#that basically spends all lesson staring at makoto
greetings-inferiors · 6 months
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The crossover friendship (?) ever
Aigis would join a robotics society at her university and be like “omg there are other robots?? :0” and then when she goes to meetings be like “…this is not what I was expecting :(”
Even though she’s developed a consciousness and heart that are near indistinguishable from a human I still like to imagine she’s very proud of her robot “heritage” and would get on like a house fire with any kind of mechanical entity.
She’d probably go into maths or engineering so it’s very possible she works with Boston dynamics-type robots and she’d just talk to them like they’re just regular people because to her they literally are.
This is a lot of words to say yes they’d absolutely get along
Also when he starts dancing she joins in but she only knows how to do the robot (junpei thought it would be really funny to teach it to her)
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scribblindown · 7 years
Noctis’ S/O is a Phantom Thief
Persona 5 x Final Fantasy XV 
Takes place in an AU where Japan is a Lucian region. 
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He doesn't have much of an opinion on the Phantom Thieves. He knows that they're there, and he keeps tabs on them because of the news that they're stirring up, but other than that he doesn't have any strong feelings.
Would low-key get very jealous of your teammates, because you have to spend almost every waking hour with them. He's a prince, so it's natural that he was very spoiled as a child, and even though he doesn't show it very much, he can get very childish. 
He once became a very salty bae because you were on the phone with Makoto and you called her "Queen." You've never called him your King before, and wouldn't it make more sense if you did??
On the other side, your friends wouldn't believe you if you said your boyfriend was Noctis. Since Noctis goes to a completely different school, they didn't even think that your "boyfriend" was real. The Phantoms just thought that you said you were taken to shoo away people who tried to hit on you.
When Ryuji finally asks for a name to this boyfriend of yours, you would casually say Noctis, and the Phantoms would just think that you're being cheeky.
You wouldn't do anything to correct them or insist that your boyfriend wasn't just a figment of your imagination.
When you finally get them to meet, they would just stare at Noctis completely starstruck.
Noctis is a very shy babe, so he wouldn't talk very much during his first meeting with your friends. He'd probably stay quiet and talk mostly to you.
It would be up to the Phantom Thieves to try and warm up to him, but not only do they have little time to get to know him, they see him as a prince. While they aren't afraid of making friends in higher places, they have to be more cautious and secretive around him, and this creates a distance between them.
When the Phantom Thieves start to become more popular, you're going to spend more time with your teammates, so you have to cancel on him more. If you did have free time, you would be too tired to go out on a date with Noctis.
It would put a strain on your relationship, and the two of you will fight more.
You can’t deny that you haven’t been spending much time with Noctis recently, and you can’t deny that you’ve been spending more time getting caught up with the Phantom Thief business, but what kills you is that you have to lie to him.
For all he knows, it's because you prefer to hang out with your friends than with him.
He feels very insecure whenever you cancel on him, or tell him that you already have plans with your friends, because in his mind he knows that he doesn’t have many redeeming qualities, and your friends are so much more interesting. 
Noctis wouldn't be able to figure out your secret on his own. In his mind, there's no way that his cute little S/O would have anything to do with the Phantom Thieves other than keeping up with them on the news or checking the Phansite every now and then like everyone else at school.
You also wouldn't be able to tell him either.
If you ask your teammates, they would shoot down that suggestion right away. Ryuji and Morgana would automatically disagree, and Ann and Yusuke wouldn't voice it directly, but they would feel bad about your situation. Akira would give the final word, and Makoto would try to explain.
“I understand that it must be hard on your relationship right now, and if you were any other person, we would’ve let him in on our secret, but…because he’s the prince, it’s too risky. You can’t let him know. I’m sorry, [Name].”
After a rather difficult argument, you would end up shouting your secret at him on impulse anyway.
He doesn't believe you at first, but then he does at the same time??? He's just like, it all makes sense, but at the same time he still can't believe that you actually spend your free time being some Robin Hood avenger.
He’s just trying to process this.
“I feel like my bond with Noctis is growing even deeper.” 
Now that the big secret is out, it's as if you've built a bridge in your relationship, and the two of you are back to being happy together again.
He's very understanding about what you do. He's a little bit weirded out at first, but soon learns to accept it.
Noctis understands that you have an obligation to the Phantom Thieves to take down the corrupt, just like how he has responsibilities as prince, so he would never ask you to stop what you're doing.
Noctis will keep your secret for you till the day he dies.
Even though Noctis doesn't like being the center of attention, for the life of him this boy doesn't know what low-key means.
Have you seen his Moogle Chocobo Carnival outfit??? His Audi car???
He will abuse his position to help you out. Like when he does paperwork on the happenings around the kingdom, he will purposely be very vague or use confusing wording when he fills out stuff on the Phantom Thieves.
During council meetings alongside his father, when the Phantom Thieves are being brought up, Noctis will change the subject to something else.
You think that because of his title he would be a little more cautious when it comes to public issues, or he would be wary of scandals or how people see him, but nope.
