#in your old home with your family and immediately launching into banter but feeling your past sins weighing on you heavily
firestorm09890 · 6 months
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really good novel addition to this DDD scene
the theological implications of the phrase "what the devil"
Ienzo/Zexion's reputation as The Guy Who Knows Things
Lea's immediate instinct to tease him for it as soon as he speaks, followed by the realization that from Ienzo’s perspective Axel had JUST goaded someone into killing him, the fruitless hope that Ienzo would not remember that happened so that the consequences of Axel’s actions would not catch up to him after all this time, and then the decision to leave the room as soon as possible so Ienzo would not be able to bring it up
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let-the-dream-begin · 4 years
In My Daughter’s Eyes Chapter 9: Affirmation
Chapter 8
Read on AO3
A friend of mine just made some incredible fanart for this story, and I am so in love with it! Please check it out for some adorableness!
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November 25
Claire took a shaky breath, still gripping the steering wheel despite the fact that her car had been in park for about five minutes. She was parked in the Abernathy driveway, a store-bought apple pie (something she’d discovered that Americans eat on Thanksgiving) sitting in the passenger seat.
Thanksgiving had been this past Thursday, but both Claire and Joe had been working. Upon realizing that Claire had never celebrated Thanksgiving and had no intention of really doing so, he insisted that Claire come over on Sunday when he was off for her and Faith’s first Thanksgiving Dinner.
Claire had no idea why she felt so panicked; it was just Joe, after all. He had seen her at her absolute worst at the hospital, repeatedly. He knew the ins and outs of Faith’s condition because Faith seemed to be the only thing Claire could talk about other than actual hospital business. He had promised that his wife would be aware, that he would make his kids as well aware as possible. He’d texted her several times that he and Gail were so excited to have her, that their little Delia was dying to meet Faith.
Still, the devil on her shoulder was screaming that Faith wasn’t ready for this, that if she slowed the slightest bit of discomfort, Joe would never welcome them into his home again, and he’d look down on her as an incompetent parent for the rest of her life.
“Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?”
Faith’s sensory overload had been triggered at an Oxford event, a full-blown meltdown had ensued, and they’d had to leave twenty minutes after arriving.
“She can’t help it, Frank. It was too much for her. I should have known that she couldn’t handle such a big crowd.”
“You’re right,” he snarled, roughly loosening his tie and throwing it on the dresser. “You should have known.”
Claire shook her head to clear her mind, repeating the familiar mantra:
Joe is not Frank. His family is not the Oxford faculty.
Taking advantage of a sudden boost of confidence before it disappeared, Claire got out of the car and unbuckled Faith. She got halfway up the driveway before she realized she left the pie on the passenger seat, then ran back to get it. She stood on the porch and crouched down to straighten Faith’s brown and green dress and flatten a few wild curls, then stood up and straightened her own sweater, pulling it further down over her jeans.
“Ready, baby?” Claire said. “We can do it, yes?”
Faith gave Claire a thumbs up, and that was all she needed to ring the doorbell.
“Lady Jane!” Joe exclaimed as he opened the door. “You look lovely, my friend.”
“Thanks, Joe.” Claire smiled warmly.
“And this little cutie must be Faith.” He crouched down, eye level with her, as Claire had mentioned made her least anxious when meeting strangers. “Hi there, sweetie. I’m Joe, your mom’s friend. It’s great to meet you.” Faith shyly pressed Horsie into her face. “I like your horse, Faith. I’m glad you brought him. There’s plenty of food to go around.”
Claire chuckled as Joe stood to full height once more. “She okay?”
“Yes, I think she’s fine.”
“Great, come on in. Let me take that pie.” As they crossed the threshold, a beautiful black woman swooped in from the end of the hall, her purple sweater making her eyes glimmer.
“Oh, look at you!” she exclaimed. “It is so good to finally put a face to the name.” She gave Claire her hand. “Gail.”
“Claire. And this is Faith.”
She hid behind Horsie again as Gail crouched down. “Hello, little lady. It’s great to meet you. Your dress is very pretty.”
“Say thank you, baby. You know the sign.” Claire crouched down next to Faith and signed thank you. “Miss Gail said your dress is pretty. Say thank you?” She signed again, and Faith copied the best she could with one hand clutching Horsie. “Good girl, Faith. Very good.”
“You’re welcome,” Gail said warmly. “What’s the sign?” Claire’s smile got even wider, showing Gail the sign, and she repeated it to Faith. “You’re welcome, Faith.”
Faith hid her smile in Horsie, but Claire could see it.
“She likes you,” Claire said, standing up along with Gail.
“Well I like her, too.” Gail winked down at Faith. “Here, give me your coats, come in, have a drink, relax.”
A loud shriek suddenly rang through the house, and Faith dropped Horsie to cover her ears.
“Easy, little man,” Claire heard Joe’s voice, followed by:
“Gotta be quiet, Lenny,” a little girl said. “Mama said.”
Claire picked up Horsie and Faith and rocked her. “It’s alright, darling. It was just a little baby. It’s okay.”
“I’m so sorry,” Gail said as they entered the living room. “I swear he doesn’t usually do that.”
“It’s okay, she’s fine,” Claire assured her, despite the fact that Faith’s hands were still glued to her ears.
Joe was standing by the fireplace holding a toddler, three-year-old Lenny, and standing next to him was an adorable little girl in a blue dress.
“Hi, Miss Beauchamp,” the girl said politely. “I’m Dee-Dee.”
“Well hello, there,” Claire said, smiling again. “Your Dad has told me all about you, Dee-Dee. Please, call me Claire.”
Delia looked skeptically to each parent, waiting for their approval to address her informally.
“Okay. Hi, Claire.”
“Faith, lovie,” Claire coaxed, whispering into her temple. “There’s a little girl who’d like to meet you. Can you please move your hands now? It isn’t loud anymore, I promise.” Faith looked down at Delia. “I’m going to put you down now, okay?” Claire slowly lowered Faith to the floor, and she didn’t object.
“Hi, Faith,” Delia said. “My Daddy told me you’re real special. Wanna play?” Faith stared back at her. “I brought lots of dollies from my room that you can play with. Wanna see?”
“Can you show her the dolls, Dee-Dee?” Claire said gently, taking Faith’s hand.
“Uh-huh, follow me.” She led them to the corner of the living room, where the girl had obviously created a little arrangement of all her favorite dolls, surrounding a little dollhouse. “See? They’re pretty.”
“They’re very pretty,” Claire agreed. “Here darling.” Claire picked up one of the dolls and handed it to Faith. “See? Dee-Dee is going to share her dolls.” Faith took the doll in the hand that wasn’t holding Horsie. “Can you be a good girl with Dee-Dee, Faith?” Claire held up her thumb, and Faith copied. “There you go. Good girl.”
“Don’t worry, Claire. Daddy told me we gotta play quiet games,” Delia said seriously. “All my dollies are quiet, and I’m really quiet, too.”
“That’s very good, sweetheart. Thank you so much.”
Delia nodded, then sat down on the floor. “C’mon, Faith. Sit down and play.”
Claire slowly backed away from them, waiting for Faith to start whining for her to come back. She breathed a sigh of relief when she made it to the couch without Faith protesting. Gail was already waiting with a drink, and a plate of appetizers had been put on the coffee table.
“She’s so sweet,” Claire said as she accepted the drink from Gail. “Very thoughtful and sensitive. And she’s only six?”
“Yeah, she’s a good one,” Gail said, sitting down next to her. “Not like that one.” She gestured to Lenny, who Joe had to scoop up again to prevent from launching himself at the girls. “Troublemaker.”
Claire chuckled. “Drives her crazy, I bet.”
“Sure does. Doesn’t help that she bosses him around.” Gail took a pig-in-a-blanket into her fingers.
“Big sisters do that,” Joe piped in, sitting in an armchair with Lenny in his lap.
“So, Claire, tell me all about jolly-old-England. I’ve never been out of the States,” Gail said eagerly, popping the mini hotdog into her mouth.
Claire chuckled and took a sip of her drink. “Well, what do you want to know?”
The afternoon progressed without a hitch; Joe and Gail were always careful to remove Lenny from the room if it seemed like he was about to be loud, and they took turns keeping him occupied so he didn’t bombard Faith. Claire was overwhelmed. Never before had anyone taken such measures to be sure that her daughter was comfortable. Back in England, if Claire had merely suggested that they bring awareness to Faith’s special needs to anybody who invited them over, Frank immediately shut it down. He had truly made her feel like she was crazy, like there was really no need for her to worry at all. And then when things inevitably went wrong, it was her fault for not having the foresight to leave her home.
Delia was especially a marvel. She must have been the calmest six year old Claire had ever met. She was so gentle with Faith, and spoke so calmly. She didn’t seem bothered at all that Faith didn’t answer when she talked to her; she seemed more than happy to take the lead on whatever game they were playing. She just chattered away to her, and Faith seemed quite content.
She’s never had a friend.
Claire almost cried into her turkey to think about it.
The meal was quite delicious, a wide assortment of things that Joe assured her were “Thanksgiving foods.” Faith refused to eat the turkey no matter what Claire tried so, in the end, to avoid a meltdown, Claire removed the poultry from her plate and gave her extra carrots instead. Faith’s favorite, by far, was the sweet potatoes with marshmallows, something that Claire had reflexively wrinkled her nose at. Joe, however, insisted she try it at least once, and she had been proven wrong immediately.
The Abernathy Thanksgiving tradition was a board game in between dinner and dessert, and Delia decided on Candy Land. Faith sat in Claire’s lap while she played, letting her pick the cards and move the piece where Claire told her to. Lenny had free range of the living room while Faith was otherwise occupied. Claire found herself dizzy with glee for the entire game, thoroughly enjoying Joe and Gail’s competitive banter, as well as Delia’s constant insistence that she would win.
But it was Faith’s joy that took the cake.
She wasn’t just comfortable, she was happy. She was enjoying herself. She was humming, and stimming, and bouncing in Claire’s lap. How many years had Claire been terrified to take her out of the house, and now here she was, happy as ever…?
Joe had nearly won the game, but he purposely kept making silly mistakes so that Delia would win. Winner, of course, had to clean up the game, while Gail and Joe set out dessert in the dining room. Claire blushed with embarrassment to see that the pie she’d brought was the only store-bought item on the table.
“I almost put it in my own container and pretended I made it myself,” she said jokingly.
Joe laughed. “Doesn’t matter where it came from, Lady Jane. What matters is that you brought it.”
Claire almost burst into tears again.
Dessert was just as delicious and fun as dinner. Evidently, Claire’s apple pie paired quite nicely with Gail’s homemade pumpkin and chocolate pie. Everyone made sure to have at least one piece of each, Joe going in for a second of each. By the end of the night, Claire’s stomach hurt from laughter, and her cheeks were sore from smiling. Faith fell asleep on Claire’s lap, face nuzzled into her breast, and Lenny was down for the night upstairs. Delia was more than content to sit at the table and listen to grown-up conversation, though she was quite close to falling asleep on her hands.
Claire had mentioned Faith’s therapy at the hospital, but Joe was eager to hear more, and Gail was excited to hear about it at all. She regaled the story of Faith’s first interaction with the horse, and the first time she got on the horse. She told them all about Jamie, how he had this magic touch that settled Faith immediately, how he went above and beyond to make Faith happy.
The more Claire went on, the more Joe was getting this look on his face that Claire couldn’t put a name to. Then, as she continued, she realized that the look appeared every time she mentioned Jamie…which was actually quite often. She said his name again, and Joe looked at her again, cocking an eyebrow. She opened her mouth to say something in response, something snarky, but she lost her nerve the longer she thought about it.
Which was strange, because she was never one to lose her nerve.
She quickly turned the conversation back on Joe, and before long, Mister Jamie and his blue eyes were out of sight and out of mind.
“You know,” Claire said, everyone coming down from laughter over an anecdote of a particularly spirited patient they’d had this week. “I’m really, really grateful that you had us today. Your home is beautiful, the food was great, and you’re all just…wonderful.”
“Please, Claire, it was our pleasure,” Gail said. “You’re great company. Ever since Joe’s family moved we’ve missed having people over for Thanksgiving. And Dee-Dee loved playing with Faith.”
Delia shook herself awake enough to nod in response.
“Faith liked playing with her too.” Claire rubbed her back. “She was really great with her. You’ve both done a lovely job with her.”
“Well thanks,” Joe said. “You’ve done a great job with yours, Lady Jane.”
Claire smiled and leaned her cheek on the top of Faith’s head.
“Speaking of…” Gail said. “Looks like it’s past somebody’s bedtime.”
“Not tired, Mama.”
“Oh, yes you are. Come on, young lady.”
“I should get going, too,” Claire said reluctantly, standing up with Faith.
“Oh, are you sure?” Gail said. “You can put Faith down in the guest room and we can have some more drinks.”
“I appreciate that, truly. But I do have a six o’clock shift.”
“Ah, that’s right. Claire takes all the crappy shifts,” Joe said.
“Just so I can have weekends off,” Claire said. “I’d do anything they asked if it means I don’t have to work Saturday or Sunday, or Fridays past four for that matter.”
“Of course, of course,” Joe said.
“Well hold on, now, you’re not going anywhere without leftovers.” Gail shuffled into the kitchen. “Come on Dee, you wanna stay up, you’re gonna help Mama.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“It’s your food,” Claire objected, following her into the kitchen and shifting Faith’s weight around. “I don’t want to take it, please, we don’t need — ”
“Oh, stop being so damn polite.” Gail waved her off, shoveling potatoes into a Tupperware container. “No way we’d eat all this before it goes bad. This’ll feed you both for a week.”
Claire couldn’t help but smile. “I guess all those microwave dinners will have to sit in the freezer for another week.”
They all laughed at that.
Leftovers packed in containers and a paper bag, everyone shifted from the kitchen into the main hallway.
“Listen, Claire, let’s not wait for another holiday to do this again, alright?” Joe put a hand on the shoulder that Faith’s head was not laying on. “It was really great to have you. Both of you.”
Claire’s heart felt fit to burst, and she couldn’t stop the tears that rushed to her eyes.
“Thank you, Joe. Really. This means…a lot to us.”
“Us, too,” Gail said, Delia wrapped around her waist, half asleep.
“Goodnight, Lady Jane.”
“Goodnight Joe. Gail, Delia.”
“Goodnight, honey.”
Claire had to keep pausing in her buckling of Faith’s car seat to wipe tears from her eyes.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered, brushing frizzled little curls off of Faith’s forehead. “We’re doing it, lovie.”
This fresh start was truly the best thing that ever happened to them.
December 18
Claire was bouncing in her seat, almost exactly like she’d seen her daughter do countless times. She’d rearranged her entire schedule this week so that she could meet Gillian’s plane. She’d come straight here from work, with Faith still at home with Mrs. Lickett. As much as she’d love to have Faith greet her Auntie right away, she figured that would not be wise considering how things had gone the last time they were in an airport together.
She kept checking her phone, as if planes could actually adhere to their exact schedules. The plane was supposed to arrive in five minutes. Claire remembered quite vividly the day she’d said goodbye to Gillian back in Oxfordshire, the bone crushing hug and the tears they shed on each other. They hadn’t been apart more than a few days since the day they met, and no one else had been there for her as steadfastly when Frank left. That day, she wasn’t sure she could go on without her. Which was more than she could say for going on without her husband. She was quite sure she could do that.
So to see her in more or less five minutes after three months had her as giddy as Faith anticipating the opening notes to Frozen.
After an eternity of about fifteen minutes, the announcement that her flight landed sounded and Claire jumped out of her seat. Obviously it would be another ten minutes at least before the plane was lined up at the gate, but she just couldn't sit still anymore.
When people finally started pouring out of the bridge, and Claire caught sight of that strawberry-blonde head, she suddenly felt like a freshman in college again, waving like an idiot to get her attention across campus.
Her elfin face lit up immediately upon seeing her, and she shoved past about six people and started sprinting toward Claire. With a girlish squeal, the two women collided with a force that knocked the wind out of Claire.
“Oh my God!” Gillian exclaimed, squeezing the life out of Claire. “Jesus! Let me look at you!” She held Claire at arms length, and she squealed again. “My God, Claire, ye’ve gotten even hotter!”
Claire gave quite an unattractive guffaw and swatted her arm. “You look great too, Gi.”
Gillian promptly squealed again and pulled her in for another air-compressing hug.
After about five more minutes of fawning over one another, they proceeded arm-in-arm to baggage claim, then outside to Claire’s car.
“Hope ye didn’t pay too much fer parking,” Gillian said as she slung her suitcase into the trunk.
“Oh, you know, America,” Claire said, rolling her eyes. “It was robbery, of course.”
Gillian snorted before getting into the passenger seat. “It’s a lovely set o’ wheels. How long did it take ye to no’ drive on the wrong side o’ the road?”
