#in game she does awfully in most subjects because she’s a robot only designed for killing shadows
greetings-inferiors · 6 months
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The crossover friendship (?) ever
Aigis would join a robotics society at her university and be like “omg there are other robots?? :0” and then when she goes to meetings be like “…this is not what I was expecting :(”
Even though she’s developed a consciousness and heart that are near indistinguishable from a human I still like to imagine she’s very proud of her robot “heritage” and would get on like a house fire with any kind of mechanical entity.
She’d probably go into maths or engineering so it’s very possible she works with Boston dynamics-type robots and she’d just talk to them like they’re just regular people because to her they literally are.
This is a lot of words to say yes they’d absolutely get along
Also when he starts dancing she joins in but she only knows how to do the robot (junpei thought it would be really funny to teach it to her)
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