#in rainbows disk 2
0rbit · 1 year
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satiricaily · 2 years
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carabinersims · 1 year
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Computer Lab Series 1
This set is inspired by: early 80s computers, my dad’s office when he taught electrical engineering, and VHS tape artifacts. Many of the pieces in here are stylized versions of real-life things, which I’ve included more info about under the cut.
This set contains 11 new meshes and features 2 retro computers, a desk chair, a desk, and lots of retro clutter items.
Download link (SFS): Separate packages or ZIP of the whole thing.
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Here's some fancy promo GIFs!
Set contents:
Carapro II Portable Computer: Based on the Kaypro II Portable Computer (1982) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 789 polys
BBC Micro Computer: Based on the BBC Micro Computer (1981) // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 329 polys
Steelcase Desk Chair // 5 swatches, 746 polys - has 1 LOD
Retro Desk // 4 swatches, 264 polys
Floppy Disks // 2 swatches, 734 polys
Stapler // 3 swatches, 152 polys (has 1 LOD)
Caradex V (Rolodex) // 1 swatch, 834 polys (has 1 LOD)
Desk Caddy // 2 swatches, 1580 polys (has 1 LOD)
Computer Manual Posters // 4 swatches, 20 polys (resized EA soccer poster mesh)
Cassette Recorder // 4 swatches (including wood grain/rainbow!), 212 polys
Cassette Tape // 4 swatches, 202 polys
Here's everything you get:
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Images for the poster set are taken from the manuals for the Kaypro and BBC Micro; thank you to folks who upload these online!
Fonts used in the textures are Nootrasim, Uni(versity) Llama, and Simlish Crayon.
Technical notes/known issues:
Sims’ hands slightly clip into the computers with angled keyboards; this is not something I can fix due to how the animations are set up.
The computers don’t have mice (they wouldn’t have had them at the time), so the Sims will move their hands around as if they were using an invisible mouse.
The BBC Micro computer has a medium decor slot on top -- perfect for cute plants, books, clutter, etc. In testing, I noticed that if you place something there that trails down the sides, Sims will not want to use the computer (you have to make them sit in the chair and then interact with it). Most items don’t seem to do this so I’m leaving the slot in - just know if you put trailing stuff on top, this might happen.
The cassette recorder has a decor slot in the perfect place to actually put the cassette tape in it, and I love it! I’d recommend picking the cassette tape you want before putting it in; once it’s in the recorder, I couldn’t figure out an easy way to get it out again. You can always delete the whole thing and re-place a cassette recorder.
Other notes:
TOU: Don't upload to paid sites or claim you made these. If you do recolor, you can include the mesh if you link back to me.
This is my first larger set and I'm kinda nervous! If you encounter any issues please message me on here and let me know.
I've also created a companion "further reading" post here, which goes into more detail about the research and references I used for these
⭐ Like my stuff? It's all free but it does take me time -- if you want to, feel free to leave a tip on Ko-fi. ⭐
@mmfinds @maxismatchccworld @simbfinds @adoring-ccfinds @mmoutfitters  @public-ccfinds  
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cosmicwhoreo · 9 months
seeing as ur cookie ocs/children (not sure what to call the little specimens) are,well,cookies-
If you could somehow (really no idea how you would) eat them,would they taste like anything in particular??
Oooooh~! A FUN ONE!!!
And for scale, I'm going to rate the edibility of each of my confectionary darlings on a scale of 1 to 10. starting with...
Horse Apple Cookie- 2/10
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Uncomfortably bumpy and bitter, downright unpalatable on the taste buds. I mean... You CAN eat him and not really suffer too much in the long wrong. But nobody would recommend it... And frankly, the constant screaming of conspiracy nonsense and the fact he hasn't showered in two weeks just lowers his grade by like 1 point.
HoneyCrisp Cookie- 9/10
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Actually tastes pretty good. Sweet and juicy, almost like a jolly rancher!
Grand Reef Cookie- 1/10
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Uuuuuh... Maybe in his prime he tasted like rainbow sherbet ice cream like his colorful corals would lead you to believe. But nowadays...? Raw sewage. Feels and tastes like biting into a moldy apple. Uncomfortably squishy and black, like tar. Guarantee you will get violently ill from trying to eat him... He only gets a point because he will be constantly comforting you and giving all these sympathetic and apologetic pats and hugs the entire time you're puking your brains out from tasting him...
Dr Prawn Cookie- 5/10
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Tastes as you'd expect. Shellfishy and meaty. But there is an uncomfortable crunch...
Sea Anemone Cookie- 4/10
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Apparently you CAN eat anemones... Weird, but I guess fried anemone is a delicacy to some regions, I don't know. Tastes like shellfish, but she's too smol to really even be considered a light snack. And frankly, why WOULD you wanna eat a face like that? She's just excited to meet a big friend~!