Claire chuckled as she put the car in reverse to pull out of her spot. “Not as long as I thought. I do still have to consciously think about it.”
“I hope it isna too long to yer place, I’m starving. That shite on a platter they give ye on the plane just doesna cut it. No’ to mention I’m dying to see my wee niece.”
Claire beamed. “She is so excited to see you. I’ve been telling her every day for a week how many days until Auntie Gi. She was practically vibrating this morning when I told her today was the day.” They both shared a laugh at that. “And as for being hungry, I already placed a delivery order to arrive shortly after we get home.”
Gillian leaned her head back into the seat, sighing. “I could kiss ye.”
Claire scoffed affectionately, giving Gillian’s thigh a pat before turning her attention back to the road.
When they arrived at the apartment, Gillian was in awe at the sheer suburban-ness of the place. Together, they lugged the suitcase up the stairs, and Claire couldn't help but smile already before she even turned the lock.
As she’d expected, Faith was already right by the front door, having heard the car arrive, and promptly threw herself on Gillian’s legs.
“There she is!” Gillian cried, bending down to lift her and settle her on her hip. She gave an exaggerated grunt as she did. “Jesus, Faith, ye’ve gotten so big I can hardly lift ye anymore!”
Faith was squealing with giggles, stimming without restraint, humming loudly. She threw her arms around Gillian’s neck and squeezed tightly, causing everyone, including Mrs. Lickett, to laugh affectionately.
“Och, I missed ye so much, wee girl,” Gillian crooned as she stepped into the apartment, Claire following behind with the suitcase. “She really has gotten so big, how has it only been three months?”
“I know, I can’t believe how fast she’s growing.” Claire leaned against the couch, her heart full. “Oh, Gillian, this is Faith’s caretaker, Mrs. Lickett.” The older woman smiled warmly from the other side of the coffee table.
“Great to meet ye, I’ve heard so much,” Gillian said.
“So have I, about you,” Mrs. Lickett returned.
The woman gathered her things and left, Gillian coaxing the little girl in her arms to wave goodbye.
“Fifteen minutes until Italian food,” Claire sighed, plopping herself on the couch.
“Ah, New York Italian food,” Gillian said, sitting down beside her and putting Faith in her lap. “A delicacy.”
“Indeed. You were right about that.” Claire watched gleefully as Faith hummed and ran her fingers through Gillians straight, silky hair. It was quite a different texture from her mother’s untamable curls, so she was likely enjoying the sensation quite a bit.
Dinner arrived and was eaten with much celebration, including a bottle of wine that Claire had been saving for the occasion. Faith had vehemently insisted on being given some, which Claire had anticipated, and cleverly served her a little cup of grape juice. They clinked their glasses and cups together, making Faith smile wide as ever.
A comedy of manners ensued when they tried to get the air mattress blown up in the living room, especially with the obtrusive Christmas tree in the way. Several failed attempts later, it was blown up and fully made, just before Faith’s patience ran out in waiting for her movie. They sat cuddled under a blanket on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast, Faith laughing her head off at Gillian’s extremely poor attempts at singing along.
After Faith was in bed, Gillian and Claire spent hours cuddled under the blanket, passing the wine bottle back and forth, updating each other on anything and everything. They were up much later than Claire should have been, being that she had a shift at eight in the morning, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Sitting there, tipsy, with her best friend, whispering and giggling into the wee hours of the morning was the most uninhibited she’d felt in years.
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mrsmess · 3 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 15, finally):
Favorite episodes (in chronological order):
15:4 Atomic Monsters - Demon!Sam flashbacks! Dean in a beard! Some old fashioned banter! Meatman! Beaverdale! Love how Sam starts arguing w the parents in the parking lot - Me too, Sam, me too. Loving the self-aware monster. I know Becky is problematique™, but I dig her, so, all kinds of fuck Chuck. He must die, and when he does this is the episode I’ll think about.
15:6 Golden Time - Badass protection spells. Dean in a robe and a hot dog pyjamas. Cas going by Clarence. Jogging Sam. Eileen! God I ship her and Sam, and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that I don’t ship him w anyone. Liking this ep a lot, every little side plot. Nice. And Eileen is back and I know it won’t last but like, that was awesome.
15:10 The Heroes’ Journey - Pretty neat intro. Monster on monster violence to the sound of Clair the Lune. Oh, and excellent casting of Garth’s kids. Regular people trouble... Awesome! Brilliant! This is the kind of meta storylines this show should deal in, exclusively. Oh my Garth! Explosives! Why isn’t every episode like this?
15:11 The Gamblers - Oh, is this another lucky coin episode? In that case yes please! More inconsequential bullshit kindly! Loving Sam staying in touch w Eileen. Hey guys, remember when you did the gambling thing w your years? And the rabbit’s foot? Good times. Will this be an equally good time? I hope so. A god! Excellent. ”Lady, I’m Tolstoy.” Yeah ya are, and i’m dead. The guys and Fortuna bashing god. And I'm equally delighted and distraught over the lore that god created man, man imagined gods and god decided to create the other gods to play into man’s ideas, or as a distraction.
15:13 Destiny’s Child - Omg the intro! Savage garden! I’m dead. Jack w the sandwich, why is that so funny? Cas is a gem this episode! ”’Sexually intimate’?” Lol. That’s what you get for trying to speak plainly, Cas! Hunter Corp. I’m dead, again. Keep the different Deans and Sams coming! I’m digging this! Why would they send ‘em to Rio? They could be your buffy-bots!
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15:14 Last Holiday - Weird people popping up in the hq is awesome. And Dean’s immediate instinct to yell for Sam reminds me of me calling mr mess for everything! ”Shouldnt you be in the woods? Nymfing?” Monster radar? Oh, oh this is excellent. So mrs Butters is capable of murder when home and family are threatened, good for her. They better not kill her. I can accept them returning her to the wild. Yes! Did I call it or did I call it? Good Supernatural, good boy! And Dean making a cake for Jack! My heart.
Fail episodes (in chronological order):
15:2 Raising Hell - Rowena! Instant win. Ketch. Instant lose. Ketch undressing Rowena with his eyes = rating plummeting. Jeez. A bit dangerous even joking about the GoT finale, don’t you think? Rowena and Ketch full on flirting... this is hell, I'm being punished.
15:3 The Rupture - Don’t call him god! His name is Sucky-Chucky. The shock of Cas! “You’ve been playing us the whole time!” This is how it works Cas, where have you been? They're always solving problems like Jason Mendoza. In-Dean-angry-voice: “Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.” Rowena! And Sam! No!
15:5 Proverbs 17:3 - Listen, spn, it’s your last season and if you like just wanna stop writing and casting women completely rn i won't stop you or hold it against you (also why are these ladies identical?). We’ve had a terrible run but lets just let bygones be bygones.
15:8 Our father, who aren’t in heaven - Gosh, having Eileen in the show is painful, I’m just constantly expecting a piano to fall on her head. *Ugh* Sucky-yucky-Chucky. But hey, at least everybody else looks better alongside him. Case and point: I never rly cared that much for Donatello, but it’s great to see him, and Michael’s back, sure is nice to see him too.
15:9 The trap - Ugh. Main plot shit and Sucky-yucky-fucking-Chucky. Fail. Although the flashforward to jan 6th 2021 was a hoot (but probably not meant like one, huh?) Dean’s monologue in purgatory though... gosh. This show would be nothing w/o Jensen Ackles. Omg the kiss! Nice. However, the show at this point has lost the ability to offer any sort of pleasure. Because like Sam, we know which way this will go. They used to have some hedonism working for the characters but now they don’t even have that.
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15:20 Carry on - You know what? I’m not gonna make this post longer than it already is talking about the last episode of Supernatural, that has been done better by people w real grievances w the show. The kindest thing you can say about the finale is that it just as well could’ve been jammed into a few extra minutes added to the previous episode.
Mediocre mentions:
Drag me away (from you) - what is this ugly cell interface? The opposite of product placement. Yay! Retro episode! And they got the same actor to play Dean, neato! Dean admitting he had a hard time handling hunting, that always gets me. Woah! That scream effect without reverb was kinda startling. And the camera zooming in on the little porcelain clown even though Sam is nowhere n- oh shit. This was an interesting episode
Inherit the earth - Goooood I hate Chucky. Barefoot Sam is okay though. Digging this soundtrack too. Very un-Supernatural. Nice to meet ya Betty, but I wouldn’t pull up a chair if I were you. Always a fan of the shiteating grin. Jack, stripping god of his power, that’s so hot. And again: kudos to the soundtrack! The Youngbloods and then Jackson freakin’ Browne! And you know, it’s clichéd and kinda vacant, but also kinda nice. I’m cool with the story ending like this. Why did they have to do another one? Supernatural has never known when to quit, and this is the very real backside of this.
Honorable mentions:
I don’t know who this Ardat chick is but killing Ketch puts her instantly in my win column.
Winchester-dumb, new household term.
”Feels like were taking a big, probably stupid risk. Feels good.” That made me feel good too.
I’m vastly enjoying this dark-art hippie couple in Unity and Jack’s interaction w them.
Cas launching straight into his dramatic I-will-not-let-you-end-your-own-life-speech when Sam casually mentions he’d like to talk to death in Unity, that angel has seen some things, and he has learned.
Those are some pretty pretty death effects on Jack in Despair/The Truth.
Obviously Misha Collins
Things that makes you go hmm:
Which of the clowns is this supposed to be in Back and to the Future? Because the one from season 2 was a monster, right? So he would’ve gone to purgatory. You know what? I’m not an expert. I try to not pay too much attention ’cause it makes me funny in the head. But just, y’know, a general objection.
Here’s my deal w death as a looming threat in this show: it holds no weight. And even if it did it has been painted as the ultimate relief, unless you go to hell, these characters know for a fact that there’s a potentially blissful afterlife, so their attitude towards death should be, what? More pragmatic, I think. And it’s partly why Ackles is wasted on this show; That man can deliver a death monologue like it’s nobody’s business, too bad all those words have been rendered meaningless after 15 seasons of this shit!
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Summing up:
So, I did not go into or leave this season happy, I knew how it would end and I was sad for everyone the show screwed over (more than it already had). Which really meant that I always had to force myself to watch another episode, knowing what was coming. But I had to see it through. I did, so I’ll give myself a pat on the back and get to work on my own personal selection of episodes that will henceforth represent spn to me. A selection I’ll enjoy all the way through. All in all I think the most frustrating thing about the show is how it insists on taking itself so freakin’ seriously. It has always done horror *and* humor best and this whole heaven and hell aspect has never sat right w me, and in any case they should’ve leaned more on “supernatural” narrative tropes (if you will) getting out of their plot problems, gambled some more and thought a bit more outside genre conventions *especially* in their main arcs, they opened up so many opportunities that they never even used. They could’ve been more like Buffy, or Doctor Who. That said, I’ll always get that spn-itch, and when I do, I’ll be happy to have seen all the episodes so I’ll know which ones to avoid.
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half-bakedboy · 4 years
Read Winter Not-So-Wonderland on AO3
Alec hated winter. Winter in New York was colder than it needed to be, busier than anyone wanted it to be, and had treacherous weather that changed people’s lives. As the scalding coffee burned it’s way down Alec’s throat, the memories flooded through him. Bright lights, wide eyes, screeching metal, the burning smell… 
Alec shook his head abruptly, shaking off the dread creeping up on him as it always did this time of year. Christmas Eve was always one of Alec’s favorite days of the year. Family tradition dictated each of the Lightwood children would open one present. Jace would open a piece of sports equipment and lock himself in the basement for the rest of the night to try it out. Izzy would open a new makeup product and spend hours putting it on and taking it off. Alec would open a book that he’d spend the night getting lost in. And Max would get the same as whatever sibling he had attached himself to that year. 
Last year, Max opened two tickets to a late night screening of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He had begged Alec to read the book with him a few months prior after Alec’s first boyfriend, Magnus, gifted it to him. Max had immediately became obsessed with the series as every 9-year-old did. When Alec found out a local theater was doing a special Christmas Eve showing, Alec convinced his parents to let the brothers skip the family movie night. Magnus picked them up in front of their house and the three started their adventure as the snow started to fall. 
The bell above the front door of Alec’s favorite cafe sounded, breaking Alec from his thoughts once more. Luke’s booming voice and a squeal from Clary had Alec looking away from his Harry Potter book for the first time in hours. 
“I thought we had lost you to LA, you son of a bitch,” Luke yelled, pulling the man into a tight hug. Alec couldn’t see his face but a pang of sadness shot through his heart. Clary pushed her father away to throw her arms around the man’s neck. 
“You didn’t tell me you were coming by!” Clary practically screamed. Alec couldn’t help but think the whole exchange was less than business like but that wasn’t rare when it came to Clary. He thought maybe the thought was just a bit of anxiety seeping out.
“Biscuit, how could I not see you and your father for this holiday?” At the sound of his smooth voice, Alec’s entire body froze, the book in his hand dropping with a loud thump on the table. Luke seemed to notice, his eyes widening as they shot toward Alec. 
“Are you here for Christmas? Please tell me you are!” Clary asked hopefully, her eyes begging her words to be true. The man chuckled and stroked a hand through Clary’s hair. Alec’s heart constricted, his breath quickening. He remembered how those comforting hands felt on him. 
“Yes, Biscuit, I am going to be spending Christmas here. In fact, my company is opening a new store in New York so…” The man waved his hands, an extravagant gesture that somehow looked normal coming from him. “As of yesterday, I’m home,” he finished. The squeal from Clary knocked Alec out of his daze and his hand flung out to grab his book for comfort. The motion was too quick, though, and before he knew it his coffee was pouring onto the table. Any other day, he wouldn’t have cared that his book was covered in coffee, but this was Max’s book. The one thing of Max’s that Alec cherished so deeply. He cursed loudly and grabbed the novel, wiping it rapidly with his hand. A pair of manicured hands handed him paper towels and he froze again. 
“Alexander…” The man said softly, his hand resting on the small of Alec’s back. Alec jumped at the touch and ignored the hurt look that flashed across the mans face. 
“Magnus,” Alec whispered, the panic obvious in his voice. He closed his eyes as memories overtook him again. 
“Magnus, do you think there will be other Ravenclaw’s there? I’m wearing the hat you brought me so people can be sure to know I’m a Ravenclaw!” Max yelled excitedly from the back seat. He had taken his seatbelt off so he could lean over the center console to show Magnus the blue and bronze winter beanie he begged Magnus to get him. Magnus chuckled and patted his head gently. Alec looked on, smiling softly and tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach. 
“Of course there will be. Ravenclaw’s have a way of finding each other, anyways. It's cleverness that comes with the territory,” Magnus replied smoothly. Alec pushed Max’s head so he was sitting back in his seat. 
“Will you please buckle up?! It’s insane how many times I have to ask you,” Alec said, clearly annoyed at his sibling. Magnus chuckled and rolled his eyes dramatically, peaking over at Alec.  
“That’s Alec’s Slytherin showing. Always has to take the lead.” Max’s bubbling laughter filled the air as he reached back for his seatbelt. Alec was looking back toward him, shaking his head at the banter between the two people he loved most. He saw the quick flash of terror in Max’s face before…
Alec was brought back by Clary’s soothing hand on his shoulder and Luke’s baritone voice saying his name. When his eyes opened, he saw Magnus with his eyes shining with tears. His own lingered but he had gotten used to keeping them hidden. He brushed off Clary’s hand and pushed himself off of the wall he had slumped on to. 
“I’m okay, I’m good…” Alec trailed off as he noticed the subtle tremble of Magnus’ body. They couldn’t take their eyes off of each other and Alec knew that Magnus hadn’t forgotten that night either. He felt Clary squeeze his shoulder even tighter and reached up to place his hand on top of hers. “I’m okay, Clary, really,” he muttered. Clary nodded and moved back behind the counter, busying herself with mindless chores. Luke noticed the intense stares of the two men and followed closely after her. 
“Are you okay?” Alec broke the silence, taking an unexpected step forward. Magnus nodded slowly, his hand instinctively reaching out toward Alec. The movement stopped when Alec flinched away. He couldn’t help it. The sight of Magnus had brought the accident to the forefront of his mind. Christmas Eve was already hard enough without the added reminder. 
“Alexander, I didn’t… I heard you moved upstate,” Magnus commented, waving his hands again in a familiar way that had Alec’s breath catching in his throat. Alec shrugged, placing the soft cover book in his back pocket and shrugging on his jacket. 
“I moved back. Figured it was time to… move on,” Alec said softly. His eyes met Magnus’ once more and he couldn’t help the soft sigh that left his lips. He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them, Magnus had turned toward the door. “Are you free?” Alec said abruptly. Magnus stopped his hasty exit and peeked over his shoulder. 
“Yeah, yes, of course I am,” Magnus practically exclaimed. Alec let a soft smile spread across his lips as he left the cafe with Magnus. He could feel the frigid air against his face and see his breath mingling with Magnus’. If he was truthful to himself, he would realize how much he missed this. 
