#in our record player
lovingonarthur · 9 months
I give him all my love that's all I do
and if you saw my love you'd love him too
and I love him
he gives me everything and tenderly
the kiss my love brings he brings to me
and I love him
a love like ours could never die
I know this love of mine
will never die
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briarrolfe · 4 months
Our 78 year old Italian neighbour Josie might not remember my name, and may never get my pronouns right, but the thing is: We Are Besties and I am totally obsessed with her. She blasts disco music 24 hours a day. She chain smokes. She is so obsessed with Vegemite that she cut a holiday visiting family back home short because she was seized by Cravings. She took her first ever selfie with me. She flirts with my fiancé. Once I had to rescue her from her finding a lizard in her toaster. She drinks her first coffee of the day at like 4 am. Recently she told me “if anyone tries to take you away from me… I will kill them” with total seriousness and I fully reciprocate it. She is a constant source of chaos in our lives. I would do anything for her and I love her with all my heart
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swift-perseides · 7 months
...to the defense of Aypierre, I absolutely, 100%, don't believe an entity so hellbent in torturing in all psychological ways possible the islanders would have been cool with the 50/50.
"Yeah like no, make a tie, both win, my goal is to see you suffer and destroy each other, but I'm just joking, let's forget the elimination, you can all stay in the game!"
I DO believe Tubbo's plan could have worked, truly I do! What I DON'T believe in, is that the Eye, upon seeing the results, would not have found the most bullshit unfairly cruel excuse it could have come with to still get rid of one of the teams. This guy is Not Playing Fair for our cubitos folks. It wants blood, and it is amused of seeing the islanders trying to resist that, but that does not change that it Will Get What It Want.
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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can you see right through me?
S04E05 - The Nina Project
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Finally got the “Ultraviolence” alternate cover for my collection. It’s so beautiful.
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his-red-right-hand · 2 months
Questions 3, 9 and 22 for Danny :)
*rubs my grubby little hands together*
3. Least favourite canon thing about this character?
Okay, so my boy has a pretty solid canon, what little we have of it. But I do have a quibble. Sneaky sneak stealth man wears very strong cologne? I know it's to make people go "Huh, what's that smell?" but it just feels weird. (Also more lore plz.)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Given that most of the being roommates experience with me is just occasionally seeing me in the kitchen otherwise I'm just hiding in my room all the time, I feel like this is a yes. Although I may get murdered as I would be in the kitchen at 5am getting snacks when Danny comes back in post-murder.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
His dick. I kid. Him actually being examined as a character based on his lore. This terrible gremlin man has a really fun personality through what we have and it seems like a shame to disregard it for Generic Sexy Slasher Man.
What I dislike, as someone who remembers the 90's, is when people don't bother to check when certain things were invented and popularised. Like DVDs. And AOL messenger. Those were like a decade later, it makes me feel so old when you think those were around in 1993.
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spiribia · 2 years
you guys already know how partial i am to the guild wars 2 mount system but does this not make you smile so big. people so fond of roller beetles they make a guild dedicated to them and design their own tracks to race on and someone flying a griffon acts as an aerial drone to video record these events. also theres probably just some innate charm to watching a bunch of orbs hurtle along to initial d
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jokerownsmysoul · 11 months
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a-finnish-janitor · 6 months
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I started a fresh game of Alan Wake yesterday... got all the way to Departure... a story told in timestamps.
Although I'll have to go back to get the ONE MANUSCRIPT PAGE I MISSED in order to get "Picking Up After Yourself". I was doing so good getting what few missing pages I had left. Now I'll have to go find a guide because I am not going through the trouble of finding it myself.
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lovingonarthur · 2 years
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the endless skies, my love
And the first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last 'til the end of time my love
And it would last 'til the end of time
The first time ever I saw your face
Your face, your face, your face
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dripdropv · 19 days
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our little vinyl corner is slowly growing 🌱💿
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rantingravingliving · 10 months
So I made a playlist where I have Jimin's Like Crazy happily dancing with synthpop hits from the '80s.
So I have Jimin singing:
Then this song came next:
Oh wow. It was heavenly, I tell you! Hearing Jimin, then Annie Lenox!
Scrolling down the playlist, I have this one coming up, and I'm sure it would be eargasmic again!
Their voices back to back ... am in love! Right now, this one is playing after Like Crazy:
Then followed by this one:
Then back to Like Crazy!
Ah! so good, I tell you!
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elizmanderson · 1 year
I just really think post-breakup ed would listen to evanescence's "going under" on repeat
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katebeckets · 3 months
✨ can I have one please they’re so pretty!
I’m pretty sure absolutely nothing in this is a surprise ✨💗
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robertsbarbie · 1 year
it’s just funny that mahomes breaks multiple league wide records (some even his own) a season yet everyone is obsessed with blonde ohio boi and how well he can beat mahomes like it’s ridiculous
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