jeisonbailon · 1 year
Estoy cansado física y mentalmente, estoy arto de intentar e intentar y que todo me salga mal, estoy arto de la critica de la gente me hace perder las ganas de seguir.
Estoy fruatado, encerrado y colapsado con ganas de gritar pero vivimos en un mundo tan mediocre que si ven a un hombre llorar es sinónimo de debilidad y te hacen sentir inferior a la sociedad, estoy cansado de la gente presumida que alardea y alardea de sus logros alcanzados y no es envidia simplemente lo dicen en forma de mofa para sentirce superiores ante el inadaptado.
Que frustante esta vida y que estrés vivirla.
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saph-y · 2 years
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*Glass-eyed hunter with a red scarf that never does what is exepected* 🏹
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yelenapines · 3 months
was going to go to sleep but figured that what better time than now to research how to hold a conversation and make friends!
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rayroseu-reblogs · 6 months
not sebek using hot water filled bottles as his hot compress during cold weather AKDFJKLDFSJ thats how i build my hot compress for period cramps ksalfjklsdjfkljdsf ????
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lucian-evander · 1 year
My love language is to ask people if they want me to discretly get rid their toxic parents
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iyliss · 2 years
Apparently can't sleep unless I let the thoughts out so here goes -
I am thinking further about Saiou' social inability and how it makes every attempt at fixing his life even harder.
Mizuchi doesn't really care about other people, she's fine on her own and with just her brother. But Saiou is the kind, sensible one. He does care that he is a monster. He does need the warmth of others. So remaining an outsider, being so deeply isolated, hurts him and he won't find peace unless he gets even slightly more surrounded by people.
But like... it also means he has to stop being "other" to people. This idea of otherness, that his power makes him not quite human, is obviously negative but it was also a shield that could stand for everything he struggles with. Yeah everyone thinks he is weird at best, but that's because he isn't quite human, so that explains the reaction. And he can blame his power, and think it's not about him.
Then s4 happens, and he has to face that, no, it wasn't his power the whole source of his problems. Even with nothing different from others, there is something wrong about him. And... this very needed socialization he'll have to go through will probably happen similarly. No matter how kind, well intentioned, considerate the people he meets are they will eventually show all the way he is wrong and it was never about being human or not. He just... can't recover from this level of socialization by just making friends.
And he has no choice! He can't stay alone either. He has to enter society even if it destroy him further first.
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0-k-4 · 2 months
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Pourquoi tu souris ?
Présentation du film Pourquoi tu souris ? de Christine Paillard et Chab Chenouga. Une comédie sociale touchante et drôle à la fois avec des acteurs formidables
Le film, intitulé Pourquoi tu souris, est une comédie sociale sur l’exclusion mais qui célèbre la joie de la solidarité et du partage. Wisi (Jean-Pascal Ziddi) débarque à Bordeaux, lui, le vigneron saisonnier, en galère complète. Dans l’association qu’il fréquente, il rencontre Marina, femme d’âge mûre, qui accepte de l’héberger. Pour attirer son attention, Wisi se fait passer pour un…
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pleasefindoutaname · 1 year
- Write a post asking for multiplicity # who don't carry endo / anti endo shit
- Delete the post thinking I'll just block the endo related #
- Browse a bit just to see what i'll miss
- Almost every multiplicity content is tagged as pro or anti endo
Is the choice "don't get the multiplicity content you came to find or get angry with every blogger you want to interact 'cause you don't know which box they would put you in" ?
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konagod · 2 years
Americans Bragging
I just can’t deal with the American obsession of having an ice maker on your fridge door in Europe.
I live in Texas and I got rid of that hideous thing.
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For the questions, number 6?
Best part of being one the net? Privacy. People didn't figure out who I am irl here and that means I can do stuff without the "omg that guy did a new thing check it out". I love that.
Worst part? I'm a nice and polite science student who isn't used to saying stuff without real purpose, which makes me highly inadapted to Tumblr.
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mister-snake · 1 year
Enfance perdue
Je me rappelle que lorsque j'étais jeune et inconscient, j'étais submergé par mes problèmes d'enfant. Deuils, viol, intimidation, disputes avec mes camarades, isolement, fugues, peine d'amour, alcoolisme, dépression, inadaptation sociale, problèmes de comportement.
À cette époque, je pensais naïvement que grandir signifiait forcément liberté, épanouissement et plaisir. Au fil des années, j'ai réalisé que j'avais tort et que je ne cesserai jamais de souffrir.