“How have you been? I’ve… I’ve really missed you, Magnus,” Alec admitted. The hazy breath in front of them became heavier at Magnus’ relieved sigh. Magnus stopped his stride and turned toward Alec, tears still shining in his eyes. 
“I wasn’t sure if I should have come back. Our last conversation…” Magnus shook his head, his eyes wandering to the dusting of snow across the pavement. He shuddered and Alec knew it was his own memories haunting him. 
“Our last conversation wasn’t fair. We both bought Max those tickets and neither of us took off his seatbelt. There wasn’t anything you could have done to change things,” Alec said sternly. It had taken months for Alec to believe that. When he’d finally done so, Magnus was gone. 
“Guilt was the hardest thing to get over. Max…” Magnus trailed off with a shake of his head and a tear slid down his cheek. Alec moved quick, wrapping his arms around Magnus tightly. He was expecting memories of that night to overwhelm him at Magnus’ tough as they had done before but instead, another memory came 
“Alec, help!” Max screamed. Alec went to turn toward the shout but a heavy weight jumped on his back. He crouched down to absorb the impact and his hands flung back to keep the child on his back. 
“Max! You can’t just jump on people,” Magnus yelled. Alec was about to agree until Magnus continued. “That is absolutely against the rules!” Alec rolled his eyes before he dropped his hands, Max sliding off his back and landing on the floor with a grunt. He shot up onto his feet and jumped over the back of the couch, effectively providing a barrier between Magnus and himself. 
“You’re both children and I have no patience for this tonight,” Alec said. He meant for the bitterness that usually encapsulated his tone to show but he couldn’t help the laughter that shone instead. 
“You love us, Alexander,” Magnus teased as he placed a quick peck on Alec’s cheek. Max gagged but quickly regretted the reaction as Magnus pounced over the couch. The two tumbled to the floor, Magnus pinning Max to the ground and messing up his perfectly styled hair. 
“Magnus!” A cheery voice squealed. Magnus pulled away from Alec quicker than Alec wanted, but a smile overtook Alec’s face at Magnus’ wide eyes. Alec walked over to the new arrival, his eyebrow raising. 
“Max, you know your crutches don’t grip on the pavement when it snows!” Alec chastised. Max rolled his eyes in a familiar way and moved toward Magnus.
“You would think this one would stop being so ‘big brother’ now that I’m double digits but here we are,” Max said, his voice getting louder to make sure Alec could hear him. Alec rolled his own eyes and watched the two. “You disappeared,” Max mumbled, placing himself in front of Magnus. 
“I did. I’m… I’m sorry, Max,” Magnus said. He went to look away but Max launched himself into Magnus’ arms, surprising both men. 
“Max, Jesus Christ, you can’t do that anymore!” Alec yelled as he grabbed a fallen crutch off the ground. Max held to Magnus tighter, Magnus doing the same. 
“Uh-uh, Alec. Dr. Jenny says that I can do everything I did before,” Max teased. He squirmed out of Magnus’ grasp and stole the crutch back from his brother. “Which is why you both are taking me to go see Harry Potter. It starts in 10 minutes and it’s about a 2 minute walk for an abled kid so we’ll be cutting it close.” Max started in the direction of the theater, leaving a shocked Magnus and a chuckling Alec behind him. 
“So…” Magnus started, not taking his eyes off of Alec. Alec just chuckled and started after his brother. 
“He hated last winter until the last drop of snow melted off of our lawn. He hated Harry Potter until he found his Ravenclaw beanie shoved in the back of his closet. Max spent a lot of time hating what had happened to him. Then one day he didn’t,” Alec said by way of explanation. Magnus looked over at him, his golden eyes shining in just the way Alec remembered. 
“And you?” Magnus inquired. Alec nudged his shoulder against Magnus’ and looked up at the sky before meeting Magnus' eyes once more. 
“Winter isn’t looking so bad right about now.”
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
1D Day, Hour Three
Almost halfway through this hour, which is almost halfway through this day, is the point where Louis Tomlinson stops having fucks left to give and starts getting real. He’s still a professional throughout hour three (not like Harry in hour two, oof), but god, how??? Everything here is a disaster, and it’s infuriating when you consider that a) this must have been somewhat planned out (the band is HUGE, allegedly 32 million people are watching), and b) it’s being produced in LA, presumably with easy access to professionals who have had some experience with live shows (since, what, the 1930s???). Anyway, I would have loved to hear the choice words Louis no doubt had for Ben Winston when he ran away during one of the Google+ Hangouts, lmao.
When I first watched this two years back, Niall’s nervous laughter nearly drove me insane, but this time around, I’m loving the subtle nuances w/r/t wtf is happening on this here day as Louis’s rage starts to climb and Niall’s Slytherin core starts to emerge. Deets under the cut.
Niall and Louis literally burst through a paper wall to launch hour three and reveal Niall’s lilac hair (also revealed: the fact that Niall’s “a diva,” according to Louis). The color’s hardly even noticeable, but Niall’s all worked up about it, and I’m betting he had to do this because he has no tattoos, so everyone wanted to freak his Virgo ass out with something “permanent.”
The first bit is so tiresome (Louis’s childhood friend, Stan, forcing the Milkshake City staff to perform the world’s sleepiest version of “Rock Me”), but I’m a huge fan of Stan’s for the Larry purple dildo video alone (ICONIC; ping me if you need a link), plus I love the tidbit about the time Harry came in for a milkshake for himself and “a friend back at home.”
After we survive this long-ass bit of fill, Louis and Stan take the piss out of each other and banter a bit with Niall, which is all pretty hilarious and also makes me sad in the key of “oh how I wish that was me.”
Because it wasn’t at all tedious in hour one, it’s time for another Guinness Book of World Records challenge (Louis: “Of course it is”), this time balancing coins on faces. Hey, speaking of faces, did you know that men are at peak hotness between the ages of 32 and 36? This guy is 22 years old, doing the stupidest task ever, help me, Jeebus:
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Next up is the randomizer, which randomly pulls celebrity videos, and this is when the in-ears start acting up for Louis, who’s midway through Robbie Williams asking them for the best live performer they’ve ever seen, prompting Louis to give Ben the evil eye off camera and go off script to say Michael Buble, ha.
Some random sports man (update: Doncaster Rovers manager) demands that they do pressups up and burpees, and Louis gives us a surprisingly strong and steady nine pressups before proving why he’s most relatable:
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After fits of unnecessary laughter from Niall, and a lot of exasperation about the technical problems so far from Louis (friend, you’ve seen nowt yet), we get the best VT from this entire day, the iconic bts video for “Talk Dirty to Me,” and if you watch nothing from any of this, please tell me you’ve seen it in full for Zayn the goofball! Liam’s hanky code shoutouts! Harry’s hip chub! Louis and his glorious torso! Niall in full Farmer Ted mode!
Next up, we get astronauts congratulating the D from space, and whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I mean, honestly, WHY? Are these astronauts fans? Is anyone besides Niall into space? I know there’s an intense interest in making space interesting for teens (how many times have people on the international space station beamed their way into MTV award shows at this point), but whyyyyy.
Scott tells us we’ll soon see Doctor Who (mild interest from Nouis) and Simon Cowell (Louis: “SIMON COWELL, WOO HOO, I LOVE THAT GUY!” Niall: “Simon GROWL”), but first up is Doctor Who, and this is where the wheels fall off the bus, technically speaking. First, there’s a 15-minute delay (!!), so Nouis are standing around while the Doctor handles some other interview for the BBC. Eventually, they connect, and Louis makes the understatement of the year (“This is gonna be tough”) as both the video and audio go full Inception and echo in and around each other to make us all woozy:
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Louis again understates the chaos happening on screen by saying, “I think actually that this is not working,” and then begging for any VT, they don’t care, help (the VT is Niall being all humblecholy about their success and Ireland and something something, I’m not actually interested, sorry).
We come back to Louis still losing it, curious as to how they can have a link to space but can’t have a studio in LA link to the BBC, and yeah. YEAH. But enough about that, it’s Google+ Hangout (lololololol) time, and we don’t get too many answers to these vital fan questions because Ben is in Louis’s ear so much that Louis starts arguing with him about it and eventually runs off stage to yell at him in person, and god, it’s glorious. READY 2 FIGHT:
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Because this is an utter trainwreck, the team decides to do another live link again, this time to the X Factor while it’s airing in the UK, and it’s…yeah, not good. Just awful, cameras out of synch, no sound, etc. Save us, random VT of Denmark!!
Hearing Louis say “tits up” is my new religion, but honestly, this chitchat with McFly is such a revelation. Apparently, they worked with Niall on something, so they gossip with Louis about what a diva Niall is (!) and how he brought a friend of his named Shawn around (!!), and there’s a lot of inside jokes I know nothing about, but I’m LIVING for Niall looking at all these boys on the screen and saying, “I feel like I’m alone in my bedroom,” and Louis’s response, “Okay, Niall!”
“Don’t Forget Where You Belong” is announced, but we don’t get to hear it (although we DO get to see some sweet Nouis dancing), and two more girls go into the call box of doom. Because this show’s producers can’t go ten minutes without a disaster, there’s increasingly urgent screaming from Louis to Ben to just roll the Zayn graffiti VT, which takes at least a full, tense minute to post. 
Zayn is incredibly hot, but my heart breaks for him saying it’s their 127th show, and he’s feeling inspired and creative to make art, and I just wonder how??? How are you not banging your head against a wall instead of painting it? Anyway, it’s a lot of spraypainting/artist au Zayn come to life, with Liam working out shirtless nearby and heaping praise on just about every single thing Zayn puts on the wall (awwwww). Also some nice Flicker reference points (Niall: “Zayn, will you draw a picture of me?” Zayn: “No. I don’t like you”). Ouch.
We come back to Rebecca, an opera singer who’s here to sing some tweets, and this is a horrible idea that Ben Winston stole from Jimmy Kimmel, right? When he used to have Josh Groban sing tweets a million years ago? Anyway, this ripoff doesn’t work because nobody can really understand the words, but credit to Louis for trying to cheat and speed this whole thing up:
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When Rebecca finishes, Louis says he got emotional (Niall just laughs), and this poor girl says not to worry, she’ll do more later, and lmao at Louis: “Oh, OH, there’s more in store, Niall” (Niall: “Can’t wait”), sighhhhh, it’s torture for us all, tbh. Anyway, time for some Belgian VT and reinforcement that Louis’s part Belgian, which is why it’s super relevant, I guess.
The last bit is back to Dynamo, to redo the magic bit that failed with Harry in hour two. I’m still curious about this trick because there’s a piece of paper locked in this box (Harry’s dick holds the key to it), and tl/dr, Harry says April for the month an hour ago, but Louis says November, and sure enough, November plus all the other details are in this locked box. HMMMMM. Me as Harry’s finger delivering the key immediately in this segment, meaning he’s literally right there watching all of it. Pick someone supportive, etc.
Anyway, back to the trick, there’s a bit where Louis says he told Dynamo all this information earlier (Niall starts chewing his nails a bit ferociously at that), but then he backpedals brilliantly later about what an amazing, stunning trick, etc., and this group of sneaky liars, god, I love ‘em!
We get more terrible highlights, which sucks, because I kind of liked the way Louis was asking Niall what HIS highlights were, but never mind, let’s get Ben’s. I’ll leave you with this picture that makes me think of Louis hosting Family Feud, you know, the final round, when you have to see how your answers stacked up with a family member’s and if, together, you cleared 200 (“Name someone a person may confess a crime to”):
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allforlovephff · 6 years
Chapter 1
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A/N: Here is the first chapter!!!! YAY! I know you have been waiting a while for this, but I wanted it to turn out the way I wanted it too! Please be warned it is an intense chapter and please proceed with caution for triggers. I would love to hear from you, even if its a like, a message anon or not! Without further wait.... please enjoy chapter 1!
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Sept 2nd 2012
“Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person.”
They say that when you travel you are searching for a certain piece of yourself, a piece of your soul that is innately missing. Every city you cross through, everyone you meet along your journey, only brings you closer and closer to finding that missing piece. For some it’s adventure, for others its wealth, and for everyone else…it remains unknown until they find what they are meant to be searching for.
I have spent years searching for that unknown piece of myself that makes me feel so incomplete, almost a feeling of being lost. But, maybe you need to get lost and lose yourself in the world in order to find yourself again because not all those who wander are truly lost. Maybe they are only searching for something that’s just out of their grasp and when they find it… well that’s when the real adventure starts.
That is how I have found myself in the back of this humvee driving through this barren land of endless sand and the unforgiving heat. I chose this place and I know I did. But, sometimes when I find myself kicking up the sand I feel a part of my life that is missing; a missing piece of my heart that someone out there in the world has. Don’t get me wrong, I am a fiercely independent woman and I would say quite successful by my own merit. Every now and then I can’t help wonder what traveling the world would be like with someone’s hand in mine. For now that simply is just not in the cards.
I have spent nearly seven months away from my family in England, serving the United Nations in Syria and Afghanistan and it is finally time for me to go back to the UK.   Home.
I don’t even know where that really is anymore.
But when I think of my home, I can almost taste my grandmother’s homemade apple pies and blueberry scones. I cannot wait to remember how it feels to hug my little sister, Ella again or banter with my older brother Andrew. It’s the little things like that, which I have missed during my time here.
Today will be my last day in this country. At least I was supposed too... but as they say, the world can change in a blink of an eye.
Not wanting to pry her eyes away from the busy town street, Emily simply nodded her reply. She was too busy taking in the last ride in the United Nations humvee through to their last clinic before leaving on a plane back home to her family that she terribly missed.
“I don’t understand how you would want to leave this place Em?” Emily slowly turned and eyed her friend and mentor Paul Hastings. Though Paul was nearly the same age as her father, the two of them were inseparable. Paul challenged Emily to become the best doctor she could ever strive to be. He was hard on her, but she eternally was grateful for that. Though their discussions often turned into long drawn out debates, Paul was the first one that Emily would confide in. Soon their time together would end as Paul was asked to stay for a few more months to assist the military medical teams at Camp Bastion.
“It’s more complicated than that Paul...” Emily breathed in and slowly released a deep sigh. A smile turned up the corner of her lips as she watched a group of young kids playing in the side street as their convoy pushed through the uneven graveled road. Looking out the window directly at the unforgiving hot Afghanistan sun she shook her head. “I will for sure not miss you.” Emily giggled lightly as Paul eyed her carefully.
“I know you miss your family, but I will miss not seeing you everyday.” Paul started to get emotional and choked back tears.
“Awe!” Emily angled her head up at her close friend with an adoring smile. “You know you are my family too Paul. When you get back, I will have you over for dinner and you can have my grandmas apple pie and not just the failed attempt I tried to make you!” Emily tossed her head back in laughter at the memory, to which Paul followed in with a fit of giggles.
“Promise?” Paul turned serious as he locked eyes with the blonde.
“I promise.” Emily found Paul’s hand and gave it a squeeze to solidify her vow.
Paul was a bit of a nomad. He did not exactly have a placed he called home. With his wife passing away at a young age before having any children, Paul simply threw himself right into serving with Doctors Without Borders and eventually the United Nations. He quickly volunteered for the listings that no one really wanted, the ones that put their life more in the line of fire. To Emily, he was the greatest teacher of all and she would follow him anywhere. Paul considered his coworkers his family and his home was often the make shift accommodations and uncomfortable beds they often found themselves in. He often told Emily that “home is not a place it is a feeling, and often that feeling is found within someone else.”
In short, Paul was a father figure to Emily.
But... Emily would never be able to keep that promise to Paul.
Hearing a mumbled conversation through Paul’s radio to a forward team member, Paul sent Emily out of the humvee to assist. A UN member had accidentally cut himself on the rusty metal of a humvee and required a quick check. Little did Emily know, but this small task would save her life.
Shutting the door tightly closed, Emily turned and gave Paul one last glance. “You know… I never thanked you for all that you have taught me here. I am lucky to have such an amazing old friend like you.” She ended with a wise crack at Paul and received and exaggerated eye roll at the teasing of his age.
“Get going blondie! We don’t have all day!” Paul teased Emily, but she quickly waved him off.
“God I am going to miss you Paul.” Emily muttered to herself with a light giggle.
Before she knew what hit her, a loud cracking sound deafened her. Emily felt herself being launched forward into the air landing on a patch of sand as she hit her head firmly against the ground rendering her unconscious.
Loud shots rang out in the distance awakening Emily from her unconsciousness. Feeling the pain course through her body from the solid impact she whimpered crawling to her feet. Drops of blood dripped from her head soaking the sand beneath her. Emily dabbed her hand against an evident head wound as she slowly turned to see what had happened.
That was what she saw.
