#hip hop enthusist
iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
I doing thinking and here thought.
I loose a lot but I've never actually lost.
When leave something better appears its place.
To feel any type of sorrow or remorse would be a complete waste.
I'm destin for greatness and a complete catch.
If they can't see it in me then they must be blind.
I'm nesscary trip and well worth the time.
I'm a bright star in my this galaxy and can't help but shine
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
You can feel it happening.
The tide is shifting.
You can see all the pieces falling in place.
All your efforts have not been in vain.
You are about to reap the benefits of all your long suffering and pain
The break through you've been waiting for.
Your about to have everything you Invisioned an so much more.
Don't let this turbulence your currently experiencing discourage you.
Your almost # the the finish line.
Don't give up now.
See it through.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Friday warm up
I don't care what they say.
It's all irrelevant.
I don't have time to listen to the crowd.
I live my own life.
I run own race.
If your not brining solutions, adding value, or bringing positivity to then stay out of my face.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
Who are you?
I mean; who are you really?
Do even know?
Is that face in the mirror you see or is what your online professing to be?
The truth lies beneath the skin and beyond the flesh.
To find it you must learn operate as a spirit.
Do not dwell in logic.
It's time to emerge from your cacoon of carnality and spread your wings.
Embrace who your are and what life you bring.
You can access your true nature once you finally accept yourself.
You are not who you once were.
You light now beacons bright as any star.
You found the truth.
You know who you are.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Sunday warm up
Less is more.
Just trust.
Don't over do it.
Do it just enough to entice but not tease.
Simplicity is more than enough to captivate and intrigue.
Lay bread crumbs down gently.
They will follow.
What's understood doesn't have to be explained.
Load up the bait and cast your rod.
A wink is just as good as a playful nod.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Saturday warm up
Sometimes you are all you need.
We look to heavens to fill an empty void.
We devine incite on to bring meaning to our own life.
We to fill the empty space with friends and relationships.
We to fill the hole with causes, hobbies, recreation and extra curricular activities.
Even engaging in all these thing somehow you still feel unfulfilled and blue.
The truth is your missing piece is you.
Find it.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Tuesday warm up
You can't rush a masterpiece.
Good things take time.
You must wait for the gapes to fully mature to enjoy truly fine wine.
I know you want it now.
I know you feel anxious.
Trust me.
It will happen on time even though right now it feels like it's late.
When it finally happens you'll see it was well worth the wait.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Tuesday warm up
Gentle breezes mid day breezes and shimmering stars in an evening sky.
Just Invision that landscape.
You must take in this world's natural beauty every opportunity you get .
Lighting doesn't strike twice in this life.
Appreciate the babbling brooks and lush green hills and tall trees.
Take in all the fresh air you can.
Get your fill.
Appreciate the wildlife and respect the planet.
Take time out of your busy day to bask in the rays of the sun.
Mother earth is beautiful and we only have one.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
Don't wait for the perfect moment.
Create the perfect moment.
Don't just chase after your dreams.
Be international about actually catching them.
What you decide on doing do it with passion.
Enjoy it to no end.
Fill you days visualizing it vividly.
Take that leap of faith.
Make it happen.
Don't just say it.
Take action.
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iamrhyme · 2 years
Monday warm up
Confide in me when you need an ear to hear.
I will relax your anxiety.
I will ease your worries.
I will wipe away the tears.
I can't solve all your problems.
Lord knows I have plenty of my own.
I definitely don't have all the answers but have and incredible knack of fulfilling what's missing.
I can't help you through all your battles but I can just listen.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Friday warm up
I appreciate you.
I appreciate the way you show your concern.
I appreciate you for checking up on me.
I appreciate all the love and support.
I appreciate the way you defend my name.
I appreciate your smile.
I appreciate your form.
I appreciate you for offering me your warmth.
If ever seem more distant than usual don't worry it's not because of you.
I"m probably just taking some time to reflect on all I have before me.
I appreciate you for being in this chapter of my story.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Wednesday warm up
Don't overthink.
Don't resist.
Go with the flow.
Your blocking all the goodness trying to come your way.
Your over analyzing all your free time away.
Your torturing yourself with your doubts.
Your conjuiring problems that haven't even presented themselves yet.
You are the obsticale.
Your are the hurdle.
You are the threat.
Breathe deeply.
Settle down.
Calm your mind.
Stop being so reactive and get out of your own way.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Monday warm up
Who are you trying to convince...me are you?
If it's so great then why you so smug?
It seems like your rehearsing for a really bad play.
You say your happy with with your him yet you have time to think of me.
You post glimpses of joy you claim he fills you with but you it's a facade.
I respect your situation.
Truly I do.
I don't mean to cause conflict.
I just want you to be true to you.
I wish nothing but the best for you.
I want you to experience how blissful true happiness can be.
If you need to reminded you know how to find me.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Tuesday warm up
I'm an artist.
I have a keen eye for details.
I notice small things that usually escapes the average person's sight.
I can rometely view your essence though my art.
I can see all the troubles that wean wearly upon your mind and tirelessly in your heart.
I know how you stumbled upon on me.
I know how mentally I came to be present in world an embedded in thoughts.
I represent safety and innocence that was lost.
A confidant from a far.
A kindered spirit.
A guiding star.
Yes its good.
Even better than you could hope for.
Everything you require.
Everything you desire
Just read.
I fulfill all
Just look at me and breathe.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Sunday warm up
Trust in all things.
Trust in the process.
Trust in yourself.
Trust journey.
Trust in your help.
Trust in your light.
Trust in your guiding star.
Trust in your obstacles.
Trust them to be who they are.
Trust you will experience loss.
Trust you will sacrifice.
Trust you will love again.
Trust your desire.
Trust in your ability to supply your own needs.
Trust in everything precious to you and all that you hold that is sacred.
Trust you will find the answers you seek.
Trust you will make it.
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iamrhyme · 3 years
Super random live by broadcast from early this am. Check it out. Visit the link on this quote and download and like this episode and all my previous episodes.
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