#in defense of imago dei
dangerously-human · 3 months
What does in defense of imago dei mean?
It's the foundation of my sense of justice and indeed entire worldview, a recognition that every human being is created uniquely in the image of God and deserves to be viewed from that perspective and treated accordingly. It largely aligns with the consistent life ethic but I think I apply the concept a bit differently, and the base motive is less about behaving ethically (though that is an important consequence) and more about aligning myself with God's point of view.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26‭-‬27 NIV
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williszhang · 11 months
Anti-book bans
You may have heard of book bans, but some states and counties like our local school system have proactively enacted an "anti-book ban." This is a ban on bans, and within the school system, this means parents cannot opt their children out of curriculum with LGBTQ-inclusive texts.
Personality-wise, I love the idea of anti-book bans. Instead of libraries and BOEs being on the defensive from relentless conservative networks, they flip the story and assert the authority and leverage they've had all along. "If you don't like it, tough nuts, we're gonna give kids the opportunity to be more open-minded than you."
From the school board's perspective, I think it is appropriate, if not understandable, to equate this moment to school integration. Back then schools faced the wrath of angry parents, but the right thing to do was to keep letting the schools integrate. 
The message that kids see when they see parents openly protesting is "I am not okay with gay people." People of course have religious convictions against homosexuality. But parents should do well to tread carefully in the manner of how they discuss sexual identity, with LGBT youths from religious family backgrounds having higher risk of suicide. Sayings like "your identity is in Christ and not in being gay" are trite in the same way of "your identity is in Christ and not in being Chinese," because things like race and sex are so profound to our lived experiences that, yes, in theory Christian identity is rooted in Christ, but we minimize the beauty of imago dei by minimizing our particularities.
If we take the evangelical position that being gay is a distortion of the Christian sex ethic, there is still beauty in the distortion. For every gay or gender disphoric person who calls to Jesus, in evangelical lexicon, God is glorified to an even greater extent than a comfortably cis gendered person, because the weakness of man is the boasting in Christ. 
My personality does run contrarian, and that was one of the main appeals of being a Christian in the first place. "Society seems to be fluid or contradictory in gauging what's right and wrong, but God has a clear standard." So for religious parents, they could see this as a discipleship opportunity to have engaging and close conversations with their kids while gaining credibility that they aren't scared and are open to hearing and loving all people.
I am biased to the public school system. The hands-off approach of my parents wouldn't have served me well in areas like sex, drugs, and other sensitive health topics, but thankfully the schools were the safety net to give me really positive and practical information on how to navigate those things. In their message to parents, they cite research showing that "inclusive materials are a key component of a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students and increase positive psychosocial and educational outcomes." This honestly should be a shared goal across the community and I appreciate the system for the good faith effort.
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Chapter 11: Sons & Daughters
SFW version here
Summary:  Holly is involving herself in things she shouldn't be, like telling the Wizard King he is doing necromancy. Aika plays matchmaker and then has tea with Lord Silva. The Captain of the Royal Guards "greets" Aika and the faceless assassin from the final battle returns. 6563 words
Notes: Heyo folks! Im back 😎 I stopped waiting for the Spade arc to finish so I’m posting now. It’s gonna be really fun from here on out cus we’re slowly easing into the plot so I can’t wait😋
Tagging: @ckjwnnbc​ @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @lyranova​ @elysianluv​
“Good Morning, Julius!” She chirped from where she was seated on her mother’s lap, completely unaware of tension.
A smile lit up his face. He was truly happy to see her again. He faintly wondered if he would get an opportunity to ask about her magic.
"Good morning, Holly! How wonderful to see you again! Are you here to spend the day with your mother?"
"No, I'm about to go to the CLK headquarters to go see Uncle Fueggy, and Leo!" He raised a brow at the name. Uncle Fueggy?
"Good morning, Julius," Aika greeted as casually as she could as her arms tightened around Holly.
His face softened when he looked up at her. She felt her face heat up under his gaze. It always seemed like he was looking through her.
"Good morning, Aika." His low voice raised goosebumps on the nape of her neck. "I just wanted to inform you that I will be touring the bases and will hold a conference with the Captains. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me? It would be a simple way to come out of the shadows as well, now that your amulet is gone," he explained, his voice the epitome of neutral.
She ushered Holly off of her lap and stood up as she clasped her cloak pin, slight regret crossing her face,
"I’m sorry, Julius. I have to go settle a territorial dispute between the city-states Roma and Amor." While it wasn't necessary to provide details, her Uncle recommended that she tell him minor details of her company to encourage Julius to trust her more about his own work.
She had only noticed after Master Raymond pointed it out but Julius may tend to seem casual and open but that was just part of his charm. He asked a lot of questions but rarely ever revealed any details about himself but most people don't notice it because he was so charismatic.
"What does that territorial dispute have to do with you?" Holly grumbled as she crossed her arms. She wanted her mom to come visit Fuegoleon instead. It’s a big achievement becoming captain! It’s like becoming a general.
Aika layed a gloved hand on her head as a small smile crept up her face.
"My company owns a big part of the land they're fighting over so it's a matter of who I will be paying the taxes to." Holly was always very aware of her mother's work and it was all so fascinating. She was glad she explained this stuff to her in a way she could understand. She hated not knowing things.
Aika looked up and addressed Julius again who was listening in interest.
"Then, I would have to have tea with Lord Silva, and hopefully finish that before I have to go introduce myself again to the Royal Guard who take lessons from me once a week. They don't remember me because of the amulet I used to have."
"Oh! I've heard about some faceless teacher giving lessons to the Royal Guard from Master Raymond." Julius touched his chin thoughtfully. "He told me it was you...It was the amulet you were wearing right? Would they even remember your lessons if they couldn't remember your face?"
"Yes, and of course. They only don't remember the identity of their teacher." She tilted her head when she noticed the time. "I must be going now," she announced as she pulled out her communicator. “I will talk to you more when I return.” Aika brought the device up to her mouth. "Ellie, to Roma please." A portal opened up next to her. "I'll see you later, Julius. And Holly," she gave her a stern look. "Behave yourself. Don't bother Fuegoleon too much, okay?” She sighed. It was his first day as Captain but he permitted Holly to come visit him anyway. She worries how much he showed favoritism towards Holly. “And no mischief,” she added.
