#new generation rp
inaducursehq · 2 days
Would you consider dropping back the rules regarding multiple characters, to two new characters after every week of consistent activity? So people can have up to 4 characters in 2 weeks instead of a month.
i really feel like me and my members have been on the same wavelength today ! plus i've been dying to add another character and since i believe this is in the best interest of our group i say why not ! you guys deserve a group reward for being so great ! the rule page has been updated for you honeybee if you want to check it out , here ! and while you do that i'm going to try to pick another character to add to my ensemble ! i'm thinking maybe vincent , mikael , dahlia , kai or lucien ! ᥫ᭡
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inaducursehqad · 8 days
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we arrived to this world as innocents;; in 2012, it was considered a miracle when hayley conceived a child, with klaus mikaelson. a hybrid who was both werewolf and vampire. the impossible happened again when caroline forbes, a vampire became the surrogate of jo and alaric's twin. however, the anomaly didn't stop there. after the incantation the gemini covenant spelled to save the twins, they inadvertently opened the doors that allowed vampires to procreate; and as a result new bloodlines were formed. this created new species of hybrids and tribrids that had never existed before.
kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow;; in 2040, there were those who sought power; and believed that there was a power imbalance with the new blend of species. in hopes to create a balance a few witches got together and did a spell using dark magic to conjure power without having to tap into the ancestors magic. however, they had indirectly awakened a dark and powerful spirit by the name of inadu; and now the spirit is back to plague new orleans. her first vengeful act was to bring back the dead. now families are burdened by the past; and are forced to pull from the deck of cards to find out what inadu has instore for them. some will try to resume back to normalcy while, others have chosen to read the signs. something is coming and it's only a matter of time before they find out what that something is. read me the signs, tell me my fortune;; present: inadu is still seeking power and a way back among the living; but until then, the spirit will wreak havoc on the city, until she is resurrected.  
inaducursehq is an inclusive, friendly appless tvd/to roleplay.  the group will follow the families of new orleans and their internal fight, along with a new threat bringing tension to their city.  the group will rely on plot drops, and character development to move the store along.  with the hollow’s vengeful curse keeping everyone on their toes, only when their cards is pulled will their fate be revealed. the submit is open to apps.
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
look i understand that ai generated content is a controversial topic, and ultimately protecting artists' intellectual property should take moral priority, but i feel like when people say "you don't want character.ai you want to rp with someone" they're kinda missing the point because unlike a chatbot, you can't exactly look your rp partner in the eye and say "that sucked ass. do that again"
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heybiji · 6 months
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self-conscious over getting obsessed with a ttrpg npc i made too aligned with my tastes
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jeandejard3n · 1 month
STAR TREK: PRODIGY | Ambient Music
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entities-of-posts · 17 days
hi, spider guy here, follow up to the last statement: i do take them outside gently with a cup and a piece of paper, but ive been feeling progressively worse and worse about it because its so very hot and rainy outside and its nice and air conditioned in my house. and they probably want a nice place to live too ::::( they also freak out in the cup and ive tried gently speaking to them to calm them down (and sometimes it works weirdly enough?) but i always feel so so guilty for scaring them or destroying their cobwebs because they worked soooo hard on them and they’re very pretty ::::((((
i don’t think i’d mind all that much being aligned with the mother of puppets too bad either if i could just keep the house sanitary. spiders are nice and i’ve never felt that in control anyways. i’d just rather belong to the beholding because i like researching things and categorizing and organizing until i can barely think anymore (it’s a compulsion at this point.)
Oh you are giving me very unpleasant déjà-vu. No matter how comforting it may seem to let go, let her take control, it will not go well for you. Sooner or later you’ll be more useful as food. Or perhaps, like me, you’ll end up finding something other than her you want to live for, and she will not like that.
But I suppose it’s your funeral.
The spiders are probably better off outside though; inside, they’re likely to have no other prey than each other. Which they don’t mind, of course, but if you want them not to be eaten by their siblings, putting them out is better. And they remake their webs several times a day anyway, I promise it’s not a big deal to disturb them.
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lxnnzwg · 15 days
Hey! Despite our server being really active and doing well, we still need some characters filled. Give us a chance, please. Were a fun group!
Needed characters:
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Aaron Burr
- Phillip Hamilton
- Theodosia Jr.
- Theodosia
- James Reynolds
- John Adams
- General Lee
- Henry Laurens
Any kid/parent/side character that isn't in our list in the server is okay too!
If no, please repost. Thanks!
