#incapable of shutting up about this show I can’t even write anything bc this show has me in such a chokehold
lunarimagines · 2 years
vegas sitting down by the edge of the pool and putting his feet in WITHOUT rolling up his pants????? unhinged
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getofy · 4 years
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bakugo as your boyfriend would include...
request: what would dating bakugo be like?
gn!reader (but there are slight fem themes if you squint); fluff; headcanons; no spoilers
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character: bakugo katsuki
a/n: this goes out to my one & only <333. ilysm deku kinnie pls enjoy! also, @ bakugo simps i hope this feeds u well. he’s sm fun to write for. headcanons + a short playlist are under the cut.
*ty to my bakugo kinnie/simp friend for helping me write this. i appreciate u. A LOT of these ideas r hers!!
04. IN TOO DEEP by SUM 41
katsuki is a very emotional person. he feels incredibly deep and profound things, but has trouble expressing it in a healthy manner. this being so, him as your s/o would consist of a lot of subtle displays of affection! such as...
he’ll teach you small things about his hobbies. will 100% show you how to play the drums, mountain climb, etc.
literally you learn so much with him it’s insane. he claims it’s because he couldn’t stand dating an incapable person, but in reality it’s just because he likes feeling useful/needed HAHA.
this man is lowkey super clingy...so he will always find a way to be physically close to you.
a BIG fan of putting his arm around your shoulder fs. don’t mention it to him though because he’ll IMMEDIATELY stop doing it.
if you’re comfortable with it, he’d adore it if you sat on his lap!! like fr if you walked up to him when he was lounging on the couch and did it this is how it would go...
“what’re you doing?”
“sitting down, why?”
he just stares and then grunts before going back to whatever he was doing
don’t let his indifference fool you, he is very pleased.
probably looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for an hour once you left
he thinks about you a lot
he pretends like it’s a nuisance, but it genuinely makes his day when you eat the stuff he prepares. literally if you’re hungry just ask him to make you smth and he’ll do it. he actually gets angry if you decide to cook without him.
one time, katsuki seemed really tired because of training and school. so you tried to make something for the both of you guys to enjoy together. it uh...didn’t go well...
“what are you doing?!”
“cutting vegetables...”
“no. you’re doing it all wrong. give me the knife.”
“excuse me??”
you ended up giving him the knife
the meal was great!?? but he scolded you for like 30 minutes after PLS.
he’s proud that you’re his s/o, so of course he’s gonna brag about you to EVERYONE.
it’s not overbearing or in an annoying way either. it’s moreso him talking about your accomplishments and stuff like that.
he literally only shows you off for his own benefit. NEEDS everyone to know how cool you and him both are.
it’s an ego thing.
i take back what i said abt it not being annoying. it’s a nuisance to everyone who ain’t you.
like i said before, he needs to be close to you at all times. sooo he always sits next to you. no questions asked.
expect to see a pouting, petty katsuki if you decide to sit next to somebody that isn’t him.
“are you seriously mad that i sat next to deku and not you on the bus?!”
“you’re impossible.”
you took his hoodie without asking ONE TIME and now he’s hooked on seeing you in his clothing.
he’ll always pretend like he’s doing you a favor though.
gotta love how annoying he is! 
i wouldn’t go as far to say that gift giving is his love language, but he’ll buy things that you bring up in causal conversation a whole lot.
he just kinda bashfully shoves the gift in your hands and watches as you fawn over it.
“awww! how’d you know??”
“you wouldn’t shut up about it.”
he loves seeing your pleased expression!! +100 boost to katsuki’s confidence.
we ALL know how smart this man is.
he will 100% help you study for school if you’re struggling!
don’t expect him to go easy on you though.
if anything, he’ll probably be harder on you because he really wants to see you succeed.
he basically carries you through math
i can see him knowing EVERYTHING about you. your birthday, your morning routine, your favorite snacks, your favorite songs, etc.
it doesn’t take a lot for him to remember this stuff either???
like, he thinks you’re unforgettable, so he just knows
he wants you to know how cool he is so bad it’s laughable.
he’ll show off during training exercises FOR SUREEEE
bakusquad teases him abt it when he does lol they ALLL know how whipped he is for you
kirishima: wow, you’re really into it today bakugo!
denki: well (y/n) IS watching
bakugo: SHUT UP.
-> you enable him so much...like way too much. please get on that. someone needs to hold this stupid man accountable. he probably likes it when you scold him despite his protests so don’t be afraid to tell him off baby.
-> your approval makes his heart go $$/!/?!!!error??77776. like, even before you two started dating, he would ALWAYS feel flustered whenever you would compliment his outfits, fighting style, etc. now that you guys are dating, he still feels extremely dazed when you dote on him.
he’ll probably act super cocky about it though
“ ‘course i look good, idiot.” 
he’s trying his best to suppress the stupid smile trying to take over his face. eventually, he lets it out, and tbh everyone in 1A knows that it’s because of smth cheesy you told him.
he is SUCH a softie for you it HURTTSSSS GAHHHH!!
-> katsuki is a very protective boyfriend.
this goes for everything, but especially applies during intense situations.
will literally lay his life down for you without thinking twice about it. don’t fight me on this. it’s canon.
if you’re going on a dangerous mission, you BEST believe this man is tagging along with you.
if for some reason he can’t go, he’ll make it a point to stay up way past his bed time waiting for you to come back.
when katsuki chooses you over sleep just know that you’ve won at life.
he doesn’t see you as inferior in any way. he knows you can handle yourself, but he really wants to keep you safe bc if something bad happened to the love of his life he would be in shambles.
on a lighter note, if mineta bugs you, he’ll absolutely wreck him. will literally punt that grape boy into the next stratosphere.
also!! he’s not the type to care about what you wear. if you’re wearing smth a bit more revealing, the most he’ll say is that you look hot. literally is so unbothered.
he trusts you a lot so it’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
protective ≠ possessive
-> dates w/ him are super all over the place! one weekend, you guys will just chill in his dorm and the next he’ll be laughing maniacally as he chases you down during an intense round of laser tag.
-> he’s big fan of competition, so he’ll turn everything into one.
let him win.
-> his hands are really sensitive because of his quirk, so if you kissed them he’d turn to mush.
im literally begging you to touch this man. help him. he is so touch-starved it’s not funny.
-> he runs hot so cuddles w him are so nice and comforting :(. will pull you in close and tight and NEVER let go.
in short, while dating katsuki definitely comes with it’s quirks, it’s a beautiful relationship. he respects you endlessly and will do anything to ensure your happiness. treat him right and he’ll do the same!!
have fun dating explosion boy!
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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chickenmcfly1 · 3 years
Do you have headcanons or thoughts on Marty's relationship with his family in the original timeline? We only get that quick glimpse of them at dinner, & it doesn't look like there's much warmth there, but do you think he had any sort of close connection with them? Or do you hc that it was basically always dysfunctional?
Thanks for the question! I tend to go back and forth about this a lot. Sometimes, I feel like they all do love each other very much and have a lot in common, and just suck at expressing it, but sometimes I do feel that there’s a lot of dysfunction and maybe even genuine resentment between them. We’ll see lol (I’m also writing this in like 15 mins before my rehearsal, so I didn’t proofread. Enjoy deciphering my typos)
Side note: Did George even like Lorraine? Or did Lorraine just obsess over him like she did Calvin Klein and George just kinda went along with it because she’s cute and popular and saying no would involve confrontation? We know he was infatuated with her, but I hardly believe that infatuation and the Florence nightingale effect are enough to base a marriage on. Anyway,
George makes absolutely zero effort to reach out to anyone in his family. It’s not that he doesn’t like them, it’s just that he doesn’t know how. He doesn’t understand how to connect with his wife or be a dad to his kids
When the kids were little, especially Dave, George was pretty good with the kids. They’re cute and they’re babies, and he gets flustered when they cry and they stress him out a bit, but all in all, it’s good. But by the time the babies start turning into actual people, and god forbid, teenagers, George is so stressed and afraid, he’s like “oh no better not get involved”
By the time Marty comes around, his marriage is already falling apart, he’s like “oh no, this parenting thing is really difficult,” I should probably just not, and so they just kinda leave Marty to his own devices
He’s severely preoccupied with his work and that always takes priority over family which upsets Lorraine to no end
Just the fact that George let’s Biff hang around and works for him after what he did to Lorraine makes her really uncomfortable and hurt
Speaking of Biff, Biff tends to be a jerk to the kids as well. We see him poking fun at Marty and Marty look very physically uncomfy when it happens. If he’s really drunk, he has gotten physical with them too. We know, Biff can become a cold blooded murderer at the slightest provocation, so I feel like him shoving around a few teenagers just to be like “haha George look what I’m doing to your kids. Are you gonna do anything about it?” Or just out of resentment bc those are George kids with Lorraine is not out of character. George still won’t say anything
On a more positive note, though, he’s very close with Dave. They both have similar interests and Dave was his first kid, after all.
He recognizes how similar Marty and him are, but instead of taking that as a “oh this kid just needs a push of encouragement, and a confidence boost,” George’s mentality is to just protect Marty from any situation where he will face rejection or disappointment. It’s his way of showing love, but it really just hurts Marty more than anything.
This whole combination of George not standing up for Marty when he’s pushed around by Biff or yelled at by his mom and telling Marty “oh you won’t be successful anyway, just don’t try” really makes Marty feel . . . I hesitate to use the word worthless because that’s such a strong word, but for lack of a better term, his dad insinuating the idea that Marty deserves to be pushed around and that he won’t ever have success so he should just give up makes him feel really worthless and bad about himself
Marty sees this, and decides that he will never be like that and he will never let anyone else be treated the way Marty was. So whenever someone’s in trouble or being mistreated or spoken badly about, Marty will step in. And this whole fear of ending up like his dad and that idea of “I feel weak and powerless and worthless right now, but If I don’t let anybody else even think I’m those things, if I can prove them wrong and they validate me, I’ll feel better about myself” just feeds into Marty’s chicken complex.
With George, I don’t even think he makes an effort to make a change. He doesn’t seem like he would take initiative and fix his relationship with his wife and kids. So George just kinda decides “this is my life now, and it sucks, but what can I do” and sinks into this depressed state, making him even more afraid and withdrawn and perpetuating the cycle more
Lorraine is absolutely miserable. She’s lonely, she feels unloved, she’s in a home where someone she is very uncomfortable with pushes her husband around regularly and she knows if it came down to it, George would not tell Biff to leave her alone
She, unlike George, tries to get her family to do normal suburban family things, but they always fall apart. She’s usually drunk and moody and she and George are incapable of setting things up in a way that’ll make them work, but she’ll get mad when things don’t go how they’re supposed to (which they rarely do) and it’ll usually end in George stuttering in fear, Dave escaping to get to ‘work,’ Linda getting out of there, Marty booking it to Doc’s, and Lorraine being absolutely over it
She’s an alcoholic and she’s barely functional enough to do what’s needed of her, but somehow getting along. A lot of drinking means a lot of hangovers, and a good 60% of the time, she’s either drinking, or pretty out of it.
When she’s drunk, she usually retreats away, but if she ends up in a situation with one of her kids when she’s drunk and just wants to be left alone, she can be very mean and critical. Marty is a sensitive person, and we know he really lets criticism get to him, so this is not the greatest environment for him.
Also Lorraine is probably totally over the guitar thing. I speak from my poor parents experience when I say that dealing with a musician in the early stages is not easy. It involves a lot of hearing them practice the same bar over and over and over and over and over and it can drive you absolutely insane. So when Lorraine is hungover or whatever, she just wants Marty to shut up which makes Marty all the more insecure about his music
She’s also very critical in general. She’s hard on Marty, and will pretty much ignore him unless she’s giving some kind of criticism or yelling at him for something or the other. Marty knows at this point not to argue back because he’ll just get his feelings badly hurt. I mean, when Lorraine shits on Jennifer at dinner, Marty just sits silently, looking supremely uncomfortable, which is nothing like how the Marty we know would react when his loved ones are insulted.
I feel like Marty’s desperation for validation comes from this. The way he keeps trying to wrap his arm around Jennifer, the way he’s so latched on to Doc, people who validate him, it’s clear that Marty has not been told that he’s good enough very often, and he’s very eager to prove he is to others and himself. That also explains why he values other’s opinions of him so much, too.
