red-vs-red · 1 year
full stop no clue what the rvb community is like today i stepped out almost entirely when 17 ended and i had alreayd sorta dipped at the end of 15. what's new what do we all do now
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reinerist · 1 year
i decided to do some deep cleaning because we’re having guests over. and i found this
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thebigcomed0wn · 24 days
are poeple still saying that russian bots were on tumblr.com swaying the US election in2016. Was that not disproven years ago
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christinamac1 · 1 year
UK government is urged to "come clean" over the real cost of Sizewell C nuclear power station
 Ministers must “come clean” over the cost of the planned Sizewell Cnuclear power station, MPs have heard. Alan Brown, the SNP’s energysecurity spokesman, sought guarantees about the Suffolk project, given theincreasing costs for building Hinkley Point C in Somerset. Speaking atCabinet Office questions, Mr Brown (Kilmarnock and Loudoun) said: “In2016, Hinkley Point C was estimated to cost £18…
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bitcofun · 2 years
Key Takeaways The DOJ revealed today that it took 50,67617 BTC from a Silk Road exploiter in November 2021. The haul is among the biggest in DOJ history. The U.S. federal government is presently among the biggest Bitcoin whales, and owns over 214,046 BTC at minimum. Over the last couple of years, the United States federal government has actually turned into one of the biggest Bitcoin whales just by taking unlawfully gotten funds. Ultimately, it will most likely look for to liquidate these funds through personal auctions. Over 50,000 BTC Seized The United States federal government owns a massive quantity of Bitcoin. Today, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that it took a little over 50,67617 BTC (worth approximately $1 billion at today's costs) in November 2021 from a Bitcoin trader called James Zhong. Zhong acquired the amount by defrauding darknet market Silk Road by making use of the platform's withdrawal system in September 2012; he pleaded guilty to one count of wire scams recently, on November 4,2022 The DOJ advertised the confiscation as a $3.36 billion haul, which, while right at the time of the enforcement action, stops working to consider that Bitcoin is now down69% from its all-time high. The seizure is noteworthy-- it's the 3rd biggest in cryptocurrency history by Crypto Briefing's count-- particularly thinking about the quantity of Bitcoin the U.S. federal government currently has under its control. Over $4.43 Billion in Bitcoin In addition to the 50,676 BTC took from Zhong, the U.S. federal government has actually currently obtained at the minimum 163,370 BTC over the last 2 years, for a grand overall of 214,046 BTC, or about $4.43 billion, minimum. In November 2020, the DOJ caught69,370 BTC (worth over $1.4 billion today) from another Silk Road user, advertised as "Individual X" by the department. At the time, this was the network's fourth-largest Bitcoin address; the seizure formally made the U.S. federal government among the greatest Bitcoin whales worldwide. The company likewise took over 94,000 BTC from Heather "Razzlekhan" Morgan and Ilya Lichtenstein, declaring the couple was conspiring to wash earnings from the crypto exchange Bitfinex's notorious hack in2016 The amount, worth $3.6 billion at the time, is now worth over $1.9 billion. Owning 214,046 BTC makes the U.S. federal government a greatly big Bitcoin whale. According to BitInfoCharts, just one BTC wallet-- identified as Binance's freezer wallet-- includes a bigger amount, 252,597 BTC, and these funds most definitely come from Binance consumers, not the exchange itself. Searching for the biggest BTC wallets does not provide the complete image, nevertheless, as whales are most likely to divide their holdings in between numerous wallets. Satoshi Nakamoto, the confidential developer of Bitcoin, owns more than 1.1 million BTC, however the quantity is divided in between 22,000 various wallets. Is the U.S. federal government the most significant Bitcoin whale besides Satoshi? It's tough to state, however it definitely holds more than Bitcoin's greatest public supporter, Michael Saylor. Through his software application business, Microstrategy, Saylor had the ability to build up over 130,000 BTC throughout the previous 2 years. Concern for Bitcoin Holders? Typically, the U.S. federal government liquidates its Bitcoin holdings through the U.S. Marshalls Service through public auctions. Endeavor Capitalist Tim Draper notoriously purchased 30,000 BTC from the federal government in 2014 for about $185 million-- or around $616 per coin. More than likely, the BTC taken by the DOJ will be likewise provided to the general public. In current years, the DOJ has actually attempted to time its auctions according to market revolutions to offer its holdings for the greatest cost possible. In November 2021, it auctioned off $56 million worth of cryptocurrencies took from a BitConnect promoter, effectively liquidating the holdings at the height of the booming market.