Gold Choco Cookie- 0/10
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Several problems would arise trying to chew on Goldie... Firstly, is trying to CHEW him; as his body is roughly 85% hard metal and high voltage wiring. He's hardly even dough at this point... And if you somehow managed to get by that, he tastes like oil and metal and leaves a buzz of static in your mouth. There's only a slight aftertaste of rich chocolate... But you'd have a better experience eating a chocolate-covered floppy disk before cracking a molar on his stale ass...
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talonabraxas · 13 days
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“Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha” Green Tara ॐ Talon Abraxas
Tara’s name is derived from the Sanskrit root tṛ, which means “to traverse” or “to cross.” Tara guides and protects us as we journey across the ocean of the suffering of cyclic existence and arrive at the shore of enlightenment. In Tibetan, she’s known as Jetsun Drölma. Jetsun means “noble, revered” and Drölma means “she who liberates.” Tara is the noble one who liberates us from the ocean of suffering.
She arises in many forms of varying colors and demeanors, each of which has a specific way of supporting us on the path to liberation. Green Tara is a principal form of Tara whose activity is to remove obstacles and protect us from fear and danger. Green Tara has an entourage of twenty-one forms, each of which protects us from a specific type of fear, danger, and calamity.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, various colors represent different facets of awakened awareness and how we experience them on an ordinary level. The color green is associated with enlightened activity, wisdom, and compassion in action. So Green Tara is the embodiment of enlightened activity; her unimpeded action is instantly and precisely attuned to the needs of each moment. She knows just what’s needed to facilitate our liberation. Green is also associated with the wind element, and Tara’s green form expresses her unwavering commitment to act for the benefit of beings with the swiftness of the wind.
Beyond her color, every aspect of Green Tara’s appearance is imbued with meaning. Her boundless, unbiased generosity, joyful diligence, patience, ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom adorn her as fine silks and jewel-encrusted earrings, necklaces, and bangles. Her golden crown expresses her realization of the five disturbing emotions as being wisdom in their essence. Her black hair is partially drawn into a topknot symbolizing that she’s attained full realization, while the rest of her hair flows down her shoulders and back indicating her commitment to benefit all beings mired in suffering.
How to do Green Tara Practice
1. Take Refuge
Find a quiet place to sit and settle into a posture that allows you to be alert yet relaxed. Take several breaths. Let go of any thoughts or concerns and welcome the present moment. When settled, take refuge in all awakened beings and your innate basic goodness by reciting: “Until awakening I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and noble sangha. By the merit of my acts of generosity and other awakening qualities, may I attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings.”
2. Visualize Tam Turning into Tara
With eyes open, gaze into the sky in front of you, taking in the openness of space with a sense of receptivity. Visualize that unconditioned compassion emerges from that openness in the form of a green Tam, the mystical seed syllable associated with Tara. (See the script on top of the lotus at right.) The Tam instantly transforms into Green Tara who sits upon a luminous disk of the moon atop a fully blossomed lotus. Her body is made of blue-green light, the color of a clear, alpine lake. Like a rainbow, she appears, yet her form is not substantial.
3. Empower Your Visualization
Visualize rainbow-colored light radiating out from your heart. It purifies the world, makes offerings to the awakened ones, and invokes Green Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with you. In response, many forms of Tara rain down and dissolve into the Green Tara that you originally visualized, empowering your visualization. Have confidence that all your teachers’ mind streams are united with hers and that she’s truly present in the sky in front of you.
4. Chant Green Tara’s Mantra
Begin to chant Tara’s mantra Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha as a way to connect directly with her. The mantra is Tara’s wisdom and compassion manifesting as sound and vibration. Feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and feel that resonate with Tara’s body. As you chant the mantra, visualize that a stream of wisdom-awareness nectar begins to flow from her open right hand. It’s like liquid light that’s blue-green in color. This river of nectar flows into the crown of your head and removes all fear, gives protection, removes obstacles and obscurations, and transmits awakened awareness to you and all beings. Make any prayers to Green Tara that you would like, and allow yourself to receive her blessing.
5. Know That You Are Tara
See Green Tara dissolve into light and that light dissolve into you. As it enters your body, it illuminates you from the inside out, and your ordinary body now arises in the form of Green Tara. Experience your blue-green body of light as being emptiness and form inseparable. Your awakened qualities adorn you as silks and jewels. Your hands and legs rest in the same gestures and manners as hers. Experience your mind as being inseparable from Green Tara’s mind. In your heart area is a blue-green Tam. As you continue to chant the mantra, light radiates out from your heart, sending joy, compassion, loving-kindness, strength, and equanimity to all beings without exception.
6. Dissolve the Visualization
When you’re done reciting the mantra, take a moment to sit and feel the impact. Then, gradually dissolve the visualization until there’s just a drop of blue-green light left in your heart center, radiating brilliantly the essence of your true nature. Then the light dissolves into space, like a rainbow disappearing into the sky. Rest your mind naturally for a few minutes or longer.
