#in person events: pa usa
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi;Vico Ortiz; Rachel House; Kristian Nairn; SaveOFMD Event Calendar; Fuckery Reminder; Adopt Our Crew/Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Voting; Emmy4RhysDarby; In Person Events: PA: Calypso's Birthday Part Two; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/ Tonight's Taika
= David Jenkins =
Just a lovely artsy photo with David's lovely girlfriend Kinga.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika is still out and about in Japan! He got several pictures while he's been there! (PS: Where is our Taika In Japan Series)
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Source: Chimichangus Instagram / JensenDiedrich's Instagram
Apple TV has officially announced the date for the TV adaptation of Time Bandits (Which is Taika and Jemaine's new baby!)
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Custard TV Article
Entertainment Weekly Article
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico's excited for this upcoming weekend at Phoenix Fan Fusion! May 24-25-2024. For more info visit phoenixfanfusion.com!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
== Rachel House ==
Rachel posted lots of family and friends pics with the title: "Legend portrait series…"
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Source: Rachel House's Instagram
= Kristian Nairn =
More photos of Kristian's performance at Basingstoke Comic Con! Courtesy of Dan_Clarke_Photography!
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Save OFMD Crew Calendar ==
Reminder! Tomorrow is time for a Fuckery! Join the SaveOFMD Crew for some polite menacing with the hashtags #WelcomeToMax #DontGetAttached! Instagram / Tumblr Info
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== Adopt Our Crew / Articles ==
Our dear friends over at Adopt Our Crew shared an article from Laist about scripted TV! Please visit their twitter if you have access! You can check out the article below:
Less Scripted Content A Common Theme As Networks, Streamers Pitch Advertisers At The Upfronts
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Our crewmate @ meowzawowza_ on twitter was kind enough to share more articles regarding scripted TV going on right now.
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ICYMI: Scripted TV's Vanishing; YouTube Stars Snub Showbiz; Rushfield's Hope
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Dates: May 20 - 26, 2024 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST The #RhysDarbyFaction will be hosting OFMD Season 1 on the RDF Discord Server. Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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== Voting ==
More of our dear crewmates have found another voting opportunity for folks to weigh in on. If you visit the link below, you can choose to Stream it, or Skip it! We think you know which one to choose! Buzzfeed - Underrated TV Shows
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Thank you to @ norakitty9 on Twitter for the link!
== Emmy 4 Rhys Darby ==
As you've seen floating around, various crew members are trying to help get Rhys Darby nominated for an emmy! Attached below are several graphics you are welcome to use! You don't need to credit anyone, just use them liberally with the hashtag #Emmy4RhysDarby! Graphics Google Drive
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== In Person Events: PA : Calypso's Birthday Part Two ==
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Hey crew! Are you in the area of Millvale, PA (greater Pittsburgh area)? Well if so, please consider stopping by Harold's Haunt this Saturday May 25th from 6pm-12am! They'll be hosting Calypso's Birthday Part 2!
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They were kind enough to give me lots of info on previous birthdays as well as the upcoming one with more info! Thank you @ringasunn for all your help with this!
Please visit the repo event document for more information!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is the Red Flag Crew's foreperson! Thank you @melvisik for spotlighting Ma'aola Faasavala!
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== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
Oooo tonight we have the iconic first raid of Stede Bonnet! Thank you @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: PatchworkPirateBear's Tumblr
= Our Flag Means Fanfiction Podcast =
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This week is "The Ed Teach Episode"! Wanna give it a listen? Visit their linktr.ee!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
= MerMay =
= Blueberreads =
More pixel art from our talented crewmate @blueberreads! I love that we get Chaos Dad rowing back with a bunch of mannequins! I can just hear the yelling!
Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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= Snejpowa =
More lovely submissions by the super fantastic @snejpowa! Some "Could have beens" in the rowboat to China! Also loving all the versions of flags we're getting! Day 19: Rowboat / Day 20: High On A Rocky Ledge
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== Spencer Does Art ==
More Mermay submissions from our delightful crewmate @spencerdoesartt on Instagram! I'm digging their sweet style and vivid colors! Check them out below!
== Love Notes ==
Wow! Today was a busy day in the fandom! I feel like Mondays always are, but today feels particularly busy! There's so much going on, and everyone seems to be having such a great time with the new press release photos that were found yesterday!
It's so lovely to see this kind of energy and love being injected back into the fandom. I was mentioning this to a friend recently... that it feels almost like OFMD itself is a giant puzzle that we all have access to, and every time we think we're nearing completion of it, some cool new footage, bts, stills, information, interviews, anything-- shows up and suddenly we have all these new pieces to fit into place.
The puzzle is never really finished, but it gets bigger and more intricate with every discovery, and I absolutely love spinning the pieces around and seeing where they fit with all of you.
Whether you are brand new to the fandom, somewhat seasoned, or an ofmd fandom elder, I hope you know that you bring so much joy to this place! I know sometimes we have our spats between fans, but what family doesn't have those? We have so many talented, brilliant members on this crew, and I love coming back online every day and getting to fit another piece into the puzzle with you.
I hope you all are having fun crew, because that's what fandoms are all about. Remember to take a break if you need to, and scream loudly all your love if you feel up for it. We love hearing it <3 Happy Murray Monday lovelies!
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Happy Murray Monday all! Tonight's theme is Flight of the Conchords (with Murray Hewitt and Larry Pritchard)!
Gifs courtesy of the fantabulous @ fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ semisweetshadow!
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drdemonprince · 10 months
Many times at this protest, I notice Arab men filming or livestreaming the proceedings, or Facetiming relatives so they can watch the action too, a stunned look of gratitude on their face. I’m not normally good at interpreting facial expressions, but even this registers to me: they’ve never had so many people caring about them before. 
Two generations ago they were driven off their lands, robbed of their homes, had their legal citizenship revoked, watched their olive trees burn. For decades they have been battered, bombed, and demonized, and now suddenly a great number of people care, and they never expected to live to see it. I see multiple grown men cry just taking it in. This is a sight that I will soon get used to.   Hundreds of us gather in the freezing cold at the Buckingham Fountain, just a few yards from the highway and the lake. We are wearing layers, leggings under pants, long sleeves tucked into sweaters buried under coats, the rows of our bodies blocking the worst of the wind but also making the speakers leading the chants impossible to see. It does not matter, we are hear for one another. Together we are the event. 
For a long time we are there, repeating and repeating the phrases we’ve all come to know so well. End the Siege on Gaza Now. There is Only One Solution, Intifada Revolution. Long Live the Intifada. Israel Bombs, the USA Pays. Palestine is Our Demand, No Peace on Stolen Land. 
In the past, at protests, I used to be highly neurotic, too aware of the unique nasality of my voice, afraid of being the last voice to call out or the one that kept a statement repeating for too long, wondering needlessly whether I should be repeating phrases like “I can’t breathe” when people like me obviously can, or “Whose Streets? Our Streets!” when perhaps the streets should not be mine. 
These actions have freed me of my navel gazing, which was always purposeless and entirely too self-involved. I am one body among hundreds that helps make the crowd, I am to be a megaphone. I am echoing the collective will of the people, my own mewlings of support subsumed within the growing wave of everyone else’s. I don’t need to think about everything, I can just be a part of the great resistance all around me. 
I’m a solitary white person and a writer, and it took me far too long to welcome the modesty of my place. Suddenly though, I’m incredibly moved by the chanting, and feel a shared power in our all getting to amplify it together. This must be what people feel at church, I think, or at synagogue or the mosque. This must be how people who haven’t been poisoned with individualism feel. This is how it is to really be a part of something, not for how it looks or because you think you should, but because you have no choice, it is simply what you do. 