Whether the firm will have the perseverance to wait on Bitcoin to increase once again prior to offering its holdings is yet to be seen. Far, it has actually limited itself from liquidating the profits from the Individual X and Razzlekhan confiscations. Disclosure: At the time of composing, the author of this piece owned BTC, ETH, and numerous other digital properties. The details on or accessed through this site is acquired from independent sources our company believe to be precise and trustworthy, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any details on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer individualized financial investment guidance or other monetary recommendations. The details on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the info on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or incorrect. We may, however are not bound to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or incorrect info. You ought to never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the details on this site, and you must never ever analyze or otherwise depend on any of the details on this site as financial investment suggestions. We highly advise that you seek advice from a certified financial investment consultant or other certified monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment suggestions on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline settlement in any type for evaluating or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete conditions What We Know About the Bizarre Couple Charged With the Bitfinex Hack U.S. authorities have actually taken $3.6 billion from Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan in the biggest property seizure in history. The eccentric characters of the suspects have actually left lots of questioning ... United States Government Joins Bitcoin Whales Thanks to $1 Billion Silk Road Seiz ... The United States Department of Justice (DoJ) has actually taken cryptocurrencies from a confidential individual called Individual X, consisting of 69,370 Bitcoin. The possessions deserve over a billion dollars and belonged ... Mt. Gox Creditors Will Soon Claim $4.9 Billion in Bitcoin Former Mt. Gox financiers will quickly be made up for taken Bitcoin. Some are worried that an increase of newly-circulating BTC into the market might affect costs. Mt. Gox was ... Read More
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curlykytta · 3 years
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owiez · 3 years
You should probably apologize for race faking while you're at it. We remember what you did in 2016.
Good morning 
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sajlsj · 4 years
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also maybe dooooooooont re blog these (as with all selfies on here usually thanks)
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chogonow · 7 years
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2016년에 만든 건프라.....하루에 장칸씩올리기 28탄 시난주스테인 및 기라도가.... #OneCase #InOneday #InMyShowcase #in2016 #28th #Gunpla #건프라 #ガンプラ #Gundam #기동전사건담 #機動戦士ガンダム #ガンダム #Weathering #웨더링 #저오능 #MadeByGonow #gonow #猪悟能 #ちょごのう(꽁치구이네에서)
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angaleel · 6 years
i rlly managed to do absolutely nothing for an entire year ..
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bonbonblush · 7 years
Happy Aro/Ace awareness week, and to all the aro/ace wlw:
Ace wlw youre not any less of a wlw for not experiencing / wanting sexual interaction / etc. Youre still radiant, beautiful and deserving of love.
Aro wlw youre not predatory for not being into romance / wanting sexual relationships / etc. You’re still gorgeous and deserving of that mutual bond you search for.
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realcleargoodtimes · 4 years
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Trump gave a speech at Gettysburg in 2016. It sounds a lot like his present-day Twitter feed.
In the 2016 speech, Trump complained of a "totally rigged and broken" political system, insulted his opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and warned of supposed voter fraud that could derail the election. Trump has also aired these exact same grievances on his Twitter account in the last 14 days.
In the lead-up to the 2020 election, Trump has taken a forceful stance against mail-in voting (except in Florida), baselessly arguing it will lead to mass voter fraud and threatening legal action to prevent the practice. The president has touted the incorrect claim that absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are different, and has completely ignored that he himself is a mail-in voter.
As recently as July, Trump took shots at Clinton on Twitter, drawing attention to her relationship with Russia and attacking her for alleged voter suppression.
So while Trump has had over 1,300 days and four years of presidential experience since his first go at Gettysburg, a 2020 Gettysburg address may have already written itself.
