#also me: why must i charge people money? is it not enough to know people are walking around with vivisection pins?
daddyplasmius · 1 year
SO i whipped up this pin for shits & giggles a few months ago & honestly completely forgot i put it on redbubble
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APPARENTLY someone bought one.
does anyone have something they'd like to say?
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sugar-plum-writer · 3 months
Fashion Icon
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Paring: JJK!men x Fem!Reader; Gojo x Fem!Reader; Sukuna x Fem!Reader; Toji x Fem!Reader Tags: Fem!Reader; One-Shot; reader is a fashion icon!; Light comedy; slight mention of violence; Suggestive; Slight!NSFW A/n: I thought it would be fun! so I wrote this one shot, I personally love fashion~ and I though the scenarios would be fun! This might end up being my longest multiple one-shot
[P.S. If ya'll want another oneshot of this~ feel free to comment! Heart and reblog for motivation lols haha!]
"Money, money, money - Must be funny In the rich man's world, Money, money, money- Always sunny In the rich man's world."
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Senario-1 [Gojo]
"It's Valentino!"
Gojo had to agree it's not everyday to see something like this, to be called like this- he would have never come if anyone or any of his ex's had called him like this the way you had done.
He also would have never imagined himself doing what he was doing right now. Destroying the cruse while you stood looking at your nails which you had just gotten done. You were the one who was supposed to fight this curse not him.
"Gojo Honey you done?", cocking your head to the side you looked at him
"Yeah all done~ this was nothing", with a light chuckle he walked towards you
"I love you thank you so much~", giving him a light kiss you smiled
It was ridiculous on so many levels- 15 minutes ago he was sitting in his home, drinking tea as he was chatting about his mission. The next thing he knew he got a call from you
"Y/n darling what's the matter? It's rare for you to call like this", with a light chuckle he smirked
"I need you to fight a curse for me dear"
".....", he could not believe his ears
"....What? You need me to fight...a curse?" he was amused to say the least
"Yes right now~"
"..why? Is everything okay? you are not hurt are you?"
Sure he was the strongest but your strength was not something to joke about. You were a top of the line Grade-1 sorcerer after all your mission success rate? 100%. He still remembers the way you held your own against a special grade curse until he arrived when everyone else was afraid.
Blood dripping, fierce eyes, as you fought the curse- seeing you like that- it was so hot that he forgot how to breathe for a moment
"I am fine, it's just I cannot fight the curse!"
".....Huh....?", he was dumbstruck
"Honey I am wearing Valentino, I don't want to ruin my heels the curse is not-", you paused
"Not expensive enough for me to walk all over it" you cockily cooed and clicked your tongue
"Not expensive enough huh? I didn't know curses had a price", he bursted out laughing
"If the curse had some channel perfume sprayed on it- I would have considered ruining my nails over it but- it's not"
Hearing your tone he could imagine the light smug expression on your face- the arrogance of yours, the sassy attitude, confidence- he would never tell you, but- when you acted like this it was hot- after all it stroked his ego knowing- only he could indulge you.
You did not even had to force it- it just came naturally to you
Not that he did not like it when you were sweet, all caring, etc it's just it gave him a rush- it felt exclusive
"The poor curse must be crying hearing your words love", grabbing his coat from the sofa he made his way out, "How arrogant eh?" his tone carried an element of playfulness
"Well as your lover such arrogance suits me does it not?", you laughed
"Of course, it suits you very well~ I'll be there in 2 minutes"
"Alright! I'll buy some sweets for you in the mean time honey! Love you!"
And with that the phone call ended- when he arrived at the location the people were stunned to say the least
"Mr. Gojo why are you here?", the person in-charge walked towards him
"My girl said the curse is not expensive enough for her to deal with it", nonchalantly he said as if it was obvious
"...huh..?", the man looked stunned so did the people around him
"Yeah", smirking he looked at them
"It's Valentino as she said"
If anyone saw him like this they would faint, even in the Heian era he would have never done this- not even for his concubines or anyone.
To think right now after 1000's of years, having seen everything their is to see- all tricks and seduction known to ever exist, he still fell for you not even in his wildest dreams he would have imagined doing what he was right now.
"Sukuna honey carry me", your gaze was serious as you stood looking at him
"Are you serious?" he looked back into your eyes
"Yes. Right now"
How did such a situation happened? Well 1 hour ago you and Sukuna had decided to go out, everything was going well as the day progressed, he was pleased and so were you.
Wining, dining, fooling around, shopping and overall just having fun
The next thing you knew a curse jumped out and tried to attack you and him resulting it getting mutilated and destroyed by Sukuna. You felt a bit bad seeing in what terrible shape the curse was in.
"Fucking pest, how annoying", with an annoyed expression he rolled his eyes
"Y/n let's continue", He held his hand out for you to take
"Sukuna, honey, I cannot walk", you looked at him with a serious gaze
"....huh...?", his expression changed to confusion, "Why?"
"I am wearing Valentino", clicking your tongue you looked at him with a cocky expression, "I cannot walk over this curse ruining these shoes"
"......", for the first time in his life he was speechless and stunned
'Is this woman serious?'
"This curse is not worthy to be stepped over with Valentino shoes", with a straight face you spoke as if it was obvious, "It's common sense"
"hah!", he bursted out laughing, "Are you serious right now doll?", with a smirk he looked at you
"Yes and I order you to carry me", flipping your hair you looked at him
"Really?", cockily he leaned in
"Of course isn't it obvious? Don't you know who you're dealing with?", without backing away you leaned in too not breaking away eye-contact
No one- no woman in his life spoke to him the way you did, the way you demanded him and ordered him to do things for you.
Even his concubines never demanded him anything, and if they did- they always bowed their heads low.
Even geishas, all those women he had been with none of them came close to you and your attitude. And deep down he liked it- it was fun and entertaining.
Your listened to him but had your own edge- an edge that kept him hooked
A woman like you was rare- a fine bottle of Sake meant to be enjoyed and savored- and kept close for to find another like you would take centuries.
If he had you as his concubine in the Heian era- his days would be a lot better and lively. He would have bought you all you wanted as he did now.
You were expensive, exclusive and only he could afford you. Your whims were his to entertain just as you entertained him.
"Alright doll", shaking his head with a smirk he swept you off your feet and carried you in his arms bridal style
"Thank you darling~", wrapping your arms around him you gave him a light kiss as a reward, "You are the best!"
"I know. I am", with a light chuckle he kissed you passionately and your lipstick stain lingered on his lips
Entering the restaurant all eyes were on you two, he could could have just carried you a bit, but no- he carried you all the way to the table as you fixed your lipstick using your hand-mirror. It was quite a scene.
"It's Valentino huh?"
Toji never cared about his life, drinking and gambling away all his money- he had nothing to live for after all. He was only alive till now because he had decided to not die yet.
He was smart, highly intelligent but it did not matter to him, he just did- what he wanted.
But everything changed when he met you, he tried to treat you just as a fling- another one to add to his list, but, you were different.
You did not fall for his honeyed words, your confidence, your attitude, it all screamed power.
Sure you were nice, sweet, and caring but at the same time- you also had self-respect and put him in his place.
Every date you dressed up well in tip-top shape, which made him want to look good as he walked with you hence he changed his wardrobe. Kept himself more proper, put more effort into himself.
All girls and women he dated tried to change him, format him, etc- or liked the so called bad-boy troupe which he played very well.
But you- you did none of that, you dated him as he was unbothered.
Rather than him feeling that you were a fling- you made him feel that he was a fling. Not even kissing him, nothing, when he first met you- you literally shifted the table thinking he was a random stranger.
It hurt his ego, after all no matter how shabby he looked women swooned over him. But you had standards.
You did not need his validation, rather than you chasing him- you made him want to chase you, to know where you are, what you are doing etc
You made him get his shit together to be with you. Previously he had no reason but now he did- you
You were his dream girl
And one thing he knew about you was your taste was fucking expensive.
Whatever you picked in a store somehow- just somehow you picked expensive items without even knowing or looking at the price tag
And for that what was he gonna do? say no? Of course not. What he was going to do is buy you more expensive things.
"Toji honey are you sure?", you looked at him eyebrows raised
"I am, when have I ever not been sure", he smirked holding 5 shopping bags from Valentino
"Are....these real?" in disbelief you looked at the bags
"Just take it girl", tossing you the bags as if it was nothing he went and sat on the couch sipping his beer
"Wait...these shoes...are these the ones I was chatting about the other day with my friends?", wide eyed you looked at him
"Yeah seeing you looking at them I thought you wanted it?", smugly he smiled grinning
"No but ahhhh!!! I love them so much!!", tossing your flipflops aside you immediately wore the heels
"How does it look?" strutting you spun a bit showing off your nice legs
"I love you so much! to think you got me something so nice darling....", hugging him tight you beamed happily your eyes shone so bright
"Gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, what can I say eh?", he kissed you, "As long as you like it, it's all worth it"
"Oh my gosh! It's like a dream!", you kissed him back wrapping your hands around his neck making him smirk and caress your waist
"Well I can make you dream- a dream so good", kissing your neck he whispered, "Valentino would seem like reality darling"
Link to Masterlist!
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driftingmoonmenace · 3 months
🤲Please rant to us about the Guard Dog AU
Well ok, if you say so, Anon! 👀💕
So this is me being very indulgent Menace once again, and I'm sure you'll notice a pattern with me when it comes to themes and tropes I lean towards. LMAO 😂(Also this is in the very early rough concept stage so things might get tweaked with time!)
BUT ANYWAYS, so very futuristic city!! I'm talkin' like Akira/Cyberpunk 2077/Ghost In The Shell/etc style where it's very dense, neon lights everywhere, hologram ads, advanced technology, the works.