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krattgirl124 · 1 year
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This is why Ethan isn’t allowed to play Maces and Talons with anyone
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stardustedstories · 6 months
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"I tell dad jokes but I have no kids. I’m a faux pa." ©
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bistaxx · 4 months
I'm still losing my mind over a qsmp digimon inspired au- it just feels so perfect- also please just look at this thing:
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bonefall · 2 years
Does mapleshade still follow Crookedstar in this? What if her purpose doing that is to make sure riverclan never rejects a half-clan kit again (that’s why he doesn’t question Misty and stone and another reason for wanting his grandkits in riverclan)
I'm passionate about the idea that people are heavily influenced by their circumstances. It's much easier to be a good person when you have loving guidance and the environment to be your best self. Likewise, pain and suffering can bring out the worst even in the kindest, most selfless people.
And in both of the AUs I have for Mapleshade, she is not a particularly nice person to begin with. But being StarClan's best prosecutor allows the positive aspects of her personality to shine. So to answer your question:
"Does Mapleshade still follow Crookedstar?"
#Bonefall Rewrite
In the current version of my rewrite, Mapleshade is condemned to the Dark Forest for 3 counts of murder. She takes the ruling with pride and confidence, playing to the sympathetic crowd by chasing the other damned souls into the Dark Forest.
In truth she's just as spiteful as she was in life, and now she's alone with no friends or family, bored, in Hell, and uses all that spare time to haunt Appledusk's lineage, and basically everyone associated with her death (Perchpaw/shine as well).
So, it's really not for a constructive reason that she follows Stormkit. She pushed him off the stone to kill him and only broke his jaw. She notices that Rainflower has a spiteful, awful view of her son, and decides that it would cause even more suffering to keep Stormkit alive. She kills some more kits so he'll have a foster to suckle him, just to watch them make each other miserable.
(rewrite recap: Rainflower is now the Appledusk descendant. Stormkit is not getting a cruel renaming, Crookedjaw is an honor title.)
Crookedstar follows Darkstar's commandment, the Queen's Rights, because he is a good, proud leader who abides by the traditions of his predecessors. That's all. Mapleshade doesn't need to bully him into 'clan loyalty' or anything, her haunting is much more actively malevolent than canon.
#Better Call Mapleshade AU
In StarClan, Mapleshade is with her kits. Her wonderful, sweet children-- they are an excellent influence. She's still ruthless and vengeful, of course, but she lives for the contrary position she can hold up to StarClan
A LOT of her motivation stems from that. From knowing that StarClan would otherwise let people in who shouldn't be there (hypocritical? Yes) and she takes this duty very seriously.
The BCM AU shares some aspects of the Bonefall Rewrite, but here, I think it's very similar to canon. Mapleshade watches Rainflower emotionally abuse an innocent kitten, and she KNOWS that Rainflower would just get into StarClan without any intervention (the way she did in canon). Mapleshade needs more evidence to condemn her-- and she will create scenarios to get what she needs.
On one paw this IS born out of righteous fury. She IS thinking of her own kits, you might agree that Rainflower deserved the Dark Forest, and Mapleshade won't FORCE Rainflower to do anything she wouldn't already do. She will test her, that's all.
But to test her? She is going to use Crookedkit. This WILL cause a lot more pain to him than if she just left it all alone and let Rainflower get into StarClan. She encourages him into positions of power to prove himself, she lets this young cat think that his value is tied to what his abusive mother thinks of him.
Because the more pain he displays, the further the lengths he goes to in service of appeasing Rainflower, the more Mapleshade can use as ammo to get her damned.
Mapleshade always serves her own interests first and foremost, not those of the greater good.
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inaducursehq · 15 days
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inaducursehq opening ;; in 2040 , there were those who sought power ; and believed that there was a power imbalance with the new blend of species . in hopes to create a balance a few witches got together and did a spell using dark magic to conjure power without having to tap into the ancestors magic . however , they had indirectly awakened a dark and powerful spirit by the name of inadu ; and now the spirit is back to plague new orleans . her first vengeful act was to bring back the dead .  
you  can  feel  it  in  the  air  that  something  has changed  .   it  is  like  you  can  feel  it  in  your  bones  .  it  is  an  otherworldly  feeling  that  makes  the  hair  on  your  arms  stand  up  .  the  air  is  thicker  now and  the  wind  is  wild  and  reckless  ;; causing a chill down your spin , there  is  something  hiding  in  the  shadows  .  lurking  in  the  woods  .  something  that  wasn’t  there  before  .  the  locals   who  lives  in  the  city  are heedless  of  the  spirit  that  roams around in  the  darkness  .  but there are others that can sense the change . there  are  signs in the cards   —–but  no  one  ever  mentioned  that the cards could seal our fate .   there  is  beauty  in  new orleans  but  it  has  it’s  secrets .  a  secret  that  something  is  coming —something  is  here   !
welcome to the grand opening ! i first would like to thank you for joining inaducursehq and making this possible , you guys are the best ! and i am happy to say that you are now able to post your in-character interactions with each other ! see you on the dash !
please  like  once you have read and  most  important   have  fun !