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bitcofun · 2 years
It might not have actually been tulip season in the Netherlands, however there was a palpable buzz at the stunning Westerpark, which played host to the Bitcoin Amsterdam 2022 Conference. Prominent speakers from all corners of the Bitcoin ( BTC) community attracted a healthy variety of guests throughout the 2 days of the program, checking out comprehensive subjects amidst the difficulties and successes as the area nears its fourteenth year of presence. With worldwide financial problems continuing throughout traditional markets and international financial inflation issues installing, Bitcoin's function as a possible hedge was a significant subject of conversation, kicking things off inside the Westerunie dome on Day 1 at the conference. Bitcoin as an inflation hedge Former hedge fund supervisor Greg Foss and Prince Philip of Serbia Gave supplied some intriguing something to chew on, highlighting the capacity for Bitcoin as a safe house possession offered its crafted shortage when compared to a debt-driven financial system that has actually been combating to fight inflation. The Netherlands hosts among the primary crypto occasions in Europe nowadays! If you are around #BitcoinAmsterdam state hi to Cointelegraph press reporters @gazza_jenks and @JoeNakamoto! pic.twitter.com/GZ7piDhrXj-- Cointelegraph (@Cointelegraph) October 12, 2022 Cointelegraph spoke with Foss in Amsterdam, who highlighted his view that Bitcoin will play a significant function in taking on financial inflation Having actually cut his teeth working for the Royal Bank of Canada and investing almost 30 years trading credit, Foss's intro to Bitcoin essentially altered his outlook on the existing financial obstacles dealing with the world: " I discovered Bitcoin in2016 I've been investigating it since, and in my viewpoint, it is the most essential technological and monetary service to our looming financial obligation crisis that we're seeing becoming a reality in genuine time today. What's occurring in the U.K. is amazing things. I have not been this anxious about the monetary system given that 2009." Prince Philip utilized an anecdotal example of skyrocketing inflation in Serbia both in the past and in 2022 as cause for issue for residents regardless of federal government guarantees that inflation numbers would go back to single digits in 2023: " This is how Bitcoin is truly going to assist individuals in Serbia and worldwide. It's essential that we inform individuals to comprehend the deficiency of Bitcoin and how it's going to resolve the inflation problem we're all experiencing today." Former European Parliament member Nigel Farage likewise weighed in on the concern from a British context in a discussion with Cointelegraph. While confessing he 'd initially become aware of the principle of Bitcoin back in 2012, Farage just recently contemplated its value when he started to question the nature of fiat currencies in modern-day times. Farage highlighted a break away from the gold requirement in numerous nations numerous years back as a main reason for inflationary environments which frequently take years to correct. Bitcoin, in his view, might end up being a more appealing methods of negotiating and fighting inflation in Europe in the near term future: " There's gon na be an extremely, huge modification here over the next 2 or 3 years, and it will end up being a relied on methods of exchange. And if I look now doing banking deals, they're ineffective, they're expensive, and typically rather sluggish. [ Bitcoin] ends up being increasingly more appealing." While there was a lot of optimism for Bitcoin being a hedge in a person's financial investment portfolio from a variety of speakers, Foss highlighted the significance of having a clear technique in location in regards to a portion allowance to BTC in a portfolio. Energy problems in Europe Energy problems were another hot subject of dispute, considered that Europe is experiencing an energy crisis of sorts, which has actually been worsened by Russia's intrusion of Ukraine.
Andy Long, CEO of mining company White Rock Management, summarized the status of affairs on the continent." Really, the only cost effective resources for energy for mining in Europe remain in places where the energy is stranded. When you transfer energy, you have losses in the grid, however you likewise require sufficient capability in the circulation network." Long likewise kept in mind that gas pipelines being limited and nuclear reactor being powered down were including more restraints, while sustainable generation was not keeping up. This suggests that mining operators are having trouble discovering places with low-priced, steady power. Jelmer 10 Wold, CEO of Greentech Technologies AG, highlighted the truth that the European Union is investing 300 billion euros ($29238 billion) in renewable resource production in the coming years while prepare for intake are rather doing not have." It will lead to a lot more requirement and need for steady load and load-balancing applications. The minute that the heat-user vertically incorporates with a mining farm, producing heat and BTC at the exact same time, there is no chance that an electronic boiler will ever be less expensive." Long likewise stated how his company's energy facilities financial investments in Sweden had actually caused a cascading result of facilities advancement and more financial investment into mining endeavors by other business. This offers an example of how Bitcoin mining can be an incentivizing force for additional electrical energy advancement. Considering sidechains Paul Sztorc, independent Bitcoiner and creator of BIP 300 and popular cryptographer, Hashcash innovator and Blockstream CEO Adam Back considered the future usage of sidechains to enhance the Bitcoin network in the future. It's a jam-packed home early on the first day of #BitcoinAmsterdam inside the Westerunie dome in Westerpark. pic.twitter.com/KSFvGok5HL-- Cointelegraph (@Cointelegraph) October 12, 2022 OpCodes, Simplicity and zero-knowledge SNARKS were advanced by both speakers throughout their panel on the topic. Back recommended that opcodes, which press information or carry out functions within a pubkey script or signature script, might be the most convenient to execute in the near term future: " I believe that the opcodes are most likely the fastest course. I believe there is brand-new energy in Bitcoin layer 2s with Fedimint and Statechains, there are numerous business dealing with those things. They're likewise thinking about unique brand-new opcodes so it's a great time to have that discussion." Sztorc, who developed BIP 300, which proposes compressing 3 to 6 months of deal information into a repaired 32- bytes, likewise concurred that sidechains might assist scale Bitcoin's network through the