#inbox iamrhyme on tumblr
iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
I'm not you and you are not me.
I have my own way that works perfectly fine for me.
You have your own way and that's perfectly fine with me.
Respect my methods and I'll do the same in return.
Theirs always more ways to skin a cat.
You do what works for and I'll do what works for me.
You down with that?
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
I appreciate you.
I appreciate the way you show your concern.
I appreciate you for checking up on me.
I appreciate all the love and support.
I appreciate the way you defend my name.
I appreciate your smile.
I appreciate your form.
I appreciate you for offering me your warmth.
If ever seem more distant than usual don't worry it's not because of you.
I"m probably just taking some time to reflect on all I have before me.
I appreciate you for being in this chapter of my story.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
I'm a very patient person but I don't have time for lookie Loos.
State your I business.
Don't beat around the bush.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
I have some time available but all day.
We're both grown.
Get right to it.
Don't make it awkward with long pauses.
I already know what you want so lets get it.
We can work out all the small details later.
Jump in this game like you know you want to.
Don't keep sitting on the sidelines being a spectator because my schedule fills up quickly and their might not be a later.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Monday warm up
Who are you trying to convince...me are you?
If it's so great then why you so smug?
It seems like your rehearsing for a really bad play.
You say your happy with with your him yet you have time to think of me.
You post glimpses of joy you claim he fills you with but you it's a facade.
I respect your situation.
Truly I do.
I don't mean to cause conflict.
I just want you to be true to you.
I wish nothing but the best for you.
I want you to experience how blissful true happiness can be.
If you need to reminded you know how to find me.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
Does ecstasy lie on other side pleasure or is it on the port side of delight?
Tempted by the apple you desire to be quenched.
Low hanging fruit can be oh so tempting but if if the fruit is ripe yet it be bitter.
If it's meant for you it will be.
What's understood doesn't have to be explained.
I am what you seek.
I am companionship.
I am intimacy.
I am that confidant.
I am that kindered spirit.
I've always been here.
I've always been in reach.
You know what you must do.
You know where to find me.
Just speak.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Tuesday warm up
Sharing is caring.
Share a kind word and change someone's day.
Share a kind sentiment and show someone it's ok.
Being good isn't the easiest thing to do all time but the results always are.
It will reward you in ways you couldn't possibly believe.
You will not always be on top.
One day you will be the one in need.
Always make time for kind deeds.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
I got you.
I can take a hint.
You don't have to spell it out.
I caught the drift.
You don't mess with and believe me I won't loose an ounce of sleep.
Carry on and do whatever is you do.
I'll be cool'n and rule'n counting sheep.
Say less.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Thursday warm up
I'm unbothered.
I'm unmoved.
I'm in a new space
I'm in my own zone.
I've entered a high state o awareness.
I'm changed.
I'm different.
I'm not longer easily impressed.
Validity and people has become obsolete.
I'm no longer burdened by what if.
I'm frightened by the unknown.
Consciousness has become my new shelter.
Peace is now my guide.
Discipline has become my new pass time.
Elevation has given me a new paint brush
Love has given me a new start.
May God help me if I ever refuse my new art.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Wednesday warm up
Never ever diss miss me.
Never ever let your mind rule me out.
Never ever count me out.
I rise to ever occasions.
I'll through for you in a clutch.
I may wobble.
I may stumble
I may even fall.
What I'll never do is shy away.
I'll never down when the going gets tough.
I'll keep rising and getting up.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Tuesday warm up
It's not my job to make you feel comfortable.
It's not my job to cushion the blow..
It's not my job to explain things to you..
I only have time to live my truth and be me.
If you feel some type a way about the way I use "my" voice then the responsibility does not fall on me.
I am who I am.
I am what I am.
That is just how it's going to be
Deal with it
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Wednesday warm up
Don't whisper it.
Say it like you mean it.
Don't double down.
Don't retract.
Don't tapdance.
Don't moonwalk.
Live in your truth.
Keep your head held high and walk it out.
Don't worry about what the crowd has to say.
Your not going in their direction anyway.
You don't need validation to live by your code.
Stand firm and don't let anything sway your beliefs.
It's your life.
It's your choice.
It's your values.
It's your voice.
Use it as you see fit.
Don't if others get nothing out it.
Never back down.
Stand on it
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Sunday warm up
It'll keep moving even if you stand perfectly still.
It reveals all.
It heals all wounds.
It's constantly in motion
It does not cease.
It does not pause.
It is eternal
I does not repeat.
It can be a saving grace if you don't abuse it.
It's precious and rare and you should be very selective of how you use it.
If you plan carefully with it, you'll always have more than enough of it and never loose it.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Saturday warm up
I look left and then I look right and I don't see a single sole in sight.
I often wonder if being all alone is my destiny.
Is this my unintentional choice or harsh cruel fate.
I tilt my head to heavens to look for signs.
I consult with devine to inquire about time.
How long must wait to find a like mind?
Am I being too anxious or just too selective?
These thoughts chime in my mind repetitively like a very sad ballad.
It's maddening at times.
Will I ever find that spark will compliment my flame?
I know that I'm overthinking the situation and generating feelings of premature loss.
I deal with these sour notes regularly.
These are some of my lyrical thoughts.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Thursday warm up
It's time.
Today is the day.
Today's the where we make progress.
Today's the day we make sense of this whole mess.
Today's the day where we implement, and execute plans.
Today's the we stare destiny straight in the face.
Today's the day we reclaim and take our rightful place.
Today's the day we start fresh.
Today's the day where we mend old fences and move forward.
Today's the day's the day we deal our selves a new hand and not worry about how the deck is stacked.
Today's the day we mend old fences and move forward.
Today's the day we plot a new course and stay on track.
Today's the day where we embrace what's before us and not look back.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Saturday warm up
It always near you.
You just can't see it sometimes.
It all around you.
Theirs bits and pieces of it in your heart.
You even have a few sprinkles of it in your mind.
Darkness and shadows cover it up sometimes.
That's when you really need to find it the most.
Had a shovel and dig deep.
Release your sunshine.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Tuesday warm up
I've been blind to do much for so long I question my sight.
I've been deaf for so long I'm grown doubtful of my ability to properly hear.
I've been silent so long I have to retrain my speech I fear.
When you wake up you must unlearn what you thought you once knew to be true and adapt new ways.
Those methods will no longer serve useful to you today.
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