#in this au nhs is a medium (against his will)
dalbit0 · 2 years
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who u gonna call?
[ ghost investigators gusu trio au 👻 ]
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petirrojo57 · 1 year
2022 Top Reads on AO3
I find it really hard to pick favorites when I have read so many good/great/fascinating stories but here goes (and apologies in advance to my lovely writers who I have not mentioned but adore all the same). Let me add that these are all in the #MDZS #MoDaoZuShi fandom, and almost entirely #WangXian centric
The one with the toast (or more accurately, no toast) the earthquake in the room - phnelt - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Lan Zhan saves the Most Beautiful Man in the World (aka Wei Ying) from horrible dog and learns about love  leave all your love and your longing behind - Chapter 1 - ScarlettStorm - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Have a little post-apocalyptic wangxian as they figure out how to repopulate their world  When the Sky Settles and I'm Still Here - Chapter 1 - celerydragon - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Grad school’s expensive, all the more so when your mother cuts you off - it’s duck research and sugar daddy for Jiang Cheng November Baby - Chapter 1 - astrophyllite - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Granny Wen gives the best presents in this comical wangxian tale A Game of Chance - thievinghippo - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
WWX and JC co-parent JL and run a grocery store, LWJ runs a martial arts studio where JL takes classes, they meet and it’s meet cute The Way of the Golden Lotus - Chapter 1 - DizziDreams - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Modern wangxian arrange a casual meetup that becomes something special cold green summer night - Chapter 1 - Pettecal72 - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Short 2-parter modern wangxian in which LWJ helps WWX understand why he’s accident prone
misunderstood 'verse - sysrae - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Canon-ish AU in which ‘MXY’ copes with feelings for LWJ who was married (it seems) and is not certain how he can compete against a dead love
Love Song In Reverse - Chapter 1 - timetoboldlygo - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Excellent long-running series concludes: beginning at canon-era meeting of LWJ & WWX and from there diverging with elements of magical creatures, even time-travel - all highly creative Magical Marriage Ribbons - starandrea - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
Modern setting in which LWJ helps his mother post-accident paired wings soaring - Chapter 1 - typefortydeductions - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Post-canon, NHS can’t figure out how WWX turned up sad and alone in Qinghe & does something about it Story-Shaped - Chapter 1 - lingering_song - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Modern setting, LWJ arranges for WWX to house-sit for him and finds he likes the company All the ways that you remain - Spodumene - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Medium WWX helps LWJ with his murder ghost in this modern AU come to the harbor of your longing - Chapter 1 - occultings (microcomets) - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Highly evocative, SE Asian setting for this AU (made me want to try durians) 流连忘返 | cat mountain king - Chapter 1 - auberjing - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù [Archive of Our Own]
Spooky little casefic with ghost-seeing WWX helping LWJ with his family history evening sun - Chapter 1 - grapesoda - 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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trensu · 4 years
you know what this fandom needs? a werewolf au
“oh, but trensu,” you say, “that can’t possibly work because WWX is deathly afraid of dogs!!”
WRONG, MY FRIEND. WWX being deathly afraid of dogs is exactly why it should happen!! Hear me out, hear me out! 
The Lan clan is a werewolf pack. Yes, yes they are. That’s why they have all those rules, see? Self-regulation is key to their survival. It keeps them under the radar from people who hunt werewolves. Out-human the humans and no one will ever suspect you turn into a beast three nights out of the month. The thousands of rules are precisely why the Lan clan is such a long-lived and prosperous pack. (The Nie clan are also werewolves but they take the opposite approach and fully embrace the wolfiness).
Now, being fantastical creatures,the clans are pretty tied to their lands. But in this modern day and age, it’s important for them to learn how to blend in with the humans lest they be hunted to extinction. So the young’uns come down from the mountains and are sent to university to learn the ways of the humans.
University is where LWJ meets his soulmate, the love of his life, the moon in his sky. WWX is by far the most beautiful person he’s ever seen and he smells so good all the time, LWJ just wants to roll around in his scent (but that’s weird, right? humans don’t do that probably). It’s so distracting that LWJ is basically nonverbal around him.
It’s rare that a werewolf’s soulmate turns out to be human but it’s not unprecedented. So after meeting WWX (and seeing him smile, oh moon above, that smile with the cutest little beauty mark tucked just under his lower lip that LWJ wants to bite) LWJ immediately starts petitioning the pack leader to grant him permission to reveal the existence of werewolves to WWX so he can then ask WWX to be his life-mate and hopefully also get turned into a werewolf if WWX is willing.