People running and taking cover while others screamed out in pain. Emily blinked her eyes closed hard, not believing what had just happened. Opening her blue eyes slowly, they fell upon the humvee overturned on its side where Paul had been.
“PAUL!” Emily tried to scream, but her voice cracked. Mustering every ounce of strength within her, Emily scrambled to her feet and started running towards it. Breathing hard, she willed away the throbbing pain in her head trying to make it to her destination.
Suddenly, Emily’s arm was grabbed and pushed down being slammed against another vehicle. Emily locked eyes with Captain Garron seeing the fear circling in his eyes.
“Thank god you are ok.” He breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that one of his doctors was alright.
“What the hell happened?” Emily heard the whizzing of bullets scrape along the metal of the vehicle.
“We were ambushed. An RPG hit one of the humvee’s…” Captain Garron looked towards the direction of the scrap metal that was left over. “I know that look…” He watched Emily’s eyes fill with determination. “Don’t even try Emily. They did not make it.”
“I need to get to Paul. I left him in there.” Her eyes drifted back towards the sitting target.
“You are not going anywhere Emily.” Captain Garron’s voice was sternly laced. “I need you to get on the radio and tell Camp Bastion we got ambushed and need air support… or no one is going to make it out of here.”
Emily shook her head. “I don’t know what to do… I am not a soldier.” She stuttered with fear.
The captain shoved his radio in Emily’s hand as she fumbled with it. “I need your help Emily. My guys are getting hit out there and we cannot hold them off much longer on our own.” Garron pulled out a gun from his side holster and handed it to Emily.
“In case you need it.” He extended the gun out towards her while she hesitated to accept it. Emily had found herself in precarious situations before, having been in war torn countries, but never had she ever witnessed an attack on the UN of this magnitude. She had been trained in minimal combat techniques due to the nature of her job, but she never thought that she would need a gun. Grabbing it with a shaky hand she accepted the gun.
Emily swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded with the sourced courage she mustered within herself.  Lifting the radio to her lips she pressed down on the button. “Camp Bastion. Camp Bastion. This is United Nations Convoy 211. Can you hear me?”
Radio Silence.
Emily’s heart dropped in her chest.
A buzzing interference sounded from the radio followed by a man’s voice. “United Nations Convoy 211 this is Camp Bastion.”
“We need air support!” Emily’s voice cracked as she tried to remember what Garron told her to say. She really did not know what to say, she wasn’t trained for any of this. “We need were ambushed outside of Kabul and need immediate medical evacs, number of casualties unknown.”
“I need to speak with Captain Garron before we can initiate air support.” The voice commanded.
“You can’t he’s… a bit busy making sure we all don’t die out here.” Emily heard a break in the fire and decided it was the perfect time to run towards the humvee to get Paul out. “I’m Doctor Emily Clarke. Please just send help NOW! We are sitting ducks out here.”
Emily fell onto her knees trying to look inside of the over turned humvee. “Paul?” She scanned the vehicle seeing that no one was inside. Standing up Emily ran around desperately searching for any sign of her friend. That was when she saw him lying motionless on the ground.
“PAUL!” Emily took off running towards him reaching Paul faster than she ever thought possible. Scanning her eyes over his body, her heart fell from her chest. Half of his leg had been blown off with blood everywhere. Pulling off her belt Emily applied a tourniquet making Paul wake up as she secured it around his leg tightly.
“Emily…” His eyes opened slowly. “How bad is it?”
Emily heard voices over the radio calling her name. “Just send it right fucking now!” She had turned to shield Paul from her words.
“You are going to be fine.” Emily lied, but she had to in order to keep Paul calm. “I am going to get you out of here Paul.” The doctor started to work on her friend in an effort to stabilize him.
His eyelids began to shutter close. “No Paul… you have to stay awake. You need to stay with me Paul.” Paul forced his eyes open staring directly into Emily’s.
Paul placed his hand over top of Emily’s making her blue eyes lock with his. “Be honest. I am not making it out of here am I?” His eyes bore deep into Emily’s soul making her heart tear apart. It was bad, it was really was. But there was still a chance that he could make it.
“I am not giving up on you and I need you to do the same.” Emily forced a smile upon her lips. Paul needed to hold on to any hope that was left, as his life depended on it.
Camp Bastion
Harry’s blue eyes scanned around the base as he walked with his squadron towards the command center before the start of his shift. He had been here for three weeks already and was finally starting to get into the action he had been desperate for. Flying had became second nature to him and now he had made it back to the frontlines of Afghanistan when no one else said he could after his disastrous last tour that ended in a bout of anger upon the release of his location. Kicking away the sand that filled his boots, Harry watched an Apache helicopter land with a smile. He had proved them all wrong.
Entering the building in step with his friend and lead pilot Simon, Harry lifted his head having sensed a certain level of urgency. Searching the room he saw the table they usually got their start of shift duties and priority calls were now surrounded by pilots. Inching forward with caution, Harry could hear a woman’s frantic voice calling over the radio for air support.
“You can’t he’s… a bit busy making sure we all don’t die out here.”
Her apparent sass made Harry crack a smile despite the gravity of the situation.
“I’m Doctor Emily Clarke. Please just send help NOW! We are sitting ducks out here…” The woman’s voice nearly broke making the room fall into a deafening silence over her plea for help.
“Do it.” The general was breaking protocol by not speaking to the person in charge on the ground. He looked around seeing the surprised expressions around the table. “It’s the goddam United Nations and I won’t have them killed on my watch. Prepare the base for mass casualties.” The general left the room in a hurry.
Simon told his team to stay put until he found out their orders. Returning he sighed heavily, “We have to help when casualties come in and be on stand by for other priority calls.” Simon reassured his team seeing the disappointment on their faces.  “We are the newest squad here. We will get our turn.”
Harry walked out of the command center seeing the base erupt into an organized chaos as they prepared for the worst. Glancing down at his feet, all his mind could think about was that woman’s voice over the radio. She was calm and brave, but her voice gave a hint of worry of what was to come.
For now it was a waiting game until they got to the base.
Forty three minutes later…
Standing firmly on the ground a distance away from the landing strip, Harry watched as the first medivac helicopter came into view. Taking in a deep calming breath, he tried to prepare himself for what he might bare witness to. He had been told stories of the cost of war, but he had rarely seen it in his time during his service in the military. Of course on numerous occasions he had visited with soldiers that were seeking medical assistance and rehabilitation, but that was after they and the medical professionals fought tirelessly to save their lives.
The whirling of the medivac helicopter came to a stop as it landed securely on the ground. A team rushed an unconscious person swiftly out of the helicopter running towards the base hospital leaving only a woman behind. Her head turned to look up at the prince hearing his footsteps against the metal floor of the helicopter.
A set of the deepest most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen stared up at him, nearly stopping Harry dead in his tracks. Specks of blue danced around her orbs with evident worry circling in them. For a minute, the world around them did not exist as they stared into each other’s eyes forgetting the madness that they found themselves surrounded in. He felt exposed; almost vulnerable as she looked past his superficial mask right into the depths of his soul, but yet he could not look away.
The blonde woman sighed a breath of relief at his mere presence. “I need your help…” She scanned his chest for his name. “Wales.”
It was her; it was the woman that had called over the radio for help.
Harry cleared his throat and stooped beside her. That was when he saw the man’s leg had been blown off. The doctor was pressing down firmly with a thick dressing compressing the active bleeding.
“I can’t move or…” Harry looked down towards the woman who could not fathom finishing what she was going to tell him. “Can you lift him and help me get him inside? I don’t want to waste another minute.” Her voice was nearly begging the prince for any help he could give her.
“LUCA!” Harry quickly called his friend over who hurried in with loud footsteps. Harry maneuvered himself around the woman to grab the stretcher by the man’s head while his comrade grabbed the other side ready to hoist him up.
“Ready?” The prince locked eyes again with the doctor for a brief moment, not wanting his eyes to waver from them for one second. His brow furrowed only now realizing that she too had been hurt. Dried blood scaled down the side of her head providing evidence that she had hit her head on something.
Brushing off the prince’s concerned expression she nodded and looked away. “Lift.”
The three of them exited the helicopter and walked as fast as they could towards the erupting hospital that awaited their arrival. Emily took in a deep sigh of relief that Harry caught again.
“It’s ok. You are here now.” Emily looked down to the ground while her lips formed a small smile at the man’s sincere and reassuring words. It had been a long day already for Emily and the soldier’s words gave her a bit of comfort. Emily turned her head and looked back over her shoulder at the ginger haired man and offered a quick smile, thanking him.
“You need to get yourself checked out too…” Harry knew he might be pressing the issue with the blonde woman, but he had to try to convince her. He looked the woman directly in the eyes and watched wrinkles form into a displeased furrowed brow.
“I am fine.” Emily flashed him a glare warning him to back off.
“Really? Because that blood on the side of your face tells me otherwise.” Harry was becoming irritated with how she was down playing her own injury with a healthy does of stubbornness mixed in with her denial.
Despite Paul’s state, he was able to bark out a laugh at the prince’s response that put Emily right in her place. “I like you.” He struggled to breath out.
Paul shrugged his shoulders having seen Emily roll her eyes with exaggeration. “What? Someone is going to have to put you in your place when I am gone.”
Emily’s eyes darted towards her friend. “ Don’t say that. I am not going to let you die today, Paul.” Her eyes flashed towards Harry’s silently telling him to pick up the pace.
Running into the hospital, Emily pushed open the doors feeling a familiar welcome like it was her home. A calmness coursed through her despite her heart pounding in her chest. Over the years, she had become skilled at remaining calm in dire situations that she often found herself in being an emergency doctor.
“I need a trauma bay now.” She was firm in her commands as she led Harry’s team through the hospital.
“Ah Doctor Clarke!” An older doctor stepped in beside the blonde woman. “Glad you were out there today. I heard you stabilized a lot of these men.” Doctor Clarke remained silent being focused on the one man in front of her. She did not want nor need any praise. The doctor glanced down at the patient in the stretcher and nearly fell over. “Oh my god! It’s Doctor Paul!”
Harry watched the blonde doctor’s head snap back practically killing the man with the death glare she gave him. “I think it’s best if you leave me now. I have someone that needs me. Get me some help so I can actually save him.” He could hear the anger seething from her body through the tone of her voice.
“Go right in here.” He pointed towards an empty space before stuttering off.
“On my count of 3, move him on to the bed.” She looked Luca and Harry directly in their eyes. “1…2…3…”
Emily looked around seeing that she and these two men were all the help she was clearly going to get. “Look. I know it’s not what you do, but you two are all I got.”
“We aren’t leaving.” Harry was quick to assure the doctor that they would stay and help.
“Luca is it?” Emily motioned for him to come and take over applying pressure on Paul’s leg. “I need you to press down on this firmly, it will feel like a lot, but it needs a lot of strength. If you get tired you have to tell me, got it?” The doctor was calmly explaining what she needed them to do.
“And?” She walked over towards Harry with a questioning look. Did she really have no idea who he was?
“Harry.” He cleared his throat speaking his name feeling taken off guard.
“Harry… I need you to talk to him and keep him conscious and calm.” The woman handed Harry two bags of fluid. “Hook these up like this…” She demonstrated quickly showing the prince. “And them squeeze them like your life depends on it, because his life does.”
“Emily Clarke?!” Her name was yelled out amongst the chaos. Searching amongst the sea of people, she saw a familiar face. “Morgan?”
A small smile started to form on Harry’s lips as he learned of the woman’s name. It suited her perfectly. Doctor Emily Clarke.  He inwardly spoke her name and committed it to his memory.
“You alright there girl? We got all hands on deck, but I need you to help us out! I can get a nurse to patch your head up or do you need to tap out?” A doctor from the bed beside them who was quickly working on another patient spoke out.
Harry turned his head, locking pleading eyes with Emily. A small shake of her head told him to drop it. “He’s my friend… I can do this.” She quietly reassured the concerned prince.
“I’m good! You got me girl, just like old times!” Emily hollered out with a smile. She turned and quickly gathered supplies.
“Damn is that Morgan Jacobs?” Paul groaned in agony. “Please don’t let her help you, I swear I won’t have any legs left if she does.” Harry couldn’t help but giggle in return.
“Good to know you still haven’t loss your crass sense of humor Paul.” Emily started to work on Paul’s leg, sewing up severed arteries that were causing the most bleeding. Harry watched Emily carefully. The way her hands were steady and quick at the same time was almost magic.
“You know ginger… she’s single.” Paul coughed out and looked up at Harry from upside down.
“Paul…” Emily warned him not to go there.
“Her last boyfriend couldn’t handle her, but I think you can.” Paul snickered before Emily poked his leg making him yell out in pain.
“Just checking to see if you still got feeling down here.” Emily’s lips spread into a devilish grin.
“See what I am…” Paul flopped his head down onto the bed. Alarms from the monitor started blaring off loudly. Emily lifted her head seeing that Paul’s blood pressure was dropping dangerous as well as his heart rate. She almost had the bleeding under control, but he had already lost so much blood.
“WHERE IS THAT BLOOD I ASKED FOR? I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!” Emily yelled loudly. “Morgan, I could use another set of hands in here!” She locked eyes with the other doctor that sent a nurse to come help Emily out.
“I can’t push the fluid in any faster.” Harry was desperate to help, but didn’t know how too.
“It’s not you.” She reassured him while telling the nurse to get her supplies so she could put in an intravenous line that would go closer to his heart and get fluid to him faster. “He’s starting to shut down on me, he lost a lot of blood out there.”
“Paul.” She turned his head to expose the side of his neck while he lied unconscious on the table. “I need you to fight this with me, give it all you got.”
“Swabs!” Emily held her hand out calling out for supplies to which the nurse quickly handed her. Within a matter of seconds, Emily had an intravenous line in Paul’s neck. “Harry… can you push this blood in, followed by this one?” She handed him a syringe full of blood to which Harry nodded quickly.
Emily turned to face the nurse. “Can you get me some dopamine and epinephrine drawn up…just in case.”
“Is he going to make it?” Luca quietly asked the doctor making the room fall into a deafening silence as he asked what they were all thinking. Harry turned his head to watch the expression morph on Emily’s face.
“I don’t know. He has a long fight, but I am not giving up.” She was determined to save Paul. After all he had done for her she had too. A few minutes later, Paul opened his eyes again. His blood pressure had stabilized with the help of the blood transfusion and dopamine. As more patients were becoming more stable, Emily was given more nurses to aid her.
“Emily?” Paul could barely make out her name. Harry leaned in closer to hear the man’s words more clearly. “Where’s Emily?”
“Emily?” Harry spoke her name, causing her head to lift briskly up at him. “He’s asking for you.”
“Paul, give me one minute. I am almost done with your leg.” Emily was suturing Paul’s leg as quickly as she could before something else required her attention.
“Emily? I am so cold.” Harry stepped in and started to talk to him.
“She’s just finishing up with your leg.” The prince offered a small smile seeing his head nod in understanding. Paul motioned for Harry to come closer towards him.
The prince leaned in hearing Paul whispering the words into his ear. “Take care of her when I am gone… she is going to need someone.”
“Paul…” he was about to protest and tell the man that he wouldn’t need to because he was going to live. Paul pressed his finger against the prince’s lip, silencing him. “Promise?” Paul locked eyes with Harry.
How could he not in that moment? “I promise.”
“You promise what?” Emily had caught Harry promising something to Paul. With an assertive tone, she interrupted their conversation.
Paul gave a small shake of the head indicating to Harry not to tell Emily. “I promised that he could get a warm blanket… if that’s ok?” Harry stood up tall, almost towering over the blonde.
Emily looked up at him with disapproval written all over her face. “You don’t have to lie to me, Harry.” She grabbed one of Paul’s freezing hands. “How many blankets do you want?”
“Ten.” Paul teased.
Emily turned to the nurse that nodded before walking away to find one. “I stopped the bleeding from your leg. It won’t look pretty, but I know a pretty good plastic surgeon back in the UK that can fix you up good. Your blood pressure is still lower than what I would like it to be.”
“You get everything.” Paul turned his head with a serious look towards Emily.
“What?” Emily was taken back by his reply. Did he not hear what she just told him?
“The house, the Mercedes and even Billy, it’s all yours.” Paul squeezed her hand.
“Stop talking like that…you know I don’t want that old beat up car that you still haven’t finished after ten years. Plus that old goat hates me, you know that.” Emily tried to distract him. “Tell you what, when we get out of this god awful country I will help you finish it.” Harry knew what Emily was doing. She was giving Paul something to hold onto, she was giving him hope.
But, it was too late for hope.
The blood pressure alarm on the monitor start wailing as Harry and Emily watched it drop slowly with each passing second. There was not much else Emily could do for Paul. She had maxed out the medications that were supposed to help with his blood pressure and after numerous fluid boluses and blood transfusions there was hardly any options left.
“Get me the crash cart.” Emily calmly told the nurse. “You draw up epi now.” She ordered the other one as if Emily already was anticipating where this was going.