Holly nodded somberly, suppressing a grin. It was perfect that Julius had walked in when he did. While it wasn't necessarily mischief, she needed to inform him of something that may be considered a bother in her mom's books. She may not exactly like him yet, but this was important. It was her very first, very real mission.
"Yes, mom. I love you!" She blushed when her mom gave her one of her infamous headpats. "Be safe!"
Aika smiled down at her daughter. "Of course." She nodded at Julius who winked at her in response. She blushed as she shook her head and ported away. 
"Julius?" Holly called seriously, her face turned away from him. He briefly feared that that wink may have been too much in front of her.
"Yes, Holly?"
"Are you going to the Crimson Lions Headquarters first?"
He raised a brow.
"Yes. How did you know that?"
She turned around with a mischievous grin.
"It's the closest base to the capital, so logically you would go there first."
"Wow!" He didn't expect deductive reasoning from a 10-year-old.
She smiled proudly.
"So, could I come with you? I'm going there too and I want to tell you something."
That piqued his curiosity. She had something to tell him?
"That mark you and mom are wearing on your forehead." She tapped her forehead. "Do you know what that is?"
Julius stilled at her words. Should he even be talking about this?
"It's a mark from a magic item," he answered cautiously.
"Yeah, I overheard. But do you know what the rune actually means or represents?"
"Er, no?" Where was she going with this?
"Well, the Nordic runes, the Hebrew alphabet and the Star of David are derived from the six-rayed star."
He quirked his brow again. He never knew that and it was fascinating information that he could delve into. But why did she sound so serious?
"The top part of the Tree of Life, also known as the Tree of Sephiroth or Sephirah is also derived from the same rune."
Julius's eyes widened. The elves who used to live near Hage worshipped the emanations in the Tree of Sephirah. Was the Swallowtail their relic? But the first Wizard King had a log of how he invented it so was it inspired by the elves?
"Any magic related to the Sephirah is life magic, used in resurrection, necromancy, reincarnation etcetera etcetera. It's forbidden magic."
Chills swept through him. Oh. Now that she put it that way, that was exactly what he was doing wasn't he? He reasoned that it was so that he could revive himself but that was technically necromancy, wasn't it?
"Mana and life essence are one and the same and you are storing your mana in it right? So that means you are storing your life energy," Holly narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion. "And also, there are elves in other countries who might find it a great offence that you are wearing Sephira's mark, especially when you don't worship it." She looked pointedly at the cross he wore.
"How do you know all of this?" He asked as he mirrored her suspicious gaze.
"My mom's old teacher, who is now my teacher, is an elf and a High Priest of Sephirah. He told me. He knows a lot about the divinity part of forbidden magic. And in order to learn about the light, you need to know the dark so yeah, he knows about all of this." She walked past him towards the door leading to his office. "But please don't tell my mom I know because she doesn't want me learning about the darker parts of forbidden magic yet."
He followed Holly into his office, thinking about how surreal this all was. A ten-year-old was just casually telling him off about necromancy and religion.
"Then why are you telling me this?"
"Because the Triad in the Spade kingdom and their Devils would target this kingdom more aggressively if they knew that someone was bearing the mark that represented the antithe—" She wrestled with the word. "Antithesis to them." She raised her arms defensively. "I'm just telling you what my teacher told me." He was a prophet for Sephirah. Someone who had also achieved Enlightenment, which granted him the ability to bear the Image of God, Imago Dei, and not go blind or insane. He and the other Enlightened Ones would receive direct orders or visions from God that they must carry out. He told her that she needed to tell Julius Novachrono that he must be wary of the mark on his head. When she asked him why, he told her it was more for her sake than him but the message must be relayed nevertheless.
His words worried Holly because did that mean she must be wary of the mark too? She worshipped the sun gods which were emanations of The God so they will be merciful towards her if she made a mistake. Right? Holly wasn’t so sure.
After all, there was no law dictating that God must be fair.
Julius stared long and hard at her. That was very heavy information for a child to bear. And how did her teacher know all that information about the Spade Kingdom? Why did he want to relay it to him? He needed to think on this because there is a very real threat from Spade that could kill him and if he had no way to come back, who was going to protect Clover Kingdom? He needed to keep the mark.
"Alright." He said simply. He would think about this later. "Who's Uncle Fueggy?" He asked with a bright smile, changing the topic. A child shouldn't dwell on such things. 
Holly blushed at that question, ignoring the bizarre way his mood quickly switched up for now.
"Fuegoleon played with me a lot when I was a kid so it's a habit," she explained sheepishly.
"Oh, is your family close to the Vermillions?"
"Well—" Her mom did not want her to tell anyone about her and Mereoleona unless she said so, so she couldn't say anything. "You have to ask my mom about that."
"I see..." Julius did remember the tense looks former Captain Leonardo and Aika shared. There seemed to be some history. Well, he could ask Fuegoleon himself when he goes to their base. If Holly wanted to accompany him, he doesn’t see a reason why she shouldn’t. 
He proffered his elbow to her with a dashing smile. "Shall we go?"
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Aika landed unsteadily on the study floor as she tossed her cloak and folders on the desk. Ellie followed behind her, eyes blank and wide as she just tried to process what she just witnessed.
"Are they going to be fine...?" She asked, pointing shakily at the shrinking portal behind her.
Aika leaned on her desk as she pinched the bridge of her nose, staving off an oncoming headache.
"Of course they're going to be fine. The two kings are in love with each other despite how much they fight."
“Yes. It is obvious to most of the officials in the room, myself included.”
“I—” Ellie sputtered in shock as Aika continued.
“Usually, I don’t play cupid but in a show of unity they were trying to impose both their taxes on me and I can’t have that. Our branch on the disputed land is a small one and it would go bankrupt if they did that. So I did the next best thing. I paid the wait staff and guards off so that they would direct the two kings to the same private lounge when they adjourned for recess and lock them for the entirety of the break.”