It takes AGES because Lan Qiren is not an easy man to convince. But that’s okay because it gives LWJ time to get to know WWX. Not that LWJ does much, tbh. WWX is the one who decides he and LWJ need to be friends and latches on to him immediately. (They’re gonna be the best of friends, WWX can tell. LWJ is serious and quiet and so fun to tease!). They study together and go on walks together and go out to eat together. And every time they’re together, LWJ allows WWX easy physical affections because omg, it’s almost like WWX is scent-marking him and LWJ wants to be swimming in WWX’s scent. It also allows him to discreetly scent-mark WWX in return on the off chance that any other werewolf in the vicinity thinks to take an interest in him (he’s already side-eyed NHS who has since found a way to dodge WWX’s affectionate touches because he values his life).
Eventually LQR agrees to let LWJ tell WWX the family secret. LWJ is inwardly ecstatic. He’s all ready to tell WWX this important part of him. He’s planning to tell him during one of their walks in the park because WWX is always so carefree and happy when out in the sun and he loves the way the sun brings out the warm tones in WWX’s beautiful brown eyes (which he has to look up ever so slightly to meet bc WWX is enticingly taller than him by just a bit). They have a favorite spot in the park and LWJ has brought one of WWX’s favorite spicy snacks and a drink. It’s going to be perfect. WWX is so intelligent and creative and kind, LWJ is sure that even if for some horrible awful reason WWX does not return his affections, WWX would never hurt him or his family because of their wolf blood and he’s certain WWX would take their secret to the grave.
But just as they’re about to reach their favorite spot, WWX freezes at his side. LWJ can hear WWX’s heart stutter in his chest before it starts pounding at an alarmingly fast pace. WWX suddenly has an iron grip on him and he gasps.
“D-Dog. DOG! Lan Zhan, help me!!” 
WWX ducks behind him, curls down so he’s fully hidden behind LWJ despite the height difference, and his gripping the back of LWJ’s shirt so tightly, LWJ is surprised it hasn’t torn the fabric. WWX is quaking, breaths coming in short gasps, and LWJ has never in his life seen anyone so afraid. His gaze lands on a friendly medium-sized dog prancing their way as it’s owner tries to grab it to put it back on its leash. With a sinking heart, he flashes his gold wolf eyes at the dog and mutters a solemn “shoo.” The dog whimpers and flees quickly.
“You’re safe, Wei Ying. The dog is gone.”
The grip on his shirt loosens and WWX’s arms wrap around him from behind as WWX looks over his shoulder.
“Lan Zhan, you’re my hero! Dogs are the worst. They’re so scary, with their sharp teeth and terrible barks!” WWX babbles in his ear, arms still clenched tight around him. Nervously, still coming down from the adrenaline rush, he adds. “Thanks for scaring it away. And not making fun of me. I know it’s silly but I can’t help it, sorry!! I’ve tried because Jiang Cheng loves dogs but I can’t seem to--”
“No need,” LWJ mumbles.
“No need to apologize,” LWJ says more firmly, even as his heart slowly starts to frost over. “It is fine.”
WWX’s face is so close to his, chin tucked into his shoulder from behind the way it is, that LWJ can feel the beaming smile spread across his face as WWX finally relaxes against him. 
“Thanks Lan Zhan, You’re the greatest!” he gives LWJ a little squeeze and LWJ tries to convince himself that that was why his breath catches in his chest and not because his heart is breaking. “Anyway, what was it you were saying before that hell-creature attacked us?”
LWJ gives a stiff shake of his head, and clenches his hands so he doesn’t pull WWX back as he finally disentangles himself from LWJ.
“Nothing. Nothing important.” LWJ says, voice rough from the sudden emotion lodged in his throat. Everything hurts. WWX gives him an odd look but doesn’t question him. Instead he starts happily rambling in the way that always does.
LWJ listens, greedily takes in the sound of his voice, the scent of his skin, from a distance. Because he can never get any closer. LWJ has given his heart away and he will never get it back because werewolves only give their heart away once.
Wei Ying, the love of his life, the moon in his sky, is deathly afraid of canines. He will never know LWJ and he will never love LWJ.
(Later that night, LXC will go into his bedroom to find a white wolf curled under his bed, whining and whimpering as if fatally wounded. “Oh, Wangji,” he will say with sorrow. The only other time his little brother wore his fur outside of the moon cycle was when their mother died. “Wangji, I am so sorry.” LXC puts on his fur, and gently nudges his snout against his brother’s and hurts with him, because his little brother had finally found his moon and his moon does not want him.)
