#in house pharmacy
sugarcomafoxtrot · 1 year
I would like to announce that Lauren Bousfield's music is so big to me that my legal second name is now Avalon and third name is Nero thank you for reading bye
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blond-jerk-tourney · 11 days
Blond Sweetheart Tourney: Round 3, Poll 2
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Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 and Hunter from The Owl House teamed up after tying in Round 2. Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Team Huntaka
Even though Reigen Arataka is a fraudulent psychic, he always tries to help people: while he lies about using psychic powers he always tries his best to solve his clients problems, even if it's just . He's a great mentor to Mob, guiding him to be a better person and be more connected with other people. He tried to take down a psychic terrorist organization by explaining to them that kidnapping people is wrong and they shouldn't do it.
Hunter is a traumatized teen who grows to bond and care about palisman - including his own, Flapjack - and the teenage students that he befriends.
Farma de Medicis
Pharma is the reincarnation of a pharmacist from Japan who worked so hard to discover ways to save lives that he worked himself to death. In the new world, he is just as determined to save as many people as he possibly can, no matter the consequences, but is also learning to keep himself healthy to spend time with his loved ones.
Hi, followers, I'm hear to tell you about Farma de Medicis, why you should vote for him here, and why you should watch his show. Farma was a 30-something Japanese pharmacist in our world before dying of overwork because he couldn't stop doing medical research in hopes of saving more lives. He cared so much about this, his life in Japan was a shell. When he reincarnates, while he retains that goal, he commits to overcoming that and making time to enjoy with the people he cares about. Everyone who works for him or works near him gets medicine for their ailments large and small. Dry hands and arthritis and pink eye are all equal. He makes sure to sneak in to visit his very young sister when she's isolated with chicken pox. He hires women who lost their careers after having children. When he receives a boon for saving the life of the queen of his new country, he asks not for lands, but to be able to open a pharmacy where he can provide medical care to people for free. When people are doing dangerous things for cosmetic reasons, he's not dismissive of them for being shallow, but instead finds ways to reach their cosmetic goals safely. When he's nearly assassinated for heresy, he performs risky battlefield surgery on one of his would-be murderers despite not being a surgeon, because he knows otherwise this man would die and he won't let that happen. Everything he does is in the name of public health, and he's got the biggest heart to treat people for free, and just shyly ensure he's charming and helpful to people so they're not scared to come to him for the help they need.
The guy handing out at-cost medical care and fighting the scammy pharmaceutical guilds is not getting enough love here.
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housetrophyhusband · 3 months
Watching S2E4:
Cameron: That's what we Doctors do. We write down some name of a medicine and someone gives it to us.
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datamodel-of-disaster · 5 months
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I was tired of looking at an ugly plastic bin on my kitchen counter holding all my pills, and got inspired by all those fake antique drug/poison jars on Etsy, so… behold, my “new” apothecary jars!
The jars themselves are actually quite old and did originally come from a pharmacy in my hometown. (I bought them secondhand as part of a lot of old pharmacy supplies, which also included unused labels and pill boxes that had the name and address of the pharmacy on them -hence how I know.)
They were in abysmal state, so I don’t feel like I ruined antique pieces or anything.
Anyway, my counter is now more Aesthetic(TM), I’m calling that a success!
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
Trump White House staffers were apparently big pill poppers. And we're not talking about generic ibuprofen or Vitamin C.
The White House has its own pharmacy. It's run by the military because the president happens to be commander-in-chief of the armed forces. But during the Trump administration things went awry – as you might expect.
For years, the White House Medical Unit, run by the White House Military Office, provided the full scope of pharmaceutical services to senior officials and staff—it stored, inventoried, prescribed, dispensed, and disposed of prescription medications, including opioids and sleep medications. However, it was not staffed by a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy support staff, nor was it credentialed by any outside agency. The operations of this pseudo-pharmacy went as well as one might expect, according to the DoD OIG's alarming investigation report. The investigation was prompted by complaints in May 2018 alleging that an unnamed "senior military medical officer" was engaged in "improper medical practices." [ ... ] Provigil is a drug that treats excessive tiredness and is typically used for patients with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders. Brand-name Provigil is 55 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Between 2017 and 2019, the White House pharmacy spent an estimated $98,000 for Provigil. In that same timeframe, it also spent an estimated $46,500 for Ambien, a prescription sedative, which is 174 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Even further, the White House Medical Unit spent an additional $100,000 above generic drug cost by having Walter Reed National Military Medical Center fill brand-name prescriptions.
While they were plotting to repeal Obamacare for millions of Americans, Trump staffers were getting brand name stimulants and sedatives cheap and sticking US taxpayers with the bill.
They were handing out baggies of drugs to staffers going on trips overseas.