If someone asks him for his opinion on the Phantom Thieves, he will have no hesitation and say right then and there that he is an avid supporter of the Phantoms.
Yes, I support the Phantom Thieves, and I am madly in love with one of the members.
Ignis will try to get him to be subtle about his opinions, because that's now politics work, but Noctis will legitimately shout his devotion from the rooftops.
Will be prepared to fight Goro Akechi if he continues to trash the Phantoms.
He doesn't usually listen to the gossip at school, but will listen in now because they might drop some info about the Thieves.
Has a long ass list of corrupt people that has been annoying him since childhood. 
“Noct, I can’t change Ignis’ heart just because you want to avoid vegetables.” 
Your friends would totally yell at you for letting out the secret to Noctis, but they would just sigh and eventually accept it.
Noctis will also make an effort to get to know them better now, and would appreciate them for taking care of you.
He likes Morgana the most, but that's only because he can't hear Morgana, and everyone is too polite and awkward to tell him what the sneaky little bugger is saying. Other than that, he gets along well with everyone, but is awkward around Makoto because shes's like a female copy of Ignis and a love rival.
Even thought Noct is understanding, he still worries about you every now and then, especially after you tell him the secret to changing people's hearts. He would wait for you at the Insomnian metro after almost every trip to the Metaverse and take you back to his apartment to take care of you.
He kinda sucks at it though.
He has to ask Ignis to teach him basic first aid, and when he tried to apply some of those skills on you, you ended up giving him another lesson on first aid.
It's the thought that counts.
Also, Post-Palace Cuddles !!
Is secretly a very proud boyfriend, because his S/O is so badass!! 
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ZackXGarry: In Which Zack Gets Marriage Counseling Even Though Boi Ain't Married
(SO. I really dunno how this ship happened but it is now p much my favorite thing and I already miss writing about them. This features the pairing Zack from Angels of Death and Garry from Ib, except it mainly focuses in on Zack and how Garry is a sickeningly good influence on him. Who knew, right?
DISCLAIMER: Garry and Zack are owned by their creators (Kouri and Sanada Makoto, respectively). I only own Beatmore aka The One Friend Not Friend Zack Can Probably Get. Enjoy!)
(Alt title: Death Of A Bachelor)
(Double Alt Title: Happy Valentine’s Day you fucks <3 we are in the hell now)
Zack was crouched in the shadows. He had his target in his sights, unbeknownst that they were the serial killer’s next victim. He had his scythe ready, his bloodlust ruling him, screaming, “KILL! KILL! KILL!” until he felt burst to explode with the energy!
So why couldn’t he do it? Why couldn’t he just take one more step? Come in for the kill, slice him in half or quarters- or even smaller if Zack was feeling particularly disgusted/slice-happy/crazy for blood and death everywhere- and rob the corpse for all it used to be worth. This was how he made his living, after all; he survived his days by robbing others’ lives.
But right now, he just. Couldn’t. Do it. He tried so hard; he stepped from the shadows, he gave his scythe a few test-swings, he pictures happy faces turning to screams of horror and being stained with blood, gore, vomit, but nothing. Something inside him was holding him back, making his mind one huge contradiction.
Fed up with himself and his apparent indecision, Zack bolted to a nearby safe house; the residence of a new friend he’d made shortly after making it to the outside. A friend who was really more of a loose acquaintance who let him talk about his problems and gave advice on how normal life worked and who didn’t care if he crashed there after four in the morning and power-napped for two hours before bolting again, mainly because the genderqueer hardly ever slept. Something Zack could relate to.
And to no surprise, they were there, perched on the arm of an otherwise-empty couch, knitting- “crocheting”, they called it once when he asked, but Zack saw no difference- a blanket. Or maybe it was a scarf? Too early to tell. It shimmered purple and black and looked like the least-revoltingly-bright thing Zack had seen them knit or crochet or whatever.
Zack climbed in through the window and stumbled wearily to the couch, giving no fucks as he collapsed face-first onto the other end of the olive-green sofa with his feet sticking over the other arm.
“Rough night?” Beatmore asked without looking up. Zack remembered when they first told them their name- well, the name they preferred. The fuck kinda made-up name is “Beatmore”? Sounds like a bad typo ‘r somethin’, he has said. They merely flicked him off in response. In the present, he grumbled something unintelligible into the cushions of the couch.
“Rough night,” they confirmed, amusement edging their voice. “What happened?”
More grumbling. Zack was reluctant to admit he wimped the hell out on a job.
“That bad, huh?” Beatmore was unfazed; they knew what he did, and still they gave him refuge for some bizarre reason. They’d claimed to have seen some shit, so this didn’t bother them as it would have most people. Not that they encouraged it; they just didn’t care. It was also why Zack hadn’t killed them and instead used them as a safehouse. They were- surprisingly- cool and okay to be around.
Zack lifted his head enough to turn it to the side so that he could be heard. Staring blankly at the generic fake wooden paneling of the wall, he admitted quietly, “I… I didn’t go through with it.”