FazCo. is in the entertainment industry, but not the kid-friendly kind. They've found that the creature pit fighting scene has been a big hit globally and wanted to cash in on the big profits. Lots of rich people like to host and sponsor these matches typically and attendees are able to place bets. So Fazco. started to develop several of their own homemade creatures to throw into the ring.
A lot of these creatures typically have one to two human handlers who represent them and are in charge of taking care of them, training them, escorting them within the venues, basically everything. It pays well enough, but there is also the very real danger of their assigned creature killing them so it's a high risk job.
These creatures vary in all shapes and sizes. (Though typically they're much, much bigger than humans.) Some are organically lab made, some are organic but have technological augmentations, others are purely robotic. As long as they're able to fight and entice a crowd, that's all that matters.
Sun and Moon are unique within this world. They're partially organic, but heavily augmented, (so kind of a cyborg type of thing) which is nothing new, but their 'brain' is completely robotic and allows them to switch between their duel A.I.s.
Fazco.'s idea for them was basically 'why not have a creature that can switch up their fighting style at a moments notice to keep the opponent on their toes?' without really thinking of the consequences of that. :) (And the only way you can tell which is which is their subtle eye change (and demeanor but eyes are the easiest). Double white for Sun, double red for Moon, and their ace up their sleeve, red and white for both aka Eclipse.)
Y/N decides to apply for the handler job. (The previous handlers all had unfortunate accidents but they don't have to know that.) They know what they're getting into and risks involved but really they're only in it for the money. They'd like to get out of their shithole of a neighborhood and being able to travel is a nice perk, so eh why not. They don't have any real self preservation so as long as they're enjoying the ride that's all that matters to them.
Cue them actually getting to know Sun and Moon over time and 'oops I've become attached and man...this life must suck for them...I'm gonna pull a Free Willy. :)' But not without numerous fights in between, lots of danger with the wrong people, near death situations, etc etc first. And Sun and Moon getting attached themselves with time and being a big ol' guard dog. (And maybe a little tiny bit of love between em cause that's the monster fucker in me talking. LMAO)😌
But yeah that's all I got!! I'm happy to see and hear y'all are so interested in this AU so far!! 💕
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Dead Friend Forever - What do we know about Non's brother
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From the family pictures I am inclined to believe the brother is the older sibiling.
The younger one wears red in one of the pictures and as @shannankle point out in their colors in DFF post, Non is red.
In the family photo you can see the younger sibiling hiding behind the older one, indicating shiness, much like Non.
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The other thing we find out that lends to that is that New doesn't live at home. And his parents send him money. Which makes me think he is in University, which would make him at least 19 three years from the present, which would make him at least 21 in the present timeline.
Other stuff we know (that I don't have screenshot for):
Non despite looking close to his brother in his childhood pictures can't rely on him anymore in the present, we only see Non try to text his boyfriend (❤️ > the red heart aka Phi) and never get a text or try to send a text or call to his brother.
I can guess that would make the brother feel pretty damn guilty.
Non and New's parents fight a lot, there is not a lot of love there, and that is probably why New stopped coming home. Again, guessing.
Obviously everyone is thinking the same thing about the identity of the brother: Tan. Literally the only option within the friend group.
I am conflicted with that theory. Because even though I like it a lot, and there is stuff that does make sense.
Phi feels like the one more in charge, but Tan has more moments where there is an angry expression on his face, when the others talk about Non, and in other places.
Tan is the one that is the most insistant on getting the truth out of the group, getting them to confess, why? I mean why would it matter to get the truth, if he is that angry.
How the fuck did a poor normal uni student manage to fake documents and mess with two schools and the goverment for long enough to finish high school and go to uni again.
Why would a brother wait that long, hanging out with people that could be responsible for your brother dead? Can you even fucking imagine how angry that must have made him.
Why does Phi feel more responsible for Tan's well being if he is younger? Like the inhealer question.
Why does Tan nervous smoke in the wearehouse with the inhealer in hand if he is one of the killers?
Some of the moments where Phi and Tan are talking feel a bit weird if he is the brother.
This one is more doyalist: I know actor ages in thai bl mean less then nothing, but If I am right and the brother is older then did they have to give the part to an actor who is literally only a month older then Barcode??? They are both 19 this is ridiculous. They have actors in the cast that are older then both of them, why would the one who is only a month older play the secret older brother??
Now some of these I have theories for. Like Phi is the one more in charge because New was estranged from his brother, they weren't close, and Phi is a very natural and charismatic leader. It might also be part of the act. To make himself younger.
The fact that he wants to know the truth more might have to do with the dissaperance of Non, if him and the parents were stuck not knowing anything all this time, he might want to get the boys to confess everything just to get the satisfaction.
If Non is dead it might have taken them a bit to actually figure out everything that happened and investigate bit by bit and formulate a plan, that is why it took them 3 years to get revenge.
Tan was nervous because he wasn't sure the plan was going to go well. Phi asks more about his well being even if he is younger, because he is just like that (that is how he was with Non, asking if he was home, if he took the medicine etc.)
But of course the biggest reason for it to be Tan is very simple: If he is not the older brother, then WHO THE FUCK IS HE? He has to be in the plan, he is much to insistant on the wanting the truth, but if he is not the brother then who is he?
Clow theory time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the brother is exeternal. Phi has been screaming about the ninth person since the begging I think that was the clue. I think, the brother is the third killer and the ninth person, and I think he is an adult that we have not seen before.
Like say someone who could get a job working for the people that take of the house
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So he could learn the way, learn the layout of the forest, learn Uncle Dang habits. So he could know that he takes the scoter up there not the car when he is alone. And he could know where to set up the fucking steel rod that took of his head.
So he could take his time setting up that fucking temple, and learning where the cameras are.
And so he could make sure to be the one to be assign to get up there to get them, so that no one would come to save them, because the killers could not have known that Fluke would cancel the ride, and that seems like a coincidence you would not rely on if you are planning revenge for 3 years!!
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10yrsyart · 1 year
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“Restitution: an act of restoring, or a condition of being restored”
None of us are perfect and so all of us have broken God’s Law. Good deeds can’t erase wrongs, just as you can’t recapture words that have left your mouth. But God loved us so much that He provided the payment for our sins instead. “He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:14)
Just as these people had a choice to accept the offer of legal freedom, we also have the choice to accept Jesus’ payment for us, and His freedom. “For God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14)
Don’t rely on the good things you do as a ticket to Heaven. Only perfection is allowed into God’s home. Which is why Jesus, who lived a perfect life and died in our place, is the only way to be made perfect in God’s eyes. His righteousness covers us when we believe. A third option isn’t there; you either live with Him or live separated from Him forever. Believe in Jesus and accept His offer of payment and eternal life, for He loved you enough to pay it all so you can live. 💙
“For the wages is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
Judge: You three have been charged with embezzlement, grand theft, and resisted arrest. You have two options. The first: A prison sentence that will continue until you have payed the entire sum of money that was lost. The second is provided by this gentleman here. He has offered to pay your bail in full, which I will accept as restitution, and your record will be wiped. Make your decisions now please.
Red Man: Who the heck is this guy, talking like he owns the place? These charges are totally unfair.
Blue Woman: What were you expecting? We did break the law.
Red Man: So our choices are living it up in prison or being indebted to this rich goody goody? I'm not accepting that. I don't need him. Where's the third option?
Purple Woman: I don't need a bail out either, I've done a lot of charity work. I'm sure there's a balance there somewhere.. You just have to wheedle the judge a little.
Blue Woman: Are you listening to yourself?-
Judge: Have you made your decisions?
Red Man: Yeah, I refuse! Who made it a crime to borrow a lil' money here and there? It's a free country, ain't it? Actually, it's a crime to discriminate against me like this!
Judge: So you have chosen the first option. I am truly sorry to hear this, Sir. Very well, officers, if you would-
Red Man: Hey, get your hands off me!
Judge: And you, ma'am?
Purple Woman: You see, Judge, I've worked with many nonprofits and charities over the years. They can vouch for me! I'm not really a bad person, this was just a little lapse in judgment, that's all.
Judge: I'm afraid it doesn't matter how many good works you've done, ma'am. The law is still the law, and you've broken it. If you do not accept the pardon you've been offered, you must accept the consequences of your actions.
Purple Woman: Let go of me! I don't deserve this-
Judge: What about you, ma'am?
Blue Woman: ..I'd like to accept this man's generous offer. But, if I may.. Why do you trust him to follow through? It's a rather large price...
Judge: Wonderful, a good question! I have seen his work and I trust his integrity explicitly. For you see- He is my Son.
Yeshua: Congratulations!
Blue Woman: Thankyou.. Thankyou so much! How can I ever repay you?!
Yeshua: I don't want your payment, I'm satisfied that you're free.
Blue Woman: But why?
Yeshua: Let's take a walk together for a bit and get to know each other. I'm doing something quite exciting, and I want you to be a part of it.
