#in way of kings prime kaladin shallan & renarin
sorchasolas · 10 months
Another random thought:
(Disclaimer- I’m not saying this SHOULD have happened I’m just. Confused.)
Why did Jasnah betrothe Shallan & Adolin, where Adolin is the most eligible bachelor in Alethkar basically and they have a SIX YEAR AGE GAP. (shallan is 17 adolin is 23 NEVER forget this.)
And not— Renarin. Two year age gap. Shallan would still be tied to the family.
Did Jasnah like sense his gayness or what.
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I can't be the only one who desperately wants a sequel to the way of kings prime. like obviously it's never going to happen, and the book is very flawed, but i want to know what the hell was going on.
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Finished the way of kings prime in full, overall it's actually really good. It's much darker than actual stormlight, and especially the last big section is just really tragic. I joke about the kholins dropping like flies and they really do, this is the version of the story where instead of being rescued by skar and drehy gavinor would have been killed in kholinar.
Overall I'd say real twok is better. But there are some things that I think this one did better. It definetly feels like a more cohesive book despite having so many characters in different directions. It really helps that the shallan equivalent has been jasnahs ward for years and lived with the kholins for years as they fought the prime equivalent of the war at the shattered plains. So most of the main important characters know each other some way or another. Compared to real twok which is basically 2-3 separate books in a trenchcoat pretending to be one story.
The political focus is also nice and having jasnah as a main character was delightful, tho he made some improvements in the later version. I really look forward to having her as a main pov in the back 5, should I ever get to read them. "Evil" elhokar was also surprisingly fun to read, really tragic and interesting.
The midsection is imo what really drags it down as you realize pretty quickly that the main sanderlanche event is going to be the battle between the invading forces from jah keved and dalenars forces. Which when you have both jasnah and merin in separate plotlines of trying to warn dalenar and elhokar about the invasion, makes it very annoying every time they take a detour. Jasnah and taln did not need that many chapters to walk across the country and fall in love. I've read the way of kings I already know kaladin is gonna run in with and army and save the day.
Also merin, who is supposedly "kaladin if he had diffrent life experiences". Is just so incredibly boring, I haven't posted about him because I have nothing to say. He and aredor, I was falling asleep during the chapters of them hanging out. Renarin was the saving part of that entire plotline.
The last 10 chapters where easily the best of the entire book, as hopeless and drawn out as that battle was it got so emotional. You know a situation is bad when both jasnah and dalenar have cried out of greif and hopelessness. Very entertaining.
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puddlejumper38 · 4 years
Way of Kings Prime
I’m reading Way of Kings Prime (but slowly because I’m reading as my work lunch break book) and first of all I’m really enjoying it! I can see why Brandon Sanderson would change the things he has but it’s still a solid book.
I’m not done with it yet but some general rambling below.
Dalenar is sooo much better in actual Way of Kings. We barely see anything of him here. I do miss Dalinar, in both presence and name spelling since he’s one of my favourites. There’s too much time here telling us he’s a good guy and us seeing almost nothing of him.
Interesting getting so much Jasnah. She’s not as badass, but I really like her pov chapters and the whole Awakening thing is such a good plot line.
Speaking of Awakening.... Vasher is blatantly around. Clearly Warbreaker was not yet planned. Kinda fun to watch terms from both just chillin’ in the same world.
I hate Ahven in every way possible and I’m glad he doesn’t exist in the actual series. The Shinri assault (yes yes I know she doesn’t think of it like that but let’s call a spade a spade) was disturbing. I’m glad Branderson just scrapped most of him, Taranragngianvanananan (look, I’d have to copy and paste it to get it right) is much better.
Szeth/Jek is still driving me batshit crazy though. Just.... don’t do what he asks. It’s just a stone! It’s! Just! A! Stone! He was away the day they were handing out basic independence.
Die Elhokar die. Slightly unpopular opinion in that I wanted him to die in the actual Stormlight series too (victory!) but he’s much worse here. I haven’t quite got to it yet (can’t be more than a scene or two away) but I did know going into it that Dalenar kills him. And not a moment too soon.
Kaladin>Merin. Branderson is right: Merin is boring.