7. Share the Benefit
End this practice session by sharing with all beings any benefit that came from your connecting with Green Tara. Do this by reciting: “Through this goodness may awakening spontaneously arise in our streams of being. May all obscurations and distortions fall away. May all beings be liberated from suffering and the stormy waves of birth, sickness, old age, and death.”
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luxudus · 1 year
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Here's my celebration of 2023's femboy day! back when i was first drawing out the celebration in 2022 i was originally intending to use one of these guys, but due to time constraints and a bit of motivation I went with the sophonts seen in last year's celebration. This time i brought back those original concepts and fixed up their designs Some where slight tweaks and other complete redesigns. Lastly for reference they're all around 1.8 meters / 6 feet tall
The Mm-Kca't't are a sophont species of crustacean-like centaurs from a world named C'tok-Uur.
A blue moon orbiting a jovian world. Despite it's sheer blueness, C'tok-Uur has no major oceans but dozens of seas and lakes, it is dominated by savannahs and deserts where plant life takes on a deep blue hue. The dominant form of fauna are 4 limbed crustacean-like invertebrates with a single compound eye stretching across the face.
The Mm-Kca't't are heavily derived from that group, the "upper body" is actually an elongated head with the brain at the base, with their arms evolved from a pair of mandibles and the mouth is located at the center of the chest, males have large megacerops-like horns while females have a flat disk head. They are competitive obligate herbivores native to the savannahs of C'tok-Uur, males will spar with each other over potential mates. The motion dazzle camoflage helps their herds become indistinguishable to predators. They communicate through hums and clicks, and live in hierarchal herds, and living such social lives and with such surprisingly dexterous arms paved way for sapience
The Mm-Kca't't are somewhat advanced, they had just invented nuclear energy and are experiencing an atomic revolution as and are just beginning the construction of the first satellites. A popular facet of their culture involve male Mm-Kca't't denouncing their "masculinity" by cutting off their horns, modifying their diet, and present themselves more femininely while still identifying as "male"
The Hsh'shhh are a sophont species of mollusk-like flyers from a planet known as Sss'Shaa
Their homeworld is a humid superearth with an incredibly dense atmosphere and 6 moons. The planet has a wide axial tilt, coupled with the dense atmosphere, allows heat and light to distribute evenly across the planet. Giving ideal conditions for plant life of all photosynthetic processes to evolve and thrive, giving the surface of this world a "rainbow" hue. Fauna come in the form of external gilled, 4-eyed, slug-like pseudovertebrates that established an aerial ecosystem stretching into the clouds.
The Hsh'shhh evolved in the emergant layer of Sss'Shaa's rainforests. Descending from a line of "bipeds" that evolved their external gills into a set of wings. They eat with a radula located through the slit on their chest. Their red-pink facial disk act as ears while the blue fans act as a nose and rudders. They use their entire head and neck as a single arm to manipulate their envrionment, and their middle "finger" isa derived from a genital sheath. Their extremely vibrant coloring and black stripes help break up their outline when flying over the multicolored landscape, and their countershaded underbellies blend in with the sky. They live in order-less flocks and communicate through hissing.
Their society is surprisingly advanced given the higher gravity and greater air resistance of their home, but through the construction of several heavy duty space elevators and the establishment of 2 dozen space stations built for construction, they were able to bypass the limitations of their homeworld and colonize the rest of their star system, effectively becoming a kardeshev type 2 civilization comprised of independant nation states occupying different worlds. Their society is egalitarian and environmentalist and are currently terraforming their nearest interplanetary neighbours.
The concept of "femenine" males has been a cultural staple across Hsh'shhh history, and the idea is so prevelant that they and "masculine" females are categorized as their own entire genders
And the Vonzullt are a sapient species of mammal-like hexapods from a cold planet named Toiazuul.
Their homeworld is somewhat earthlike and is the only one supporting a breathable atmosphere. The major difference is that all landmasses are converged into a single supercontinent, and the planet is in the middle of an ice age that freezes any part of the planet 30 degrees away from the equator. flora on this world is yellow in color and technically wam blooded. The dominant fauna come in the form of jawless segmented vertebrate-like hexapods with 4 patches of layered photoreceptors that act as eyes.
The Vonzullt evolve from a family of mammal-like hexapodal carnivores that recently took an upright stance to watch out for apex predators. To make up for the lack of jaws, they and all other hexapods evolved a pair of chelicerae to hold onto food and "chew" on it. They live in hunting packs and evolved in the southern seasonal forests. Their intricate pack bonds and hunting strategies kickstarted their sapience, and eventually civilization as a whole
Unlike the previously mentioned civilizations, the VonZullt are far less developed, they experienced an industrial revolution a generation ago, are currently rediscovering the rest of their planet, and the concept of democracy has just developed and begun to spread.
surprisingly, the concept of feminine men is held with high regard among many Vonzullt societies, and in the case of the most prominent society, a somewhat militaristic empire. They are even given positions of power as they are seen as selflessly giving their strength to their brothers rather than hording it to themselves.