We are asked to lay down for a twelve-minute “die in,” representing the (at least) twelve thousand people whom Israel has killed. But there are so many of us, pushed togethering in spaces so cramped, so we have to collaborate to arrange this arm and that leg so we don’t get in one another’s way. I am filled with peace as we all lay there, staring into a pristinely clear sky. I think of the silence between the dropping of bombs, how the Palestinians never know rest and how we cannot either. 
Then, perhaps only four minutes in, the organizer takes to the megaphone and lets us all in on the secret: Get up now, get up now, we are taking Lakeshore Drive! This was never meant to be a die-in, that was all a ruse, but it only worked as one because so many of us were able to be pawns and had no inside knowledge for the police to steal from our private messages. 
We dash down the plaza and into the street, a few of us sitting down in the road with banners while the cops try to block the rest of us off with their barricades and bikes. What ensues is terribly exciting, the organizers leading us by the dozens over the fences and into the barricades, elderly people and children pushing up against the cops just as doggedly as teens and twenty-somethings. Cups fly, bodies launch themselves over barriers, and we scream and scream LET US IN. 
The cops’ large metal barricades rise up in the air, and some police press them outward into us, trying to knock us back, but then one man hurls himself between the joints, injuring himself as he hits the pavement but creating a gap, and then we all rush in like a flood, taking the highway, yelling and gesturing backward to welcome more down the hill and into the road with us. 
We hold the highway for hours, much of the traffic through the city’s main artery having to be redirected to avoid us. I watch young people scale traffic light poles to hang Palestinian flags and keffiyehs from the lights. I see Muslim men lined up on the sidelines, buffeted by us, kneeling to pray facing Mecca. I march with my comrades down the length of the street, tiny toddlers just as precious as the ones whose lives as been stolen, young adults with futures as promising as Moaz and Bisan, and elderly folk like those who still remember the united and free Palestine. 
Plastic buckets clap out a rhythm while street performers join us too, singing Free Free Palestine in a honeyed harmony. We are proving to be quite the hassle for the city to deal with, together, but they’re having to get used to it. 
The full essay is free to read or to have narrated to you at drdevonprice.substack.com.
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nextstopwonderland · 1 year
Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson Indie matches/promos timeline
Match: MPW (Max-Pro Wrestling) Rise Up, Chillicothe, OH. (December 5, 2007) Link (Highlights only). Danielson wins by tap out
Bryan does a in-ring promo right before Mox’s dark match during ROH on HDNet #22, Philadelphia, PA. (June 20, 2009) photos.
They both appear on EVOLVE 4; Moxley fighting Brodie Lee and Danielson against Bobby Fish. Union City, NJ. (July 23, 2010). Photos
Match: HWA (Heartland Wrestling Association) Road to Destiny, Norwood, OH (August 2010 - date unclear, most likely August 8, 2010 but web links have it as August 20th). Link Danielson wins by submission
Jon Moxley cuts promo challenging Danielson to Dragon Gate USA match (August 10, 2010) Link
Jon Moxley cuts second promo leading up to DGUSA (early/mid September, 2010) Link
Bryan Danielson is crowned the WWE United States Champion after defeating The Miz (September 19, 2010)
Jon Moxley cuts 3rd promo leading up to DGUSA (September 19, 2010) Link
Jon Moxley faces Jimmy Jacobs, whom he’d also been calling out in some of these promos, at DGUSA Untouchable 2010 in Chicago, IL (September 25, 2010) and wins
Bryan Danielson faces YUMATO (part of Kamikaze USA with Moxley) at DGUSA Untouchable 2010 in Chicago, IL (September 25, 2010) and wins
Jon Moxley cuts promo outside the arena during Way of the Ronin Dragon Gate USA show, assuring John Cena he’ll break Bryan’s arm (September 26, 2010). Link
Match: Dragon Gate USA – Way of the Ronin, Milwaukee, WI (September 26, 2010) Link Danielson wins by tap out
Danielson tweets what a great interview Moxley is (October 1, 2010)
Moxley shoots on how great Danielson is (Audio, November 12, 2010)
Fun facts/notes:
-In two promos leading up to DGUSA, Mox focuses on Bryan’s use of the Lebell Lock, how he’s been “throwing it out left and right”, and saying he “called it” when Danielson uses it as his finisher to win the US Championship. It ends up being the finisher Bryan defeats Mox with at their DGUSA match.
-They would not face each other again until 2011, this time as Dean Ambrose and Daniel Bryan in WWE.
-Under these names they’d go on to have 87 matches with one another between the years of 2011-2015. 80 matches were fought against one another —the majority as part of a tag team, trios or more. 7 of the matches were singles. Link
-They also had one WWE match as a tag team in 2018, as part of a Tribute to the Troops special. Link
-“Daniel Bryan” was the very first person “Dean Ambrose” fought in WWE after being signed to his developmental deal in 2011. They had two back to back house shows in December 2011, in Florida and Long Island, NY. Bryan won both. Clip of the first match. Entrances from the second match. Clip from second match.
-As of March 2012, Dean Ambrose had yet to make his first TV appearance in WWE but Daniel Bryan was singing his praises. (quote and audio post on tumblr)
-They would not face each other in a match as “Jon Moxley” and “Bryan Danielson” again until March 6, 2022.
-Jon Moxley was not incorrect in his February 16, 2022 Dynamite promo when he said he’d never beaten “Bryan Danielson,” despite having wins over “Daniel Bryan” while part of The Shield and beating him once as “Dean Ambrose” in a solo match in 2013 by DQ.
-Mox uses many callbacks from these early promos in his aforementioned Dynamite promo (which I’ve done an edit of here)
-In 2018, Bryan detailed the events of their first meeting, which is near verbatim to Mox’s promo. He says they had “instant chemistry”. Link He also mentioned this in a different interview during 2018. Quote (along with video)
-In his first DGUSA promo Mox says he wants “something more” with Bryan. During the match, after making Danielson bleed, the commentator calls back to that promo and suggests the something more Moxley wanted is blood. In the Dynamite promo Mox says “It just made me want it more” and he ends the promo with “I don’t stand beside no one until I bleed with them first.”
-In their August 2010 match Mox kisses Bryan’s arm. In their September 2010 match, he kisses his mouth. Link
-At DGUSA, the ring apparently disappeared and they had to scrabble to get another one. Mox and Bryan both started getting excited about doing the match without one and even pitched the idea together of how they could do the show instead. Link
-It appears people thought Moxley was referring to their August 2010 match in his February 2022 Dynamite promo (thinking it was their first meeting) and not their 2007 one. I’ve updated the Blackpool Combat Club Wikipedia page to reflect this.
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visaonline09 · 21 days
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jumbojumbledave · 3 months
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 Illustration by Miki Howenstein
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You owe me—for all I bring to your world.
June 20 (in the book “Jumbo Jumble”)
There is a pervasive pattern of contextual strangulation we are seeing in the media, in which long-term consequences are eliminated from discussion or thought by focusing on some fabricated controversy about short-term events. It's the same kind of contextual decimation that has been used in official discussions of climate change, deforestation, and the extreme poverty of 2 billion people. We are systematically encouraged to forget that we have any moral obligation to any other lives than our own. And the mainstream publishers and producers, who know where their advertising and investment revenue is coming from, remain mute. Other cultures, other generations, and other species aren't at the table. In this shift of context, the concern we might have for the future of life on Earth is grotesquely transmuted into a fear that gasoline prices might rise, or that illegal immigrants might start camping out on our lawns. 