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whoiwanttoday · 1 year
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Hey guys, I am posting Jessica Nigri and I am not entirely sure why other than some days I guess you're just in the mood for blonde with big boobs? Like, maybe it's as simple as that, she's hot, she wears nice costumes, that's enough. I don't post her often, in part cause her legal team is famous for take downs, even though all of this is from her instagram so I am not really hurting her sales of anything, but also I don't have a ton to say about her in general. I remember one of the first times I posted her one of my followers (who it hurts me to say but I am glad is off of tumblr cause he was annoying and weirdly needy but also had some really problematic views that came from a place of just being convinced he was life's biggest victim) said he was surprised I hadn't addressed how "controversial she was". I told him I was unaware of any controversy even though I damn well knew what he was talking about, I just wanted to make him say publicly what it was, which was that some people think she's a fake nerd. In my opinion this does not make her controversial, it just exposes the fact that "real nerds" hate women. Real Nerds of course are white men who don't have a lot of luck in social spheres and boy I would like to say I feel bad coming down on the nerds but the truth is I never do. I grew up with you guys and it was toxic, racist, homophobic, and mystification and nerds were the worst bullies I ever met. I often think about that scene in the Social Network when Rooney Mara tells Jesse Eisenberg he tells himself people don't like him because he's smart but they actually don't like him because he's an asshole. I know some people were picked on and no one brought that on themselves but the truth is most adult nerds I have known who swear the world is against them tend to be deeply unpleasant and entitled people. Which is the real reason Jessica Nigri was and is "controversial" in increasingly small and isolated internet communities. Is she a real nerd or not? I dunno. I am inclined to think she must sort of like the stuff she dresses up as cause she could just be a hot girl and charge money for hot girl pictures. Either way I don't care much because I know the real issue here and that is that she and other cosplayers have flipped a misogynistic dynamic on it's head. Objectifying a woman is supposed to diminish her, you get to leer and she gets to be made less than she was before. She is soiled and loses power. But once cosplayers started making money from their work the same voices online that fucking hated them were forking out money for pictures of them and only saw themselves diminishing in their own eyes while the cosplayer got richer. It wasn't how it was supposed to work and it made those people angry. Which is why I don't have a lot to say about Jessica Nirgi cause she's just someone who puts on a costume. I don't think it's a great feminist moment or some moment of deep shame. It just is. But she's hot. Today I want to fuck Jessica Nigri.
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eyesandtentacles · 1 year
People only like Toji because he's attractive
I saw a comment on Tik Tok saying something along those lines and honestly it didn't sit right with me.
Of course, people are free to have their own opinion and you don't have to like Toji, but I believe that there is much more to his character.
So this is a post where I talk about the things that I personally appreciate about Toji Fushiguro. We'll start simple and get deeper as we go on. So strap yourselves in because this is going to be a long one.
Spoilers for the upcoming season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
First let me start by saying that yes,
Toji is indeed very attractive
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Look at this fine specimen of a man. No wonder the fandom goes crazy for him.
His design is certainly aesthetically pleasing. The worm curling around his body and the tight shirt and baggy pants he's wearing emphasize his muscles and tiny waist making your eyes run all over him. His black hair falls on his handsome face nicely and the scar on his lips draws attention to it and adds a little bit of spice, just enough to tie this whole meal together.
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He is built like a snack and boy am I hungry!
But enough about his looks. Looks isn't the only thing he has to offer.
Toji has a superhuman body
Similarly to Maki, Toji is affected by Heavenly Restriction. His body is incredibly strong and fast and in exchange he possesses no cursed energy. But he doesn't even need cursed energy to see curses, because his senses are just that sharp and enhanced! He truly is an anomaly and if the jujutsu society recognised his potential instead of abusing him for being different, he would definitely be classified as a special grade sorcerer.
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Dude's a beast so he makes any battle that he takes part in fun and exciting to watch. He also had some interesting matchups allowing him to show off how skilled he is as a fighter.
We got to see him battle with Gojo,Geto and a disaster curse, all of them considered special grade and he won all but one of his encounters with them. However, that one loss was from the second battle with Gojo AKA the strongest sorcerer alive, who he almost killed on their first one, so that shows how superior his combat skills can really be.
But Toji doesn't only depend on his body to do the work.
Toji is smart
When tasked with the mission to kill Riko Amanai, instead of charging in right away, he simply sits and waits while others try their hand on the assassination.
But why is Toji waiting?
It's because he knows that Gojo is protecting this girl and he knows what he is capable off, so he chose to take things slow. By putting the money reward for the job on the internet and offering it to anyone who was successful in killing the target, he ensured that the protection squad would be constantly on edge. He even put a time limit on the offer to deceive them into believing that they only needed to be careful for a certain amount of time. As a result, when the time limit had passed and the group let their guard down Toji striked by putting a sword through Gojo's chest, an attack that would be lethal if it weren't faced with such a strong opponent.
He also took advantage of the fact that his lack of cursed energy makes him invisible to the security system of Jujutsu High and to the sorcerers around him. He made sure that his first strike against Gojo was with a normal sword and switched to a cursed tool when the surprise attack didn't work.
But where did that tool come from? And if it has cursed energy wouldn't it be detected?
Well that's where the worm comes in....
So basically, in order to keep the advantage of being invisible due to the lack of cursed energy and to always have weapons available, Toji keeps this cursed spirit on his stomach and whenever he needs something he simply vomits it out and does his thing. Kinda gross but very effective.
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Honestly it's terrifying how this man can use his body and anything else that is available to quickly come up with a strategy to kick your ass. Being his opponent must be a total nightmare since Toji is brutal and cares only about one thing and that is money.
Or maybe there is something more........
Toji cares about his family
Now I know what you're going to say and I agree.
Toji is a terrible father.
Not only did he abandon his son but he also sold him to the Zenins. That ain't exactly father of the year material. Despite this, there are moments that show that he loves his family.
One of those moments is when he recalls Megumi and that he was the one who named him. I refuse to believe that Toji woke up and chose a random name for his son, especially since Megumi means Blessing so he must have put some thought into it.
Additionally, in his dying moments he thought about his son and his wife and it was obvious that it's a memory that's dear to him. At first he chose to not say anything when asked about his last words, but changed his mind when he remembered Megumi, informing Gojo that he will be sold in the Zenin family and to do with that as he pleases. That ensured Gojo taking Megumi under his care and protection.
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Another moment is when Toji is back as a mindless puppet in Shibuya, fighting purely on instinct the strongest person in the room and when that person happened to be Megumi he froze, his eyes literally softening at the sight of his boy and he regained control long enough to ask a question and then kill himself to ensure that he won't bring him any more harm.
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But wait, you may ask, if he cares this much about Megumi why did he abandon and sell him?
Well the answer to that is a simple but sad one.
Toji is a broken man
Toji is a Zenin, a member of one of the most important clans in jujutsu society. But because he was born with no cursed energy he was abused by the family and left it completely unstable.
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Look at this panel. His eyes look so empty and tired. This was before he left from the clan and started to work as an assassin.
However, even while he was away from this toxic environment, the damage had been done. Toji definitely had issues regarding his self-worth. He kept trying to prove that someone like him can be strong and defeat sorcerers. He referred to himself as a ''useless monkey who can't even use jujutsu''. He kept saying while selling his son that unlike him, his son had potential since he had a cursed technique.
And in the end, in the battle that led to his death, instead of fleeing, he chose to stay and fight because he was facing Gojo and being able to crush him, the strongest sorcerer alive, would discredit the society that deemed him worthless.
His trauma caused him to ignore his survival instincts and led to his demise.
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This trauma was also the reason why he abandoned and sold Megumi. When he met his wife, Toji was able to calm down and become a bit more stable. He loved and really cared about this woman. But she died soon after Megumi was born, leaving Toji once again unstable but with a baby in his care.
At this point, his issues about his worth once again kicked in and he probably felt that he wouldn't be able to raise his son properly. So he sold him to the Zenin family, promising them that the kid would develop a good cursed technique and asking them to take care of him. In his mind, the place that he grew up would be better for Megumi since he had potential.
I'm guessing that before dying he realised that that environment would still be bad even for Megumi so he told Gojo about the deal maybe because he was hopeful that Gojo would help the kid. And of course that's exactly what happened.
So when Toji appears once again in Shibuya and comes face to face with Megumi he asks him a simple question.
What's your name?
And when Megumi replied with Fushiguro instead of Zenin I'm sure that that made Toji feel happy and relieved.
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All of this of course doesn't excuse any of his actions but it certainly explains them.
And all of his actions had some effect on the story.
Toji is an important part of the plot
Before he even appears in the anime, Toji has already made his impact. He was considered an anomaly and his mere existence was bound to affect the story in some way.
There were so many moments where we see how he affected it.
By almost killing Gojo, he made him realise his full potential and become the strongest.
By killing Riko Amanai, he caused Geto's spiral and existential crisis leading him to leave Jujutsu High and become a villain, only to later die and have his body used by Kenjaku for his big plan.
By killing Riko Amanai, he also stopped the merging with Master Tengen, something that had massive consequences and would be taken advantage of by Kenjaku in the future.
By telling Gojo about Megumi, he caused Gojo to take him under his protection, training him and raising him with much more care that the Zenin family ever would.
All of these moments are vital.
All of them caused by him.
Toji was an important piece to the whole puzzle of this story and without him Jujutsu Kaisen would not be complete.
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And just like that, we have reached the end.
Once again I'd like to say that you can believe whatever you want about Toji but simply reducing him to just an attractive character is a bit of a disservice to him, no?
Apologies for the chaotic writing I have way too many thoughts and can't articulate them properly.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far <3
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miss0atae · 2 months
Random Thoughts about Only Boo! episode 1:
This series is very cute, very fluffy and a pure rom-com. It's just perfect to replace Cooking Crush on Sunday. It was totally an unexpected series but this first episode is a nice opening.
▪️ We have cheeky Moo, who wants to be an idol, but is transferred in another school by his mom because she fears he doesn't take seriously enough his studies. I believe Mom is not wrong to insist he finished high school and have a back up plan. I guess, It's because I'm old now, but I do understand why at Moo's age is quite difficult to see it her way. Pursuing a dream is never a bad thing anyway. It gives your life significance.
▪️ Moo is truly a nice kid. He doesn't even trow a tantrum when his mum basically force him to abandon city life to live in a small countryside town far away from everything except school (my own nightmare. I dream of living in a city where everything is reachable by foot. I hate driving). He never lets himself get discouraged. As for me, I would have stop going to the store if I forgot needed items and would have waited until next day. I admire his persistence. I also believe his mom should have made sure he had at least some essentials before leaving him by himself in his new room.
