#in the last gif liv is like omg I also have to think about him now lolol
a-bensler-blog · 1 year
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(Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S24E12 — "Blood Out" | Gifs: @/elliot-olivia)
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(Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S24E21 — "Bad Things" | Gif: @/elliot-olivia on Tumblr.)
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(Law and Order: Organized Crime S3E21 — "ShadowËrk" | Gif: @/elliot-olivia on Tumblr.)
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(Law and Order: Organized Crime S3E21 — "ShadowËrk" | Gif: @/elliot-olivia on Tumblr.)
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Driver’s License- Joshua Bassett
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A/n: Liv's album is amazing, and before you comment anything. I know I'm super late since the album came out a while ago. But it's so good, so if you listen to it, tell me in the comments your favorite songs.
Song: Driver's License
Writer: Olivia Rodrigo
'' I got my driver's license last week, ust like we always talked about, 'Cause you were so excited for me, To finally drive up to your house, But today, I drove through the suburbs, Crying 'cause you weren't around.'
I was sitting in the DMV waiting to be called to take my turn on the road. I felt my leg start to shake from being nervous. I heard a ding coming from my phone and saw Josh texted me telling me that everything would be okay. I smiled at him and before I could text him back I heard my name being called.
" Y/n Y/l/n!"
I took a deep breath before heading off with the lady that was taking me for my test.
Joshua's POV
I was on set hanging out with the cast when I remembered that Y/n/n was taking her test today. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to her before I put my phone back into my pocket. I started walking over to the set I was supposed to be at and I felt my phone ding. I quickly grabbed it thinking it was Y/n/n, but saw it was from Sabrina. I felt myself smile and told her I would meet her at the cafe after work.
Your POV I was doing my last task for my test which was parking. I pulled into the parking lot and looked for one and pulled into the spot. When I knew I was straight I put the car into park.
" Well, Miss. Y/l/n, it looks like you have..." the instructor said, I took a deep breath and waited for her to say it. She looked at me. " You passed! Congrats sweetie."
I let out a breath of relief. " Thank you so much." I told her while getting out of the car. She smiled and led me into the building to get my licenses.
I parked my car and ran excitedly to my apartment that Josh and I share. When I got in the door I yelled....
" JOSH!"
I tried looking for him until I decided to call my best friend Olivia.
" Hey Y/n/n." She said
" Hey Liv!" I shouted
I heard her giggling through the phone. " What's up?" She questioned
" Is Josh still on set? I could have sworn he would be home by now." I asked
Liv sighed " Yea, we got out a while ago."
" Okay. Thanks, Liv." I said
" Welcome. Anyway, you sounded super excited when you called me. What are you so excited about?" She questioned
I let out a laugh and told her... " Okay! I just got my driver's license. I can drive legally by myself now."
She screamed which made me scream in excitement.
" Omg! Congrats girl." Liv shouted
" Thanks again." I said laughing
" Oh, I have a new song coming out tomorrow!" She said
" What!" I shouted
She then went on to explain to me about the song.
' And you're probably with that blonde girl, Who always made me doubt, She's so much older than me, She's everything I'm insecure about, Yeah, today, I drove through the suburbs, 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?'
It has been about a week since Liv's song and the Josh thing. I was sitting in the living room going through my instagram when a photo caught my eye. It was a photo of Josh and Sabrina looking a little too close. Before I started assuming anything I wanted to know his side of the story.
" Josh?" I asked
Joshua's POV
I was texting with Sabrina when I heard Y/n call me.
" Yea?" I questioned
I sighed when I didn't get a respondes, so I walked out to the living room where she was. I sat next to her and before I opened my mouth she showed me a picture. I tried not to show her how much I was panicking.
" I can explain." I said
She sighed and nodded. I took a deep breath and started explaining...
" I was on a break at the set when I texted you good luck for your test when Sabrina texted me. She wanted to know if I wanted to hang and talk about a song..."
I kept going on about it until I felt her lips on mine. I was shocked, but kissed back.
" Just promise me you're not lying to me?" She whispered
'' I'm not lying Y/n/n." I told her
She held out her pinky and said... " pinky promise."
I linked my much larger pinky with her smaller one. She then wrapped her arms around my torso which made me automatically wrap my arms around her waist.
Your POV ' And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you, but, I kinda feel sorry for them, 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do,Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs, And pictured I was driving home to you.'