No spren, no where near as much worldbuilding. In some ways, it keeps everything more concise and easier to follow but there’s something really appealing in the vastness of the published Stormlight Archive.
RIP Aredor. Though... I’m looking nervously at Adolin right now I’ve got to tell you. Although I’m pretty sure I knew he died in Way of Kings Prime before I started. The perils of reading too many interviews.
Aaaaand then there is Taln. I really really like Taln. My brain is trying to latch on to Taln but since he is a little proto-Taln and I have no idea what actual Taln will be like once he’s feeling a little better this isn’t helpful. I am looking forward to more Taln in the future... many years away... hopefully he doesn’t get stabbed by Moash as revenge for my Elhokar comment.
Oh! But the other Heralds still abandoned him! I haven’t reached the Holy City part yet (hoping they do reach it in this book...?) but I’m betting that either they are dead or he finds the abandoned Honor Blades (or... whatever they’re called in this version). The advisor guy is super shady though and he might be a Herald. Nale Mark 1? I don’t think so though. He’s not stuffy enough to be Nale.
I like Shinri, but then I like Shallan too most of the time. I do miss her illusion stuff, though. I think... while she’s not distinctly a different character its easier for me to separate them.
I’m looking forward to Renarin povs in actual Stormlight. I’m enjoying seeing more of him since he’s very much background for a lot of stuff at the moment in the general series. Seeing the future seems to be more acceptable in this version though.
Speaking of which... no Odium? Or just not yet? Are there Shards? Was the Cosmere a thing at this point? Did the Shattering happen?
It’s slightly disappointing knowing that I’m never actually going to get a complete ending for this version. Weird, since I knew that when I started reading.
I’ll probably write some more ramblings when I actually finish the thing. It’s actually pretty great though, both as an independent story and also in seeing where the Stormlight Archive started.
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nightblink · 7 years
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters 64-68
In which I adore Lift, Evi Kholin deserves So Much Better (as per usual), and we finally get the full version of that story that Sigzil was trying to tell Kaladin.
Chapter Sixty-Four – Binder of Gods
...now there's a title for you.
Chapter preface is a Stoneward pleading for someone to heal the rift between the Windrunners and Skybreakers tell them to get their heads out of their asses most likely
Ooo, we're coming back to the Honorblade, finally! Do you think you've found someone worthy to entrust it to, Dalinar?
Ishar was the one that founded the Radiants, interesting. One would assume that Jezrien, 'king of the Heralds', was the one to do so, but no, it was the patron of the Bondsmiths. Makes sense, in that they're all 'bound' by their Oaths, but that's also an aspect of Honor in general.
[snorts] Dalinar cursing by the Stormfather's name and him responding is never going to get old.
Shit, Ishar's maybe more crazy than the rest of the Heralds? That's… saying something.
omg Stormfather pl e a s e they kind of maybe need that information to help save the world. It might be a good thing to know
….a party trick. What can the Surges of the Bondsmiths do, exactly, Stormfather. You've been a Bondsmith-spren before, did your memory of the Surges degrade as if you were any other spren in the Physical Realm without a bond?
[rolls eyes] And of course no answer on who/what the other Bondsmith-spren are, even when asked directly. Stormfather's basically giving us a RAFO.
Oh hot damn, actual information on how the highstorms Invest spheres – a function of all three Realms via the power of a Shard, even Shattered. So, while highstorms existed before the Shards got to Roshar, they probably weren't Invested before that point in time. And while Stormfather now is bound with a Splinter of Honor, he can't Invest a gem at will – that power is not within his control.
And you're giving them the Honorblade! YES GOOD YOU'RE TRUSTING PEOPLE WORTHY OF SAID TRUST THIS TIME. It's good reasoning, too.
Once again, Rock is the voice of calm in the storm.
Are you finally going to get Gawx here? Maybe Lift too? Ahh, but at least Fen decided to set foot in Urithiru! Having another monarch at his side will probably help convince the others that Dalinar isn't the warmongering conqueror that he once was.
g od but I love Queen Fen
….Navani's sending him with lunch? I'll bet a fistful of emeralds here and now that Lift's going to eat it.
