#in the south of Spain
mysharona1987 · 13 days
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Huh. says it all really.
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enjymemink · 4 months
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Thank you Spain, we'll remember your good deeds.
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renonv · 16 days
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They are not beating the gay allegations
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sisalrian · 4 months
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besame mucho
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tejennnn · 3 months
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Long time no shitposting (kind of) 🍅🦅
((Originals under cut))
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Renaissance bro belongs to safiiyawitt @ ig!
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bombadilberry · 7 months
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romano & antonio wip
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moonlayl · 7 months
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theimeu on instagram.
It is not all hopeless, and we are causing more people to listen and more people to take action! Don’t stop talking about Palestine. This never would’ve happened just a few years ago. Things ARE changing.
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prumanoenjoyer · 2 months
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A fantasy AU me and a couple of friends are cooking up in which Gilbert is mistaken for an evil villain and PruMano becomes a thing through various shenanigans. FrUk is endgame but there may or may not be some Frain and TurFra going on. It's a mess.
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"You got the best of me."
Wips, different colours and context below the cut. (TW: Religious themes)
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If you're curious, this illustration is based on a comic (which is based on a fan fiction) I worked on for a long time called "You Got the Best of Me". Yes, it's a BTS song. It's a good B-side.
The idea is that traveller!Antonio finds his way to a small, wayward tomato farmed owned by this grumpy man called Lovino. He's the son of the village's head priest who had passed away from cancer when he was a child, not long after his younger brother, Feliciano was born.
Feliciano was always sickly and couldn't do very much. He was a crybaby. He was kind of pathetic but always cheerful and Lovino loved him very much, and worked hard to support him.
Growing up, Feliciano became very religious like their grandfather and trained to become a priest. Lovino didn't exactly disapprove, since it meant Feliciano would be taken care of, but he didn't believe in God as much as he used to. Afterall, God let his grandfather—the epitome of Godfearring—die so painfully. Feliciano tries his best to reconnect but their difference in faith made it difficult.
In the present day, Antonio and Lovino met when Antonio just stumbles into a village party one day. He leans against an empty barrel, exhausted, until someone taps his shoulder. He turns around and sees a handsome, albeit drunk as fuck young man giving him a bottle of alcohol, telling him to cheer up and drink. Antonio fell in love at first sight. That smile was gorgeous.
They meet again the next day when Antonio walks into the church and sees the same young man sitting at the back. The young man didn't say no when Antonio sits with him, and doesn't do anything when Antonio talks to him and asks to share his Bible.
After service, they walk around the church in silence and they go to a quiet stretch of meadow where Antonio plays some childhood songs on his guitar. Antonio was surprised when Lovino knew the words and could speak Spanish. Lovino said the 'weirdos' his grandfather made friends with taught him whatever he knew, which was surprisingly a lot.
They continue chatting and without knowing, it had been hours.
"Brother, it's lunch time," Feliciano said softly.
Lovino screamed. "H-how the fuck did you find me?"
Feliciano laughed as he pointed to the footsteps in the ground. "There's coffee! No alcohol, don't drink so much." Feliciano acknowledged Antonio with a curtsey and a suspicious glance. Lovino did not always have the best judgement.
The three of them walked together, Lovino walked ahead because he was hungry and knew that he needed to explain himself. Antonio and Feliciano introduced themselves. Feliciano was not as paranoid as before—Antonio seemed like a nice person. Antonio liked that Feliciano took things well despite his sickliness and hoped that he would get better soon. Feliciano gave him a look.
Antonio understood immediately. Feliciano was unnervingly pale and skinny. The only thing about him that was strong was his will to live. Antonio promised to never talk about it again and Feliciano smiled.
A few months go by and Antonio was helping Lovino harvest tomatoes and that was when Lovino pulls him aside and asks, "Do you know about my grandfather?" Antonio said vaguely because he and Feliciano slipped it in conversations here and there. Lovino nodded and then elaborated more on what Antonio 'vaguely' knew. Lovino usually wasn't this open so what happened now?
"Doctors said Feliciano won't have longer than a year left."
Antonio felt devastated. He did not know them for very long and yet he knew Feliciano was one of the better sort of people out there. He could only imagine how painful it must be for Lovino—his own brother!
"Is God trying to take a piss at me?" Lovino said angrily. "For not believing? For fucking giving up? For calling Him a bastard? If He feels bad, then maybe He should stop fucking killing everyone I love! My own family, Antonio! What the fuck is wrong with Him?"
Antonio listened. Lovino started ugly sobbing, understandably so. Antonio nodded.
"Feliciano's a good kid. He's always doing his fucking best. He never whored around, he's always nice. He cooked for old ladies. He prays and reads the Bible every fucking day. Why do you Hate your own, God? Is it because he's dating some guy? Well, I don't like the blonde son of a bitch either but I won't kill them. What the fuck is your problem? Aren't you the good one?"
Antonio pat his back. And then, Lovino said, "Why can't He just kill me instead? Let Feliciano go. Let him be happy."
"That won't change anything."
"Yeah that fucking won't but at least I won't be sad."
"Well, I would."
Lovino looked at Antonio like he was crazy.
"But you'll fucking bounce in what? A week? Two weeks? I know your type. You idiots never fucking stay in one place, always running around, bumming around without doing anything proper. Piss off, Antonio. You'll find another one in China or some shit."
"No, Lovino. I care about you. I don't want you to die. Feli's not dead yet. What would he say?"
"He'd tell me to pray."
"Praying isn't dying, sí?" Antonio said. The sun was setting and the birds were chirping. Antonio picked up a plump tomato from the ground, wiped it with his shirt and gave it to Lovino. "Eating this beautiful tomato won't cure you or Feli of your pain but it sure tastes really nice."
Lovino laughed at that childish response. He ate the tomato and smiled. It was quite delicious. Antonio thought he looked like an angel when he smiled, especially now. They looked at each other with an unspoken emotion, something at the tip of their tongue. Antonio knew it a bit better than Lovino but it was still scary because it meant giving up his freedom to stay here.
Of course, he can talk about travelling with Lovino but he knew lazy bastard wouldn't want to do anything. He could try to get Lovino out of the house. He could lose his dignity and leave and reclaim that freedom. He could... Lovino laughed again and that smile was gorgeous.
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sweet-potato-42 · 4 months
cool fun fact for sunday
East Asia and South of South America are Antipodes meaning that they are in completely opposite points on the globe.
This means that when Acau joins we will have ccs in oppolise places playing together. People who physically could not be further away from each other.
The ones in buenos aires would be the furthest but i doubt Carre will play so I think cellbit or bagi are next. (idk where exactly they live but I'm pretty sure they come from the south of brazil)
Here is a map of the world showing antipodes. The areas in orange are perfectly opposite to each other.
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digital999placebo · 3 months
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this will be my contribution to spamano content
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etinfernum · 9 months
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He said "yes" !!!!
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renonv · 1 month
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Watched Death Race 2000 and now I have a racing au in the works 🕴️BUT I MEAN ITS BEEN COMING
Part 2
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cicerenella · 6 months
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two losers get it on😍
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miamicommune · 2 days
keep seeing people on social media being like "actually [COUNTRY] is not good most of our young people feel like they don't have a future and are looking elsewhere for opportunities and everyone has noticed that it's getting worse to live here 😔😔" and it's never specific to that country in the slightest and it's always just symptoms of late stage capitalism
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bombadilberry · 5 months
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Romano & Antonio
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