#including the pony you could see on the photos
13xiii13-13 · 1 year
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Cannibal Corpse Budapest 2023.03.26.
pictures not mine:
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Team Bonding Night
Part 5 - Fire on Fire Series A/N: I do have up to chapter 14ish of this pre-planned however if anyone has anything they might want to see in it please let me know and I will try to include it in here somewhere, if I don't already have it included.
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Tonight was team bonding night and you decided that you would start the year right and offer to hold the first team bonding of the year. Stina and Frida came over and helped you set up. It was decided there would be a few games of pool before a movie. As all the girls arrived there were plenty of comments about how fancy your place was and how your parents must be rich, they were all light hearted and really just jokes but unbeknownst to everyone they all hit a nerve, but you had prepared for this and so you just ignored it, knowing that the girls meant nothing.
You had just performed the break shot for the last game of the night when Leah came up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist as she rested her chin on your shoulder. You were almost expecting a comment from someone or even at least a look from Beth, who kept teasing you about ‘your very close friendship with Leah’, at Leah’s actions however no one batted an eyelid. But it was most likely because Leah was known for her hugs and hugging people, so much so that it didn’t even surprise you when she did it.
“Hello,” you said as she turned her head so it rested on your shoulder, “as much as I appreciate this it’s almost my turn again,” you informed her, she just hummed before letting you go. 
The pool game was coming to an end, with Katie and Caitlin having two remaining balls to sink whilst you and Steph were now trying to sink the 8-ball, so Stina decided to start setting up for the movie, opening the door to the gym to get the bean bags.
“Holy Crap, how do you have so many trophies and medals?” Alessia let out, announcing the fact to the whole team, causing you to wish that you could just vanish right there and then, not even thinking about the fact everyone would see them, whilst you were getting ready, to be fair Alessia wasn’t over reacting, you had a large amount of Trophies. With at least one trophy for every football season, and at least two medals per season, plus an assortment of Track & Field and Cross Country trophies and medals, the collection grew pretty quickly.
“Where are they all from?” Kyra asked in awe, “Well school gave us them, if you scored the most goals, and then each season we got medals, and all the cross country and Track ones are school, and then obviously club football too,”
“You got medals and trophies for sport? Like regularly,” “Yeah, at awards nights, we got them for academic stuff too,”
“See that’s what happens when you go to a School like Melbourne Grammar, you’ve got to sit through the several hours long assemblies regularly.” Steph joked, it was something you always complained about to her.
“Isn’t Melbourne Grammar Expensive? Wait but is it true that your parents are also totally rich?” Katie asked, you just slightly nodded as you saw Leah’s eye widen from across the room at the mention of your parents, thankfully Beth diverted the conversation without anyone returning to the topic. 
You were sitting on the couch next to Leah as you all watched a movie. At some point Leah’s arm migrated to be around your back with her hand resting on your waist and you had dropped your head to rest on her shoulder.
“You must’ve had a good childhood,” Katie said as she looked around at the photos of you on the wall, you grinning in almost every single one, your Aunt’s by your side for a lot of them. However you hadn’t noticed she was looking at the photos and you thought that she was still on about the whole money thing, but not wanting to make a big deal you didn’t want to say much, so you settled with a simple “sure,” sounding a little annoyed.
“Oh did you never get a pony,” her joke sent you over the edge and so you snapped, you felt Leah’s hand grip onto your wrist as you stood up encouraging you not to do so, but you just ripped your arm from her grip.
“No Katie. I got a Pony. I’m just an embarrassment to the family according to my parents. I was told that football didn't matter, that the thing I was best at and loved was pointless and never going to happen as the family reputation needed to be upheld. I missed my first ever national camp, because I wasn't allowed to go, because it would’ve meant I would miss too much school, and CEOs, CFOs, doctors, professors or board members don’t take days off school. I have never made my parents proud, the more milestones I reach in my career, the more successful I am the more I become a failure to them. So yes, I did have money, and I thankfully had two very kind hearted women who made up for the fact I didn’t have parents, but my life wasn’t and will never be pure rainbows and sunshine,” you felt tears well up in your eyes as you suddenly realised you had just revealed a major part of your past to not just Katie but the whole team, you felt all eyes in the room on you, you couldn’t stay, you felt like the dam would break soon and you couldn’t embarrass yourself further in front of the team, so you got up, you left the room and headed towards the stairs, not knowing what else to do.