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inaducursehqad · 10 days
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we arrived to this world as innocents;; in 2012, it was considered a miracle when hayley conceived a child, with klaus mikaelson. a hybrid who was both werewolf and vampire. the impossible happened again when caroline forbes, a vampire became the surrogate of jo and alaric's twin. however, the anomaly didn't stop there. after the incantation the gemini covenant spelled to save the twins, they inadvertently opened the doors that allowed vampires to procreate; and as a result new bloodlines were formed. this created new species of hybrids and tribrids that had never existed before.
kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow;; in 2040, there were those who sought power; and believed that there was a power imbalance with the new blend of species. in hopes to create a balance a few witches got together and did a spell using dark magic to conjure power without having to tap into the ancestors magic. however, they had indirectly awakened a dark and powerful spirit by the name of inadu; and now the spirit is back to plague new orleans. her first vengeful act was to bring back the dead. now families are burdened by the past; and are forced to pull from the deck of cards to find out what inadu has instore for them. some will try to resume back to normalcy while, others have chosen to read the signs. something is coming and it's only a matter of time before they find out what that something is. read me the signs, tell me my fortune;; present: inadu is still seeking power and a way back among the living; but until then, the spirit will wreak havoc on the city, until she is resurrected.  
inaducursehq is an inclusive, friendly appless tvd/to roleplay.  the group will follow the families of new orleans and their internal fight, along with a new threat bringing tension to their city.  the group will rely on plot drops, and character development to move the store along.  with the hollow’s vengeful curse keeping everyone on their toes, only when their cards is pulled will their fate be revealed. the submit is open to apps.
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itsuhhmagz · 26 days
Imma say it because it’s so hard for me to find a twitter rp, that is truly diverse. Last time I was did twitter rp was back in ‘17-‘18. When it didn’t matter that only 15 ‘non-poc’ were allowed or you had to pick up a south-east Asian as a second character. I saw a question across a blog that said bring back the different face like 2017-2018, but back then the mod didn’t care what races were in the group as long as it was fun. This next part isn’t to be rude to no one, though a lot of those ended because too much representation of the southeast Asian culture. I am a black Mexican women, I only know black and Mexican culture, with that I like only to rp as those type of people (and sometimes white people because I grew up in a white town around them people) and being forced to have play another culture I’m not comfortable with and/or nothing about is very underwhelming and discouraging because I would love to be part of a group where I can act and be myself. But that’s just me..
If I knew how to create a group where everyone felt included not just 10 white fc and the rest bi-poc/underrated races I would. Because the fun comes when you’re not researching about a culture you know nothing about and you be yourself with just a different face. But that’s just me.
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heybiji · 4 months
hi!!! i just wanted to say i really love all of your MASKS stuff. i'm something of a newbie when it comes to the TTRPG community, but MASKS seems to be not very well-known and i think that's a real shame. i'm a huge fan of old-school superhero-adjacent stuff, especially the silver- and bronze-age ones!
by the way, i was wondering if you'd be willing to share some tips for a first-time GM? you don't have to if you'd rather not! i just figured i'd try asking since i was planning on GMing a MASKS campaign for some of my friends later, but despite my decade's worth of roleplaying experience i've never been in a TTRPG campaign nor a GM (or similar) role before
Thank you so much!! I was just lamenting about how I felt bad for the MASKS tag because it is now flooded with all my npc nonsense hahah so this is really nice to hear.
It's awesome you're planning on running a MASKS game for your friends!! There is an indispensable post on twitter I saw that has a LOT of great tips for running MASKS that I recommend checking out. But for my own personal tips that are just me things, here's what I got. Sorry it's gonna be extremely long-winded, it may take a few months to read through it.
(Note: I am also hugely into RP and probably put more into it than what is necessary, especially with MASKS which is meant to be able to be played out of the box. It was definitely not played out of the box in our case because I require a lot out of myself and everyone else to feel good about running something. if anyone else wants to continue seeing me as a normal human being please don't click the Keep Reading)
Since you're running it, make the world interesting to you. If the world runs around themes you're personally interested in then you'll have a much easier time coming up with answers on the fly. For me, themes I'm interested in that lend themselves well to a superhero world: money, power, family, celebrity, media, the 24 hour news cycle and the desensitization of violence. Because I'm interested in this stuff anyway, wrapping a world around them makes it much simpler for me to figure out how the world ticks and thus how the characters fit into it and how the world reacts to them, and I am DESPERATE to find out how the characters react to all the questions and expectations the world is imposing upon them.
Make sure your players have a good grasp of the tone of story so they can make characters that gel well within it. For me the tone is a lil more adult because I'm not personally into younger morality tale stories in tone, it's pretty grounded, and I think comedy and tragedy work hand in hand so I lean into them.