JR: Our focus on short-term solutions while ignoring their long term (and often harmful) aftereffects results in many of the intractable environmental and social issues plaguing us today. How can we generate a genuine concern for the way we are influencing future generations and other forms of life? The majority of people are unlikely to be “threatened” into really caring about the large issues of climate change and poverty UNLESS they can understand how their concern and action will better their own lives. Frequently reminding a person of the pertinent issues and the consequences is important, but more important is showing the positive improvement of taking action now on their own lives (and those of their descendants).
PP: Where do you get your news? How about finding an additional source that shows positive actions people are taking to deal with today’s issues?
PA: In my regular visits to the USA, I find myself “deflated” upon watching the mainstream news, as most of it is bad news. It made me better understand why many people feel depressed or a lack of hope in today’s world. In my everyday life in Japan, I choose upbeat news sources (like YES magazine, Daily Good, and The Upworthiest in addition to reliable online news sources like Aljazeera. Finding balance in my news intake (preferably with more encouraging and uplifting news than is usually found in mainstream media) has helped me keep up a more optimistic view on the good we can do.
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2020-party-rentals · 3 months
2020 Party Rentals
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Nestled among the green hills of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, lies the quaint town of Fort Washington. It's a place where history whispers through the trees and stories linger in every corner.
Before big wars and famous battles, Fort Washington was just a patch of land where German immigrants like Philip Engard came to start anew. They built homes and carved roads, turning the wilderness into a cozy Engardtown community. Imagine them, with their dreams and determination, shaping the town we know today.
Then came the Revolutionary War, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. General George Washington and his tired soldiers sought refuge after a tough fight. The Emlen House, a grand mansion shaded by ancient trees, became their sanctuary. Can you picture it? Soldiers resting under its roof, their stories echoing through its halls.
But war has a way of leaving its mark, and Fort Washington felt its touch. The Battle of White Marsh unfolded nearby, with brave soldiers fighting for freedom on the town's doorstep. General William Howe surveyed the scene from the top of St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, his eyes fixed on the heart of the American spirit.
Yet, Fort Washington's story isn't just one of battles and bravery. In 1856, tragedy struck when two trains collided near Sandy Run station. Lives were lost, and the town mourned together, forever changed by the sorrow that lingered in the air. But from tragedy, hope emerged. The Fort Washington Office Park rose from the ashes, a bustling hub of activity and innovation. Can you imagine the buzz of excitement as businesses thrived and new opportunities blossomed?
Today, Fort Washington is a place where history dances with modernity. Its streets are alive with the footsteps of those who came before us, their stories woven into the town's fabric. Stroll through its charming neighborhoods, and you'll feel the echoes of the past whispering in the wind.
So come, explore Fort Washington, and discover the tales it has to tell. From the quiet beauty of its parks to the vibrant energy of its streets, there's something here for everyone to enjoy. Let yourself be swept away by the magic of this charming town, where every corner holds a story waiting to be told.
Featured Business:
2020 Party Rentals is your premier choice for top-quality party rental services, offering a wide range of meticulously curated items to enhance any celebration or corporate event. Specializing in transforming venues with elegance and sophistication, we provide everything from plush seating and stylish decor to advanced lighting and sound equipment. Our dedicated team works closely with each client, ensuring a personalized experience and seamless execution from start to finish. Whether planning a fairy-tale wedding, a professional corporate event, or a lively children's party, 2020 Party Rentals is committed to making every occasion memorable with our exceptional service and attention to detail.
Contact: 2020 Party Rentals 240 New York Dr, Fort Washington, PA 19034, United States 4RQ2+R4 Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, USA (267) 323–9699 https://www.2020partyrentals.com/
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4cTOosDOn0
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-RFPudrXOU7ueQP80cJzr-w1xuKxNahN
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/2020-party-rentals/2020-party-rentals
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/2020-party-rentals/sets/2020-party-rentals
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@2020partyrentals0/2020-party-rentals-1d09bb16143e
Weebly: https://2020partyrentals.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://2020-party-rentals.tumblr.com/post/753164865457258496/2020-party-rentals
Strikingly: https://2020-party-rentals.mystrikingly.com/
Google MyMaps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1mkAwBQQokUNJGxNcdvOsn9NmuXbcs04
Google Map CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17262173608068392785
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/2020-party-rentals/
Wakelet Collection: https://wakelet.com/wake/s1AlxiZ5EnrFxvYhPlc-d
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1801129791716049299
Twitter Tweets: https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801149678211289390 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801149877042233346 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801150296259006938 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801150411950485876 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801150639428272456 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801150874477293713 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801151006887104627 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801151131797922071 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801151250966495256 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801151362409132520 https://x.com/2020PartyRent/status/1801151519938785413
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Plant Medicine Healer
Discover a vibrant psychedelic community in Philadelphia with American Psychedelic Society. Connect with psychedelic guides, facilitators and healers. Join us today
Plant Medicine Healer
About Company:-
The American Psychedelic Society is dedicated to providing resources for therapeutic psychedelic healing and creating open forum discussions through community building events. This is a safe space for individuals to discuss various aspects of the psychedelic experience. Additionally, how psychedelics have contributed to transformations in their personal and professional lives.
Click Here For More Info:- https://www.americanpsychedelicsociety.com/
Location:- King of Prussia, PA, USA
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graymanbriefing · 5 months
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Civil Unrest / Societal Collapse / Citizen Actions Brief: National Summary 》In Pittsburgh, PA; LGBT activists (primarily transgender persons dressed in clown attire) protested an event featuring con...  》In NYC, NY between May 24th and June 2nd; Animal Activism Mentorship will hold a 10 day "Convergence" rally again...  》In Teaneck, NJ; pro-Palestinian rioters assault police and attempt to dis... 》In Memphis, TN; a mob of far-left activists (some affiliated with Black Lives Matter) targeted participants of a Turning Point USA event featuring Kyle Rittenhouse. The mob chased the event goers throughout the University of M... 》In NYC, NY; 60+ family and friends of a slain female (stabbed to death by a man outside a bodega) ralli... 》In NYC, NY; a conservative activist (Scott Lobaido) was arrested for tossing slices of pizza slices onto City Hall grass/bushes in protest of the city's new ru... 》In Huntington, NY on March 24th; pro-Trump protestors conducted a mobile caravan rally ou... 》In NYC, NY on March 29th; pro-Palestinian rioted outside a Biden campaign event. 1,000+ rioters assaulted police and threw objects at police. Multiple arrests made. Separately, 4,000+ pro-Palestinian protested in Times Square and disrupted an Easter church service after infiltrating the congregation. In Zuccotti Park, pro-Palestinians set up an "autonomous zone" dem... 》In Bellevue, WA; neighbors protested outside a house where a squatter has taken up residenc... 》In Torrance, CA on April 7th; Antifa is planning a protest and direct action against an event hosted by Libsoftiktok and American Freedom Alliance. Antif... 》In Santa Monica, CA; 3,000+ Christians marched while hol...(CLASSIFIED, get briefs in real-time unredacted by joining at www.graymanbriefing.com)
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mysticthingdreamland · 11 months
Plant Medicine Philadelphia
Discover a vibrant psychedelic community in Philadelphia with American Psychedelic Society. Connect with psychedelic guides, facilitators and healers. Join us today.Plant Medicine Philadelphia
About Company:-
The American Psychedelic Society is dedicated to providing resources for therapeutic psychedelic healing and creating open forum discussions through community building events. This is a safe space for individuals to discuss various aspects of the psychedelic experience. Additionally, how psychedelics have contributed to transformations in their personal and professional lives.