▪️ The other main character is Kang. I believe he must be at least one year older than Moo. He already finished school and he is working at his mom's restaurant and helping people while also being an artist who didn't pursue entering art school for family reasons. Despite being very helpful, he doesn't consider this as kindness. I hope we'll learn why because I think he is very a kind-hearted man. He doesn't show any annoyance at helping others even if he doesn't really know them (he helped Moo several times and even though he said he would charge him money later, it sounds more like a joke than anything).
▪️ We got a very short introduction for other characters such as Potae and Payos, who are in the same high school as Moo. They share his interest in dance but they started on the wrong foot so it will probably takes time for them to be friendly. We also discover Neth who is Kang's friend (at least for now). However, the episode mostly centered around Kang and Moo first encounter, so all these other characters remain background characters yet.
▪️ Let me tell you, I understand why Moo will be falling for Kang because these kind of small attentions he made for him without asking anything is return are just so sweet. This episode may have its share of rom-com clichés (accidental kiss for example) but I don't mind them. I still found this episode enjoyable. I ask for nothing more. Let's see how these two end up together and achieve their dream at the same time.
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blues824 · 1 year
How about the obey me brothers interacting with an mc who’s like Dante from Devil May Cry? After reading the Bayonetta headcanons, I thought of this.
Why does he look hot on the Wiki Page tho?? Also, I loved his Michael Jackson dance.
Gender-neutral Reader
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He has read your student profile and knows that you are a demon hunter. He wonders what went on in Diavolo’s mind when he decided that you should be invited to the Devildom, a realm full of the beings you loved to hunt.
Your sarcasm is a double-edged sword for him. He loves when his brothers get a taste of their own medicine, but he hates when you make a witty comeback towards him. Plus, he can’t do anything because you’re way more powerful than he is, even if you are only half-demon.
However, you’re as bad of a gambler as his younger brother, Mammon, is. It’s annoying to see the two of you constantly going out to gamble to try and get more money to pay back your debts. Unfortunately, he can’t stop you since the reason you don’t have many funds is because you often don’t charge people for sending you to go demon hunting. You are a fighting Robin Hood, aren’t you?
The longer you stay with the brothers, the more you grow attached. You still genuinely cared for Belphegor even after he tried to kill you. I say ‘tried’ because the youngest brother didn’t stand a chance against you. It was almost amusing (but definitely embarrassing) to Lucifer, seeing Belphie lose that badly.
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Lucifer had told him that you were a skilled, even legendary, demon hunter and he was understandably scared. Diavolo must have lost his mind because there was no way he would be able to make the decision to bring you to a realm of demons if he was sane.
He audibly laughed when you made a sarcastic remark towards Lucifer, and that ended up in him getting strung from the chandelier. Somewhere in there, he realized that you were stronger than his older brother because you didn’t get anything but a warning about your behavior.
He loves and hates gambling with you. You just suck so bad at it that he can’t help but drag you along to laugh at your failure. He will teach you some tricks and use his magic to make you a tad more lucky. Eventually, you get enough money to pay your debts, and save some for Mammon so he can pay back his debts as well.
The second eldest was genuinely scared when Belphie lunged after you. He seemed to have forgotten that not only were you a legendary demon hunter, but also half-demon yourself. The 7th brother never stood a chance against you, and got packed up. Mammon was in the back just cheering you on.
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You remind him of the protagonist of the game Demon Might Weep!!! He wishes to have the amount of confidence you have. You are able to walk into any room and you act like you’ve known everyone there for years, and no one questions it.
When you made a sarcastic comment towards Lucifer, he almost spit out his energy drink out of shock. And he realized that his oldest brother couldn’t even do anything about it because you were so powerful, and his jaw dropped even more.
He’s jealous whenever you go gambling with Mammon. You could be hanging out with him instead, but of course you wouldn’t. Who would want to hang out with a gross otaku like him, huh? It’s not until you explain that you’re just trying to pay back your debts that he understands why you go out to the casinos constantly.
He cheered you on from the beginning when you fought for your life against his youngest brother. Sure, he was scared since you were taken off-guard, but he had faith in you and your abilities as a half-demon demon hunter. He’s so relieved to see you make it out alright.
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He has also read your student profile, but he was sure that Diavolo had his reasons when he chose you to be an exchange student. You could technically be counted as a source of unification between the Human Realm and Hell because of your parentage.
He laughed out loud and unashamedly when you made a sassy comment towards Lucifer right to his face. He did not expect an exchange student to have this much stupidity or bravery (he can’t tell which one you have). However, you have his respect now.
He’s more annoyed when you go gambling with Mammon, mainly because you lose more money than you win. Sure, the reason why you don’t have any money is noble since you often don’t charge for your demon hunting services. But money is money, and you have none of it.
When you fought against Belphegor, he was surprised that you had that much power within you. You would think that you would be less powerful considering you’re only half-demon, but here you are… easily folding Belphie the f up like the dishes on a Tuesday afternoon.
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Lucifer had informed him that you were a demon hunter and he was definitely scared. He hasn’t even met you yet and his oldest brother is admitting that you’re stronger than any of the brothers, and might be stronger than Lord Diavolo for all they know.
He giggled when you made a sassy remark back towards the Avatar of Pride, but was also shocked. No one, in any millennia that they have lived through, had ever had the guts to do what you just did. You were just a different breed, apparently (literally).
He always laughs when you and his older brother come back from the casino with nothing in your pockets. Sure, it’s beyond frustrating, but it’s also hilarious. Shouldn’t you have learned by now that you’ve been dealt a bad hand when it comes to the tables and dice?
The day that Belphie attacked, Asmo was so worried for you. Not physically, considering you were stronger than all of them combined. No, he was worried about how your trust would be impacted in the future. I mean, you became close with the residents of the HoL, but now you would probably be wary.
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When his oldest brother had informed him that you were a legendary demon hunter, he spit out whatever food he had in his mouth. He suddenly wasn’t very hungry, mainly because Lord Diavolo and Lucifer had accepted a demon hunter into RAD.
When you decided to test the waters and bite back at Lucifer, Beel spit out his food then too. Like, there ain’t no way you had said that to the Avatar of Pride and lived to tell the tale. Of course, it definitely didn’t help anything when his oldest brother admitted to the group that he couldn’t do anything in response. Just how powerful were you?
He gets upset when he sees you and Mammon coming back from the casinos, drunk and broke. You could never win when it came to gambling, and you resorted to leeching off the brothers until you could pay back your debts. Didn’t you know that you were qualified for a normal job?
When Belphie attacked, he was torn between his emotions. Sure, he loved you, but he also loved his twin as well. He understood Belphegor’s anger since the angels couldn’t allow a union like Lilith and her lover when you were half-demon, half-human. He was glad that you made it out alive, though.
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When his oldest brother visited him in the attic, he had told him about you. It just made him further question Diavolo’s sanity, since he invited one of, if not the, best demon hunter known to all the realms. The Demon Lord must’ve lost his freaking mind.
He got a taste of your sarcasm when he asked you to let him out. You were already suspicious of him, so you were able to see right through his scheme, so you decided to humble his very obvious pride by shooting him down in a very sassy way.
He has probably heard Lucifer yelling at you and Mammon for going out gambling and losing a crap-ton of money. It’s kind of hard not to hear it, actually. He figured that either someone at the tables cheated or you just sucked at gambling.
When he attacked you, he revealed that he was angry that angels and humans couldn’t have the same union that demons and humans could (that, as a result, produced you and your twin brother). If it were allowed in the Celestial Realm, perhaps Lilith would still be alive.
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dearweirdme · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/dearweirdme/736712703499010048/it-just-bothers-me-when-fans-feel-entitled-to It is not ridiculous to "side with the company" on this one. I'm Hybe hater #1, can't stand corporate bs in general, but in this instance I agree 100% with previous anon who talked about their relationship not being content. I can easily believe this is their way of protecting them, even if it seems like too much at times. Of course not every interaction is going to expose them. You can get away with a lot that most people will brush aside as just good friends behavior. But obviously what we've seen has convinced us that they're together. So something is showing in their interactions. Who am I to calculate the current risk for them. And who am I to demand that they put on the bro act for the official cameras just so I can get some content. Content that people can call awkward like that anon talking about the May 2020 VLive. That VLive was the first one of just the two of them since 2016 by the way. When I saw the news that they were on VLive I didn't believe it because I was sure we were never getting another just TK VLive and it had been four years. When I tuned in and saw they were obviously being chaperoned, it made sense. On Twitter, Taekookers threw an embarrassing fit about not getting to see Taekook's final goodbyes before enlistment. I saw very few acknowledge that these moments should be just for them. It reeks of insecurity and selfishness. They needed Taekook to prove something. They wanted their moment to shove in Jkker's faces. In 2-3 days, they'd be back to whining for more. Instead of protecting them, Taekooker's make it about the company trying to make it look like they're not even friends. If someone genuinely believes they're not even friends, they're probably a Jkker or an idiot or both and no one should be concerned with what they think about TK's relationship based on official content only. As far as Inkigayo also being absent, they snuck Tae into and out of the building without anyone knowing (and I still think it's possible he went in and left with JK). It was the only time a member attended another's performance and didn't go in through the front door in front of media cameras. They hid it very well then, and must have had a reason. So I wouldn't expect to see it in official content. Again, I don't need "moments" fed to me in official content. I don't need the company choosing moments to allow to keep the bro narrative going. What Taekook choose to show us means everything to me, and they showed so much in the last year. They showed what they wanted to just before enlistment. That's enough for me.
Hi anon!