Anyway, back to Lorraine, Lorraine is so despondent at the state of her life that she just sinks further into her alcoholism and depression, once again making their family situation that much worse. She does try to make things work and do normal family things, but it just doesn’t work out
Money must’ve been tight too. I mean, 5 people on one average at best income living in California can’t have been comfortable, which would’ve probably just added more tension
But yeah, those are some of my thoughts on the matter lol. This family is a hot mess, and I’m so glad Marty has doc to reverse all that trauma lol
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bb-bambam · 5 years
a decade with jjp
well, here we are at the end of 2019, which means that it’s been a little over 10 years with jjp. this is a compilation i put together of (most of, but definitely not all because i only really went through my blog and my twitter!) the jjp moments we’ve had the privilege of seeing over the past 10 years. i tried to put them vaguely in chronological order, but there were just so many that it was sort of hard to keep track! i hope you find your favorite moments here, and are reminded of some that you’ve forgotten about! (i know i definitely was!)
here’s to a wonderful decade of smiles, laughter, and happiness with our resident soulmates, and we hope for many many more!
the fateful audition that started it all (x)
bounce era
back in their awkward stages (x)
jaebeom teasing jinyoung (x)
they’ve always matched well (x)
jaebeom’s happy birthday song for jinyoung (x)
jaebeom singing that he loves jinyoung before cracking an egg on his head (at 7:45) (x)
flirting on twitter (x)
jaebeom feeding jinyoung (x)
shopping date (x)
their promise to make a second album (which would eventually come true 5 years later!) (x)
ggg era
jaebeom being soft for jinyoung even when they were on opposing teams (x)
jj dads w their baby youngjae (x)
hugging each other after pretending to fight to prank yugyeom (at 6:50) (x)
their fingers lacing together in a weirdly intimate way (at 13:50) (x)
a era
sharing a shirt in the “a” dance practice videos (x)
being cute in a corner by themselves (x)
jinyoung’s thank you note to jaebeom (x)
flirting during a fan event (x)
never forgetting their roots (x)
stop stop it era
jinyoung comforting jaebeom (x)
holding hands (x)
weird flirting (WHAT was jinyoung looking for?) (x)
jjparents (x)
the time jaebeom manhandled jinyoung to the ground and they both looked way too happy about it (x)
jaebeom exposing himself on instagram and trying to delete the evidence (x)
jinyoung being jaebeom’s (favorite) annoying dongsaeng (x)
not exactly a jjp moment but jackson being a jjp shipper (x)
just right era
jinyoung being extra for no reason (x)
their simpsons couple rings (x)
jaebeom feeding jinyoung (and then licking the same hand?) (x)
jealous jinyoung (x)
mad era
their iconic ceci photoshoot (x)(x)
being cute before the comeback stage (x)
jinyoung flirting with jaebeom (x)
clingy jinyoung (x)
the first sukira game (u all know the one) (x)
and what’s more, jaebeom puckered his lips (x)
this video where they were all over each other (x)
jinyoung declaring jj project as his one and only unit (x)
they aren’t close, they’re deep (x)
jaebeom recognizing jinyoung by touching his hand (x)
jjparents w their babies yugjae (x)
when they almost left jinyoung behind but jaebeom made sure they didn’t (x)
holding hands (x)
jaebeom thirsty (it’s the second tweet in the thread!) (x)
miscellaneous moments (including jinyoung calling jaebeom “jagiya”) (x)
fly era
domesticity in a restaurant and jaebeom feeding jinyoung (x)(x)
checking on each other onstage (also i kind of went off in my tags?? lmao) (x)
communicating w their eyes (x)
jaebeom knowing exactly how jinyoung wants to confess (x)
the second sukira game (including a comparison to the first!) (x)
jaebeom being absolutely whipped and letting jinyoung get away with anything (x)
them being cute and touchy (x)
jinyoung between jaebeom’s legs in the car?!?!?! (x) 
jaebeom helping jinyoung wear his blindfold (x)
the softness in this vlive (x) 
jinyoung being a “ghost” and jaebeom being whipped (x)
a hug for jaebeom for getting a strike (x)
jinyoung being needy (x)
them being domestic in front of everyone on vlive (x)
jj dads w their baby yugyeom (x)
when they went on this show JUST to be domestic (x)
jaebeom thinks jinyoung is the prettiest (and lowkey admitted he likes jinyoung crossdressing?) (x)
unnecessary clinginess (x)
fly tour
jinyoung doing The Most when jaebeom wasn’t there for their concerts (x)(x)(x)(x)
jaebeom watching jinyoung with utter fondness (x)
jinyoung being so incredibly happy to have jaebeom back (x)
jjp on a walmart date (x)
jjp on a pizza date (x)
jjp on a family shopping date w their baby bambam (x)
jjp on a family aquarium date w their baby bambam (x)
hard carry era
this 20 min vlive where it was just them being cuddly (x)(x)
their wedding day (x)
whipped culture on asc (x)
them being…like This at a fan event (x)
bookworm boyfriends (x)
communicating w their eyes (again) (x)
jaebeom singing prove it to jinyoung (that song was written for jinyoung ok) (x)
jaebeom LOOKING DIRECTLY AT JINYOUNG while talking about marriage (!!!!!!!) (x)
jjp describing each other as their ideal type (x)
the start of jinyoung calling jaebeom “jaebeommie” (x)
jinyoung demanding appreciation from jaebeom (x)
jjp talking about their feelings when jaebeom was injured (x)
sharing an umbrella (x)
i just really love this pic. jinyoung adores jaebeom so much (x)
jjp soulmates confirmed by mbti (x)
no one knows jaebeom like jinyoung does (x)
more couple rings (x)
in their own world (x)
jinyoung singing happy birthday to jaebeom (x)
jinyoung thinks jaebeom is the most handsome (x)
jaebeom telling jinyoung to sit on his lap (x)
again…them in their own world (and the lip thing) (x)(x)
this fanmeeting skit (x)
singing “my home” to each other (x)
never ever era
touchy at the airport (x)
their embarrassing moments are shared because their pasts are just too intertwined (x)
jaebeom touching The Butt (x)
jinyoung biting jaebeom’s cheek (x)
soft touches at a radio show (x)
jackson calling them out (x)
jaebeom again letting jinyoung be informal (x)
jinyoung doesn’t match with anyone but jaebeom (x)
bambam instigating jjp moments (x)
jinyoung always takes care of jaebeom (x)
they share shampoo (even though it’s not okay when mark uses it) (x)
coffee date (x)
yugyeom facetiming his dads (x)
they ACTUALLY almost kissed (x)
whatever THIS was (x)
jaebeom playing with the holes in jinyoung’s jeans (x)
jaebeom losing suspiciously easily to jinyoung at a bar battle (x)
jaebeom letting jinyoung win at arm wrestling (x)
jaebeom recognizing jinyoung from touching his butt (x)
jaebeom thinks jinyoung is the funniest man alive (x)
verse 2 era (<33333)
they filmed in hokkaido which is a place jinyoung always wanted to visit (x)
cuties talking on the phone (x)
this whole interview (x)
jjp in the bathroom then vs jjp in the bathroom now (x)
they’re just so soft (x)
tomorrow today (stream verse 2 and this mv!!) (x)
the iconic mirror choreo (x)
holding hands and looking super happy about it (x)
jj project is jinyoung’s home-like space (x)
their tombstones will be side by side (x)
they can’t keep their eyes off each other (x)
the depth of their relationship is just…wow (x)
jealous jaebeom (x)
photographer bfs (x)
always complimenting each other (x)
jinyoung being jaebeom’s favorite dongsaeng (x)
they drink together (x)
talking about soulmates (little did we know what jaebeom would do 2 years later…) (x)
their special relationship (x)
marriage (x)
their shared bookshelf (x)
kings of domesticity (x)
jinyoung is jaebeom’s cat (x)
jaebeom inviting jinyoung into his room (and jinyoung loving his cats!) (x)
even more couple rings (x)
jaebeom calls jinyoung “youngie” confirmed (x)
jackson telling us what we already knew (x)
jjp’s photo essay (x)
7 for 7 era
the jjp imagery in the you are mv (x)
clingy jinyoung part 43762 (x)
jinyoung getting away with everything as usual (x)
idk what THIS was but (x)
jinyoung being incapable of shutting up about jaebeom while he was in the jungle (x)(x)
jaebeom getting hot and bothered bc of jinyoung on camera (x)
these cute pictures (x)
always always in their own world (x)
jaebeom serenading jinyoung with “face” (x)
editors always acknowledge the soulmates (x)
lest we forget: jaebeom looked at jinyoung like THIS in the middle of running a food truck (x)(x)
eyes on you era
jinyoung recognizing jaebeom by touching his ear (x)
jaebeom recognizing jinyoung by touching his chin (x)
jinyoung can do ANYTHING (x)(x)
jjp married (x)(x)
jaebeom getting flustered (x)
this little thing they always do when they perform “look” (x)
jjp domestic (x)
jinyoung loves nora okay (x)
ice cream date (x)
they really want each other to strip (x)
informal jinyoung again (x)
they’re just so. soft (x)
always looking out for each other (x)
they love taking pictures of each other (x)
miscellaneous moments (x)
eyes on you tour
jjp on a paris date (x)
jjp dancing together in nyc (x)(x)
secret flirting onstage (x)
jaebeom checking out jinyoung’s entire butt (x)
miscellaneous moments (x)
lullaby era
don’t send them anywhere together (x)
complementary rings (x)
business as usual for them (x)
jaebeom staking his claim on jinyoung’s birthday (x)
looking at each other (and doing the lip thing!) as yugyeom talks about first loves (x)
jinyoung does not fear jaebeom at all (x)
jaebeom cannot lie to jinyoung (x)
miracle era
onstage flirting (x)
jinyoung’s fave songs are the ones jaebeom writes (x)
they make each other soooo happy (x)
one of my favorite sets of pictures ever (x)
literally married (x)
literally married pt 2 (x)
jinyoung through jaebeom’s eyes (x)
jinyoung waiting for jaebeom (x)
another serenade courtesy of jaebeom (x)
jaebeom being a (probably) biased ref (x)
jinyoung can talk to jaebeom about anything and jaebeom wants to have his last meal w jinyoung (x)
another ice cream date (x)
jj handshake #847348 (x)
focus on me era
happy to be together in the airport just before jus2 promotions and jinyoung’s drama (x)(x)
jaebeom making the jus2 showcase a jjp event for some reason (x)(x)(x)
jaebeom turning jus2 promotions into a jj project promotion period for some reason (x)(x)(x)
needy jaebeom (x)
finally reunited! (x)
eclipse era
jinyoung gives jaebeom a sense of security (x)
jaebeom’s cheeks are too cute (x)
eyes always on each other (x)
jinyoung getting away with informality part 397843 (x)
hugs! (x)
jaebeom said jj project is forever (x)
bambam supports! (x)
jjp on the best friends episode of plof together (x)(x)
jjp on radio apart (x)
jaebeom likes being in jinyoung’s arms (x)
their got2day which was just them being soft (x)
JJP SOULMATES (!!!!!!!!) (x)
keep spinning tour
flirting onstage again (x)
they know everything about each other (ft. an interview from 2018!) (x)
holding hands at the airport (x)
it was fitting that they were chosen to make up a handshake (x)
very close at the airport (x)
giggly and tipsy (x)
thailand always gives us the moments we deserve (x)
selfie time! (x)
jaebeom always looking after jinyoung (he wasn’t feeling well that day) (x)
jaebeom being smug abt having jinyoung all to himself (x)
sharing secrets onstage (x)
ycmn era
jaebeom leading jinyoung offstage (x)
jinyoung being clingy again (x)
pda as usual (x)
everyone ships it (x)
jinyoung thirsty (x)
wanting to be with each other after got7′s first daesang win (x)(x)(x)
possessive jaebeom at the mamas (x)
jinyoung teasing jaebeom and jaebeom being whipped (x)
clingy jaebeom (x)
so smiley (x)
clingy clingy (x)
softest in the world (x)(x)
flustering each other (x)
jinyoung cute jaebeom sexy (x)
photographer bfs again (x)
jaebeom wants jinyoung all to himself (x)
actually what was going on w them on this day (x)
spending 10 years together looks like this (x)
dream knight (x)
dream high vs. dream knight (the tension…) (x)
when a man loves (x)(x)
compilation (x)
unknown/multiple eras
jjp are happiest with each other (x)
sharing secrets (x)
the happiness they get from each other… (x)
jinyoung being jaebeom’s fave dongsaeng (x)
sharing a jacket (x)
sharing a sweater (x)
compilations and miscellaneous stuff
compilation of jjp just knowing it’s the other (including by touching jaebeom’s inner lip…) (x)
compilation of jinyoung vs. jaebeom battles that jinyoung always wins (bc jaebeom is whipped?) (x)
compilation of jaebeom laughing bc of jinyoung (x)
compilation of pics of each other (x)
compilation of jaebeom being literally incapable of controlling himself (x)
compilation of all their “kisses” (x)
miscellaneous moments (x)
miscellaneous soft moments (x)
miscellaneous underrated moments (x)
and last but absolutely not least, this submitted list of further jjp nonsense (x)
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fbdo1986 · 4 years
idk the only fbdo prompt i can think of is cameron falls asleep on the couch so ferris and sloane have a contest to see how much random shit they can put on him before he wakes up. Besides that, the way you wrote cam & sloane’s 1st kiss was very good, how bout writing ferris and cam’s 1st kiss? Unless that’s gonna be in ur new fic of course. Anyway, i’ll be back if i can think of cuter prompts
yo anon… you’re the best!!!! how about i write both???!! it’s hard for me sometimes to write ferris/cam and i have no idea why?? but i’ll do it for you anon! and honestly i’m not too sure if my fic is gonna involve any kissing tbh! i kinda foster ideas as i go
okay! since i am incapable of putting this one in the same timeline of my sloane/cam fic heres one that goes post the fic im working on, which is an interpretation of that fateful day off! (it’s probably a few days after or so)
warning: slight mention of ab*se bc like. cameron’s dad exists
Cameron narrowly escapes to his room, his hands shakily pressing the button to dial up the Bueller residence. He was high of pure adrenaline, and unfortunately, fear. The spiel about how ‘he wouldn’t be pushed around any longer, and seriously doesn’t a teenager deserve to have a life of his own? and how he’s done nothing except nearly exhaust himself to make the man proud and he doesn’t even notice!?’ actually takes old Morris Frye by surprise, and in a good way. He ruffles Cameron’s hair and goes on about how for the longest time he’s been waiting for his son to become a man, and how maybe, he’s proud of Cam. That is, until he realizes Cameron’s mentioned the car. Then all bets are off. It starts with a loud bellowing yell and Cameron can sense it’s only gonna escalate from here. Quickly, Morris is inching his way closer to Cameron and even though Cam is giving an explanation as quickly as words can exit his mouth to try and derail his father, it’s no use for the man who loves his car more than his own family. The man is seeing red, the red of that precious 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California that tumbled to its death from the garage. And Cameron needs to get out of there before he gets any closer. 