You slid down the wall of the spare bedroom upstairs as you dropped your head, holding it in your hands as you began to cry.
Stina had followed you and she quickly came to sit by your side, pulling you into her side.
“I can’t believe I did that, I just, jag bara. Jag tänkte inte och nu vet de alla. Tänk om-” (I just. I didn’t think and now they all know. What if-)
“Y/N/N andetag, ta några djupa andetag” (breath, take some deep breaths), Stina instructed you as she placed her hands on your shoulders, shifting to be kneeling in front of you.
A light knock was heard from the door and Beth and Steph popped their heads around the corner, “Oh sorry, we just thought you might want some water,” Stina nodded her head and they came in, placing the water on the floor next to you.
“Tack,” (thank you) you replied forgetting you weren’t talking to Stina anymore, “Sorry, thank you,” both women nodded and smiled before turning around to head out.
“Will Katie hate me now?” you ask no one specifically, causing the two women to turn around again.
“Y/N, no she won't, if anything I think she feels bad and is worried you won’t like her anymore.” Beth said and you nodded softly.
“Is everyone still downstairs?” You questioned, “No, Leah is letting them all out,” Steph told you nodded as you relaxed a little again, “I should probably go, Kyra will be waiting for me,” “yeah, Viv will be waiting for me,” “I think I’m taking Frida home, unless you want us to stay,” “No, its okay, I should go see if Leah is still here and apologise to her,” as you walked down the stairs you saw Leah standing in the middle of the living room fiddling with her wrist, you walked up to her.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” You asked and she wrapped her arms around you, to give you a hug.
“No, it’s okay, you didn’t, but I’m sorry for not letting you speak up, I know she was only joking but it still wasn't right.” she said as she tried to pull back, “as much as I would love to stay and talk I think Lia is waiting for me in the car,” you let go of the hug as your mood slightly dropped “oh,” you said taking a step back, “come over for breakfast tomorrow?” “of course” she replied smiling and you returned the smile before she let herself out.
“So,” Steph said as she walked into the room, “That was,” Beth followed, dragging out as she couldn’t find the right word, “Palpable,” Stina said, assisting Beth.
“Please don’t I’ve already told you we’re just friends,”
“Okay,” they all replied with a raised eyebrow before hugging you and saying their goodbyes. 
You were sitting at the kitchen island next to Leah as you ate breakfast when the doorbell rang.
“Oh, I’ll go get that, don’t you dare eat any more of my food,” you looked at her and she smirked, “Leah, don’t,” you instructed her again as you opened the door.
“Oh Katie, hi,” your words were enough for Leah to get up out of her chair and come over to where you were at the door.
“Erm, hi,” the Irish woman said, “I just wanted to apologise for last night, I erm, I shouldn’t hav-” “It’s okay Katie, you couldn’t have known and I’m sorry for snapping at you, I, well some stuff is going on with my family, more my parents currently, so it’s just something that is currently a sensitive topic, usually it doesn’t bug me,” you cut her off, “Erm, okay yeah, sorry,” she said still kind of awkwardly, “It’s okay,” you reminded her as you pulled her in for a hug, “you’re welcome to join us for breakfast if you want.”
Katie took you up on your offer and so you, Leah and her all had breakfast together before driving to training.
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littlelottielove · 1 month
COSTUME TIME :D I know a lot of people love analyzing costume design… yeah you’d be better off just looking at promo photos. Most costume pieces were behind glass and extremely difficult to take clear photos of. Doesn’t mean I don’t have some cool things to share though. Note that some photos have a slight filter to make them easier to see.