I was over at Liv's house with the girls. I was trying to keep the comments I have about Josh, but they kept coming out. I was in the middle of telling them something, but stopped due to tears falling. I felt Liv wrap her arms around me. I started sobbing into her shoulder which made her hold me tighter.
" Am I not good enough. What's wrong with me Liv?" I asked
" Nothing's wrong with you Y/n/n. Just forget about Josh. Screw him. You don't need a boy cause you have all of us." She told me and pulled me away from her and held my face while wiping the tears away.
" Girl power over powers any boy." She told me which made us all laugh.
" Thanks Liv. Also thanks guys." I smiled, pulling them all into a hug.
When we pulled away from the hug I asked...
" This my sound stupid, but can we listen to your song Liv."
They all let out laughs. Instead of answering me she pulled out her phone and played it. We all screamed the lyrics. When it got to the bridge they all stopped singing so I screamed out the lyrics to them...
" Red lights, stop signs. I still see your face in the white cars, front yards. Can't drive past the places, we used to go to, 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe. (Ooh,Ooh-Ooh,Ooh-ooh)"
I opened my eyes to find them all filming me which made me smile. I tried to sing the rest of the bridge, but my voice was sore from screaming and crying. After I hung out with them a little more I went to drive back to the apartment and thought about chickening out. I told myself I had to do it, I had to face him at some point. I walked up to the door and tried to find my key. I started panicking a little, but calmed down right away when I felt it in my pocket. I unlocked the door to find Josh's eyes staring right at me.
' I know we weren't perfect, But I've never felt this way for no one, And I just can't imagine, how you could be so okay now that I'm gone, guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me, 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street.'
I saw him get up from his spot which made me put my hand out to stop him. I felt tears falling down my cheeks again.
" Y/n/n, please don't cry." he said
" Why did you lie to me? You pinky promised that nothing was going on with her." I said through my tears.
He let out a sigh... " Come on, I'm sorry, I broke the promise. I'm also sorry for..." I stopped him
" Stop! I can't take you lying to me anymore. I'm leaving. I'll come get my stuff later."
He tried to stop me. " No! Josh! I'm done with your crap and I'm tired of the lies you tell me. We're over."
I was about to open the door when I turned around and said...
" Yeah, You said forever. Now I drive alone past your street." I then walked out the door letting it slam behind me.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed, also sorry if it's confusing. I just hope you understand it, if not let me know and I can figure a way to fix it. Thanks for all the love guys.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Sharky” *Part 7*
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I have a question y’all, do you think that I make my fics too short? I always tend to keep them at 10 chapters because I feel like my attention span goes, but I see other fics are sometimes substantially longer. I really have some good plot plans for this one, so we’ll see how long it goes. 
Also OMG the gif works so well with the scene please send help.
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Chapter List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 8
“Rafael...Rafael come on don’t make me run in these shoes,” You called after him, scampering in your stilettos. Rafael finally stopped and turned to face you.
“What, Y/N? What could you possibly say to me?” He said exasperatedly. 
“Well this is familiar…” You half smiled. It was a call back to your first “date”.
“You really want to make jokes right now? He asked angrily.
“Sorry...I’m sorry,” You awkwardly looked at the ground. “For everything,”
“For everything,” He scoffed with a roll of his eyes. 
“Yes! For everything,” You tried to step towards him, but he stepped back. 
“For what, exactly? For stealing my stuff? For going through my apartment? For DRUGGING me?” 
“I did NOT--”
“Oh don’t even. I had such weird dreams that I haven’t had except for when I was taking hydrocodone for a back surgery,” He crossed his arms.
“Oh come on it wasn’t even half a pill there’s no way you could have--”
“SEE, I knew it! What the fuck is WRONG with you?!” He stared at you with disbelief.
“I...I don’t know…” You bit your lip.
“Right,” He shook his head with a sarcastic smile and turned to walk away, but you grabbed his hand.
“But look I’m sorry, okay and, and I didn’t give these to Buchanan yet so I’m going to delete them, right now and--” You started to show him the CONFIDENTIAL photos you took last night, but for the first time you were looking at them properly.
“I thought you were deleting them,” He said almost on top of you when he realized what you had taken photos of.
“What is this?” You zoomed in on the files, your face growing pale. “Rafael, what is this?” 
“Look we’re talking about what YOU did, Y/N--” He started to deflect but you weren’t hearing any more.
“My NAME is all over this, Rafael,” You could feel your panic attack coming back. The files were basically a full blown background check on you. Your family, your career, everything.
