#in this gif
untilyouremember · 2 months
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Insomniacs After School
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thewisevoicesspeak · 2 months
What is Love
Didn’t know what it was,
Didn’t look for it, didn’t see it
Oh hell, I thought it was
An error to humanity.
Then found it!
I found what I didn’t seek,
but stupid me whirled it around,
twisted it, opened it, made it feel it back.
It wanted me and I let it think I was the same.
I didn’t know that I wasn’t,
I reflected what I could,
The rest was managed by destiny.
The mirror was dark, it had no light
All I had done was disrespect its might.
Laying in my wait, as I slaughtered its purity,
It was too late until I saw
The sins I have summoned,
I felt lifeless and rotten and
I feared what I had done.
It came to me again, I was in delight,
Because now I saw
that mirror had all the light.
I wanted to give it all, but I couldn’t.
I kept it shut as sullen wolf.
Clouded by fear, I didn’t move an inch,
It roared finally, finally it roared
I gave u my all, and you still weren’t a him.
I knew what was love…
It wasn’t a desire, it was a need,
It had no shame but
Eyes for just her beam.
I realized I even though I had the light
I kept it in the dark...
But I am sorry, so very sorry
I finally got the clarity,
That the lies won’t feed the dawn.
You know all how rotten I am…
Pl let me show you that
I am still capable of love, 
that this was the last time you had to roar.
The rest can’t be history,
As it hurt you a lot…
I want to really give you my all,
All I can give,
You wont have to roar no more.
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tullycicero · 2 months
dicuntur meam scholam 'inutilem' esse sedne cogitavistis ut eam causa VIBUM amem? causa LAETITIAE?!? modo laeta esse volo :') non mea culpa est vos in vivendo laetitiam habere non posse
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sophiasrant · 2 months
draw your favorite character wearing this
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themagicfolf · 3 months
Andrew Taint
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soulreapin · 7 months
I feel like there is a divide.
I am on one side, and then there is a divide that drops thousands of feet down, and on the other side is the Bible, sitting on top of a pew.
There is life in that divide, and the parts of me that do not dig their toes into the gross red dirt of the cliff I stand on are falling straight down into it. They twist-mid air so that they face the sunlight, falling so far so fast that the wax of their wings is nothing but the memory of whistling metal.
Finding my way up the side of that divide has been…a struggle. It gets darker and darker, my chin slipping underneath the water’s surface, but because I can still stick my hand out of the roiling, spitting waves, it’s all just fine. Everything tastes apathetic, and apathy itself burns to look at, the name to a feeling I have been shoving down, down, down all my life until I can’t see it, can’t hear it, can’t even taste it in my mouth.
But aiding my weak hands has been the concept of religion. I find a particularly deep foothold and throw myself up the side of the wall, and my shoulder slams into cold glass, but just for a second, my cheek presses against it and there is warmth and light. If my head is turned I can hear music. Particularly lucky passes show me images of choirs holding candles and empty pulpits.
Then I fall again, reaching out desperately until I find a lip in the rocks and hold fast, but the memory of light through glass and the idea that that glass will break is enough to spur another try, another yank of my shoulder out of its socket.
I toy with the idea of going back to church. Walking in, breathing in stale air that smells like wine and communion and a hand to hold, and sitting down right in the middle, sandwiched between mothers of five and the devout. In front of me, the divine, and behind, the disgraced. It might fix me, being so close to those words, breathing them in and letting them run in my veins, but I am not so sure it won’t break me.
Religion has never extended a hand to me before, but it has also never said no, walking into a church has never pulled the rope any tighter than it was. It is what I will make of it, and whether that is beautiful or barely hanging on, I don’t know. There must be a something, an anything to keep one foot tucked in front of the other.
But do I deserve it? Will I walk in and sit in that confessional and pour my heart out to the man on the other side, and realize that when I look up, the sun is gone and my life is cold, salvation too far out of reach for me to bother with it now? I need this cross around my neck to mean something. I need it to be clasped between my hands for prayer and not just to jolt myself back to life. God has done nothing to me or for me, letting me stray down this path but walking beside me all the while, and I need all that to just mean something other than I am hopeless and beyond safety. He hums in my ear that to live is to sin and to sin is to confess, and the me from before that kept my chin down to my chest grits her teeth and shelves the knowledge.
I’ve sat in a church before, not a mega-church but something close to it, but I was too young. I was young and concerned with making it to the next day, and then the next, message and meaning going in one ear and floating out onto the empty seat next to me in the back of the church.
There was no stained glass to float rainbows through the room, but there were metal trays and communion crackers and a sick feeling in my chest that for a reason I refused to look at. She was not meant for church grounds, but she is me and I will be worth it to run my fingers over the thin pages of the Bible and feel Eve’s forehead press against mine, because we are in this and out of it together.
Both come in, and both will come out.
I need something to believe in again. Living show to show, game to game and practice to practice isn’t getting me by anymore. It’s all slipping away from me. The words in my mouth taste like dust. Even if I have to fight to hold on to this one thing, go to war just to keep my fingers tucked between the thin pages of David and Goliath, I’ll do it, because having something to fight for is better than having nothing to live and sin for at all.