I think BH cutting out Tae and Jk is very much two sided. It’s to protect Tae and Jk as persons, as artists who want to have a career, to protect BTS as a group, but it’s also to protect the company. The question I ask myself is: if Tae and Jk wanted to come out, would BH let them? And I do not think they would, at least not at this point. Not because they’re homophobes, but because it’s a risk to their biggest source of income. And in the end, I think it’s always money that makes the decisions.
I think Tae and Jk at times showed they didn’t enjoy being placed apart. They were very young though, so maybe that’s why the company felt they had to take charge and Tae and Jk couldn’t be trusted. Being young and in love does make people unpredictable at times, and young people in general are not as good at hiding their feelings as much as they think. I think it does show that after 2019 they were able to be together more, so possibly at that time BH decided to easy the rules a bit (enter the ITS talk and Taekook diving into closeness again).
I do feel the balance could have been better and I think BH is scared of rumors getting too much. Which may be valid. I don’t think Tae and Jk want to actually be out themselves at this point, but I do think they would’ve wanted to do some projects together and I absolutely think it’s the company that holds them back in that.
But you are very right. We have no right to expect or want anything regarding their relationship from them. That’s private and is supposed to be private. I did not want to see their last goodbye and I am very glad we didn’t have to witness some strained interaction for the sake of fandom.
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tiredofthebull · 8 days
I live in Waltham Housing, and I have lived here for 11 years, I used to live in Allston in HUD housing. Now if rent was affordable, I would have a house of my own now. But how can I when housing takes what 30% of my income and our government takes their share, what is left to save? Absolutely NOTHING! Food costs more, electricity costs more. I can barely buy food if I can at all. Housing is supposed to be a steppingstone, but it is instead a big bolder chained to your leg to keep you down.
I am so tired of not getting ahead, I work full time and if my job asks me to work longer or more I can't, because what I would be doing is making more for housing to take and more for our government to take so the politicians can get a raise and so their secretaries can have a secretary.
I try to look for apartments outside of housing and all I can say is to those you are renting apartments for 3 to 4 thousand dollars for a 3-bedroom apartment a 1 bath, and they are not the greatest looking apartments and some in very questionable areas, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!!!
My two sons live with me and they are both adults , one is 39 and the other 24, they both work full time and of course their income is counted and still we can’t save anything to get out cause they just charge more, most people are happy when they get a raise, not me because I know the rent will go up and once again the government takes more.
This is why there are so many homeless people, why there are hungry children, why the elderly don't eat because they must pay out of pocket for some of their prescriptions because insurance doesn't cover all of it.
We are living in the richest country, yet most of us are poor and hungry, we have to make life decisions at the grocery store and forget about buying healthy, who can afford healthy?!
And yes, there are food pantries, that's if you can get to them during the time they are giving away things. I work so I can’t, And the times I was able to go when they had on the weekends, well, the fruit and vegetables were already starting to rot. I also make too much for food stamps, but I don't have enough money left over after taxes are taken out and after I pay rent.
Housing counts what you make gross, OK, so I don't get back a lot at the end of the year, and if I don't get back anything? Where is that money you counted that I make, that gets counted towards my rent, that I never see????
So, to the government, when are you going to do something for your citizens? We all deserve the same luxuries as you. You’re not better than any of us poor people, you just have more, more breaks in taxes, more money that you get tax breaks on because you are at a higher income bracket. You just make more.
I am tired, tired of not making enough, I tired of working and having nothing to show for it,
I tired of people say the economy is better, tired of people saying there is no recession, of course the people in government don't feel it, but we the people who work our asses off for you doing jobs that you would never do, because you don't want to get your hands dirty, unless it is in politics.
Don't lie to the hardworking people of this country, we live in the real world, while you live in your fabricated world of fairy tales.
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katherinebotten · 10 months
Jack Donoghue, the opioid epidemic merch hoodie, and Salem
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Jack is cool because of what he brings to the situation. The situation isn’t cool. It’s cool because jack is there. Jack sets the tone he does not let the tone dictate how he is received. He has a romantic mid-west America sensibility. Humble. Disappearing to become a heroin addict ploughing the fields of Alaska like a gold-rush miner in the 1800s. Always in a BPD codep relationship but he remains the Elvis of his life. The captain of his ship. Enough self hating insecurity that we relate to him yet enough mastery over his exterior material conditions that we are in awe. The shame never takes him under the way it would us. He is a god amongst men because shame would kill us mortals yet he takes his shame and turns it into capital through the commerce possible from fine art. Everyone else tries to be Salem but only Salem is Salem. Everyone else should try being themselves. He dated lana because they are both magicians. Liam wanted to be Jack. Every boy wants to be jack. If I saw a person in a Salem t-shirt I would make sure not to talk to them. I think identifying with Salem is for losers only. But I can’t deny the appeal of jack. And of Salem! 
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Daisies boyfriend wore a black hoodie it said “I survived the opioid crisis” and I wanted it even though they are the most loser couple of insecure losers on earth. Australia’s prom king and queen if the high school was Insecure High. And it really makes you think, huh, it must be true… money doesn’t make you happy. I didn’t know who made this hoodie - for days I was thinking about it. It was like a sigil. Charged with subcultural power. Then I googled it and saw it was Salem merch... Of course! Salem merch is cringe by nature because when you signal the code that your into Salem you also signal that your a desperate creton lazy death lover with no creativity. Like every art gallery in Melbourne named after death. But this hoodie got me. Death has built in sex appeal that’s why I think it’s lazy. I wish Salem made pro-life merch but they wouldn’t, couldn’t, and won’t. Because then they wouldn’t be Salem. I come for the death and stay for the sex. Jack is the Bee Gee’s “Stayin’ Alive” song, walking down the street in spring using your denim cock crotch as a compass. Jacks cock = true north. He is magnetic because he is a child looking for a whore and/or a mother and won’t break out of himself to become sovereign (ie to become a magician) and we identify, the magnetism is that he is us but he looks, sounds, and seems cool doing it, so we idolise. We want to feel okay. We also can’t break out to become sovereign selves, we want company. But jack is accidentally a magician and I can’t figure out why. He is a martyr in that he becomes magician so we don’t have to and we praise him for it. (Idk how u become a magician without becoming a magician????) He is America. He is a poet. He is a beat poet. He is a dumb hunk. Drunk. Drug addict. Sex addict. Bpd pest. Annoying regressed pitbull. The archetype of the Casanova, Eros, Mars the planet named after the Roman god of war. He signals an authenticity that hipsters feed off but being death obsessed isn’t authentic it’s fake and a cover and fear centric and our authentic core is always life obsessed. My magic coach max says life and death are the same thing. Idk I just know Jack is a loser because death is pathetic but I also know that he gets me everytime and we love him because we want to love the fearful parts of us too and in jack we see the dualism of fear and the things we do to camouflage it that to dumb people appears as fears opposite. We want to empower the parts of us that are scared and weak and lying to cover themselves over as strong (see: in Melbourne - indifferent, apathetic, amoral, apolitical). So we love jack. Scum John Travolta. A boobytrap. Salem is for the codependent. Salem is loaded, charged, cool. 
I watched a fan made documentary on YouTube about Jack and spent the next 12 hours totally desperate to relapse. Every product we want has a secret promise it will make us feel safer. No one wants to die and to change is to die and to be attracted to darkness is liking this sensation you get when you think you are changing because you are dying because you like darkness, and how happy it lets you feel making believe like you're changing when your actually not. Surrounded by darkness my loser XXXXXXXXX thinks he is so cool because he loves death but he doesn’t change he is stuck because he thinks the attraction to death is death (he's not brave enough to die). The final thing out of Pandora’s box was hope and it was the cruellest of all because it kept people exactly as they were. Unchanging. We are such liars. Salem hoodie losers declare themselves as liars. Looking beyond death is life, like in Zazen setting up seated meditation and staring through the hoodie. Refracted out on the other side is the understanding that there is a quality within you that is dependent on external validation for your sense of mysticism, and this is of a low vibrational frequency and probably blocking you from real divine union, being yourself, knowing your purpose and carrying it out.
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I wish they didn’t have the opioid brands on the back it makes it uncool, glib and heavy handed. It’s cheap like loser graphic design not fine art and you could find anything that looks like that at Savers or someone in Brunswick yuck. The front is kind of dope in that it’s a public service announcement and mysterious and doesn’t technically have to be true. Then the brands on the back is this energetic doubling down but it’s confused and Vibrationally comes off as not mysterious. Too “of the world”. Plus can you imagine all the losers behind you as you walk being intrigued or scared while reading the branding on your back it’s kind of beyond ugly thing to force to happen in the environment in fact I would go as far as to call the graphic element on the back of the hoodie environmental rape. 
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It seems like no matter what he has friends and some what accepts himself. If it was one of us who ended up picking olives in willunga, South Australia, or being a cleaner on a FIFO offshore oil refinery, or in the mines of deep Queensland I doubt we would remain cool and desirable, it is the perserverance of Jack’s essense despite the material conditions that we admire. It’s like he is in the olympics of remaining cool despite what is happening around him. I would kill myself if I ended up childless and living in the fleurieu peninsula alas I am sober and Jack copes by smoking, driving a ute, staying reflexive to trends, and contributing to the zietgiest with markers reminding us of his virility via Instagram posts. I’m torn, it’s not king behaviour. I stan a drop-out, jack hangs-in. 
One day zac described to me that Ed Sheeran was famous because he distilled the essense of England into a man and that is what was being celebrated. England championing the spirit of “England”. The schizophrenia of it was enticing, I don’t know if it checks out. I think we just want to be carried off to sleep, our consciousness blunted. Nothing toooo much but enough of enough to think we’re being satisfied. A Course In Miracles says nothing of this world could be satisfying. I think jack represents the edge of an edge most hipsters are happy to occasionally occupy or aim for. If Jack actually was a frontier explorer we wouldn’t know or see him because he wouldn’t be so representable and locatable. (I wonder if that’s truly true?)
