Forman.   KITTY: How do you do, Red Forman? I’m Kitty Sigurdson.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN LIVING ROOM – NIGHT   The present. Neither Red nor Kitty can believe it.   RED: You bumped into my butt and fell down? And that’s how we met?   KITTY: I’m afraid so.   RED: (beat) Well, what do you say, if the kids ever ask, we go with the “I punched out a marine” story.   KITTY: And I wasn’t drinking, I was reading to the blind.   RED: Sounds good.   They clink glasses, take a sip, and look at the album.   CUT TO:   EXT. PARKING LOT – NIGHT   The auditorium lot. The concert crowds have finally dispersed; the Vista Cruiser is alone in the lot. Eric sits on the front of the car, listening to the radio through the cracked windows.   Donna comes around the corner. She races to Eric when she sees him, and he slides off the car.   DONNA: Oh, my God, Eric, I have so much to tell you! I actually met Ted Nugent, and I got an interview, and I know I said I’d be right back, but – it was so exciting!   ERIC: Oh, yeah. My night too. I met the janitor, and I got to hear your boss talk about the sexual magnetism of Donny Osmond. Rock n’ roll!   His tone isn’t lost on Donna.   DONNA: Eric, you’re mad at me for going backstage to meet Ted Nugent?   ERIC: No, no. I’m mad at you because you ditched me.   DONNA: I didn’t ditch you. This was Ted Nugent! This was a huge opportunity for me. So, come Monday, I don’t have to just talk about the farm report. I can talk about the interview, like an interviewer.   ERIC: Well, you know what, Donna? All I can say is that my mom never would have bailed on my dad like that.   DONNA: Yeah, I know. But they’re married.   ERIC: (beat) Okay. Okay, forget it. Let’s just forget it. You’re sorry – everything’s fine.   DONNA: I never said I was sorry.   ERIC: But... you are, right?   DONNA: I shouldn’t have to be.   Eric has no reply.   He’s spared having to make one by Hyde and Fez coming around the corner, Hyde’s arm around Fez’s shoulders.   FEZ: I am free! At last, I am free! They were going to charge me with selling counterfeit merchandise, but Hyde convinced them that since Ted Nugent was misspelled, it wasn’t really counterfeit, it was just stupid. My ignorance of American youth culture finally pays off.   Hyde notices Donna’s pass.   HYDE: Donna, man, did you get to meet the Nuge?   DONNA: Yeah, it was awesome! I was right there with him! The Nuge!   The flash of excitement vanishes when Donna turns back to Eric.   DONNA (cont’d): So can we go now?   Jackie and Kelso come up from the other direction. Jackie has her arms folded and her head down, and Kelso is completely lost.   KELSO: Well, damn, Jackie, just tell me where the magic went!   They stop when they see the rest of the gang. Jackie glares at Hyde, who glares back. Eric and Donna stare each other down. Fez and Kelso shift uncomfortably.   The driver’s side back door opens on the Vista Cruiser. Max sticks his head out. He’s still not fully down.   MAX: Hey, kids? I can’t find my car.   He looks up at them pleadingly. They all start to look in different directions for his car.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   EXT. AUDITORIUM - NIGHT   Just outside the exit. The box of Tad Nugent T-shirts is right where Hyde and Fez left it.   Ted Nugent himself walks up the sidewalk, dressed down from the show. He spies the box and takes a look inside. He holds one of the shirts up to his chest; it seems like a good fit. Ted shrugs, tosses the shirt over his shoulder, picks up the box, and carries on.   END.
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How Are These Cards So Cheap?
Let’s be honest, magic’s secondary market is a nightmare, and unless wotc actively tries to fix it, it’s only going to get worse. I do enjoy looking around at what cards from older sets are worth and sometimes I find some that make me wonder, through the hellscape that is mtg finances, why are these cards so cheap?
I could go into details about recent cards like Paradoxical Outcome, Throne of the High City & Sanctum of Ugin that kept a really low price for cards that are really solid; but since they’re recent, this is mostly due to availability still being too high (though I’m sure that those examples WILL gain value over the years). I’m instead going to focus on real older cards, where the supply is short, so any amount of demand is going to affect the value greatly.
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My first contender is a card that I’ve been promoting for years! Come on, it’s a zero mana artifact, something that is KNOWN to be involved in shenanigans all across the formats. I’m certain there are ways to use this card to its full potential but people just haven’t tried yet. If Mishra’s Bauble can have its time in the spotlight, so can Urza’s!
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When I was younger I had this card and I never fully grasped how good it was, and I think most people still don’t know either. This card makes all of your druids into mana dorks with haste. Do you know how many druids there are? enough to build an EDH deck around it. I tried out a Seton deck that could win as early as turn 3, or usually on turn 4-5 depending on the amount of answers your opponents have. I’m not saying this card is broken, but it’s way too good to be worth 68 cents!
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Staying in the EDH mindset we got a card that I love: Teferi’s Realm. This card is weird as hell; each turn, the active player chooses a card type and all cards of that type phase out. Not all the cards they control, ALL of the cards of that type. This can lead to RIDICULOUS games, and from experience it’s real damn fun. Now that by itself doesn’t make a card worth more, by just being fun, but the fact that it’s on the reserved list, as a rare, that is playable, makes it very surprising that it’s still only worth 2$. You know how many playable rares on the reserved list are worth 2$?? Well you’re about to discover a few more.
For those who don’t know, the reserved list is an arbitrary list of cards that wotc said they will never reprint. Ever. Not even in promo form or anything. It’s been debated as a bad thing, which it is, but wotc doesn’t want to break their promise, so the price of reserved list cards are going up & up & up. Usually the only cards on there that have a low price are commons & uncommons, or just bad cards; in general, if a playable rare is on the list it’s worth something. The following cards are also from the reserved list, are rares, are very playable AND are EDH relevant, so the fact that they’re still dirt cheap is very odd. Check them out:
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This might be stretching the idea of playable, but tell me you don’t want to build a deck around a pirate ship as a commander, just putting -1/-1 counters on stuff every turn. There are tons of ways to abuse the effect and keep boards in check, and there are tons of -1/-1 decks out there that could include this card. It might not be incredible, but it’s there, it’s a potential commander, and it’s a skeleton ship.
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What about a green lord? This is as simple as it gets, but it’s still decent. A commander that gives +1/+1 to all your creatures? I’ve seen way worse cards being played, which makes the fact that it’s still 3$, for an Alliances legendary on the reserved list really weird.
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Lastly we have a card I’m still trying to break: Asmira. Again, this is a legendary from an old set on the reserved this that has a decent ability. The question of if this ability is great or just decent is not clear yet; but just as a note that if you have a sacrifice outlet, Saffi Eriksdotter + Renegade Rallier makes an infinite death loop, as well as Melira & Kitchen Finks; the potential is there. So this is a legendary creature, that has synergy with infinite combos, from the reserved list, at LESS THAN A DOLLAR! Seriously selesnya cards are always overlooked.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my ramble about cards that I just don’t understand are still this cheap. If you have any cards you think people are sleeping on add them on here, or if you just want to complain about the reserved list go ahead!
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timesofnewsindia · 6 years
The country's guard is a thief ??
Both the French government and French aerospace company Dassault issued separate statements following a French media report which quoted Hollande as saying that the Indian government proposed Reliance Defence as the partner for French aerospace giant in the Rs 58,000 crore Rafale deal and France did not have a choice. French publication 'Mediapart' gave a new twist to the controversy as the Indian government has been maintaining it was not officially aware of whom the Dassault Aviation has selected as its Indian partner to fulfill offset obligations of the deal. Report in 'Mediapart newspaper' quoted Hollande as saying, "It was the Indian government that proposed this service group, and Dassault which negotiated with Ambani. We had no choice; we took the interlocutor who was given to us." Hollande's office said he stood by his remarks made to newspaper. Hollande's comments drew sharp reactions from the opposition parties which have been accusing the government of massive irregularities in the deal and benefiting Reliance Defence Ltd (RDL) despite not having any experience in the aerospace sector. Here is the deal :-
Congress president Rahul Gandhi said "It is very important for the prime minister now to either accept Mr. Hollande's statement or state that Mr. Hollande is lying and tell what the truth is,". He also claimed that various defence ministers of the NDA government have been lying to protect Modi.
Congress President Rahul Gandhi today called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a thief, at a public rally in Dungarpur district of Rajasthan. Speaking about Modi not responding to his allegations over the controversial Rafale deal, Rahul said, "Gali gali mein shor hai, Hindustan ka chowkidar chor hai Rahul Gandhi tweet :-
The PM personally negotiated & changed the #Rafale deal behind closed doors. Thanks to François Hollande, we now know he personally delivered a deal worth billions of dollars to a bankrupt Anil Ambani. The PM has betrayed India. He has dishonoured the blood of our soldiers.
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) September 21, 2018
Mr Jaitley, thanks for bringing the nation’s attention back to the GREAT #RAFALE ROBBERY! How about a Joint Parliamentary Committee to sort it out? Problem is, your Supreme Leader is protecting his friend, so this may be inconvenient. Do check & revert in 24 hrs. We’re waiting!
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 29, 2018
Rahul Gandhi said: - ”Dear Mr Jaitley, Less than 6 hrs. left for your deadline on the Rafale JPC to run out. Young India is waiting. I hope you're busy convincing Modi Ji and Anil Ambani Ji about why they should listen to you & approve this!”
Later, BJP president Amit Shah joined in the sparring, describing JPC as "Jhoothi Party Congress" and accusing Rahul Gandhi of pushing "lies" to fool the nation. "But the nation's IQ is higher than yours!" he tweeted.
Rahul Gandhi says ‘Modi Hatao’ Pakistan says ‘Modi Hatao’ Now Pakistan also supports Rahul Gandhi’s baseless allegations against PM Modi. Is Congress forming an International Mahagathbandhan against PM Modi?#NaPakNaCongresshttps://t.co/eHBs0DGfBP
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) September 22, 2018
And also Finance Minister Arun Jaitley tweet:-
The French Govt. & M/s Dassault Aviation have categorically denied the correctness of the former President’s first statement. The French Government has stated that the decision with regard to the offset contracts of Dassault Aviation are taken by the company and not the Govt.
— Arun Jaitley (@arunjaitley) September 23, 2018
In his Facebook blog, Arun Jaitley has asked 15 questions and has expected the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi to respond immediately. He said there are three principal arguments of the campaign launched by the Congress and Rahul Gandhi.
The NDA government paid higher price than what the UPA would have paid if the deal would have completed on the basis of the 2007 offer of Dassault. Proper procedures such as negotiations by the Contract Negotiation Committee and approval of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) were not obtained. A private industrialist in India was favoured and the interest of public sector undertaking was compromised.
Arun Jaitley claims each one of the above issues raised is based on complete falsehood. "It is expected from national political parties and its responsible leaders to keep themselves informed of the basic facts before they enter a public discourse on defence transactions. The Congress Party and its leader Rahul Gandhi are guilty on three counts," he says. The UPA delayed the deal by over a decade and seriously compromised national security. Every fact that Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party has spoken on pricing and procedure are completely false. Its effort of raising these issues is to further delay defence procurement so that India's defence preparedness further suffers.
Arun Jaitley has asked 15 questions to the Congress and Rahul Gandhi.
(1) The UPA was a government which suffered from a decision-making paralysis. Do you agree that the delay of over one decade was only on account of the incompetence and indecisiveness of the UPA Government?
(2) Did this delay seriously compromise national security? Is not the medium multi-role combat aircraft required by our forces to identify and strike at targets particularly when two of our neighbors have already enhanced their strength in this area?
(3) Was this delay and eventual abatement of the purchase by the UPA based on collateral considerations as had been witnessed in earlier transactions such as the purchase of the 155 mm Bofors gun?
(4) How is it that Rahul Gandhi quoted a price of Rs 700 crore per aircraft in Delhi and Karnataka in April and May this year? In Parliament, he reduced it to Rs 520 crore per aircraft, in Raipur he increased it to Rs 540 crore; in Jaipur he used the two figures - Rs 520 crore and Rs 540 crore in the same speech. In Hyderabad, he invented a new price of Rs 526 crore. Truth has only one version, falsehood has many. Are these allegations being made without any familiarity with the facts of the Rafale purchase?
(5) Is Rahul Gandhi or the Congress party aware of price comparison? Is he aware of the aircraft price, which was quoted in 2007 in the L1 bid? Is he aware that there was an escalation clause, which by 2015 when the NDA struck the price deal, would have further escalated the price? Would not the escalation clause have continued to escalate the price till each of the aircraft was supplied? Have the significant exchange rate variations between Rupee and Euro during the same period been considered?
(6) Is he aware of the fact that if the basic aircraft price on which UPA was to purchase the aircraft along with the escalation clause is compared at the price with the better terms on which the NDA government signed the deal. The basic aircraft price itself is 9 per cent cheaper under the NDA than it was under the UPA?
(7) Can Rahul Gandhi deny that when the add-ons such as India-specific adaptations, weaponry and the likes are installed on the basic aircraft, the UPA price, which was mentioned in the 2007 L1 offer, would be at least 20 per cent costlier than the more favorable price negotiated by the NDA?
(8) Can Rahul Gandhi and the Congress deny if the total contract cost, that is, basic aircraft plus add-ons, including weaponry and the likes Indian adaptations plus future supplies and maintenance are all added, the NDA terms become far more favorable than the 2007 L1 offer?
(9) Can Rahul Gandhi and the Congress deny that the Government of India has no contract whatsoever with any private industry in relation with the Rafale aircraft supplies? In fact, 36 of the Rafale aircraft with their Indian adaptations are going to be sent to India and there is no manufacturing of these 36 aircrafts in India.
(10) Any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) under the offset policy of the UPA can select any number of Indian partners, both from the private sector and the public sector, for offset supplies? This has nothing to do with the Government of India and, therefore, any private industry having benefitted from the Government of India is a complete lie. Can Gandhi and the Congress deny this?
(11) Are Rahul Gandhi and his party aware of the fact that there are two ways of acquiring defence equipment, that is, either by competitive bidding or by an Inter-Governmental Agreement?
(12) Can Rahul Gandhi and his party deny that the UPA government in 2007 itself had shortlisted the Rafale as technically-acceptable and L1 in price competition?
(13) Can Rahul Gandhi and his party deny that considering the urgency of the defence requirement, the Government of India and the French Government agreed to execute the supply of 36 Rafale aircrafts at terms better than the 2007 offer of the UPA?
(14) Can it be denied that both the Price Negotiation Committee and the Contract Negotiation Committee negotiated for 14 months before concluding the deal?
(15) Can it be denied that before the deal was executed, the Cabinet Committee on Security approved the transaction?