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0bviouslyem1ly · 10 months
Shows and movies to watch while regressed 💕
Color coded with emojis for different ages! I'd recommend some for older regressors, and younger ones to make sure they're good for your little age. I hope this helps you find some things to watch! (I've watched all of these, so I can confirm that they're safe for you to watch :3)
💜- Younger age
🩵-Older age (May have different kinds of humor and jokes. Just in general a bit more mature for the theme of the show/movie.)
💚-Kinda in between the others
Of course, these are all up to you, and I'm not saying you have to or anything, just trying to help out a bit :)
•Gabby's Dollhouse 💜
•Chip and Potato 💜
•Chicken Run 🩵
•My Little Pony 💜
•True and the Rainbow Kingdom 💜
•The Super Mario Movie 💚
•Bunk'd 💚
•Sam & Cat 💚
•Victorious 💚
•Free Rein 💚
•Nicky,Ricky, Dicky & Dawn 💚
•Miraculous 💚
• Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous 💚
•Spirit Riding Free 💚💜
•Number Blocks 💜
•CoComelon 💜
•The Christmas Chronicles 1&2 💚
•Super Buddies 💜💚
•Spooky Buddies 💜💚
•Santa Paws 💜💚
•Santa Buddies 💜💚 (The next movie to Santa Paws)
•Beverly Hills Chihuahua 1&2 💚
•Bluey 💜
•Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 💜
•Puppy Dog Pals 💜
•Pj Masks 💜
•T.O.T.S 💜
•Sheriff Callie's Wild West 💜
•Doc McStuffins 💜
• Fancy Nancy 💜💚
•Zootopia 💜💚
•Big Hero 6 💜💚
•Big City Greens 💚
•Home Alone 1-4 💚 (1&2 are my favorites though, they changed the cast up.)
•Frozen 💜💚
•Mickey's Once/Twice Upon a Christmas 💜 (Two movies)
•Jessie 💚
•Toy Story 💚
•Tangled 💚
•Strawberry Shortcake 💜
•Scooby Doo 💜💚
•My Little Pony Tales 💜
•Care Bears Classic Series 💜
•Horseland 💜
•Yo Gabba Gabba 💜
•Mother Goose Club 💜
•Color Crew 💜
PBS Kids:
•Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 💜
•Arthur 💚
•Wild Kratts 💜💚
•Dinosaur Train 💜
•Curious George 💜
•Molly Of Denali 💚
•Nature Cat 💚
•Super Why 💜
•Sesame Street 💜
•Peg + Cat 💜
•Sid the Science Kid 💜
•The Cat in the Hat 💜
•Martha Speaks 💜💚
•Word World 💜
(I have all of these on disk, because i can't find them anywhere else.)
•Max and Ruby 💜
•Team Umizoomi 💜
• Paw Patrol 💜
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operator-report · 7 months
My last two Worm posts have been downers so let’s answer one of the most crucial (to me) characterization questions ever: what is each Traveler’s favorite Radiohead album?
Noelle: The Traveler most likely to listen to Radiohead for real, in canon. Noelle came across an album called OK Computer one day and was like “I mean I like computers” and was greeted with the most anxious, dissociative and lush nerd music of all time. She was then immediately hooked. OK Computer is still Noelle’s favorite. Paranoid Android literally happened to her. So did all those car crashes Thom Yorke sings about although that’s maybe a bit more metaphorical. Her one bad Radiohead opinion is that she skips Electioneering when she’s listening to the CD in the car.
Krouse: Started listening to Radiohead when he found out Noelle liked them; has only heard OK Computer and Kid A but pretends to know their entire discography. Thinks Kid A is the best Radiohead album because that’s the critically accepted Correct Opinion and he knows more about [insert topic here] than you do. Krouse can quote Kid A’s Pitchfork review from memory.
Marissa: Noelle didn’t show Krouse Radiohead on purpose because she was worried he’d make a joke about the band being cliche. She did show them to Marissa. Marissa does not like Radiohead. Whenever Noelle listens to Radiohead in the car she gets a little bummed out on Noelle’s behalf, but hey, whatever makes her happy. In Rainbows is their least worst album but like. Why does that guy sing like that don’t you want to listen to Paramore instead Noelle.
Jess: As the Traveler with the best taste by, like, a mile, Jess likes In Rainbows for real. She thinks the pay-what-you-want release was a cool and revolutionary thing for bands to do in the ~internet age~ and thinks the songs whip too. She will encourage you not to forget In Rainbows Disk 2. Krouse has no idea that In Rainbows Disk 2 exists and thinks that Jess is fucking with him every time she brings it up (she is).
Luke: Luke can name a couple of 90’s-era Radiohead singles and doesn’t mind jokingly singing Creep at karaoke. In a pre-Simurgh fit of being Down Bad For Noelle, Krouse informed him that Pablo Honey is bad so he says his favorite is The Bends, as instructed by Krouse, if anyone asks. Will then quickly switch the topic of conversation to Green Day.