Ellie gaped at Aika and her crazy idea.
“They’ll either talk it out or kiss and make up.”
“...But how would that help us?”
“This plan could only work because I have a good rapport with both the kings. I proposed a plan where they could split the money from one single tax evenly between themselves. If they talked it out calmly and away from prying eyes, they would go with my plan. If they kissed and made up, their first compromise together as partners would be to go with my plan as well because they are both favorable towards me. They were only being unfair because of the tension between each other, not with me.” It was guaranteed that it would go either way. She didn’t play fair and not use her Time Magic with her own company. She could see what choices she could make that could lead to a favorable outcome for her and her company. 
She knew what investments to make, where to take risks and where to back down, but only if she could think up various solutions to her problems. If she couldn’t think of any plan, then her foresight would offer her nothing. 
She could only see if the plan that she thought up works or not but her foresight couldn’t offer her a plan itself because there technically would be thousands, if not millions, of ways any situation could play out. If she had visions of all of them at once, with the information overload, she would be dead instantly. She has to come up with a plan herself and confirm its success. It was better that way because it kept her sharp.
“What if the—er, tension between the two escalated to a physical fight?”
 Aika plopped down in her armchair with a sigh. She had thought of that as well but she didn’t need to worry about that.
“Even if they did have a fist fight, I’m not worried because those two would not go to war over personal vendettas. I think it would relieve some stress between them actually. In the end, they will calm down and end up compromising on my idea. So either way, whatever manifests in that room, hate or love, I’ve no doubt they will be coming out of it a little bruised,” she smirked as she crossed her legs.
Ellie let out a laugh at her boss’s suggestive look. Aika was relieved she could reassure her. She tended to worry too much about such things. Evan, Jayce and Ellie do not know that she used Time Magic. So they sometimes wondered how she was so sure about her decisions. After years of wondering, they just chalked it up to forbidden magic.
"Ready for round two?" She asked, referring to the tea they were about to have with Lord Silva. Ellie hummed affirmatively as she shook her head in amusement.
"I have only been as far as the gates to the Silva Mansion. Is that alright, ma'am?"
"Yes, Ellie. That is perfect." They quickly freshened up and stepped into the portal and the grand gates of a white, picturesque mansion came into view. With it's steeples, domes, and solid, white brick walls, it would be more appropriate to call it a castle. Daunting gates made of black metal framed tastefully by green vines slowly swung open when their feet touched the cobblestone.
Aika and Ellie shared a cautious look and took the first step forward together.
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When they reached the burnt, spruce wood doors, Aika stared at the tacky gold eagle door knockers in exasperation. Ellie reached for them without a second thought and knocked twice, the loud noise startling Aika. The spatial mage looked at her apologetically as the doors seemingly opened by themselves to reveal the Lord of the house standing in the middle of the foyer, his back ramrod straight, hands linked behind him as an ever-present scowl eased into a bored expression in some resemblance of courtesy.
"Welcome to my home, Madam Tolliver and..." His gaze landed on Ellie. "And uninvited guest," he sneered as he took in her appearance. It was obvious that she was a commoner and even worse, a foreigner. Her big, red eyes, soft nose, and plump lips all encompassed by skin as dark as the sea stood in direct contrast to his features. The only trait they seemed to share was the snow white hair that seemed to shine with an otherworldly glow.
Aika cleared her throat when Ellie's brows furrowed to glare back at the older man.
"I hope you don't mind my maid accompanying me. She's a close associate of mine that assists me in anything I need."
Lord Silva's eyes snapped back to hers as he pursed his lips.
"She may wait in the gardens. The matters we are going to discuss are rather... delicate."
Aika turned to her and nodded permissively. There was no reason for her to stay. She could simply go back to the headquarters but the more area a spatial mage covers, the more places they could travel to, and the more valuable they would be. It would be...advantageous for her to be able to travel directly onto the Silva property if she needed to for any reason.
A servant led Ellie away while Lord Silva motioned her to follow him. She side-eyed the paintings she passed by, but one in particular made her pause mid-step. It was undoubtedly the painting of Acier Silva. It was gigantic as if to immortalize every detail on her beautiful face and the frame was grand and ornate. Lord Silva stood stock still next to her, looking up at his former wife with eyes full of utter adoration and heartache.
Aika looked away, allowing him to have his moment.
When she noticed his feet move away, she followed him, putting that little moment of vulnerability behind them.
He led her to a well-lit sitting room with big windows and a view to the gardens that was breathtaking in the afternoon sun. 
Aika faintly wondered how Holly was doing.
Another servant poured them tea and quickly left the room, leaving them in tense silence. She looked out into the garden, clearing her mind and bringing the tea to a much more lukewarm temperature with her magic.
"I apologize for my behaviour on that day," Lord Silva said evenly. She turned to him with slightly raised brows as if she had just noticed his presence. "Whether it was wanted or not, you saved me and I should be grateful to you for that."
"Should be," meaning he wasn't.
Aika looked pensively into her cup.
"Tell me, sir," She peered up at him through her lashes. "How many children do you have?"
He stared at her for a moment, lips parted, before he finally answered,
"Have any of them struck your mind before the earth struck you?"
"Excuse me?"
She took a sip.
"I'm sure you need no repeating."
"How dare you ask me such a personal thing?!"
Lord Silva's voice raised several notches, immediately setting Aika on the edge but she restrained her tone and body language.
She quietly stared at him straight in his eyes and he scowled back, refusing to back down for a minute. When he realized she wasn't either, he wrenched his gaze away with a derisive scoff.
"You still haven't answered my question. I'm sure that's not very polite in Clover society," she added lightly. He huffed as a sneer crawled up his face.
"Neither is asking such questions."
"Think of it as payment for saving your life."
"The debt can only be fulfilled when I save you in return."
"You will never save me." Lord Silva's gaze snapped up to her's with a jolt. Blank eyes were downcast at her cup as her left cheek twitched in annoyance.
It seemed like she slipped up once more. It has been happening a lot recently. What was wrong with her?
