inaducursehq · 2 months
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one of our members suggested that we use temporary characters to help move the plots along , and we listened ! we are now accepting temporary character applications. 
what does this mean ? this means that you will be able to apply for temporary character roles that will eventually come to an end once the plot or event is over . it also means that you are willing to sacrifice your temporary character for the sake of the plot ( meaning that they may be injured , or worse , killed )
how does this work ? to help move our plots along you will be able to apply for a temporary character to fill in a role that will play out specific plots . they can be a part of the families , covenant , pack , counsel or be a regular human . we will be taking five temp characters, and the app acceptance is up to the admin discretion . once all the temporary character roles are filled the application will be closed until the plots are finished out .
temporary characters concerning our plot drop or event . your admin will post a message on the main to check to see if anyone wants to pick up a temporary character for the sake of our plots drop or events ( example kidnapping , casting spells , fighting and/or causing a ruckus , etc . ) . the first few who message the main first will be added to our temp group chart on discord to talk about our plot for the plot drop and/or event . if you are selected to play a part in our plot or event then your temporary character outcome will be determined by the admin . last , we have the right to turn away any apps that we do not see fitting the plot , and in cases like those you are more then welcome to fill out our regular apps or request and/or apply for a wanted connection .
specific plot members want to play out ( if approved by admins ) , can fill out a wanted temporary connection app , here , and we will post it . in the temp app , you will have to specify how long the temp character would be around . we asked for a time frame just so we know potentially how long the plot would last in correlation to an event plot . if it can fit into the event then we will allow it . if it doesn't we will ask the mun to hold off on the plot until the event is over .
we are very excited about this new change for our group and we honestly can't wait to see the new temps that you create on the dash .
p.s. please like once you have read and feel free to message the main if you should have any questions !
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inaducursehq · 2 months
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inaducursehq opening ;; in 2040 , there were those who sought power ; and believed that there was a power imbalance with the new blend of species . in hopes to create a balance a few witches got together and did a spell using dark magic to conjure power without having to tap into the ancestors magic . however , they had indirectly awakened a dark and powerful spirit by the name of inadu ; and now the spirit is back to plague new orleans . her first vengeful act was to bring back the dead .  
you  can  feel  it  in  the  air  that  something  has changed  .   it  is  like  you  can  feel  it  in  your  bones  .  it  is  an  otherworldly  feeling  that  makes  the  hair  on  your  arms  stand  up  .  the  air  is  thicker  now and  the  wind  is  wild  and  reckless  ;; causing a chill down your spin , there  is  something  hiding  in  the  shadows  .  lurking  in  the  woods  .  something  that  wasn’t  there  before  .  the  locals   who  lives  in  the  city  are heedless  of  the  spirit  that  roams around in  the  darkness  .  but there are others that can sense the change . there  are  signs in the cards   —–but  no  one  ever  mentioned  that the cards could seal our fate .   there  is  beauty  in  new orleans  but  it  has  it’s  secrets .  a  secret  that  something  is  coming —something  is  here   !
welcome to the grand opening ! i first would like to thank you for joining inaducursehq and making this possible a second time around , you guys are the best ! and i am happy to say that you are now able to post your in-character interactions with each other ! see you on the dash !
please  like  once you have read and  most  important   have  fun !
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inaducursehq · 2 months
hey pumpkins ! we are going to take a little mini pause to update inaducursehq and our main ! we are basically bringing some new and fun things to our group . we will be updating the family list , adding an occupations page , posting new skeleton bio's and updating the rules . we are going to be a little more strict with bubble playing and cliques to help keep this group inclusive . please take this time to revamp your characters because we are starting over . . which means we will have a grand opening later tonight at 8 p.m .
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p.s like once you have read this post !
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inaducursehq · 2 months
hey pumpkins ! we are so proud of how open and easy going this group is ;; and how the plotting calls and starter calls are being utilized on our discord page to help build connections ! you guys are truly amazing for doing your part to keep this group going ! nevertheless , we do want to recognize how easy it is to fall into bubble roleplay , especially when trying to catch up on old replies saved in your draft . that being said , let's continue to find opportunities and scenarios where our characters can interact with as many characters as possible ! you can do this by replying to open starters , plotting with different characters ! avoid plotting with the same people and don't wait for someone to approach you . . . feel free to make the first move ! and last embrace change and challenge yourself and your characters versus falling into a default cycle ! remember we're all here to create a dynamic and diverse world for all our characters to thrive in ! let's continue to foster engaging stories ! stay amazing , and please let us know if you have any questions !