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vroooom2 · 1 year
For almost a year, the organizers of this conference in Las Vegas, have kept contacting me for the recognition section. Each time, they send a calendly link to set up a video call.
Because I don't know anyone in this conference, I asked one of the people who contacted me, how they managed to find me, and why they're interested. The person didn't answer my question.
Today, I have another LinkedIn invite from another person with another calendly link.
Should I go further?
It's no secret anymore that I'm an internet phenomenon, I have no problem speaking on stage with a mic, I did it many times, and it's cool as I feel like a rockstar, but c'mon do they really need a hacker in their con?
Because I don't need them at all, and I don't have time for internet bullshit. They sound like an APT group.
N.B.: the DGSE wanted to sponsor my conference to get big targets. I said no. Then, they tried to negotiate by selling another idea: it's a good event to recruit talents.
Me in my head: Hey do you think I'm stupid, you told me your main intention first, the recruiting argument is a wrong move.
I proposed to organize a specific conference if they wanted, to never split the difference. As they're smart, they understood why I didn't want to mix an honest and sincere project with their undercover shady motives.
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As the founder of the best global network, I suggest a virtuous node: General Bruno Clermont and Dmitri Alperovitch should get in touch. Perhaps they could be each other's guest at Johns Hopkins University and CNews.
They can write to each other, and shouldn't forget to mention they're both recommended by Dave Aitel.
As a TPA, here's the 2FA code: JAGS&Matt
0 notes
louistomlinsoncouk · 3 years
Headline Wembley Arena Show Announced For April 2022
New Postponed World Tour Dates Confirmed For Spring 2022
Louis Tomlinson today announces that he is partnering with BMG to release his second album globally.
Recording is already underway for the record, and Louis joins a roster at BMG that includes KSI, Craig David, Richard Ashcroft, The Prodigy and Kylie Minogue.
Louis says: "I’m very excited to start the next part of my journey with BMG.”
Jamie Nelson VP A&R at BMG UK says: "We are delighted to welcome Louis to BMG. He is already busy working on new music, and we are excited to join him on the next phase of his extraordinary career."
Louis also announces today the first wave of new 2022 dates for his postponed World Tour in UK, Europe, USA and Australia, including a brand new date at London's Wembley Arena. This show replaces Louis's two sold out London shows at The Roundhouse, and tickets will be transferred to the new venue.
Louis's first show at Wembley Arena will take place on April 22nd 2022, and extra tickets for the gig go on sale on Friday 14th May at 9am BST.
After postponing his 2020 world tour due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Louis will now finally get back on the road with his first solo tour, which is already completely sold out. The new dates are listed below. Further international rescheduled dates will be announced at a later date.
Last year, Louis released his million selling smash debut solo album 'Walls' which hit Top 3 in the UK and Top 10 in the USA. A lyrically personal album that proved he had found his feet as a solo artist, the album produced a clutch of acclaimed singles including the emotive first release Two of Us, the raucous Kill My Mind, the reflective We Made It.
In 2019 Louis headlined the Coca-Cola music festival in Madrid to an audience of 25,000 people, and performed to 65,000 fans at Premios Telehit in the Foro Sol stadium in Mexico City. Louis picked up the Best Song Award at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards for 'Two Of Us', which has so far hit over 100 million streams on Spotify alone.
In 2018 Louis won an iHeart Award for 'Best Solo Breakout', and an EMA Award for 'Best UK & Ireland Act' in 2017. He was ranked No.5 on Billboard’s emerging artists of 2018 and has over 60 million combined followers on social media. Last year he won 'Artist Of The Summer' in Philly radio station 96.5 TDY's annual awards.
In December 2020, Louis hosted one of the biggest live stream concert events of 2020, selling over 160,000 tickets to fans in over 100 countries and raising funds for several important charities. As a member of One Direction, Louis has sold over 100 million records. Overall Louis’ solo music has garnered over a BILLION streams.
Louis Tomlinson Tour Dates 2022
1st Feb South Side Ballroom, Dallas, TX
2nd Feb ACL Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, TX - SOLD OUT
3rd Feb Bayou Music Center, Houston, TX - SOLD OUT
5th Feb The Pageant, St Louis, MO - SOLD OUT
7th Feb Coca-Cola Roxy, Atlanta, GA - SOLD OUT
8th Feb Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN - SOLD OUT
10th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
11th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
12th Feb The Anthem, Washington DC - SOLD OUT
14th Feb Stage AE, Pittsburgh, PA - SOLD OUT
15th Feb The Met, Philadelphia, PA - SOLD OUT
17th Feb House Of Blues Boston, Boston, MA - SOLD OUT
19th Feb REBEL, Toronto, ON - SOLD OUT
20th Feb The Fillmore, Detroit, MI - SOLD OUT
21st Feb Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, Indianapolis, IN - SOLD OUT
23rd Feb The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, IL - SOLD OUT
24th Feb The Fillmore Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN - SOLD OUT
26th Feb Uptown, Kansas City, MO - NEW SHOW
28th Feb Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO
1st Mar UCUU Center, Orem, UT - NEW VENUE
3rd Mar Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA - SOLD OUT
4th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW VENUE - SOLD OUT
6th Mar Orpheum, Vancouver, BC - SOLD OUT
7th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW SHOW
10th Mar Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA - SOLD OUT
12th Mar Performance Venue at Hollywood Park, Los Angeles, CA - NEW SHOW
23rd Mar Valsheimilið, Reykjavik, Iceland
25th Mar Arenan Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden - SOLD OUT
27th Mar Spektrum, Oslo, Norway - NEW VENUE
28th Mar Forum Black Box, Copenhagen, Denmark – NEW SHOW
30th Mar Columbiahalle, Berlin, Germany - SOLD OUT
31st Mar Forum Karlin, Prague, Czech Republic - SOLD OUT
2nd Apr AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Netherlands - SOLD OUT
3rd Apr Palladium, Cologne, Germany – NEW SHOW
5th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
6th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
8th Apr Lorenzini District, Milan, Italy - NEW VENUE
9th Apr Halle 622, Zurich, Switzerland - SOLD OUT
11th Apr Gasometer, Vienna, Austria - SOLD OUT
13th Apr Torwar Hall, Warsaw, Poland – NEW VENUE  
14th Apr MTP5, Poznan, Poland – NEW SHOW
16th Apr Lotto Arena, Antwerp, Belgium – NEW SHOW
18th Apr O2 Academy Glasgow, Glasgow, UK – SOLD OUT
19th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – NEW SHOW
22nd Apr SSE Arena Wembley, London, UK – NEW VENUE
23rd Apr Doncaster Dome, Doncaster, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Jul Fortitude Hall, Brisbane, Australia – NEW SHOW
22nd Jul Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia – SOLD OUT
25th Jul Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia – NEW VENUE
29th Jul HBF Stadium, Perth, Australia – NEW SHOW
188 notes · View notes
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Free Museum Day (for the USA) is September 18, 2021. I personally won't be attending this year (pandemic and all that), but this saved me when I had to go to an expensive museum for homework so I figure if you have to go, you might as well do so for free. The number of participating museums varies wildly by state (list under the cut), but you can see participating museums and get your free ticket at https://www.smithsonianmag.com/museumday/museum-day-2021/
Don't worry if you don't want to go this year, it's an annual event.
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23 notes · View notes
lemondzest · 3 years
Understanding Obesity (Part 2): Whose responsibility for obesity?