Religion seems like it will and won’t do it for me. I’m afraid to get bored of it. I’m scared to look into the face of Jesus Christ, nails through his wrists, and whisper into the still air that his sacrifice cannot hold my attention. I am not afraid that he will be upset with me. I am afraid that he will offer me a sad smile and a hand to hold and say, “I know. It is not your fault. You, sister, are forgiven. ”
It is my fault that I do not stay and I do not keep my eyes open. I am not deserving of the forgiveness Jesus affords me. But I will try to earn it with every twist of my necklace and crack of my fingers. Gradually, I want Bible stories to replace the half-moons dug into my forearms, the rosary cradled in my hands instead of dirt. Wine will replace water.
It is a start, I think, light beating through thin white glass. I can feel the heat through it that sinks into my fingertips. It is a start.
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lucrezianoin · 8 months
Astarion in this
Marazhai in this
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arithechair · 10 months
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Got bored while listening to music and started drawing
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abrahamlincolnscat · 1 year
Harambe didn't die just so you could sit around harass minorities online
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bi-buck-coded · 1 year
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allo-frouto · 1 year
What is your favorite toy friend ?
I am torn between a vibrator and a plug.
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
I got a blaze post for a Dave From Homestuck Body Pillow....
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mt10lt20 · 2 years
AC Z/6/7 - The Wingmen’s perspective (slightly shippy)
Count: This group date fucking sucks! >:(
Shamrock: For the last time Count, can you stop calling this a group date? We are on sortie!
Pixy: Yeah.. For once I agree with Shamrock. I would never want to go on a group date where people start yelling “Missile! Missile!” or where I need to get random guys off my partner’s ass.
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mieledoll · 2 years
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okay im drawing my friend's bald barbie fashionista in a lolita dress.
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pastelsandpining · 2 years
the arranged marriage brainrot😭
Also, miphvali mafia au???? I must know more
arranged marriage brainrot 😭😭😭😭
also i did not expect this one to be as popular as it is LOL so!! @louwhose and @novantinuum this one’s also for you guys!!! ehehe
this is an au i’ve been brainstorming with @scitradraws and @embywolf where revali is in the mafia basically!! the brainrot is real with this one! revali is there to pay off his family’s debts and mipha is the world’s best nurse that gets wrapped up in all of the #drama
here’s a snippet!!
“Revali,” she said, and he had the feeling she’d been calling his name for a while. Still, he bit his tongue and did not respond. What was there to say, anyway? Apologize for almost getting her killed? That was not a conversation he ever wanted to have, and even if he should, he didn’t plan on starting now.
But she’d always been hard to ignore, hard to brush off and turn away from. The hand that wasn’t holding his chin carded through his damp, fallen hair, brushing it aside, and she spoke in that soft voice that never failed in making him weak,
“Vali, please look at me.”
It would ruin him if he did, but he was a dead man either way. His eyes raised from the floor to her face, and he took in the sight before him: her fringe stuck to her forehead, smeared mascara from the rain, her eyes pleading and hurt. Revali let slip a quiet, resigned sigh.
“There are no strings attached in the mafia,” he told her, his eyes sliding to fixate on the light switch just behind her head. It was easier to look at. “No one ever gets attached. This is why.”
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I do remember you talking a while ago about how you saw Harry in Tom, about him wanting it all - the career (the roles, the arenas) and his partner. I suspect what he personally takes from the story is very specific in the way it always is when we identify w art. But if that's part of it, I'm not sure he's also pondering the risks that you seem to be alluding to - he seems very sure of his future ("when I have kids...") - or if it's a fear at the back of his head, regardless.
Anon 2: Can you share me? Is so fascinating. Because it is a choice. And I wonder endlessly what it is like to be involved with Harry Styles and all his desires. And where does Louis and his desires fit? I wonder if they can. It makes me sad. I hope they figure it out for themselves. Louis seems happier than he has ever been and has some traction in his career. I’m very excited about his future. I think Harry is on a tight rope with his career and his relationship. I wonder if they can coexist.
So I was coming from a slightly different angle, when I compared Harry to Tom. I was thinking about Harry wanting everything in his public life. He's wearing a Dorothy outfit while selling out Madison Square Garden. He wants to engage with queer culture and keep his entire fantasy boyfriend audience.
When I read that section, and when I've written about it since, I wasn't imagine Harry saying that to Louis, but more metaphorically to the various people he wants to be. The dangers I was alluding to have nothing to do with having kids (which Harry has huge amounts of freedom about), and more about the tensions that are going to arise with his career.
I've had anons before that have made those suggestions, and obviously people are going to read the text (and Harry) in different ways. I don't think we can know what the tension points are for how Louis and Harry navigate their relationship (if they're in one). Right now I imagine they're actually the quite mundane problems that every relationship that involves 1, let alone 2, touring musicians have to face. Obviously questions about the intersections of their careers and what is and isn't possible will have to be discussed. But I'm not going to assume I know what's going on there.
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