So he makes it to his bedroom, and the immediate response is Ferris. There’s no one who can save him like the boy who can get out of trouble in any situation. The line rings and he hears the familiar, moody hello of Jeanie Bueller. “Hey, it’s Cameron. Can you put Ferris on, please?” His voice wavers, and Jeanie immediately understands. Cameron won’t lose it, not like how he used to, but these things build up. 
“Ferris! It’s Cameron!” Jeanie yells, and Mrs. Bueller asks if everything’s alright. Jeanie keeps silent, letting Ferris spill if he decides to.
Ferris has something inside of him that is fine tuned to discussions of Cameron or Sloane. This shout isn’t typical Jeanie tone, and immediate sirens begin to blare in his ears. From across the house he’s at the phone in the hall, immediately replacing Jeanie at the line. “Hey, what’s up?” He keeps his voice light. Maybe it’s nothing. 
“Fer, I need an out. My old man is gonna kill me for this car. I mean it. He’ll find a way to give me hell. If it was his way I’d never come back.” He lets out a breath he doesn’t know he’s holding in. “Please.”
At this point, Ferris has nearly bitten the inside of his cheek raw. He suddenly regrets all the things he’s ever done to put Cameron at risk of being hurt by his old man. Sure, he did think taking the car out was good for Cameron—he always wished Cameron could loosen up and fully enjoy what good things happened to him—but he could’ve never imagined the state it’d be in by the end of the day. He meant it when he said he’d take the heat for this, and he still does. It kills him to know his foolishness could cost Cameron harm. Ever since Ferris Bueller understood just how horrible things get in Cameron’s house he immediately knew he’d always be there for him. It takes a little longer to realize the reverse is true, that he’d be complete and utterly lost without Cameron, and that he needs him to stay sane. He won’t let that show in his words or his tone. He’s gotta be strong right now because that is what Cameron needs.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll get you out of there.” He covers the receiver. “Jeanie, can I use your car?” A silent nod of understanding from his sister. Mrs. Bueller is insisting to take care of it, she’s always liked Cameron, but Ferris wants it all under his control. “I’ll be there soon, alright?” He asks Cameron, hoping he doesn’t know that he’s keeping his voice from shaking. At least he can’t see his hands.
A deep breath. “Thank you, Ferris. Seriously. You don’t understand how much I appreciate this.” Cameron always knows that Ferris is and always will be there for him, but he’s always grateful when he steps up for things like this. 
Like lightning after Jeanie gives him the keys, Ferris races out of his house and hops into his sister’s car. Ferris is thankful for his driver’s license despite his absence of a car. And he’s thankful for Jeanie at this moment, too. And most importantly, for Cameron. He fights every urge to completely speed over there, since he’d never forgive himself for getting a speeding ticket on the way to his best friend’s house. When he gets to Cameron’s he makes his way to Cameron’s window. He’s willing to risk heat from Morris for sneaking Cameron out, and if the man even thinks he’s getting at Cameron for this he’s sorely mistaken. Has Ferris ever fought anyone? Absolutely not, but Morris Frye deserves to have a taste of his own medicine for once in his life. Ferris raps on the window as quietly as he can, his eyes lighting up immediately when Cameron turns to face him. 
Cameron fights a loud, enthusiastic expression of gratitude, but his sentiments remain. “G-d bless Ferris Bueller.” Ferris simply grins. But his eyes widen with concern when he remembers why he’s here. “Wait, Cam. Are you hurt? Did that son of a bitch—” Ferris can’t stop himself from grabbing at Cameron’s arms and getting a bit too close to look at his face.
Cameron chuckles, swatting him away. “I’m fine, Fer. Quit breathing on me. But seriously, I’m alright.” He looks at Ferris, the absolute goof of a best friend right in front of him. Despite his cool exterior, he really does wear his heart on his sleeve. He’s thankful that all those threats that he’d find a new best friend were never serious. Cameron almost embraces him. Almost. He settles for a shared smile. 
“Okay, let’s get the hell out of here.” Ferris rocks back onto his heels and Cameron swiftly stands up from his bed. They get out through the window and shut it tight. 
The ride to Ferris’s is awkward. Ferris wants nothing more than to crack a joke and relieve this tension, but he doesn’t want to disrespect what’s just happened to Cameron. The radio is on low, playing the current hits. When they reach the Bueller’s Cameron is bombarded with concerned but sweet proddings from Mrs. Bueller and a comforting look from Jeanie. Cameron feels a bit lighter already, but he only feels like he can fully breathe once they’re in Ferris’ room. The Cars are softly playing from Ferris’s stereo while Cameron flops directly onto the bed and Ferris sits next to him. 
“Jesus Christ.” Cameron’s voice is muffled against the comforter, and he slowly turns to face up and look at the ceiling. “I hate this. I can’t believe I have to run away to solve my problems.”
“To be fair, you’re not running away. You’re literally 10 miles away from your house. Plus, I helped you escape.” Ferris leans back on his palms and looks at the ceiling too. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t done it sooner. I wouldn’t last a day there. I don’t know how you do it. Fuck what Morris says, Cam, you’re the bravest man I know.” He breathes out a sigh and wishes he could say more. 
Cameron shifts and turns to Ferris for a moment. “No way, man. That’s you.” They exchange a glance. Despite being friends for seven years, words like these don’t get shared often between them. “Thank you. Again. Not even just for this, Fer.” He looks at Ferris intensely. “My life outside of that house is what it is because of you. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” 
Ferris averts his gaze, but a smile plays on his lips for a moment. He pauses and draws out the phrase, “You, my love, are worth it all.” 
Cameron’s face is immediately drowned in heat. He doesn’t know why this is so significant but all he feels is his heartbeat in his throat and he can’t help but sit up, dumbfounded. He looks at Ferris and there’s nothing that can convince him the boy was joking. Ferris, inversely, however, is turning pale. 
“What?” That’s all that escapes Cameron’s mouth, but it’s not upset or repulsed. Only curious. 
“Look, Cam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it and it just slipped out and you’re just great, okay? That’s it. You’re just great, the problem is how great you are.” The words slip out so fast Cameron is just barely hanging on. 
“I’m what?”
“You’re fantastic. You’re everything I could ask in a friend and more and I’ve just been thinking it over for a few days and I’m so sorry I ever jeopardized your safety. I need you and all of this wouldn’t even matter if it wasn’t for you, Cameron.” His eyes, deep with worry and passion all at once meet Cameron’s. And without a second thought Ferris’s hands are cupping his face and he presses a kiss into Cameron’s lips. Cameron’s caught off guard, insanely surprised, but as his heartbeat slows he can hear Ferris’s breath in an exhale and Cameron presses a kiss back into Ferris. Cameron smiles and after a moment Ferris parts from the kiss and looks up at his best friend. 
“Didn’t mean shit, Bueller.” Cameron laughs and all of a sudden the light is back in Ferris’s eyes and Ferris can’t think of anything to do but tackle Cameron in a hug. It knocks Cameron’s lanky frame over, but they just lay there and continue to laugh.
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kyleknight · 4 years
October Writing Challenge Day 4 part 2 project: bts shapeshifting light weapons au content: eventual ot7, fantasy, shapeshifting weapons sorta like soul eater, parallel worlds I guess?  warnings: mild fighting against monsters  an: ok so this is stuff that Ive already written for this au but Im planning on writing more so I wanted to have this stuff posted already bc it explains the world pretty well.
The stars overhead are a little too bright. A little too big, too close. If Hoseok looks up at the sky long enough, he can actually pick out sharp pointed edges to them. He tries not to look at them and pretends the natural light illuminating his path is moonlight instead of starlight.
Namjoon is leading him along the path at a brisk pace— not quite a run, but it’s fast enough that Hoseok feels a little less panicked about… well… everything. There’s not enough cover out here and Hoseok is terrified of seeing another one of those giant creatures. 
He spots the building, standing in a small clearing. It’s a nice change from the seemingly endless twisted trees on one side of the path and the barren field on the other. 
“What’s that?” he asks Namjoon. It’s a question he’s been asking a lot in the past hour or so. 
“The house? It’s safe,” Namjoon answers. “My friends are in there.”
“They’re like you?” Hoseok says.
Namjoon doesn’t respond until they reach the building. He ignores the door and goes to a boarded up window instead, knocking rapidly on it. “It’s me! Open up!”
A brief moment later, a board covering one of the windows slides and moves out of the window. It’s barely enough space for a person to squeeze through.
“Come on,” Namjoon says. “It’s safe in here.” He glances backwards, and Hoseok does as well. He can’t see anything, but those things from earlier came out of nowhere. Hoseok turns back and climbs through the opening. 
He finds himself in a large room that’s got building materials piled up against the walls but is otherwise empty. Well, empty except for another guy holding the board that must have been blocking the entrance. Hoseok eyes him carefully and moves aside as Namjoon gets inside. The guy then wedges the board back into place.
Hoseok glances around the dark room. There are no light fixtures on the ceiling and no other sources of light save for the starlight sneaking in through cracks in the boards. He feels marginally safer, though. As long as nothing scary is going to jump out at him like earlier.
“Hoseok-ssi,” Namjoon says, “This is Jungkook. One of my friends. And… where’s Jimin and Taehyung?”
“They went out,” Jungkook says. “There was a pack of Shadows that was getting close, so they went to drive them back.”
Namjoon looks worried. “How long ago was that?”
“Not long,” Jungkook says. “But they’re careful. I’ve been watching through the windows just in case Taehyung-ah puts up a firework.” He looks curiously at Hoseok. “So who’s this?”
Namjoon gestures towards the far wall. “Let’s talk in the inside room. It’s complicated.”
Hoseok’s eyes start to adjust as Namjoon guides him through the dark building. It’s a bit like an old farmhouse, he thinks. The first two rooms are sparse, mostly full of wooden supplies and tools, separated by heavy doors. The third room feels much more lived in: resembling a kitchen and more familial storage area. From there, a narrow stairwell leads up to a room with beds, couches, clothes and sheets hung from the wooden rafters above. The thing Hoseok likes more about this room is the larger spaces in between the boards, allowing more starlight to pass through to illuminate the room. 
Namjoon leads Hoseok to a couch with two blankets thrown across it. Hoseok takes one and wraps it around himself. He’s not too cold with his jacket and layers, but the lack of any kind of external warmth here is unnerving enough to send more chills than usual through him. 
Hoseok has so many questions, things he’s still rattled by, but for now, he’s just relieved to be inside. 
“I have more things to explain to you, Hoseok-ssi,” Namjoon says. “But first, I need to tell— Jungkook. Hoseok-ssi is a handler. He’s not from here. He’s from another world, I think.”
Jungkook’s eyes are wide. “Really? Where did you find him?”
“When I was in town,” Namjoon says. “There was a light from the river. I went to go check on it and he was there. There were a few Shadows already on him, so I went to help him out. He brought the light out of me without me even realizing it. We destroyed the Shadows.”
Hoseok watches Jungkook’s reactions. Namjoon’s explanations from earlier didn’t really explain much, but he’s had a little bit of time to try and process them. People here can turn into weapons. Light is dangerous. Hoseok is special, because of what he did when he was holding Namjoon-turned-into-a-bow. Namjoon can turn into a bow and shoot arrows made of soft white light. 
“You’re both magic weapons then?” Hoseok says.
Namjoon nods. “Jungkook is a pistol. And you saw what I am. And what I can do, when the conditions are right. Doing that can destroy the Shadows, but it’s also dangerous because it can attract more attention if you’re careless about it.”
Hoseok pulls the blanket closer around himself. “And that goes for all types of light? Fire too?”
Namjoon’s face turns more serious. “Yeah. It’s… that’s sort of how all the handlers disappeared here. After the sun disappeared and the moon went dark, they couldn’t stand it. They tried to survive with fire and other types of light, but the Shadows got too strong. I’ve never even met one before, not until you.”
Hoseok looks from Namjoon to Jungkook, who is standing near the window, looking outside. He feels so out of his depth. He’s so scared and he just wants to go home. Namjoon is kind and definitely pretty resourceful, but he already told Hoseok he doesn’t understand how he made it to this world. He’s not going to have any suggestions for how to send Hoseok back. And, considering all of their problems with the terrifying Shadows, it feels like it would be selfish to ask. 
Yoongi should have just stayed inside today. 
He tries to rationalize how it’s not his fault that someone was dumb enough to set off some kind of bright ass firecracker at the shore of the creepiest, darkest lake around. Probably some idiots testing out their light instead of keeping their heads down and not causing trouble. You know, like a rational person. 
Unfortunately, Yoongi can hear the person screaming even from his little fishing hut. If he squints, he can almost make out the small gang of Shadows chasing the guy. He frowns and tries to look for the person’s friend and finds nobody. What the hell? Who just leaves their friend to get hunted down by the Shadows just to save their own skin? They’ve got to be close, to set off light of that magnitude. What a fucking shitty ass betrayal.
Yoongi sighs heavily, shuts the door behind him, and throws himself into a full sprint. The guy is running around aimlessly, the Shadows following him out of curiosity more than anything. That’s good for now but eventually he’ll get tired and the Shadows will get him. Yoongi has to slow down as he gets closer, but he quickly sees an opportunity.
“Change!” he yells, running for the guy. “I’ll help you push them back!”
“Ahhh!” the guy screams. “Help me!” Instead of turning into whatever form he has, he just runs for Yoongi with open arms. 
