#in case anybody's wondering
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - DAY 23 - At the End of Their Rope
Rare moment where Leona has not slept enough.
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you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me etc etc etc
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To the Sixth Doctor:
I’m sorry I called you a silly clown man and said that your coat was ugly and that I hated it. Then refused to watch your episodes and tried to save them for last because I thought I would hate you the most. Also im real sorry I called you a dick and said you were an arrogant ass.
I now know that some of those things are actually somewhat true (I’m sorry but you are a bit of a silly clown man) but I don’t hate you the most, you curly haired little cutie — I actually quite adore you. You are severely underrated and I regret not giving you a chance sooner; you have grown on me.
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I mean look at this man?? How could I hate him?
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flyboytracy · 4 months
I really enjoyed seeing ppls opinions on the first round of the TAG poll. We all love TAG for different reasons and love different characters and it's just rly cool to see how people pick one episode over another. Anyway, it made me wonder how many GIFs I've made per episode to see if that number reflects my personal feelings and some really surprised me. And some really didn't lmao.
Under a cut since I listed 78 episodes good lawd
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Looking at the figures, I think season two looks like my favourite, followed by season one and then season three. Which I guess is probably accurate. Season two feels like the most consistant season to me, whereas season one takes a while to find its identity. And then season three...is....just...the highs were the highest and the lows were...well, you'd need TB4 or the Mole to reach them.
God, TAG deserved another season.
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atomicpets · 7 days
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Townes shed today! She did a really good job, and all that's left is that little spot between her eyes. I measured her shed and she's roughly 3' 6" (1.06m) give or take an inch. She's now 3 inches wide at her largest part, and is around 3 years old (a few months older but we weren't told her exact bday).
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doesrevali · 22 days
whenever i read MXTX it always ends up impacting my own fanfiction and istg i become so much funnier every single time at the sacrifice of consistency. but that's okay because then i start writing shit like 'he doesn't know what to feel about that, he thinks, but at least he's not a homewrecker?' when the character sees poly people
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kasper-tag · 1 year
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Hey y'all!
Here is my first ever digital portrait of none other than the magnificent Magnus Bane! (Click on the image for higher quality!)
This piece was an absolute struggle for a few reasons:
First, I'm super super new to digital art. This is the third digital painting I've ever done! I fumbled through the whole process, but I think it turned out okay. (Thank you to @kasirose and @mariemarion for the advice! I hope I did things right 😬)
Second, my main subject matter is sea creatures, so this was way, waaaaaay out of my comfort zone. Even when I've done portraits in the past, they've mostly been in graphite or charcoal.
Third, it's been 3 years since I've done any art at all, and about 5 since I've put as much effort into something as I have for this piece. The reason for that is kinda sad, but I won't go into details. To sum it up, my ex killed my desire to create anything, but he doesn't have that hold on me anymore.
Fourth, the photo I referenced was NOT as high quality as I needed it to be, and I had to fudge a lot of the details. Apologies to everyone who had to witness my venting about it 😬
The reason why I chose to do this portrait is kinda personal. Magnus is my favorite character of all time, and Harry is my favorite actor. His portrayal of Magnus helped me through so much (illness, divorce, identity struggles), and helped me to feel more comfortable with who I am. Because of Magnus, I feel okay with being a queer guy who loves fashion, makeup, nail polish, and jewelry. I wish I could thank him somehow.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 🖤
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
does anybody want a percy jackson/byler ficlet where mike is percy and will is annabeth
bc it’s just chillin in my google docs and i kinda wanna share it with the world
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spruceboat · 1 year
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some of my best screenies from 2022
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mincedpeaches · 5 months
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(template from here)
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I tried a new digital drawing app, so of course I had to test it with something very special:
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Isn't he beautiful? 😍
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Project Apple Scientist: We created Subject 007 for world peace!
Yor, pulling out her stilettoes: You fucked up a perfectly good child, that's what you did! Look at her, she's got trauma!
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brazilian-whalien52 · 15 days
"I am not like others, I don't watch things just because it has gay characters on it" well I do. If you start your synopsis with "two gay..." I will be glued to it.
"well but being queer does no guarantee quality" I don't care, I can watch a beautiful story about the pain of growing up queer and one about a guy falling in love with the other because of their fart smell in the same beat.
I enjoy a mix of genres and like to give a chance to new things, finding different stories about people in my community is how I do it. I feel like similar experiences we had in our forming years definitely shows in the narrative, which catches my attention. But idk, I don't need a deep reason to enjoy it.
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flovey-dovey · 8 months
(walks to a window) But what if... the Betty from Winter King's world wasn't nice? What if she loved a little too much? What if she's the reason there's an Ice Marcy? What if Winter sees in Candy Queen parts of himself who still (begrudgingly) cared for her, or the her he thought he knew OR the way Betty would look at him, as well as the insanity of the crown that exacerbated his own loneliness, a state of mind he Really Really Really didn't want to experience again? But also what if he's still just as lonely, and his statement of "I make everything better" is just a lie he tells himself every morning as he brushes his perfectly quaffed hair? But most importantly... What if they kissed?
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mooifyourecows · 7 months
I suddenly realized I haven't said anything on this blog about my stance on The Issues happening right now. (I share more on my Twitter and my sideblog @slappy-mc-handjob so follow those if you'd like)
Basically Free Palestine, Free Congo, Free Sudan, freedom and justice to all, not just the people actively being ethnically cleansed and enslaved, but ESPECIALLY to the people actively being ethnically cleansed and enslaved.
Call and email and fax your reps. Maybe it won't do anything but irritate them but hey, at least you irritated them. That's a win in my book.
Go to CeasefireToday to do that easy peasy lemon squeezy
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jekyllnahyena · 1 month
learned about rosquez
what the everloving fuck
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