Paul was suddenly struggling to breath as his oxygen saturations were now starting to drop. “Paul, I need you to take some deep breaths for me.” Emily had placed an oxygen mask over his face while staring at him with pleading eyes, but his eyes averted to the sound of crash cart being cracked open.
Harry and Luca were leaned up against the wall feeling useless as the scene in front of them started to unfold. “Can we help with anything?” The prince desperately wanted to, but knew he was very limited in what he actually could do. A nurse told them to stay where they were or leave.
Harry was not leaving after what he had promised Paul. It was then that a revelation hit Harry. Paul believed he was going to die, that is why he made Harry promise him to look after Emily, why he was telling Emily everything was going to her when he passed. His eyes fluttered up to see Emily calmly barking orders at people while holding the oxygen mask on Paul’s face. She was blinded by her friendship with Paul and could not see that he was ready to go.
“Paul I am going to have to put a breathing tube in if your sats don’t come up.” Emily felt his cold fingers wrap around her forearm and pull her arm down. She let the mask off of his face for a second to see the same look Emily had seen numerous times in the course of her career.
Paul was accepting that is was his time to go.
Amongst the chaos around them, the two friends shared a quiet moment staring into each other’s eyes. His lips parted to speak, but Emily hushed him. “Please don’t say it.” Emily dropped her head for a second knowing what he was going to say to her.
Emily took in a gasping breath that caught the attention of Harry, making his heart drop in his chest. The doctor lifted her head revealing a stray tear that had trickled down her cheek while she locked eyes with her friend.
“I have to Emily…” Paul held her arm down firmly, not allowing her to put the oxygen mask back on. “I won’t let you go through this when we know it won’t work.”
“I can do this. I can handle it Paul.” Emily’s blue eyes were brimming with tears as if they were waiting to hear those three little letters.
“I won’t let you.” Paul shook his head stubbornly. “I want to be a DNR…. I am DNR!” He yelled it above everyone making them stop dead in their motions, making it very clear that he did not want to be resuscitated. He would not be the one to make Emily drag herself through a pointless code of chest compressions when there was no hope. He couldn’t let that be the last memory she had of him. Her big blue eyes were tearing up hearing him those say life defining words.
“Don’t do this to me…” Emily begged Paul to change his mind.
“Let me go Em. You know I won’t be able live like I used to with one leg.” Paul reached out and cupped Emily’s cheek while the whole team watched silently with heavy hearts knowing what was about to happen.
“I am supposed to save you.” Emily sat down on his bed and held Paul’s hand.
“You did Emily. The moment you walked into my life, you saved my sorry ass.” A light laughter escaped her mouth. “Ahhh…I will miss that laugh.” Paul reminisced. “I am ready to see my Claire again…”
“I promised you those pies though…” Emily choked back the tears.
“I don’t think you can keep that promise this time dove.” Paul squeezed Emily’s hand as he spoke his nickname for her one final time while his eyes blinked closed for the last time.
Emily’s eyes darted towards the monitor seeing the ECG flat line. “Noooo!” Emily shrieked in agony, crying out in pain. “Paul! Come back!” She was not ready for him to leave. Emily was shaking his body begging Paul to open his eyes again.
The sound of her cry felt like a knife through Harry’s heart. He couldn’t just stand there and watch anymore, but he did not have the heart to take Emily away from her friend. Harry was reminded of the promise he made to Paul, a man he barely knew.  ‘Take care of her when I am gone… she is going to need someone.’ He could see that was evident now. Paul knew his death would destroy Emily to her core.
Tears were cascading down her cheeks as she cried out from the pain of her heart breaking. When Emily had woken up this morning, she had not envisioned that by the end of the day, the man who taught her everything, the man who was like a father figure to her would no longer be here. With tear stained cheeks, Emily drew in a sobbing breath and lifted the sheet over top of Paul’s body. She had to be the one to call it.
“Time of death… 1821.”
Emily couldn’t stand to be in front of everyone after what she had just been through. Turning on her heel, Emily saw an exit and took it. Walking away briskly, she needed a quiet place to be on her own. Hearing footsteps following from behind her, Emily looked over her shoulder to see Harry in quick pursuit of her. Warning him not to come any closer she glared at him.
Pushing open the door of a supply closet Emily finally took in a breath she felt she had been holding this whole time. The door swung open to reveal Harry standing there in his uniform silently staring at her.
“I want to be alone.” She turned away from him, not wanting anyone else to witness her breakdown over the loss of her friend.
“I can’t do that.” He did not waver from his spot.
Emily turned and walked straight up to him and put her hands on his muscular chest. “I said leave!” She gave him a little shove, but Harry did not move as he grabbed both of her wrists firmly.
“Let go of me!” Emily tried to push him away, but it backfired as Harry pulled her into his chest securely, locking her into his embrace. She tried to wiggle out of his hold, but slowly let her body confide in the comfort this stranger was giving her.
“Let go of me…” Emily whispered having lost any fight within, feeling the exhaustion overcome her. “I am not letting go.” His soothing voice made Emily surrender. Her tired head fell onto his chest and allowed the tears to fall down her cheeks staining the prince’s uniform as Harry hugged her shaking frame.
Many things in that moment were uncertain, but she knew one thing that was.
She was safe in Harry’s arms.
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Meet the Family
And we’re back with my Sam the Cotton Candy Ram series. Hello, it’s been awhile. In this one, Kara and Lena have had Emilia for about two weeks, and it’s time for Emilia to meet the rest of their strange little family.
After this, I’m going to start making my way through prompts, so if there’s anything in this weird universe that I’ve made that you want to see, let me know here or on AO3.
Read on AO3.
Lena was nervous. She didn’t think there was any other surface of their house to clean, but she was still scrubbing away at the dishes from breakfast. If she kept scrubbing, she’s sure the plate itself might disintegrate in her hands, and then she would have to buy new ones and she really didn’t have time to do that-
Warm arms wrapped around her waist, “I think that plate might be clean enough, Lee.”
Lena set the plate down in the sink and sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Kara was whispering now, her breath brushing over Lena’s hair and ear, arms pulling Lena closer to her and further away from the dishes, “There’s a lot of uncertainty with this.”
“I’m just worried about Emilia. What if she doesn’t feel comfortable with everyone?”
“We’ll do it slowly,” Kara moved so that she was beside Lena, and she moved a piece of hair out of Lena’s face, “Alex and Maggie are on their way over now, and we’ll make sure she’s comfortable with them before we introduce her to everyone else, okay?”
Lena looked over at Emilia. She was curled up on one of the ottomans with a book resting on her knees. Sam took up the rest of the space, and Emilia positioned him so that it looked like they were reading together. Every now and then, she would point something out to Sam and explain it to him.
Lena smiled, “Yeah, okay.”
“Okay,” Kara kissed Lena on the cheek, “Now let’s go tell our daughter that she’s meeting the rest of her family today.”
Lena shut the water off and put the last plate to dry on the rack.
When Lena turned, Kara was already kneeled in front of Emilia and they were having a quiet conversation.
“And, and, there was a happily ever after,” Emilia was telling Kara, her hands holding the book of fairytales against her chest, “Just like there’s supposed to be.”
“That’s right, sweetie,” Kara laughed a little bit, “Do you want to take a break from reading so we can go get changed for everyone?”
“Do I get to wear something special?” Emilia directed the question at Lena, and Lena offered her hand out to her daughter.
“How about you come with me and you get to choose?”
“Yes, please!”
Kara moved, and Emilia jumped off the chair, grabbing Sam in one hand and pulling Lena back to her room with the other. Lena looked over her shoulder to see Kara snapping a picture of the two of them, a wide smile on her face.
It didn’t take Emilia long to choose her outfit. As soon as they stepped in the room, Emilia set Sam down on the bed and pulled out a pair of jeans, a Supergirl t-shirt, and the blazer that Kara got for Emilia, insisting their daughter needed it for the time she would be spending at L-Corp. Lena had rolled her eyes but gave in, just like she always did with Kara’s antics.
Emilia loved the blazer, but she was waiting for the perfect time to wear it.
Emilia inspected the clothes on her bed and turned to Lena with a nod, “I think this is good.”
“It’s definitely professional.”
“That’s how you dress when you meet new people, right?”
Lena wanted to giggle, because Emilia looked adorable looking up at her in her fuzzy pajamas with a completely serious expression.
“You don’t have to wear the blazer if you don’t want to.”
“You wear a blazer to meet new people.”
“Only at work,” Lena bent down to pick Emilia up, and Emilia wrapped her arms around Lena’s neck.
“I want to make a good, um,” Emilia looked around, and then leaned in and whispered, “What’s the word?”
“Yes!” Emilia wiggled so that Lena set her down, “I want to make a good impression.”
Lena helped Emilia change into her outfit, and Emilia ran out of her room as soon as she was dressed, Lena laughing behind her and telling her to slow down.
Kara was talking with Alex and Maggie when Emilia and Lena made it out to the living room, and Emilia hid behind Lena’s legs, suddenly shy.
“Hey,” Lena said quietly, her hand going through Emilia’s messy hair, “It’s okay to be a little scared.”
“I’m not scared,” Emilia argued, her hand fisting tightly into Lena’s shirt.
“Okay,” Lena smiled at Kara as Kara broke away from her conversation to come over to them.
“Hey, you two,” Kara looked down at Emilia hiding, “Is everything okay?”
“She’s not scared,” Lena answered, waving at Alex and Maggie.
“I’m not,” Emilia insisted.
“Of course not,” Kara wrinkled her nose at Lena with a smile, “She’s definitely not scared.”
“Not at all,” Lena agreed, trying to hold in laughter.
Emilia let go of Lena’s shirt, and came out from behind Lena, her arms reaching out to Kara, and Kara picked her up immediately.
“I’m not scared,” Emilia told Kara quietly, “I promise.”
“I believe you, sweetie,” Kara whispered back, “But you’re going to be meeting a lot of people today, so if you need a moment, just let either of us know, okay?” Emilia nodded.
“You ready?”
Emilia nodded excitedly, “Yeah!”
Kara took Emilia to go meet Alex and Maggie, but Lena stayed back, watching her daughter start to warm up to her sisters-in-law. Kara still held Emilia, but Emilia’s hands waved around her with the telling of her story. It didn’t take long for Emilia to ask Kara to put her down so that she could drag Alex off to play with some of her toys.
“Hey, Luthor!”
Lena rolled her eyes at Maggie, but walking up to her and Kara anyway, “Hello to you too, Maggie.”
Maggie smirked, “Well, you were creeping back there. I figured you needed an invitation.”
“To you two meeting my daughter?” Lena asked, “In my own home?”
“I repeat, creeping.”
“I was watching from a distance.”
“Or hovering.”
“Okay,” Kara cut off their bantering, knowing that otherwise, it would go on forever, “Maggie, would you like something to drink?” Kara started to move into the kitchen, hoping Maggie would just follow.
Maggie did, asking, “Is there any of that nice scotch that Lena insists on buying?”
“It’s noon,” Lena called after them.
Maggie turned and walked backwards, shrugging at Lena before helping Kara get drinks in the kitchen.
Lena moved into the living room, shaking her head as she took a seat on the couch.
Emilia convinced Alex to help her build something out of the Legos Kara promised would help “foster Emilia’s love of engineering and learning,” and Alex looked like she was thoroughly enjoying herself, asking where each piece needed to go before clicking them together.
“Your wife is insufferable,” Lena told Alex while making herself comfortable.
Alex looked up at her from the floor, “So I’ve been told, on multiple occasions, by you specifically.”
“What does insufferable mean?” Emilia asked, sounding out each syllable of the new word.
“It means that your Aunt Maggie is sometimes a bit too much,” Lena said, trying to explain in simple terms.
“Okay,” Emilia said, “So, would it be insufferable,” again, she sounded out each syllable separately, “when you and Kara tell me that I need to finish all of my green beans before I can read and play?”
Alex snorted, covering it up with a cough as Lena glared at her.
“No, sweetie,” Lena leaned forward so that she could push some of Emilia messy hair out of her eyes, “We just ask you to do that because green beans are good for you.”
“But it’s too much,” Emilia reasoned, and even though they only had Emilia for a couple weeks now, Lena was happy that Emilia was becoming more comfortable, more willing to speak and be a part of the conversation, even if she wasn’t ready to call Kara and Lena “Mom” yet.
“I think it might be just enough, sweetie.”
Emilia shrugged and went back to her Legos, and Kara came in holding glasses of water for herself and Lena and a juice for Emilia while Maggie handed Alex the last glass of water.
“So, no scotch?” Lena asked, noticing the glass of soda Maggie was sipping from.
“It’s noon, Lena,” Maggie shot back with a wink, “Isn’t that a bit too early to be drinking?”
Lena rolled her eyes, holding in any comments.
“Can I drink before noon?” Emilia asked, and Alex and Maggie both snorted this time, not even trying to hide it, and Kara smiled.
“Aunt Maggie means drinking alcohol, sweets,” Kara explained, sitting on the couch beside Lena.
“Oh,” Emilia nodded, taking a sip of her juice, “That makes sense, I guess.”
Kara smiled at Lena before turning her attention back to Emilia and her Legos, “So, what are you building?”
Emilia launched into her idea of building a small town, and as she talked, Kara and Maggie both moved to the floor to help in the build. With all four of them working, Emilia took on a supervisor role, explaining her ideas (her adorable, five-year-old ideas that made Lena smile) and telling the three adults where all the pieces should go.
Lena got a cute picture of the four of them, Emilia mid-explanation and Alex, Maggie, and Kara watching her intently.
Emilia seemed to really warm up to Alex and Maggie as well. As Emilia got bored with Legos, she moved onto coloring, asking Alex and Maggie if they want a page too. Alex had declined, opting to sit back against the loveseat and watch, while Maggie happily took one, coloring and asking about Emilia’s interests.
When Emilia said that she thought Supergirl was cooler than Superman, Maggie smiled and looked up at Kara, asking if she agreed.
Kara could only laugh and say that everyone had their own opinion.
It wasn’t long before other people started to show up.
Eliza was next, fresh off her flight into National City, and she introduced herself to Emilia with a present, Where the Wild Things Are, and a promise to help her read it later.
Winn and James showed up, James with a big smile and a camera to take pictures and Winn buzzing with excitement, some sort of machine in his arms.
“It’s safe, I promise,” Winn assured Kara and Lena as he made his way into the apartment, “I was working on this before you mentioned adopting her, and it just seemed like the perfect thing for her.”
Winn set the relatively small machine down on the coffee table and started pressing some buttons. Emilia looked over his shoulder curiously, shyness forgotten as she met more and more of their family.
“There!” Winn exclaimed, smiling at Emilia over his shoulder, “Would you like to do the honors?”
“What do I do?” Emilia asked, moving around him so that she was in front of the machine too.
“See this button here?” Emilia nodded at Winn. “Press it.”
Emilia pressed the button and the machine whirled to life, creating a hologram of the planets and stars around them. Emilia’s eyes were wide in amazement, small fingers reaching out to grab a nearby star. When she touched it, a small information screen came off the star.
“It tells you the name of the star or planet and its place in the universe,” Winn explained, “You just so happened to touch Polaris, so its right ascension is 02:31:49.09 and its declination is +89:15:50.8.”
Emilia nodded along as if she knew what that meant, and she moved to touch one the Earth, its statistics popping up. She smiled wide and turned to Lena and Kara.
“This is so cool.”
Kara smiled, “It is, isn’t it?” She touched the object nearest to her, Pluto, and read all of the facts about it.
“What does population mean?” Emilia asked, reading the facts for Earth.
“It means the amount of people that live somewhere,” Lena said, moving to Emilia to help her decipher what was in front of her.
“Is seven billion a lot?”
“Oh yeah,” Winn answered, moving so Lena could sit beside Emilia, “Like, a lot.”
“Cool,” Emilia breathed out, moving into Lena’s lap.
“It even has some other galaxies,” Winn said as he messed with the machine some more before the planets and stars disappeared and were replaced with unrecognizable planets and stars.
Well, unrecognizable to Emilia. Everyone else in the room recognized one of the planets orbiting a red sun.
Emilia leaned forward and touched the planet, “What’s this one?”
“It’s Krypton,” Winn told her, “This is where Supergirl and Superman are from.”
Lena turned around to see Kara looking at her home planet with a sad smile. Kara caught Lena’s eyes, nodding and moving to take a seat by Lena and Emilia, closer to her planet before its destruction.
Winn showed them the other galaxies he programmed into the machine. J’onn showed up halfway through, laughing as Winn zoomed in on Mars and explained green martians and their customs, correcting Winn on a few things here and there.
Emilia was happy to stay in Lena’s lap on the floor, looking at the stars and planets around her in wonder, sometimes touching one to bring up its information and asking questions. Lena wrapped her arms around Emilia comfortably, resting her head on Kara’s shoulder.