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mwritesink · 6 years
The never ending shelf of WiPs
(Working titles are italicized. this is my attempt at organizing myself. Includes both Original and Fan Works. Post under a cut as this got long real quick...)
Original Works
“Rebel Songs”: November 1920. Dublin, Ireland. A chance meeting brings WW1 veterans Shannon Maxwell and Lawrence Barton together and into a whirlwind romance. Their first problem? Shannon is an IRA soldier and Lawrence works with the RIC Special Reserve. (currently writing random scenes, outlining, and researching)
“iceskating”: Modern day. Somewhere. Danny Reid is hired by Esmé Caldwell - renowned former Olympic Ice Skater and current coach - to help get her protege back into competitive shape. Jason O’Rinn - scarred, intense, and guarded - is just the sort of man Danny should stay away from, but he can’t turn away from fixing broken things, especially when Jason reaches back to heal Danny’s own scars. (I’ve maybe an eighth done of a first draft. fully outlined. need to do research)
“Red Headed Bastards”: [fictional year. fictional city name]. Lauren Lowfey, marked from birth as an outsider by her red hair, is just trying to make a life. One day she gets a package to deliver at the Aesir Castle that sends her life into far more adventure than she ever asked for or wanted. Outside the city, though, forces are moving to make the first moves of Ragnarok. (need to write scenes, need to outline, need to research)
“Chicago History Poetry Zine Series”: Poetry to inform about significant, and some not so significant, details about Chicago history. (have a set written about Camp Douglas, though several are in edit mode. Need to figure out the best way to arrange and publish. constantly in research)
“My Squire, My Knight”: visual novel idea. Arthurian based. the MC is related to a king allied to King Arthur - leaning towards being the youngest son of King Pellinore -  and is assigned to be a squire to one of Arthur’s knights: Sir Kai, Sir Dinadan, Sir Palomides, Sir Galehaut, or Sir Mordred. The course of the final days of Camelot are changed depending on the path and choices of the MC. (have the ideas, outlining, researching)
“Mad Ladies Ghost Stories”: Visual novel idea. MC is a Paranormal Investigator trying to find and free the ghosts of a haunted mental hospital without joining their number herself. Each ghost is of a woman falsely deemed insane and fell victim to the cures of her time. (have ideas, need to outline, need to do more research than one book)
“Crow Merwin”: Fantasy inspired by the French Revolution, but with more figures who are not white, presumed straight men. (idea there. I had notes from a year ago, but lost them. need to recreate notes)
Fan Works
K. J. Charles series
“The Magpie Lord - Script Adaptation”: for Charm of Magpies series. Writing exercise. Is what it says on the tin, just me practicing script writing by adapting The Magpie Lord by K. J. Charles. (in progress)
“Damned Spot”: for Green Men Series/Secret Casebook of Simon Feximel. Simon and Robert resolve the story of a haunted theatre. At one point Robert gets stage blood thrown on him. I get to indulge in how much I love MacBeth. (in planning)
“Elaphromancer”: for Charm of Magpies series. A Jono/Doug AU, where Jonothon “Chamber” Starsmore and Doug “Cypher” Ramsey are remade for existing in the world of Charm of Magpies. Jono is a magician who works as a fire breather and sword swallower for the Hellfire Freak Show and Circus. His life gets infinitely more complicated than it already is when he encounters a runaway autonomous Automaton who insists on having Jono help protect a political fugitive. Then the Justiciary gets involved. (in planning, opening scenes written)
Jordan L. Hawk series
“Griffin’s Queer Chicago”: for Whyborne and Griffin Series. Collection of one-shots and other shorts speculating on Griffin’s time in Chicago. So far planning to include the following: bed-sharing w/ Elliot [finished!], almost getting caught having sex under a bridge, having outdoor sex in one of the parks, the Columbian Exhibition World’s Fair, hotel sex w/ Glenn, and the Chicago Athletic Club. (In planning, first short finished!!, may be a while until the next one, in research)
“Seduced by the Shark-Man”: for Whyborne and Griffin Series. Fishborne AU. Instead of an Umbre, Griffin and Glenn find a shark-man who says his name is “Fire In His Blood”. He got very lost, ended up in fresh water, and would like to go home. But not without first finding out everything he can about land-dwellers. (the idea is there)
“Jono, Doug, and the no good, very bad haunted adventure”: For Spirits Series. A Jono/Doug AU where Jonothon “Chamber” Starsmore and Doug “Cypher” Ramsey are remade for existing in the world of the Spirits books. Doug and Jono are both Mediums. Jono’s talents reside in Pyromancy, and Doug has a willing “Spirit Guide” named Warlock. Doug enlists the help of Henry, Vincent, and Lizzie to free Jono from a haunted asylum after one of Jono’s seances goes horrifically wrong and he is confined as mentally insane. (in planning, have beginning scenes written)
“SPECTR: Hunter of Demons - Script Adaptation”: Writing Exercise. Practicing writing comic book scripts by adapting the first book of the SPECTR Series. 