J'étais cet adolescent qui voulait grandir dans l'espoir d'apprendre à maîtriser ses pulsions et d'avoir une vie stable. Maintenant, je suis ce grand qui aimerait à tout prix s'échapper en redevenant l'enfant des bacs à sable.
Peu importe l'âge ou les moments, on reste la même foutue personne à travers le temps. Un grand dans un corps d'enfant, ayant maturé trop vite à cause des traumatismes. Un enfant dans un corps de grand, demeurant vulnérable et anxieux malgré les expériences.
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bloodunicorn · 3 months
côtoyer l'être humain, irl ou ivl, me fait tellement ressentir mon inadaptation à ce monde...
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doppelnatur · 9 months
more food thoughts. But like recently a friend of my mom's who volunteers for the tafel spoke about the people they serve there and like was really judgemental about Arab and Turkish dependents and them being picky not wanting certain foods while Ukrainian people took anything and were grateful like they ought to be. I asked if they also went to the Turkish supermarket to pick up food and left overs and she said no. It just. Seems so cruel to me like the level of entitlement the level of control. They're noticing that they lack the foods the people they serve want, which is part of their cultures, their identities their lives.... and instead of getting it they complain that they're too picky and inadaptable... What an explicit example of the violence of the expectation of assimilation.
Give up who you are, give up your religious and cultural values, eat what you don't enjoy, you're poor be grateful.
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kisekisreblogspage · 1 year
Trigger warning, this migth be someting ofensive for some, this was made with humorous purposes, sorry if this is ofensive for someone, it was not intencional.
Characters are nor mine, credits to they're respective owners
I just made the drawing
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Error: ink, you are dumb, an idiot, an imbecile, a moron, stupid, useless, ugly, inmature, irresponsible, inadapted, an idiot, an asshole, fake, ridiculous, clumsy, disgusting motherfucker, selfish, you always Back stab, you don't care abaut others and then you call yourself they'r savior!
Error: also you have no soul
Ink: atleast i am white
I tink that i went down bad for Error, and ink... sorry
I made this in 2022 hope you like it!
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the-idea · 2 years
Personality disorders in the DSM-I, part 1
000-x40 Personality pattern disturbance These are more or less cardinal personality types, which can rarely if ever be altered in their inherent structures by any form of therapy. Their functioning may be improved by prolonged therapy, but basic change is seldom accomplished. In some, “constitutional” features are marked and obvious. The depth of the psychopathology here allows these individuals little room to maneuver under conditions of stress, except into actual psychosis. 000-x41 Inadequate personality Such individuals are characterized by inadequate response to intellectual, emotional, social, and physical demands. They are neither physically nor mentally grossly deficient on examination, but they do show inadaptability, ineptness, poor judgment, lack of physical and emotional stamina, and social incompatibility. 000-x42 Schizoid personality Inherent traits in such personalities are (1) avoidance of close relations with others, (2) inability to express directly hostility or even ordinary aggressive feelings, and (3) autistic thinking. These qualities result early in coldness, aloofness, emotional detachment, fearfulness, avoidance of competiton, and day dreams revolving around the need for omnipotence. As children, they are usually quiet, shy, obedient, sensitive and retiring. At puberty, they frequently become more withdrawn, then manifesting the aggregate of personality traits known as introversion, namely, quietness, seclusiveness, “shut-in-ness,” and unsociability, often with eccentricity. 000-x43 Cyclothymic personality Such individuals are characterized by an extratensive and outgoing adjustment to life situations, an apparent personal warmth, friendliness and superficial generosity, an emotional reaching out to the environment, and a ready enthusiasm for competition. Characteristic are frequently alternating moods of elation and sadness, stimulated apparently by internal factors rather than by external events. The individual may occasionally be either persistently euphoric or depressed, without falsification or distortion of reality. The diagnosis in such cases should specify, if possible, whether hypomanic, depressed or alternating.
000-x44 Paranoid personality Such individuals are characterized by many traits of the schizoid personality, coupled with an exquisite sensitivity in interpersonal relations, and with a conspicuous tendency to utilize a projection mechanism, expressed by suspiciousness, envy, extreme jealousy and stubbornness.
In later editions of the DSM, the diagnosis of "inadequate personality" (what a name) would later develop into dependent personality disorder. The schizoid diagnosis would become split (how apropos) into SzPD, StPD, and AvPD. And "cyclothymic personality" would be moved under the affective disorders, as cyclothymia.
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