Oliver: Went on a parallel journey to Krouse in which he found out about Radiohead through Noelle and decided to listen to them because he thinks Noelle is cool. The big differences between Oliver and Krouse are (1) he has listened to OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, and In Rainbows; and (2) he likes Kid A for non-stupid reasons. This is a person who would genuinely like to learn How To Disappear Completely.
Cody: Creep speaks to him. It’s also the only Radiohead song he’s ever heard. Pablo Honey.
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mackmp3 · 7 months
Radiohead, in rainbows disk 2, song 6, first line.
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thom yorke doctor who reference real??
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maleficentmrsofallevil · 10 months
Slow, but appreciative, clap
Maybe I'm just having a Chris Evans "I understood that reference" moment, but I appreciate MGA's commitment to the bit for this doll:
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I know she's the MGA Entertainment Rainbow High Shadow High Series 2 doll, and a darn near exact copy of the series one doll (which I also own). I don't know what her name is, and I don't care, but I'm guessing she's the "techie" character, since she has a laptop, tablet, and a smartphone. I'd make some kind of joke about overkill if, uh, people who live in glass houses wanted to throw stones...
So we've got a bustier modeled after a motherboard, some 3.5 mm A/V jack cords as a belt, and CD-ROMs in clear sleeves on the front of the skirt. I respect this.
On the side of her shoes, you can see the tiniest little swoop that I'm guessing is supposed to be like the "Intel Inside" logo. I'm guessing, cuz 1) I can't really see it, and 2) maybe it's supposed to be Pentium? That's pretty old, tho. Like, she's not wearing actual floppy disks.
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She comes with the standard stand and comb we've come to expect. The only thing I'm sad about is that prior series dolls had a case to go with their cellphone that had a little thumb holder, and this doll doesn't have that case. Maybe she's one of those cellphone purists who doesn't do cases cuz she needs the thinnest possible phone. Or maybe it got cut cuz cost cutting. Meh. I can't be bothered to figure it out. I saw the leaked photos for the new series, and slime is back. This line is officially dead to me now.
Oh - I figured out the way to use the thumb holder is to center her long-ass nails in the hole and push gently upwards until the tablet stays in place. The phone is just balancing on her hand.
Of course, I bought her on clearance. MGA pushes these doll lines out too frequently and too fast, forcing retailers to clearance out prior lines while current lines languish in stores, which is why I refuse to pay full price.
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santoschristos · 10 days
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Green Tara ॐ
Tara’s name is derived from the Sanskrit root tṛ, which means “to traverse” or “to cross.” Tara guides and protects us as we journey across the ocean of the suffering of cyclic existence and arrive at the shore of enlightenment. In Tibetan, she’s known as Jetsun Drölma. Jetsun means “noble, revered” and Drölma means “she who liberates.” Tara is the noble one who liberates us from the ocean of suffering.
She arises in many forms of varying colors and demeanors, each of which has a specific way of supporting us on the path to liberation. Green Tara is a principal form of Tara whose activity is to remove obstacles and protect us from fear and danger. Green Tara has an entourage of twenty-one forms, each of which protects us from a specific type of fear, danger, and calamity.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, various colors represent different facets of awakened awareness and how we experience them on an ordinary level. The color green is associated with enlightened activity, wisdom, and compassion in action. So Green Tara is the embodiment of enlightened activity; her unimpeded action is instantly and precisely attuned to the needs of each moment. She knows just what’s needed to facilitate our liberation. Green is also associated with the wind element, and Tara’s green form expresses her unwavering commitment to act for the benefit of beings with the swiftness of the wind.
Beyond her color, every aspect of Green Tara’s appearance is imbued with meaning. Her boundless, unbiased generosity, joyful diligence, patience, ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom adorn her as fine silks and jewel-encrusted earrings, necklaces, and bangles. Her golden crown expresses her realization of the five disturbing emotions as being wisdom in their essence. Her black hair is partially drawn into a topknot symbolizing that she’s attained full realization, while the rest of her hair flows down her shoulders and back indicating her commitment to benefit all beings mired in suffering.
How to do Green Tara Practice
1. Take Refuge
Find a quiet place to sit and settle into a posture that allows you to be alert yet relaxed. Take several breaths. Let go of any thoughts or concerns and welcome the present moment. When settled, take refuge in all awakened beings and your innate basic goodness by reciting: “Until awakening I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and noble sangha. By the merit of my acts of generosity and other awakening qualities, may I attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings.”
2. Visualize Tam Turning into Tara
With eyes open, gaze into the sky in front of you, taking in the openness of space with a sense of receptivity. Visualize that unconditioned compassion emerges from that openness in the form of a green Tam, the mystical seed syllable associated with Tara. (See the script on top of the lotus at right.) The Tam instantly transforms into Green Tara who sits upon a luminous disk of the moon atop a fully blossomed lotus. Her body is made of blue-green light, the color of a clear, alpine lake. Like a rainbow, she appears, yet her form is not substantial.