Good grief. Yoongi isn’t exactly comfortable in his sword form, but what the hell ever. He’d rather not be swung around by a panicking fool, but he’s more concerned about the four Shadows than he is about being dropped. 
He changes and even has the decency to land himself in the guy’s right hand. 
“Ahhh!” the guy screams again, dropping Yoongi just as he expected. “What’s this! What’s this!”
“Don’t drop me!” Yoongi yells. He’s a nice guy, okay, and he doesn’t normally yell at strangers, but this is kind of a dire situation. “Pick me up! Scare them off!”
“Ahhh!” The guy won’t stop screaming, but he picks Yoongi up again and holds him in a position so unbalanced that Yoongi is sure he’s going to be dropped again. The Shadows slow down to a stop, uncomfortably close but not close enough to be in range of Yoongi’s blade. They’re bigger than the usual Shadow that Yoongi encounters. Very bad.
“Quit panicking!” Yoongi says. “They’ve stopped, now swing me around a bit. Act threatening!”
Unfortunately, this guy is incapable of getting himself together. It’s like he’s never dealt with a Shadow before. He goes, “Ahhh!” again and swings Yoongi in the most wobbly manner ever. Yoongi actually feels a bit sick from the motion. One of the Shadows moves back a bit, though.
“Do that again,” Yoongi grits out. “But please, just try to get yourself together. It’s fine, I’m not gonna let you die. It’s going to be okay.” 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” the guy says. He’s shaking, but he adjusts his hold on Yoongi and yells again as he slashes the air in front of him wildly. This time, two of the Shadows back off and the smaller of the two runs in the opposite direction. The two that are closest to Yoongi and his unfortunate partner aren’t convinced by the show. One lumbers closer.
“Fuck,” Yoongi mutters. That light display earlier was pretty impressive. It makes sense that these Shadows wouldn’t be easily scared off. 
“One more time,” Yoongi says. “You can do this. Come on!”
“Ahh!” the guy screams, but this time it’s in a wild desperation. He brings Yoongi back with more force to prepare for another swing, and something resonates within Yoongi. His heart beats harder, louder. His mind feels at peace. The guy swings him and the brightest light Yoongi has ever seen in his life pours out of his blade. He feels the light slice through the Shadows, including the one that had turned and run. The light pierces through the dark lakeshore all around them and eliminates every shred of darkness. 
Then, as quickly as it came, the light is gone. The Shadows are gone. Yoongi is in his human form on his hands and knees, shaking. What just happened?
“What the fuck did you do?” he gasps. He looks back at the guy, who looks just as panicked as when Yoongi showed up. 
“C-can you tell me where I am?” the guy says, sounding like he’s about to start crying. “I’m so scared, and confused. I was just at the train station, it was morning, and then all of a sudden I’m here and it’s night— oh god, what if I’m on drugs. Someone roofied me. Oh god, I want to snap out of this. Can you find me a hospital? My phone is dead.”
Okay, this guy is nuts. Yoongi groans and rubs at his forehead as he makes his way to his feet. “Come on, we need to get to some shelter before more Shadows show up. You can stay with me until your friend shows up again.”
“My friend?” the guy says. “I’m not— who are you talking about?”
“Whoever was with you to make that light earlier,” Yoongi says. “You’re traveling with someone, right?”
“I’m not here with anyone,” the guy says. “I don’t think so anyway… there were a lot of people at the station, but there was nobody when I ended up here. I wasn’t traveling with anyone. I just ended up here alone. Until you showed up.”
Yoongi shoots the guy with a skeptical look. “So what, you made that light by yourself?” He didn’t realize that was possible. But that’s not the important thing here. “Are you insane? Were you trying to draw the attention of the Shadows? You know you could have gotten yourself killed!”
“I don’t know what’s going on!” the guy says desperately. “This place is so scary, and those monsters started chasing after me, and you turned into a sword! I don’t understand how any of this is happening! I feel like I’m in a movie, and I want to go home!”
Okay, this guy is more nuts than Yoongi initially thought. But between dealing with crazy and dealing with more Shadows, Yoongi would take crazy any day. He sighs, rubs at his eyes, and motions for the guy to follow him.
“You can find your way home after we wait out the Shadows that are bound to come after that light,” he says. “I’m not staying out here any longer. Come on. My place is just over there.”
“Thank you,” the guy says, sounding more subdued. “I’m sorry, I’m just so confused. Thank you for helping me. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t show up.” 
Yoongi is pretty sure they’re both aware of what would have happened if he didn’t show up to help.
“My name is Kim Seokjin.”
“Min Yoongi,” Yoongi says. 
“Thank you, Min Yoongi-ssi.”
Seokjin doesn’t say anything else during the short walk to Yoongi’s place. Yoongi makes sure to shut the door firmly behind him— normally it’s not a problem, the Shadows don’t bother with this place because it’s so dark already. But he can’t be too sure now, after that impossible light Seokjin somehow pulled out of Yoongi.
That’s… that’s something that confuses Yoongi more than anything. He doesn’t know Seokjin. There’s no way there could be enough of a bond between two strangers to draw out that much light. Killing Shadows is next to impossible, and somehow Seokjin did it without Yoongi even realizing it was happening. Yoongi doesn’t even know what kind of light he can produce; he’s never managed anything more than a soft glow in the past. 
Yoongi takes out a spare mat so he and Seokjin can sit on the floor, as far from the door as possible without being on Yoongi’s bed. He’s not that hospitable. Seokjin is looking around a bit uncomfortably.
“Do you have a lamp or a candle?” he says. “I’m sorry, if you prefer the dark, we can stay like this, but I’d rather be able to see your face. I’m still a little— I’m very spooked from those things.”
Yoongi blinks slowly at him. “A candle,” he says slowly. “Like… those things that people used to light on fire.”
“Yes?” Seokjin says. “Um. But, like I said, it’s okay—”
“You’re really not from around here, aren’t you?” Yoongi says. “That, or you have an actual death wish, which I can’t believe, because of how you reacted to the Shadows.” This is so confusing. This guy is acting like he has no idea how the world works. Children know that light is dangerous and how to avoid making it, even before they learn how to speak full sentences. What’s with this guy? How did he end up at the lake in this state?
“Um,” Seokjin says. He pulls his coat closer to his body. That’s another strange thing. He’s dressed in the strangest style Yoongi’s ever seen. He said something about a train. Yoongi knows trains haven’t run since shortly after the sun went dark. They were magnets for Shadow attacks. Even running without lights, the fires in the furnaces would attract dozens of Shadows, who would swarm the engines and tear through the people inside. 
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin says. “If you don’t have anything like that… I didn’t mean to… I’ll just wait until morning and I’ll go and try to find my way home.”
“Morning,” Yoongi repeats. “Seokjin… I don’t know where you’re from, but in this world, there’s no morning.”
Seokjin goes still. “In this world? What are you talking about?”
Yoongi has a suspicion. It’s crazy and impossible, but so is a stranger pulling light like that out of Yoongi with no warning. “Seokjin, can you describe the place where you’re from?”
“It’s… it’s Seoul. I mean, originally I’m from Gwacheon. But I moved to Seoul to train to be an idol. Seoul is a big city. The biggest in Korea. There’s so many people, so much to do. It’s nice, but I miss home sometimes. Gwacheon has some of the most beautiful parks—”
“And you have the sun,” Yoongi interrupts. 
Seokjin nods. “Of course we have the sun. I think the world would freeze into a ball of ice without it.”
Yoongi lets out a shaky breath. “Seokjin, we don’t have the sun here. Wherever you’re from, I can say for sure it’s not here. I don’t know how you got here, but you probably need to learn some things about this place if you don’t want to run into more Shadows and get yourself killed.”
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cabbagebender · 5 years
Keith? Oh and Hunk?
Ahh, thanks for the ask! From this headcanon ask game:
Supplementary canon: 17 - 18 in Seasons 1-6, 18-19 in Seasons 7-8.
Headcanon: I take the birthdays and ages in the Paladin Handbook as if the book were written on January 1st, so Hunk is only three months younger than pre-space whale Keith, and he's closer in age to (psw) Keith than to Lance.
Supplementary Canon: Half Samoan, half African-American.
Headcanon: Samoan on his dad's side, African-American on his mom's. Yes, I have his entire family figured out. They were relatively major characters in a fic I was hyperfixated on writing for a few months.
Which is to say, I've entertained pretty much every gender headcanon there is for Hunk except cis girl.
Mental Health:
I've considered Hunk as having ADHD before
Physical Health:
I saw a colorblind headcanon for Hunk once and like, I can get behind that?
Also, I think it'd be tragically amusing if Hunk had a food allergy that piSSED him oFF because it keeps getting in the way of him trying dishes he really wants to try
Bi/Pan (I go back and forth on which label I use for him, but the sentiment remains the same – all genders)
Most of the time I headcanon him as someone who, well, doesn't necessarily actively identify as arospec, but acknowledges that he has NO idea how to differentiate between romantic and platonic attraction. He just? loves people? Once the other person is like "this is what our relationship is" it's a lot easier for him to then develop his feelings along the appropriate track, but like, for example, if Pidge, his best friend who he has a 100% platonic relationship with and has never wanted anything different from, was suddenly like "hey, i wanna date you!" he probably would be like "yeah, okay, sure, we can try that!" (he might be confused because Pidge hasn't historically been romantically attracted to people. But if he was convinced she was serious). And that's not because he's secretly harboring romantic feelings for her, he's just sort of down for developing romantic feelings for any of his most special people at a moment's notice – OR for nurturing a hearty platonic love that can never be broken.
I have written him as more alloromantic, though – but he always values his friendships as much as his romances.
Poly Hunk poly Hunk poly Hunk P O L Y
(The Hunk-and-Allura polycule is one of my favorite little brain things, borne out of the fact that I keep shipping those two with the same people)
Religious Background and Current Beliefs
Protestant Christian to both of the above, of the "be generous and love thy neighbour" variety
Supplementary canon: 18-19 in S1-5, 21 in S6-8
Half Korean-American on his human side.
(In human!AUs, I have him as half Korean-American, half-English-American. The biggest empire in recent history is the British Empire, so I usually make humanized Galra characters English for parallel reasons)
(which is funky bc I've done a LOT of human AUs, which means in my head I sort of think of Keith as mixed white/Korean but in the actual show he's none white)
The hair. It's been growing out for years. It's Keith's (lack of) gender affirmation project.
Sometimes I have them eventually going by K and using they/them pronouns.
Mental Health:
Prosopagnosia (face blindness)
Desperate, desperate need of a therapist
Physical Health:
Lots of fun funky alien biology side effects that made his doctors twitch when he was a supposedly all-human kid:
I've seen headcanons that Keith can't digest vegetables because of his Galra heritage. I'm not sure if I hold that headcanon 100%, because he is still half-human, but I definitely agree that Galra are carnivores (look at the teeth) and Keith is probably malnourished. Even his human parent is big and buff and Keith... is not. If he'd been raised by his dad throughout his childhood maybe he would have grown up beefier and taller (since I'm sure his dad probably at least somewhat understood the Galra diet from having lived with Krolia), buuut his dad died when Keith was prepubescent and then he was in the foster system and... yeah he probably wasn't getting the optimized diet for his particular interspecies genetic makeup.
I like to think that he grew up with a couple of Very Strange Health Conditions that turned out to just be Galra things, like UV vision and two sets of baby teeth and ridges of bone protruding from.his scalp like Acxa has (hello, big poofy bangs to hide that).
Also, any time he had to do a blood test or a urine test at the doctor's it just... did not provide anything resembling useful information.
Doctor: I... don't know what I'm looking at here exactly but we've run the test multiple times and this seems to be your actual blood? How do you have this much iron in your blood?? Maybe eat... less meat?
Hunk, looking at the same results years later, having adjusted for Galra heritage: Keith, you're anemic.
Keith: are you KIDDING me
(see: Keith is malnourished)
Like most real life interspecies hybrids, I think Keith is probably incapable of natural reproduction.
But like also sometimes he feels intense things for people that are different from his usual platonic bonds, but the word romantic is all lovey dovey to him and he Can't attach that to the complicated place his feelings are coming from so ??? Is he actually aro?? or does he just have Stuff way too deeply seated to ever process his romantic attraction in a clear and conventional way?? does it make a difference at this point, if the word aro is what's comfortable for him? aka, stuff keith ponders alone in his room at 2:30 in the morning
(If you want my specific headcanons about Who "people" are, it's Allura and Hunk – his hella strong but also kinda messy emotional connection with Allura, where he's just like "I know this is different from every other bond in my life but Please do not ask me to explain idk the Fuck is going on," and the fact that every time Hunk grabs him or picks him up or otherwise manhandles him his brain just shuts down like "oh this is good please continue to make hold" when it SHOULD be going into fight mode the way it would for anyone else)
Religious Background and Current Beliefs
I honestly don't know what Keith's background would be, but I think he's sort of... generally agnostic? Like, he believes in a higher power but not necessarily a sentient one or something to be worshipped. It's more like a big spiritual pulse through the multiverse that connects everything and everyone – fate, but with free will. It's what he taps into to access his nigh psychic abilities, which I've talked about before but maybe not since I made this sideblog so let me know if you want me to make a post about that.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
f confusion
If you have time/feel like it, can I ask your opinion on something? I’ve been reading Lenore Thompson’s personality book — and it’s causing me some confusion. I found myself nodding along to her description of Fe (ordering people in terms of relationship in list) up until she comments that if you re-ordered your list due to a falling out of some sort, you were being subjective, which I’m assuming she’s using interchangeably for “introverted intuition” which made me hesitate.