Now that we know obesity is a public health crisis requiring urgent action, we may wonder - what causes it? After all, effective solutions require tackling the root causes of the problem. This part therefore aims to shed light on five of the many contributing factors to obesity. 
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1. Choices
Nothing much to elaborate here; choosing to eat more and moving less will result in weight gain. More calories in, less calories out - basic law of thermodynamics. Boring. However, many people are quick to go down the reductionist route by placing ALL the blame on the individual’s personal choices. If it’s just a matter of people needing to make the right choices, if it’s really that simple, we would have tackled obesity long ago. Blaming obesity solely on individual choices does not answer WHY we are increasingly eating more and moving less. Take a look at this timeline of adult obesity in the U.S below by the CDC, similarly reported in other countries across the globe. 
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The rate of obesity has tripled worldwide since the late 1970s. If obesity is simply caused by a lack of personal responsibility, what happened in the late 1970s? Did everyone collectively lose their rationale - maybe everyone got together, decided to YOLO and go buffet in life? Definitely possible (cue the entrance of conspiracy theorists), but highly unlikely. Did some form of transcendent power strike the DNA of humans collectively that made us evolve into a bunch of lazier and much more ravenous creatures? Scientists have studied evolutionary changes during this period and concluded that nope, our gene pool has remained constant; any changes in the gene pool would take hundreds of years to produce an obvious effect across a global population anyway. This means that:
the global rise in obesity is not because of any significant genetic changes,
people did not willingly choose to eat more and move less, 
there are other external factors that mainly drives the obesity epidemic.
Consider a class of 10 pupils. When only one pupil gets very low grades in an exam and the other nine got full marks, the one pupil is considered mainly at fault. Perhaps they need to study more and work harder to get a good mark. But when six out of ten got very low grades, is it still the pupils’ fault? Would we then tell the children to study more, while everyone else (i.e the teacher, parents, education system) just remain in inertia, or goyang kaki? 
Similarly, when 63% of the people in Brunei are living with overweight and obesity -- is it still entirely their fault? 
2. Environment
(Please bear with me, I’m trying my best not to turn this section into a whole thesis).
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The environment is one of the largest contributors of the rise in the obesity epidemic. This is based on rigorous academic evidence and decades of research. Essentially, the environment has generally promoted the increased consumption of unhealthier food through a rapid increase in its:
availability : since the 1970s, the food environment underwent a shift from predominantly fresh produce to a more ultra processed diet. Food are being processed to the point where they look nothing like what they originally look like, stuffing them with cheap ingredients such as sugar, salt, trans-fats and flavourings to enable mass production to be sold at cheap prices and for easy consumption. These products are called ultra processed food, and examples include soda, sausages, nuggets, sugary cereals, instant noodles, crisps, chocolates and so on.  Because of its poor nutritional profile, ultra processed food has confidently been associated with higher risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, depression, asthma, etc. And we, especially young people, are consuming more of this than ever. 
exposure : we're talking about the aggressive marketing strategies that has been employed especially by the fast food industry and beyond. I remember going back home from the airport after my 14-day COVID quarantine being bombarded by roughly 10 billboard ads, majority of which are advertising for fast food. As I went out and about for the next few months, I realised that we are exposed to food companies constantly fighting for our attention through their advertisements, whether in the form of billboard ads, physical outlets, leaflets, newspaper ads, TV ads, social media ads, social media influencers, event sponsorships, - the list just goes on! In fact, 46% of the annual advertising budget in the UK goes to soda, confectionery and snacks, while only 2.5% goes to fruits and vegetables. Imagine if it was the other way around.. One can only dream... The point is, we as humans are constantly being tempted with unhealthier food rather than healthier food, which in turn, drives up our purchase and consumption of unhealthier food products. I also particularly like this photo taken in the UK that just showcases the pedestal unhealthier food ads are being placed on, i.e. same level as public health ads. Oh, the irony! (Good news for Bruneians - a code of conduct on responsible food marketing has been implemented recently to shield our children from these ads! Just what we need, priority on children’s health > anything else.)
portion sizes : certain food such as pizza and soft drinks underwent a significant increase in portion sizes from the 1970s to 2000s. Just a few days ago I went to to a fast food outlet and noticed that, as usual, the default drink choice is soda, but the default size is now the large one as compared to the smaller one that I remember seeing 3 years ago before I left the country. I was also informed that some other outlets have been asking customers to upsize their drinks by default. Just how necessary is this? We may think this is not a problem because people supposedly eat according to their physiological needs and can simply stop when they’re full, and so they wouldn’t need to finish the whole portion. But research leading to the discovery of what is known as the portion size effect (PSE) has suggested otherwise; the more energy-dense food people are served, the more they tend to eat. 
The 21st century environment is also promoting physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle compared to the past centuries. Opportunities for physical activity especially in high-income countries have declined possibly due to the rapid urbanisation, rise in 9-5 jobs and more people relying on motorised transportation methods. Although research has shown that physical activity (PA) among adults done during free time have increased in the past ~30 years, a simultaneous decrease was found in physical activity done while working in the past ~50 years. Young people are also observed to be more physical inactive levels throughout the years, though locally... I like to think that our younger people are getting more physical-activity-conscious nowadays since applaudable efforts to widen opportunities for PA such as the launch of Bandarku Ceria and the opening of numerous hiking sites and gyms booming in 2019-2020. But this could just be my skewed perception looking at a small and specific demographic of the population - more formal research needs to be done.
So, we know that the environment is the main factor that drives up the obesity pandemic. But if we are all living in an environment which predisposes us to develop obesity, why don't we ALL have obesity? This tells us that there are other factors that makes an individual more likely to act on the environment's impulses - such as their socioeconomic status (income, education) and especially their genes.
3. Income
Research among developed countries such as the UK, Australia, Germany and Singapore has shown that people who are from lower income level are significantly associated with a higher risk of obesity. This graph below just shows how stark the inequality is between the most and least deprived areas of the UK. Note also how rapidly-widening the gap is over the years!
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Why are poorer families in developed countries more likely to live with obesity? 
Food that are more nutritious are often less affordable than nutritious food. I particularly love this infographic showing how in order to meet the general recommendation of a healthy diet in the UK, the poorer families would have to spend 39% of their income on food alone, while this percentage steadily decreases as your income increases, to as low as 8% for the richer families. The same pattern is reflected in many other countries including the USA, Australia and
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This inequality is not just seen within countries, but also across countries. One study across 18 countries identified that in order to meet the recommended guideline of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, families in lower income countries would need to spend 52% of their income on them, those in middle income countries would need to spend 17% while those in higher income countries would need to spend a mere 2% of their income.
The price gap between healthier and unhealthier food can then affect people's purchasing behaviour, where families from lower income are forced to prioritise quantity of food over quality. For some of us, we are privileged enough to be able to choose food that are delicious, nutritious, and of different variety each time. But for some others, especially among families with poorer background battling food insecurity, they can only afford to eat in order to feel full and get through the day. Research has shown how poorer families always have to 1) balance out their choices of food with the utilisation of scarce resources, and 2) make judgment of food prices relative to other food prices. Combining this with the known fact discussed above that unhealthier food are FAR more aggressively marketed (almost 20 times more) than healthier food - we are left with a group of the population who are predisposed to choosing food that are mainly satiating, and less nutritious than the recommended guideline.
