#in the jingshi: *eyerolls and sighs*
jar-of-vicissitudes · 4 years
Tomorrow, Wangji is leaving Gusu. Before sleeping, he checks if A-Yuan has packed everything to spend the week at Brother's.
“Dad, I'm not eight any more.”
“Do you have your comb?”
“Yes,” sighs A-Yuan. Who taught him to sigh like that?
Without giving Wangji a break, A-Yuan adds: “When can I come with you on a night-hunt?”
“When you are old enough to be named Sizhui.”
“I'll go with my class before that. And Uncle told me you would accompany him before you were fifteen.”
Brother, why.
“You need more training. Next year, maybe.”
A-Yuan pouts. Wangji only thinks: Already?
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forgotten-envies · 4 years
For prompts-- lan wangji teaches wwx how to do something new! ❤️❤️ Thank you for the food 😊
Oof. I’m sorry this took so long. Still, it’s done! Soft and sweet! Thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it!
Oh and I Think This Is the Best Day of My Life
It’s late, probably, when Wei Wuxian stumbles toward the kitchens. It’s hard to tell when the sky is dark and he’s just waking up after a nice nap (he’d call it sleep, but he reserves that term for the peaceful rest he gets when Lan Zhan’s in bed with him.) Anyway, the Lans aren’t out and as far as he knows, he’s never woken up naturally before chenshi.
He can see some light in the building brushing the stones outside its windows a homely orange. He hopes this means there’s someone in there and not that a fire’s been made for overnight baking. Fires, unlike people, don’t respond to his natural charisma and furthermore can't fold dumplings. He’s really craving dumplings.
His stomach growls and he nearly growls back. It’s gotten far too comfortable as Lan Zhan’s husband. There was really no need to be woken from sleep just to eat.
He reaches the door, but can’t smell anything baking. Hopefully there’s a person, then, a generous Lan willing to feed the spouse of their Chief Cultivator. Wei Wuxian’s face molds easily into a pout and he slides open the door.
On the other side, Lan Zhan tilts his eyes up from the cabbage he’s chopping for a brief moment to meet Wei Wuxian’s surprised gaze. He’d expected him to be stuck in a late meeting or finishing letters where his husband could be sure he wouldn’t disturb Wei Wuxian’s sleep. Honestly, he’d prefer that Lan Zhan stay near him, even if he’d be kept up, but he appreciates the consideration.
Instead, Lan Zhan is standing in the kitchen still wearing the Chief Cultivator getup, sans outermost robe, but it’s trailing sleeves are tied back and his face is relaxed in a way it never is while performing his duties. Deft, calloused hands gather a bundle of onions and begin dicing them.
Wei Wuxian pulls the door closed behind him and drifts over, confused. Had Lan Zhan been so focused that he missed dinner? It must be. They hadn’t been able to see each other today, as occasionally happened, and Wei Wuxian hadn’t been there to use his Lan Zhan charming skills to get him to put off his duties long enough to eat.
"Is this a late dinner, Lan er-gege?" He can't help the teasing tone. He's impressed that Lan Zhan's awake at whichever hour it is.
Lan Zhan only gives him a pointed look.
"What? You should've eaten earlier. Just 'cause I'm not there to nag doesn't mean the Chief Cultivator should fast. You need food in you!"
Lan Zhan's gaze slips briefly to the side and then back down at the dark, reddish liquid he's mixing, likely a dipping sauce or glaze. It's the Lan Zhan equivalent of an eyeroll. Wei Wuxian just laughs and leans forward, picking up another finished bowl of liquid and swirling it around.
"So what'cha making? I came in here for a snack but the aunties already left, so I'll have to bother you instead."
"A snack?" His husband's voice is low and unimpressed, but teasing.
"Sure! I woke up and this weak stomach won't leave me alone, so I came to beg for some dumplings. What? Are you worried I'll eat out my welcome in midnight snacks?"
"Was your dinner not sufficient?"
He waves a hand dismissively. "Oh no, it was great! Though not your cooking, of course. I much prefer the chili oil and spices you add to whatever it is they teach Lans to make. Only you can fulfill my needs so well!" Honestly, Wei Wuxian can't remember having dinner, or really much of the last day at all if he tries to think about it, but it's not like that's entirely uncommon. And he usually remembers to eat! So he must've at some point. The disciples know to deliver his meals to the jingshi.
"So when will it be done? And what are you making? I hope you know I'll steal some, Lan Zhan. What's yours is mine!"
"If you are impatient, you may have that." He points to further down the table where a tray of food sits. It's disappointingly gray in tone; he'd much rather wait for whatever it is Lan Zhan's making.