The staffer told OIG investigators that ahead of overseas trips, the staff would prepare packets of controlled medications to be handed out to White House staff. "And those would typically be Ambien or Provigil and typically both, right. So we would normally make these packets of Ambien and Provigil, and a lot of times they’d be in like five tablets in a zip‑lock bag. And so traditionally, too, we would hand these out. ... But a lot of times the senior staff would come by or their staff representatives... would come by the residence clinic to pick it up. And it was very much a, 'hey, I’m here to pick this up for Ms. X.' And the expectation was we just go ahead and pass it out."
Trump wanted to send the US military into Mexico to go after drug kingpins. But he was running his own out of control drug dispensing operation financed by tax money.
The Department of Defense Inspector General's report detailed how Schedule II drugs were poorly inventoried and monitored. (emphasis added)
The Code of Federal Regulations requires that registered pharmacies maintain inventories and records of Schedule II controlled substances separately from all other pharmacy records.16 In our site visit to the EEOB Clinic, we concluded that the clinic maintained the controlled substance inventory records in a binder on hand‑written paper logs, stored in the EEOB clinic’s medication dispensing area. The inventory records showed that White House Medical Unit stocked four different types of Schedule II opioid pain medications (fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone), as well as medications from Schedules III through V, such as stimulants and sedatives. However, White House Medical Unit kept the records for its Schedule II medications in the EEOB’s inventory binder together with records for all other controlled medications and not maintained separately as required by the CFR.
So the Trump White House pharmacy also included opioids which were not properly kept track of. The Trump drug mill was a microcosm for his administration as a whole.
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puff-the-bunny · 3 months
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... Didn't know those did that
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iknowthislooksbad · 6 months
it just occurred to me; was House adopting the rat from Stacy's home a reference to Stuart Little???
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echo-s-land · 3 months
That moment where you remember a random place from your childhood you'll probably never go back to
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glitteratti · 3 months
have to go to the pharmacy sadface
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inniave · 21 days
pharmacies should automatically give you (or at the very least offer) naloxone any time you get an opioid prescription
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Field Of Wires • A Poem Recited From The Beak Of A Raven • Spine • At Dusk, On Television • Tiny Claws
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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sillyandquiteawkward · 2 months
i think my pharmacy hates me for wanting t actually <3
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ride-a-dromedary · 6 months
Halsin's writing being crowded and scribbled makes sense a. Because he's a doctor with doctor handwriting (that speaks for itself) but also b. I wonder, if "Common" is not his first language and he learned to write in Elvish first, if that translated over to how he forms the Common alphabet.
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dykestache · 5 months
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my gf said i look very mustache mommy in these
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: February 23
“Inkpot Gods” by The Amazing Devil
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#song of the day#'if I don't make it back from where I've gone / just know I loved you all along'#I'm setting up my queue for a more proper recommendation tomorrow but I've been rereading 'shoulder the sky' by Night_Fury#the whole series draws from various Amazing Devil lines for titles and such#'back then I was dauntless' is my favorite reworking of the Melidaan arc I've ever seen absolutely anywhere#and the title is a line from my favorite Amazing Devil song 'The Calling' but 'Inkpot Gods' is used to stunning effect in-story#and the beautiful refrain from the end of the song is playing in my head now as I keep going into the series#today was a deeply unpleasant day: the inevitable finally happened and Duncan cut himself doing his mudlarking#we'd been trying to schedule a preventative tetanus shot but several times we've gone in for the properly scheduled shot#and found out that they didn't actually have one in stock. unspeakably frustrating#and today we ran out of time for a preventative one. I woke up#(actually I woke up for work as he was going out for his walk but I got a migraine halfway through my morning meeting--no good--#and took the rest of the day off--turns out to have been a very good thing--and went back to sleep. so I woke up the second time)#to Duncan coming back from his walk with a sliced finger and the grody plastic-and-tin swan that had done the slicing#(picture of said swan under the cut because why not. it does look neat. can't see the sharp edge in the pic though it's underneath)#and so then we called the pharmacy and got the same automated 'of course you can have a tetanus shot' as ever so we made an appointment#and we got there and they did actually have a shot in stock this time! except that they weren't able to administer it#because now he's post-exposure that's a different shot and they aren't allowed. so we had to go to the urgent care instead#all told we spent about four hours out of the house on this mission but Duncan did get his shot and some bonus antibiotic goo for the cut#and it was worth it but also bleeeeeeegh it was miserable. which is where my recommendations do come in#when I tell y'all that I spent today reading Night_Fury's fics and also looking at valiants' CoD art and it saved me#whooo I mean it. being simultaneously stressed + bored is the nightmare state for me and instead I had wonderful things in my phone
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