Without a direct quote from the book (which I don't have in front of me) I can't speak to her meaning, but I do know taking one thing out of context and allowing it to shake up everything you know about yourself is not the way to go; if you relate 90% to her in-depth Fe-dom descriptions, which includes all the weaknesses of inferior Ti, then you are likely Fe-dom. If you relate 10%, you are not. Majority rules. Minor nitpicks are unimportant.
All things considered, my core 9 probably fakes a lot of stereotypical Fe, but recently someone crossed a line, insulting my family (however unintentionally). I was absolutely furious, shaking with fury. I got closure, sort of, but the damage had been done in my head. Angrily, I mentally re-ordered my list of friends (the people who were outraged on my behalf at the top, and the one who had done the hurt at the bottom). It’s an unhealthy method, for sure, but it’s not the first time I’ve cut myself off emotionally from someone after they’ve crossed a line of mine (usually my belief in kindness and being there for/supportive of your family). I’m still polite to these people, feel empathy for them, but there’s a great part of me that has been shut down for them.
Yup, that's a core 9 all right. Shut down. Ignore. Numbing. Passive-aggressive avoidance. #SoDone. Has nothing to do with Fe vs Fi.
I get frustrated and angry when people don’t do what is right and proper.
Strong 1 wing, I am guessing?
I’m not able to see the Fi route of “everyone has an opinion and is allowed to have it," theoretically I believe in that because I was taught it by my parents, but I often internally cannot comprehend how people see things so differently from me — though the difference absolutely fascinates me from a scientific standpoint — and why they can’t just understand how I see things: how their view of things are so openly skewered to their own dated beliefs, instead of believing in things that ultimately do the most good to the general public.
They can't see how you understand things, because they have not lived your life.
You cannot understand how they see things, because you have not lived theirs. It's that simple.
The most you can do with people is agree to be civil in your disagreements and allow each other to explain their side. The latter bit of what you said, I do not know how to say this in any way that is not rude, but that's not Fe or Fi -- that's an immature judging function that is still basing its conclusions on "whatever *I* see as right, YOU MUST AGREE WITH" -- and I have seen people of all types do it. By judging them for having a view of things so "openly skewed to their own DATED beliefs" you are putting yourself on a higher moral pedestal than them, as someone who is "enlightened." Truth is, they may be right and you may be wrong. When you approach people with an attitude of "I am enlightened and you are not," you have already lost the debate and really have no interest in knowing what formed their opinion, because you already have prejudged it as wrong.
"General public" usually means a social Enneagram core; I've noticed soc-firsts put group welfare ahead of personal survival, regardless of being Fe or Fi, because they know their survival relies on the group welfare.
Most of my values have come from my parents, or my favorite stories — but I can’t tell if that’s introverted sensation, or extraverted feeling.
It doesn't have to be either one; no one is born in a void. Fi typically does not know what its internal values are until it encounters something that gives it a livid NOPE reaction out of the blue. And Fi, unlike Fe, will totally refuse to pretend anything different, even if it makes them a social outcast. This can be as stupidly simple as not saying "yes, the food is wonderful!" if you actually hate the green beans, while a bunch of people chorus around you at the dinner table, "oh, it's wonderful!" or finding yourself absolutely incapable of lying to your best friend when she asks, "Does this make my butt look fat?"
I definitely also agreed with some Fi things too — like recently I’ve realized I’m happiest when I know my writing is doing something that truly matters, when I’m standing for a cause I’m really passionate about, when I see how it makes people feel, I love making people feel seen and heard, and I want to use my talents to incite change. I’m also extremely sensitive to criticism, hard on myself to an outrageous degree, and I’ve got that habit of literally not ever being able to open up about my feelings.
Most of this is general Human Being stuff. Most people don't want to waste their life doing meaningless things; most people do not bother involvement in causes they do not care about; most feelers want to make other people feel good; most feelers (and some thinkers) want to open up avenues for others to succeed; and a lot of people dream about changing things. Being sensitive to criticism is a feeler trait, being hard on yourself is a 1 wing trait, and repression of feelings can be introversion, shyness, self-consciousness, or Fi's ability to "deal with my problems on my own, alone in my room."
I always relate things to myself, and if my friends are going through something I usually ask myself how I’d feel in their shows and attempt to (usually clunkily) move forward with that, and I’m extremely empathetic (I was banned from watching the animal planet as a child bc watching the animals hurt or worse made me spend the entire day crying).
That sounds more like Fi. For the latter: aww. Same. I still can't watch Animal Rescue shows, since I shift between feeling awful for the poor things and wanting to enact terrible vengeance on their abusive owners.
- ENFP Mod
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neveralarch · 5 years
ohhhh please do allez. star emoji
Allez is the fic that nearly fucking killed me, it was soooo frustrating. But successful in the end I think! Thank you for asking about it, apparently I desperately wanted to spill out the process behind writing it. Very long response under the cut, including a NSFW/adult excerpt from a previous version of the fic. If you have any questions about specific lines in the fic definitely lmk, bc I basically just yelled about writing here and very little about the actual plot or anything haha.
It's very weird for me to have a long fic or a series that I actually WANT to continue - usually I write a thing and then I'm done with it (and sometimes just done with the fandom altogether), which I know can be kind of frustrating to the readers who were hoping for more. But fencing fic is just like this WELL, I have all of this stuff from it I want to splash out on the pavement for people to look at, and it's been super fun to just invite those questions and prompts that people have and see if I can get anything out of the well for those.
Neery left a comment on Passe (the last main fic) that said in part "If you're taking prompts for this universe, I'd love to see more of Wheeljack's and Starscream's relationship, especially their first time (because you can't tell me Starscream wasn't a neurotic mess about it)." And I went YEAH and then hopped into chat with Dez ( @sauntervaguelydown ) and basically just banged out the whole plot while a) tipsy after a party and then b) the next morning in between refereeing at a fencing tournament. Which was probably a good set of states to be thinking about this fic.
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At first I was thinking of this as a short five times fic, basically showing a set of sex failures followed by sex success, because I love bad sex becoming good sex in fic. But the more I thought about it the more serious it got, because it was so tangled up in my head with this idea of what 'good' sex actually is and who gets to decide if you're having good sex. This is a little TMI but I also became sexually active in the last couple years and I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what the difference between fantasy and physical desire is as a person who used to be and maybe still is on the ace spectrum somewhere. And (again) what the distinction is between 'good sex' and 'sex I want to have.' So the more I worked on this the more all of that started spilling onto the page.
I also felt a little uncertain about where I left Starscream and Wheeljack in the main fics. I think they can and will be happy, but the undercurrent in the series is that Starscream is still really hung up on Megatron while also recognizing how much Megatron fucked him over, while Wheeljack is furious at Megatron both for what he did to Starscream and for what he perceives Megatron to have done to fencing in general. Starscream's half of that undercurrent gets resolved in the main series, but Wheeljack's half doesn't and it felt like I needed to tackle that in Allez.
I figured this would be an easy fic to write even though I wanted it to be more serious because I knew exactly what the goals were and exactly what the plot was. And then I started writing it and walked straight into a wall. I wrote 2600 words from Starscream's pov, which was FUN but meant that Wheeljack was just... there. Hanging around and being a Good Boyfriend while Starscream panicked.
Starscream flashed a grin, trying to look like a confident mech-about-town who you could trust with your connectors. He could do this. It would be slow and soft and nice, everything you were supposed to do with your sweetspark. And it would feel amazing, because he liked Wheeljack and he wanted to be with him.
"Starscream?" Wheeljack was leaning back a little. "What's that look about?"
"Nothing." Starscream snapped his panel back, transforming his array so the plug was uppermost. "Just thinking about how much I want you."
Wheeljack's optics softened, and his panel opened. His own array transformed into the compatible configuration, plug below his socket. Frag, this was going to be good. Starscream wanted to shove Wheeljack down and slam their arrays together, or for Wheeljack to shove Starscream on his back and ride Starscream's plug until Starscream was begging for the reciprocal connection, desperate for charge.
But Starscream didn't do any of those things, because he was trying to do this right. Instead he leaned back and spread his legs, pulling Wheeljack in by his shoulder to rest between them. Wheeljack's optics were glistening as he eased forward, and they both gasped as their arrays met. The tips of their prongs breached their sockets, and that first tingle of charge was everything Starscream had wanted.
Wheeljack was careful, so careful as he pressed forward, micrometer by micrometer. The charge was a teasing tingle crawling from Starscream's array to the tips of his wings. Wheeljack leaned forward and kissed Starscream as they slipped a little closer together, and it was all perfectly dull.
No. Perfect, it was perfect. The charge wasn't supposed to come in rolling waves that nearly knocked you offline, and your partner wasn't supposed to wrestle you down to the berth while you tried to throw them off. This was the way good mechs fragged. Good mechs like Wheeljack, and like the mech Starscream was pretending to be.
"Starscream," murmured Wheeljack.
Starscream squeezed his optics shut and arched his back a little, forcing the connection deeper before he remembered that he was trying to let Wheeljack control the pace. Wheeljack's frame was hovering over Starscream's, not covering him. He was still modulating his charge to match the chaste little trickle Starscream was allowing through. His mask was still pressed against Starscream's lips. It was straight out of a romance holo.
It wasn't supposed to be boring.
"Starscream," said Wheeljack again. "Starscream, are you okay? I'm gonna disconnect."
"No!" Starscream tightened his grip on Wheeljack's shoulder.
"You're obviously not having a good time." Wheeljack pulled back, able to resist Starscream with his better leverage. "We don't have to connect, it's fine."
"It's not fine!" Starscream tried to tighten his socket to keep Wheeljack there, but Wheeljack's prongs were too thin and smooth for Starscream to catch. "I want to connect, I want to be with you."
"You are with me." Wheeljack laid a hand against Starscream's cheek and pulled their arrays apart. "You don't have to-"
"I hate you," hissed Starscream. "Why can't you just do it? Why can't you just show some bearings and let me worry about myself?"
You see? Fun to write but Wheeljack is just this thing for Starscream to react against.
I chatted with Dez about the problem and decided to rewrite the fic in Wheeljack pov so the exact source of Starscream's neuroticism would be more of a reveal and so I could get further into Wheeljack's head. I got a few hundred words into the new version and just COULD NOT do it, Wheeljack's voice felt all wrong, like I was writing Starscream again but putting Wheeljack's name on it. I talked to Dez about it AGAIN and finally hit on the idea of Wheeljack trying to feel his way through a relationship on trial and error (because Starscream is incapable of communicating) and the amazingly romantic gesture of flowcharts. After that I mostly had it. Until I hit the ending and slammed into ANOTHER wall and had to go back to Dez and be like. Please. Read this. Tell me how to be free.
Dez suggested Starscream and Wheeljack actually having A Conversation after they manage to have sex - basically that they had earned some emotional honesty after all that. This REALLY helped, and I managed to get it the rest of the way to the ending from here, although it took two more rewrites and a whole other ending scene. Total time from conception to post: about 6 weeks, which isn't that much except I felt like I was banging my head against it the entire time haha. And it took about five rewrites, which is two more than I usually do.
Thank god for Dez. I'm usually a pretty isolated writer? I ask for betas on big fics, but that's typically when I have a polished version or when 'm running up against a deadline. It's been really amazing to have someone to bounce fic ideas off of and to pass drafts back and forth with and just to complain when the struggle is getting especially real. I think I would've gotten really sick of this fic without Dez's help and enthusiasm. It probably wouldn't have gotten done at all. As it is, I'm really happy with how it all turned out :)
Some other little bits:
Allez means 'let's go' or 'go' and is also how you start each touch in a fencing bout if you're refereeing in the internation standard (ie French). English: on guard, ready, fence. French: en garde, pret, allez. It's also what French speakers will sometimes yell at a sabre fencer in between touches or while they're charging down the strip. I was thinking here that it's kind of fun to imagine Starscream and Wheeljack's friends shouting 'allez' at them, cheering them on but also hoping they'll get on with it already. Also, I kind of think of this fic as the beginning of a new set of fics - we're out of the main Megatron arc and into more slice of life stuff - so it felt appropriate as a new start to the bout.
When I originally conceived of the Attaque Composee series, I wanted it all to be T rated because I wanted it to be available to most readers and also if someone ever connects meatspace me with this series (a terrifying possibility) I don't really want the conversation to be 'hey I saw you wrote a robot fencing porn fic.' But I also REALLY wanted to write this story and I decided to just roll with it - it's easy to skip this one and read the rest of the series, and I've written plenty of other robot porn fics at this point.
Last thing: over nine fucking years ago I wrote a Scream of Shalka Doctor Who fic where the Master climbed over a table to yell at the Doctor, and my beta completely correctly pointed out that Shalka!Master isn't physically dramatic like that. I have a tendency toward overblown physical comedy and drama that I've had to rein in for years and it is SO RELAXING to be in a fandom where I can write Starscream standing on the berth, nearly falling over while shrieking at Wheeljack and everyone's reaction is 'yep. Yeah. He likes to be tall.'
Thank you for asking about this!!
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pikakehimesama · 6 years
We Don’t Talk Anymore
So this was supposed to be posted on my birthday, but life got in the way. Oops. Jungkook x You Oneshot (College AU! FWB AU!) 
[Rated M for Adult language and implied sex] 
Jungkook can’t talk to girls, that’s a known fact by everyone. However, you, someone who’s a part of the female species, is the only he can talk to.However one problem, you know the main reason why he cannot talk to girls, and truth be told, you wish he stopped talking to you. written bc I think it’s utter b.s that Jungkook can’t talk to girls LOL 
Word count: 8,000~  Warning: crude language, implied sex. 