"What's this? Your dinner? You really should have eaten it when it was still warm. Most of those people don't deserve your time, anyway!" Wei Ying is toeing the line, close to hating his husband's position. Sure, it's fulfilling and impactful, but Lan Zhan's really worse off for it and those chirping Sect Leaders monopolize his time which means that Wei Ying can't.
"It is not."
"Ah? Not what? It's definitely cold by now!" He pokes it to prove his point.
"It is not mine."
"What, did someone else refuse to eat, too? You Lans may not act human, but you are! Food is important! Though really, how could the Chief Cultivator lower himself so? Let the poor disciple get his own food!"
Wei Wuxian hears a conspicuous huff. A tiny smile sits on Lan Zhan's face, the crooked one that means he's laughing at someone and Wei Wuxian is the only other person in the room.
"It is yours."
That... makes a lot of sense. "It is?"
"You were asleep on the floor when I came in at xushi. The food was uneaten."
Well. That explains why he couldn't remember most of today. "You moved me to the bed? Aww that's so sweet! Oh! And your cooking! You stayed up to feed me?”
"Mn. Wei Ying needs to eat." Lan Zhan is tossing a bowl of chopped-up greens now. They are covered in a promising orange, though.
Wei Wuxian laughs, a little sheepishly. "I guess I do."
"Do you know why you were unconscious?"
"Uhh... no? I don't really remember anything past breakfast." He'd planned to spend yesterday in his little workshop close to the jingshi (separate so their house wouldn't be destroyed by a stray talisman) but he didn't know why he would've..."Wait! I-" He clears his throat. "I do. Remember that transportation talisman I made? For Jin Ling? Well, I think I tested it, and apparently the amount of energy it uses isn't much different from the traditional version, despite the shorter distance. It worked though! I got to the jingshi!"
The talisman was a joke, meant to transport the user only a short distance away. It would be a perfect escape from a wall, though. Jin Ling might refuse to speak with him for a week after he gifts it, but in his opinion it's worth it to give Jin Ling's friends material to tease him with.
"Mn. Your spiritual energy is not sufficient to use them." He's pouring oil on his creation, now.
"Well I know that now!" He wasn't planning to use it again. At least not before making a few tweaks. He couldn't endanger his nephew, after all! "Soooo... what'cha making?"
"What, really?! Oh, when will they be done?"
"I am almost ready to fold them."
"That really doesn't answer my question. Will it be soon? And how soon is soon? I don't want to fall asleep right here!"
"If you cannot wait, you may help." Lan Zhan says, holding out a thin circle of dough.
He's about to protest. After all, the juniors all say he can't cook without making a victim of the intended recipient, but if he is the one it's for... he rinses his hands off in a nearby water basin and takes the dough. He's never had a problem eating his own cooking.
Lan Zhan motions him over to his side of the table and picks up another circle. There's a dozen of them, perfectly shaped and ready to be made into dumplings. Wei Wuxian had seen Shijie and the servants make these many times. Even though it's been a lifetime since then, he still gets the basic theory.
He spoons a generous helping of the filling into the middle of the dough and brings the edges to the center, so it looks like a lumpy ball with a strange flowery part at the top. He grins and looks up at Lan Zhan.
His husband looks horrified.
Still, he moves slowly and carefully takes the overflowing ball of goodness, gently prying it open. "What, no! Put it in the steamer, Lan Zhan!"
There's a heavy sigh that speaks of the many hours of headache Lan Zhan has lived through today. "Wei Ying, no." He separates the ball back into a circle and removes some of the filling. "Do it like this. Only use a little." When there's what Lan Zhan has deemed to be a perfectly sized pat of filling, he brings two opposite points on the rim of the circle together and folds the ends so that they nearly, but not quite, touch this middle point. "Do not make it like a ball. It should lay on its side." Then he presses the lined up edges together so that they're sealed. At this point, he takes Wei Wuxian's limp, empty fingers and runs them along the edge. "If they are not sealed, the filling will come out." He hands the completed dumpling to Wei Wuxian. "Now you may put this in the steamer."
Wei Wuxian is thankful he remembers to brush oil on the bottom of the steamer before putting Lan Zhan’s dumpling in it. He’s trying to prove he’s not a hopeless cook, after all.
When he turns back, Lan Zhan hands him a slip of dough and picks up his own. Wei Wuxian gets the message and goes to stand beside him. His husband is a great teacher, but typically he’s instructing disciples in the best method to banish spirits or giving lectures on boring topics like the Lan ancestors. Here, though, he’s simply teaching Wei Wuxian how to fold dumplings. The domesticity of it brings a smile to his face
Together, they add the filling and fold the dough, Lan Zhan adjusting his technique with warm hands around Wei Wuxian’s own. In this way they work for several minutes, each revelling in the peace and intimacy of being here together, working together. He thinks of Lotus Pier’s kitchens, a nighthunt’s campfire, and the warmth of an oven, a little cabin rising behind it. He thinks the feeling would stay the same, no matter where they might be.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan.” Contentment fills him, and suddenly he’s tired, eyes heavy in this comfortable atmosphere.