“It’s...not what you think,” Now it was his voice that went soft.
“It’s not what I--I can’t fucking believe this,” You laughed sarcastically, tears stinging your eyes. “You’re not upset I ‘played’ you, you’re upset you got outplayed!”
“What? What does that even mean?” He scoffed.
“YOU ASKED ME OUT,” You almost screamed. “You asked me out to get more dirt on me!”
“No,  I didn’t I--” He tried to deny it.
“Bullshit! Then what the fuck is this?!”  You shook the phone at him. “God I can’t believe I felt bad for-- GOD you’re such a--”
“Oh no no no, don’t even. I didn’t sleep with you and steal your property,” He acted like he was the victim once again.
“Yeah, because I didn’t give you the chance!” You were fuming.
“Look I didn’t even get that information, okay? Liv did. She did a whole background check on you when she thought I was interested in you...MONTHS ago. And I never even looked at it!” He tried explaining everything away. Nothing was ever his fault. 
“But you kept it. Just in case,” You narrowed your eyes.
“Well obviously I’m glad I did,” He bit back.
“God...Olivia,” You scoffed. “You know she’s the only reason we’re in this,” You rolled your eyes at that stupid woman. 
“Excuse me?”
“I wanted to go out with you for REAL, Rafael. Which clearly was never on your agenda,” You stomped your heel. 
“Oh come on that’s--” He shook his head.
“Yeah, and then not only did you embarrass the fuck out of me, then your little bitch called Buchanan and TOLD ON US,” You spat. The whole thing was enough to set you on fire, if she hadn’t butt in at all you would be in Rafael’s arms right now and not having it out in the middle of the street.
“...She what?” His voice went soft again; he didn’t even correct you on calling her a bitch.
“Yeah, turns out she thought I was trying to “coerce” you to my side, or that’s what she told Buchanan,” You spat. “And THEN, and ONLY then, did Buchanan come to me and threaten my god damn JOB and CAREER unless I got those receipts!”
“He...he threatened you…?” Rafael’s head was spinning. Had you really cared about him this whole time?
“YES, and-- and you know what is the WORST part of all of this?” You shook your head and laughed bitterly.
“What--? He looked afraid of the answer.
“I KEPT THE RECEIPTS,” You yelled, feeling yourself about to breakdown.
“What do you mean, you kept the receipts?” He asked with concern.
“I took this last night,” You pulled the USB you swiped from your blazer pocket. “And--And after I sat there, I let you-- I--- and then you called me ‘mi amor’, and I--” Your mind was running a mile a minute, you couldn’t finish a thought.
“I did what?” He stared at you in shock. 
“You don’t even remember that,” You scoffed angrily “Of course you don’t. You didn’t fucking mean it, I knew that,” 
“I….I…” Rafael’s eyes went back and forth as his mind was racing, trying to figure out exactly what he had said out loud last night and what he had dreamed of.
“And I felt SO BAD, so bad, and I thought that I--that we---” You were still reeling, you couldn’t believe this was happening. 
“Y/N…” Rafael’s face was apologetic now but you were done. 
“I made copies of the receipts and I put them on this USB and I was going to give it back to you, and then you could just tell Buchanan that you had made copies and saved them beforehand, and I didn’t get my hands on it. Because I didn’t give it to him, Rafael. I saved it and I was going to save YOU,” You were full on having a breakdown, tears were falling down your face. Rafael’s face fell completely and he reached for you.
“Y/N I am so--”
“NO!!!!” You jerked away from him. “You played me! I can’t believe all the bullshit you gave me, all the guilt I felt, the feelings I thought--”
“I didn’t play you Y/N I swear to you, I asked you out because I--” He grabbed your hands this time. “I really did like you, I DO like you,” 
“No, I’m not listening to any of your bullshit of what I ‘felt’ or some sappy bullshit, not for one more second,” You ripped away from him and started to storm off; But you were going to show him once and for all who was the heartless one. 
“And you know what, counselor? Congratulations, you outplayed the best of the best. Well done. Here’s your prize,” You threw the USB at him and stormed off, leaving him speechless.
You stomped back inside and went straight to the family bathroom nearby, locking it behind you just before you broke down crying. Your phone began buzzing wildly, “RAFAEL” flashed on your screen. IGNORE.
It rang again, and again and again. You finally picked it up and screamed “LEAVE ME ALONE,” and hung up. 
Why did you give him that USB? Now you were going to lose your job on top of everything else.