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p.s. please like once you have read this post !
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inaducursehq · 3 months
hey pumpkins ! i hope you all are enjoying the enchanting evening masquerade event ! also , i just wanted to point out that we have 39 amazing muses here in this group and we only have 10 starters for the event ! so , please post open starters guys ! open starters are essential to any roleplay group ! it gives the other members the opportunity to interact with you ! also , by not posting a starter it could possibly led to bubble playing which isn't allowed here ! no starters prevent others from interacting with you and your character , which can result in a person feeling isolated/left out ! that being said please post your starters , pumpkins , and let me know if you would like any tips ! i'm always here to help !
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p.s. please like once you have read !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
hey , pumpkins ! i just wanted to stop by to say how amazing you all are doing ! i now we are all busy with work and real life things , which makes me honored to know that your side hobby is our inadu group ! thanks for making this group special ! just a little reminder please continue to show some love to the starters , here ! last i will have a surprise for you all on sunday from an admin who adores you all !
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p.s. please like once you have read !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
honesty hour  is  here ! please  reblog  this   post  from  the  main  only  (  so  that   we   know  that   you   are   participating   )  . those  who  have   multiple   characters   you  can reblog  once   and  tag  all   your  characters ,   that   way   the   dash  won’t  clog ! please  interact  with  everyone !  and  don’t   forget   the  most   important   thing  ;;   HAVE  FUN !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
hey guys ! it's your admin here and i just wanted to say that i love the plots and connections that you all are creating ! you guys are really building this world into something amazing . just a reminder : please make sure you are posting open starters ! this helps us stay inclusive and it gives us the opportunity to interact with characters who are not normally in our wheelhouse ! that being said if you need help with plotting or coming up with a starter , or honestly anything please let me know because that's what i'm here for ! again , you guys are doing great and i am so proud to be your admin ! (applauding you all )
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p.s. please like once you have read !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
meme  day  is  here ! please  reblog  this   post  from  the  main  only  (  so  that   we   know  that   you   are   participating   )  . those  who  have   multiple   characters   you  can reblog  once   and  tag  all   your  characters ,   that   way   the   dash  won’t  clog ! please  interact  with  everyone !  and  don’t   forget   the  most   important   thing  ;;   HAVE  FUN !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
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inaducursehq opening ;; in 2040 , there were those who sought power ; and believed that there was a power imbalance with the new blend of species . in hopes to create a balance a few witches got together and did a spell using dark magic to conjure power without having to tap into the ancestors magic . however , they had indirectly awakened a dark and powerful spirit by the name of inadu ; and now the spirit is back to plague new orleans . her first vengeful act was to bring back the dead .  
you  can  feel  it  in  the  air  that  something  has changed  .   it  is  like  you  can  feel  it  in  your  bones  .  it  is  an  otherworldly  feeling  that  makes  the  hair  on  your  arms  stand  up  .  the  air  is  thicker  now and  the  wind  is  wild  and  reckless  ;; causing a chill down your spin , there  is  something  hiding  in  the  shadows  .  lurking  in  the  woods  .  something  that  wasn’t  there  before  .  the  locals   who  lives  in  the  city  are heedless  of  the  spirit  that  roams around in  the  darkness  .  but there are others that can sense the change . there  are  signs in the cards   —–but  no  one  ever  mentioned  that the cards could seal our fate .   there  is  beauty  in  new orleans  but  it  has  it’s  secrets .  a  secret  that  something  is  coming —something  is  here   !
welcome to the grand opening ! i first would like to thank you for joining inaducursehq and making this possible , you guys are the best ! and i am happy to say that you are now able to post your in-character interactions with each other ! see you on the dash !
please  like  once you have read and  most  important   have  fun !