All this Dalivani PDA! [scandalized gasp]
“They can't draw in Light and become Radiant; they first must be approaching Radiance, and look for Light to fulfill the promise.” That's… a really, really beautiful line.
DUDE. Ordering the angry soldiers like a Highprince, then binding them like a Radiant. Nice.
!!!! New banner? It's traditional to change the shape of the glyphs when a new Highprince takes command? FFFFFFFT, I- Dalinar's is the Tower and Crown, and that pair won't be passed exactly as it is now to Adolin? What about the Main Clan Kholin glyphs rather than the Branch Clan Kholin – the Sword and Crown is Elhokar's, and it wasn't Gavilar's as well then? SANDERSON I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS, I NEED TO KNOW-
Fuck off, Amaram, even when you're not directly in the scene. Just. Fuck off.
Ahahahahahah, so… about Sadeas' murder…
And off to face the Azish. That 'good luck' didn't sound too ominous.
Chapter Sixty-Five – Verdict
[snickers] This time a Willshaper griping about the rules, as well as the tower itself.
[cackles] They're very, very jumpy, likely because he's Dalinar more than because he appeared from nowhere out of the Oathgate. There are probably oodles of out-of-proportion rumors about him this far west. (Even if they weren't exaggerated, this is still Dalinar – the man who was the Blackthorn.)
[cackles even louder] You're still ingrained in your Vorin ways, even the merest hint of religion intertwined with politics is strange and anathema to you, even if the visiers and scions don't quite serve the same function as ardents.
!!! Spiritual Adhesion! To make Connection! Oooo, we're getting to see some of the unique Surges now!
omg the poor soldier, 'HE'S GOT ME CAPTAIN WHAT DO I DOOOO'
“The warlord speaks Azish?” this entire chapter has me nonstop laughing, I swear
An essay as the weapon of choice. Perfect for the Azish. And of course the Thaylen Queen would suggest to argue for economic benefit.
A second essay. GLORIOUS.
This just keeps getting better and better. I feel like they should get a room alone with Jasnah's essay. Honestly.
Uh oh, buried memories about the Rift are trying to surface again…
Protestors attracting logicspren! I love it.
[winces] The Alethi/Vorin class system is nothing to brag about, Dalinar, even internally and not out loud to the Azish.
I… oh my god, the Azish Parshmen argued by the Azish legal rules. Which makes sense, as they are still Azish, just not human-Azish. Ah! And Dalinar's actually noticing that fact!
Oooo, and now you've got yourself questioning not only the power of the sword versus that of the pen, but also the strict Vorin division of gendered disciplines. Good.
Lift, how I missed you and your delightful approach to things. You are just the person to state things in blunt terms for Dalinar to confront and mull over.
Speaking of delightful, his description of the Azish decoration is great. Back in Alethkar, Adolin probably sensed his thought and felt a moment of despair.
THERE IT IS – 'TIGHT-BUTT'. Bless u Lift
“And your order?” More food.” I am never going to get tired of their interactions.
AYYY, THEY DECIDED TO ACCEPT HIS OFFER. And with the Prime of Azir are coming all sorts of other leaders. For once, things are actually looking up! (Bets on how long that's going to last, anyone?)
Uh oh. That answer of hers - “an animal” - that triggered a resurging memory.
'He remembered what had happened to Evi.'
Well, fuck.
Chapter Sixty-Six – Strategist
...does. does 'strategist' here apply to Tiny Adolin (who, at nearly-thirteen, is probably just about to be not-so-tiny). 'So full of energy.' My little ADHD prince, yessss. Look at this boy, look at him learning so enthusiastically! Attending tactical meetings, soaking up everything Dalinar's trying his best to teach him.
Suffer all the hugs, Dalinar. Suffer them. If anything else, I'm glad that you haven't steered your sons away from hugs.
All these years, and Evi still hasn't acclimated to the cold. How cold is eastern Roshar as opposed to the western side? I know they've got the Frostlands bordering Alethkar to the south and southeast, but what kind of average temperature difference are we talking?