That was enough to make Beatmore put down their crochet project and look over at the serial killer. “Whoa, wait, seriously!?” they said incredulously. “You of all people pussied outuva kill?!”
“Obviously not my finest moment.” Zack put his face back in the cushions. Maybe if he was lucky, his shame and the strong lack of oxygen he was getting right now by smothering his face in cushion would kill him.
Beatmore went back to the crocheting. “Huh…,” they mused, ”wonder what changed…” There was a moment of silence as the owner of the flat unraveled and re-stitched a whole two rows while the serial killer still kept his face firmly shoved into the cushions.
“Ohh…,” Beatmore said suddenly after a few minutes of contemplation. Zack looked up just in time to see that knowing and mischievous grin spread across their face. The serial killer felt a sudden jump of anticipation and foreboding. That look was never good on Beatmore in the slightest. They giggled.
“He must be a real good influence on ya, boy.”
Zack’s only response was a long, drawn-out groan of agony. His face returned into the cushions. How long does it even take for someone to asphyxiate when they willingly let gravity pull their face into pleather?
“Totally true, then. Man, how long have you guys even been together?”
Zack held up his hand in a number.
He made an obscene gesture with his hands composed of the index finger of one hand going in and out of a circle made with the other.
He then traced four letters into the couch cushions. He didn’t know how to mime this one.
“Ever,” Beatmore interpreted. “For-fuckin’-ever.” They giggled. “At least your spelling lessons ain’t gone to waste. He been teachin’ ya?”
Zack mimed his hand into a puppet and had it nod for him. He didn’t want to look up and face the facts that he was going soft because of some stupid purple-haired genderfluid boy and his stupid revoltingly cute romantic endeavors and antics. Romandevantics. That wasn’t supposed to be a word, but it was now to Zack.
“Aww, how cute. Your boyfriend’s your tutor,” Beatmore teased.
Zack looked up again. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Nah, I’m fine with talking about how adorable you and he are together. Thank for the suggestion, though; I’ll hold onto it for future consideration.”
“I can and will end you.”
“Then who else will hide you from the cops when they go knockin’? Mo’fucka I am the police.”
“You are?”
“...Okay, no, but I am damn good at fakin’ them out when they ask ‘bout Isaac Foster.” Beatmore pouted out their lips, batted their eyelashes, and puffed out their chest. It was disgusting when they decided to play feminine, accentuating the stereotypical features of a woman, but they could pull it off well. “‘Why no, officer, I ain’t ever heard’a no ‘Isaac Foster’ on the news,” they said, faking an innocent Southern Belle accent. “Or ‘What would a maniac like him ever have ta do with li’l ol’ me?’”
They stopped. “Basically I am the sole reason why Garry’s still safe and unsuspected and you’re still on the outside. Treat me nicer, assface.”
Zack decided to sit properly on the couch, the back of his head resting as far back as he could manage as a long sigh blew past the bandages over his lips. “The fuck’m I gonna do?” he asked, mostly to himself, but Beatmore was sure to have input.
“Get a normal job that doesn’t involve killin’ bitches and robbin’ the bodies,” Beatmore said as they unraveled a row and re-crocheted it. “Or, even better, get a job where you do have to kill bitches, and as a bonus, rob the bodies.”
Zack didn’t know why he even bothered. Beatmore hardly ever had a serious answer.
“Garry has a job sellin’ flowers, right?” Beatmore asked suddenly.
Zack blinked. “Uh, y-yeah. Bon-tany or flower-ist or some shit,” he answered. “Why?”
“Uh, duh? Ask him if you could get a job there?” Beatmore said with a roll of their dark eyes. “Kill two birds with one stone; you can earn a real living and be able to spend more time with him instead of… I dunno, when the hell d’ya even see him now?”
Zack bit his lip in thought. “...Actually, I don’t think I’ve seen him in a few d-”
“OH WHAT THE FUCK?!” the genderqueer suddenly shouted. Zack looked over at them as they violently slammed their knitting down into their lap. Did they mess up a stitch or something?
“A FEW DAYS?!”  Beatmore glared viciously at the killer. Oh shit, he thought. They were scary when mad. Zack’s ever seen them lose their temper over the little things, but holy shit he did not wanna know about what happened when they lost it over something big.
“Prob’ly ‘bout a week now,” he continued meekly, at his own risk.
“You dumb mothafucka, you been with him for how fuckin’ long and you ain’t ever fuckin’ home with ‘im?!”
Beatmore stopped yelling and let go of their hooks to hold the bridge of their nose. They inhaled deeply, then exhaled.
“Boy,” they proceeded slowly, as if struggling to keep their unruly temper in control, “I suggest you get the fuck off my couch, get the fuck outta my apartment, and get the fuck back to your boy’s side. Understand?” Before Zack could even respond, they added, “Do it before I chuck your scrawny slice-happy ass out my fuckin’ window.”
Zack had never been quicker to leave his friend’s place.
“If this happens again, I will handcuff you to his side, and it will not be the kinky kinda pleasant you want from a Saturday night!” they shouted after him.
Zack did not stick around long enough to question what they meant.
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