Talk. A lot. Talk about the characters, talk about the world. MASKS is fun because it's a LOT of talking and figuring out the narrative together. It's not a lot of crunchy mechanics, it's all around seeing how the characters react to the world narratively, all hurt and comfort and emotions which (for me) requires people to have a good grasp on their characters and the world. I like to give my players "homework" where I ask them a question involving their characters in some way like "what hero did your character look up to as a child?" so they get to come up with past heroes, or "How does your character feel about _____?" etc etc. The only fans are gonna be your table and fans love to talk so be the biggest fans of the PCs!!
Figure out your framing. I know in MASKS they suggest framing it like a comic book, and basically talking about the frames on screen. For me, because I'm more into movies and tv than comics, I frame it like that. So I have an active "camera" in play during sessions and will ask things like "would anyone like to grab the camera?" to encourage the players to put the character into a scene or "what does the audience see as the camera focuses in on your character in this emotional moment?" There is a LOT of playing up to the camera and framing the sessions as episodes of a show, so it's like, okay, you have several options but what is going to be interesting for the audience to see? I find this encourages the players to have their characters take bigger swings and feel comfortable letting us into how their character is feeling because it all looks GREAT on camera. The camera loves it. The PCs are the story after all.
Because I frame it a show, I also like to play individual ending songs over the "credits" at the end of each episode. So I asked my players to make playlists for their characters so if I feel an episode had a lot of emotional focus on one character in particular, I can play one of their songs at the end of the episode! I also made a general MASKS playlist with a bunch of songs from the era we set it in (2004) to pull from. It's a fun little addition that I really enjoy and that I hope makes it all feel more special.
The Dino Donut Effect: create landmarks in your world. (OK THIS IS GONNA BE LONG BUT WORK WITH ME HERE) They don't have to be locations, more solid landmarks of the story that the characters can refer back to and lean on to make the world feel more "real." I call it the Dino Donut Effect because in our world the thing that made everything click into place was talking out the backstory of one of the PC's figuring out they had the power negation ability. We were talking one night trying to figure it out; we wanted the character to fall out of a building and be caught by a flying superhero and accidentally turn off their powers, so they toss the kid to another flying supe whose powers also get turned off. But we were like... holy shit what is the height of a building needed that can handle this much action in the air without them hitting the ground in 3 seconds. So after a long night of talking about terminal velocity and looking at Splat Calculators we figured out the height of the building, and we needed them to crash into something that wouldn't fuckin kill them. The first suggestion was a truck full of bananas. Nah. We landed on a giant balloon that could take the impact. And the balloon became a giant T-Rex holding a donut that was the mascot of the city's beloved decades old donut shop Dino Donut. And so we decided that one of the two flying supes grabbed onto the kid and the other and flew into the giant balloon to try and keep them all alive, which destroyed the balloon, which was a city institution, and there was a crowd of children there that day that saw their friend Dino Donut die. Killed by a superhero. The balloon deflated loudly so it sounded like Dino Donut was screaming in agony. All the kids were traumatized (screaming crying throwing up), the city was furious because everyone loved Dino Donut, it was constantly in the news cycle, and it ruined the career of the supe that "killed Dino Donut." AND THEN THEY REPLACED THE DINO DONUT BALLOON WITH A LAME "UPDATED DESIGN" DINO DONUT STATUE which everyone hates and people consider to be a memorial to the old Dino Donut. ANYWAY, the Dino Donut effect is that now all the PCs have one single incident to refer back to that they all have feelings about. A couple of them were there that day and heard Dino Donut scream, one is now the protege of the disgraced superhero that killed Dino Donut so she feels uncomfortable talking about it, there's the kid that was saved that day but was sworn to secrecy by the supe so no one would find out about his power negation ability, and then there's the kid that wasn't there because she's an alien that just arrived to earth and now the kids have to explain the incident to her with all their varying opinions. Now the PCs' meeting spot is at a Dino Donut. Having this one solid incident that is both funny and kind of goes into the themes of the world has been an absolute treat. Creating "landmarks" like that in the world has done so much and now I'm like okay I'm gonna try to do this moving forward with any other thing I run.
anyway these are my extremely specific to me tips. my RP standards are kind of high which makes me a bit of a terror but also when the flowers bloom from it it feels GREAT. i'm not sure if this will help but hopefully there is something there that can be useful!
MASKS is fun and simple once you get the hang of it, though, so I'm sure whatever you do you and your players will have a lot of fun! especially if you're someone who is into RP which is the background I'm coming from too; MASKS is extremely narrative! i'll be looking in the tag for your game hehe
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(The Day Dino Donut Died art by JD)
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187onacop · 1 month
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Gatewayz Presentz* Ladiee Huslaa* Spaz* Collection* Album --->Coldest Summer<--- July2024 Includes Hit Singles
🔥 #lit
🔥 #future
🔥 #hashtag
🔥 #notip
🔥 #therush
🥶Coldest Summer🥵 snatch a copy @
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