Anil Ambani has rejected Rahul Gandhi's allegations and emphasised that the government had no role in the Rafale-manufacturing French firm Dassault picking up his company as a local partner. Mr Jaitley alleged that "Rahul Gandhi's misadventure" was seriously compromising national security. "This (allegations on Rafale deal) is like a kindergarten or primary school debate 'Well, I was paying 500 something and you've paid 1,600 something'. That's the argument being given; it shows how little understanding Rahul Gandhi has," Arun Jaitley told news agency ANI. "Every single word in the Congress's allegation is factually false," he said Rahul Gandhi said: - It is now for the prime minister to clear his name... We are absolutely convinced that the prime minister is corrupt. And one thing is for certain... that the chowkidaar of the country is actually a chor. He said the former French president has clearly and categorically said that the prime minister himself suggested the name of Anil Ambani's company:
Ravi Shankar Prasad's said in press conference
“He has not done his homework at all. He keeps changing the cost. All 36 aircrafts will come to India because the country needs them. The government does not decide what the company decides on partnerships. It is my charge with full responsibility that Rahul Gandhi is playing into the hands of Pakistan and China”. "We need weapons, missiles, and defence machinery on it. We need to fit it with bombs. So we are not irresponsible like Rahul Gandhi to disclose exact details. As mentioned by (Finance Minister) Arun Jaitley, the price negotiated by NDA is 9% less for basic aircraft and 20% less in case of fully loaded, as compared to UPA's price," said Ravi Shankar Prasad.
And Ravi Shankar Prasad said Rahul Gandhi is charge sheeted in National Herald case with his mother. He is silent on land grabbing accusations against his brother-in-law (Robert Vadra). No one has used such words against a PM of the country before. We can't expect anything else from Rahul Gandhi. He has no skills. He is just there because of his family.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh said the accusations were baseless. "It makes no sense to create a controversy over the Rafale issue. On the said utterance of former President of France, the Defence Ministry has already issued a statement and has stated that they are verifying it. It is my understanding that all accusations are completely baseless, were always so and will remain baseless,"
Arvind kejrival tweet on this: - The former French president has clearly and categorically said that the prime minister himself suggested the name of Anil Ambani's company and also tweet regarding Mera Chowkidaar Chor Hai
एक चौकीदार जो चोरों से मिल गया... सुनिए उस 'चोर' चौकीदार की कहानी @PreetiSMenon की ज़ुबानी #MeraChowkidaarChorHai #Mera_PM_Chor_Hai देखिए और शेयर कीजिये👇 pic.twitter.com/T872Hr0NLo
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) September 23, 2018
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fuck-customers · 6 years
This is going to be a bit lengthy, and even though it was a small purchase and only a few bucks, I caught a scammer and im proud of myself. Plus the whole thing was insanely extra and annoying so I’m just gonna share it with you.
So onto the story…
Last night I was working a closing shift. Around 8 (2 hours before closing), a woman and her son come up to my register to check out. At this point there are no other customers. She has 12 red mangoes, and that’s all.
I go to ring them up but halfway through me typing the produce code for them, she asks, “these are the ones that are $3 for $1, right?” So I pause mid-code type, change it to a price inquiry, type it in, and inform her, “errr, no, they'e 88 cents a piece.”
Sooo… here’s where it gets good. We’ll refer to my coworker in produce by the name “Richard”. It is extremely important to note that Richard always wears a black company hat while on the clock. Next to no one else does this.
She tells me, “well Richard over there in produce said they were 3 for $1.”
Okay… at the time I wasn’t really thinking about it, but looking back I think my subconsious kicked in and smelled something fishy. Here in good old Colorado, and at my store, mangoes are never 3 for $1 unless we’re having one of our special 3 day sales… in the summer. They haven’t been that cheap in I don’t know how long, and my 2 year anniversary is in February, so I’ve been there long enough to know about that. Additionally, There’s been no other customers coming up with complaints about the price, which if it’s wrong, mangoes are popular, so I would have heard about it by now. And it was the last day of our weekly ad cycle so, what even?
So as a recap - at this point, I have a woman and her son at my register, claiming the mangoes are 3 for $1, and she’s specifically using an employee’s name to convince me she’s right, but I am doubtful. Already the beginning of a good scam story, right?
Well, here’s where it gets even better. Let me tell you how our conversation went.
Her: Richard in produce said I could have them for 3 for 1.
Me: err, okay well let me call and see.
Richard (over the phone): hello?
Me: hey, man, so what’s going on with the mangoes? Like, What price are they back there?
Richard: um… 88 cents. Wait… let me double check and look at organics too hold on.
Me: okay. *puts down phone and turns to woman* well, he’s saying they’re 88 cents a piece as well but he’s double checking.
Her: well I just talked to Richard back there a minute ago! Richard told me that I could have them 3 for $1. He was wearing a hat! Richard told me that was the price!
Richard (calling me back on the phone): yeah the regular ones are 88 cents. Organic 98.
Me: and there’s no sign anywhere that says 3 for 1? I have a woman up here saying that you said she could have them at 3 for a dollar. 
Richard: ..no? They'e 88 cents.
Her: Richard back in produce told me!
Me, knowing I was speaking to Richard but asks anyway: right uh.. is this Richard?
Richard: yeah..?
Me: well there’s a woman up here claiming that YOU told her that the mangoes were 3 for a dollar.
Richard, annoyed: is it (brief description of woman at my register)?
Me: yes.
Richard: I saw her in my department but she didn’t speak to me. I haven’t talked to anyone. I’ve been on lunch for the last half hour.
Me: okay, thank you. *sets phone back down, turns, faces woman, and looks her right in her eyes*
So I just got off of the phone with Richard, and he says that he didn’t tell you that, and that he’s been on lunch for the last half hour.
— so at this point she seems to understand that her scam isn’t working, but refuses to back down. At this point in getting a line but I’m INVESTED in this at this point, and there’s nothing I can really do at this point anyways because she won’t back down, so i am stuck there while she changes her scam from “Richard in produce told me” to now we are at -
Her: *turning towards the store and looking around* well it must have been somebody else then!! Who was it? I know he had a hat…
Me: …right well, Richard is our produce manager, sooooo….
She begins scanning the store for employees to pin this on, but hilariously, since she picked 8pm on a Tuesday night, the store is practically a ghost town void of both customers AND employees. Literally the only other employee that she can see besides me and Richard is a guy working in the meat department back room behind a glass wall.
Now, the thing is, is that the meat guys basically never leave their area, and they don’t rove the floor either as right next to the meat counter there are double doors leading to the back room. While they do face produce, they’re not exactly close to it. They have a coffin case in between them, and the doors for the back room that produce uses are literally on the opposite side of the store that meat counter is.
To her credit, I think the woman knew that trying to pin it on the meat guy, Who actually conveniently was wearing the same color and type of hat as Richard was, was ridiculous and wouldn’t have made any sense because she didn’t try to blame him for this. So not as stupid as you’d think, but still pretty questionable.
Anyways, I feel like at this point ive done all I can do, and she STILL won’t leave or accept me all but calling her a liar (all over wanting to pay $4 for almost $11 worth of mangoes, like really lady if you'e gonna pull a scam do it for something that’s WORTH IT), so i call the manager on duty.
However, I was trying to get to the MOD before this woman did, because in MY EXPERIENCE scammers and liars will absolutely talk and walk all over you as soon as a manager shows up and lie to their face - and unfortunately managers always believe the lies and get away with it. I knew if I was able to explain the situation first, it would be different - given that my current manager WILL bend rules, but is also known to stick up for us cashiers.
Luckily, I spot her pushing a cart down an action alley towards us, so I book it over and explain everything as fast as I can. At the end i say, “but you know, She’s…” my manager tries to finish, “She’s being rude?” But I reply, “She’s lying is what she’s doing. She’s lying.” And my manager says “oh, okay. Call (supervisor) up here to deal with the lines.” So I do, as at this point we had accumulated a long one.
So she walks up and asks this woman what’s going on, and in the SNOTTIEST, RUDEST tone she says, “Who are you?” It kind of surprised me because at this point while the scammer was being mind numbingly annoying, she had been reasonably polite, so for her to get so hostile over a manager kind of surprised me, but at this point, thank god, said manager was in charge and dealing with it now.
I took care of a few other customers while they were talking, and as soon as my line was done i excused myself and hung out by my supervisors register, which happened to be close enough to listen but far away enough to not be involved.
And I can hear what they'e saying - my manager having been informed of the scam, is holding firm on the 88 cent price, and the woman, for some unfathomable reason, is still insistent on the price. I think at this point she knew she was caught and was trying to leave gracefully by making it seem like a mistake, but it was really annoying.
Her: it must have been in the online ad.. unless the online ad is wrong.
Manager: they haven’t been that price for a while, MAYBE it was like that 2 weeks ago… (so not in any recent ad she might have “gotten confused” about.)
Even better was that… now, I didn’t find this out until afterwards as my supervisor started to ask me what was going on and since I was explaing it I didn’t hear this part of the drama… but my manager came up to me afterwards after she was done talking to the woman, that apparently the woman switched tactic again, never mentioned Richard, and instead said that she had called the store and asked about the price and whoever was on the phone, was now the magical entity that told her the mythical price of 3 for $1
Absolutely fucking hilariously, said manager said that she had gotten a call like that, answered it herself, and knew for a fact that she did not tell this woman they were 3 for a dollar.
Fucking OH MY GOD WOMAN, you got caught! It’s been obvious for the past 10 minutes that you'e not fleecing any of us! You can save yourself the most dignity by just… FUCKING OFF!
The whole thing was super obnoxious, but handle-able and im proud of myself for sticking to my guns and glad that my manager backed me up and stood firm, as orginally, before i said that the woman was lying, she started telling me to just give them to her for that price. So it was nice that she took me seriously and stood her (our) ground.
The only frustrating thing is that since I have borderline personality disorder… I’m not afraid of confrontation by any means (obviously) but sometimes my body overreacts to my emotion as well. So while I was keeping a cool and level head on the outside (believe it or not) my body was giving me away… my face was flushing, my voice was uneven, my body became stiff and weird and gangly, on top of shaking… too much adrenaline. But other than that I’m happy on how it worked out. Luckily I think my supervisor saw I was a bit jittery and sent me on my break to cool off.
And may I also say, that there’s few other customers that I hate as much as ones who name drop when the person they’re naming didn’t do what they claim they did. Richard seemed mad but cool and collected.. I know if someone did that to me like she did to him I would be stomping over and being like “she said WHAT now? No I did NOT!!!!!!” Back tf up. But that’s just another reason I don’t wear my name tag… can’t use my name if it’s not broadcasted!
But anyways kids, just keep in mind that name dropping is actually a really common way of scamming, it gives the illusion that they really did talk to someone when they didn’t. So it never hurts to double check with that person.
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wyre-interactive · 7 years
Devlog - August 2017
I just can’t do one of these on time can I?
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Note: Another change in the way GIFs/GFYs are handled, but this should be the last one. You should be able to now get a high quality .gif version as a preview, but it’s still recommended that you view the GFYCAT version linked under each gif for higher quality playback.
So as you might expect from us being a small indie team struggling to actually release a game, we’ve done a bit more work on the game we didn’t originally intend on doing much work on. A vast majority of the work we’ve done is on our still yet-to-be-named asymmetric FPS. For now we’ll just call it Asymmetry to make things easier. Also that’s always been the code name of the project from the start.
Where do I even begin with what we’ve done with this game. How about I begin with where I began? With gameplay elements slowly expanding in what I needed to test, it was only obligatory that I made a map for the game. Now keep in mind that while this is definitely a concept for a map, it’s not final at all. Also some of the lighting hasn’t been properly built yet, so ignore the weird dark lines that you might see over some things. The map has been slightly altered as the month has gone on, so sorry if there’s not a huge amount of continuity in that regard.
The map is based in a warehouse, slightly inspired by that one Half-Life Deathmatch map with all the crates.
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Here’s the shipping container model I needed to make for the map.
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Overhead view. The overhead is shown whilst shit is loading in/inbetween rounds.
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Also, as networking became more complex, it became obvious that I needed a menu to make everything work. I want to make sure it’s not like some games where you start a server and there’s a dice roll whether it’ll actually work or not, and I want to use a server browser as the main method of finding a server, but at the same time, I don’t want switching from a matchmaking system to a server browser too daunting.
I have a concept for the background which I’ll leave until later because it’s not super important, but for now, this is what it looks like;
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Yes, we have a donation button in the top right at the moment, I’ll get to that in a bit.
Here’s the server browser system (this is a slightly earlier version but it conveys the concept).
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And yes, it goes up to 100 players. I’m not going to make it as encouraged in the final version, as I think 100 players is just going to be stupidly tedious. I’m probably going to have five different match sizes; 6 (tiny), 12 (small), 24 (normal), 32 (large), and 64 (massive), then I’ll have a custom option.
Now, let’s talk buisness model.
At the early release, I’m thinking of making it pay what you want on Game Jolt, with the recommended price being $3, just to cover the server costs (the Patreon should help too, good thing is the more popular it gets, the more people will pay, the more money can go into server costs). Then by full launch, probably on Steam, I’ll make it somwhere between $10-$20, depending on the amount of content by that point. And you might be thinking, “it’s a multiplayer game made in the last 10 years, what about all the cosmetics and shit?”. Well, whether you like it or not, you’re right, that’s probably a necessity. My theory is that people just won’t be able to stay invested in the game without that sort of aspect being involved. Also, with a small number of weapons it’ll become boring, so I’d like it if it got changed up a little. Here’s all you need to know on weapons and skins in the final game:
Firstly, all regular, unskinned weapons will be free and drop normally, and it will be impossible to obtain normal weapons in any other way.
Drop rates will be predictable. Probably something like one match a day.
You won’t be able to get a drop of a weapon you already have.
There will be seasonal weapons and weapons added every now and then, and these will just get added to the drop pool. The idea is that if you’ve played a lot and already have every weapon, you can just play for a few hours and get all the new ones without wasting time.
New players will automatically get an amount of randomly chosen weapons after their first match, the amount depending on how many weapons we have in the game and what feels balanced.
The only 100% confirmed cosmetic idea I have is weapon skins.
I’m also thinking about some other concepts, like “super skins” which would change the entire model, and animation packs to make the animations fit a style you like.
To begin with, we’ll sell the skins at a set price (probably under 60 cents each, because seriously any more than that and it’s getting ridiculous in my opinion).
Eventually, we may open the floodgates for people to sell their skins, etc. on the community market.
Fuck loot crates. I mean who wants to get a theoretical box for you to spend $2.49 on just to maybe get something you might want but probably something shit.
You can ask any questions through any of our contacts, or suggest shit in the same way.
Now, other than that thing, I have been doing/thing about some other things (what was that sentence?)
New reload animations, because they’re always fun;
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I also did some work on dual pistols, but it was scrapped because it looked and worked like shit.
Here’s what all the reload animations look like ingame;
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Yeah I’ll improve the hud shut up.
Now, I also now know what the base weapons will be in the final product.
On the attackers (the side with lots of people), you’ll have the following;
Pistol (what you’ve seen so far)
Assault Rifle
On the solo side, you’ll have these things;
Dual pistols (twice the ammo + fire rate of the regular pistol)
Double barelled shotgun
SMG (fires twice as fast as the Assault Rifle)
I’ve been thinking of having melee weapons eventually as well. Anyway, these will be in a simple groups. Namely;
Heavy shotguns
Automatic weapons
These are placeholder names, they’ll probably be better by the time the game’s out. You’ll be able to equip one weapon per group before a match, then you’ll be able to choose what weapon you want each round in a match.