"I meant that you would not have an opportunity to save me." She cleared her throat. "Answer the question for me at least, as your saviour and as a mother."
He was taken aback by that.
"You are a mother?" He asked incredulously.
Aika smiled internally. Information must always be timed perfectly. She had used the truth to both change the subject and reveal a detail about her in a show of false vulnerability that would no doubt encourage him to open up a bit more.
"I am." She smiled lightly. "I have a daughter. Nearly ten."
"So do I..." Lord Silva's shoulders relaxed slightly. He wrapped his hands around the cup comfortingly as he sighed. He caved under her persistence and answered,
"No, I haven't. I haven't thought of them at all."
Aika let the silence envelop them for a moment.
“If you abandoned your children and died, how do you think Lady Acier is going to react?"
He stared at her in shock. How dare she be so casual with him?
"Whether you go to the Underworld or the After, it would be hell either way. If the father of my child died to follow me into the After, leaving our daughter, believe me, I would raise hell."
He looked away pensively when her words struck him.
“I suppose you’re right...”
And with that, Aika was done with what she came for.  She gave him something to think about and hopefully it would snowball into something better for him.
She stood up as she set her cup down.
“I’m glad we agree. I don’t believe there is much to discuss.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “I pray that your retirement is as peaceful as today’s afternoon.
“We are not done yet.”
Aika looked up with a raised brow.
“Your Uncle.” she twitched at the mention. Silva senior smirked at her as she sat down in interest.
He knew.
“Yes, Raymond told me you were his niece. He also told me about your company.”
She picked her cup up with a sigh.
“You two fooled the rest of the world into thinking that you were enemies.” She took a sip. “It seems like that is not the case.”
“We were rivals, but we are also comrades,” he retorted defensively. “But back to the point. He told me about your company, Eidolon.”
She tensed at the name. It was very rare to hear the name of her company. It was both a secret and not. It was vast and well-known but it was strange hearing a Clover citizen discuss it.
“He told me that he was allowed to recommend one person if he wished, to work for your company,” he conjured a sheet of water that materialised into a thick binder of papers. “And he recommended me to your company.” He placed it on the table in front of her. “This was the paperwork and possible contracts I could sign that he gave to me. I have no plans to sit around during my retirement. I want to join the dungeon raiders.”
Aika threw a perplexed look between the papers and the man who stared intently at her for her response.
She opened her mouth open, and snapped it shut when nothing came out. She was at loss for words.
When she asked her Uncle to maybe recommend someone in the future, she meant someone young, adaptable and full of potential. Not a recently retired Magic Knight Captain who is well known to be classist and most likely racist, and too old to learn anything new like a language or a culture.
She was so close to blurting out a rejection but she stilled her tongue. She threw up a polite smile and pretended to sift through the papers in interest.
“I will...consider it,” she finally answered tightly. Silva Senior seemed to be oblivious to her annoyance as he clapped his hands together.
“Well, that’s settled then!” He stood up with her and led her to the door with a wave of his arm.
Aika pursed her lips as he allowed her to pass him. He threw a cold look at her back. He didn’t want to spend any more time in her presence than he had to. He was stubborn but he knew how to pick and choose his battles.
“I must go pick up my maid,” she informed him as they walked in long strides, both eager to relieve themselves of each other’s company.
“Ah, yes of course. I shall show you around the gardens on the way if you don’t mind.” He really didn’t have to but he was just playing the role of a polite lord. And he played it well too. Any sign that they had a heart-to-heart was gone, replaced with brittle formality.
“Thank you, but I have another appointment and I must get to it soon.”
Aika must introduce herself to the Royal Guard, but this time, they will not forget her.
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Ellie’s portal directly landed them on the training fields in Clover Castle. Aika adjusted the shoulder brace that clung to her crimson half-cloak that covered her left shoulder. Her longsword hung from her waist, ready to be drawn at a moment’s notice. She appreciated how time magic always helped her get ready quicker.
“And who might you be, porting into Clover Castle without permission?”
Aika looked up and a finger crystallizing with ice was pointed between her eyes, threatening to engulf her any second. She tilted her head to the side to stare at the owner of said finger.
It was the Captain of the Royal Guards, Sal. The rest of the guards were in various groups, exercising or sparring but they all paused to stare at her.
“Hello there, Captain,” she greeted. “You wouldn’t remember but I was the one helping you train your men and I came to reveal my face today.”
Sal raised a brow.
“Is that so?”
He brought his sword up and down in an axe cut where her exposed shoulder was at an unprecedented speed. But Aike blocked it with a dagger she reflexively drew from her forearm where it was strapped.
“Attacking without a warning,” she drawled. “How rude.”
Sal grinned at her.
“No real fight has a countdown.”
She pushed his sword away from her face as he slackened. She took this moment to tie her hair at the nape with a ribbon and drew her sword.
“I see that you wish to test me.”
“Well, Master Raymond did say something about forgetting someone before he left, but I didn’t forget the way they fought.” He rolled his shoulders as his smile fell away and a sharp glint in his eyes surfaced. “Would you mind a spar?”
Aika sighed heavily. Sal wasn’t the one for chit chat, always got to the point in an almost rude fashion. She will make this quick, just as he would prefer it.
“On your mark.”
He threw himself forward with his ice magic propelling his feet and clanged his sword against hers. While Aika pushed with her sword hand and shoulder, she wrapped her other hand around the hilt of his sword where he attached his hand to it with ice so it wouldn’t slip off and she crushed it so the ice encasing it broke.
Sal’s eyes went wide and with the element of surprise, she twisted the sword out of his slippery hand and threw it to the side, far from his reach. 
He launched himself upwards with a tall pillar of ice before she could attack him but she laid a hand on it and melted the pillar with her time magic and it instantaneously turned to water. She pretended she had water magic and this just helped solidify that lie.
When he dropped and rolled, Aika quickly moved to kick him to the side mid-roll but he grabbed her ankle and knee and tripped her onto her side. She threw her sword away as she fell and waited for Sal to come close. He tried to pick her up by the leg but she used the momentum to wrap her legs around his thick neck and she squeezed hard .