“Hey girlie!” Hoseok swings an arm around your neck when he sees you walking in the hallway. You roll your eyes and playfully shove his arm off and turn to face him. Hoseok is standing in front of you with his hands casually on his hip, his dark wash jeans hugging his legs nicely and his white with black sleeve baseball tee framing his toned upper body.
“What do you want?” You sigh and put your two hands on your hips, mimicking his pose.
“So there’s this party this Friday, wanna go? It’s not going to be that wild. Plus, we don’t have school that day.” his playful smile tells you there’s more to this innocent party than what he portrays to you.
“Probably, why? Are the rest of the boys going?” You inquire and Hoseok just responds with a nonchalant shrug.
“I assume so,” he says and starts walking off, with you falling in step with him. Hoseok and you share the same classes so naturally he’s always there to see you first thing in the morning. “Think Jungkook was going too, he was trying work up the courage to talk to that girl. You know the one he always freezes up in front of?”
“In his defense, he freezes when he sees any girl he’s down to fuck.” You sigh as you roll your eyes.
Jungkook, also known as the school, no, city-wide playboy, also known for his capability of not being able to talk to anyone he would like to get with.
“Yeah, you’re right. Honestly, I have no idea how he does it.” Hoseok lets out a laugh knowing you were right.
“Well, I’ll think about going, Hoseok. Just to watch Jungkook fall helplessly to his stuttering, yet still get that girl to fuck him.” You answer, as you both enter class.
Jungkook was one of your best friends, well you were friends with all of the popular kids at your school. It did help you were popular too, captain of the cheer squad. Not that impressive as many would assume your personality was peppy and that typical stereotype of cheerleaders, but nope. You were stone cold, you hated girly stuff, you would rather swig a beer (or vodka 99% of the time) and play video games in someone’s basement than go to a nice brunch.
Jungkook was probably the one you were closest with out of all the popular boys at your school. Hoseok was the second closest to you, mostly for both of your strong capability of taking in alcohol.
Everyone else, you were friends with, but not as close.
The teacher droned on and on, as you watched Hoseok blatantly ignore the teacher, he already knows he can just copy off your notes later.
You were a decently smart student, maintaining mostly A’s, a couple of B’s here and there. Most of your friends just copied off your notes, knowing you had clean notes, and could help them pass, just like what Hoseok was doing.
You know Hoseok was just talking in the group chat, that also included you. He would show you a couple of messages here and there. Some were memes that Jimin or Taehyung would send, some were complaints from Yoongi and Seokjin who were in class telling them to shut the fuck up. But mostly, the ones Hoseok would show you were Jimin and Taehyung making fun of Jungkook and his incapability of talking to girls.
Jimin: so how was your date the other day Kookie?
Taehyung: probably went like, uh uh.. Uh. uh. I can’t talk because i’m a pussy
Jimin: hahaha 😂🤣😂
You: At least he gets more pussy than all of you. The most you get is from Namjoons cat.
Namjoon: shut the fuck up fam.
Namjoon: and leave my cat out of this conversation.
Namjoon: She’s so much better than the rest of you fucking peasants.
Jungkook: Well, if we’re counting Namjoon’s cat, I get twice as much pussy. Also, just got more pussy today.
Namjoon: fucking leave my precious cat alone.
Seokjin: but the cat loves me the most. So I get the most pussy. Also we all know that I got the most pussy out of this chat.
“What the fuck did you start in this chat.” Hoseok is trying so hard to hide his laughter in class. You know even though Hoseok blatantly doesn’t pay attention to the professor and is normally just on his phone or laptop playing a game, you know he has the decency to be quiet in class.
“Well honestly, I thought it would shut them up.” You mutter as you write down the notes, “I thought it would make them speechless, not go off and create more stupid jokes.”
“Well, this honestly a fucking gem from the chat.” Hoseok laughs as he screenshots the conversation, to save later for ammo. Or to create memes, which you know he does in his spare time.
From Jungkook: You’re dead to me.
To Jungkook: sorry, i couldnt hear you over your inability to talk to females. Sorry, i’m too pretty.
From Jungkook: Shut the fuck up you prick.
You roll your eyes, knowing you’re done with pay attention the boys and their conversation so you shut off your phone and continue to pay attention to class.
Jungkook calls after you, swinging an arm around you as you head towards the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. You roll your eyes and wiggle your way out of his grip.
“What do you want Jungkook.” You look up at him, and his hands are now in his jean pockets. You take a note of his outfit, knowing it's the same outfit he normally wears, white shirt, denim jeans and his tims.
“Well, there’s this girl,” he starts off and you know the next words that are going to come out of his mouth and groan in response.
“I thought you were trying to bang that nerd that’s a chemistry major?” You ask and you see a sly shit-eating grin appear on his face as you both head towards the table where the rest of your friends were sitting.
“Done and done. Missed my last class for it.” His proud tone causes a raised eyebrow from Yoongi and Namjoon.
“Done and done with what?” “Missed class for what?” Yoongi and Namjoon ask simultaneously. This perks Jimin and Taehyung interest as they look up from their food.
“Banged that chem nerd. She was an easy one.” Jungkook said as he sat down, handing you a bill knowing he wants you to buy his food for him. You just stomp on his toes as you turn around to head towards the food in the cafeteria.
Jungkook spills the dirty details to your friends, and you know he just sent you away, to spare you the details of his escapade in the chemistry lab.
You go and buy him and you a sandwich, having used Jungkook’s money to pay for your own food. This is a daily routine between you and Jungkook. He walks in the cafeteria with you, sits down with your friends then gives you money to buy you food. It used to get on your nerve, until you realized you got a free lunch when Jungkook would give you money for the food.
Yeah, he was an ass, but at least you never paid for your food. Honestly, you never paid for anything while you were with him, which was nice.
“Jungkook paying for your meal again?” Seokjin asks from behind you as you stand in line at the register.
“Why else would I buy food for myself.” you joke and Seokjin rolls his eyes in response. Honestly, out of all of them, you would date Seokjin, but his personality clashes with yours, sadly. And maybe you tried it once before and it did not go as planned.
“So, when is Jungkook going to realize you’re in front of him and he doesn’t need to go after all those pathetic idiots?” Seokjin asks and you bit your lips in response.
Seokjin and you, had a history. He’s the reason why you were friends with all of them. You were fuck buddies when you first entered school. You met at a party, and after that, you both just met up to fuck. The sex was amazing, and he knew what he was doing which was the best part and he was good at it. You two tried to do the dating thing, realized it was weird, and that fuck buddies is what it would always be between you two, you ended the relationship. This was also the point when you realized you liked Jungkook.
Seokjin thought it was absolutely hilarious, that you, a cold-hearted girl would like Jungkook, when he obviously did not feel the same about you.
How you realized? You realized he could talk to you so easily, hang out with you to play video games, but with any other girl he liked? He couldn’t even talk to them.
Honestly, it stung a bit.
“Shut up, before I punch your favorite part of your body.” you snarl as you pay for your food and Seokjin pays for his.
“So, the new girl, who’s she?” Jimin asks when you and Seokjin return back to the table. You toss Jungkook’s sandwich at him as you plop down next to him.
“She has a stellar body. Super fit and knows what she’s doing. I always thought about going for her, and she’s so fucking hot.” Jungkook goes on and you feel your heart racing, knowing who it might be. He turns towards you and here comes the moment of truth.
“It’s Eunji. She’s on the cheer squad with ____.” the truth comes out and your heart shatters.
Of course it would be Eunji.
It’s always fucking Eunji.
Eunji is the definition of the the cheerleader stereotype. She’s cute, and sexy, like an impossible combination to find within a girl. She has an amazing body, with an amazing boob to ass combination. Her curves and volomptous body was something every girl wanted to achieve in life. Eunji was the most sought out girl on campus by all boys, and girls too. Eunji swung both ways. In all honesty, she should’ve been named cheer captain but she was too irresponsible to your coach so she made you cheer captain instead.
“Ah, her, of course you would.” You roll your eyes as you hear Jungkook and the rest of the boys go on and on about her during lunch.
Jungkook: hey, so there’s that physics exam coming up....
You: yes, yes there is. Thanks for informing me about something I already knew. Also. Stop texting me. I’m in class. 
Jungkook: can you tutor me today? I really need help :(
You: and what’s in it for me? My services are not free :)
Jungkook: you get to play on my Nintendo Switch and my VR set at the apartment :))
You: and? That’s all? Jimin’s offered a better deal to help him with English ... sooo no.
Jungkook: and i’ll buy all your favorite foods.
Jungkook: and buy you a bottle of vodka.
Jungkook: :)
You: F I N E. I expect a large ass bottle of vodka.
After school you always had cheer practice, while Jungkook had basketball practice. Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin were all on the basketball team, but Jungkook would be the one to give you a ride home since you both got out around the same time.
Cheer practice was a drag as you had to hear Eunji go on and on about how she needed to meet a guy who could satisfy her because even though xx person had an enormous dick, it wasn’t enough to please her. Meanwhile everyone sympathized with her and half of the cheer team offered their services to her.
Honestly, her very existence pissed you off, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact Jungkook wanted her over you.
It wasn’t because you were jealous that Eunji and Jungkook would make a good couple, the girl from the cheerleader dating on of the top starting five of the basketball team. Nor was it because you were jealous over the fact that she was probably extremely good at sex, something that would be compatible with Jungkook’s level of experience.
Yeah, absolutely nothing to do with those facts.
You quickly leave the locker room, not even bothering to change as you run out to meet Jungkook so you don’t have to hear Eunji talk about her fucking the guy with the large dick the other day. Also the moment she mentioned Jungkook’s name had you bolting out of the locker room, not wanting to hear her finish her sentence about she thinks her and Jungkook would be compatible fuck buddies.
Still in your cheer uniform, you see Jungkook parked in front of the lockers in his black Toyota Supra. Every time you see his car you always remember how much Jungkook was into nice cars. He looks up from his phone once he sees you in front of the door and unlocks the car for you and goes back to his phone. You know that being his best friend for so long equates to him seeing you in a cheer uniform quite a lot, but the fact it never affects him always stings a bit. There’s never any compliments, no jacket throwing at you to cover up, it’s always no reaction with his stoic face.”
“So, you think Eunji is gonna come on Friday to the party?” Jungkook asks when you get into his car. He normally drives you to and from school which is extremely convenient.
“Ah, probably. There’s going to be alcohol. I think most students will be there no matter what.” You tell him, slowly turning up the volume up on his stereo. Jungkook’s music was always calming to you, but you wanted to use it to tune out this conversation.
Jungkook reaches for the volume button a stop light, turning to down a bit and looking towards you, “You think I actually have a shot? She’s like, the hottest girl I know.” he tells you and you feel the arrows stabbing you right in the heart as you put on your best fake smile.
“Yeah, Who wouldn’t like some stumbling loser who’s apparently magical in bed? Some guy who can’t even call a girl her name in bed but has her screaming his name.” You joke, and you can feel your heart clenching in pain with each word that comes out of your mouth. You tell yourself it doesn’t matter, but you know it does.
It does matter that he thinks Eunji is the hottest girl he’s ever met. It does matter he doesn’t see you for anything else other than his best friend.
It doesn’t matter.
Eunji is just some check mark on his list, you reassure yourself.
You’re the only one that’s been constant in his life, you tell yourself.
“Hey that’s rude. But, I won’t say anything. Let’s stop by the market and we can buy your favorite foods for tonight.” Jungkook tells you and looks at your outfit, “You should probably wear a jacket though so you don’t get weird stares in the store by all the old people.”
“Ah, I forgot my jacket at home today.” You tell him to which you see him roll his eyes at the stop light. He looks at you and then reaches into the back and throws you his jacket.
“Don’t you dare steal my jacket. It’s my favorite.” Jungkook grumbles as he slams on the gas once the light turns green. You throw the jacket on and feel engulfed in his scent and the fact that you’re practically drowning in his over sized jacket.
He pulls into the market parking lot and you step out of the car and see Jungkook do a once over of you.
“Ah, it looks like you’re not wearing pants, but whatever, let’s go.” he says, locking his door and quickly walking towards the doors. You quickly chase after him, trailing him as you watch him grab a shopping cart and follow him down the aisles.
“Do you ever imagine doing this with your future boyfriend? It’s just such a domestic thing to do.” Jungkook tells you, paused in front of the meat section, analyzing the different meats.
“Ah, I think it would be fun, you know?” You tell him, “Going shopping with your significant other and buying food to cook at home.” you look at him staring at the different meats and you point to the sirloin, “That one will taste better. It’s a bit more red and it’s not gonna expire as quickly.” pointing to the one in his right hand.
“Oh, uh thanks.” He tells you, quickly stepping back once he realizes how close you are to him, “Let’s go buy your favorite foods.” He quickly puts the meat in the plastic and into the cart.
You finish shopping an hour later, mostly because you had to keep telling Jungkook which meat or vegetable would be better to buy. That boy is always picking out the ones that almost expire.
There was also a lot of back and forth arguing of you wanting to buy all your favorite snacks but Jungkook would tell you it’s too much.
But here you are, the back seat filled with half the bags of your favorite snacks and alcohol.
“I can’t believe half of the shit I bought was for you.” Jungkook grumbles as you’re happily humming along to his playlist.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over how much you love me and are eternally grateful for me.” You look over at him and give him a sarcastic smirk.
Finally arriving at his apartment you help him unload all the bags into the cabinet and refrigerator, leaving two full bags of groceries filled with your favorite foods and drinks. After you two finish unpacking everything, he clears the dining table and lines it with your favorite foods and the physics textbook and his notes.