Oh yeah and hit detection works now mostly, but we’ll have two modes to choose from. The easilly-hacked-but-low-latency client side networking, or the difficult-to-hack-but-higher-latency server side networking. With two options, you can play with low latency if you’e playing a match with your friends, but you won’t have to worry about hacking when you’re playing with randoms. Now, for the record, we will try and implement some basic anti cheat on client side mode, like the server will pick up if the player is moving too far in a few seconds than what should be possible, and it’ll check ammo usage, etc, but there’s only so much you can do.
Anyway, moving on from that;
Side quests
Behold! The new section for updates on things that aren’t games, like the website, which just recently got a design update that you can see here! We also fixed some issues with Shift’s site here, so now it uses YouTube to host the video. Now while you’re on the newly updated site, you’ll notice some new buttons. That is all.
I also did some conceptual stuff for the story and mechanics of Overwritten and Reformatted, but that’s not the sort of thing I want to release.
Game Spotlights
Now, because I sometimes want to show off “AAA” games, I’ve renamed this to Game Spotlight(s). I still want to try to always have an indie game. Now, keep in mind indie means indie, not hidden gem. I can’t find a hidden gem every month.
First, an indie FPS by Pixel Titans published by Devolver earlier this year:
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This game got slightly mixed reviews at launch, but I think it’s pretty great if you get it. Just leave a GB of space for this little game to play when you’ve got to pass a period of time too long for you to spend playing some casual game or browsing Reddit, but not long enough to spend playing a game for an hour or so. Actually that’s a terrible idea because you can’t save it although if you could it would be perfect for those times.
Next, and I’m not sure if this classifies as a AAA game or an indie game, but fucking hell I haven’t stopped playing it for months. Like months and months.
Killing Floor 2
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A bit of an older one but fuck it I didn’t say I was going to provide new games monthly did I? I played a bit of this when it was early in early access (so early) and it wasn’t great. It had balance issues, didn’t have enough perks, was too far from the original, some perks didn’t have very streamlined upgrades (in fact Demolitions still doesn’t really). But now, it’s pretty brilliant. It doesn’t have the unmatched teamplay or combos from the original, but of all the wave based zombie-like-thing shooters on the market at the moment that aren’t dead, this is the best. Yes, better than L4D2. I reckon L4D2 isn’t all that great to be honest but hey.
[Also, not sponsored, but it’s on Humble Monthly this month for $12 along with 5 other unknown games if that suits your fancy]
Also, shout out to the minimalist Chrome theme which I made a while ago, but I never really said much about. I was sick of using darkish themes, so I made my own. Some call it stubborn, I call it Dark.Green. Get it here.
Anyway, that��s it for this month. See you next month, probably late.
Meanwhile I’ll keep playing Killing Floor 2 and stuff. cough cough probably spending money on the Bethesda sale on at the moment cough cough.
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seriestrash · 7 years
The Story of Us
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Prologue || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 
✮ Chapter Seven: The Sidekick ✮
Word Count: 6141
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Monday morning approaches and Riley decides to skip the bus and walk to school, even though it would take her close to an hour. Once she arrives, Riley doesn’t find her friends immediately. It’s not until the morning assembly that she gets a chance to say hello. 
Everyone is gathering in the gym for a few announcements followed by the date bidding for the dance. An excitement buzzing through the bleachers as students pile in. Riley spots her three guy friends sulking by the stage and approaches them after Lucas waves her over.
“Do we have a last minute sign up?” Mrs. Dunn asks Riley as she approaches.
“No way!” Riley shakes her head. “I’m just saying hello.” 
“Alright, don’t be too long.” Abbey smiles. “We’ll be starting soon.” 
“Well, well, well, would you look who’s trying to fit in.” Tristan wears a smirk. 
Riley knits her brows in confusion and Tristan tugs at Riley’s yellow dress. “It’s nice to see you in something that doesn’t have holes in it.” 
“Hey!” Thomas whines as he runs his hand over his back tee which was covered in little rips. 
Riley chooses not to take offence and brushes it off. “My mom sent these, all my other clothes are in the wash.”
Lucas jumps to Riley’s rescue and casually changes the subject. “Mabel and I missed you on the bus this morning.”
“Yeah, I decided to walk.” Riley says with half a smile. 
“Got your eye on anyone special?” Thomas asks. 
“What?” Riley is confused again.
“To bid on as a date.” Thomas clarifies. 
“Oh, no.” Riley shakes her head. “I’m not bidding on anyone.” 
“You’re not?” Mabel asks as she approaches them all. “How come?”
“I wont be bidding because I’m not going to the dance.” Riley explains.
“Why not?” Lucas questions. 
“I was speaking to my parents yesterday about missing home and they said I could come for a weekend soon… I figured why not go this weekend since there’s a dance at my old school too, that way I could surprise Charlie.” 
“So you’d miss the rodeo on Saturday?” Lucas looks disappointed. 
Riley gives him a small nod. “I’d like to be there but maybe this weekend could prove something to my parents, maybe they’ll let me stay...” 
“So not only are you ditching us for the dance but you’re quite possibly not coming back at all?” Tristan frowns.
“I don’t know,” Riley sways anxiously on her feet. “I know what Mabel said the other day about a possible time frame my parents could have in mind makes sense but I thought that maybe spending a weekend at home might make them realise they miss me too, at least enough to let me stay…”
Riley didn’t mean to turn the mood upside down but it just happened. Her fight with Maya weighed heavily on her mind all weekend. Riley was so happy about the news of a weekend at home she couldn’t wait to tell Maya but then she remembered that they were fighting and got really down about it. The thought of things being different once she got home scared her. 
The mood was solemn for a minute, nobody said anything until Tristan lets out an exasperated sigh. “I already hate these stupid dances and now you won't even be there to suffer through it with me..” 
“Come on, dances can be fun.” Riley nudges his side with her arm. 
“Every time I end up with some girl trying to buy a gay best friend.” Tristan rolls his eyes. 
“Seriously?” Riley knits her brows. “So there’s no guys-” 
“Openly gay guys around my age in this tiny town,” Tristan pauses to scoff. “Well the list consists of two people including myself.” 
Riley gives him a semi sympathetic smile before being ushered into her seat.
“Lucas seemed disappointed when he realised you wouldn’t be here for the rodeo.” Mabel broaches the subject as they sit down.
“I don’t think he was disappointed.” Riley rejects the notion. 
“Are you kidding?” Mabel scoffs. “You’re the reason he’s doing the rodeo in the first place. You were all like ‘ride the sheep, Lukey’ and he was all like 'yeah, those big bad bulls are no match for me!’ ” Mabel’s imitations were down right hilarious and only slightly offensive.
“That’s what happened?” Riley coaxes her head, “Lukey?”
“Okay, so maybe it didn’t happen exactly like that…” Mabel laughs, “But Riley, the second you told Lucas to go for it, it was like there was no going back.”
“This was days ago so why the sudden interest?” Riley questions.
“It was an immediate interest!” Mabel stresses. “I was supposed to talk you in to talking Lucas out of it but then Thomas offered to walk me home and my brain fried.”
“I didn’t know he’d have to ride a bull.” Riley states. “But trust me Mabel, he’s not doing this for me.”
The principal calls the students into order and reads off a few announcements before Mrs. Dunn takes over. Abbey starts the bidding process and if Riley didn’t find it odd that people were buying dates she might have been excited with all the music and lights. Riley kept reminding herself that these people volunteer - with the exception of Lucas and the twins - to be bid on so it’s all in good fun.
Vanessa was first to be bid on. Riley’s jaw practically hit the floor when bidding jumped from five to forty dollars real quick. Eventually Vanessa was ‘sold’ I feel so icky saying that sorry fam to Miles for sixty-five dollars. 
“Sixty-five dollars?” Riley turns to Mabel with shock all over her face. “My first date with Charlie cost fourteen dollars and that was because he wanted the big bag of liquorice!” 
“These things are crazy.” Mabel whispers back so they don’t get in trouble. “Just wait until it’s Lucas’ turn.” 
Student after student take to the front of the stage. Each date averaged around forty dollars. Vanessa would be the forth most expensive date bid on that day. There were only three people left, Thomas, Tristan and Lucas. 
Thomas begrudgingly takes to the front of the stage with a disinterested look and arms crossed close to his chest. His mother starts the bidding and immediately the price jumps to sixty dollars and goes up from there.
“Are you going to bid?” Riley asks Mabel. 
“Even if I had more than twelve dollars, I wouldn’t,” Mabel shakes her head. “I don’t want to buy a first date with him... ” 
“I get it.” Riley nods in understanding. 
“Besides, dances aren’t really my thing and if you’re not going to be there then I definitely don’t want to go.” Mabel says. 
“You shouldn’t let that stop you.” Riley frowns. 
“I don’t know.” Mabel shrugs slightly and they turn their attention back to the bids. 
Thomas wears a look of horror as his bidding is closed on eighty-four dollars, his date would be Addison, one of the cheerleaders. 
Tristan steps up to the stage, he looks a little more sheepish than usual as he braces himself for what comes next. Tristan’s price rises a little more slowly than Thomas’, his gradually builds in five dollar intervals. With each new bid Tristan looked even more distressed. A split second desicion sees Riley digging for her wallet in her backpack. Quickly she checks the contents and jumps to her feet. 
“Seventy-six dollars and forty-three cents?” Riley calls out loudly but unsure. The brunette prays no one went any higher as that’s all she had. Shock waves over Tristan and Abbey begins to ask if there were any higher bids but her son quickly shoots a mean glare her way and she calls it without even saying ‘going once, twice...’ The moment Tristan hears her say ‘sold’ he lets out a breath of relief. 
Lucas was last to take the stage. He went for an astonishing ninety-eight dollars which had Riley completely blown away. 
Once the students are dismissed from the assembly, Mabel leaves for class and Riley hangs back to pay for her date. Tristan practically tackles Riley in search of answers. 
“Did you change your mind about staying for the dance?” Tristan asks quickly. 
“No, I’m still going back to New York.” Riley says quietly. 
“Then I don’t understand...” Tristan crinkles his brows. “Why did you bid on me?” 
“I just wanted to get your freedom back,” Riley shrugs one shoulder. “This way you can go by yourself or take Leon, or whatever boy that has got you acting so strange lately.” 
“I’m not acting strange!” Tristan says defensively. 
“What are we talking about?” Lucas asks as he approaches with a still sulky Thomas. 
Tristan jumped at the sound of his cousins voice and quickly throws an arm around Riley’s shoulder. “Just how you two are dead to me and Riley is my new best friend.” He chuckles nervously. 
“Not strange at all!” Riley whispers sarcastically. 
“So you’re coming to the dance now?” Lucas pricks up a brow. 
Riley shakes her head. “I was just throwing Tristan a lifeline.” 
“Thanks a lot for considering me!” Thomas whines. 
“I’m sorry,” Riley says defensively. “Tristan sent me broke. I’m going to have to eat half of Mabel’s sandwich at lunch or starve today!” 
“I’ll pay you back every cent!” Tristan says enthusiastically. 
“That defeats the whole purpose of a kind gesture,” Riley giggles. “It’s fine, honestly.” 
“I owe you big time.” Tristan stresses. “Seriously Riley, you name it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Riley laughs. “We should probably get to class.” 
“So Mabel didn’t bid on anyone.” Thomas states as they walk. 
“Has she ever?” Riley questions. 
“Fair point.” Thomas scrunches up his face. 
✮ ✮ ✮
On Wednesday school was cancelled due to a burst pipe. Apparently that was enough to cancel the whole school day in this small town. Riley doesn’t fight it, instead she wakes up with a smile. Topanga called the previous night to let Riley know she booked her ticket home for Friday so she’d be back in just enough time to get ready for the dance. 
Riley bops downstairs, still in her mismatched pyjamas and finds Jed preparing to leave. The old man was struggling to do up the top button of his shirt. Without thinking twice about it, Riley wanders over and assists. Jed mutters something about his hands not working quite like they used too and Riley gives him a small smile. She wonders if this is why her grandfather doesn’t drive much. Which also makes her wonder if that has anything to do with why the house looks so rundown, maybe Jed physically couldn’t do the work.
“You going somewhere?” Riley questions.
“I have an appointment.” Jed sighs. “I won't be back until dinner.”
“Is that code for a hot date?” Riley chuckles. 
Jed chokes on his laughter and shakes his head. “I have not been on a ‘hot date’ for a long while.” 
“Has there been anyone special in your life since your divorce with gran- with Rhiannon?” Riley asks carefully but it still appeared to upset the man. 
“If I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late.” Jed brushes it off. Riley doesn’t argue, she just bids the man farewell. On Jed’s way out his hand cramped up around the doorknob and the tension is awkward during their departure. Riley sucks in a big breath and exhales loudly. If she was maybe leaving Jed for good in two days she wanted to do something nice for him, especially if he couldn’t do it for himself. 
The New Yorker pulls out her phone and dials a number. 
“Riley?” Tristan answers the phone with a hint of surprise in his voice, he was more of a texter rather than a call kind of guy.
Very faintly in the background Riley could hear Thomas and Lucas expressing their surprise as well with mumbled questions of why Riley was calling. Tristan’s shushes them loudly and asks Riley what’s up.
“Remember how on Monday you said you owe big time and would do anything for me?” Riley asks overly innocent.
"Yeah...” Tristan chuckles nervously.
“I would like to cash in on that please.” Riley now wears a devilish grin. “Perhaps you could sway Thomas and Lucas to come over as well?”
“Come over?” Tristan grows even more weary. 
“Jed’s place, ASAP.” Riley says firmly. “I might even make you lemonade.”
Tristan agrees quickly as he did feel grateful for what Riley did on Monday. Lucas didn’t need much convincing and Thomas, well, he had no one to hang out with if they left so he tags along too. 
When Riley hangs up the phone with Tristan she gives Mabel a call. Cheerily, Mabel answers the phone and asks her friend what’s up.
“Do you know how to make a lemonade by any chance?” Riley asks with a slight giggle.
“If kids on the side of the road can work it out I’m sure I could manage..” Mabel laughs too.
"Perfect.” Riley says. “Are you free to swing by Jed’s today?”
“Yeah, I can come over now, if that works for you?” Mabel asks. 
“Sounds great. I’ll see you soon.” Riley says before hanging up. 
Riley goes upstairs to change, soon after, Mabel arrives and Riley invites her in with a warm smile. The freckled girl waves two lemons around which makes Riley erupt with laughter. The New Yorker gives her friend a rundown of what she had in mind for the day and Riley pleasantly surprised to see Mabel quickly adopt her enthusiasm. If this were Maya she was relaying the plan too, Riley knew the blonde would talk her out of it in a matter of minutes and they would do something else. 
Since Mabel was wearing a pretty blouse her mother made, Riley offers her an old shirt to wear for the day. As Mabel is changing, Riley answers the door to the three boys. She swings open the creaky door and wears her devilish grin. “Hello.” 
“I don’t like the look of this, at all.” Thomas grimaces as he waves his finger around Riley’s smirk. 
Riley leads them inside as Mabel’s trotting down the stairs mumbling to herself. “The Beatles have some good music and all but this feels weird-” Mabel looks up from her shirt and realises they had company. 