I like jack because he shows me beauty in hopelessness. Where jack is is ok not because it is ok but because jack is there. This is a representation of presence-creation. If I am ok then I can be present. At the end of it all we love hope. The art is dark but it represents making the most of nothing and that is hopeful. Jack is a magician because he is an alchemiser. 
I still think wearing Salem merch shows yourself to be retarded it’s the same as saying I am four years old but I can’t deny that the graphic design of the Salem font is an effective sigil. I respect the mastery of magic in this regard. Salem tea towels would be cool. “I survived the opiod epidemic” on a teatowel would have such a different register vibrationally than a black hoodie. I guess I’m missing the point again people want death not life from salem and tea towels are too life coded. I wonder if there is a way for salem to have less loser attracting merch? 
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I know they have such bad porn star sex. I actually feel so sad writing that, I look into their eyes above and see broken 4 year olds crying out for affection and security. They could perfectly heal together, two of the same wounds. My heart breaks to think of both of them stuck on the same merry-go-round from hell.
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aeoki · 3 months
SS Finals - Melee: Chapter 1
Location: Inside Bus Characters: Tomoya, Hokuto, Keito, Eichi, Chiaki, Wataru & Natsume
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Fast-forward to New Year’s Eve. Day of the “SS” Finals. >
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Wataru: ♪~♪~♪
The “SS” Finals have begun in a rather ordinary manner…☆
It’s the biggest festival of the mundane and precious idol industry – I wonder what sort of tragicomedy will unfold this year?
Keito: …I sense an unpleasant presence above my head.
Eichi: Maybe it’s just God peering down?
Oh, foolish humans – why do you dance? Are you afraid to learn of God’s will? Hehe ♪
Keito: You’re in a surprisingly good mood, Eichi. Now is precisely the time to tighten the strap on your helmet and brace yourself, you know?
Eichi: Putting on a brave face also counts as being alive and well, Keito. Besides, it’s been a while since we last fought side by side together, so I’m happy.
Keito: That didn’t sound sincere at all. You’d have more fun fighting against me, wouldn’t you?
Eichi: I’ll let Sakuma-kun have that pleasure. He must be quite sad seeing as you two no longer have the chance to tussle it out with one another now that he has carelessly joined the same agency as you.
In any case, the “SS” Finals will begin and end today on New Year’s Eve.
We can’t waste our time – It might be sudden, but I’d like to get right into it. Any objections, unit leaders of the “Red Team”?
Hokuto: Yes, I have objections.
Natsume: You have objections every tiME. Putting that asiDE, who put you in charge, “EmperOR”?
Eichi: You don’t like that idea, Mr Magician Boy? Obviously, it would make more sense for Hokuto-kun, the previous winner of “SS” to be the leader of the “Red Team”.
But things couldn’t have been helped. The “SS” Administration Committee selected “fine” to be the “General Leader” of the “Red Team”.
I’m simply following orders.
Natsume: HmPH, how much did you pay to get that positiON?
Eichi: You make me sound like a horrible person. There are things you cannot buy with money in this world too, you know, Sakasaki-kun. For example, hmm, I can’t seem to think of any at the moment ♪
Besides, “Switch” is only allowed to participate in the Finals through improper means because you guys buttered up to the “SS” Administration Committee, no?
Even if we do have connections with the management, I don’t think you’re in any position to attack me like I’m some villain.
Natsume: Ever the smooth talker, I sEE.
And I’ll say this to protect our reputatiON, but we never “cheated” our way into the FinaLS.
We did “use” the management as a means to survive and as an investment for our future, thouGH.
The final amount of “SSL$” we possessed was more than enough for us to advance to the FinaLS.
Keito: The more you try to cover it up with excuses, the more fishy it sounds instead, Sakasaki.
Natsume: Oh? Were you trying to throw your dearest childhood friend a lifeliNE, you coldblooded Ex-Vice PresideNT? ♪
Keito: In my heart, I’m actually on your side, Sakasaki. I’m trying to say you shouldn’t disturb the peace by recklessly picking fights with people you don’t like.
We should be putting our heads together as the “Red Team” to come up with a thorough strategy to win.
Eichi: Yeah. That’s why I asked all of the unit leaders of the “Red Team” to meet up.
By the way, I’ve already checked if this bus has any bugs and I’ve also asked Wataru to keep watch on the roof just in case.
This bus has the blessed protection of an angel – Wataru will definitely not let anything suspicious in.
Keito: He’s the most suspicious here.
Hokuto: I agree with Hasumi-senpai for a change.
Tomoya: Ahaha. I’m just happy that the old members of last year’s Drama Club just happened to be all together, though.
Hokuto: Hehe. Hibiki-senpai is in a high place as usual too.
Eichi: (Good, good. I suppose it was the right move to place Wataru on the roof of the bus.)
(As long as there is the possibility that Natsume-kun’s “master”, who he loves and respects, is listening in, Hokuto and Tomoya-kun shouldn’t be able to do anything disgraceful, either.)
(Well, compared to the naughty children in the “White Team”... all the members of the “Red Team” seem rather docile.)
Chiaki: I wanna say something: I know everyone has their own opinions, but just as Hasumi said, I’d like us all to team up for the “Red Team’s” victory.
“One for all and all for one” – I don’t intend on pushing “RYUUSEITAI’s” way of doing things onto you guys here.
But “SS” should be a huge game that we – no, every idol – can’t skip out on.
Nothing good will come out of arguing and hurting our teammates – It’ll just end in regret.
Hokuto: …If that’s what you say, Morisawa-senpai.
Natsume: You surprisingly think quite highly of that oppressive upperclassman, huh, Hokke-kUN?
Hokuto: He took care of me during “Rain-bows”.
Tomoya: If that’s what Hokuto-senpai says, then you have all of “Ra*bits” support. We had those intentions from the beginning too, of course.
Eichi: Thank you.
If the leader of “Ra*bits” was still Nito-kun, then I’m sure he’d be endlessly shouting, “That doesn’t matter! I still hate your guts, Tenshouin!”
Tomoya: …Well, I’m not particularly fond of you either, just so you know.
Hokuto: What did you do to our Tomoya, Tenshouin-senpai? I won’t forgive you depending on what you say!
Eichi: Hehe. Did I ever tell you I was seeking your forgiveness?
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What We Believe - Part 1
Part three to the “What We Are” series. 
‘What We See’ starts here. 
‘What We Do’ starts here. 
Summary: The discovery that Khonshu is back hits hard for a system that is still trying to learn to trust one another, let alone live with one another. Some old wounds get ripped open and Trust is a word filled with pain. 
Warnings: I don't know. You watched the show. All of that. (emotional damage and discussion of self harm/suicide/mild violence)
Pairing: The trio are all friends here. Layla saves the day.
Word count: 3292
Part 1: Steven plays detective to try to figure out what Marc has been up to. An old friend calls and Steven starts to put together the bigger picture of Marc’s life. Jake takes up an old job, but it isn’t so easy to clean up the mess now that more people are involved. 
The black out had been sudden. Almost brutal. He hadn’t seen it coming and it reminded him of the old days when they would fight over the body. 
He hadn’t even been allowed to observe from a distance. It had been a total shut down and Steven hated it. 
When he finally came to, he could sense that some time had gone by, but not how much. 
“Marc?” Steven instinctively called out, but there was no answer. “Jake?” Again, no answer. 
“Bollocks.” Steven took stock of himself. He was on the floor. A floor. He wasn’t really sure what floor. It was cold and rough. It was dark and the only light he could make out was a dim light coming from under a door off to the side. 
Steven got up and immediately banged his head into a low hanging light. “Nhu.” He stood still and tried to take stock of himself. Nothing felt broken. No unusual pains or wounds. His hands felt a little stiff. Maybe a little sore. His mouth also tasted like the inside of a whisky bottle. “Great. Went out on a little binge, did we?” 
He patted his pockets down hoping for a phone. “Keys. Wallet. Phone! Yes! Progress! We have a….Bollocks.” It was dead. 
“Okay. I’m in a room. There is a light. There must be a light switch. Just gotta carefully-Ow.” He banged into something in front of him. “Carefully find the-Ow. The wall. Gotta be a-Ow-switch here somewhere…” 
His hand found a cord of some sort with a switch. He clicked it and the room flooded with a harsh yellow light. 
“Marc!” Steven tried again. “Why the hell are we sleeping in your storage unit?” 
There was the old cot, the military grade trunk, and the containers of old weapons and supplies that Marc refused to get rid of or move into the flat. 
When no answer came, he looked around for any clues as to Marc’s thought process. His duffel bag was back and it was open. “Okay. Foreign money. That’s a check. Old passport out. We appear to have been going somewhere. That really narrows it down.” 
Steven looked around till he found a portable charger and plugged the phone in. “Where were you going, Marc?” 
He waited just long enough for the phone to hold a charge then flipped it open. Two missed calls. One from Layla and one from someone listed as Duchamp. No messages. He searched the outbound calls. Three to Duchamp. 
Steven hesitated. Was this Duchamp fellow from Marc’s mercenary days? Did Marc still have friends? Marc never mentioned any friends. 
He clicked the name and let it ring. 
“Hello? Marc?” A thick french accent called out. “Do you still need a pass to Cairo?” 
Steven slouched. “Cairo? Really?” 
There was silence on the other side of the phone for a moment. “Marc?” The voice was cautious. 
“Yeah, Sorry.” Steven shook his head. “Marc is…Out. I don’t think he’s going to be going to Cairo. Thank you.” 
The voice took a slow breath. “Is this Steven?” 
That gave Steven a jolt. “How do you know my name?” 
The voice laughed. “I have not spoken with you in a long time. I’m Jean-Paul!” 
Steven frowned. “I’m sorry I still don’t understand.” 