When there was another knock at the door, Lena handed Emilia off to Kara and stood. She knew exactly who it was and couldn’t get to the door fast enough.
“Sam,” Lena pulled her friend into a hug, “It’s so good to see you.”
Sam laughed into Lena’s shoulder, “We saw each other a few days ago.”
“Can I not be happy to see my best friend?”
“Apparently not,” Ruby said from behind Sam, a smirk on her face, “Mom apparently missed the part of socialization where she learned common human greetings.”
Sam wrapped an arm around her daughter’s shoulders, “You must think you are so funny.”
Ruby pushed away with a smile, “Aunt Lena thinks I’m funny too. Right?”
Lena looked at Sam and shrugged, “You have to admit, it was a witty and intelligent joke.”
“And I’m being ganged up on,” Sam said, but she was smiling and laughing.
“I’m going to go say hi to Alex,” Ruby said as she made her way further into the apartment, sitting next to Alex on the couch and striking up a conversation.
“Two years of college and she thinks she’s so cool,” Sam said with a smile, closing the door.
“College is going well, I take it.”
“Whenever we call, she always tells me about her biology and chemistry classes like I’ll understand what she’s talking about.”
“She’s a smart kid.”
Sam’s smile was proud as she said, “Yeah, she really is.”
Sam and Lena moved further into the apartment, stopping in the living room and watching Emilia introduce herself to Ruby, asking questions before asking her to come play. Ruby smiled and followed Emilia, helping her decide what she wanted to play with.
“So,” Sam said, “How is Emilia doing?”
“She was shy at first, but she warmed up to Alex and Maggie quickly, and she seems to be comfortable with everyone else.”
Sam pointed to the machine on the coffee table, “Winn made something?”
“Hologram of the galaxy with information that pops up when you touch it.”
“That’s pretty cool.”
Lena shrugged, “I helped him do it.”
Sam laughed, “Of course you did.” Sam took a second to look at Lena before asking, “And how are you?”
“Happy,” Lena said immediately, a smile on her face, “I was so afraid to be a mom, but I know I’ll be better, and I know I’ll do whatever I can so that Emilia grows up happy.”
Sam wrapped an arm around Lena and smirked, “You’ve got some pretty low standards to meet.”
Lena rolled her eyes, “Like it’ll be hard to beat the Luthors.”
Before Sam could respond, Emilia was in front of them, looking from Lena to Sam before asking, “Who are you?”
Sam knelt down in front of Emilia, “My name is Sam.”
“Your name is Sam?”
Sam nodded, “I’m pretty sure it is.”
Emilia turned to Lena, “Her name is Sam?”
“Yes, love.”
Emilia left then, going into the hallway, and Sam looked at Lena confused, “I didn’t know my name was so weird.”
“I have no idea why she responded like that.”
“Maybe-” Sam was cut off by something soft poking into her hip.
Lena and Sam looked down to see Emilia holding Sam the Cotton Candy Ram against her chest, “This is Sam, too.”
Sam smiled down at the familiar stuffed animal, having already met him during game nights and hangouts. “I still think it’s weird that he has the same name as me,” Sam told Lena.
“In my defense, Kara named him.”
“It rhymed,” Kara defended herself from the couch, cutting off her conversation with Alex to do so.
Emilia nudged Sam the Cotton Candy Ram into Sam’s leg again, “What’re we supposed to do if your Sam and he’s Sam?”
“It is a bit confusing,” Sam told Emilia, “Why don’t we call him Ram-Sam while I’m around, and I’ll just be Sam. Does that work?”
Emilia nodded, “Okay. That makes sense.” She turned to go join Ruby again, Sam the Cotton Candy Ram help tightly in her arms, and Sam couldn’t help laughing at the situation.
“I’m glad that made sense to her,” Sam said, her laughter dying down a bit, “I really didn’t want to lose my name to a stuffed animal.”
“She loves him a lot,” Lena smirked, “I thought she was going to try arguing for you to change your name.”
“You’ve had that stuffed animal for a year. You couldn’t change his name?”
“Blame Kara.”
“It rhymed,” Kara argued again from the couch, and Alex shoved her shoulder gently, rolling her eyes and laughing at being interrupted again.
Everyone settled into different conversations after that, Emilia bouncing between everyone before finally sitting in Lena’s lap again with a book, Sam the Cotton Candy Ram resting against Lena’s thigh.
Lena pressed a kiss to Emilia’s head and thought about how happy she was surrounded by her family and how easily Emilia accepted them as her own as well.
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olicitysecretsanta · 6 years
The Key to Success
Disclaimer: Arrow does not belong me. All rights belong to DC Comics, The CW, and those persons associated in the creation of the show and comics.
The Key to Success by RedPens&GreenArrows Fandom: Arrow Rating: M Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, William Queen Pairing: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Olicity) Tags: Romance, Smut, Family, Fluff, 6x03 missing scenes, Olicity Secret Santa 2017
Summary: When did Oliver decide to give Felicity the kiss to his apartment? And what transpired after? Missing scenes from Arrow 6x03.
A/N: Happy Holidays lovely Arrow fans!! An extra-special shout out to @green-arrows-of-karamel, this fic is your gift, and I’m excited to finally share it with you and everyone else. Thank you for being an awesome member of this fandom, you’re blog is wonderful, and also thank you for being an admin. for this year’s OSS! I hope you enjoy this little fic, it was fun to write! May you holidays be merry and bright! (Also there might be a small easter egg/call out to an Outlander episode from this scene. Have fun finding it!) xo
Oliver heard the front door slam announcing William’s arrival home from school. He was reviewing some notes for the city council meeting tomorrow, but the loud shout of ‘Oliver!’ snatched his attention and he sprinted from his desk. Fearing the worst, Oliver nearly bowled over his son in the living room. However, the gigantic grin that greeted him immediately calmed his worries. Oliver placed a hand on his chest and blew out a deep breath. His heart raced beneath his fingertips.
“What’s up, buddy?”
“Look! I did it! I got the ‘A’!”
Stapled sheets of paper were shoved in Oliver’s face, and it took him a few seconds to focus the rows and rows of numbers and symbols and make sense of what they meant. William passed his math test. A grin rivaling his son’s spread across Oliver’s face.
“William, that’s great! And you know what, this deserves a place of honor.”
Turning, Oliver walked across the room towards the kitchen.
“Oliver, really…” William weakly protested.
But nothing stopped Oliver from holding that test up to the fridge and placing a magnet right in the middle. The bright, red ‘A’ stood out in the corner. He smiled back at his son, his expression shining with a deep pride. William replied with a roll of his eyes.
“I don’t care if you think that it’s lame, or you’re ‘too old’ for your work to be on the fridge. You worked your butt off for that ‘A’ and I’m proud of you.”
William looked down and shuffled his feet. “Thanks,” he mumbled.
“And hey,” Oliver said while clasping William’s shoulder, “Never hesitate to ask me for help. Even if I can’t help you, I’ll do whatever I can to find something or someone to help.”
Remaining silent, William nodded and the lingering awkwardness between the pair began to rear its head.
“Alright,” Oliver clapped his hands hoping to break the tension. “This calls for a celebration. The pot roast has about an hour left, so what’s your favorite dessert? I’ll whip it up and pop it in the oven while we eat dinner. Cookies? Brownies?”
William perked up at the suggestion. “Chocolate cheesecake brownies?”
Oliver paused. “I’ve never made them, but I’m always up for a challenge. Chocolate cheesecake brownies coming right up.”
William smiled. “Cool. I’ll just start on my homework.”
Swinging his backpack onto his shoulder, he headed for his room, but stopped at the threshold.
“Hey, Oliver?”
“Yea, bud?”
“Could you thank Felicity for me the next time you talk to her. She was a really big help.”
Oliver’s mouth ticked up in a small smile. “You got it.”
With a quick nod in thanks, William disappeared into his room and the door slid closed.
His smile grew once William was out of site and Oliver glanced at the test again. It was as if all the puzzle pieces clicked into place. He mentally debated for weeks when would be the appropriate time to give Felicity the extra apartment key. But seeing Felicity and William get along  so well, there was nothing left holding him back. Watching her quirky genius and his inquisitive mind work together, Oliver swore nothing felt so right. Not since he saw Felicity cooing over a newly born J.J. Diggle had Oliver felt such longing. He once more saw the future he wanted, and now it was just within reach.
Setting the brownie mixture in the fridge to chill, Oliver walked back to his home office and opened the top right drawer in his desk. He picked up the key and smiled at the silly, geek emoji keychain he found when grocery shopping the other week. Tomorrow he would pick up a gift box and stop by the loft. It was time to grab onto his future, and hold on tight.
>> ——- >
“… His life will be better with you in it. Just like mine.”
“Are you sure… that’s what you want?”
“I’m sure.”
If Felicity was one to swoon she would most likely be headed to the floor right now, hoping that Oliver would catch her sudden descent. However, the man in front of her didn’t make her swoon – at least not physically – he just turned her on something fierce! Her dormant libido awoke from its year and a half sleep with a vengeance, and demanded immediate attention. So, as Oliver stepped forward for nothing more than a hug, Felicity launched forward and crashed their lips together. Everything spiraled deliciously from there.
Their kiss sparked the smoldering embers of their feelings, turning them into a fiery blaze. Stepping closer to Oliver, Felicity pushed at his leather jacket, needing it off. She wanted more of him; craved the feeling of him beneath her fingertips. Their movements became frantic and needy. With all the grasping, and pulling, and gulps of air it was only a matter of time before they became the victims of gravity. Oliver bumped into a cluttered end table and sent them both tumbling onto the new red loveseat.
Felicity squeaked in surprise as they fell, but once landing safely both she and Oliver burst into laughter, realizing just how caught up in the moment they were. Sharing a smile, Oliver cupped Felicity’s neck and lightly caressed her cheek.
“I’ve missed you,” he spoke softly. He eyes sparkled with adoration.
Felicity’s tongue peaked out and wet her bottom lip. She fought against the gigantic grin threatening to take over her face. “Yeah,” she agreed, closing the distance between them. “I’ve missed you too.”
This kiss started more slowly. However, the fevered itch clawing in both of their bellies fanned the flames, and they were back at it within seconds. Clothes became a hindrance to what they really wanted, so Oliver sat up with Felicity straddling his lap and made quick work of her bra and pajama top. Following his lead, Felicity ripped Oliver’s shirt up over his head, breaking their lip-lock, then scooted off of his lap to divest herself of her pants and underwear.
Oliver, dazed by lust, took a moment to gaze upon the gorgeous woman standing before him. Once he was able to focus, his breath caught in his throat and he unconsciously wet his lips. His eyes traveled from head to toe, taking in everything like it was the first time he was seeing her. Felicity shifted on her feet, but she wasn’t nervous. Having done this all before, there was no reason to be shy. This wasn’t a beginning, but a reunion, a reconnecting. That butterfly feeling might remain, but she wasn’t scared of it this time.
In a blink, Felicity found Oliver had gracefully moved to stand right in front of her. His chiseled chest drew her attention as it rose and fell with every deep, shuddering breath. Itching to touch him, her fingers ghosted over the hills and valleys of his torso. Oliver gasped and his body trembled. Felicity’s exploration didn’t get much farther as he lifted her into the air and began to move. Her arms and legs automatically locked around his body, and her gaze was now captivated by the intense, heated stare Oliver gave her. This would have been her swoon-worthy moment if her feet were touching the ground.
Feeling herself being lowered to the ground, Felicity wondered where exactly Oliver moved them. However, once the smooth, stretchy spandex started conforming to her body, she smiled and mentally congratulated herself on the brilliant idea of purchasing this oversized bean bag chair.
“Curtis is going to be upset when I tell him he isn’t going to want to sit on this thing anymore.”
Oliver cocked an eyebrow. “I’ll buy 15 of them for his own house if you promise to never say another man’s name right before we have sex.”
Felicity giggled and bit her lip. She missed their banter. A lot.
Hovering over her, Oliver smirked, ending the moment by continuing where they left off. He released her bottom lip from her teeth by pulling it free with his own, and then plundered her mouth like a man starved. Moaning, Felicity’s hands carded through his hair and her hips rose to seek that delicious friction when she discovered he was still wearing his jeans. Ripping her mouth from his, Felicity tried to gather her words when Oliver turned to his second favorite past time of making out with her neck. What did she want to say again?
“Pants,” Felicity panted. “Pants off, now!”
Oliver grunted as he attempted to balance while removing the rest of his clothing. It was uncoordinated and bumpy, causing Felicity to giggle before she knocked his hands out of the way and took care of the button and zipper herself. They smiled into their kiss as Oliver finally rid himself of his jeans and boxers.
Wrapping her legs back around him, Felicity skimmed her hand down Oliver’s stubbled jaw. “Don’t go slow, and don’t you dare be gentle.”
A second later, Felicity’s head flew back as she cried out. Oliver obeyed her demand with vigor. It may have been over a year since ‘chinese and wine’ in the bunker, but it was as if they never parted. With Oliver’s fast, steady pace and him once again attacking her neck with kisses, Felicity felt centered. She was flying, yet completely grounded. This was right. This was home.
Oliver lost himself in the feeling. He never expected the evening to take this turn, but he wasn’t about to bite the hand feeding him. The woman he loved was in his arms again and no way in hell was he letting go. Since the craziness on Lian Yu and suddenly becoming a single parent, he felt the weight of stress and panic slowly closing in. But as long as he had Felicity beside him, he knew he would be able to make it through the other side. She was his light, his beacon. Problems seemed easier when they were together.
Grunting, Oliver tried to stave off his orgasm, which was approaching much faster than he would have liked. Reaching between their bodies, he found her slick, little bundle of nerves, and circled rapidly with his thumb.
“Oliver!” Felicity cried, then kissed him with every emotion coursing through her body.
Her nails dug into his skin as she scraped her fingers across his back. Like a master musician, this man always knew how to play her body like a fine instrument, and good Google had she missed it!
Oliver wasn’t going to let this end until Felicity joined him, so he ramped up his pace. When he felt her begin to flutter around him, he stopped holding back. Grunts and screams meddled with the hum of electronics throughout the room, and the pair flew over the edge together. Completely boneless, they collapsed and sank further into the plush cushion of the beanbag chair. Oliver’s hot, heavy breath panted against the side Felicity’s neck and did absolutely nothing to cool her wet, sticky body. The temperature between their bodies seemed to reach sweltering levels, but Felicity didn’t want him to move. Didn’t want this moment to end just yet.
With much effort, Felicity managed to move her arms around Oliver’s back and head, hoping to keep him there a few seconds longer. However, her movements appeared to shake Oliver from his post-orgasmic stupor. His head shifted, and he began a trail of kisses starting at her shoulder, up her neck until he reached her lips. The kiss was slow, and lazy. It brought flashes of beach beds, and Bali sunsets from Felicity’s memory. Tightening her arms and bringing her legs into the mix, she really didn’t want this to end.
Oliver found himself lost in the moment as well, forgetting where he was. Felicity was in his embrace and that’s all that mattered. Shifting slightly so he wasn’t lying completely on to of her, their post-coital peace was interrupted by a sudden beeping near Oliver’s feet. Felicity’s face scrunched as she tried to place the source of the sound.
“Is that one of mine?”
“No,” Oliver strained as he pushed himself into a sitting position. “It’s mine. It’s William.”
Reaching for the crumpled pile of his clothes, he pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket and checked the new text message. Felicity sat up and curled around him, resting her chin on his shoulder.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah… he’s just wondering if I’ll be home soon. We’ve sort of have this evening tradition now before he goes to bed. We turn a game on TV, and if he feels like talking, we talk. It’s been… good.“
“I’m glad to hear it. You two deserve to know each other and be a family.”
Oliver looked at her and smiled. Felicity melted inside seeing him so happy.
“However, it seems that I’ve lost track of the time.”
His smile turned into a smirk, and Felicity hid her responding smile against his skin. They shared a look before Felicity finally tilted her face up and touched her lips to Oliver’s. When they separated, they were nothing but smiles.
“I hate to hit and run.” Oliver winced at how horrible that sounded.
But Felicity just laughed. “It’s okay. It’s not like we planned this or anything. And it sounds like William needs you.”
Slowly they stood and began to dress. Stealing looks and small smiles, their movements were comfortable and unhurried. Finally, Oliver slipped on his leather jacket and turned to a now clothed Felicity.
“So…” Felicity parroted.
“I guess I’ll just…” Oliver gestured toward the door.
Felicity grinned and took a step toward him. “Thank you for the key.”
Oliver took a step towards her. “Thank you for accepting it.”
Their arms wrapped around each other and they shared another soft kiss.
“Looks like I’m going to need to find an excuse to stop by soon,” Felicity teased as they continued to hold one another.
“Well, I heard the Mayor might be having some personal computer issues…”
Felicity groaned dramatically. “Did you go to the coffee shop in the bad neighborhood again?”