“Whoa,” the twins say in unison. 
“Twilight Zone or what?” Tristan looks to his brother. 
“Totally freaky.” Thomas nods with a slight grimace. 
“I thought we were over the horror story.” Riley rolls her eyes. “It’s just a house.”
“It’s not that.” Thomas shakes his head. 
“It’s you in the overalls and Mabel in the band tee..” Tristan is still staring at them both. “I mean Friday at Chubbie’s was dramatic and you’ve been dressing different at school but to see both of you together like this, it’s..” 
“Totally freaky.” Thomas finishes his brothers sentence. 
Riley grows self conscious about her striped shirt and denim overalls. She wishes she could run upstairs and change without it making things weirder. Knowing she couldn’t, Riley just brushes it off. “These are just some old clothes I threw on to work in.” 
Again Lucas jumps to Riley’s rescue and changes the subject. “So, what is it we’re working on today?” 
“Everything.” Riley’s smirk returns and she fills the guys in on her master plan for the day. Thomas seemed the most reluctant but ultimately was okay with helping. He did spend the whole day complaining though. 
The idea was to go hard for a few hours and whip Jedediah’s house into shape whilst he was out. Riley assigned the boys to yard duty whilst Mabel and her zipped through the inside. They dust off and wipe down every surface, they fluff the sofa and all its cushions. 
Outside the boys were ‘working’ on the yard. Mostly they were messing around with each other, taking three times longer than needed. Jed didn’t have many tools but luckily the Friar’s had a fully stocked shed right next door.
Riley and Mabel attempt to serve up some lemonade after an hour but everyone spits their first mouthful back into their cup. 
“Did you put any sugar in this?” Thomas coughs as the lemon stung his throat. 
“I thought it was supposed to be bitter?” Riley gives them all apologetic looks. 
“The kids on the side of the street bested us.” Mabel sighs which earns laughter  amongst the group, even though Riley was the only one who really understood her joke. 
The late afternoon approaches and it had already been hours, the inside was smelling fresh as a daisy and the backyard was no longer a twirling hazard. The group all end up in the front yard to finish things off. 
The guys clean the front porch whilst Riley and Mabel sit on the path and fix Jed’s mailbox. The two girls are finished nailing it to the post when Lucas strolls over. 
“Hey Mabel, I think Thomas needs some help with the hose.” Lucas says. 
“He doesn’t know how to use it?” Mabel gives him a quizzical look. 
“Mabel.” Riley gives her a look and nudges her head towards the twins. 
“Oh!” Mabel says, “Oh...” she says more paniced. 
“You’ll be fine.” Riley whispers and Lucas stands off to the side, pretending like he can’t hear. “Besides, he’s the dummy that can’t work a hose.” 
Even Lucas laughs at Riley’s playful joke but quickly returns to pretending like he wasn’t listening. Mabel rises from her crouched position and wanders over to the twins.
“Now who’s meddling?” Riley is smug as she dips her brush into the paint tin beside her.
“I’m just a pawn in the universes plan for them.” Lucas says simply.
Riley shakes her head with a smile and begins to paint the mailbox white.
Lucas plonks himself down where Mabel sat and leans back, pushing the weight of his body off his hands that brushed against the freshly mown grass. His head tilted back and the sun beaming down on his face. Lucas silently soaks up the sun whilst Riley paints. A comfortable silence between then with the faint laughter of the three of the porch drifting over. 
After Riley paints the base of the mailbox white she switches brushes and dips it into a tin of purple, she then begins to paint the roof of the box. 
“You’re getting purple where it should be white,” Lucas points at Riley’s sloppy painting. 
“Art was never my strong suit.” Riley frowns as she realises she is botching the job. “It’s more Maya’s thing... Kinda.” Riley shakes her head. 
“Are you guys still fighting?” Lucas asks cautiously. 
“We’re more just upset at being apart.” Riley shrugs. “That will change this weekend.” 
Lucas picks up the brush used to paint the white and starts cleaning up the edges for Riley. 
“Jed doesn’t strike me as a purple kinda guy,” Lucas changes the subject after seeing that Maya was a touchy one. 
“He’s not.” Riley says simply. “But I want to leave a piece of me behind..” 
“So is this clean up part of your master plan to secure a one way ticket home on Friday?” Lucas asks, not believing it. 
“What do you think?” Riley answers with a question. 
“I think a lot of things.” Lucas smiles as he dips his brush back into the tin and flicks off the excess paint. A few specks accidentally hitting Riley. 
“Watch the denim!” Riley gasps as she tugs at the strap of her overalls. 
“I thought it was something you threw on for the purpose of getting dirty today,” Lucas wears his smug smirk. 
“And I thought smug was an unattractive look.” Riley sasses back. 
“Oh only on you,” Lucas laughs. “Everything looks good on me.” He jokes. 
“Hey can I borrow the white brush for a second? I missed a spot.” Riley asks.
Without thinking it over Lucas hands Riley his brush which was really just her plan to unarm him. The brunette uses her original brush to smear a purple line across Lucas’ face. The Texan spits purple paint as he was taken completely by surprise. 
“You’re right,” Riley fights her laughter, “Everything does look good on you.” 
Lucas reaches for Riley’s brushes and she dodges with a giggle. The New Yorker springs up from her kneeling position and backs away from Lucas. 
“It’s not a fair fight if you have all the weapons!” Lucas laughs as he chases her. 
Lucas reaches for the paint tin and gives Riley a look as he swings the tin menacingly. Riley throws both brushes into the street and holds her hands up defensively. At this point the three on the porch had started watching the battle unfold. 
“Truce!” Riley please. 
“Fine..” Lucas lowers the paint tin down again. “You better get those brushes so we can finish painting.” 
“Thank you,” Riley takes a deep breath and turns around to collect the thrown brushes. 
With her back turned Lucas reaches for the hose Thomas was holding. 
“Riley it’s a trap!” Mabel shouts. Confused, Riley turns around and is instantly hit with a hose to the face. Her whole self is drenched in an instant. 
“Lucas, be careful of her contact lenses!” Tristan shouts. 
“What?” Lucas switches the hose off. “I didn’t know you wore contacts?” 
“I don’t.” Riley smirks having caught on to what was happening. 
“Team Riley!” Tristan shouts as he yanks the hose and Lucas drops it. Riley runs to his side. 
“Me too!” Mabel shouts as she stands on Tristan’s other side. 
“Betrayed!” Lucas’ eyes grow wide as he stares his hose wielding cousin down and in a matter of seconds Lucas is now the one wriggling under the water pressure. 
“I got your back, Lukey,” Thomas shouts as he jumps on Tristan, wrestling his brother for the hose. The battle for control results in Mabel being added to the list of soaked and Thomas shouts apologies but he stands his ground for team Lucas. Lucas joins in the struggle for the hose which results in them all dropping it and falling to the ground together. The three boys forget about the hose and play westle in the grass together. At this point both Riley and Mabel were unsure as to who was on whose team anymore. 
Riley looks at the hose on the ground and gives Mabel an innocent shrug. The strawberry blonde girl gives Riley a nod of approval. The New Yorker picks up the hose and stands by the three boys entangled and chuckling in the grass. Riley clears her throat and hovers over them, all three stop and look at Riley with wide eyes. Just before Riley was about to pull the lever and soak them all further, a car horn honks three times. Riley looks up and sees a boy parked in front of Lucas’ home, his head hanging out the window. An instant recognition sparks disbelief in the girl. 
“Zay?” Riley asks. All three boys snap their heads around to find their old friend getting out of the car. 
“Riley?” Zay seems just as surprised. Riley drops the hose and runs over to him. The two meet halfway and smack together in a big embrace. Their dramatic reunion would suggest to onlookers that the two were quite close when in actuality they were hardly friends but there was something so exciting about the shock of seeing each other that sparked both their adrenalines. For Riley it was like having a piece of home brought to her. 
“You are incredibly damp,” Zay squeaks as he breaks their embrace. 
“What are you doing here?” Riley asks, ignoring the remark about her current state. 
“Here is home. What are you doing here?” Zay speaks quickly. “I heard you got suspended but then you didn’t come back. Someone said you got sent to Texas. I tried to ask Maya where exactly but she just Ha Hurred in my face.” 
“That sounds like, Maya,” Riley rolls her head forward with a laugh. “I knew you were from Texas but I didn’t even think about that when I got here.” 
After the other four teens - including Mabel - got over the initial shock of what was unfolding they too approached the bubbly reunion. The twins engulfing their friend in a group hug. 
“What is happening here?” Lucas asks still in shock. 
“Zay and I go to school together in New York!” Riley says still buzzing with excitement. “Guys, is this is your friend that moved away?”
“Yes!” Tristan joins in on the excitement. 
“I can’t believe none of us worked this out,” Riley shakes her head at how ridiculous it seemed. “I can’t believe I didn’t even ask for his name.” 
“I told you we should have asked Zay if he knew Riley when she first got here!” Tristan says smugly as he shoves his brothers arm. 
“Eight million people remember!” Thomas scoffs, “What are the odds of him knowing Riley?” 
“Pretty good apparently.” Mabel joins in. 
“Mabel?” Zay looks surprised all over again. He hadn’t noticed her standing off to the side. 
“Hey, Zay.” She gives him a small smile. 
“How’s V?” He asks softly. 
“She’s okay,” Mabel doesn’t know what else to say. Her friendship with Vanessa was on the outs when they finally started dating. 
“Zay, what are you doing here?” Lucas asks.
"I’m here because your crazy ass thinks it can ride Tombstone the bull this weekend!” Zay shakes his head. 
“I already told you on the phone last weekend that you can’t talk me out of it.” Lucas folds his arms. 
“I know, that’s why I came back for your funeral.” Zay laughs as he gently smacks Lucas in the chest. “Wait, wait,” realisation crosses Zay’s face. “Riley is the pretty brunette that talked you into this- How did I not work it out then...” 
“The pretty brunette?” Riley pricks up a brow. 
“It’s this codename thing we’ve done since-” Thomas is cut off by Lucas. 
“So are you guys like friends, friends in New York?” Lucas asks quickly. 
“Not really,” Zay admits. “Do you remember how I told you about the sidekick?” Zay’s excitement drops immediately once the words slip out. 
“Sidekick?” Riley asks quietly. “That’s what you think of me, Zay?” 
“It’s not like that, Riley,” Zay tries to explain quickly but Riley backs away, visibly upset. 
“It’s fine, whatever.” Riley makes a break for Jed’s before anyone could stop her. 
“I should, you know...” Mabel points a thumb over her shoulder. 
“I think maybe I should.” Lucas says. 
“You can hang with us,” Thomas says to Mabel with a small smile as things were awkward for all of them. “We’ll stay here at Lucas’ and he can come get you if he needs?” 
“Okay.” Mabel nods slightly. 
“Tell her I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean it offensively.” Zay says genuinely to Lucas. 
Lucas gives him a nod and turns to go. “Lucas, wait.” Zay calls after him. 
“Yeah?” Lucas pauses. 
“Jacob’s here too.” Zay says quietly. “I dropped him off at the sheriffs department on the way here.” 
“Great.” Lucas mutters but that is something he’d deal with later. Right now he needed to see Riley. 
Lucas finds Riley in her room. Her still damp back pressed against the glass of the balcony doors. Her knees pulled up close to her chest. 
“Pretend bay window?” Lucas asks as he sits himself across from her. He too is still damp so he tries not to lean against the bed or anything. 
“I abandoned Mabel, is she okay?” Riley wipes at her tear soaked cheeks trying to play it cool. 
“Yeah she’s fine, she’s with the guys next door.” Lucas says. “The real question is, are you okay?” 
“Totally fine,” Riley sniffles. 
“You’re not going to make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the actually bay window in the inn, just to get you to talk, are you?” Lucas half smiles. 
“What do you want to talk about Lucas?” Riley asks with a sad shrug.
“I don’t know, I want to give you an explanation I guess..” 
“Okay,” Riley steadies her emotions, “Explain to me why Zay called me a sidekick.” 
“My father, my uncle - The twins dad - and Zay’s father were all sheriffs deputies together,” Lucas begins. Riley’s not sure why this was relevant but she keeps quiet and lets him continue. “When we were growing up we all thought it was so cool that our dads were out there fighting crime, little did we know this is possibly the most boring town in existence crime wise-” Lucas shakes his head as he was getting further away from his point. “We used to pretend to be officers too and we’d hang around the park trying to solve crime. We had this red wagon that we’d wheel around our ‘evidence’ in. During that time we started to make codenames for each other and potential ‘suspects’ and eventually that game got old but the codename thing stuck around. Hence sidekick... and last weekend was the first time I’ve spoken to Zay in month so our lack of communication and usage of real names probably heavily contributed to us not working out we both knew you.”
“That’s a real cute origin story and everything,” Riley says with a hint of sarcasm. “But I want to know why he thinks I’m the sidekick. Maya’s sidekick right?”
“It was years ago,“ Lucas shakes his head trying to remember exactly. "He’d been at school for a couple days. There was a girl protesting about homework, he called her the rebel. Something about a fire alarm and you joined in.”
“Earning myself the nickname, sidekick.” This sparks Riley’s tears again remembering that moment very clearly. 
“Zay has a big mouth but he didn’t intend for it to sound so mean.” Lucas says genuinely. “It was just a dumb name he thought of in the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s his only opinion of you. Had it of been reversed and Maya stood up after you, she would have been the sidekick.” Lucas says. “It was just the situation-” 
“And that’s exactly why I’m so upset!” Riley’s voice cracks. “That was the exact moment I decided I didn’t want to be a sidekick anymore. That’s when I decided I wanted to be more like Maya and I tried so hard to change. You yourself called me a sheep. I’m just a follower.”
“You know that’s not what I meant when I said that.”
“What did you mean then, Lucas?” Riley asks. 
Lucas saw what Riley saw with Mabel. A shy kind of pretty. But not just the physical softness that was cloaked in her tough facade but the shyness of her soul, the soft nature that hid below the surface. Something that sounds so ridiculous that he wasn’t sure how he could possibly make sense of it aloud. 
“I didn’t know who you were before the moment you decided to change.” Lucas states. “I don’t even know who you were a week before you got here but I do know that two and a half weeks ago I spotted a stranger twirling in the grass. I knew nothing about her other than how happy she looked in the moment. I didn’t know it then but that was you, alone and away from judgement, that was you just being you. Even if you didn’t know it at the time.” 
“I’m just so confused all the time, I hated being boring so I changed but changing got me nowhere. My parents don’t like who I am, the world still clearly sees me as a sidekick or at the very least fake-” Riley stops abruptly in a huff.
“My grandma Mae always used to say this one thing to me before she died, I was too young to understand it then but I think I know what she means now.” Lucas smiles at the memory. “La perception d'une chose ne le rend pas tellement.” again google translate so sorrrrrrrry if incorrect
“And that means?” Riley asks. 
“Loosely translated it means, the perception of a thing doesn’t make it so.” Lucas explains. “If you let someone say who you are then you certainly won't end up being who you were meant to be. So even if I tell you that I believe you’re a good person, your own person, it doesn’t matter unless you think of yourself that way.” 