She rocked forward and backwards as he choked and he toppled face first but he braced himself with his arms. Aika used this opportunity to reach back and grab his ankles and wrenched them backwards so he couldn’t use his legs.
The leg lock around Sal’s neck slackened and so he inserted his hand between her calves and made a tube of ice that forced her legs apart, freeing him from the chokehold. Aika broke away from the ice clinging to her pants and shifted her hips to straddle his back and grabbed his arm and forced it behind him.
“Give up,” she finally said. Sal struggled in her grip and tried to use his musculature to overpower her strength but it was no use. Aika had always had an abnormal amount of physical strength.
He stopped struggling and tapped the ground twice with his free hand.
“I surrender!” His voice strained.
And just like that, she rolled off of his back and offered a hand to him. Sal took the proffered hand and stood up as he rolled his neck with a grimace.
“That grip was not expected at all. What do they even feed you?” He asked as he scratched his beard.
“Same thing as they feed you. I just don’t have a tendency to flex my muscles like you men,” she said lightly as she covered her smile with her hand. Sal was often funny when he wasn’t terrifying his guards to do their job right. Talking to him was always fun and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy that she finally got to talk to him as herself and not some faceless cryptid who whooped the guards asses once a week.
“No shit.” The gathered crowd moved closer to listen to the exchange. “You’re covered from head to toe like a nun!”
Aika let out a laugh.
“Far from it actually!”
He leaned in as if to tell her a secret but whispered loudly, “But I would be lying if I said anyone in this castle is a saint.” He thought for a moment. “Well, except maybe the new Wizard King. Met him earlier today. He was really nice and young. Didn’t seem to be ruffled by too much and was full of boundless energy like a puppy.”
Her mind couldn’t help but conjure up images and memories. A wide smile framed by little dimples that kept her distracted. The passionate way he discussed magic without an end. A soft, content look that he would give her when she added onto his rants.
Aika felt her ears burn up. This infatuation was too much. She was not a schoolgirl yet there she was blushing like one.
“Yes, he is like that a lot.”
“Oh, you know him personally?”
She sighed as she let a smile take over her.
“Something like that.”
“Oh.” Sal smirked. “I see.” He cleared his throat. “Well, Madam Tolliver, wasn’t it? My name is Sal, Captain Sal.” He offered a hand for her to shake. “But I’m sure you knew that.”
“I did, and you seem to know mine as well.”
“Master Raymond made sure to brief the entirety of the Castle staff on many things after the final battle.” She nodded in understanding. Sal motioned at the crowd of guards who were speaking in low voices.
“Well, do you have anything to teach or train us for today? We can catch up over drinks later.”
Aika crossed her arms and scanned her surroundings. She recognized some of the faces among the crowd and Evan and Jayce gave her a thumbs up when she spotted them. Ellie moved to lean on the castle wall where the shadows provided reprieve from the afternoon sun. Sal had a mischievous smile that only served to increase the dread among the guards. The rooms overlooking the training grounds were some libraries, conference rooms and some lounges for the Wizard King to use.
Aika took a deep breath. It was hard not being anonymous. She couldn’t just rely on people to forget the things she will say or do in the future now. She had to watch herself in the future or consequences will follow her.
“Last time, some of them mentioned wanting to practice offense and defense because we practiced intelligence gathering last time so I suppose that?”
She looked to Sal for approval.
“Yes, that sounds good. I’ll keep watch.”
He still had that smile on his face and she wasn’t sure why.
“Okay, everyone!” She raised her voice to catch people’s attention. “My name is Aika. You may call me Miss Aika. I was the teacher who had been training you all alongside Captain Sal when Master Raymond was still Wizard King.” The crowd began to murmur amongst themselves at her words. “That being said, we’re going to be practicing offense and defense today.”
Aika drew a circle around her with a sword, a meter wide, as Sal moved away to stand next to Ellie in the shade.
“Your task is very simple. You have to push me out of the circle in any way you see fit. All of you have to do this at the same time. But of course you can’t all crowd me at once because you might hurt your allies so this tests your teamwork too if you wish to work with other people.”
Someone raised their hand.
“Will you be attacking us too?”
“I will attack if someone attacks me inside the circle but I will not initiate any offense yet. I will also be defending myself. Blocking, deflecting, and cutting down attacks. I may even send back one of your spells back towards you. You are all allowed to attack me however you please. But think of this exercise as a way to coordinate against one enemy so don’t all rush in at once.”
As Aika spoke, they all slowly moved to surround her at a good distance. She could see the gears shifting in their minds as a strategy formed in their heads. Unlike the Magic Knights, who can go on solo missions or in small teams, the Royal Guards must protect the castle as a one big team. These training exercises have been especially frequent the past few years because of the constant wars with Diamond and Spade kingdoms. And since King Augustus had been crowned, he had been especially insistent on everyone being able to protect him.
“I am ready when you are.”
They didn’t even give her a moment to breathe. Everyone on the front line shot their long-ranged spells at her. All the trajectories were different. Some were straight and some were arching over her so it was difficult to simply just jump and let them collide but she had no other option.
Aika jumped high and tried to make it seem natural when she weaved through the ones still in the air and took this moment to see where the next attack was coming from. Close-range fighters readied themselves to ambush her, no doubt going to use the smoke of the spells that exploded below her to their advantage. Her position is set in that little circle so there’s no uncertainty as to where she will be.
When she landed on her feet, amidst the dense smoke, three people leapt towards her, wielding various weapons. Her objective was not only to push them aside but to knock them out or else they will keep coming back. One woman with a spike-less morningstar swung at her but Aika subtly slowed down the force and when another attacker lunged at her back, she sidestepped and sped up his speed and he was smacked right in the shoulder by the woman. She froze in shock at how she accidentally injured her ally.
Aika’s circle was getting cramped so she kicked them both away and used the momentum to kick the next man right in the side of the neck. She studied enough anatomy during her college years to know that she kicked him perfectly in the vagus nerve and he was knocked out cold as his daggers slipped out of his hands.