You finally composed yourself long enough to make it back to your desk, where Buchanan was waiting. 
“Ah, Y/L/N, So I just got a very...interesting call from Barba,” He gave you a look.
“I’m sure you did,” you thought to yourself. “Oh?” You asked out loud.
“Yes it turns out, that he had those receipts on a backup USB he had at his office,” He said in an accusatory tone.
“Oh. That’s unfortunate,” You did your best to keep cool.
“It is, and also very peculiar. Seeing as he was so upset when he came over here, acting like he didn’t have a chance,” He kept his suspicious tone.
“He probably just forgot he had it at the office, you know on the account of being drugged last night and all,” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m  sorry, what?” John’s eyes perked up.
“A quarter of a hydrocodone, he’s fine,” You waved it off. “Probably made him foggy though,”
“Uh huh...I’m sure,” He nodded. “And about those photos…”
“Oh, don’t count on it,” You shook your head as you handed him your phone.
“Oh, damn Y/L/N,” He chuckled. “Seems that ADA really took you for a ride, didn’t he? Maybe I overestimated you,” That hit so much harder right now, and he knew it. 
“Just...I’m sorry, okay?” You looked at the floor in shame.
“Well, you did your best there, my little shark,” He nodded to the plushie as he walked away. You picked it up and tossed it into the trash as you did your best not to burst into tears again.
Meanwhile across town, Barba was storming into Olivia Benson’s office at the NYPD.
“What is your problem, Olivia?” He barked.
“Excuse me?” Olivia was floored that Rafael would yell at her like this.
“Liv look, I know that we’re best friends, and we’ve known each other a long time but--- I’m not yours,” He sighed.
“I’m sorry?” She acted oblivious.
“You know what I’m talking about,”
“I really don’t--”
“Y/N, Olivia,” Barba cut her off.
“What about her?”
“The background check? The little phone call to Buchanan?” He asked angrily.
“Wha-- how are you going to be mad at me for being right about her?” She scoffed.
“YOU WEREN’T RIGHT,” He yelled while throwing his hands up in the air.
“Were you or were you not just in here ranting about how she just slept with you to get that evidence?” Olivia crossed her arms. 
“And she gave it back,” He held out the USB. 
“...Why would she do that?” Olivia was still lost.
“Because she cares about me, Olivia! But because of you, I’m pretty sure I’ll never get her trust back,” He yelled in frustration.
“No, no that can’t be right. She must have an angle,” Olivia persisted.
“Why, because the only one allowed to care about me is you?” Rafael asked coldly. 
“That is--” Olivia shook her head, not believing he had just gone there.
“Look, Liv I haven’t wanted to have this conversation because your friendship is so important to me,” He softened his voice. “But...that’s it. Our friendship,”
“Wow, Rafa. Wow I cannot believe you just come in here and start yelling at me, and start lecturing me on what our relationship is. Are you really that full of yourself?!” She was pissed now.
“Liv, we both know that’s why--”
“I was looking after you as a FRIEND, jackass,” She scoffed. “And anyway, why do you care so much all of a sudden? A week ago she was the devil to you! Now you’re in love with her?”
“I’m not---I don’t---” Rafael tried to find the words. “I could have, Liv. I really could have,”
“....I really am sorry, Rafael,” Olivia went and put her hand over his, and he let her. He looked up at her with soft eyes, finally letting a small smile form.
“I know you are,” He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. 
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be, maybe he should just quit fighting it. Maybe he could be happy with Olivia, he was never going to get you back now anyway.
Was he?
*A Month Later*
You were working late again, it seemed like lately all you did was work. You practically slept in your office these days. A few of your co-workers passed by laughing and chatting.
“Hey, Y/L/N, what are you doing? It’s a holiday!”
“Halloween hardly qualifies as a holiday Spencer,” You rolled your eyes. “It’s just an excuse for kids to load up on candy and adults to load up on booze,” 
“Exactly!” Kyra, the young intern, chimed in. Of course the guys were trying to get her to go ‘party’ with them. 
“Aw come on, we’re gonna go crash the NYPD’s Halloween Bash,” Your third co-worker Greg added.
“.....Really?” You asked with a sly smile, the wheels in your head were turning. 
“Oh yeah, their chief always gets the good booze,” Spencer laughed. “You’re gonna need a costume though,” 
“Oh I’ve got just the costume…” You smirked while logged off your laptop and grabbed your briefcase,
You’d show the whole NYPD just who was the fairest of them all….
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