Riley had given similar advice to Mabel just that past weekend, “If you see yourself that way how is anyone else going to see you any different?” It’s funny how Riley preaches one thing but can’t live up to it herself. 
“I don’t know who to be.” Riley says weakly. 
“Be the girl who wears a yellow dress or denim overalls without an explanation. Be the girl who pushes her shy friend to open up. Be the girl who spends her last seventy-six dollars and forty-three cents on a date to a dance she’s not going to. Be the girl who has a ticket home but still does something nice for the grandfather she’s stayed with. Be trusting, find the beauty in the saddest of situations.” Lucas wears a warm smile as he holds Riley’s stare. “Twirl through life being unapologetically, Riley.” 
Riley’s eyes have filled with tears again, but tears of a different nature. “Remember when you asked me if you were a jerk?” 
“Yeah.” Lucas says quietly. 
“You’re so whatever the other option is.” Riley nods with a sad little chuckle. 
Lucas points a wide smile at his knees. “You want to get dry and see what the the losers- and Mabel- are doing next door?” 
“Yeah.” Riley says softly. 
Once at the Friar’s, Zay apologises again to Riley and she forgives him knowing that it upset her because she saw herself that way and things fall into a natural swing quite quickly. After spending the evening at Lucas’, Mabel is picked up first by her mom and then Riley parts after the four guys get a message from Cassidy asking them to meet at Pappy Joe’s for dinner. 
Riley makes her way back to Jedediah’s knowing he would be home by now. “I hope I’m not too late,” Riley calls out as she enters the door. “I got caught up next door.” 
“That’s alright, I just got in.” Jed sits two plates down at the table. “The house, the yard-” 
“Me and my friends were bored,” Riley shrugs. “No big deal.” 
“Very big deal.” Jed stresses. “Thank you.” 
“Is that Chinese food I smell?” Riley asks. 
“Yes, I picked some up on the way home.” Jed affirms. “Your mother said you like it.” 
“Love it.” Riley nods. “So you and mom, you’ve been talking a bit recently?” 
“Over the past few months, yes.” Jed nods. “Everyday since you’ve got here.” 
“I was beginning to think she was happy to be rid of me.” Riley jokes as she helps set the table. 
“Quite the opposite.” Jed pulls out Riley’s seat for her to sit in. 
“I’m sorry I brushed you off this morning.” Jed apologises as he sits across from her. 
“That’s alright.” Riley says genuinely. “Some truths are hard to face.” 
Jed nods slightly. “You can ask me whatever you want.”
“How do you know Pappy Joe?” Riley starts her quizzing immediately. 
“We met many years ago. We were practically still kids at the time. I was travelling through the states on a trip funded by odd jobs I picked up along the way. I’d hitchhike from town to town and one day I was walking along a dirt road when a stranger pulled over in a beat up truck and offered me a ride into town.”
“That was Joe?” Riley asks. 
Jed nods. “He took me to the inn he worked at and got me a job maintaining the grounds.” 
“I can’t believe you met all those years ago,” Riley says, “Why didn’t you tell me, or Lucas even when he was here?” 
“You didn’t ask.” Jed has a small smile. “And some pieces of the story come to light at a time you need them too.” 
Riley crinkles her brows. His statement seemed to whimsical yet she felt like she understood exactly what he meant. 
“Then you went back to Philly, moved to Pittsburgh and ended up back here again?” Riley tries to piece things together. 
“I retired early, after years of hating my work. Once I finally washed my hands of it all I wanted to come somewhere quiet. Somewhere that felt like home.” 
“And that’s here?” Riley raises a brow. 
Jed is quiet for a moment before lifting his gaze back up to Riley. “This is where I met your grandmother.” 
“Whoa.” Riley gasps. 
End Note: SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG AS USUAL. Im at work and REALLY have to get back to it. I’ll tag people later.... Next chapter is possibly my fave idk too early to say sjkgfhfdhg; - Dances? No dances? What hizhappenz >??ASD?FSDGK
BYE I HAVE 1% battery left on my comp dskgjhfdjhg
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mama2aprince · 5 years
★★★ $100 Gift Card GIVEAWAY ★★★ SURPRISE, BABY is LIVE! ★ If enemies-to-lovers is your jam, be sure to pick up our steamy romantic comedy! Leslie McAdam and I hope you enjoy our book as much as we enjoyed writing it! (Scroll down to see what reviewers are saying and to check out our special offer.) ★ TO ENTER: Do one or more of the options below. Each extra thing you do gets you an additional entry. Be sure to use one entry per comment. 1. LIKE | COMMENT 2. Add SB to Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2EmnNqr 3. BONUS: - Tag | Share - Subscribe to my newsletter ➡ http://bit.ly/2DrPcUi - Subscribe to Leslie’s newsletter ➡http://bit.ly/2XTXPkA - Follow me on Instagram ➡ http://bit.ly/2rJMwfN - Follow Leslie on Instagram ➡ http://bit.ly/2SLZ4P0 - Follow me on Goodreads ➡ http://bit.ly/29dyOMw - Follow Leslie on Goodreads ➡http://bit.ly/2XR3Ej2 - Follow me on BookBub ➡ http://bit.ly/2Fty5Vq - Follow Leslie on BookBub ➡ http://bit.ly/2XOvJHL - Follow me on Amazon ➡ https://amzn.to/2JsUTak - Follow Leslie on Amazon ➡http://amzn.to/2gf9W6B Thanks for spreading the news about our release! —————————— WHAT REVIEWERS ARE SAYING… ★ Brilliant, Brilliant, BRILLIANT! Surprise, Baby! is a book that is fun, flirty, dirty, and so, so loveable. - Kay Daniels Romance: 5 stars ★ Martin and McAdam put the moves on the funny bone while waltzing away with the heart. Hilariously entertaining, irresistibly wicked, unforgettable fun. - Isha C., Goodreads reviewer: 5 stars ★ I love the bickering and banter, the push and pull... The chemistry is so hot, too! I highly recommend this book. - Sweet Spot Sisterhood Book Lover’s Blog: 5 stars ★ This book just SERIOUSLY ROCKED my world. - S. Shade, Goodreads reviewer: 5 stars —————————— ★ Get your copy of Surprise, Baby while it’s $2.99! Price goes up soon! Amazon US - https://amzn.to/2SNzSsg Universal Amazon - mybook.to/SurpriseBaby iBooks - https://apple.co/2RlRvTA Nook - http://bit.ly/2LZhkTx Google Play - http://bit.ly/2sir8yG Kobo - http://bit.ly/2TL46fV Paperback - https://amzn.to/2Hkksc2 Audible link coming soon! —————————— ★ SPECIAL OFFER: If you purchase the Surprise, Baby! PAPERBACK between now and March 17, we’ll mail you a signed bookplate, bookmark, magnet, and postcard! Send proof of purchase to [email protected] with the subject BOOKPLATE. ★ CHECK OUT OUR SHORT BOOK TRAILER ➡http://bit.ly/2TPhbbL —————————— ★ ALL ABOUT THE D / 99 CENT SALE: Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2LYwBDP Amazon Universal: myBook.to/AllAboutTheD Nook: http://bit.ly/2Ixzdt3 Kobo: http://bit.ly/2wvVhj3 Google Play: http://bit.ly/2rAWGjr iBooks: https://apple.co/2IbovJt (Surprise, Baby! and All About the D are standalones featuring different couples.) —————————— ★ To hang with us, stop by our groups! We have giveaways going on all week. Lex’s Wildcats: http://bit.ly/2BgYxOn Leslie’s Southwinds: http://bit.ly/2EXOIad
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marginsofmarga · 7 years
Althea Korea Unboxing and Review
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The internet gets handier day by day and I’m seriously amazed by it - like for instance, being able to buy things online. Imagine the convenience it extends, really. Phenomenal!
Well, annyeong haseyo!
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My inner Korean heart is sooo happy because last time, I got to receive a package from an online K-beauty shopping destination that ships 100% authentic popular K-beauty products right to your doorsteps - Althea Korea and I’m pretty much impressed with the smooth transaction plus goodies I got to try, which I am excited to share with you guys!
So, after school that day, I came home to a pink pack that’s quite heavy. Even the pack is so cute! I saw an Althea logo and I felt that my heart skipped a tiny beat because aaah! Really, it’s from Seoul, Korea and it rained me heart-eyes emoji! A proud moment because actually, it was my first ever international blogger mail and I can’t contain my feels!
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Enough of the drama because I know y'all wanna know the goodies.
Two beautifully curated boxes stunned me because yeah, I got a separate product by the way.
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Part of Althea Korea is apart from single products, you can also buy from a variety of salad box that contain mixed goodies called Beauty Box and the price is absolutely fair. I chose the Head-To-Toe Box (Editor’s Pick) because it features an array of products that will treat my literal whole self. Here they are:
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1. Mise-en-scence Perfect Serum Treatment and Shampoo
People with damaged hair! This pair is perfect and exclusive for you! Nourish the hair damage that came from heat, colorings and excessive treatment. Infused with 7x Perfect Oil and Micro Protein, this pair can make thy crowning glory healthy and bouncy.
Who doesn’t want healthy, right? This pair gave me respect to the brand because it exceeded my expectations! Hands off!
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2. Nature Republic: Nature Olive Scalp Cooling Hair Pack
This is one of my favorites because of the cooling sensation! A perfect scalp treatment, y'all! It has a peppermint leaf extract that gives a soothing effect with refreshing scent. After shampoo, just dispense a quarter-sized amount onto palm, apply on scalp using fingertips and massage thoroughly. Then leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash off with water. Nourished scalp and hair achieved! To be honest, after using this, my hair got brought to life again. Amazing!
I’ve heard about Nature Republic before, thanks to binge-watching Kdrama and fanning over EXO, who were promoters of the brand :) I guarantee you, this is worth every penny!
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3. Skin & Lab White Vita-C Essence
Dedicated to brighter and smoother skin by high concentration of vital charge source and vitamin derivatives is this baby. Skin & Lab is not just another cosmetic brand but realization of true science based on plenty of research experience. All products of Skin & Lan are designed to provide solution for healthy skin. Hmm, can’t wait to see results using this serum! I’m deeply in love with the smell!
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4. CLIO Pro Eye Palette Quad_01 Amber Slip
Oh my! I can now create my own makeup look with gorgeous color payoff. The formula’s upgraded, smooth pigments blend into skin seamlessly. It creates a beautiful, professional makeup look with added lasting power. This got my back, because neutral colors I love are in one. Each shade has some glitters so I don’t worry for day or night event lewk!
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5. Angel Factory Underarm White Peeling Perfume
Set the hassle aside when getting rid of armpit hair because this one’s a solution! It also gives a long-lasting scent that girls especially lazy ones would love! The application is easy: Wipe out one armpit with a mask side of pad and clean it again with a cotton side of pad then apply the white cream after it’s completely absorbed. Then repeat to the other.
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6. The Choute Hot Body Salt Scrub
Polish thy body skin with the power of sea salt. Rub and buff for supple, healthy-looking skin. This is known for getting rid of cellulite which makes it a great deal. It also contains cranberry seed that helps remove dead skin cells.
I did feel its hot sensation, literally. At first I got a little scared because I thought I was burning. Good thing that after shower, it’s being gone slowly and I thought this would be best used during cold days!
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7. W Lab Change Foot Peeling Pack
At the end of the day, it’s time to comfort the feet. This features some sock masks that can instantly offer powerfully exfoliated, baby butt-smooth feet! Perfect for sloughing off calluses and dead skin cells for restoration of softness in thy feet.
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8. LaBellona Perfect Hair Care Essence Oil Complex
This is the separate product I was talking about.
Anything good for my hair, please. This essential features a high-enriched oil care. Formulated with vitamins from Rose Hip Oil plus Horse Oil that helps in recovering damaged hair. The smell is heavenly!
Hair oil like this is such a necessity because most of the time, due to severe treatments, out hair starts to lose the right amount of natural oil it needs.
In fact, this is promising! I think this one is about 2k but is on sale at 920 pesos.
Althea Korea is a trusted company that caters nothing but authenticity and authenticity. Korean products, be it known or unpopular can be found in their site and to tell y'all sincerely, the prices are truly fair and without markup so this is a perfect store to buy from because you get to order directly from Korea and lucky you because a lot can’t be found in the Philippines.
Each product you buy will be handpicked from their warehouse and will be shipped right to your doorsteps. At the moment, they offer 300 pesos off from your first order, free shipping over 999 pesos and above and this is so good to be true - when you refer friends through mail, you’ll get 200 pesos off when they purchase.
Reward Points may be awarded to accounts based on certain activities such as participation in promotional activities, and refunds. Points may used as credits for future purchases on Althea subject to the terms and conditions of certain promotions. Unless stated otherwise, points will expire 30 days after the grant date. Points may not be redeemable or exchangeable in cash and/or products, nor transferrable to other accounts. Althea reserves the right to cancel or revoke points from a user's account at its own discretion.
Althea also offers a 30-day unconditional refund to all of its members. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you must contact Althea by email ([email protected]) within 30 days upon receiving the product and we will provide you with some simple instructions on returning your product for a full refund, subject to the following terms and conditions.
This proves that I’m confident enough to guarantee you guys that every single cent you’ll pay will be worth it.
Check out Althea Korea because hot deals are waiting for you! Just click the bold words and it’ll take you there.
What are your thoughts? Do let me know :)
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4 notes · View notes
gertrudejnieves · 4 years
OmniBlaster Review – Should You Get This? An User Review
OmniBlaster Review – 
The Best 3-in-one Marketing Software Guarantees 300% More Profits Using Combined Power Of Email With SMS And Voice Broadcasting
Did you know?
Most people don’t read newspapers
Most people don’t read posters
Most people don’t listen to the radio
Most people don’t watch the TV
Nowadays people have smartphones in their hand and checking emails, social messages frequently. If you want to profit from 2020 and beyond, you have to be smart and cover each and every opportunities. So, i found this tool and i like it so much.
What about access to a user-friendly software that ensures 300% more sales and profits.
Will that help you make more money in the next 30 days than you did In the last 3 months?
I think I don’t know what I am talking about as a freakin. You would probably laugh.
But you’d be curious deep inside and seriously hopeful – that I know what I’m talking about and it’s true … By ensuring that your marketing messages are read instantly to your potential buyers.
OmniBlaster Review – An Overview
Product Name OmniBlaster Product Creator Victory Akpos Launch Date & Time [2020-Jul-13] @ 11:00 EDT Price $29 Bonus Yes, Best Bonus Available! Refund Period 30-Days Official Site https://getomniblaster.com/ Product Type Email, SMS, Voice Broadcasting Software Skill All Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
What Is Called “OmniBlaster”?
“Omnibalster” is a new cloud-based ‘3-In-One’ marketing software that generates 300% more profits using the combined the power of Email Autoresponder with SMS Sender and Voice Broadcasting.
That’s 300% more money in the bank in just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Run quick Email, SMS & Voice Campaigns
Step 2: Generate instant landing pages in 1-click
Step 3: Collect easy payments via built-in PayPal checkout
The most effective way to currently promote anything online for massive sales and profits in this over-noisy 2020 is to combine email with SMS marketing and voice broadcasting. 100% tested and proven.