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inaducursehq · 2 months
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hey guys ! admin cyn is here and i am here to set the record straight ! we recently had two members who were having a disagreement regarding their characters and as admin i tried to step in to help them resolve their issues . however , the player and her friend ( another former member ) opted to leave before we could find a solution . later other members started to leave and soon i found out that the former members were telling other members about how i don't look out for my members ! it turns out that their goal is to take down this rp and to take as many members with them; and it appears they're trying to reach new members . so , i'm going to address this one time and one time only and then i'm going to move on .
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i've only had 3 muns out of 12+ members make complaints about different things over the three months time we've been open and the main two were meg and a . former member meg complained about godmodding with a member but that was resolved .
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another complaint was about a member being pushy about plots , but that was also resolved , and meg confirmed that it was dropped .
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former members a complained about being godmodded and this was resolved .
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she also had a complaint about the ages of character , which is something we also resolved .
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she also complained about the treatment of her character, and tried to bring up meg issue ( which had already been resolved) , nevertheless her complaint was resolved to my knowledge .
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and the last member who complained to me the day before they left that they were feeling uncomfortable, i still reached out to the mun in question and spoke with them about it .
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the main complaints i've received were mainly from former members meg and a on different topics and i tried to help resolve them all. i still responded to the complaint from the other former mun regardless of them leaving because i care . at the end of the day i can have three members here and still be happy because it's not the quantity that matters to me , it's the quality and i have had the privilege of meeting some of the best people here and i'm so happy about that . brooke thank you for keeping me grounded you are truly my blossom and beau, my buttercup, thanks for sticking up for me when no one else did, you are a friend i never knew i needed. and thank you to the members who stayed and for your kind words and support, and as long as you're here i will keep pushing for a better rpg. i have always been kind to others and you can't stop being kind because someone is being ugly towards you. i am not mad about those former members who tried to paint a negative picture of me because i know who i am . i'm a kind and loving person. i am the person who calls you all pumpkins and sugar spices , i am the person who runs to your aid with advice, suggestions, support, plots, solutions and more. and most importantly i am a friend, and if i showed you anything different in the group, i dare you to prove it. i love rping and i love supporting others , and that's not going to change. meg and a where so kind to me when they were a part of our group and even volunteered to be my co admin, and even left on what i thought were good terms. so to see them spew lies and hate about me is mindboggling. anyways life is too short, and rp life is shorter, to be mad at people who no longer matter. please don't waste your time with hate guys because hate only leads to more hate and we are better than that . thanks to those who are sticking around because we are going to have a blast !
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inaducursehq · 1 month
hey pumpkins ! as we gather to remember and honor those missing , we invite everyone to share their attire for the memorial event . whether you're wearing a traditional black ensemble , a military uniform , or a ribbon to commemorate a loved one , we'd love to see it . also , please tag your photos to #inaducurse01 and don't forget add @inaducursehqstarters for your starters !
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inaducursehq · 1 month
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we  have  made  an  update  to  our  rules  involving  activity  .  we  realize  that  life  is  busy  for  a  lot  of  us  and  we  are  hoping  to  take  a  little  pressure  off  you  guys  to  make  sure  we  are  still  all  having  fun  ! so  now  instead  of  activity  check  happening  every  five  days  it  will  be  every  seven  and  on  the  eight  day  unfollow  will  be  posted  !    we   appreciate  all  of  you. so so much  ,  old  and  new  writers  and  we  can't   want  to  continue  making  great  stories  with  all  of  you  !
p.s. please like once you have read and feel free to message the main if you should have any questions !
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inaducursehq · 4 months
honesty hour  is  here ! please  reblog  this   post  from  the  main  only  (  so  that   we   know  that   you   are   participating   )  . those  who  have   multiple   characters   you  can reblog  once   and  tag  all   your  characters ,   that   way   the   dash  won’t  clog ! please  interact  with  everyone !  and  don’t   forget   the  most   important   thing  ;;   HAVE  FUN !
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inaducursehq · 2 months
mic test . . . 1 , 2 hello everyone ! this is your co-admin brooke here making her debut ! jumping on to say hello and let you know that i'll be around the main if you need anything ! very excited to help out and you know be my excitable self !
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inaducursehq · 3 months
thanks for the suggestion !
one of our lovely members suggested that we add a younger , middle and oldest child part to our family page , so that members will know if they are the oldest child , the middle child or the youngest child ;; and that's exactly what we did ! please check out our updated family page here . honey doddle !
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