In fact, we know that even more factors than those discussed above can contribute to people from poorer families having an unhealthier diet. One of them is, on top of the price gap of groceries, we have the price gap of fast food. Parents who are busy and don't have much time to cook nutritious and homemade food often resort to fast food to sustain their family. Sure, we have a plethora of fast food options to choose from (and they just keep increasing - don't get me started). But what kind of fast food is both affordable and nutritious? Nasi katok costs $1 while a balanced meal costs $5 (minimum), and this disparity is seen all around the world.
Given all this, we still have the audacity to say that obesity is simply caused by a lack of willpower?
Gimme a break. It is clear that people who are not as financially privileged requires additional support in order to maintain a healthy weight. If not through finance, through education (further explained in Cause 4), or even better - both!
Side note: Despite the overwhelming evidence that having low income is associated with higher risk of obesity, there is also emerging evidence showing the possibility of the opposite (reverse causality); living with obesity is ALSO associated with having low income due to stigmatisation and discrimination. So basically... living with low income may cause people to live with obesity, and likewise living with obesity may cause people to live with low income. This syndemic is similar to the that of obesity and mental health issues discussed in Part 1.
4. Education
Health is not formally taught in most schools. Health starts at home. Because of this varying education level and awareness about health across the population, each family has very different approaches of ensuring how their family can grow up adopting healthy behaviours.
Generally, the likelihood of having obesity increases with decreasing level of education. This was observed in many countries including Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The trend is similarly reported in OECD countries such as Australia, Canada, England and Korea as shown below.
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This may be because more educated families tend to have healthier lifestyles and are more aware of what the causes and consequences are of obesity. If a family is lacking awareness and knowledge on certain aspects of health, such as in nutrition - eg: what the importance of consuming enough fibre is, what exactly constitutes a balanced diet, how to cook nutritious meals under time constraint etc - then their family will be less likely to adopt healthy (protective) behaviours.
Awareness on the causes and consequences of obesity indeed remain low within many communities. In one study, 76% of young people surveyed believe that "obesity has a genetic cause and that there is nothing much one can do to prevent obesity". Almost 30% of them also believe that even when substantial changes were made to one's lifestyle, obesity cannot be prevented. In the UK, around 3 in 4 people didn't know that obesity can cause cancer - the leading cause of death worldwide.
Not only are people unaware of the causes and consequences of obesity, many people even show a general lack of understanding of obesity itself. It was found that among 401 Malaysians surveyed, 92% of those with obesity underperceive their weight, thinking that their weight is at a normal range or lower than it actually is. This is particularly concerning, because any intervention efforts to reduce obesity rate within a community will just bounce back by the majority of the target group who think the messages are 'not for them because they don't have obesity' when they actually do.
All in all, if you come from an educated family background - good for you. If you have the opportunity to study more about health, or human/medical sciences - good for you. But what about those who do not have all these privileges?
Side note: There is also evidence showing how having lower education level is not just associated with higher level of obesity in a direct manner, but also indirectly where having a low education level may contribute to households having a lower income, and as discussed above in No.3 -> may result in a stacked effect on obesity. This is called the mediation effect and more explanation can be found here (pg 133).
5. Genetics
Over 200 genes influence our body shape and size. This include genes that affects how frequently we feel hungry, the rate that we burn calories, our metabolism rate, and many more! Some of these individual genes can increase our likelihood of becoming heavier while some other genes tend to make us lighter depending on whether it is 'switched on or off'. And this mix of 'on and offs' for EACH gene is always going to be different between individuals (polymorphism).
Because of our own 'mixed bag' of ~200 obesity-related genes interacting with each other, some people will find it much harder to resist that bar of Kinder Bueno sitting on the cashier till, while some others wouldn't even bat an eye. Some people naturally feels full after a bowl of rice, while some others would need three bowls. Some people can store a large amount of fats while some others can store only half of that amount before those fats (lipids) seep into other tissues instead such as muscles and potentially cause diseases (lipotoxicity).
Our genetic differences within the population explains why some people respond differently to the obesogenic environment we live in. It is not as simple as our genes determining whether we develop obesity or not. We simply can't be saying "Oh it's in my genes, got it from my parents~" to justify our lack of effort to address obesity. There's no single gene that makes people develop obesity. But rather, our mixed bag of genes determine our susceptibility to obesity. For people with many of those genes that makes it likely for them to gain weight easily 'switched on' -> they will be more susceptible to obesity because their own biology makes it much harder for them to fight back the temptations of the obesogenic environment.
Because this concept is so difficult to be understood by people who have always had a healthy weight all their life, privileged with not having the genes raising the likelihood of obesity 'switched on' -> they tend to blame obesity solely on the individual's personal choice. Because their own biology makes it easier for them to resist the temptations of the obesogenic environment.
As Joslin - an American doctor - described almost a century ago which pretty much summarises the role of genetics in obesity:
Genetics probably loads the gun, while lifestyle in our obesogenic environment pulls the trigger for the spreading of the obesity epidemic.
Does this mean that people who have genes that makes it more susceptible to develop obesity can simply blame their genes for their weight?
No! Not entirely. They can and should apply the same general concept of weight loss to counteract the risk of obesity, i.e. - eating balanced meals, doing plenty of physical activity (going back to the boring law of thermodynamics: more calories out than in = weight loss). However, it will be especially harder for these people to achieve it due to their obesity-encouraging genes. They have to put in more effort to lose 1kg than someone with less of the obesity-encouraging genes.
What this means for those with obesity: Your own genes and biology is one of the factors why your BMI is considered high at the moment and why it feels so difficult to lose weight. It is important for you to understand this, so that you don't beat yourself up too often! It is not entirely your fault. It will be hard, and in fact it will be harder than many people, but what matters is for you stay focused in putting in the work to get there!
What this means for those with healthy weight: It's about time for you to stop blaming everything on the individual's personal choice when you don't even know how difficult they have it and how much they have been trying to fight their own biology. Don't act like you know their struggles just to shame and stigmatise them because you don't and neither do I. Leave it to their close family and personal doctor to consult them.
What this means for policymakers: We have a duty in making sure that 1) the environment is as conducive as possible to live a healthy lifestyle to avoid 'triggering the gun', and 2) people are aware that genes play a big factor too (of around 40-70%) in determining someone's weight and its not just entirely down to the individual.
Side note: The genetic explanation above which acknowledges the role of hundreds of different genes in the development of obesity is applicable to the majority of people living with obesity (polygenic obesity). However, there are also the minority of people who develop obesity due to mutation in single genes (monogenic obesity / syndromic obesity) which warrants a separate and more technical explanation.
Bottom Line
To summarise the cause of obesity:
As mentioned in Cause 1, how we develop obesity is always down to the individual eating more and moving less. But as explained in Cause 2, 3, 4 & 5, the complex interaction between the environment, the individual's socioeconomic conditions, and their own biology explains why it is so difficult for some people to eat less and move more.
To summarise the cause of the obesity pandemic:
Personal choice explains why one individual may develop obesity, but the environment explains why more people across the whole world is developing obesity. Our socioeconomic conditions and especially our genetics then explains why not ALL people develop obesity as a response to the change in environment.
So what should I do with all these information?
That's entirely up to you and how much you understood! But the reason why I brought this topic up is because I'm personally sick and tired of hearing people living with obesity being blamed for their "poor choices in life", "lack of self-control", for "being gluttonous", "lazy", etc.
As I have hopefully explained, obesity is undoubtedly very complex and a result of so many factors. These five things I mentioned above? There's. So. Much. More.
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Click here for a clearer view.
So the next time we blame it all on people with obesity - check your privileges. You're rich? You're naturally slim? You're educated? You don't have as much obesity-encouraging genes? Good for you. Perhaps that tends to make you feel entitled to say that people who are living with obesity just needs to make "better choices".