9.4 Total Score
Well Made!
Drive 3X more sales using the combined power of Email, SMS and Voice Broadcasting inside a single push-button platform. Create and run unlimited email, SMS & Voice campaigns from a single platform Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through Voice, SMS, and Email. A must-have ‘All-In-One’ Product for every online marketer looking to make profits in 2020.
Heavily Discounted Price
FREE Commercial License Included
Exclusive Bonuses
30-day Money Back Guarantee
100% Newbie Friendly & Beta Testers Approved
There Is No Significant Cons Until Now
User Rating: Be the first one!
About The Author
Victory Akpos, one of Africa’s fastest growing digital marketers, has launched several 6-figure launches since 2017, and dozens of Top 10 leader board domination in the affiliate marketing business… He is an expert in mobile technology, product development and affiliate marketing.
He is also the co-founder of many renowned products such as AlterStore, Reach Influencer, Uduala eCom and Dropship Selling Academy. Many experts around the world strongly recommended them, and many consumers received positive reviews. You will know that this product is no exception if you read the rest of this review.
What OmniBlaster Can Do For You? – A Honest Review
Everybody answers 98 per cent of phone calls and, in the space of 3 minutes (office, on the farm, in school , at home, in the bathroom, etc.) 90 per cent of sms messages are read.
Listen! You will have to learn how to do it differently, and obviously more smartly, if you want to shine the competition and make more money online.
So I would now like to help you turn more than 3 times more visitors into customers so boost revenue by combining e-mail, SMS & voice broadcasting. Everything from a single platform.
You can send offers to your customers’ inboxes and phones – by hitting just one button – and make easy sales. With OmniBlaster you’ll instantly be able to:
Sell more ecommerce products, physical products, information products and software
Improve your affiliate promotions and make fat commissions effortlessly
Promote your events
Get sign ups
Make announcements
And so much more
With the free commercial license included. You can able to create unlimited email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell it to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each or you may run an agency business using this opportunity.
OmniBlaster simply switches on all three at the same time, and then applies the monetization strategies in the VIP training… finally, you will have a business that makes you money every day.
The Features Of OmniBlaster
Create & run unlimited email, SMS & voice campaigns from a single platform
Plug-n-play: a complete set-up that is ready to deploy for-profits
Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through voice, SMS, and email
Easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social networks and force people to buy through an automated voice, SMS and/or email campaigns
Easily create several sequences of messages and link these with your earlier created campaign
Generate an embed code to place on any existing website to capture leads into an email/SMS/voice campaign
Made point-n-click easy to serve marketers across all experience levels
Built-in PayPal check-out system for receiving instant payments
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Seamless API integrations: Infobip, Twilio, Plivio, Nexmo, Clickatell, Mailgun, Amazon Ses, Elasticemail, SMTP
Run repeat campaigns to your own email and phone number list
Fully responsive: create & run cash generating campaigns on the fly
Save money on expensive and recurring email marketing service
How Does OmniBlaster Work?
OmniBlaster Demo
The Members Area View
After the payment, you will receive your login credentials from JvZoo. Use those data to login inside “OmniBlaster”.
OmniBlaster requires some settings. All the tutorials included under the training area.
Now, you can create a campaign in few simple steps. Name your campaign, choose your list & save it.
The Ways You Can Use OmniBlaster For Profits (Most Easiest Methods)
Insert any product image, sales videos, promo videos and links to your products directly inside your messages – directly inside your prospects and customers email and text message tab on their phones. Add special offers & personalized discounts to skyrocket your sales and conversions.
Make your affiliate promotions stand out when every prospect sees your personal messages every day on those 3 places. For them, this looks like the ultimate effort is being made — and your conversion and bank balance pays dividends.
Remember, OmniBlaster app gives you a guaranteed 300% more profits as it the power of email with SMS and voice broadcasting. With the free commercial license included. You can create email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each.
Other than this, you can
Promote Your/Other People’s Pre-launch Webinars
Get Sign Ups To CPA Offers
Make Announcements
And so much more.
Who All Can Use This?
OmnibBaster works for everyone who’s selling something (irrespective of your niche…)
How Much Does OmniBlaster Cost? – The Pricing & Evaluation
For a limited time, you have special discount. So you can get OmniBlaster for only $29 (One-time).
With that onetime payment of $29
You can easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social
Networks and to capture leads into an Email/SMS/Voice Campaign
You can instantly broadcast or schedule marketing messages through VOICE, SMS, and email to sell anything
You can easily create several eMail/SMS/Voice Autoresponder messages and link these with your earlier
Created campaigns to sell more products
That’s not all my friend. There are so many advantages over other services.
Now lets compare this OmniBlaster software with some of the other competitors out there and see the benefits that no one offer…
What Is Good & What Is Bad?
The Good Things Are
Generate easy sales
Send-n-forget income generation
3-point contact with customers
Tested & proven system
No monthly fees ever
Newbie friendly, web-based app
No hosting, coding or design skills needed
Built-in paypal checkout
Experienced team working behind-the-scenes
Launch special introductory offer
Limited time bonuses
Premium customer support
Bad Things
I am completely okay with this OmniBlaster system.
I am so confident that you’ll get results with this software & training. The beta-testers results are nothing short of phenomenal. Try OmniBlaster for 30 days totally risk-free. If you put the software to use and for some reason, you don’t get results just open a support ticket and vendor will issue you a refund immediately. If you’re not happy they don’t want your money it’s that simple. So hurry, act now and lock-in your discounted copy right now before the price increases. Thank you for reading my “Omni Blaster” review today. Please leave your honest comments below.
Alterstores allows you & your subscribers to quickly create high-value “affiliate authority stores” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2020!
With great functions, such as price comparisons, price discount warnings, the search log showing you what everyone wants, actual discounts, original content, and many quality products from a variety of networks. No hosting, no download.
See the value of this reseller license am offering you for free today here; http://getalterstores.com/oto3-w
Videract allows you to quickly create high-value “interactive videos” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2019 through deeper engagement!
With amazing interactive elements such as CTA (call to actions), quizzes, video embeds, sliders, opt-in layout, countdown times, logo & image overlay, buttons, download files, text overlay, charts, custom html embedding and many more elements that bind, interactivate and convert online income on massive channels. No hosting; no download.
Checkout more info here: http://getvideract.com/oto4/
I don’t believe I’ll do this 100% free, I’ll offer you the chance to sell my best-selling Veedads software and keep 100% of the profit from our proven high-converting copy and graphics. Check out the selling page of veedads here! Just think about selling 100 Veedads in a month at $37 / copy and walking home for pure benefit at $3700 / m … Your imagination is your limit!
What will veedads do for you and your customers? Veedads lets you easily create traffic & sales-driving video ads for any ecom or digital product in few clicks without experience, creativity or technical skills needed.
Snapishop is the world’s first and only smart cloud-based affiliate store builder… in just a few clicks, snapishop builds fully optimised and monetised money making stores with all the bells and whistles needed to bank big passive commissions. Move 100 times faster with snapishop and easily earn massive commissions through multiple platforms such as aliexpress, amazon, bestbuy or ebay…
Visit for more info: https://snapishop.com/
NOTE: Kindly submit a ticket here to claim these exclusive bonuses https://supremewebcustomercare.freshdesk.com/support/home
F.A.Q. About OmniBlaster
I’ve been receiving some questions about it and would like to answer them for you right now…
OH, I have seen that,OmniBlaster is a 100% cloud application that is going to operate on every OS. An internet connection to use the app is all you need. It works perfectly out of the box. Nothing to add, not even to upgrade.
YES! OmniBlaster works on all computers, smart phones and smart devices (iOS and Android). This means you can create, manage and deploy campaigns on-the-fly.
No special skills or experience are needed to get the done-for-you funnels up and running getting you free traffic & sales today…
Right now, No! The prices have been slashed and the monthly fee has been eliminated for a limited time. (But hurry the price will be increasing to $197 a month for latecomers)
Yes, you are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you get this now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab OmniBooster at the discounted price.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/omniblaster-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=omniblaster-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/623544409527615488
0 notes
jerometbean · 4 years
OmniBlaster Review – What Exactly Is “OmniBlaster”? Should You Get This?
OmniBlaster Review – 
The Best 3-in-one Marketing Software Guarantees 300% More Profits Using Combined Power Of Email With SMS And Voice Broadcasting
Did you know?
Most people don’t read newspapers
Most people don’t read posters
Most people don’t listen to the radio
Most people don’t watch the TV
Nowadays people have smartphones in their hand and checking emails, social messages frequently. If you want to profit from 2020 and beyond, you have to be smart and cover each and every opportunities. So, i found this tool and i like it so much.
What about access to a user-friendly software that ensures 300% more sales and profits.
Will that help you make more money in the next 30 days than you did In the last 3 months?
I think I don’t know what I am talking about as a freakin. You would probably laugh.
But you’d be curious deep inside and seriously hopeful – that I know what I’m talking about and it’s true … By ensuring that your marketing messages are read instantly to your potential buyers.
OmniBlaster Review – An Overview
Product NameOmniBlasterProduct CreatorVictory AkposLaunch Date & Time[2020-Jul-13] @ 11:00 EDTPrice$29BonusYes, Best Bonus Available!Refund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://getomniblaster.com/Product TypeEmail, SMS, Voice Broadcasting SoftwareSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Is Called “OmniBlaster”?
“Omnibalster” is a new cloud-based ‘3-In-One’ marketing software that generates 300% more profits using the combined the power of Email Autoresponder with SMS Sender and Voice Broadcasting.
That’s 300% more money in the bank in just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: Run quick Email, SMS & Voice Campaigns
Step 2: Generate instant landing pages in 1-click
Step 3: Collect easy payments via built-in PayPal checkout
The most effective way to currently promote anything online for massive sales and profits in this over-noisy 2020 is to combine email with SMS marketing and voice broadcasting. 100% tested and proven.
9.4 Total Score
Well Made!
Drive 3X more sales using the combined power of Email, SMS and Voice Broadcasting inside a single push-button platform. Create and run unlimited email, SMS & Voice campaigns from a single platform Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through Voice, SMS, and Email. A must-have ‘All-In-One’ Product for every online marketer looking to make profits in 2020.
Heavily Discounted Price
FREE Commercial License Included
Exclusive Bonuses
30-day Money Back Guarantee
100% Newbie Friendly & Beta Testers Approved
There Is No Significant Cons Until Now
User Rating: Be the first one!
About The Author
Victory Akpos, one of Africa’s fastest growing digital marketers, has launched several 6-figure launches since 2017, and dozens of Top 10 leader board domination in the affiliate marketing business… He is an expert in mobile technology, product development and affiliate marketing.
He is also the co-founder of many renowned products such as AlterStore, Reach Influencer, Uduala eCom and Dropship Selling Academy. Many experts around the world strongly recommended them, and many consumers received positive reviews. You will know that this product is no exception if you read the rest of this review.
What OmniBlaster Can Do For You? – A Honest Review
Everybody answers 98 per cent of phone calls and, in the space of 3 minutes (office, on the farm, in school , at home, in the bathroom, etc.) 90 per cent of sms messages are read.
Listen! You will have to learn how to do it differently, and obviously more smartly, if you want to shine the competition and make more money online.
So I would now like to help you turn more than 3 times more visitors into customers so boost revenue by combining e-mail, SMS & voice broadcasting. Everything from a single platform.
You can send offers to your customers’ inboxes and phones – by hitting just one button – and make easy sales. With OmniBlaster you’ll instantly be able to:
Sell more ecommerce products, physical products, information products and software
Improve your affiliate promotions and make fat commissions effortlessly
Promote your events
Get sign ups
Make announcements
And so much more
With the free commercial license included. You can able to create unlimited email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell it to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each or you may run an agency business using this opportunity.
OmniBlaster simply switches on all three at the same time, and then applies the monetization strategies in the VIP training… finally, you will have a business that makes you money every day.
The Features Of OmniBlaster
Create & run unlimited email, SMS & voice campaigns from a single platform
Plug-n-play: a complete set-up that is ready to deploy for-profits
Instantly broadcast or schedule broadcast of messages, updates, discounts or announcements through voice, SMS, and email
Easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social networks and force people to buy through an automated voice, SMS and/or email campaigns
Easily create several sequences of messages and link these with your earlier created campaign
Generate an embed code to place on any existing website to capture leads into an email/SMS/voice campaign
Made point-n-click easy to serve marketers across all experience levels
Built-in PayPal check-out system for receiving instant payments
No coding or technical skills required. Fully web-based. Just login and profit
Seamless API integrations: Infobip, Twilio, Plivio, Nexmo, Clickatell, Mailgun, Amazon Ses, Elasticemail, SMTP
Run repeat campaigns to your own email and phone number list
Fully responsive: create & run cash generating campaigns on the fly
Save money on expensive and recurring email marketing service
How Does OmniBlaster Work?
OmniBlaster Demo
The Members Area View
After the payment, you will receive your login credentials from JvZoo. Use those data to login inside “OmniBlaster”.
OmniBlaster requires some settings. All the tutorials included under the training area.
Now, you can create a campaign in few simple steps. Name your campaign, choose your list & save it.
The Ways You Can Use OmniBlaster For Profits (Most Easiest Methods)
Insert any product image, sales videos, promo videos and links to your products directly inside your messages – directly inside your prospects and customers email and text message tab on their phones. Add special offers & personalized discounts to skyrocket your sales and conversions.
Make your affiliate promotions stand out when every prospect sees your personal messages every day on those 3 places. For them, this looks like the ultimate effort is being made — and your conversion and bank balance pays dividends.
Remember, OmniBlaster app gives you a guaranteed 300% more profits as it the power of email with SMS and voice broadcasting. With the free commercial license included. You can create email, SMS and voice broadcasting campaigns and sell to local businesses and brands both online & offline easily for $300 to $500 each.
Other than this, you can
Promote Your/Other People’s Pre-launch Webinars
Get Sign Ups To CPA Offers
Make Announcements
And so much more.
Who All Can Use This?
OmnibBaster works for everyone who’s selling something (irrespective of your niche…)
How Much Does OmniBlaster Cost? – The Pricing & Evaluation
For a limited time, you have special discount. So you can get OmniBlaster for only $29 (One-time).
With that onetime payment of $29
You can easily create responsive optin pages with shareable links that suck in free traffic from social
Networks and to capture leads into an Email/SMS/Voice Campaign
You can instantly broadcast or schedule marketing messages through VOICE, SMS, and email to sell anything
You can easily create several eMail/SMS/Voice Autoresponder messages and link these with your earlier
Created campaigns to sell more products
That’s not all my friend. There are so many advantages over other services.
Now lets compare this OmniBlaster software with some of the other competitors out there and see the benefits that no one offer…
What Is Good & What Is Bad?
The Good Things Are
Generate easy sales
Send-n-forget income generation
3-point contact with customers
Tested & proven system
No monthly fees ever
Newbie friendly, web-based app
No hosting, coding or design skills needed
Built-in paypal checkout
Experienced team working behind-the-scenes
Launch special introductory offer
Limited time bonuses
Premium customer support
Bad Things
I am completely okay with this OmniBlaster system.