“Ah, you don’t remember me. It is fine. You probably thought it was a strange dream. Marc doesn’t even know. Tell me, is Marc alright?” 
“Yeah.” Steven was still confused. “I think he drank a bottle. He might be out for a bit. Why was he going to Cairo?” 
Jean-Paul made a sound. “He didn’t say. Nothing coherent. He might have had two bottles. He used to go on wild benders after our jobs. Utterly trashed like a man trying to drown in liquor. I don’t blame him. I was not much better.” 
“Fantastic.” Steven let the disappointment come through. “Glad to know he copes so well.” 
“We all cope in different ways.” Jean-Paul laughed. “Hey, maybe once he’s sorted out there in London, I can stop by. I would like to catch up sometime. See how the good life is treating us for a change. Would be nice to see you too.” 
“Yeah alright.” Steven didn’t know how to handle this man from Marc’s past. Was he supposed to be careful? Was he dangerous? Did he know about them? He seemed to think he knew who Steven was… 
“Don’t worry, I will call ahead. Marc does not like surprises.” Jean-Paul chuckled to himself. “Hey, how is the other friend? I’m afraid I never got his name… Very serious fellow. I only met him a couple of times. He saved my life once.” 
Steven felt his heart beat race. “Jake. His name is Jake Lockley. He’s fine I assume. This is really embarrassing but I just woke up and I’m not really sure what’s going on but I need to figure out why we were going to Cairo…” 
Jean-Paul let out a long meandering sigh. “I understand. Marc calls me up after all this time. I had started to think he was dead. He asks if I still fly. I have my own plane now thanks to our last job together. Legit. No more fresh blood. Only old blood and bad dreams left of those days. He says he’s got some bird to take care of and wants to go to Cairo. I thought he was talking about a lady, but he started going on about the pyramid.” 
“Marc you twit.” Steven put a hand to his forehead. “Alright. I get it. Thank you, Jean-Paul.” 
“No problem, Steven. If you need anything, let me know. Tell Marc to call me. Maybe not when he just needs a plane.” Jean-Paul laughed. “And call me Frenchie, okay?” 
“Frenchie?” Steven suddenly pictured a man with a silly mustache sitting under the night sky smoking a cigarette and crying. 
“Good luck, Mon amie.” Frenchie hung up. 
Steven set the phone back down to charge. “It wasn’t a dream…” 
Years ago he had dreamed of finding the crying man who spoke distraught French to him. He had called him Frenchie and sat with him for what felt like several hours until the man had calmed enough to tell him in broken English what was wrong. 
“The world is filled with so much and all we do is war. Why is this all I can do? Why am I so good at killing? How broken we must be to be good at this?” The man had wiped his eyes and looked up at him. “I tell myself we only do this because we are on the right side. There is no right side. We shouldn’t be here.” 
Steven had done his best to comfort him, but the night had faded and he had woken up in his own bed with only faded images. 
He wondered now how many dreams had been real. Dreams he had forgotten or dreams he thought were too fanciful to be real. 
Steven looked around the storage unit with new eyes. This was all Marc. Parts of himself that he kept separate from everyone else. Parts he kept locked up and in crates and didn’t share. 
He zipped up the duffel bag and slowly walked to the hard cot without any blankets. Did he sleep here often? Steven’s flat had always been just a short bus ride away, why would he sleep here? 
He looked up at the crates. He had always assumed they were full of weapons. He pictured boxes of ammo, guns, knives, and various other tools used to cause harm. 
Steven moved to one and placed a hand on the lid. Frowning, he cracked it open. 
A folded uniform sat on top. Pressed and forgotten. A picture of a group of soldiers lay next to it. He recognized Frenchie next to a young Marc, both smiling and with arms draped over guns. Another man in the picture had been burned out. 
Steven closed the lid. These were not his memories to wade through. Perhaps Marc came here to try to find answers. 
“Cairo… You were really going to Cairo?” He looked up at his reflection in the wall. It moved with him much to his disappointment. “I hope you can hear me in there. We are not going to Cairo. That isn’t how we are going to get rid of the bird.” 
Steven grabbed the phone and decided to head home. Maybe by the time he got there Marc or Jake would wake up enough to fill him in on what all he’d missed. 
Once outside he was about to head to the bus stop when he noticed Jake’s car parked across three parking spots out front. “Jake?” 
The silence was starting to make him worry. He had spent so long living alone in his head that he felt silly missing the shared space. Yet there was a comfort he had fallen into with knowing someone was there. Knowing his best friend was always there. Knowing someone was there to jump in when he was tired or didn’t want to be there. 
He patted his pocket and pulled out the keys. “Jake, I’m going to have to drive your car.” He warned and felt a level of rising anxiety. He still didn’t have his license. Driving for his life down a mountain road with people shooting at you was vastly different from obeying the law and paying attention to every detail and space around you. 
Steven opened the door and got in. He looked around, clutching the keys to his chest tightly. 
This was not his space. This was Jake’s space. 
It was different from the first time he had seen it. Jake was fronting more. He was out longer. He was making a life for himself a little at a time, and he was starting with the space he loved most. 
An old coffee cup sat in the cup holder and the car smelled of old coffee. An air freshener in the shape of a tree hung from the rearview mirror, making the car also vaguely smell of something vanilla. A pair of gloves were folded neatly on the dash. On closer inspection he found them to have little crescent moons on the knuckles. 
“Gift from our favorite bird maybe?” Steven frowned and looked over at the glove box. He popped it open and saw a spare cap, a pack of travel tissues, hand sanitizer, and a tire pressure gauge. On the floor of the passenger seat sat a medical kit. A large and heavy truncheon was wedged between the seat and the center console. It looked a bit more brutal than the fancy metal poles he had gotten in his own special suite. 
He would not look in the trunk. He didn’t want to disturb any memories or personal items that might be hidden away in there. Jake still refused to bring his items into their flat, just as Marc did. 
Steven buckled up and slid the keys into place, giving them a gentle turn. 
The radio came on, making Steven yelp as it blasted out a soulful song in Spanish. He fumbled for the volume and turned it down. He took a slow breath to calm his thumping heart. 
“Nice. Hearing damage not a concern, huh?” He shifted in his seat, feeling a natural groove that fit him well, but still somehow felt wrong. 
He adjusted the mirror a little. He sat lower than Jake did. Something that Marc was always correcting when he would stretch out their spines and listen to the crackle when he woke up in the morning. 
“Ten and two.” He placed his hands on the wheel and put the car in drive. “Let’s do this. I got this. How hard can it be?” 
He pulled the car out and instantly stalled it. “Oh Bollocks.” 
He restarted and eased the gas. Out into the road and picking up a little then stalled again. “Shit. Uh. Sorry. So sorry.” He started it again and waggled the gear shift, hearing it grind angrily. “Right. Shift and wait… Shit!” Stalled. 
Someone honked behind him and Steven slammed his foot into the gas and mysterious third pedal while he tried to restart, making the car gurgle quite angrily. “I’m sorry! Sorry!” He waved at the person behind him. “Go around! Go around!” 
“Oye, Steven?” A tired sounding Jake called out. “¿Qué estás haciendo?”
“What?” Steven tried to shove the shift stick into two and the car lurched then stalled again. “I don’t know what I’m doing! How do you get the shift and gas and break and stick and wheel all at once! Oh!” Someone honked again. 
“No no no no.” Jake blinked around in confusion as Steven panicked and forced the switch. “What are you doing? Where are we going?” 
“Home!” Steven yelled as the car behind them honked again. “ I want to go home!” 
Jake held up his hand and made a rude gesture to the car behind them. “Hey pendejo! Mierda…” 
Jake moved so fluidly as he made the needed adjustments and pulled the car back over to the side of the road. “Steven? What is going on?” 
Steven sighed loudly. “I wish I knew, Jake. I woke up in Marc’s storage locker. The last thing I remember is…Khonshu! Oh that big stupid bloody bird! I should have known he was using tricky language! Both of us. Of course he said both. He knew there was three! When I get my hands on that-”
“Steven, please.” Jake waved a hand and rubbed his temple. He had a pounding headache. Jake smacked his lips and sighed. “Everything tastes like bad decisions and sadness. Marc forced us both out.” 
“Can he do that?” Steven nervously watched Jake look his car over. Jake reached under the seat and relaxed to find the gun still in place. 
“He used to shut you out all the time. Not easy to do when you are expecting it, but if he was triggered that badly…” Jake sat back in his seat and ran his hands over the steering wheel, feeling the texture under his fingers. It was grounding and calming to him. “He has never forced me out before. I didn’t think he could…” 
“Bit big headed, isn’t it?” Steven made a face. “We’re all vulnerable, aren’t we? I think so. None of us are more powerful than the other. Maybe sometimes we have an upper hand in certain situations, but even those can fail. Remember when you ate the pepper and I popped in? I don’t think my mouth has ever been in so much pain before.” 
Jake rolled his eyes but shrugged. “So Marc freaked out and what? Went on a bender?” 
“I don’t even know what day this is, mate.” Steven sounded dismayed. “He was trying to go to Cairo so he could, I don’t know, beat up Khonshu? Who knows what he was thinking. He was calling Frenchie for a ride! Frenchie is this, erm, French man? Old friend of Marc’s I think.” 
“Frenchie? Really?” Jake perked up. “Good man. Aye, this is not good. I can’t believe he blacked us out. He isn’t supposed to do that. I… This is what I am good at. I keep him from doing these things!” 
“What? Going on benders and trying to beat up old Egyptian gods?” Steven laughed. “I don’t think either of us can stop him from that if he really wants to. He’s very stubborn.” 
“No.” Jake sighed and checked his pockets to take stock of his situation. He pulled out the phone and checked the call logs. “From hurting himself.” 