The smoke dissipated as she rolled him out of the circle with her foot.
She tied her hair up tighter as she taunted,
“Who’s next?”
There was an immediate response.
Golems rose out of the ground, their bodies burning with the enchantments of different elements. She was briefly impressed with how quickly they infused the mana of multiple mages into them.
They all tried to swarm her but she finally drew her sword and swung in a wide arc. As they were all cut in half and the mana escaped, she drew it all to her.
Her head whipped towards a loud cheer that came somewhere from above. The distraction was dangerous but if she was being honest, she had nothing to worry about. What was the worst that could possibly happen?
Aika’s heart jumped when she saw Julius who was waving enthusiastically from a window. He must be using one of the conference rooms that was overlooking the training grounds. A familiar ginger headed man also leaned forward behind the Wizard King in confusion and was surprised to see her when he spotted her. Her heart warmed at the familiar face. It had been weeks since she had seen Fuegoleon and now he was Captain.
She waved at the both of them with her sword hand as she held the other hand up to hold the growing ball of mana. She should go congratulate him as well.
Just as she refocused her attention back to the fight on hand, a figure came lunging at her with a sword but she quickly blocked. Aika couldn’t help but feel surprised when she strained against his strength. She couldn’t see the entirety of the man’s face except for his growing grin. All her instincts seemed to awaken at once, screaming at her to move, but her skepticism and curiosity kept her still.
Then in a strange turn of events, he let the sword slip out of his hand and his other hand seemed to reach for her stomach, but curled into a tight fist and punched her right under her ribs.
For the first time in years, Aika went flying. She was slammed against the castle walls, creating a sizable crater. Her breath was knocked out of her and her head spun but a brief surge of rage quickly sobered her. She thrust her arm out as she whispered,
“Mana Zone: Mana Hands.”
A swarm of invisible hands materialized all around her and one of them quickly brought her sword to her as she picked herself off of the wall.
Aika took in the sight of her opponent who wielded enough strength to punch her that hard.
A young man whose hood covered half of his face, smirked at her as a slight young woman stood next him, wearing a familiar mask framed by flowing blonde hair that spilled out from either side of her, swaying in the wind as she held up a bow, ready to shoot.
Aika had to look twice as her eyes went wide. It seemed like a bizarre dream when the mask stared back at her. It was the same archer who broke her amulet.
Her hand curled around the hilt of her sword.
And they had some nerve coming back to face her head-on.
Notes: There's a fight scene the next chapter and we see Fuegoleon!! WOOO so I'm excited for that🥰 Also, yes, Sal already knew her because the previous Wizard King refreshed his memory in detail but he was just messing around with Aika LMAO
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septembersung · 7 years
I’ve decided to add a new dimension to my to my 500 reasons and counting tag with a few short posts about areas where the rich, integrated life of the True Faith hits me hardest, personally. These are not exhaustive or comprehensive, just a few short reflections of a few of the things that make me most grateful to be Catholic. Here’s the first:
I’m Catholic Because: The Church Protects the Family
The Catholic Church is the last bastion of true defense of the family. She has never wavered in teaching that divorce, contraception, abortion, and pornography are grave evils contrary to the moral law, the dignity of human beings, the sacredness of the sacrament of marriage, and a healthy society. Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae has proven to be prophetic in its anticipation of the evils of our times which flow from the unrestricted acceptance and proliferation of contraception. The Church has continually stood up for the dignity of the family, the rights of children, the rights of parents, and educated parents about the grave obligations and responsibilities they have towards their children. Nowhere but in the teachings of the Catholic Church is the dignity of the human person as imago Dei, the true sanctity and ends of marriage, and the welfare of children, fully understood and defended against all that would deform and destroy the most intimate and sacred bonds of human life.
Humanae Vitae - Pope Paul VI: “Men rightly observe that a conjugal act imposed on one's partner without regard to his or her condition or personal and reasonable wishes in the matter, is no true act of love, and therefore offends the moral order in its particular application to the intimate relationship of husband and wife. If they further reflect, they must also recognize that an act of mutual love which impairs the capacity to transmit life which God the Creator, through specific laws, has built into it, frustrates His design which constitutes the norm of marriage, and contradicts the will of the Author of life. Hence to use this divine gift while depriving it, even if only partially, of its meaning and purpose, is equally repugnant to the nature of man and of woman, and is consequently in opposition to the plan of God and His holy will. [...] “Human life is sacred—all men must recognize that fact," Our predecessor Pope John XXIII recalled. "From its very inception it reveals the creating hand of God.””
Familiaris Consortio - Pope St. John Paul II: “The family in the modern world, as much as and perhaps more than any other institution, has been beset by the many profound and rapid changes that have affected society and culture. Many families are living this situation in fidelity to those values that constitute the [...] Knowing that marriage and the family constitute one of the most precious of human values, the Church wishes to speak and offer her help to those who are already aware of the value of marriage and the family and seek to live it faithfully, to those who are uncertain and anxious and searching for the truth, and to those who are unjustly impeded from living freely their family lives.”
Arcanum - Pope Leo XIII: “God thus, in His most far-reaching foresight, decreed that this husband and wife should be the natural beginning of the human race, from whom it might be propagated and preserved by an unfailing fruitfulness throughout all futurity of time. And this union of man and woman, that it might answer more fittingly to the infinite wise counsels of God, even from the beginning manifested chiefly two most excellent properties - deeply sealed, as it were, and signed upon it - namely, unity and perpetuity. From the Gospel we see clearly that this doctrine was declared and openly confirmed by the divine authority of Jesus Christ."
Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The fruitfulness of conjugal love extends to the fruits of the moral, spiritual, and supernatural life that parents hand on to their children by education. Parents are the principal and first educators of their children. In this sense the fundamental task of marriage and family is to be at the service of life” (no. 1653). “The state may not legitimately usurp the initiative of spouses, who have the primary responsibility for the procreation and education of their children” (no. 2372).