Oliver chuckled and shook his head, grinning ear to ear. “Hey,” he nudged her slightly, “you know you don’t need an excuse to come over.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Good night, Felicity,” Oliver said softly.
“Good night.”
With one final peck of the lips and a flirty wink, Oliver was out the door and heading back to his son.
Felicity danced and hummed along to the song on the radio as she drove through downtown Star City heading towards her apartment. The sun had set long ago, but instead of manning Team Arrow from behind her computers, the team was given an unexpected early night. With no chatter from the police department or any immediate threats to the team, Digg made the call for everyone to go home. If something came up the police couldn’t handle, Felicity’s system would alert them.
Slowing to stop at a red light, Felicity froze mid-head bob when she realized what intersection she was stopped at. A left hand turn would put her right at Oliver’s door. A smile spread across her face. Maybe the mayor had some time for her to look at his computer problems tonight. Felicity giggled to herself. Plus, she should probably check that her key worked. Leaving no time for second-guessing, Felicity quickly turned left as soon as the light changed green.
Thankfully, Oliver’s new apartment had its own parking garage, so she didn’t have to find parking on the street, and 10 minutes later she was standing outside his door. Key poised just outside of the lock, Felicity took a deep breath. It wasn’t that she was nervous, but her stomach swooped with excitement and uncertainty. Would Oliver and William be in the middle of something? Would she feel unwelcome? Maybe today wasn’t the day to do this. Shaking her head she steeled her nerve; she needed to stop overthinking. Slipping the key in, Felicity unlocked the door and slowly pushed it open.
Greeted with the fading smell of a delicious dinner, Felicity’s eyes immediately locked on to Oliver. With his back to her, Felicity stood a moment in the doorway to admire the way his body moved as he washed dishes. That man definitely knew how to fill out a well-tailored button-up shirt, and boy, had she missed seeing that everyday. Especially when he was relaxed and had his sleeves rolled up to the elbow.
Shaking her head, Felicity pushed the door open further and the low squeak of the hinges caught Oliver’s attention. His head swung around to see who the unexpected guest was.
“Felicity,” he breathed. The bright grin that spread across his face threatened to blind anyone is close proximity.
His smile was so full of happiness and excitement that Felicity couldn’t help, but mimic with one of her own. “I hope this isn’t too late.”
“No!” Oliver quickly dried off his hands and moved out of the kitchen towards her
“I just… I heard the mayor was having some computer problems, so I thought now was as good a time to stop by as any.”
Oliver’s smiled never faltered as he cocked a teasing eyebrow. “Well, the mayor is very appreciative that you are willing to make house calls.”
Giggling, Felicity dropped her gaze. Now her stomach fluttered with nerves. Where the hell did this come from? But she couldn’t ponder the thought for long when Oliver’s hand cupped her chin and tilted her face back to his.
“I just wanted to see if my key worked,” she whispered, lost in his crystal blue eyes.
“I’m really happy you’re here,” Oliver whispered back.
Like two magnets, the pair drifted together until their lips locked and their arms wrapped around the other. They lost themselves quickly. Not because the kiss was heated or leading to… other things, but because it felt like coming home. The first steps to their new beginning together.
The new voice startled the pair, and Felicity ripped her mouth away from Oliver’s, staring at him wide-eyed with fear. Slowly they turned to face William as he looked back at them with confusion painted across his face.
“H – hey, William.” Felicity gave a small wave, still trapped in Oliver’s embrace.
“Were you stopping by for dinner?” William spared a glance at the now clean kitchen, “Because we already ate.”
“I – uh, I… um.”
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” Oliver jumped in and saved Felicity’s fumbling. “We have a ton of leftovers and I’m more than happy to heat some up.”
Felicity opened her mouth, an excuse right at the tip of her tongue, but the words refused to come out. Because, the thought of leaving just yet made her heart feel heavy. She wanted to spend time with her boys. Wait, her boys?
“I would love some.” No more overthinking. The tension drained from Felicity’s shoulders as she smiled up at Oliver. “You know I’d never say no to your cooking.”
William brightened at her words as well. “If I brought my homework out to the table, would you mind taking a look at it? I have a couple of questions.”
“Sure, I can totally multitask.”
Sitting around the dining room table, Felicity slowly devoured Oliver’s delicious meal, while guiding William through his latest algebra assignment. The kid was bright; he just needed to trust himself a little bit more. Oliver sat to Felicity’s right, sipping his own glass of the wine they were sharing. He didn’t talk as they worked, because watching his son and his – girlfriend? – bond would never get old. Oliver thought he knew true contentment in Ivy town, but he was wrong. This, right here, was what he wanted for the rest of his life.
“I’m lucky you stopped by tonight, Felicity. I think I’m getting the hang of this.”
Felicity smiled. William definitely inherited his father’s charm.
“Actually, bud, Felicity might be coming around more often now. Is that okay with you?”
Sliding his hand across the table to grab Felicity’s, Oliver gave her a loving smile before turning to William.
Shrugging, William played with the pencil in his hand. “Sure, Felicity’s cool.”
“Aww.” Felicity gave him an adorable pout. “Where were you when I was in middle school?”
William blushed and ducked his head.
“So, have you finished all your homework?” Oliver asked as he began to clean up Felicity’s dishes .
“Alright, well I did promise you could stay up and watch the Seahawks game if you finished early. Put your homework away and I’ll grab the snacks.”
“Cool. Are you going to stay for the game, Felicity?”
The lilt of excitement in his question made her laugh. “No. Sorry. Sports and I don’t understand each other.”
“I could always try explaining the game to you again,” Oliver teased.
Felicity rolled her eyes at him. “You just enjoy watching my eyes glaze over.”
“It doesn’t happen often, it’s fun it when it does.” He winked.
Turning back to William, Felicity ignored Oliver’s teasing. “I also have a long day tomorrow, so I should probably head out.”
William nodded. “Okay. Well, have a good night.”
“You too,” she called after him as he headed for his room.
Now alone with Oliver, she directed her attention back to him and found he still wore a laughing smile. “It’s not funny. Sports are boring.”
“Sports are only boring if you don’t understand them.” He bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud.
“Exactly, sports are boring!”
Shaking his head, Oliver set Felicity’s dishes in the sink. “I’ll walk you out when you’re ready.”
After grabbing what little belongings she had, the pair made their way to the door.
“Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for coming over.”
Leaning forward, they shared a quick kiss.
“You know,” Felicity feigned a deep thought. “I think I might pop by more often.”
“I think you should.”
They chuckled and shared one last kiss.
“Goodnight, Oliver.”
“Goodnight, Felicity.”
She slipped out the door, and made her way down the hallway to the elevator.
Pivoting at Oliver’s call, Felicity found him leaning against the door jam watching her walk away.
“Would you go to dinner with me?”
Her forehead crinkled. He wanted to go on date? “Wait, like a date?”
Oliver grinned as he pushed off the door jam and walked towards her. “Yeah, like a date date.”
He was teasing her again.
“But, Oliver we kind’ve did that bit already. And – in case you forgot – things didn’t end so well.”
Now standing in front of her, her grabbed her hands. “Eh, I’m liking my odds this time around.”
Felicity was a little stunned, but Oliver’s smile was contagious, so she couldn’t help but join him. “Any idea where you want to go?”
“Hmm… I’m not quite sure yet; however, I do have one request.” Leaning in close, Oliver’s lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “Wear something red.”
86 notes · View notes
sterekgala-blog · 6 years
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A rec list will be posted every day with a few of our favorite Sterek Christmas fics, and a masterpost of all our rec lists will be posted on the 31st. Requests are always welcomed!
New Year’s Countdown Rec List #11
What If Christmas, Perhaps, Means a Little Bit More by gremlins-came-and-got-me || 3k
Derek offers to help his cousin with planning her wedding, but he's also busy juggling finding Cora an apartment and finding the right time to propose to Stiles. Then, Laura shows up.
Cute Sterek living together and couples bantering about hosting christmas parties! If it wasn’t so cute I would find it unbearable!!!
All I Want for Christmas is You (In an Ugly Holiday Sweater) by missakwatson || 4k
“Erica,” Stiles said sharply. “I am not asking a cashier who I just met if he’s single and interested. I don’t even know him yet! What if he’s a Marvel guy? Or–” — Stiles paused for dramatic effect — “–an economics major?”
Erica rolled her eyes, settling back into her own cushion and pulling out her headphones. “You come here almost every other day, dumbass. Get to know him. We still have three weeks until Christmas break.” She raised an eyebrow at Stiles before turning to her laptop, pointedly ending the conversation.
Stiles marveled at how skilled Erica was at challenging him to do things – scary, embarrassing things which usually involved speaking to other people – in a way that made it feel almost impossible to say no. If he blew his shot with this guy, though, there was no way he would live it down. Erica would make sure of it.
That was so cute and well-written!! I love soft!Derek. And Stiles and Erica's friendship? I am HERE FOR IT!
Amputee!stiles Christmas HC by loveyprophet || 1k
The sheriff being a loving and caring father to both Stiles and Derek? With hot chocolate? Sign me the f up!!
It’s Too Early For This by thepsychicclam || 5k
Derek loves his job at the coffee shop, especially because Stiles comes in for coffee before early Saturday morning lacrosse practices. The problem is that Derek is too shy to do anything about his crush, and the situation is not helped by the rivalry between the basketball and lacrosse teams.
So sweet and very very awkwardly beautiful! 10/10 would recommend.
Don’t You Wanna Be My Sky? by WhoNatural || 9k
Stiles got ratted out by the Realm Guard for sneaking off with Scott a total of seven times before his dad buckled, promising sabbatical once Stiles reached Faehood, and enough Earth culture in the meantime to have him talking like a born-and-bred Californian teenager.
He just didn’t have the tan.
(Or, in which Stiles is a Frost Fae sent to the Earth Realm on the Fae version of Rumspringa and immediately falls head-first into a Coffee Shop AU)
Cutie-patootie fae Stiles being all types of adorable! Derek is so in love and i caaaaant!!
The Road Home by alocalband || 3k
“What,” Stiles says, and he’s aware that he doesn’t quite make it a question, but he currently can’t feel his toes so he figures he’s allowed.
“Do you want a ride home or not?” Derek huffs impatiently, each word forming a visible cloud in the cold night air as he digs around in the Jeep's trunk to grab as many bags as he can carry and transfer them to his own car.
I soooo need this love-confession fluff to warm my cold heart. Legit made my soul tremble because of its glory.
Baby, It’s Cold Outside by Jebiwonkenobi || 3k
Beacon Hills has a snow storm. Totally-not-cuddling happens.
A perfect hurt/comfort fic that will warm you right on up! *pun intended* >.<
A Thrill of Hope by bigboobedcanuck || 4k
Stiles crashes through the forest with Derek in his sights, stopping every so often to launch another snowball and duck one of Derek’s. Obviously Derek could outrun him in a heartbeat if he wanted to, but for some bizarre reason he apparently wants to hang out with Stiles and have an epic snowball fight. Maybe it’s a Christmas miracle. Or maybe Derek is just as bored and lonely as Stiles is.
I’m most likely going to be on some type of naughty list for this come next christmas, but i could care less at this point. Enjoy (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*NSFW*~✧』
Believe by Lenore || 3k
Derek likes to spend his downtime between book contracts doing something calming, relaxing, and just for him. Unfortunately, this holiday season his sister has other things in mind, which is how he finds himself working in the women's department at Macy's. He might, just a little bit (or maybe a lot), want to kill himself. Or Laura.
The one reprieve he gets is Stiles, the only customer who knows exactly what he wants each and every time he pops in, complete with item number and size. Derek may or may not be developing a crush on him. So it's too bad all Stiles buys are ridiculously expensive things that are, most likely, for his extremely lucky girlfriend.
Stiles is great. The Sheriff is great! Everything is frickin great! Sterek isn’t together but they might as well be!!!
A Christmas Retail Story by rlnerdgirl || 4k
Hilarious and wonderful!! This might be my favourite au ever
When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear by owlpostagain || 8k
There are some salvageable things though. A virtually untouched heavy slate sign that says, engraved in an ornate script that confirms at least one person in the Hale family had a sense of humor (Stiles has a horrible suspicion it might have been Peter), When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear.
Sweetest Christmas gift ever!!! Sterek was just so sweet and tenderhearted!
Stars and Snowflakes by Piscaria || 2k
Derek disappears from the pack's bonfire. Stiles is the only one who realizes why.
First kisses and fluff all around! My heart is aching!!!!!
First Snow by Moonbeam (luvsbitca) || 26k
In the future Stiles and Derek finally get together.
One night Stiles wakes Derek up because it is snowing, they spend the following week enjoying the snow like Stiles did with his mum as Derek and Stiles try to move further in their relationship as the past keeps coming back to make it harder.
Requested by ShadowKnight.
So glad I found this again. Perfect humor. Every moment was my favourite. Fluffiness at its best. There is so much to say about this fic right here, but I’ll just let you enjoy it on your own.
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Swing Set in December (swing_set13) || 1k
'tis the season for pining. Especially if Santa is a hot werewolf.
So so so so cute! I loved this so very much
Rather be a snowman than be without you by Menacherie || 2k
Stiles wakes up December 3rd with a groan. He is of the opinion that Christmas break should start the first day of December, but no one ever seems to listen to him.
Hale pack being the adorable little idiots they all are! Again...I might be on some 2018 naughty list but WHO CARES?!
1|| 2|| 3|| 4|| 5|| 6|| 7|| 8|| 9|| 10|| 11|| 12|| 13|| 14|| 15
Submit in your favorite winter fics here so they can claim a spot on our countdown list! Any winter fics, old or new, are welcomed!!!
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himbowelsh · 7 years
I'm not sure if you still take those so you can totally tell me to fuck off, but I have this prompt idea for winnix (cause of those cute baby Dick pictures): Canon or Modern, Nix spends Christmas with Dick and his family. Dick's Ma tells him all her favourite stories about little Dick and shows him pictures from his childhood. Nix tries very hard to suppress his heart eyes. They share a room and it's fluffy and warm and christmasy and Nix never felt so good during holidays.
AN: irl dick’s father died not even a year after he got back from the war, in june ‘46. he was out in nixon at the time, and rushed home as soon as he heard the news. since i want to keep this happy, in this story dick’s father’s gonna still be around. (fiction -- it’s a magical thing.)
He’s not really sure what he’s getting himself in to when Dick invites him home for the holidays.
They’ve been back home for over a year now, and most of that time has been spent in Nixon, New Jersey. Dick took the job as personnel manager in January. Since then he has met the family, won rave reviews, and proven himself to be Lewis’s father’s favorite son. His father’s new (much younger) wife flirts shamelessly with him; and Lewis’s sister thinks he’s a great guy. Dick is getting used to life in Nixon and finding his rhythm at the company.
In the midst of all of this, Dick has still taken several opportunities to go back home -- his home, all the way in Lancaster. He’s reunited with his family. He spent Easter and Thanksgiving with them, and celebrated his sister’s birthday. Lewis was asked to come, of course, but he turned the invitation down each time.
Dick is better off spending holidays there. Those are his people, the type of family who cooks Christmas dinner together and eats it around a warmly lit table. Nixon holidays are a rush of glitzy, alcohol-fumed parties. Dick wouldn’t fit in there. Hell, he would hate it. He’s much happier celebrating back home, and Lewis is glad for it.
Dick has his place, and Lewis has his. That’s what he swore by up until Dick presented him with a neat, cream-colored envelope five days before Christmas.
Lewis’s first thought is that it must be a gift. “You shouldn’t have,” he says; then he sees that it’s postmarked from Lancaster. “You really shouldn’t have.” His fingers fumble as they tear open the envelope, revealing the letter inside written in open, spidery print. “Dick, you got your mother to write me?”
“She wants you to come down,” Dick replies. Smugness exudes from his voice, barely masked by that boyscout charm that makes everything he says sound so genuine. “It would make her very happy.”
He can say no to Dick all he likes, but there’s no way Lewis can turn down an invitation from his mother. He knows it, Dick knows it, and he’s bet his stash of VAT 69 that Mrs. Winters probably knows it too.
Lewis sighs, sets the letter down on the table, and turns to Dick. “Well,” he says, “Guess I can look forward to a Pennsylvania Christmas.”
Edith Winters is, in many ways, very much like her son. She is tall and long limbed, with a long face and bright blue eyes. Her features are more delicate than her son’s, however, and instead of being red her hair is a mass of blonde curls fading to grey in places, pinned up on her head in a loose bun. She greets Dick with a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek before turning to his travelling companion.
“You must be Lewis,” she says. Her smile is almost an exact mirror of Dick’s. Suddenly it doesn’t matter that they’re standing on the middle of a train platform out in Nowhere, Pennsylvania, and that Lewis can feel his eyeballs freezing inside of his skull. He feels warm, and for the first time in a long time realizes he’s excited for Christmas.