“So, what did you need help on? I assume everything because it’s you.” You tell Jungkook once you take your seat next to him, opening the bag of your favorite gummy candy.
“Yeah, I dunno. This section has been rough on me you know? I don’t understand almost anything.” Jungkook tells you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Maybe you should start paying attention in class for once instead of texting or ditching class to bang a girl.” You mutter as you review his notes and his past homework, which he did pretty poorly on considering he normally averages an 80% in science.
“Geez, I don’t ditch class all the time to bang a girl. It was only that chem girl. She was so desperate, I couldn’t turn her down.” Jungkook groaned, “She kept sexting me before school, I couldn’t just turn her down.”
“Yeah, you can turn her down. It’s something called self-control. Maybe you should learn it someday so you can start passing your classes.” You shoot him a side-eye and return you focus back to his homework.
“You have no idea how much self-control I have.” he mutters under his breath but it goes unnoticed by you as you write out a problem on his notebook that he struggled on.
“Try do this problem. I’ll help you after two minutes.” You tell him, sliding the notebook towards him. He groans but takes it anyways. He tries to complete the velocity problem, but it’s ultimately lost on him.
“Geez, I guess we’re starting from scratch. I hope you’re ready.” You tell Jungkook after analyzing his work for a variety of problems you write down and he couldn’t finish.
Drilling all the different physics formulas almost felt impossible but at least after a couple hours pass and a couple of empty gummy and chip bags later, he can somewhat finish the problems with relative ease.
“Oh, wow, you actually got 85% of the problems right. Congrats Jungkook.” you tell him once you finish grading his practice problems you set up for him.
You feel his pull you in for an embrace has his head is buried into your shoulder.
“You’re amazing.” He murmurs into your ear and pulls slightly away from you, but you’re still in his embrace, “You have no idea how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
“Yeah, you’re so lucky, you better cherish me you asshole.” You joke to which he just smiles brightly at you. It’s one of those warm-boyish smiles. The one where his face scrunches up, and his eyes turn into to little curves.
“So, shall we play with the VR system? I got Beat Saber last week.” Jungkook asks once he drops his arms from his embrace.
“Lets go! I’ve been wanting to play it forever!” You happily tell him. The two of you clean up the dining table, throwing all your food trash away. He sets up the VR system on the T.V as you wait patiently on the couch.
“So what kind of songs did you download for the game? I saw a play of Gangnam Style that went viral. It actually resembles the actual dance!” You comment as he sets up the game, which doesn’t take too long.
“Yeah, I have Gangnam Style. Taehyung insisted it was the first song I downloaded. You can browse through the songs, I have a lot.” he tells you once he opens up the main menu for Beat Saber.
JUngkook goes through the instructions of how to play the game. He puts on the VR headset, and adjusts it so it fits nicely on your face. Honestly, it is amazing. The graphics are so realistic and he hands you the controllers you search through the songs, going for Gangnam Style.
You’re actually kind of bad at the game at first, but you hear Jungkook laughing at you as you play through the chorus that has the beat map designed so you’re dancing Gangnam Style.
Jungkook shows you the video he took of you once you’re done and you punch him while he’s just laughing at you failing your arms around while playing the game.
“Oh my gawd, stop laughing you asshole!” you try to pry the phone out of his hands but fail. It starts a mini war between you two as you climb on top of him, trying to grab the phone. After you finally grab his phone, you realize that you’re straddling him, and lying on top of him on the couch.
“Geez, get off you fatass.” Jungkook groans once you toss him back his phone at his face, not before he shields himself with an arm, as you quickly get off of him.
“First of all, I’m not a fatass, you jerk face.” You mumble to yourself, sitting next to him properly as he pushes himself off the couch.
He gets up and changes the game, suggesting that you play the two-player cooking game. One person is put into the VR system, which you obviously take, and the other uses the keyboard and the mouse pad to play the second person.
At first the game goes quite smoothly in the first couple of levels, but at level 7 you and Jungkook are bickering with one another about the game.
“I told you I needed two burgers with cheese! Where are they!” Jungkook grumbles as you’re in the VR machine making the food as he’s the server.
“Well all I see are angry customers! Go serve them first! Plus that’s not what you told me you prick!”
“How did we pass level 7! Eleven is kicking our butt!” Jungkook comments as you’re speed cooking as you see his character running around the entire restaurant serving all the customers with drinks and the food.
“I thought you said this was easy!” You shout in frustration as you see another angry customer from the slowness of your food.
“It was easy! The first couple of levels I played with Taehyung!” Jungkook refutes as the two of you finally finish level twelve, and you yank off the VR headset and flop on the couch next to Jungkook.
Your body naturally falls against him, leaning against his chest, the pants in both of your breaths still uneven from the intense game that was just played.
“Woah, are you playing the cooking game!” You hear a voice exclaim and you open your eyes to see Taehyung and Jimin standing at the door, taking off their shoes.
“And he bought food for us! Wow! I’m surprised Jungkook actually remembered!” Jimin sarcastically comments, pointing at the bags of groceries on the table.
“Oh, those are mine that he bought. But we did buy your groceries for the next couple of days.” You correct Jimin who nods and throws his bag on the ground, plopping on the couch next to you.
“Geez, today was so tiring. Coach was mad at my performance last game and he made me stay longer after practice.” Jimin leans his head back spreading his legs out.
“Stop man-spreading you asswipe!” You knee his thigh back close and shift closer to Jungkook, “Honestly, it’s your worst habit you douche.”
“It’s not that bad! I don’t do it all the time!” Jimin defends himself, looking at Taehyung and Jungkook hoping they back him up but they just shrug and focus their attention elsewhere.
“She’s not wrong, you do it a lot, man-spreading.” Taehyung sits on the chair next to the sofa, “Anyways, level twelve!? Are you guys monsters?!”
“She’s the monster, inside and outside the game.” Jungkook points towards me and I jab at his stomach in response, “See, monster.”
“She’s an adorable monster, that’s what.” Jimin pinches my cheeks, “Who hates when I sit comfortably in my own apartment.” you feel his pinch get harsher as you bat away your hands.
“How do you even get girls to like you. Gawd, you’re all so annoying.” You exclaim, as you hear Jungkook going off to Taehyung about how horrible you were at the game, and kept messing up all the orders, “Secondly, I was not the one giving out the wrong orders! You kept telling me you needed burgers and wouldn’t elaborate which ones they were.”
“In my defense, as my best friend, you’re supposed to read my mind already.” Jungkook defends himself, but you hear the sarcasm dripping out of his voice.
“And as my best friend you should’ve known that I don’t understand the difference between burger, and buurgerrr and burgerrrrss! How am i supposed to know that a burger is a cheeseburger, a buurgerrr is with ketchup, and a burgerrrrs is double-stacked as well!”
“See! You obviously know the difference, you should’ve used your knowledge in the game.” Jungkook points out and want to strangle him, so you do.
“I’m going to kill you, you brat!” You growl trying to get him into a head lock, as you jump up on the couch, kicking Jimin in the leg during the process.
“Jesus, how are you two best friends.” Taehyung grumbles as he sets the VR game for himself, “You two are more like an old married couple if you ask me.”
“Shut up Taehyung before I murder you too!” you shout as Jungkook tries to pry himself out of your headlock.
The night ended with the four of you tired from playing the VR. Honestly, you would think one person would hog the system all night, but after two games, you are seriously burnt out and need to switch out.
Taehyung is somehow a master at cooking game being the chef and apparently Jungkook is too overpowered when paired up with him as the server. You and Jimin try to tag team, but compared to Taehyung and Jungkook, you guys look like failures.
You call it a night once it hits one in the morning and Jungkook tells you he has to drive you home or else he’ll probably fall asleep at the wheel.
“I’m honestly coming over your house more often to play more games, is that alright?” You ask Jungkook in the car during the ride home and you hear him let out a groan.
“No, cause you’ll just hog my VR machine and I want to play too.” Jungkook grumbles and you gently punch his leg, not wanting to punch his arm to cause him to swerve into another lane.
“Geez! Woman! I was joking!” Jungkook yells, rubbing his leg like it was the most dramatic and painful punch in this world, “of course you can come over and play. Doing VR with more friends is a lot more fun.”
“Yay! You’re the best Jungkook.” You beam brightly when he’s slows the car down for the red light, “I have no idea what I’d do without you, you know?”
“Die, suffer, not buy lunch, be a non-alcoholic.” Jungkook looks over at you and you see the playful smile grow along with his twinkling eyes, “I think most of all, probably would suffer without all the rides I give you too and from school.”
“Okay, I take that back, I want a new best friend, that constantly would support my alcohol problem.” You joke and his jaw slacks in the most dramatic way as his eyes widen up.
“Nope, sorry, no refunds, no take backs, no exchanges on the best person in the world.” Jungkook smiles, “I’m with you forever.”
“Even when I’m all old, round and wrinkly?” You ask and he nods, but not before turning his attention back to the road because the light turned green.
“Even when you’re old, round and wrinkly. I’ll be playing Mahjong with you in a senior center, beating you, like always.” Jungkook comments and your brows burrow in confusion.
“When did we learn to play Mahjong? Why aren’t we old people playing in the VR system?” You joke as Jungkook just shakes his head in response.
“Honey, we have to play Mahjong if we want to live our lives out like those actors and actresses in Crazy, Rich, Asians.” Jungkook tsks, “We’re going to learn Mahjong when we have kids to teach them the important meanings of life.”
“Our kids? That would be nice. I would seriously want two girls. That would be the best.” You hear your voice trail off, as you imagine sitting in your imaginary yard watching your kids play till the sun sets.
“Yeah, our kids.... I mean, my kids and your kids. Because I obviously want a boy and a girl. Gotta have the son to carry on the amazing family name.” Jungkook clarifies and you just nod.
“Yeah, separate kids.” Your voice trails off as you look at the space between you and Jungkook. Of course it was crazy to imagine that you and Jungkook would be the ones together in future. 
He doesn’t even see you that way.
“We’re here.” Jungkook parks the car, putting the parking brake on. Looking up, you see him looking straight at you, “Thanks for helping me study. I know Sunday I wouldn’t have any time to study as I’ll be nursing a hangover.”
“Oh, right, the party. I forgot about it.” You chuckle awkwardly, remembering his goal of the party to nail apparently the prettiest girl he knows, Eunji.
“Anyways, you want me to pick you up? I’m catching an Uber with Taehyung and Jimin, so I can pick you up at your house and we can catch an Uber from there.” Jungkook asks but you shake your head in response.
“I’m not sure if I want to even go tonight. It doesn’t sound too pleasing.” You tell him a white lie. When in fact you weren’t sure if you could handle seeing him with Eunji all night.
“Please, I need my best friend there, you know, for the courage.” Jungkook pleads, “Plus I know that it will be fun. Hoseok said it’s in that rich neighborhood next to my apartment complex.”
“I’ll think about it.” You tell him, when he parks the car outside your house and give him a wave when you exit.
“Message me if you want that ride!” Jungkook tells you as he pulls away and you see him zoom back to his house. Watching him drive off, you feel the empty, sinking feeling as he’s no longer with you as you walk into your house.
Friday came way too quickly and the party is tonight and you find yourself dreading to go. However, Hoseok coaxes you into going and you’re finally at here, with a red solo cup in one hand, leaning against Taehyung who has his arm wrapped around you.  
“I can’t believe that worked on you.” Taehyung jokes as he grabs your cup, taking a sip from it, “And how the fuck do you drink Vodka straight? Are you even real.”
Namjoon is laughing at him as he takes a sip of your drink as well and hands it back, wiping his lips with the back of his hands,
“You’re hard core, I gotta give you that.” Namjoon laughs and you smile giving him a peace sign and a lazy smile as you lean closer in to Taehyung.
“There’s my best friends!” Jimin’s tipsy self shoves his way between Taehyung and you.
“Jimin, you didn’t even drink that much, this fucking beastly princess here is just drinking straight vodka.” Taehyung jokes and Jimin turns to you, grabbing the drink from your hand, chugging down the entire content of the cup.
“Ah, my best friend is too hardcore for me. I honestly don’t know how you don’t have a boyfriend.” Jimin goes on and you groan internally as Taehyung covers his ears.
When Jimin is tipsy, he normally goes on long rants about how (insert’s friends name) should be in a relationship. Last week he went off how Namjoon should be in a relationship because he’s tall, his deep voice, his nice ass, he’s got a large package, when Namjoon suddenly whacked him upside the head ending the conversation. Not to say that Jimin found the hottest girl at the party and got her to sleep with Namjoon.
Definitely a score for Namjoon in his books.
“I mean, come on, you have a great ass,” Jimin smacks it to emphasize his point, and you’re tempted to castrate him, but you decide against it.
The girls that worship the ground he walks on would kill you first before you lay your hands on him.
“Look, I’m not down to hear about my practical younger sister’s body sexually, so I’m going to find Yoongi to make sure that bastard isn’t sleeping on a bed yet.” Namjoon states as he is practically running away. Namjoon and you have basically established a sibling relationship, with him being the older brother that always protects his younger sister. Honestly, it was a cute how Namjoon would protect you sometimes from them, or sometimes leave you to fend for yourself, like tonight.
“YOU KNOW HER ASS IS GREAT NAMJOON.” Jimin shouts and you want the world to swallow you whole as Jimin keeps his hand on your butt.
Jimin is probably your touchiest friend, and the most flirty out of all of them. You normally don’t care about his tendencies because you know most of the time it comes out when he’s drunk.
“Jimin, I appreciate the compliments, but you don’t need to shout it to the world you know?” You tell him and Jimin just dismisses you, waving his hand in front of him.