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automatismoateo · 5 years
Hi, I'm an 18 year old ex-Christian, and I was raised within a variety of a cultish communities in the evangelical south. AMA. via /r/atheism
Submitted August 26, 2019 at 07:26PM by DJSpook (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2U2zfg6) Hi, I'm an 18 year old ex-Christian, and I was raised within a variety of a cultish communities in the evangelical south. AMA.
I think it's safe to say I've more-or-less seen it all. My parents attempted to perform exorcisms on me and my older brother, who they refused enrollment into an Ivy League school into which he was enthusiastically admitted for fear of the "liberal indoctrination" he would have experienced there.
I spent almost a decade attending a megachurch with a multi-millionaire pastor with multiple luxury houses who masterfully manipulated my barely-literate father into donating several hundred thousand dollars worth of free construction services and charitable monetary infusions to said church.
I was enrolled against my consent into an infamous, headline-making, supreme-court-appearing Christian high-school, which has privately held mass student body meetings for speeches that compared homosexuals to "ticking time bombs" and "the splattering guts of roadkill possums," and which dramatically denied entry to a gay couple at a school dance (One of whom became the subject of CNN coverage interest, and was subsequently approached by several syndicated journalists. However, her parents coerced her into silence and committed her into a "remedial therapy center" for several weeks, known also as a gay conversion camp).
I was sent to a two-week Christian apologetics camp known as "Summit Ministries" in Dayton Tennessee (progenitor of the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial), where public speakers and evangelical attorneys regaled us with tales of that holy ground and preached evolution-denial ad nauseam for hours a day. There, I met Frank Turek, who, while conversing with him about his famous debate with Christopher Hitchens, privately confided in me that he secretly had no idea what his opponent was saying and for minutes at a time "experienced my mind going blank" against a torrent of literary references and scholarly pronouncements. At the time I was still a Christian and thought to myself, "Oh, thank *God* Frank has kept this to himself, it's really fortunate for him no one's recording this, because this might be the single most insecure, self-incriminating rant I've ever had the displeasure of enduring."
In the course of this camp I was socially coerced into participating in what might be the single most fucking insane, borderline scandalous thing I have ever experienced, a cultist ritual in which all the male camp attendees were shepherded into an open field late at night (the overwhelming majority of us being legal minors), bound together by rope, and approached in a strange pattern by the camp supervisors with knives while they muttered ancient latin ("Imago Dei") and ceremoniously cut each of our ropes while we bowed our heads in prayer.
During a mandatory class on Christian theology and apologetics required during my senior year of high school, I publicly apostatized from the Christian faith, calling into question the moral defensibility of the doctrine of Hell, and immediately hurtled to lows of social isolation and stigma that caused me a clinically significant anxiety disorder. After that point, teachers began to approach me in private and ask me to stay after class or in their offices to address me in insultingly solemn tones, speaking to me as if I had just received a terminal diagnosis of brain cancer.
My father caught me with a copy of The God Delusion and, I swear it to God the God I don't believe in, actually threatened to perform a Nazi-style book burning in our house over it. I managed to convince him that I was only researching "the other side" to improve my "evangelistic prowess," but he's since become increasingly skeptical. After my brother professed his atheism, my parents proceeded to viciously emotionally abuse him as tears came in sheets down their faces, and since then they have aggressively attempted to coax him back into the fold at every available opportunity, performed exorcisms on him and myself, attempted to monitor and regulate all communications he has had with me and my younger brother (who they have taken great pains to poison against him), and in the succeeding weeks my mother threatened to commit me into a psychiatric hospital on several occasions for not wanting to go to a Christian youth ministry for social outings.
I am honestly at the point where I don't know what to do. I feel incredibly alone and voiceless and I just want someone to hear my story. I have considered making YouTube videos about it but I realize how hard it is to get exposure there now with all the vying commentators. For what it's worth, Tara Westover's memoir Educated made me finally summon the will to write this, and if anyone ever reads this I hope they'll know how much her story changed my life and showed me that it's possible to be saved from all of this.
After writing this my brother reminded me to include this chilling anecdote: at a prayer meeting with a few of the more prominent men in our church, one of the deacons explained to grunts of approval and several solemn "amen"'s that he was currently struggling to convince his daughter to give up her aspirations to go to college because "I firmly believe it is not a woman's place to be the most educated person in the house!" According to him there was some enthusiastic nodding and a few of the men even gave a hearty laugh at that comment. Worse still, as far as we can tell that man got his way, and quite successfully quashed his daughter's satanic ambitions to have a brain of her own.
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devinsena · 6 years
Rhetoric, And The Power It Holds On The Abortion Debate
There is something that affects us all every single day. Something we use constantly, in every setting, with everyone we encounter. Something that can be a tremendous blessing or a dangerous tool. Something misused for purposes of manipulation in pro-abortion arguments more often than many of us realize.
Rhetoric is commonly defined as the ability to use language effectively.
This term was first used in Ancient Greece, where successful political debates were highly valued. The art of making effective rhetorical arguments spread to Western Civilization, where it still plays a vital role in every area of life today.
Our rhetoric defines what we say and how we say it. It changes based on our audience. The many uses (or misuses) of rhetoric make it vital for us to understand, especially in specific instance of the defense of life.
There are many instances of rhetorical manipulation by the pro-abortion movement. The terms used reflect the subtle mind games being played. The very term “pro-choice” is a major example.
Choice is great! The choice where to eat for dinner, what clothes to buy, who to marry, etc. However most Americans believe it is wrong to choose to kill a distinct human being.
The abortion industry's deceptive use of the word "choice," convinces many Americans they have a duty to side with abortion because they believe in “women’s rights” and “freedom of choice,” even if they would not “choose” to have one themselves.
This is almost as ludicrous as claiming, “I wouldn’t rape someone myself, but I think one should have the right to if they choose.”
What many do not realize is this rhetorical manipulation is doing the exact opposite of preserving freedom; on the contrary, freedom is stripped away from women in the womb.
"We were looking for some sexy, catchy slogans to capture public opinion. They were very cynical slogans then, just as all of these slogans today are very, very cynical," said former abortionist and founder of NARAL, admitting to the deceptive use of language to win over the public.