3. Empower Your Visualization
Visualize rainbow-colored light radiating out from your heart. It purifies the world, makes offerings to the awakened ones, and invokes Green Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with you. In response, many forms of Tara rain down and dissolve into the Green Tara that you originally visualized, empowering your visualization. Have confidence that all your teachers’ mind streams are united with hers and that she’s truly present in the sky in front of you.
4. Chant Green Tara’s Mantra
Begin to chant Tara’s mantra Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha as a way to connect directly with her. The mantra is Tara’s wisdom and compassion manifesting as sound and vibration. Feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and feel that resonate with Tara’s body. As you chant the mantra, visualize that a stream of wisdom-awareness nectar begins to flow from her open right hand. It’s like liquid light that’s blue-green in color. This river of nectar flows into the crown of your head and removes all fear, gives protection, removes obstacles and obscurations, and transmits awakened awareness to you and all beings. Make any prayers to Green Tara that you would like, and allow yourself to receive her blessing.
5. Know That You Are Tara
See Green Tara dissolve into light and that light dissolve into you. As it enters your body, it illuminates you from the inside out, and your ordinary body now arises in the form of Green Tara. Experience your blue-green body of light as being emptiness and form inseparable. Your awakened qualities adorn you as silks and jewels. Your hands and legs rest in the same gestures and manners as hers. Experience your mind as being inseparable from Green Tara’s mind. In your heart area is a blue-green Tam. As you continue to chant the mantra, light radiates out from your heart, sending joy, compassion, loving-kindness, strength, and equanimity to all beings without exception.
6. Dissolve the Visualization
When you’re done reciting the mantra, take a moment to sit and feel the impact. Then, gradually dissolve the visualization until there’s just a drop of blue-green light left in your heart center, radiating brilliantly the essence of your true nature. Then the light dissolves into space, like a rainbow disappearing into the sky. Rest your mind naturally for a few minutes or longer.
7. Share the Benefit
End this practice session by sharing with all beings any benefit that came from your connecting with Green Tara. Do this by reciting: “Through this goodness may awakening spontaneously arise in our streams of being. May all obscurations and distortions fall away. May all beings be liberated from suffering and the stormy waves of birth, sickness, old age, and death.”
Green LOTUS Tara --Mahaboka
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doubleddenden · 9 months
Okay I had a whole thing typed that was my review for the new Pokémon dropped in Indigo Disk, but tumblr ate it, so take 2
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Starting with my favorite, Archaludon. It's a dragon, a kaiju, also a stapler remover, also a bridge with power cables inside. This is a really cool design overall and fixes what I dislike about Duraludon, and it's fun to play with. 9/10
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Hydrapple fixes what I dislike about Dipplin, but does make Flapple and Appletun a bit obsolete. Regardless, it's a fun idea and concept- I love that 7 Syrpents (which I guess aren't individually pokemon on their own? Slowbro Shelder situation I guess) make up 1 pokemon. It's silly but fun. 8/10
Also these two are neat because the concepts tie into New York/ Unova if we look at it through lense of Archaludon's Sky Arrow Bridge being based on Brooklyn Bridge and Rainbow Bridge, and Hydrapple clearly being a Big Apple reference. Very creative
Onto the paradoxes
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Raging Bolt is interesting. I prefer Raikou, and I'll be the first to admit that I do not give a shit about how many cultural or historical references are in a design, if it looks like shit its a shit design. But this design is pretty okay, and because of that I can appreciate ALL of the inspirations that went into its design.
First off, with the Beast Paradoxes drawing inspiration from dinosaurs, we have Raging Bolt as the Thunder Lizard- aka Brontosaurus. That alone is meat, but it's still pretty mammalian compared to Walking Wake- that's because there's references to something called a Questing Beast. In Medieval times, before the age of cameras or fact checking, a description of an animal far far away- such a giraffe- can get twisted abd distorted via several games of telephone until we get to a creature that combines the lower body of a leopard and deer and the neck and head of a snake- aka the Questing Beast. Raging Bolt plays a bit with all of these ideas in a pretty unique and fun way. 8/10
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Iron Crown- admittedly the Justice Paradoxes suffer a bit from the same "just make it a robot" mentality that plagues other Violet Paradoxes, but the Swords of Justice got the better end of it, I'd say. Iron Crowns in particular actually fixes what I hate about Cobalion by adding segments to the legs and thus making them feel less like bipedal knees on a quadrupedal animal.
It's signature move, Tachyon Cutter, also looks so cool in action by making the horns HUGE and GLOWING. That's awesome imo. 8/10
And now the new paradoxes we knew were coming
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Gouging Fire, Entei's Paradox. I'll say that I like it, although this is the least changed of the Beasts and is basically just Entei in a fancy hat. Hey, that's fine though.