But understand that you have it easier in maintaining your healthy weight, while people with obesity most likely have it harder. The least you could do is really be sympathetic and understanding, acknowledge their struggles, and certainly avoid shaming and stigmatising them. Make it easier for them by providing healthier choices and support them physically and emotionally in their goals of achieving a healthy weight!
Aren't you just giving an excuse for people to live with obesity?
Disclaimer: My BMI sits quite well on the healthy range at 23 kg/m^2. I am nowhere close to having obesity, nor do I have any family members, partners or close friends living with obesity. I literally gain NOTHING to be making up an excuse for people to live with obesity. Quite on the contrary, I understand its dire consequences as I have outlined in Part 1, and I have even mentioned personal choice as one of the causes above. It's not about giving excuses, but simply an effort to give voice and justice to those who has been silenced.
I hope I have gotten my point across through this post and the previous one in my Obesity Series! Let's all be more-informed members of the society and support each other in achieving our health goals :)
*Note: For simplicity purposes, ‘unhealthier food’ in this post refers generally to food lower in nutritional profile, and food high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS). In reality, we should understand that food does not exist in a binary manner.
Unlinked References:
Gene Eating by Giles Yeo (Book)
CMO Independent Report: Time to Solve Childhood Obesity by Professor Dame Sally Davies
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easyobsession · 4 years
Somewhere Only We Know
“You’re gonna get pissed.” He warns.
“Seriously, Justin, just tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine,” He pauses again, this time so long Kat is about to lose it, when he finally blurts, “We could get married.”
A Spinning Out fic.
A/N: A few things to get straight: what little knowledge I have about the Olympics, the Village, and ice skating in general is very limited and based solely on what I can find online. Please go easy on me; I’m new to this world. Most of my research for Beijing’s Games is speculation based on past Winter Olympics combined with me also making some of it up.
Also, as we know, we only got one season of this amazing show. While I have done my fair share of research (aka watched every Katstin scene an embarrassing amount of times), if you don’t remember some of the smaller details I mention it’s quite possibly because I made them up. Bare with me and go with it. I’m doing my best.
She’s been staring at the ceiling for nearly two hours. She knows this because in those two hours, Kat Baker has looked at the clock more times than she can count. But she’s done her best to stay still and focus on sleep, because if ever a good reason to need a solid night’s rest, this is it. Plus, she isn’t alone.
But it’s been nearly two hours. And after feeling her bedmate shift for the third time in less than ten minutes, she can’t help herself.
“Are you awake?” she speaks softly in case she’s wrong.
“Yes.” Justin’s voice comes so instantaneously it’s obvious he has been for a while. He rolls over onto his side to face her, clearly fed up with the charade. “I know we’re supposed to be too excited to sleep or whatever, but I figured jet lag and exhaustion would kick in eventually.”
Kat sighs. “I don’t think I can lay here anymore.”
“Screw it. Let’s go walk around or something. Get some food. I don’t know,” He shrugs, “Everything is open 24/7 here. Might as well take advantage of it.”
Kat bites at her lip. They have practice tomorrow at 9am sharp and Dasha will kill them if they’re stumbling around exhausted, but she’s so stir crazy right now she can’t bring herself to care.
“Alright, let’s go.”
They both dress quickly and head for the door, remembering to grab their ID badges from the nightstand and doing their best to remain silent as they slip through the common room. Their hands find each other in the elevator as they depart from the ninth floor, and they both give a courteous nod to security as they exit the dorm.
February in Beijing is beautiful, and despite being nothing more than a glorified college campus, the Olympic Village somehow still manages to blow both Kat and Justin’s minds. With a large handful of sky-high dormitories divided up by country, the Village is filled with basic amenities like a post office, bank, laundry facility, a convenience store, several gyms, and a huge cafeteria containing cuisine from around the world at every hour of the day.
Kat and Justin have been here for eight days so far. The first two days were spent getting settled with the other Team USA skaters and personnel, the third day they participated in the Opening Ceremony, and the remaining time has been spent using their allotted practice sessions, hitting the gym for light workouts, and enjoying the experience. They’ve also seen a few events, which is a highlight, and done a couple interviews (Dasha promises there are more to come- super) and some press work.
Mostly though, they’ve been staying close and trying to remain in a good headspace. Their competition begins in three days and their families arrive tomorrow, so for the most part they’re taking Dasha’s advice and focusing on each other.
“This is yours to lose,” she’d said. “Don’t over-think anything. Just stick together and enjoy it.”
This probably isn’t what she meant, but whatever.
After leaving the dorms behind, the duo makes the short walk into the heart of the Village, the nightlife scene far more alive than some might expect. The Village is open 24 hours a day for a reason. Some athletes prefer to train in the later hours, jetlag affecting a large amount, and some seem to need an escape to rid themselves of the jitters. One thing is clear though: everyone is tense. It’s like a university during finals- the pressure is on and everyone is feeling it.
“We should probably skip the caffeine, but how ‘bout hot chocolate?” Justin proposes, their linked hands swaying between them as they approach the commissary.
Kat nods. As much as a huge cup of coffee sounds appealing right now, he’s right. With any luck they’ll hopefully be able to manage at least a few hours of shuteye after this little excursion and a latte screams bad call.
After getting two steaming cups of cocoa (caramel in hers- she’d agreed to forgo the caffeine, not the sugar) they find an empty bench just far enough off the main pathway for a bit of privacy. So far it’s been a blast meeting and getting to know the other athletes from around the world, including several of Kat and Justin’s personal idols, but two AM just isn’t the hour preferred for socializing.
For a while they sit in silence, enjoying the peace and tranquility and the rare chance to people-watch the night owls between sips from their respective biodegradable cups.
“Feeling any sleepier?” Justin questions finally, causing the brunette under his arm to sigh.
“Will you judge me if I say that I’m even more awake than before?”
Justin lets out a curse. “I was hoping it was just me.”
“Gotta love Olympic life,” she ruses, “Well, I’m not going to the gym.”
“Fuck that,” he agrees. They’ve been practicing nonstop as it is. Neither of them is in the mood to ruin what little free time they do have, especially since Dasha never shuts up about the importance of not overdoing it.
“I don’t know. Nothing sounds appealing.” Kat continues, “But I don’t want to just sit here all night.”
For a moment silence falls again until Justin begins to fidget, shifting in his seat and catching her attention.
“What?” she demands, the look in his eye giving him away just like always.
“Nothing.” He quickly dismisses, shaking his head. “Never mind. I’m an idiot. Forget it.”
Kat rolls her eyes. “I know you’re an idiot,” she teases, “You’re my idiot though, which means I’m privy to all of your idiocy.”
“Seriously Kat, drop it. It was a dumbass thought. Let it go.”
“Hey,” the change of tone in his voice causes her to pull back, finding his eyes. Clearly he’s getting upset about something. “Talk to me.”
Justin stares at her for a minute. “You’re gonna get pissed.” He warns.
“Seriously, Justin, just tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine,” He pauses again, this time so long Kat is about to lose it, when he finally blurts, “We could get married.”
“What?” It takes all of Kat’s strength not to screech the word. “Are you- what?”
“I said it was dumb!”
“It’s the middle of the night.” she sputters. “Our families aren’t here. We’ve only been together-”
“What feels like forever sometimes,”
Kat gives him a dirty look. “Really? You’re choosing now to fuck around?”
He raises his hands in defense.
“Look, it was just something that popped in my head.”