On a similar note, many millennials who are pro-life do not want to be associated with the term because of the negativity surrounding it.
“Pro-life” does not equal “Republican.”
It simply reflects our belief in the value of every human life from conception to death. The rhetorical manipulation has painted such an elaborately negative picture with their use of language, that it is far more complicated than it should be.
Another example is the term “unborn.” The prefix un means “not.” By using that term, we are saying a child is “not born.” Which is, in fact, true, but a negative tone is present in it.
We do not call a nine-year-old an “un-teen.” No, we say “pre-teen.” In fact, no other group is referred to with the prefix “un-,” except for children who are in the womb. A better alternative is “pre-born,” which clarifies the child as “not yet born.” It may seem silly, but connotation plays a massive role in rhetoric.
The same could be said for other pro-abortion terms such as “fetus,” “embryo,” and “clump of cells.” Why are these used? Because scientific rhetoric is cold and impersonal. Nobody wants to admit to “killing a child,” so they instead call it “aborting a fetus.” The very core of the abortion movement is based on cold, impersonal, manipulative language.
We must also be careful of victimizing ourselves by adopting pro-choice rhetoric into our pro-life arguments. We need to sit back and examine our pro-life positions, and make sure they have not been at all tainted by pro-choice rhetoric. Perhaps a controversial example of this is the Personhood movement. While it is a great movement with wonderful pro-life people, the basis of it is to prove that all humans, from conception, are persons.
By using two different terms, though, “person” and “human,” we are acknowledging an alleged difference between the two. How can there be a non-person human?
The Personhood movement strives to identify humans as persons, but why not just say that humanity is what defines a human? Those two shouldn’t be separated, but since the left already established this alleged difference in definition, we need to focus on the main message - that we are human, and there is no differentiating between humans and persons; to be human is to be a person.
Our rhetoric should align with our worldview, which is derived from our faith that suggests children are imprinted at conception with the image of God (Imago Dei), and thus have remarkable value and are worthy of protection at every stage.
That worldview determines our position on abortion and life itself – namely, that life begins at conception and a zygote is every bit as human, and therefore as valuable, as any other member of the human family.
The power of language is, perhaps, never so evident as it is in the case of abortion. Changing one idea, one concept, one word, or even one prefix can manipulate an entire movement – without anyone even recognizing it.
As pro-lifers, we need to make sure our rhetoric properly represents our beliefs.
You can find an expansive audio version on the topic of Rhetoric on The Human Element Show, a podcast by our friends at Human Coalition which combines incisive commentary and accessible apologetics to not only communicate the pro-life worldview, but also engage Americans in ending the abortion genocide in our lifetime.
source http://humandefenseinitiative.com/rhetoric-and-the-power-it-holds-on-the-abortion-debate/
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The highest good, then, after the attainment of which the whole of rational nature is seeking, which is also called the end of all blessings,  is defined by many philosophers as follows: The highest good, they say, is to become as like to God as possible. But this definition I regard not so much as a discovery of theirs, as a view derived from Holy Scripture. His defense is the imago dei principle, which says that God created us all in his image and his likeness. Therefore when a man is created he immediately received the dignity of God, but to become like (likeness) God as the philosophers say doesn't come until the consummation (finalized). But how do we even prepare for the consummation?
Origen (come back to this and look at it)
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dangerously-human · 23 days
I know I've said it before, or written it, anyway, but the fact that humans can love each other so much that they love a whole new person into being is just. It's incredible. It's bizarre, and beautiful, and a poem in action. This aspect of God's design for his creation is just so cool to me.
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dangerously-human · 11 days
One thing I really loved about my college was all the spring semester freshmen took a class about the school's three main values we were supposed to take away from our time there - Created and Called for Community - which was where I got the idea of storytelling as an act of little-c creation in imitation of the Father as big-C Creator and an expression of the image of God in all of us - and our corresponding project was to create something that said something about ourselves and the image of God more broadly, and we celebrated with a big party called Imago Day. The actual project I made was kind of rushed and not my best (I made a sloppy puzzle out of a picture I'd taken in my grandmother's garden, with an explanation I only vaguely remember about God reordering broken pieces of something), but so much of what I learned in that class was foundational to who I am as a person today, to my appreciation for creativity as a way to grow closer to an infinitely creative Lord, to my determination to appreciate the value the pieces of him in every human being. And I am also impressed by the Imago Day pun and the whole concept.
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dangerously-human · 8 months
Your url sounds like you could be a dr who fan. The Doctor would totally call Rose dangerously human, they've already called her "so [very] human". And she definitely was a dangerous one
Ooh, that's an interesting comparison, I like it! I think I would have happy cried if that had been pointed out to me in the peak of my Doctor Who years in college, lol. I loved Rose, and Tenrose especially. I faded off partway through Twelve's era, mostly because it the show got taken off Prime and I no longer had an easy way to watch it, but I've been thinking again lately about getting back into it - like everyone else, the 60th anniversary stuff is tugging at my sense of nostalgia more successfully than I would have thought, I guess.
Anyway, not a Doctor Who reference: my url was inspired by The Elephant Man, in that Merrick died from trying to appear "more human." The disability acceptance/advocacy aspect of that didn't fully occur to me at the time, but it's something I appreciate now. It's all about imago dei, babey, the inherent human dignity. And I like that it can be taken simultaneously as being about human fragility and human strength. I am dangerously human, as a threat, either internal or external - it's up to me.
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dangerously-human · 1 year
A Psalm of Dobbs v. Jackson
From 6/24/22
How often, at your providence do we sneer, turn back in fear for incomplete answers, not knowing what’s next? I feel a kinship with your people as they left Egypt: captives set free, whooping for joy, yet still I wallow in uncertainty. This is step one (after many thousands); I may have forty years to wander yet. Your victory remains, a truth unvanquished. God, grant me strength to love in tune with the beat of your heart. Your will be done, and use my fickle spirit, my faltering hands, as you see fit. We’ll sing your praises till they echo across generations. Your goodness cradles us; Your light shines forth in oppressive darkness. Jesus, come soon.
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