“No, the world needs to know how lucky they would be if they could date you. You’re the best girl in this entire party that’s my best friend of course. And any guy would be lucky to have you.” Jimin tells you, wagging his finger in front of you, almost like he’s giving you a lecture.
“Fine Jimin. Any guy is lucky to date me, but I’m not too interested to get some tonight.” You tell him but he shrugs, dismissing your words completely.
“Nah. My girl is gonna dance with someone tonight! And I volunteer Seokjin!” Jimin exclaims and runs off leaving you and Taehyung to let out a deep groan.
“Glad he didn’t say me sweetheart. Now if excuse me, I’m going to go flirt with some girl and watch you suffer in pain.” Taehyung tells you patting your shoulder. You see him wink at some girl who’s against the wall talking to her friend and see her blush.
Gawd, why was he so gross. You groan internally and watch him walk over introducing himself. Honestly, you didn’t care what most of them did. They all believed in love but were just letting everything out now and enjoying life as it was as a young adult. But sometimes it felt too cringe the way the would flirt with a girl just to get her to sleep with them. Example, how Jungkook would sleep with so many girls, or Taehyung flirting with the girl to make them feel special only to break their heart in return.
Jimin returns with Seokjin resisting the pull towards you but you know what Jimin wants, he gets. So Seokjin stops putting up the fight and is now standing right in front of you.
“Enjoy your dance my two friends.” Jimin sing-songs and disappears into the crowd.
“That bastard. One day I’m going to murder him in his sleep.” Seokjin groans and looks at you, “Fancy seeing you here babe.” he sends you a sleazy wink and you feel yourself shudder in response.
“Stop. Please. These flirty comments turn me off now.” You tell him, grabbing his drink drinking most of the contents in it, “A screwdriver, really?”
“Closest thing I could get to a fruity drink. It’s not the best but it makes do at house parties like these.” Seokjin shrugs in response as you hand the drink back to him. “So tell me princess, why am I here with you dancing?”
“First of all, don’t call me princess. Secondly, I dunno. Ask Jimin. He thought you were my perfect dancing partner.” You shrug as you look over to see Taehyung laughing at you with his eyes as his lips hide his smirk of mockery, and you flip him off in response.
“I know I’m an amazing dance partner, but really?” Seokjin scoffs in return, also flipping Taehyung off, “But shall we dance princess? Since I’m an amazing dancer.”
“Yeah, your dancing is almost as good as Namjoon.” You joke as you follow him to the crowd that’s turned the living room into a dance party.
“So why didn’t you stop Jungkook from trying to get with Eunji? She’s literally you, but worse.” Seokjin asks after a couple of songs on the floor. The music was your typical house party EDM music mixed with some decent artists like Odesza, Illenium, and Porter Robinson.
“Why? He wanted to get with her? As his best friend I should support his decisions.” You reply, hoping Seokjin would drop it but he continues with the conversation.
“If you don’t do anything, he’s just going to slip through your fingers. I know he really likes Eunji for a fact.” Seokjin whispers in your ear. You catch sight of Jungkook with Eunji on the makeshift dance floor, her grinding against him, as his hands roam up and down her voluptuous body.
You shake your head and remember to focus on dancing with Seokjin, that’s why Jimin dragged him here, for you to have a good time tonight.
Honestly, the parties always end up like this. As the party dies down, people knocked out on various parts of the living room, boys going home with their new prey of the night, here you are sitting with your friends, talking stories.
Jungkook was ticked off though because Eunji ditched him to go sleep with some other guy from another school. So he was here, sulking as everyone was enjoying their time drunk together.
Today, however was a bit different however as Taehyung had the genius idea to play Never Have I Ever. The game was going pretty well for you, as the boys keep talking about how they never banged (insert girl’s name) or done sex in (insert sexual position), clearly trying to get each other fucked up. However, you stayed relatively sober,
until now.
“So, never have I ever, fucked someone in this room.” Hoseok says proudly and you can’t help look at Seokjin who lets out a sigh and downs his shot.
Welp, the cat is out of the bag.
You down your shot following Seokjin and everyone loses their fucking mind.
Which you did expect to happen, but man, Hoseok looks like he’s having an existential crisis.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” Taehyung shrieks and points at the both of you back and forth. “WHEN? HOW? W H Y? WHAT THE FUCK?”
“How do you think we got to know each other? I randomly was like hi, lets be friends.” Seokjin jokes and Taehyung is rendered speechless.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I thought you said you wouldn’t fuck any of us.” Jimin accuses you and you bite your lips, hoping you don’t have to answer that and face Jungkook’s glare at your very existence.
“Ah, I mean, I did stop fucking him, He pissed me off that week you asked that, so I said what I thought at that time. I regretted fucking him, so I said that.” You explain and Yoongi is still in shock and hasn’t moved since your confession.
“Wait, so, you’re not immune to our looks?” Jimin asks and you grow silent not knowing how to answer that. Tell him yes? You think all of them are sculpted like adonis figures and have them think that you’re only friends to get in their pants?
Or lie, and tell them you don’t think any of them are hot and they’re about as hot as a moldy burnt bread.
“Well, i’m not going to deny you guy are good looking. You’d have to be blind to not realize that you guys are good looking. There’s a reason why everyone wants to get with you.” You answer, not quite satisfied with your answer, but at least you dodge the awkward questions.
“Well, moving on then,” Yoongi trails off, “Never have I ever thought of anyone sexually here.”
“That’s fucking bullshit.” Taehyung grumbles as he takes his shot along with Jimin, Seokjin, Namjoon and surprisingly Jungkook.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You stare in shock at all of them, “Except Jimin. You were screaming to everyone earlier how I have a hot piece of ass.” Jimin just shrugs, sending you a lazy wink combined with his signature smirk causing you to roll your eyes.
“Well like you said, you gotta be blind to not realize that you’re fucking hot.” Taehyung says and you look at Namjoon next who just shrugs.
“Hey, i’m not going to deny that you’re hot.” he has a lazy smirk plastered on his face and you just bury your hands into your hand processing the information.
“But you always call me your little sister! You even ran away when Jimin started talking about my ass!” You accuse the man who has hands up in the air in defense.
“Well now, when I first met you, I thought you had a nice ass. Then I realized you’re sharp tongue and thought, it’s better if she’s just a friend. Plus, Jimin has gone off about your ass too many times to count, I didn’t want to hear about it again.” he says so nonchalantly as you recall all the times Namjoon has treated you like a sister, going all overprotective brother on your sorry ass when you pissed off one of them.
“Wow, I got friend-zoned, no even worse, sister-zoned.” You laugh as you down your shot.
“Woah woah woah, hold the fuck up.” Hoseok says and looks between you and Namjoon, “Had he not friend-zoned you, would you have tried to sleep with him?”
“Had I met him before Seokjin, then yes.” You tell them honestly and you swear you’ve never seen his eyes go that wide before. Not even when he caught you watching porn with Jungkook on his computer. It was casual and somehow you went down the YouTube hole that ended up there. But honestly, Jungkook and you were criticizing the porn rather than using it as a method of getting yourself off. Both of you criticizing her positions and how unrealistic this is for sex, and creates a fetish of woman and men alike for them to act like a porn star during sex.
“What about me? Would have slept with me?” Taehyung asks bright eyes and you can’t help but remember everything about your friendship with Taehyung.
“I would’ve slept you, even after sleeping with Seokjin. Had I not encounter your gawd-awful personality when you’re with him.” You joke to which Taehyung playfully puts you in a headlock.
“What about me? You’ve always known I think you got a fine piece of ass.” Jimin asks and you can’t help but roll your eyes,
“Jimin, you’re hot as fuck, and why I don’t really care when you get all touchy with me, but I’d feel so sorry for the girl that has to date you, especially if it was me.” You laugh and see Jimin in shock. You know he’s playing and he actually has a girl he likes but he’s always flirty with you.
“You had that coming, my friend.” Yoongi jokes, comforting a sulking Jimin.
“Wait do Jungkook next!” Taehyung exclaims and you turn to see Jungkook’s eyes widen in surprise.
“Let’s not, have this conversation.” Jungkook mumbles as he plays with his empty shot glass, like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“Wait, but you took a shot, so you’ve always felt that way about ___?” Taehyung pesters him and you see the irritation grow in his eyes.
“I’m not having this conversation now.” Jungkook states as he looks at Taehyung in the eyes and then his eyes trail off to the side of the room, clearly wanting this conversation to end.
“Wait so you’d still fuck her now?” Hoseok asks, curious to see the boy’s answer. You see Jungkook let out a breath of frustration, clearly wanting to murder his friends. You couldn’t tell if it was the frustration with the conversation or the events that led up to this conversation.
“I’m done.” He stands up and quickly walks out and you stare at Seokjin in surprise as he sends you a look telling you to go after him.
You hesitate, knowing that your six friends here now know that maybe you felt something for some of them. Seokjin groans at your long hesitation as he knows you’re too scared to move to chase after him.
“I swear ____, if you don’t go after him I’ll describe in horrible detail about that one time you fucking bit my dick.” Seokjin states.
Your face pales in remembrance of that horrible day. You were having a bad day, Seokjin was being an ass, you choked on air, forgot his dick was in your mouth and bit so hard he thought he was going to have to go to the doctors to get a check-up.
You never stood up so fast in your entire life and ran to chase after Jungkook.
“Jungkook! Wait!” You chase him out of the house and see him walking back to his apartment that was about a 20 minute walk from the house party.
He stops momentarily, before he picks up pace from a slow walk to a brisk walk. You groan in frustration as you take off your heels and run after him. You grab his arm and pull him towards you and he won’t meet your eye contact.
“Jungkook,” You say in between your pants, “Talk to me.”
“No.” he grumbles towards the ground.
“Why not? Jungkook, you’re my best friend. You can talk to me about anything?” You exclaim, wanting him to stop ignoring you.
“That's exactly it!” He exclaims and looks you dead in your eyes, his eyes filled with anger and a hint of lust, “You’re my best friend. I’m not supposed to think about you sexually, but here I am. I think about how it would be to have down your fucking knees, my dick in your mouth to get your sassy ass mouth to stop talking, seeing you unravel under me. From going from this strong woman who won’t let anyone boss her around, to becoming a moaning mess. Or like yesterday, on the couch, you riding me, oh my god. I thought I was going to explode.” he groans, “And especially yesterday! You got into my car in your fucking cheerleader outfit and you have no idea how ready I was to pounce on you in the car. I wanted to fuck you into oblivion right there in my car as all the girls on the cheerleading team watched. It would’ve been fucking amazing, but it took all my strength to hold back.”
His fist curl up into a tight ball, “I remember I was going to confess to you the day at Seokjin’s party. When I finally found out where you were, you were in that fucking bedroom with Seokjin. I’ve fucking known you two were fuck buddies the day you guys met at the party. I remember I heard your fucking moans in the bedroom that was locked. I remember getting myself off in the bathroom next to the room where he’s pounding himself into you as your moans sent me over my edge.”
“Jungkook,” You’re rendered speechless as he spills everything in front of you.
“There, I said it. I’ve been in fucking love with you since the day I saw you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” His words are quickly running through your mind a mile a minute, digesting his confession.
You realize why he barely gave you a glance when you entered the car, and his mind looked like it was elsewhere when you entered. Why he called you a fat-ass on the couch, as you were straddling him above his crotch. You were wearing your cheerleading skirt still, so your skirt was flared over his crotch.
“How was I supposed to? The day I finally got the courage to talk to you, you ended sleeping with Seokjin. Then the next couple of months, you and Seokjin were fuck buddies. By the time you were introduced to us by him, we were made clear that you were off-limits, and then we became best friends.”
“Jungkook,” the words won’t come out of your mouth, stuck in your throat. You want to say something, anything, but it won’t come out of your mouth.
“Yeah, don’t feel any pity.” Jungkook grumbled and right before he was about to walk away you grabbed his wrist.
“But Eunji. The whole, I wanna sleep with her because she’s the hottest girl you’ve met. What?” the words of jealousy fall out of your mouth before you can stop yourself.
“Eunji is second rate compared to you. She’s you, but worse. It was all a ruse. I wanted to get over you, but she was nothing like you. It’s why she left me tonight, because I kept glancing over at you and Jimin. Man, did I want to murder him for not keeping his hands off you. And the he dragged Seokjin towards you. You and Seokjin on the dance floor, I stormed off, not even paying attention to her anymore.” Jungkook tells you.
“But, those other girls... the i can’t talk to girls, Jungkook I don’t understand.” The words fumble out of your mouth as your grip tightens around his wrist, not wanting him to slip through your finger and the questions race through your head.
“Had I said anything to those brainless bitches it would’ve been your name. I would’ve moaned your name, I would’ve said your name, and that would end horribly.” Jungkook rolls his eyes as his fist bunches together, “Now you know my secret, if you can excuse me, I’m going home.” He tries to pull away from your vice claw grip, but you only yank him closer towards you and you cup his cheeks and fully plant your lips on his.
The fireworks go off in your mind, as he starts moving against your lips. It feels so right. The kiss is passionate, but it feels like home. The kiss continues, you two only pulling apart for gasps of breaths, before he pulls away.
“I like you Jungkook.” your voice is a low whisper as it is only made for him to hear.
“FUCKING FINALLY GET SOME!” You hear a voice call out and the two of you turn around to see your friends cat-calling and cheering your names. Seokjin is standing in the middle of them giving you a cheesy grin with two thumbs up.
“I’m going to murder them.” Jungkook growls, but you hold him back before he can beat up his friends.
“This is why I wish I bit off your dick, you ass!” You shout back to Seokjin as Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist.
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