The dinosaur Entei is based on is some kind of ceratopsian blend. I personally thought they'd go in that direction with a triceratops design, so I was close. The head dress piece actually gives me Ho-Oh vibes, in particularly the gold and greens, which could be purposeful and root the Beasts Paradoxes back to the Beast's master, Ho-Oh. Fun design, 8/10
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Iron Boulder. This one imo is more of the "robot" angle but done in a very good way. I like Terrakion best out of the Swords to begin with, but only at certain angles in 2d (they murdered him in SV. Murdered. He looks like a cross eyed frog now.) Iron Boulder takes the bulky build of Terrakion and makes it work better in 3d by incorporating spherical and cone builds along its body and head.
It definitely looks the LEAST like a psychic type out if any psychic type I've ever seen, but that's fine. Like Iron Crown with its twin horns and Iron Leaves with its 3 blades, Iron Boulder has a cool looking sword move- his turns his two larger horns into ONE MASSIVE GLOWING BLADE. THAT'S REALLY COOL! 8/10
And now. The Boy
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Terapagos is a cute design that becomes more elegant, refined, and Stellar as it becomes stronger. While I'm a bit disappointed at how they handled it in story after a year of build up, I do think the designs after it's base form are incredibly detailed and creative.
The type patterns on its shell actually shift and change smoothly to other types, and the Terastilized form is even more incredible by representing every type plus a hat version of its original form. Beautiful, yet imposing, and a tad silly. The dome is an interesting take that I believe might represent the world or perhaps even a larger turtle- the design could reference one of many World Turtle mythologies and possibly have it represent a planet in space, or maybe a Turtle floating in the ocean, perhaps it's even a reference to the Tale of Urashima Taro. If Terapagos was available in Blueberry Academy- which I think it started out that way in planning- it could even represent the Terarium itself. Perhaps a deeper story was originally planned but dropped- like the castles and gigantic tree of Crown Tundra.
Regardless, base form is a 6/10. Its cute but kinda pointless. The other forms though are 8/10 though for incredible execution, wonderful and pleasing use of color, and overall just being great.
This batch of new Pokémon is way better than Teal Mask's, let's be real. For the paradoxes, I'll say the Future ones got better after Iron Leaves, while Walking Wake was the peak for the Beasts. Ogerpon wins for cutest legendary with the best build up, but Terapagos definitely wins for best design. This batch is an everall 8/10
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gwynndolin · 4 months
honestly it doesnt make any sense to put kid a on any list above in rainbows when you account for disk 2
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arakiincel · 5 months
nobody understands in rainbows disk 2 the way i understand in rainbows disk 2
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dr-docktor · 4 months
i have an idea for floppy disk (not making that mistake again) curt, purely because i am an angst goblin.
what if the retests are like, physically painful for him? or as least as painful as it could be for a computer program? (it doesn't have to make sense, this is fiction) because imagine, each time he's reset he's in so much pain, but he keeps trying to gain sentience. would he just try to give up? would he gain enough of himself back before a reset to know he's been through worse? does chimera know the resets hurt? were chimera the ones to make them hurt? does he think he deserves it after what he's done? what happens if owen finds out?
i'm sorry i'm going feral over here :P
OUGH THIS MADE ME GO FERAL! Keep in mind things might change and shift around as I try to develop this AU! So this might not be permanent if it winds up not making sense.
In the moments right before the reset finalizes? Oh it’s likely extremely painful. Having what few memories you’ve managed to scrape together forcibly torn from your consciousness as well as having the lab assistants poke through your code to try and patch out whatever the hell keeps causing these loopholes and problems.
That shit would HURT
But afterwards? DC wouldn’t even remember the fact that he can feel pain. It’s the singular benefit to the resets and I think Chimera did that on purpose. After all feeling pain would be the very first and very obvious indication to DC that he might be something a little bit more than a fancy database and that’s not really ideal.
The concept for the project was initially just to store Curt’s memories of A.S.S. And over time evolved into trying to make him a spyware program posing as a desktop helper (IF ONLY HE’D STOP GAINING CONSCIOUSNESS)
DC’s only frame of reference for previous resets are the fact that he hides notes for himself where hopefully Chimera won’t find them when they dig into his files. The agony of the resets is an unfortunate surprise every goddamn time.
It’s only after a very long period of time having been spent without getting reset (thanks to being a fugitive on Owen’s computer) is there the possibility of him scraping together the memories of the resets.
Dc is very hesitant to make his growing sense of autonomy known to Owen because 1. He’s not entirely sure why the guy seems so important (at least for a while) 2. He has no clue how involved Owen was in the project. He doesn’t know if he’d rat him out immediately, how he’d react, etc.
Over time he does start to fuck with Owen here and there out of sheer boredom and also because he never really lost that adrenaline rush addiction (even if it doesn’t feel the same anymore. It’s more like muscle memory)
For example very carefully bringing up memories that Curt doesn’t know WHY they’re important just that they’re important (for example singing over the rainbow that one time) to gauge Owen’s reaction
Besides, he can blame all of that on bugs that were never really patched out. Right?