“He’d never do that.” Steven was taken back. “Not like that. He’s past that. You know, in the temple when he…. You know.” 
Jake didn’t answer. He instead dialed Layla. “Let me do the talking.” 
“Do you think he’s seen her? He wouldn’t try to divorce her again, would he?” Steven felt his anxiety rise and he reached out for the phone. 
“Hello?” Layla sounded a bit on edge. “Marc? Is that you?” 
“Let me.” Jake gritted his teeth and gripped the steering wheel tightly with his free hand. “Steven let me! Hermanito let go!” 
Steven released control in surprise. He didn’t know much Spanish but he had studied Latin a bit and was in search of a good beginning Spanish book. “Little?” Steven crossed his arms and grumbled. “Pretty sure I’m older than you, mate.” 
“Layla?” Jake breathed out. “It’s Jake.” 
“Are you alright?” Layla sounded concerned. “What on earth is going on with you guys?” 
Jake hesitated. He always fumbled his words when around Layla. He could be smooth with anyone else, but she always brought the heat to his cheeks. “That’s why we are calling you, Hermosa.” 
Layla sighed. “Are you in trouble?” 
Jake frowned to himself. He only seemed to call Layla when there was a problem. He only spoke with her when there was conflict. Maybe it would be nice to one day call her and have her not automatically assume there was peril. “How long has it been since you spoke with Marc? Steven and I are a little… out of sorts.” 
“He called me yesterday.” Layla made a frustrated sigh. “Left a long incoherent voicemail for me. He sounded absolutely tanked and kept saying he had failed. Something about fate and destruction.” 
“Fantastic.” Jake tapped a finger on the wheel. “Mierda.”
“You two don’t know what he’s been doing?” Layla sounded puzzled. “Not even Steven?” 
“We aren’t everywhere all of the time!” Jake snapped. “I’m not some omnipotent problem solver! Especially not if he’s mad at me! I can’t believe that absolute piece of-”
“Layla!” Steven cut in quickly. “I’m so sorry, Love. He didn’t mean to be cross with you. Oh my god he would never yell at you.” 
“No, Steven, I’m sorry. Tell Jake I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to assume… Just you and Marc seemed so…fluid. I just didn’t think Marc could freeze you out.” Layla sighed. 
Steven winced as he heard Jake angrily going off in what he could only assume was a wide range of Spanish curses. “Yeah, he says it’s fine.” 
“So… Where is Marc? Is he okay? I haven’t heard him this upset in a while.” She paused. “Did he find out about… you know… Jake’s bird problem?” 
“You mean Khonshu.” Steven stared out the window, doing his best to hold on as the Spanish curses only got more involved. “You knew about Khonshu?” 
His disappointment was palpable. 
Layla was quiet. “I did. It was between Jake and I.” 
“You’re keeping secrets with Jake now?” Steven couldn’t help but feel a little crushed. Maybe even a little jealous. 
Jake took back the phone. “Khonshu showed up and set Marc off. That’s the last that we remember. I’m on damage control. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay and he didn’t… do anything.” 
“I’m fine. Jake, you don’t have to be damage control. Marc is a big boy. He can fix his own mistakes. If he calls me in a drunken stupor, I can handle it.” Layla was firm but gentle. 
“No, Hermosa. I can’t let him hurt himself.” Jake grabbed his gloves. “You don’t know what he can do like I do. I will fix this. It is my mistake.” 
“Jake...” Layla started to protest. 
“I am the one that accepted Khonshu’s offer. I will fix it.” Jake adjusted the rear view mirror back into place. “Thank you, Layla. I am sorry.” 
He hung up and put the car back into drive. He did his absolute best to ignore the sad sulking eyes that watched him from the side mirror. “I will fix this.” 
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skzkkun · 2 years
― commissions ˚ ༘♡
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## intro ―
→ hi lovelies !! if i haven’t said it enough already, thank you so much for 1,000 followers– i love you all so much & your support and engagement means so much to me !! ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) → i’ve received a lot of asks wondering why i haven’t been as active as i used to be, and i wanted to answer that now, especially bc it ties into why i decided to open up commissions. → i won’t be too explicit, but this year has been rough. disability struggles, escaping an abusive relationship, university stress, familial estrangement, impending homelessness… it’s been a lot. but !! this isn’t a post for sympathy― i’m feeling hopeful and i’m in a much better place mentally now. despite this, though, these struggles have led to me being dead broke, so i'm here asking for additional help. → i did manage to secure myself a place to live. i just need to earn money for basic necessities, like food and rent. and i figured i would try and earn money the way i enjoy spending my time anyway: with writing !! → if you would prefer just to help out w/ a tip, my ko-fi is always open.
( read more for more info )
## process ―
→ if you are interested in a commission, feel free to message me via tumblr or twitter dms !! → commissions will be opened with a slot-system. five slots will be open at a time (first come, first serve); when i finish a commission, a slot will be opened up !! → i can either post your commission here on tumblr, post it on ao3, or send it directly to you !! just let me know what you would prefer <3
## rules ―
→ i mainly write for stray kids and tomorrow x together, but i stan so many groups (ateez, seventeen, bts etc.) and would be willing to write for anyone !! → if you give me enough details, i'm willing to write for any ocs you may have, though i may contact you frequently with a question for accuracy. → aus and nsfw are OK. depending on your request, i may be willing to write gore and horror. i will refuse to write r*pe / noncon, scat, incest, extreme gore, sexual ageplay, abuse. you must be 18+ to commission anything that is nsfw.
→ when requesting, please tell me:
if you want to personalise the fic at all (i.e., your name and description of you), tell me a little bit about yourself !!
the pronouns you'd like to use.
what member(s) you want to include, and any relationships they may have with you and/or each other (i’m willing, but less inclined, to write member x member fics).
the number of members involved in the main relationship (i.e., poly including 3+ people) may affect pricing.
## payment ―
→ the pricing is as follows: ~ 500 words: £5 ~ 1k words: £10 ~ 1.5k words: £15 ~ 2k+ words: £20 → for longer fics (2.5k+ words), it would be an additional £5 for every extra 500 words. → there is no extra charge if i write more than requested― if you wanted a 1.5k fic and i wrote 3k, there would be no additional cost. → all payments should be sent to my ko-fi !! if you would prefer, i also have cashapp and paypal. → if you have any questions, i'd be more than happy to answer them ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
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tokkiheart · 2 years
My Favorite Non-Rom-Com K-Dramas
I’ll be honest, I don’t watched too many dramas that aren’t romantic comedies. However, every now and then, I’ll watch something outside of my usual explicitly because a bias of mine is in it.
This is an extremely short list because I really don’t watch too many of these lol I’m 100% more of a rom-com person lol
Squad 38
If you’ve seen Café Minamdang and loved Seo In Guk as a con-artist shaman, but wanted less romance and cartoonish comedy and more scams, then I 100% recommend this show.
This show still has comedy, but not the cartoonish kind and the show overall is a bit grittier(?). Very basically, this show has a Robin Hood-esque vibe.
This show is about a guy who works for the government in the tax division. He ends up meeting Jeong-Do after Jeong-Do scams him while he’s trying to buy a new car. The two eventually end up working together to “take down” wealthy individuals who owe a large sum in taxes by scamming them out of the money since they won’t give it up any other way.
You can find this show on YouTube, where you should he able to find a channel/user that has all the episodes uploaded in little bite-sized chunks.
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A K-Drama on Netflix. This drama deals with su*c*de, so if you’re sensitive to that subject, I don’t think that I’d recommend watching this?
I honestly don’t remember why I decided to watch this. I think the premise just sounded really interesting! Weirdly enough, this show is the one that introduced me to Rowoon as an actor before I eventually watched Extra-Ordinary You.
This show is about a guy who saves someone from jumping off a bridge and ends up hospitalized and in a coma because of it. He is offered a job as a sort of temporary grim reaper, assigned to a team tasked with preventing people from committing su*c*de.
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Another drama you can find on Netflix is this gem, which I had to check to make sure it isn’t classified as a rom-com (and it isn’t!). Even though, to me, it’s certainly got the elements of one lol
Anyway, this is a legal drama first and foremost, but with the cutest, sweetest and most wholesome love line for the female lead, Attorney Woo.
To summarize the show, this is about Woo Young Woo, an attorney who is on the autism spectrum and is a savant (I’m pretty sure that’s the right word?). Essentially, she’s very intelligent and brilliant and is a great attorney. The show focuses on the cases she and the rest of the Hanbada Law Firm get and work to win, she has to deal with stigma while working, there’s some family intrigue I guess? There’s also, as mentioned before, a very cute love line with a guy she can talk to about her special interest (whales).
I actually haven’t finished this show quite yet, I still have 3 episodes to go, but I 100% recommend this if you want a legal drama with some heart! ❤️
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Big Mouth/Big Mouse (빅마우스)
Another show that I haven’t finished yet, but I still recommend! This show is the first show that Lee Jong Suk has done since being released from his military service and you know I gotta support a bias! This show is on Disney+ in most places, except here in the USA where they decided to put it on Hulu.
This show is about Park Changho, a lawyer who talks big game but only has a 10% win rate, earning him the nickname “Big Mouth.” One day, he ends up drugged and in a car crash, leading him to be hospitalized and then subsequently arrested on drug charges when he wakes up. When it’s time for interrogation though, he’s surprised he’s not being interrogated about being on drugs and instead being accused of being the underground crime boss known as “Big Mouse.” While in jail, he must take on the persona of “Big Mouse” (which he does a fantastic job of!) in order to survive and protect his family, all while trying to find out who the real Big Mouse is.
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And that’s it, that’s the list. That’s everything I’ve watched so far that isn’t a rom-com lol
Enjoy a bonus gif from Big Mouth because I couldn’t pick between the two while searching for gifs lol
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