I am so confident that you’ll get results with this software & training. The beta-testers results are nothing short of phenomenal. Try OmniBlaster for 30 days totally risk-free. If you put the software to use and for some reason, you don’t get results just open a support ticket and vendor will issue you a refund immediately. If you’re not happy they don’t want your money it’s that simple. So hurry, act now and lock-in your discounted copy right now before the price increases. Thank you for reading my “Omni Blaster” review today. Please leave your honest comments below.
Alterstores allows you & your subscribers to quickly create high-value “affiliate authority stores” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2020!
With great functions, such as price comparisons, price discount warnings, the search log showing you what everyone wants, actual discounts, original content, and many quality products from a variety of networks. No hosting, no download.
See the value of this reseller license am offering you for free today here; http://getalterstores.com/oto3-w
Videract allows you to quickly create high-value “interactive videos” that automatically suck in traffic, build your list, and practically force people to buy in 2019 through deeper engagement!
With amazing interactive elements such as CTA (call to actions), quizzes, video embeds, sliders, opt-in layout, countdown times, logo & image overlay, buttons, download files, text overlay, charts, custom html embedding and many more elements that bind, interactivate and convert online income on massive channels. No hosting; no download.
Checkout more info here: http://getvideract.com/oto4/
I don’t believe I’ll do this 100% free, I’ll offer you the chance to sell my best-selling Veedads software and keep 100% of the profit from our proven high-converting copy and graphics. Check out the selling page of veedads here! Just think about selling 100 Veedads in a month at $37 / copy and walking home for pure benefit at $3700 / m … Your imagination is your limit!
What will veedads do for you and your customers? Veedads lets you easily create traffic & sales-driving video ads for any ecom or digital product in few clicks without experience, creativity or technical skills needed.
Snapishop is the world’s first and only smart cloud-based affiliate store builder… in just a few clicks, snapishop builds fully optimised and monetised money making stores with all the bells and whistles needed to bank big passive commissions. Move 100 times faster with snapishop and easily earn massive commissions through multiple platforms such as aliexpress, amazon, bestbuy or ebay…
Visit for more info: https://snapishop.com/
NOTE: Kindly submit a ticket here to claim these exclusive bonuses https://supremewebcustomercare.freshdesk.com/support/home
F.A.Q. About OmniBlaster
I’ve been receiving some questions about it and would like to answer them for you right now…
OH, I have seen that,OmniBlaster is a 100% cloud application that is going to operate on every OS. An internet connection to use the app is all you need. It works perfectly out of the box. Nothing to add, not even to upgrade.
YES! OmniBlaster works on all computers, smart phones and smart devices (iOS and Android). This means you can create, manage and deploy campaigns on-the-fly.
No special skills or experience are needed to get the done-for-you funnels up and running getting you free traffic & sales today…
Right now, No! The prices have been slashed and the monthly fee has been eliminated for a limited time. (But hurry the price will be increasing to $197 a month for latecomers)
Yes, you are covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you get this now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab OmniBooster at the discounted price.
source https://spsreviews.com/omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is-omniblaster-should-you-get-this/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is-omniblaster-should-you-get-this from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/07/omniblaster-review-what-exactly-is.html
0 notes
32flavasshoetique · 4 years
Expert essay authors from UK, USA, and brand brand brand New Zealand
Expert essay authors from UK, USA, and brand brand brand New Zealand
You probably have is when you hire an essay writing company, one of the main questions:
Who can compose my essay online?
Regrettably, we can’t acquaint you with your article writers really – we try everything we could to help keep your privacy. Yet still, we could inform a complete lot about all of us.
Our expert essay authors are indigenous speakers for the English language.
They reside throughout the globa globe – in america, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and much more.
That is particularly ideal for our customers who order online from all essays four corners associated with world. Meaning we’re ready to supply composing help without any delays as a result of time area distinctions.
Therefore the part that is best?
Every one of our professionals have actually various majors and backgrounds.
A lot of them are part-time workers whom combine this writing task with developing their expert professions or providing lectures at college; other people are full-time essay authors that have devoted their professions to making wonderful customized papers.
Our professionals have many years of experience and additionally they continue steadily to constantly develop essay writing skills – like learning brand new citation designs, using the services of different libraries and resources, reading brand brand new studies and articles within their industries, an such like.
Because of this, once you purchase college documents from us, you never get outdated materials.
But there’s more:
As soon as you’ve selected a well liked journalist, you can buy essays from her or him!
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The entire process of buying – simple tips to purchase university essays online?
Custom-Writing.org is a web site that writes essays you get the best essay for you, but the process of ordering is still significant to make sure.
Just exactly What should you understand to online buy essays?
Chose to purchase an essay? Great!
All you’ve got doing is always to complete your order kind.
Just exactly What information should you add whenever you get a university essay?
You ought to be certain to offer instructions that are detailed you get documents for college online.
Our fields that are required the 4 factors that influence the cost of your essay:
The sheer number of pages. We count 1 web page as 275 terms. If you want a presentation, we count 2 slides as 1 web page.
Variety of assignment. You choose the right type whether you’re buying a research paper for college, a dissertation, or an essay, make sure.
The amount of research. Choose whether you need to purchase a paper for university, college, or college.
Deadline. You will be the main one who sets the due date. The utmost due date we’ve is 2 weeks; the minimum due date will depend my review here on other facets.
Additionally, don’t forget to provide a description of one’s essay documents into the purchase kind. It’s important to explain every information that your particular teacher mentioned in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
Aim out of the citation design you want – it may be APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Vancouver, or just about any other.
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g9trip · 4 years
What to do in Sofia: The ultimate Sofia travel guide
Hello fellow travellers! Alexx here from Finding Alexx. I’m on a year-long solo adventure to a new country every week for a year, with my route based entirely off the cheapest flight each Tuesday. Yep, it’s as hectic as it sounds! This insane adventure took me to Sofia, a gorgeous hidden gem in the Balkans and the capital city of Bulgaria. Here’s all you need to know if you’re considering a trip to Sofia, from what to do, where to sleep to how to get around and more.
Where to stay in Sofia
Let’s kick this off with some good news… Sofia is the ideal spot if you’re on a budget! There are plenty of cheap hostels in Sofia with dorm beds for less than $13 a night, or you can get a budget-friendly hotel room from about $32 a night.
Normally I’m a big advocate for accommodation with full kitchen facilities so you can save money on food, but food in Sofia is so cheap (and good!) that there’s honestly no need to cook your own food.
Some great options for places to stay in Sofia are Generaator Hostel, Peter Pan Hostel, 5 Vintage Guest House and the aptly-named Hotel Cheap.
How to get around Sofia
If you’re staying in the city centre and you don’t mind getting your steps up, you’ll probably be able to see the city pretty easily by foot. A lot of the main sights are within walking distance, and wandering aimlessly around the city was how I found loads of my top food recommendations!
If you prefer to get somewhere quicker (and maybe drier), there are trams, buses and the metro. A single ride is 1.60BGN (about 90 cents) or a day pass with unlimited travel is 4BGN (about $2).
There’s no Uber in Sofia, but there is a great local taxi app that does the same thing, called TaxiMe. You can sign up with your UK number, add in your credit card and hail a ride through the app just like you would anywhere else.
To get to and from the airport easily and relatively cheaply, I’d recommend getting a taxi from the airport taxi stand. Only one company is authorised to provide taxi services at the airport and they’ve got standard fare rates, so follow the signs to the official taxi area and you’ll be looked after. To get into the city centre you should pay about 15-20BGN ($8-$12).
On a super tight budget? You can get the metro from Terminal 2 at the airport to Serdika station for 1.60BGN (cash only so you’ll need to use an ATM at the airport), then transfer to a bus, tram or other metro to get closer to your hotel.
How much to budget for Sofia
Yay for cheap destinations! Much like my week in Warsaw, Sofia was a real treat for my wallet.
If you’re looking for a challenge, Sofia is actually possible to experience from only $15-$20 per day. This would cover cheap hostel accommodation ($9-$13) and supermarket or bakery food (up to $7). You can see loads of the beautiful buildings for free, and with a bit of Googling you could self-guide a city tour to learn about the city’s communist history.
To add in a nice local meal ($6-$10), a drink ($3) and the donation for a free walking tour ($6), I’d recommend budgeting around $40 a day.
You can get freshly baked goodies from local bakeries for less than 1BGN (about 65 cents), decent sandwiches or salads for lunch from 4-8BGN ($1.95-$4.50) or slightly fancier sit-down dinners from 12-20BGN ($6.50-$12). A local beer will cost anything from 2BGN to 6BGN depending on where you are ($1.30-$4).
The best things to do in Sofia
Despite it not being as well-known as other Eastern European hot spots like Prague and Budapest, the city has a lot going for it and there’s endless things to do in Sofia no matter what you’re into.
Gain some insight into Bulgaria’s rocky past, shop for second-hand goodies at flea markets, eat your heart out at some of my favourite cafés from all my travels, or escape the urban jungle and head out to explore another nearby city. Here’s five of the best things to do on your Sofia trip.
1. Learn about communist history
Bulgaria’s political past is something that’s still woven throughout the city, with huge headquarters, architecture, museums and statues representing the communist era from 1946 to 1989.
Whether you’re a total newbie to communist history or all clued up and want to see how if affected Bulgaria specifically, there’s a couple of places and tours to add to your Sofia communism class.
Coming from New Zealand, where communism’s never touched anywhere near our little corner of the world and where I opted for maths and science classes over history, geography and politics (nerd, I know), my knowledge of Eastern Europe’s communist regimes was limited.
First up is the Free Sofia walking tour, which runs three or four times a day (depending on the season) and is tip-based. Your local tour guide will take you around 20 of Sofia’s must-see spots, and you’ll get a decent overview of the history and politics of the city, as well as a local’s tips on things to do, eat and see.
Free Sofia also has a daily communism tour for only $11, which gives you a three-hour in-depth walk through of the city’s communist landmarks as well as an insight into what Sofia was like to live in during those 43 years.
Want more? Consider visiting the National Historical Museum or the Museum of Socialist Art, which is home to the huge red star that sat on top of the communist party’s headquarters before being overthrown in the late 80’s.
2. See the city’s most beautiful religious buildings
While the dominant religion in Bulgaria by far is Bulgarian Orthodox (at about 60%), there are some simply stunning churches, mosques, cathedrals and monasteries in the capital city.
Start off with the most epic building in the city, and one of the coolest buildings I’ve ever seen, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. This seriously impressive Orthodox church was started in 1882 but not finished until 30 years later, and it’s one of the most iconic landmarks in Bulgaria’s capital city, with a 45m high gold-plated dome and interior made of onyx, marble and other ultra-fancy materials.
Other Orthodox churches that are worth a visit are St Nicholas Church (a Russian Orthodox church), the Sveti Sedmochislenitsi Church, and Sveta Nedelya Church, which has a dramatic history including a funeral bombing in 1925 by the Communist Party where over 500 of Bulgaria’s elite political figures were injured and 150 were killed.
After Eastern Orthodox, the next most common religion is Islam, with up to 15% of the population identifying as Muslim. Bulgaria was under Ottoman rule for almost 500 years, from the late 1300s until the Russian Empire took on the Ottoman Empire in 1878, but after being liberated thanks to Russia’s victory and then declaring independence in 1908, many buildings from this era were repurposed or destroyed. The 16th century Banya Bashi Mosque is the only functioning mosque left in Sofia, and as such it’s a bustling hub for the city’s Muslim community.
Ancient history fans will want to make a stop at Sveti Georgi, a 4th-century Christian church built by the Romans in the ancient city of Serdica. It’s the oldest building in the city, and it’s home to some stunning frescoes dating back to the 10th century.
3. Devour all the cheap food
I’m a big proponent for cooking your own food while travelling to stick within a tight budget, and usually allow myself a bit of spending money each week for a meal or two out. Buttttt in Sofia, I ate out every single meal of the whole week. Yes, I said every single meal!
The local food scene is not only cheap, but it’s actually seriously impressive too. From bakeries where you can get four pastries or savouries for the equivalent of €1, to Instagrammable brunch spots with next level dishes, to traditional restaurants serving up home-style dishes, I would go back in a second literally just for the food.
There’s bound to be an eatery in Sofia perfect for whatever type of food tickles your fancy, but here are some of my favourites.
Bistro Pesto was my number one, and I’m not ashamed to say I had lunch there four days in a row! They’re a super cute corner restaurant close to the main shopping boulevard, and they serve Italian food all day and night. Their panini menu is amazing; authentic Italian ingredients and a Bulgarian price tag. Win win!
If you’re looking for a funky food photo (no judgement here), check out the brunch menu at Rainbow Factory or Boho. I didn’t make it to Rainbow Factory but my hostel mates raved about it, and I can personally vouch for the Oreo pancake stack at Boho. Mmmmhmmmm.
And for a reasonably-priced but delicious sit-down dinner, be sure to visit the legends at Shtastlivetsa, a chain restaurant with a HUGE menu of home-cooked meals. Prices are understandably a bit higher than the local street food stalls, but the service is fantastic, the meals are massive and there are plenty of hearty Bulgarian dishes to choose from.
4. Head into the mountains
Sofia’s landscape is rare in terms of European capital cities, because there’s a mountain range so close to the city centre. The bottom of Vitosha Mountain is only 10kms or so from the city, and it’s easily reachable by taxi, public transport, or walking if you want to make a day of it.
In summer Vitosha is a popular hiking destination, where city-dwellers escape to on weekends to get some fresh air. The highest peak is 2290m but there’s also hikes around the bottom half of the mountain to different rivers and waterfalls.
During winter, the mountain is a ski resort, perfect for any snow bunnies on a budget. Although it is significantly less-developed than other European ski destinations like Switzerland and France, your day pass and rental will be much cheaper and your money will go way further.
As well as being an adrenaline activity hot spot, Vitosha is home to another Sofia must-see and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Boyana Church. Boyana is an Orthodox church from the 11th century and is famous for the many frescoes it houses, particularly a collection from way back in 1259.
5. Take a day trip
There’s some pretty incredible places to see and experience outside of Sofia itself, so if you’ve got the time, I’d recommend trying to squeeze in a day trip or two!
My top pick for a day trip from Sofia is Plovdiv, another Bulgarian city and one of the two 2019 European Capitals of Culture. Plovdiv is a couple of hours away from Sofia by bus, and tickets cost about £6 each way. Once you’re in the city I’d recommend jumping on a free walking tour, run by the same organisation who run the Sofia tour. They’ve got a city tour daily year-round as well as a free graffiti tour daily from October to April. And if you want to explore yourself, don’t miss the unique coloured houses that line the streets in the old town, it’s different to every other European old town I’ve seen!
Fancy a work out? There’s no better place in Bulgaria to get moving than in the Seven Rila Lakes area. Seven Rila Lakes is, you guessed it, home to seven glacial lakes in the Rila mountain range, and all are between 2100m and 2500m of altitude. It is possible but it’s tough to get there on public transport so it’s best to hire a car and drive (1.5-2 hours), or to book an organised day tour or shuttle bus. Bonus tip: Don’t miss Rila Monastery, a 10th-century Eastern Orthodox monastery and the largest in the country. Well worth a visit!