“That’d be me, ma’am,” he replies, and accepts her tight embrace. His surprise must show in his expression, because Dick chuckles over his shoulder. Lewis shoots him a glare, but there’s no fire in it. If this is what a Mom Hug feels like, his own mother ought to take notes.
“Take it easy on him, Mom,” Dick pipes up. Lewis thinks he’s taking pity on him for one second before his friend’s lips quirk up. “He’s still got to meet Ann.”
That’s the moment Lewis realizes he has no idea what he’s getting into.
By the time Lewis is settled in at the Winters’ home, he understands and appreciates Dick’s insistence that they both get some rest on the train ride over. If he hadn’t had the extra sleep, he doubts he’d be able to begin keeping up with the lively, warm home atmosphere that is so completely different from what he knows.
He’s heard a lot about the Winters family. Dick never shared his hesitance to talk about his home life during the war; in fact, he was the exact opposite. He enjoyed reminiscing, and would often take quiet moments to look back on his roots. Lewis thinks he knows what to expect from the Winters home -- a nice rural homestead, with a barn and small stable in the back. In a lot of ways, he isn’t wrong. Dick’s house sits on a lengthy expanse of land. There’s a tire swing hanging from a tree in the backyard. The farmhouse looks almost stereotypically domestic, painted white with a warm glow emitting from the shuttered windows. They’ve got a trellis, real chickens -- they have a white picket fence, for christ sakes.
If Lewis feels a bit like he’s stepped into an alternate universe, it’s nothing compared to actually meeting the family.
Dick’s father doesn’t say much aside from greeting him; he is even more laconic than his son, and at first glance seems serious enough to make Lewis uncomfortable. Ann Winters more than makes up for her father’s reticence, however. Lewis only has to look at her bright red hair and lively blue eyes to know that she’s a chatterbox.
In fact, Ann hasn’t left him alone since he walked in the door. She pelts him with questions about everything from his life in New York to the war, and he can barely answer one question before she’s launching off with some anecdote, joke, or a new question all over again.
“Dick took me into New York City a few years back! We got to see Sons of Fun, and stayed at this really nice hotel. He even let me have breakfast in the dining room all by myself! I ordered pancakes, and fruit, and they put powdered sugar on it and everything --”
She talks more than his father’s second wife, and is a lot harder to ignore. Lewis’s head is spinning.
Even so, he loves her. She’s like a tiny, spunky version of Dick, and though she’s nothing like his own younger sister Lewis feels a sense of fraternal affection towards her almost immediately. Dick has spoken of her so often that it doesn’t feel like Ann is a stranger at all. He practically knows her already, and will tolerate her endless questions just to see her (and Dick, out of the corner of Lewis’s eye) smile.
Dinner itself occurs not long after they’ve arrived at the house. Lewis has never seen so much homecooked food in his life. The array of turkey, stuffing, beans, potatoes, cornbread, and vegetables could hardly rival the splendor of Nixon family dinners, but it’s obvious how much time and effort was put into making it all. Everything is delicious, of course; but the real highlight of the dinner is conversation. The Winters’ banter back and forth with a lighthearted ease. Stories and jokes flow here like alcohol back in Nixon, and Lewis (his own glass filled with water -- Dick’s entire family doesn’t drink, and Lewis made a point of respecting that) feels like a fish tossed into a completely different ocean.
It makes him sad, for a minute, because this has never been something he’s had before. How often had he longed for this as a child? How many holidays did he spend yearning for this warmth and easy familiarity?
Then he looks at the happy faces around him, and his heart feels light once again. It’s yet another of the many differences between him and Dick, but this is something Lewis can be a part of now. This is a Christmas present (there’s no better word for it) and he’s not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
He thinks nothing can top dinner, but inevitably he’s proven wrong. Afterwards, when everyone is gathered in the living room by the light of the Christmas tree, she does what is potentially the most Mom thing imaginable.
She takes out the baby photos.
“This is one of Dick when he was no more than a year old. The cowboy hat was a gift from his uncle.”
Lewis’s eyes flash to the grown-up Dick, glistening with glee. He can only look away from the picture for a second, however. He wants to memorize every last detail of all of them. This is a side of his best friend he never imagined he’d get to see, and it’s absolutely amazing.
“What a darling,” he comments appropriately, and Dick’s mother beams with pride.
“And this one --” She pulls out a school photo, showing a middle school-aged Dick with a truly regrettable haircut. “This was around the time Ann was born.
“He was thirteen when we had Ann, and she couldn’t handle mother’s milk -- it was too much for her stomach, you know, milk still is -- so we had to make her her own formula. Dick watched me like a hawk while I’d make it. Then the day came when he insisted upon making it himself. Wouldn’t you know, he did a very good job. After that he wanted to feed Ann, of course, and he did that well too, so he became officially in charge of feeding the baby from that day on.” His mother covers her mouth with her hand as she chuckles. “He was so proud of himself!”
“Less proud when Ann would spit up on me, though,” Dick pipes up from where he’s lounged on the couch, leaning into Lewis’s side. From her seat under the Christmas tree, Ann makes a disgruntled noise. “It’s true!”
“I don’t do that now, of course,” Ann hastens to amend, sounding very self-important.
Her father raises an eyebrow. “I should hope not. Please don’t start, or we can make you very comfortable sleeping in the barn.”
Lewis snorts, and doesn’t bother covering it up. It turns out that Dick’s father is as funny as him, in that same quiet, unexpected way. They have the same sense of dry humor, though Nix has discovered the elder Winters’s unexpected proclivity for puns. For such a serious-looking guy, it’s completely unexpected. Lewis loves it.
Dick’s mother flips to another photo, and Lewis feels his heart catch in his throat. Dick can be no more than five in this one, sitting on his front porch with his elbows braced on his knees. There’s an impish grin on his face, revealing a gaping hole where his front tooth ought to be.
“Dick, what a little cad you were,” he remarks. Dick elbows him in the side, hard enough to make Lewis chuckle and nudge him back.
When he leans over to take a look at the picture, Dick’s chin winds up resting on Lewis’s shoulder. “Oh, I remember that! We tried everything to get that stubborn tooth out. The apple, the towel, and --”
“The doorframe,” both of Dick’s parents chime at the same time. Ann snickers, and Dick’s face flushes a charming red. “We remember.”
“Blood everywhere,” Dick’s father says. “It was awful.”
Ann perks up. “Sounds neat.”
“Awful,” her father reiterates, not seeming at all surprised by his daughter’s interest. “Dick cried for an hour --”
“It wasn’t a hour,” protests Dick, sounding disgruntled. Lewis has to stifle a laugh when he realizes that his friend is actually pouting.
“He was a crybaby,” Ann sing-songs. “Even after I was born. I never cried half as much as him.”
“I wasn’t a crybaby!”
“You were, darling, a bit,” Dick’s mother replies -- and presses a kiss to his temple before he can protest. “It’s alright, you were a very sensitive child! There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Lewis has never had this -- the easy affection, the teasing, the childhood pictures and stories looked back at with such fondness. That familiar melancholy returns to him, but it is mixed with something warm. It is impossible to feel alone in this environment. Dick grew up in the loving household Lewis never knew. Compared to a farmboy, the son of a millionaire is privileged in many ways; but it’s obvious that in this area, Dick is the one who struck gold.
Lewis couldn’t imagine a nicer way to spend Christmas. He presses a bit closer into Dick’s side, hoping his friend can understand how grateful he is to have been invited here.
If the tiny smile on Dick’s face is any indication, he understands.
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mehlsbells · 4 years
I’ve written before about the myriad of things which would go into Perfect TV Pilot Bingo, including shows like Glitch and The Night Of which set up mysteries, shows such as Doctor Who which have mini-pilots every few seasons, even TV shows which shoot a mid-season episode first to sell the show but still need to make their actual first-airing episode work as an introduction.
Let’s take a look at Stumptown‘s pilot and how it functions to deliver an incredible amount of information in a very short space, while serving a self-contained story and setting up the season’s arc.
The cold open establishes the iconic PORTLAND sign before panning to two tattooed heavies driving a car mostly held together with duct tape and curse-laden invocations. In a moment we’ll discover they don’t mind beating strangers unconscious and stuffing them in a trunk, but first the show is going to plant tongue-in-cheek: the criminals ruminate on coffee tasting notes before sing along to Sweet Caroline which distracts them as Dex escapes from the trunk and fights for control, launched the car off a bridge. This tells us Stumptown is happy to fight small and dirty but throw a little money at old-school stunts. Casting helps, too, the singing heavies reminiscent of 101 Dalmations and Home Alone hired muscle.
The credits card is stylised in a nod to the source material, then the next scene pulls a classic “three days earlier.” This device is a gimmick to wring the most bang-for-buck out of an action sequence, or easily set up a ‘how did they get here’ mystery (Breaking Bad‘s favourite use), but it works here both because a pilot is almost expected to pull this sort of stunt, and because it pulls a fakeout later (more when we get there).
Three days earlier, a detective sits in a bar drinking whiskey. So far, so typical. Dex being played by Cobie Smulders, she’s immediately hit on by a smarmy out-of-towner, and her response is a doozy of character and exposition. The first scene briefed us on Dex’s resourcefulness, good taste in distressed denim jackets, and ability to fight with a seatbelt and fire extinguisher, but this is the first real sense we get of Dex as a person. Within 90 seconds we learn she has a quick-patter repartee and strong deductive reasoning, is a military veteran who served in Afghanistan, speaks at least one other language, and doesn’t tolerate smarmy pricks.
The scene itself is a version of the Sherlock Holmes Introductory Scene. Every Sherlock Holmes adaptation gives Sherlock a reason to show his powers of deduction, and many contemporary detective shows follow suit. Take the two most recent TV adaptations: Sherlock introducing John and Watson in a medical lab which underlines John’s bonafides while establishing Sherlock’s macabre fascinations. Elementary leads Joan to Sherlock’s screen-filled living room (the better to inform us how this modern Sherlock consumes visual data) before quickly getting to a crime scene (the better to show off both his deduction powers, and Watson’s medical knowledge).
Point being, showing Dex’s powers of observation is important, but location can convey information, too. Dex gets hit on by McDouchy at Whispering Winds Casino, which isn’t just for production design’s sake. The casino bar allows the show to seamlessly transition to Dex gambling, which gives her one of the multiple character flaws all noir detectives must be in possession of, and also good reason to be called into a back room for a chat with casino owner Sue Lynn . . . who happens to have an existing and somewhat prickly relationship with Dex.
Sue Lynn gives us more specifics about the broad strokes we already got; Dex is in more debt than just losing at craps in the prior scene; not only was Dex in the military, but specifically military intelligence; Dex dated Sue Lynn’s son. All this comes in the midst of a conversation where Sue Lynn sets up the episode’s central mystery by asking Dex to find her granddaughter Nina.
Dex drives home, accompanied by a perfectly serviceable establishing shot with her beat-up car we’re familiar with, and greets her brother Ansel. Family in unusual iterations feels like it’s going to be a running theme with this show, but Ansel also serves to remind / guilt Dex about needing a job. Ansel provides our first sense of how the theme of family will run through this show, and also a fantastic selection of Portland Timbers gear.
After calling Sue Lynn to accept the job, Dex spends an appropriate amount of time in her appropriately-cluttered kitchen staring wistfully at a picture of herself and a handsome man we can infer is her ex and Sue Lynn’s son. How much Dex is driven by debt and how much by nostalgia / sense of duty / obligation / love we don’t know yet, but that’s setting up a season and character arc question: for this episode, all that matters is Dex takes the case.
And to reiterate, we cut to Grey setting up his bar and giving Dex (but mostly the audience) a ‘so let me get this straight’ reset. They also establish their rapport and Dex’s noir detective proclivity for alcohol.
Less than ten minutes and we’ve received an incredible amount of information, gotten a feel for the tone, and met some characters who, while it’d be a stretch to call them ‘colourful’ since they’ve only had a couple lines, are at least sketched out enough to make them entertaining.
Now Dex heads off to start cracking the case. Because the pilot has a lot of other work to do, this case is simple, mostly serving to show off Dex’s street smarts. The opening car bit showed Dex’s physical resourcefulness, this scene lets Dex play mental games, egging a witness to call Nina then driving around the block before snatching the witness’s unlocked phone. On the phone is a picture of a motel, where Dex goes and – with a little elbow grease and disregard for protocol and procedure – finds Nina and Nina’s dumb boyfriend.
Driving Nina back to the casino, Dex is rear-ended and beat up by two thugs who run off with Nina. From the moment the little guy hits Dex we assume they’ll take Nina and put her in the trunk along with Dex: the bad guys often take our hero’s car, plus we remember the opening sequence from a mere 13 minutes before, so it seems obvious . . . but then they don’t. This tells us not too assume too much, that there’s another twist to come.
Before that twist, Dex is going to meet a very Hot Detective, get questioned up at the station by said detective and Chief Camryn Manheim Lieutenant Cosgrove, get bailed out by Grey, realise something is Very Wrong with Sue Lynn’s statement, double back to talk to the dumb boyfriend, and find a food truck cook named Tookie to get some info on who might have it in for Nina and/or Sue Lynn.
Quick pit stop; Tookie and Dex’s casual rapport and exposition friendly banter about that one time Dex helped out as line cook establish Tookie is clearly an old friend, but he’s also got a lot of knowledge of Portland’s grimy ongoings. Though this is the only time we see him in the pilot, he has clear Recurring Character Vibe and establishes his usefulness by giving Dex a lead (and some legit tasty hot sauce).
  At the nightclub Tookie pointed her towards, Dex runs into a bouncer whose name she misremembers; this establishes her penchant for casual sex, which sets up another scene with Hot Detective in just a few minutes. The bouncer isn’t just there to let Dex banter, he lets the story show us something about who she is.
A little misunderstanding about a hot car which riffs lightly on various noir / procedural tropes, a little grand theft auto via driving in a small space, and Dex goes back to Sue Lynn to return her cash advance. While the scene lets her get a bead on the fact Sue Lynn was lying, it also gives us a picture of her Ideals, which all stubborn noir detectives have varying degrees of, which often operate in shades of grey* but which they hold to tightly.
Leaving the casino, Dex experiences PTSD flashbacks to her military stint. While we don’t need to be reminded of her service again, this reminds us she’s got a heavy mental load, which underlines the emotion of a gut-punch which will get served by Hot Detective approximately 60 seconds later, just after a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am round of sex is PG-13ly insinuated.
The dialogue bridging* ‘post-coital flirting’ and ‘reminder that you blame yourself for your ex-boyfriend’s death by IED’ is . . . well, I knew Michael Ealy was attractive and talented, but I didn’t know he was a magician. He actually manages to make the scene work, with just a little assistance from a perfectly fitted black t-shirt.
The remainder of the story is mostly about wrapping up the Nina mystery. No surprise: Dumb Boyfriend is a bad guy. Slight surprise: the cops actually manage to do something helpful to our detective. No surprise, Dex gets to be belligerent and pretend to Not Care while actually Caring Very Much. Day saved, Dex goes to Grey’s bar where she toasts with her tiny chosen family, and just before the closing shot, Hot Detective shows up to give her a case which ‘may help keep her out of trouble’ and definitely will launch a season’s worth of sleuthing storylines.
You’ll notice every scene does something to establish tone, tell us about character(s) and their relationships to each other, tells us about Dex’s backstory / personality, and forward the episode’s central mystery. A few scenes only do three of the four, but that’s still plenty.
If this post feels very “then this happened, then that” – it is. A pilot is often paint-by-numbers because it has a lot to accomplish. You don’t need to mess with proven formulas, just make sure the characters and story, and the cinematography and wardrobe and actors you paint them with, are fascinating enough.
  Stray Observations
*pun intended
– Dex and Ansel’s ‘hey sis’ and ‘hey sib’ is the most eye-rollingly-obvious bit of exposition, especially since ‘sis’ was enough. I’d even buy ‘Sib’ was a slip of the tongue / actor’s nickname, but they sure didn’t ADR it.
– In addition to giving Soccer City continual plugs, Ansel’s love of soccer is an easy device to have him wherever the story needs; in this case, kicking a ball just out of danger when Dex gets abducted. Clever.
– I’d kill to see them include some Thorns gear in Ansel’s mix. Plus, a Christine Sinclair jersey would continue their wink to Cobie Smulders’s Canadian origins (they riff on this further in Ep 2).
– The backseat of Dex’s car is covered not only in unpaid parking tickets, but empty energy drink cans and cassette tapes. Props to the set dressers who also had to set up a bar before-and-while it opened, multiple rooms of Dex’s house, a skeezy motel, a casino backroom, and more.
– My favourite running gag is the number PORTLAND’S BEST ESPRESSO claims:
#Stumptown's pilot is the perfect Economy of Storytelling example. I've written before about the myriad of things which would go into Perfect TV Pilot Bingo…
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