Ohhh, Evi's trying, trying so hard to be a Good Vorin Wife, even if she's not particularly interested in reading and other pursuits that the Alethi expect of a woman. She's given up so much of herself and her people to try to fit in. And with Dalinar out on campaign, she tries to divide her time between wherever he is and Kholinar, but he doesn't let Renarin come along? Because he's 'unfit for battle'? Fucking hell, Dalinar – and oh, Evi, separated from one of her sons or her husband no matter where she is! I can't even imagine the stress she must be going through, trying so hard to make her marriage work and care for her sons, all in this cold land that she ran to, that she still might not even consider home despite all the years spent in Alethkar… She deserves better. Evi deserves better than this.
Dalinar's the 'strategist' referred to by the title, of course. Looks like he's finally settled into more of the role we knew him in at first, even if he's still The Blackthorn rather than The Highprince.
Three years since he and Gavilar last met up face to face? Daaamn. And I'll bet in those intervening years that Gavilar's  become more and more invested in his 'Sons of Honor' goals. It's, what, only about three years until he gets assassinated? He's probably putting plans in motion already to attempt to bring about the next Desolation.
The whatever-was-so-terrible event that happened at the Rift is looming on the horizon. This is going to be more than just 'putting down a rebellion'.
“I doubt we will ever settle back in Kholinar again.” Oh, that's… that's not good.
Shit, she's crying.
Seven years. “Yes, I married a soldier. It's my fault for not being strong enough to deal with the consequences. Thank you, Dalinar. You've made that very clear.”
Oh, Evi.
This has been an argument long in the making. She's put up with so much, set aside her own wellbeing and happiness for his sake, and for what? For what.
(Toh is apparently living in Herdaz. I wonder if he's still there in the present time.)
'The argument was her fault, as were the repercussions.' Oh you fucking brick-headed dumbshit sack of trash. GET OVER HERE SO I CAN PUNCH YOU
Chapter Sixty-Seven – Mishim
[squints] 'Mishim' is the name of one of Roshar's moons, isn't it? Alongside Nomon and Salas. Huh. Maybe this means a nighttime mission?
...a Skybreaker notes that 'this generation has had only one Bondsmith', stating it as a Bad Thing, and speculating that it has something to do with Honor. They didn't say which spren it was – the Stormfather or another – so perhaps this was around the time of Honor's Shattering.
Shallan is shaking off her own murder remarkably well, all things considered. She believes the figure she saw in the mirror to be the presence of the Unmade, though, which I hadn't even considered.
[rolls around in glee at the casual, fond Shadolin physical contact]
[facepalms] Elhokar, you really are stuck in denial at this point. Aesudan is either under the influence of the Unmade or dead at this point; there's really not much of an option that she'd be able to resist it.
Gavinor. For once, you say your son's name. I think this might be the first time we've actually heard you say it.
This all sounds like a fairly sound plan. I'm actually rather impressed; Elhokar is doing much better now than he was before. He's much more stable emotionally and has more confidence in his ideas. A gloryspren at a compliment from Adolin, though? I… huh. He really values his cousin's advice and approval. H e r alds I need to write more exploring these two (my kingdom for an Elhokar RPer, seriously)
He married Aesudan for her strength – because of her ambition, not despite it. I really hope we get some more insight into that whole relationship. Gavilar's marriage to Navani didn't exactly give Elhokar the best example to model his own marriage on, and seven years away at war definitely didn't foster any closeness between them.
(considering his Very Obvious Crush on Kaladin, I still wonder if he's gay and only married for the politics and an heir)
Cultural Note: at the tailor shop for women, there's a woman handling the money and a man doing the tailoring work. Looks like in Alethkar those likely aren't gender-locked roles/professions
So. There's at least one food stockpile in this area. Still don't know where it came from, but it's under the control of a minor lighteyes – one whose soldiers and scribes aren't the best at their jobs.
'Storming lighteyes'. Veil. You may be a personality that Shallan based on her understanding and imagining of a darkeyed Alethi woman but that's still Shallan's perception. Kaladin – and his more-than-justified dislike of lighteyes – you ain't. Be critical of the lord's practices all you want, but remember that you're a lighteyes too. You can't erase that fact.
Those altered angerspren are… thematically appropriate, but also creepy as fuck.
Oh! This is the story that Sigzil was trying to tell! But, true to form, Hoid does it with a vivacity and flair unlike any other.