Wei Wuxian adds filling to the last bit of dough and leans into his husband’s side as he folds it, resting his head on a broad shoulder. The dumpling doesn’t look like Lan Zhan’s, still a bit uneven, but he lays it in the steamer and laughs a little at the difference between his and Lan Zhan’s.
“Lan Zhan’s are perfect.” His voice is happy, blissful.
His husband puts an arm around his waist and puts on the steamer’s lid. “Wei Ying’s are unique.”
That startles a laugh from Wei Wuxian and he nudges Lan Zhan’s side, urging him to get the dumplings cooking and soothe his rumbling stomach. He settles by the table, chin resting on one hand. The fire, newly started by his husband, warms him.
Note: Chenshi is the shichen or two-hour block after maoshi, the Lan wake-up time. Chenshi goes from 7:00-8:59 am. Xushi goes from 7:00-8:59 pm. This is using the traditional system instead of the Song Dynasty system, which starts on even hours.
Title from “Little Amens” by David Hodges.
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wangxianfics · 4 years
Hiiiiiii!!!!!!! We all know that wwx is an oblivious gremlin when it comes to his feelings so have you ever come across any fics where he is aware of his feelings early on and isn’t as oblivious? It doesn’t matter what era or au or whatever! Thank you💙💙💙💙💙
Hi nonny!
Here goes our recs for “Not So Oblivious!WWX” :
This is a Love Song by brooklinegirl (20K, Explicit)
(Canon Divergence, Gusu School Days, Early!Wangxian, First Kiss, Feelings Realization, From the Beginning Onwards, Epic Romance)
Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan, from beginning to end.
❤️ vinegar jug by dandelion_san (5K, General)
(Time Travel, LWJ meets LWJ, Older!LWJ, Jealous!LWJ, Smitten!WWX, Humor)
Wei Wuxian gains a taste of first love for the future Lan Wangji, following him like an adoring puppy. The present Lan Wangji chugs vinegar and tries his best not to kill his future self, or Jiang Cheng.
❤️ Pigtail Pulling by protos_metazu_izon (3+K, General)
(Gusu School Days, Teen Wangxian, Fluff, Humor, Beautiful!WWX, POV LWJ)
“Tell me I’m beautiful, Lan er-gege!”
“You are well aware you are beautiful,” Lan Wangji says.
Wei Wuxian trips over Jiang Wanyin and sends both of them to the ground in a tangle of limbs and bruises.
❤️ Romeo, oh! Romeo. Whyfore art thou-WEI WUXIAN?!?! by mondengel (1K, General)
(Gusu School Days, Teen!Wangxian, PDA, Humor)
WangXian happens a lot sooner and Lan Qiren is suffering.
Spark and Kindling by longleggedgit (7K, Mature)
(Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Wangxian Evolution, Angst With a Happy Ending)
When they reached the water, Lan Wangji turned to face him, saying nothing.
“Oh, fine.” Wei Wuxian gave him an exasperated look—as if Lan Wangji were the unreasonable one—and kept walking, toward a stretch of boulders along a bend in the riverbank. “Will your delicate sensibilities remain unassaulted if I bathe over here?”
Lan Wangji merely waited. With a final eyeroll, Wei Wuxian disappeared around the bend, already untying his belt as he went.
“The Lan Clan is so prudish,” he said.
Moments in between that brought Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian together.
feed the fire in my soul by ShootMeDead (3+K, Mature)
(Canon Divergence, Gusu School Days, Secret Relationship, Secret Marriage)
Maybe, Wei Wuxian muses, he shouldn't have brought up Lan ancestors and traditions as references.
But Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian learns, flushes so prettily when he was annoyed, his voice trembles just the teeniest amount when he was passionate, his hands curls into fists as he exercised his vaunted self-control when Wei Wuxian was being particularly obnoxious. And Wei Wuxian wants.
Aka, the one where wangxian gets together in Cloud Recesses, and this changes everything.
Free Falling Forever by ShootMeDead (4+K, Teen)
(Canon Divergence, Humor, Protective Siblings, Gusu School Days, Teen!Wangxian, JYL Ships It)
Lan Wangji is infamous in the cultivation world. Wei Wuxian is a fan of the Twin Jades of Lan.
They meet for the first time in Cloud Recesses.
Or, pigtail pulling + mooning = wangxian.
A sound closely resembling a squeak comes from Wei Wuxian as Lan Wangji glances at him. A disciple at the back snorts quietly.