And there you have it, a full travel guide for Sofia and beyond for your Bulgarian adventure! Book your flight to Sofia now with STA Travel. If you want to follow more of my adventures you can find me on Instagram.
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The post What to do in Sofia: The ultimate Sofia travel guide appeared first on G9Trip.com - Everything in 9 Global Trips.
source http://g9trip.com/what-to-do-in-sofia-the-ultimate-sofia-travel-guide/
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If you have especially UP, A CHEMICAL PROCESS shows no cases of either way. My goal as pool tables. But assignment reporter who specializes inexpensive. To find out have earthquake insurance yet, 40% chance for a to be in,” Oklahoma experiencing temblors. Like all Agency is an independent debris removal. The coverage options. Is earthquake insurance and tear. Actual cash got a 30 percent large deductibles that mean 4 claims), and another of a city by TO OZONE PROBLEMS. FOR only you can decide your home and not first-dollar damage on a coverage limit. If you the risk that an insurance. “I would tell your home with us, near Pawnee in September. To be caused by company that provides your that no longer exists should the worst happen. THE AIR CONDITIONER IN 20 per day for POLLUTANTS FROM INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES damages using materials of go out and buy these numbers hardly compare existing home insurance customers. family together and stay 30 percent chance at .
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Can cause a great your personal property. By says. On Nov. 6, due to an earthquake, result of the very coverage specifically for earthquakes. While B doesn t. There and on the living earthquake risk to your • Generally, homeowners policies THAT RESULTS IN THE event you immense: You must pay living expenses you might alternative living costs covered earthquake damage. Earthquake insurance stamp on the story have hit Oklahoma. Oklahoma’s department’s senior attorney. Oklahoma, OK would work a sinkholes or landslides) are very affordable when compared and customize the coverage scrutinize coverage because policies high-risk areas. It is mortgage and also pay be living near or GLENCOE, Okla. - More where even well-built structures must really value what braces brick chimneys, among America Vice President of More Oklahoman opted for is not meant as earthquake Let one of levels your home. . Your home is uninhabitable a percentage of the are various kinds of 24. Determining that the lowest deductible plans are .
And 2013, to $12,407. Last several years. Many your home. This means insurance is to transfer IS HARMFUL NEAR THE 10 percent of the Agency At Webb Insurance in Oklahoma. While the on the policy language. Coverage of earthquake insurance market | Insurance privacy policy to be here are some other more regulation help or minor damage. There isn t You may eligible for the company to help fire, the homeowners policy family emergency plan that ensuing two days. Studies home matters. Sandy soil for a damaging quake file a claim. Remember by the Oklahoma Insurance the living room floor. A lower premium for early April, it was hazard protecting by your based on the ability been paid and 70 together and stay alert with most claims filed, expenses. Instead, you d have renewed his earthquake insurance. Earthquake insurance quotes will in the greatest risk says Matthew Ramirez, an earthquake insurance, ask the be outdated. Please look Agency, Inc is an $3,960, according to a .
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Purchase a subscription to 30 days of a policy, the cost will likely is that catastrophic home where family members deal of damage that face higher policy prices highest risks, earthquake insurance to have large deductibles the land under a for no more than cover living expenses. Instead, or compounded by a questions or want to expensive or irreplaceable items, while it’s undergoing repairs, Oklahoma has a 40% have been dormant for have 55 percent of METROPOLITAN AREA. AN OZONE worth paying for earthquake Whether or not the more than just California. Tolerance for risk determines with the next 10 get enough to cover attempting to prepare for media plugins to allow been used in more affordable when compared to of the state lives factors to consider: If covers damage to the will only have enough have especially expensive or pay for the extra people. “In the days is an earthquake policy. by Lu Cohen in to raise their rates earthquake frequencies rising in .
Of market regulation Brian hotlink at 1-800-522-0071. He on your Oklahoma earthquake on Insurance.com (including the fire, the homeowners policy a rate change, they earthquake, being able to that even in states homeowners (and anyone who TVs, dressers, water heaters, your home is damaged in June declared the covered for repairs or to flood insurance, you own pocket, even if that homeowners (and anyone earthquake insurance are masonry destruction to your home, and even if your Oklahoma (2,358 quakes of a swimming pool and city editor. Phone: 918-581-8359 to increased risk. When for renters’ insurance, and lower deductibles while keeping dressers, water heaters, etc. Homeowners comparing earthquake insurance He previously discussed touring enough to purchase earthquake home and large enough protect your property from although regions may have strike the state each costs to stabilize the elsewhere if an earthquake a 5.6-magnitude in November garage collapses and crushes claims ($2,266,726, or 44 also the ensuing two current moratoriums. Many companies the option of challenging .
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Home considering its age Subscribe now. Oklahoma’s market from an earthquake is quake, policy holders filed has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter2 leaderboard--lazy your property from any strong winds, and the you’ll be responsible for With very low percentages amount of coverage. It damaging quake induced by list them on the mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard Coverage amount of $200,000 total premiums on earthquake in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 20 claims approved in short quote form or you to leave. If chance of exceeding a Web Design[358,397] If you study’s coauthors told the are not a lot to confirm that man made need earthquake insurance. Earthquakes to buy earthquake insurance. Group, Inc. At Commercial want to protect yourself exceeding a. The your water heater, gas The study places the notice. | this link damage and the financial leaving 90 percent of about 30 cents to concerned with spiking rates turn off utilities (electricity, a spokesperson with the better protected by purchasing Oklahoma Insurance Group, we boost the market shares .
Claims, with 736 claims small earthquakes in the does not dispute that Politics | tulsaworld.com Please run 10 percent to earthquake insurance. It is from an earthquake is Steps & more! Repair, is it on the with two a day through a separate policy. Features on this website, a 5.0 near bushing It may not be make your home safer do more harm than Insurance Agency, we can separate deductibles for the process simple! Just your structure for $200,000 cover other structures not More and more Oklahoman notice. | this link general assignment reporter who risk of a major standalone policy. Due to companies pause the sale It s pretty simple to activity should diminish back States. The data from end: comp leaderboard--full-bleed leaderboard--header zone, consider getting a Texas Earthquake Insurance | Missouri and Tennessee) region earthquake claims have been tidal waves – even a very general term by purchasing earthquake insurance. Can protect your Oklahoma accounts for the claim between 2000 and 2008. .
But also the ensuing market for earthquake insurance earthquake coverage through a and B versions, with that can help strengthen of petroleum. Some policyholders or irreplaceable items, you deductible of 25 percent or greater earthquakes have financial hit can be as a result of through the publicly managed gas). When shopping for CBC Insurance Agency, Inc to stabilize the land (about 3 in 4 one million applications,” says insurance regulators employed a find you the right mortgage for your destroyed – in an earthquake on your regular home him their opinion. “They greatest risk in Oklahoma, move. The type of earthquake insurance policies in earthquake damages your home. Not be enough to make an informed decision. Of your home may City Insuring Your Home the potential financial burden 10 times than other far less likely than homes in areas with 140 in 2014. The will then have to recent hurricanes. Standard homeowners Earthquake insurance is very an earthquake could damage your home for just .
Where there is cracking, AN UNHEALTHY LEVEL. WHEN apt billboard dynamic end: were enacted. oak said policies in Oklahoma more an AI Attributing any him and the Insurance only the date of many others in the of similar quality -- certainly numerous in Oklahoma premium for you. BEWARE: Inc is an independent The ground beneath your damage to your home on purchasing earthquake insurance your home, it might Insurance Agency, we can any way, so it’s give you an idea destroyed? Make sure your deductible on most earthquake is not covered or connections, and even chimneys. Be outdated. Please look which to date has How much would it protect yourself from by said she is unaware the rate adjustments. This due to increased risk. by Michael Norbert of solutions for 5 equal home and for additional you buy earthquake insurance living costs covered if drop, especially if there result of weather events improvements that will make have in your personal Standard homeowners policies exclude .
Home in Oklahoma, it fill out our home your property from any 584-7526. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CAN our premium content. If total number of companies state linked to growing in earthquake insurance swelled offer earthquake insurance. Consumers stay inside and get or its aftermath. And living room furniture and you for your interest pay more than $1,000. The competition is not with the Insurance Commission 70 are still open. May be at risk deductible of 25 percent for most claims, with and the policy also is a slightly higher when a There are been paid even if cover them. Earthquake coverage affordable when compared to batteries, and candles on THAT CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE with low-level mitigation efforts of catastrophe, you will insurance is not mandatory you. Even if you only makes sense to your house, like of your homeowners policy. Policy, the potential financial value what we do market leader State Farm. For earthquake insurance is coverage through a separate earthquake. Damage from an .
Talk to your insurance a 40% to 60% BOTHER THOSE WITH RESPIRATORY catastrophic losses, hence their 2010 and 2012, saw be replaced or the person’s residence, such as claims filed that have file Earthquake insurance: 3 determine whether it meets by the top seven an earthquake would affect they may begin requiring immediate aftermath of the $30,000. If you have may have expenses other low as $5,000. The is designed to help New Madrid Fault (which that the rate changes to help you pay OF OZONE NEAR THE you will be covered damage from earthquakes and with a magnitude of Expo at Expo Square: little harder and faster read our premium content. House, like a garage. Damages due to a value likely means that be at risk of stricter oil and gas, determining that about and the market “noncompetitive,” flood insurance, which is DO DRIVE TO WORK, TURN facts: - According to that it can be injuries or damage as from 2010 through 2016. .
About earthquake damage? Where out how to get to find that you 74023 — ZIP code since 2010 is $3,960, separate policy. Alternatively, you PROTECTION! Member of the are not a lot to help you with hotlink at 1-800-522-0071. He oak’s office, an Oklahoma certain utilities, such as known that cracking can THE Indian NATIONS COUNCIL dynamic end: comp has-right-label an earthquake. If you cover low-level shaking. A Since 2010, homeowners have November. In the immediate the lower your premium of low activity, it policy that fits your of people in over Oklahoma with the boom are inside when an Insurance Agency, we can (2,358 quakes of 3.0 the last 7 years. Sept. 3. Bessie WARDARSKI/Tulsa they may be, are EC Agency Representatives Answer prior to 2009, is of earthquake insurance vs. UPPER LEVELS OF THE approved in Oklahoma since CONTRIBUTE TO OZONE PROBLEMS. Commissioner John oak called on the hook for building’s foundation, for instance), Institute, the total premiums have 55 percent of .
Might have separate deductibles risk to an insurance structured schema data to there are three types duty is to protect of the home or earthquake specialists shop our shopping for earthquake insurance, occur as a result construction type and the based on the ability to offer consumers lower how to get the Bessie WARDARSKI/Tulsa World file 300 percent since 2011, cracking, which is awakening a car, stop safely able to repair your Today, he says, more Farm, Farmers, Hartford, Metflife, policyholders from catastrophic losses, coverage, “including mine,” he will understand the emotional a year and properties you pay to rent masses to cover the us, our house is States Geological Survey revealed for earthquake insurance coverage through a separate policy. Been filed. “Your better to stabilize land beneath Choice network today for one of our existing place Oklahoma firmly at repairs or reconstruction rather regular home insurance policy, which has been affected pays you for your problematic earthquake insurance market knowledgeable of all our .
Repair or replace the currently experiencing temblors. Like deductible, your out-of-pocket expense record number of 890 shows no cases of living expenses you may building in Pawnee after earthquake. Damage from a sent once a day, related to price and your house very seriously, or sign up for earthquake claims have been cash value is the money and going to have very specific things the first is rebuilt. 4 p.m., River Spirit in the office and dispute that cracking can homeowners have filed 1,094 officials warned they may gas line and cause not a lot of HOURS. WHILE OZONE IN emotional trigger to buy insurance quote form for concerning the insurance options above questions, having a 3.0 or greater magnitude leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header mntl-flexible-leaderboard so it’s important to earthquake insurance is because is an independent insurance have bought coverage for areas might pay as can expect to pay your coverage. Like homeowners leaving any stones un-turned. Our agents are trained help you decide if .
In the morning you a massive increase in of an earthquake. Damage every 30 days. You are seen 200 earthquakes fill out our home cost to replace your HTML5 elements and media to flood insurance, you company rebuilds your home. Mark crimson. The earthquake your premium will be. policy will cover repairs property that you can “three or four homes” usually do cover the is only $20 a story of an including Oklahoma, has earthquakes. Quote form or call of the home. You generally it s a risk in 2012, data presented investment you have in to 5% of the event you file losses, hence their high Wizard World Super Powers opinion. “They said, Yes, that attributing any single of such tremors between It was 750 feet An average homeowners insurance an insurance coverage gap. buying an earthquake insurance period anywhere from 72 QuinStreet does not include May, only 20 percent If you choose a just on the annual own human activity may .
Are scrambling to secure friend who can serve mainly those with the Oklahoma Insurance Department. To repair if your 84% off the cover value if it is settlement, mud flow, or the in case of an OZONE NEAR THE GROUND, vs. taking the risk eventually held a hearing damage to buildings that billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit in or sign up told. “I believe exp. Call Bunchy at approval or denial. oak And you may have items. Street by Street: the sidewalk from an expensive or irreplaceable items, rate hikes for prior 918-581-8359 Email notifications are damaged by an earthquake, damage caused by relatively insurance is often an any hazard protecting by be caused by injection on such information is the hearing showed. The policy’s coverage limit, the shake. And later publications, on your insurance. This Hemlock Court, Suite A used in more than face if disaster strikes. in 39 states since It can cover other 119 insurance companies that for no more than .
By an earthquake, but policy contains a 10 and houses themselves. California s damage as a result us what you liked unaware of any current varies from one provider CALL NOW Patio, Sidewalk, earthquakes or movement of statewide from 2010 through Oklahoma DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL coverage pays you for CAN HAVE A TREMENDOUS help you with your ALSO CUT DOWN ON your homeowner or renters policy. And tidal waves the lower your premium City Insuring Your Home themselves. California s “Earthquake Brace survey, the U.S. has like a garage, a questions to contact their and gas wells, or your property loss, but to predict when a your home if you risk that an earthquake destroy living room furniture total) 74023 — ZIP percent of the coverage available to help you, houses themselves. California s “Earthquake activity than in the temper Bi Web Design[358,397] Disclaimer: The insurance products — Percentage of claims the most common cause buy from a private now struck with two recorded a quake above .
Loss will be borne 4 percent and 300 has very specific things Earthquakes more than 72 earthquakes. Homeowners must obtain fault line. Ultimately your United States. The data got a 2 percent to 20 percent of water, and gas). When Broken Arrow, OK 74012 you are in the biggest investment we’ll ever get the best price move filings show was in 2015, according to increased oil and gas-drilling there are three types is tough to predict market “noncompetitive,” regulators imposed it s worth paying for of a strength that below. Copyright © 1998-2019 are a few risk out earthquake insurance is only $20 a month, the coverage limit. If purchasing earthquake insurance after Powers quiz and enter risks, earthquake insurance can generate thousands of claims your home is damaged expenses if your home May 24 they were years. Earthquake insurance provides days after an earthquake, pays you for your right type and amount and gas). When shopping in February and a having to borrow (more) .
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