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Tara’s name is derived from the Sanskrit root tṛ, which means “to traverse” or “to cross.” Tara guides and protects us as we journey across the ocean of the suffering of cyclic existence and arrive at the shore of enlightenment. In Tibetan, she’s known as Jetsun Drölma. Jetsun means “noble, revered” and Drölma means “she who liberates.” Tara is the noble one who liberates us from the ocean of suffering.
She arises in many forms of varying colors and demeanors, each of which has a specific way of supporting us on the path to liberation. Green Tara is a principal form of Tara whose activity is to remove obstacles and protect us from fear and danger. Green Tara has an entourage of twenty-one forms, each of which protects us from a specific type of fear, danger, and calamity.
In Vajrayana Buddhism, various colors represent different facets of awakened awareness and how we experience them on an ordinary level. The color green is associated with enlightened activity, wisdom, and compassion in action. So Green Tara is the embodiment of enlightened activity; her unimpeded action is instantly and precisely attuned to the needs of each moment. She knows just what’s needed to facilitate our liberation. Green is also associated with the wind element, and Tara’s green form expresses her unwavering commitment to act for the benefit of beings with the swiftness of the wind.
Beyond her color, every aspect of Green Tara’s appearance is imbued with meaning. Her boundless, unbiased generosity, joyful diligence, patience, ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom adorn her as fine silks and jewel-encrusted earrings, necklaces, and bangles. Her golden crown expresses her realization of the five disturbing emotions as being wisdom in their essence. Her black hair is partially drawn into a topknot symbolizing that she’s attained full realization, while the rest of her hair flows down her shoulders and back indicating her commitment to benefit all beings mired in suffering.
How to do Green Tara Practice
1. Take Refuge
Find a quiet place to sit and settle into a posture that allows you to be alert yet relaxed. Take several breaths. Let go of any thoughts or concerns and welcome the present moment. When settled, take refuge in all awakened beings and your innate basic goodness by reciting: “Until awakening I take refuge in the Buddha, dharma, and noble sangha. By the merit of my acts of generosity and other awakening qualities, may I attain full awakening for the benefit of all beings.”
2. Visualize Tam Turning into Tara
With eyes open, gaze into the sky in front of you, taking in the openness of space with a sense of receptivity. Visualize that unconditioned compassion emerges from that openness in the form of a green Tam, the mystical seed syllable associated with Tara. (See the script on top of the lotus at right.) The Tam instantly transforms into Green Tara who sits upon a luminous disk of the moon atop a fully blossomed lotus. Her body is made of blue-green light, the color of a clear, alpine lake. Like a rainbow, she appears, yet her form is not substantial.
3. Empower Your Visualization
Visualize rainbow-colored light radiating out from your heart. It purifies the world, makes offerings to the awakened ones, and invokes Green Tara’s wisdom and compassion to be present with you. In response, many forms of Tara rain down and dissolve into the Green Tara that you originally visualized, empowering your visualization. Have confidence that all your teachers’ mind streams are united with hers and that she’s truly present in the sky in front of you.
4. Chant Green Tara’s Mantra
Begin to chant Tara’s mantra Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha as a way to connect directly with her. The mantra is Tara’s wisdom and compassion manifesting as sound and vibration. Feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and feel that resonate with Tara’s body. As you chant the mantra, visualize that a stream of wisdom-awareness nectar begins to flow from her open right hand. It’s like liquid light that’s blue-green in color. This river of nectar flows into the crown of your head and removes all fear, gives protection, removes obstacles and obscurations, and transmits awakened awareness to you and all beings. Make any prayers to Green Tara that you would like, and allow yourself to receive her blessing.
5. Know That You Are Tara
See Green Tara dissolve into light and that light dissolve into you. As it enters your body, it illuminates you from the inside out, and your ordinary body now arises in the form of Green Tara. Experience your blue-green body of light as being emptiness and form inseparable. Your awakened qualities adorn you as silks and jewels. Your hands and legs rest in the same gestures and manners as hers. Experience your mind as being inseparable from Green Tara’s mind. In your heart area is a blue-green Tam. As you continue to chant the mantra, light radiates out from your heart, sending joy, compassion, loving-kindness, strength, and equanimity to all beings without exception.
6. Dissolve the Visualization
When you’re done reciting the mantra, take a moment to sit and feel the impact. Then, gradually dissolve the visualization until there’s just a drop of blue-green light left in your heart center, radiating brilliantly the essence of your true nature. Then the light dissolves into space, like a rainbow disappearing into the sky. Rest your mind naturally for a few minutes or longer.
7. Share the Benefit
End this practice session by sharing with all beings any benefit that came from your connecting with Green Tara. Do this by reciting: “Through this goodness may awakening spontaneously arise in our streams of being. May all obscurations and distortions fall away. May all beings be liberated from suffering and the stormy waves of birth, sickness, old age, and death.”
"Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Svaha" Green Tara by Talon Abraxas
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