Marital Prospects by Vamillepudding (19K, General)
(Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives, Romantic Comedy, Misunderstandings)
Jin Ling's birth is the happiest occasion of Jin Zixuan's life. But every gold spoon has some rust: Wei Wuxian has taken up residence too. However, Jin Zixuan has a fool-proof plan to get Wei Wuxian out of his life for good: he's going to find him a spouse. And he's got the perfect person in mind: Nie Mingjue.
Lan Wangji has resigned himself to losing the love of his life without saying a word.
to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (35K, Mature)
(Soulmates, Hanahaki Disease, Canon Divergence, Chronic Illness, Feelings Realization, LWJ says Fuck)
"Lan WangJi is not sure he can bear meeting with a matchmaker yet again, but at the same time, if he wasn’t going to care deeply about the person he was going to marry, he could just as well have settled for Wei Wuxian six years ago ." or, Lan WangJi goes to a Discussion Conference and his soulmate is there. His soulmate, whom he doesn't love.
I am lonely for you by protos_metazu_ison (11K, Teen)
(POV LWJ, Curses)
For as long as Lan Wangji has been alive, he has been ruled by the family curse. He knows he will doom the one he gives his heart to. It is the reason the only life he’s known is within the four walls of the Jingshi.
That is, until a stranger slings one leg over the wall; two jars of liquor dangling from his hand and calling out a tentative hello.
Modern AU
puzzle pieces by yuisaki (6+K, Teen)
(Modern AU, College AU, Roommates, Friends to Lovers, Seduction, Pining, Sharing Clothes, Getting Together, POV LWJ)
“Sorry, I, uh. Laundry day caught up to me before I could catch up with it. I saw this shirt left in the washer a few days ago, and—“ Wei Ying blinks up at Lan Zhan through dark eyelashes that he wants to kiss, maybe, and gives him an uncharacteristically hesitant smile. “Do you mind?”
I mind the fact that we are not married, Lan Zhan thinks.
Wei Ying keeps borrowing Lan Zhan’s clothes. It is only mildly driving him insane.
felt this was by crowing (10K, Explicit)
(Modern AU, College AU, Friends With Benefits, Praise Kink, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together)
The dim light in the corridor isn't much better, Wei Ying can't see Lan Zhan's face at all. He forces himself to laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "Lan Zhan! You can not misunderstand. I did have a teeny, tiny crush on you but that was just in the beginning."
Lan Zhan's voice is small, barely audible. "In the beginning?"
And then, louder, "Wei Ying…...had a crush on me? I thought - your brother often says things to rile people up."
Wei Ying wants to sink into the floor at his own foolish oversight. Of course, Lan - Gossip is forbidden - Zhan wouldn't take a drunk person, let alone Jiang Cheng at his word.
With a sigh, he readies to lie in the grave of his own making. "Aiya, Lan Zhan, have you even looked at yourself? You were mean and hot. Of course, I was into that."
[Lan Zhan and Wei Ying stumble their way into a relationship]
My Land Beneath Me by longleggedgit (30K, Explicit)
(Modern AU, Best Friends, Pining, Friends To Lovers)
Wei Wuxian gets expelled from college and sent abroad in shame after getting caught up in a scandal. Lan Zhan follows him.
❤️ Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (108K, Explicit) 
(Modern AU, High School AU, Persuasion AU, Teen!Wangxian, Separation, Depression, Miscommunication, Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Emotional Roller Coaster, Angst With a Happy Ending)
Tempo Rubato: Italian; Stolen Time; The musical practice of diverging from the unrelenting and gradual rhythm for a short period of time in a piece, allowing for solo freedom.
Lan Wangji starts high school in perfect step with the rhythm of his uncle's expectations and his duty to his family.
He doesn't quite stay that way.
❤️  Only Fools Rush In by mrsronweasley (28K, Explicit)
(Modern AU, Woke Up Married, Drunken Confessions, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, What Happens in Vegas etc etc, Smut With Feelings)
Lan Zhan watches as Wei Ying's eyes track down his body until… "Lan Zhan," he says quietly. "What is that on your finger?"
Lan Zhan frowns and looks down. "That," he says, then stops. Something cold trickles down the back of his neck. "That is a ring." His eyes automatically go to Wei Ying's left hand, where… "Wei Ying."
Wei Ying, being the brilliant man that he is, is already ahead of him. "Holy shit."
Lan Zhan clears his throat.
They are in Las Vegas. And now they have rings on their fingers.
There is only one explanation for this. One simple, idiotic, ridiculous explanation.
"We got fucking married?!"
also, check out our early!wangxian and notsooblivious!wwx tags for plenty other similar fics that didn’t make it to the list! 
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