application of his BIP and other sidechain propositions: " The concept that I have for BIP 300 and simply the sidechain concept more typically might have huge effect. Not just does it do extensibility however it can be utilized to attain a substantial scale extremely rapidly." Upgrades or enhancements to Bitcoin's procedure have actually constantly been a controversial concern, however the 2 extremely appreciated cryptographers definitely offered determined handles how the procedure can continue to develop in a multi-cryptocurrency and blockchain environment. Julian Assange's Bitcoin story Renowned activist and Wikileaks creator Julian Assange, who is presently jailed at Belmarsh jail in London, was represented by his partner Stella, who provided a rousing address in Amsterdam that unloaded Bitcoin's function in combating censorship worldwide: " Bitcoin and its innovation are attempting to combat censorship in a comparable method to how Wikileaks has actually combated censorship utilizing cryptography. Julian began Wikileaks with extraordinary development, he is a leader who has actually altered the method journalism is done." Assange's work utilizing cryptography was mainly concentrated on
assisting reporters and newsrooms relook at how they secure their sources and details in the web age. As soon as Wikileaks started releasing details, the media business saw itself turned off from significant payment networks." That caused Wikileaks ending up being an early adopter of Bitcoin. It's essential to comprehend the attacks on Wikileaks and the various attacks. The extra-territorial banking blockades, the political and legal attacks." General discussions with speakers and participants painted an image of optimism about Bitcoin's continuous function throughout significantly unpredictable times all over the world. As the COVID-19 pandemic starts to vanish, inflationary issues and the ever-present hazard of an intensifying circumstance in Ukraine have actually likewise seen energy expenses skyrocket in Europe. Despite a bleak outlook, Bitcoin continues to bring in veteran users and potential brand-new entrants to check out the lots of opportunities of the preeminent cryptocurrency. As one confidential long-lasting Bitcoin holder informed Cointelegraph, "I flew here from America due to the fact that I like to keep tabs on what is going on in area." The participant was among numerous who had actually taken a trip from different parts of the world to discover how the Bitcoin community continues to develop in the ever-growing cryptocurrency community. Read More
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pastelrainbowflower · 2 years
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Funny, you don’t look your age.
A 1971 Lamborghini P400SV, part of my model car collection
I got the model kit for my birthday back in2016, the same year that particular car had its 50th birthday.  The Italian automotive firm introduced the Miura to the public in 1966.  It became famous for appearing in a (tragically) brief scene in the movie The Italian Job.  For the car’s 50th birthday, they decided to recreate that scene, but to make sure the car survived this time, they included police escorts.
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ry0m1t · 2 years
woow i lovee needing to read a bookk (writen in2016) for school that talkk about racism (in americaa) where the n-words is found a lott written by a french whitz woman /s /hj
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I was already a fan in 2018 but I found out wayy later that people thought jikook weren't good in mid2018. I didn't see it. Something I was aware of was MAMA 2018 (which was even after MMA2018), jungkook went to taehyung when he was crying and jimin was crying alone. I know that moment a lot of people dropped jk and became pjm solos. JM is the member who's had solos the earliest of all, back in2016 people already stanned jimin only and not the rest of bts (not anti bts, just jimin fans) 1
Cont/ (missing part 2) idk why i'm telling you about that jsjsj it came to my mind when another anon mentioned 2018. I guess my point was that there wasn't anything "bad" about jikook in 2018, not even for MAMA but, in the same way it's been talked that jk expects something more from jm (like NJ live 2019 and jk waiting for an apology), if people believe jikook are in a relationship, they will expect more of jungkook (and jimin) in the way they treat each other and it's not something we can avoid feeling either. 3
maybe you'll avoid it by rationalizing later but if you've felt it then the feeling is already there and that's it. of course we are just fans but you can't control feelings or emotions anyways and even when people say they're not expecting anything from them, i don't actually believe them. if you believe they're a couple, you are already expecting certain behaviors from them; for example if one of them gets hurt again people will expect the other to be in the room. 4
Like I've been saying for the past few days, BTS are a band, performing TOGETHER. JK & JM are part of that band. Even if they are in a relationship, that is their private life. Within the band, during professional engagements, they will be professional, they will interact with other members of the band. But I will go even further than that. These 7 young men are the best of friends. They have been together for over 9 years, and have bonded on the most personal levels with each other. Of course they will interact with each other. When you have a couple within a group of friends they don't stop interacting with the friends. If they wouldn't well that can break friendships apart. Friendships need to be worked on and nourished just as much as a romantic relationship does.
I'm going on here... point being, again, this isn't the Jikook show, it's BTS, and as such, JM & JK will continue to interact freely and happily with the other band members. By no means does that mean they are unhappy with each other or cold to each other or angry at each other or split up. The only thing it means is that they are both happy to perform and be with the other band members, who are their friends, or even as JK put it, their family.
As for expectations, well, they are problematic.  This isn’t Big Brother, we we don’t get to see them on a day to day basis.  What we are given are snippets of BTS content, that they are part of.  Other than live performances,, Vlives (which are pretty scarce these days) or award shows (again, non existent these days), it’s all heavily edited content.  We can’t expect anything.  We need to sit back, take a breath, support them and enjoy what we are given.  Those who have experienced long term relationships can see the signs there, even without the big moments that may or may not be missing nowadays.  
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