“Of all the possibilities, this was the random thought you had?”
Justin glances toward the ground, causing her eyes to go wide.
“This isn’t the first time?” Kat pauses, her voice finally falling back down to its regular decibel. “You’ve thought about this before?”
“Have I thought about marrying you?” Justin snorts, giving up on his hesitance as the insanity of the situation triggers brutal honesty. “I’m 25, Kat, and I’ve been in love with you longer than the two years we’ve been together. Yes, I’ve thought about it.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He says quickly. “I don’t have a binder filled with details or anything. It’s just something I’ve thought about, that’s all.”
This seems to catch her attention.
“Like what?”
“Like… I don’t know.” He shrugs. “You probably don’t want something too big or flashy. Which is awesome, because while my dad will lose his shit and it’ll drive Mandy nuts, I’m actually on board with small and simple. And I know you’ll kill me if I spend too much on the ring, which is the one thing I already have covered-”
“You have it covered?” she interrupts. “Like what, you’ve already bought it?”
He pauses for a minute, staring at her before letting out a sigh.
“I don’t want to freak you out.”
“Justin, seriously, I swear to fucking god-”
“Fine!” he holds up his hands in surrender. “Just give me ten minutes. Stay here.”
“Stay here? Where are you going?” she wants to hit him when he rises from the bench. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“Stay here!” He repeats.
“Fuck off!” she cries, yet for some reason her ass remains glued to her seat.
The following ten minutes pass in a slow blur, because what the actual fuck? Ironically it isn’t their relationship, but the fact that they’re skating for Olympic medals in three days that assures her he wouldn’t just leave her sitting in the middle of the Village like a moron, when Justin returns with his hands in his pockets, looking even more nervous than when he left. (Which is understandable, because there’s at least a 50% chance this could lead to his death.)
He lets out a breath as he sits back down next to her, finally revealing his hands and holding up a respectably sized (but not too gaudy) ruby in a band of gold. He places the ring in the palm of her hand, giving a small shrug.
“It was my mom’s.” he explains quietly. “I’ve had it since she died. Dad said she planned on giving it to me eventually.”
“Look, it was a dumb idea. And I didn’t mean to freak you out, especially when literally the biggest event of our lives is in three days, but… I don’t know.” He shrugs again. “I just started talking and you didn’t stop me. So here we are.”
“So what, you just carry this with you everywhere you go?”
“Fuck you. It’s called being prepared, Baker.”
Kat goes quiet for a minute, her eyes falling from his understandably stressed face to the ring still perched in her palm. This is quite literally the last thing she ever would’ve expected, and yet for some reason the idea of turning him down isn’t her gut reaction. It’s crazy, yeah, but she does love him and they’ve been together for a while. Hell, practically everyone and their brother has brought it up, so it’s not like she hasn’t thought about it, and at the end of the day she could think of a lot worse ways to live her life than spending it with Justin.
“Your mom must’ve had small hands too. Although… I guess we won’t really know if it fits unless you put it on me.” She murmurs finally, causing his head to snap up.
“I mean, I won’t be able to wear it on the ice, obviously,” she continues, “And we should probably wait until after the Games to tell anyone, because it’ll only be more pressure if we’re labeled the American Newlywed team. Plus, our families are no question going to kill us- Dasha at the front of the line. We’ll probably have to have some sort of party to make it up to them. Especially Mandy.”
“Are you saying yes?” he asks breathlessly, still unsure if he’s in a daze or acquired brain damage from the cold.
A small grin breaks out on Kat’s face. “I must be crazier than we thought.”
“You’re saying yes!” he surges forward to kiss her, hoping all of his joy can be transmitted through the pressure of his lips. “Holy shit.”
“Does it count if you never put the ring on me?” she questions through a giggle, causing him to let out a laugh of his own as he takes the ring and slides it onto her finger with shaking hands.
“Perfect fit.” He observes, part of him not even surprised because fate is just on their side tonight apparently, before leaning in to kiss her again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She grins. “Mr. Baker,”
Justin laughs. “You joke, but I really could not care less.” He pauses for a second. “Hey, look, I’m sorry this isn’t something better. I mean, I wasn’t planning on renting out the Eiffel Tower or anything, but I wanted to at least make a speech or something. Most of all I know it’s something I planned to talk to you about beforehand.”
Kat shrugs. “Might as well have this be just as weird and dysfunctional as everything else about our lives, right?” She says with a dry laugh. “Besides, you can save the speech for your vows.”
Justin stares at her for a second. “You seriously want to get married at 3AM in a foreign country, in secret, three days before the biggest competition of our careers?”
“Are you getting cold feet already?”
He laughs. “I’m just making sure I’m not dreaming.” He says honestly.
“Oh, you’re awake. And it’s too late to back out now, Davis.” She holds up her left hand where the ring sparkles, looking, Justin can’t help but notice, like it’s always belonged there. “I’ve already got the hardware.”
Justin grins. “Guess I’m stuck then.”
“Looks like it.”
“Huh.” He stands up from the bench and offers her his hand. “Then let’s go get married.”
Part 2 Coming Soon. ;)
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elianthvia · 4 years
About Me
Greetings from Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA, Earth, The Solar System, Orion Arm, The Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Cluster, Virgo Super-Cluster, Universe One(?) on Jan 27, 2021 AD! 
My name is Achillea Elizabeth Huang and I use she/her pronouns. I am an engineering major (the only BS at Smith!) from the class of 2023. I lived in Hubbard House as a first-year, and now I am living in Chapin House.
Places and Names
Besides Smith, two other places are home to me: Jiangxi, China, where I spent my childhood and the first half of adolescence, and Erie, PA, where I lived and studied before coming to Smith. At home friends and family call me by my Chinese name. In the states people know me as Elizabeth. Now that I am in college, I've been experimenting with a new name in Latin: Achillea, the feminine form of Achilles, aristos achaion. If you are into trying different names, Smith is a great place!
What have I been up to?
Three days ago on Jan 24, I was happily released from my two-day quarantine and moved into Chapin.
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Before coming back to Northampton, I had been living with my Hubbard friend's family in Shippensburg, PA since last summer. Long story short, pandemic travel restrictions thwarted my original plan to fly to China; luckily enough, my friend's family (and their two fifteen-year-old cats, Sandy Caper and Sonoma Pickle, whom I hope will remember me when I visit them again) showed me great hospitality and welcomed me into their household.
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Why blogging?
Smith by Smithies isn't new to me. My roommate from last year is a blogger. I find her blogs entertaining to read because they narrate her story in such a different format from our casual conversations. Back when I was a senior in high school, I also checked out the blogs and asked a few questions (anonymously, of course. The option to stay incognito was a blessing.)
Writing outside school isn't a newly developed habit either. I have always kept a journal, which over the years has unfortunately become my primary venting space, where I record my frustration, insecurity, and overreactions in great detail. If you want to learn about my life through my diary entries, you would mistakenly think me a miserable person.
The idea to start writing blogs myself, however, didn't occur to me till very recently, when I was in my quarantine hotel (the Ellery), scrolling through Smith by Smithies, procrastinating on a class assignment. I thought to myself, maybe Smith by Smithies would encourage me to record the fond memories I have at Smith, events I look forward to in the future and the progress I've made in the past. Suddenly I came to a productive realization that I should join the bloggers and share my own collegiate experience with the audience of Smith by Smithies, be it a prospective student I once was, or an amused roommate of a fellow blogger (I also once was).
Now you have it, my first blog of, optimistically, many more to come! I hope you will have fun following a Smithie's college journey through the path I take!
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