Marvel Comics/Movies
“Hellions AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jonothon is invited to join the Hellions by Emma Frost when he is 14. He and the Hellions get entangled with Doug Ramsey and the New Mutants, which leads to a radically different Jono, and a different Doug. (in outlining, some scenes written)
“Jono Frost AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jonothon was adopted at a young age by the Frost Family, and followed Emma to the Hellfire Club. Along the way, Jono gets involved with Shinobi Shaw and other 90′s X-Men villains. (in planning)
“X-Force AU”: Jono AU. the NHS catches Jono’s mutation when he is 16 and sends him to Muir Island to be taken care of by Dr McTaggart. While there he becomes friends with Terry and Maddrox and follows Terry to X-Force. Various relationship entanglements ensue as well as morality questions regarding what X-Force does. (Idea is there)
“Excalibur AU”: Jono/Douglock AU. After exploding, Jono is sent to Muir Island, instead of getting an invite to join Generation X. While there, Douglock befriends him, and (along with Rahne) they begin a romantic relationship that goes rocky when Warlock comes back on the scene. (in planning)
“Savior”: personal/fan essay. tying “Savior” by Rise Against to the wreckage of Jono/Paige. (idea is there)
“Guthrie Family Dinners”: personal/fan essay. the implications of the New Mutants and Generation X staying together/breaking up and the number of times each team gets invited to Guthrie family dinners. Sam regularly takes the New Mutants to Guthrie Family dinners, and they mostly stay together. Paige only ever brings Jono over (once, and not to dinner), and Generation X is never really brought back together. (idea is there)
“Holistic Villains AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jono is nabbed by Clan Akkaba right after his mutation explodes his body and he’s given the Apocalypse look. Taking on the codename Leviticus, he sets out to assemble his own horsemen and become a new Apocalypse for a new age. His Death is the newly revived Doug Ramsey. (in planning). 
“Really a Villain AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jono was brainwashed by Clan Akkaba from a young age, and has been their agent. After M-Day, he turns himself over to Utopia. Doug becomes interested in him and in his apparent reformation. theme song: Sedated by Hozier. (in planning)
“In the Flesh AUs versions 1 and 2″: Jono/Doug AUS. setting Jono and Doug within the world of “In the Flesh” tv series. Version 1 has both Jono and Doug as PDS and wrangling their lives post treatment. Version 2 has Jono and Leeland (oc child character belonging to @stem-cell who lets me and @nobiliorpomis use) are PDS, and Leeland gets his living father together with his PDS friend. (in planning)
“that one Burnside AU”: Captain America AU. Set in the MCU somewhere. Steve gets kidnapped by William Burnside, a historian of WW2 and the super soldier project who looks uncannily alike to Steve. back and forth pov of Steve’s captivity by Burnside and the other Avengers trying to find and rescue Steve. (the idea has been there for a long while)
Fire Emblem
“Ride Across the River”: Palette Swap AU where Arvis and Sigurd switch roles and families and what happens with the fallout from that. (first few chapters on AO3, in progress)
Dragon Age
“The Salt in the Ashes”: Inquisition AU with Samson as the Inquisitor. somehow I get him and Dorian together. (in hiatus/in progress)
Mo Dao Zu Shi
“Untitled”: mash up with Exalted. Detailing the rise and fall of First Age Twilight caste Solar Wei Wuxian, Zenith Solar Lan Wanji, and the Death Lord “The Yiling Patriarch”. (idea there)
“Untitled”: a Mo Xanyu lives fic, where he and WWX share his body, and freely go back and forth between who’s in control of the body.
Castlevania (Netflix)
“Untitled”: Get Alucard out of the house a bit and rescueing Hector from Carmilla’s clutches. Romance ensues. (idea is there, plus a paragraph or two)
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