Interesting – the Rosharans, or at least the Alethi, personify two of the moons as female (Mishim and Salas) and one as male (Nomon).
Wit can Lightweave, and he definitely uses it in some of his storytelling, but this – this is skill of the hand (and maybe something a little extra woven in). He's pretty much immortal, so he's definitely had time to practice!
….what did you see in your pack, Wit. Do you have a Radiant-dar.
HAH. Whether he does or doesn't, he just saw right through Shallan's illusion – either literally or figuratively doesn't matter – and she knows that he knows.
WAIT HOLY SHIT IT'S SHALLAN AGAIN, I JUST REALIZED. WHERE- [flips back a few pages] Wit's voice. She was Veil before that, and as soon as we got 'What was that sound?' she immediately shifts back to Shallan again.
I am loving the mythology behind the Natan people's blue skin. We may not have an actual explanation for that yet – knowing Sanderson, there is one – but I am definitely content for now. We got a Hoid Story, after all, and more cultural worldbuilding on top of that.
You do have a Radiant-dar. In a jar.
Chapter Sixty-Eight – Aim for the Sun
Coming from a story about one of the moons, now we have a chapter title referencing the sun? (I will not yell about characters I associate with the sun and this being a Shallan chapter, I will not-)
This Elsecaller's recording sounds like it could be Jasnah from another place and time. What is this 'Sibling' that they mention though?
Shallan's observation notes the Alethi proprietor of this place as short, but honestly, for an Alethi, that just means around five-ten to six-foot, right?
I have missed Wit so much. So much.
Ooop, guess you should be taking thieving lessons from him, hmm?
I'm not sure the universe knows why it puts up with you, Hoid, or even if you do yourself.
“The persona...fled once you recognized me.” You mean Veil dissipated when your subconscious realized it was Wit's voice you were hearing – perhaps because of the safety/assurance you associate with him? Because these personas are protecting you – a more solid form of a mask against the world, so that you don't have to deal with things like your lighteyed privilege and lack of knowledge about people and the world in general (Veil) or your trauma regarding Pattern-as-a-Blade and killing your mother with him (Radiant) – once you heard Wit, that mask just wasn't there. There was no transition, nothing. Just… poof.
….I suddenly have a mighty need to hear about these seven time you got mixed up in religion, Hoid.
The way he speaks makes me wonder if Wisdom is a Shard, and Shallan just isn't hearing the capitalization.
Oh, we haven't seen her get in a back-and-forth this delightful since back with her early times with Jasnah, maybe even as far back as the first book! I'm getting the feeling that this conversation is really pulling the Shallan part of Shallan to the foreground.
OH MAN WIT DIDN'T KNOW SADEAS WAS KILLED. “Storms, no. I'd have applauded.” And perhaps even composed a jig on the spot in memory of the occasion.
[hums] There's the title drop, and in a much more understandable context than my silent screaming off to the side.
Oh, Shallan. As composed as Wit seems to be from the outside, once again your perception remains remarkably superficial. Did you catch nothing from the moment that you looked into his eyes and saw mountains crumbling? Though the ability to “change things”… yes, that'd be an enviable one. Even so, the way that Hoid does it isn't the way that you necessarily should.
“For men never see as far as they think they do.” Ooof. And isn't that the truth. Even ones like Dalinar who try to change it for the better don't know how that stone will eventually end up.
He's right. Be wary of Hoid, Shallan. He may be an ally, but he would let Roshar crumble to save the Cosmere. What he might in the end term the best and most necessary way to handle things may not be in the favour of you and yours.
“The Heart of the Revel”. The Unmade. So. It has influence over the members of the cult, and especially so over those of… perhaps not the inner circle, but 'those in the know'. Even if Wit can get you in, it won't be an easy infiltration.
“You already know how. Learn why.” Oh, now there's a question to ask. This being Shallan, she'll internalize and contemplate a question like that better than she would an outright story and Hoid knows it.
“He said he'd treat me like a king.” [SNORTS] Considering how he's treated kings in the past? You're getting off well on this one, good innkeeper.
Hoid feels like a spren to Pattern? Or by 'one of us' does he instead mean like a Radiant – that's the real question.
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