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This was the Ponyboy and Johnny display. Pretty much the entirety of Johnny’s clothes are shown here, as well as Pony’s rumble day fit. Johnny’s poor shoes are busted and if you look closely you can see holes in many of the greaser’s fits. You can also see my grandmother in the reflection lol. I really like that Johnny and Pony are housed together, and they definitely have the most intricate display which I think is deserved. Also shown is a first edition copy of the book and the movie clacker Coppola used.
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Some more fits that should be. very recognizable. Did my best to avoid reflections, but as you can see with Steve it wasn’t always possible. The amount of orange on Steves outfit surprised me, and I wonder if that’s mud from the rumble. Some of these were displayed in the gift shop, including the DX shirt. You could buy a replica, but only for 75 bucks. Another option is to buy the patches and find your own jacket at a goodwill or something. Again, there is an online shop, definitely go check that out! Just in case it’s unclear, the denim jacket is Dally’s. Which shirt is your favorite?
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Here are some soc fits, a jacket that belong to a greaser extra who was at the house as a guide, and a donated police uniform of the correct time period that isn’t actually from the film. Paul’s jacket may not be here but there are similar ones. Also, Two-bit’s orange Mickey shirt. Someone should definitely try to match the shirts to the film. Maybe I will someday.
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Finally, Dallas’s poor jacket covered by glare (which was really cool to see in person I feel like it’s iconic) and some of Cherry’s costume pieces. If you look reeeaally closely at her skirt, it still has the coke stains from where she splashed Dally. That’s all for now! More soon!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Just a thought by u/AlwaysAGoldfish
Just a thought Netflix, take a cue from Spotify and cut your losses! See this for what it is; a situation that has most of the planet screaming, "Make It Stop!!!"First, is a possible "show" about polo with a player who has proven to be abusive to the ponies themselves (among other things) and seems to have little to no communication with most of his previous teammates (and maybe a little too much with others). Episode 1 opens at a charity match benefitting Sentibale and where Hazmat actually says, "Africa is in my soul" yet has still never uttered one word about #AfricanParks. And his co-host, who after she put his testicles in the trophy and refuses to release it from her vice-like grip, vomits staggering rudeness and disrespect to anyone who...well, anyone who isn't her.Then the other "show"...let's call it "cooking". She is clearly out of her element in this department bc not only does she scurry around like a rat from an exterminator in the few "segments" we have seen in years before, but her extensions fly around faster than a polo pony's tail. Will that "cooking" include when she "cooked" toast that she called "fancy toast" bc she tweaked her grandmother's apple butter recipe? Which grandmother? Maybe someone could point out the grandmother in HM wedding photos. No? She wasn't there? Hmmmm...weird.These two are the lice on the scalp of humanity. I ask you, what does it take to make these two shut the f**k up and go away? post link: https://ift.tt/njZmdfI author: AlwaysAGoldfish submitted: April 14, 2024 at 10:09PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 4 months
So... over the last week or three, I've been tagged *checks notes* NINE (9) times in various wip posts, and I responded to *checks notes unnecessarily* NONE (0) of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️I am so sorry to everyone who tagged me for not responding sooner, I very much appreciate the tags and the interest/support. My brain has been down the drain for a while, so I've not really had anything worth sharing. BUT! I'm fixing that right here, right now, because better one to three weeks late than never, right?
Last Line Tags:
1- @something-tofightfor tagged me after sharing an upcoming part of Fool's Gold (which I have been LUCKY enough to read a few parts ahead on, and let me tell you guys, we're all in for a TREAT with this story), specifically looking for Jack or Marcus snippets. So let's go with the cowboy, shall we?
“I read you, Jack.” You waited a beat, heart slamming at your ribcage as you stared at the back of his seat in front of you. “Everything alright?” Well that’s a dumb question that I already know the answer to.  He let out a small humorless laugh that sounded far too flat to come from the man you knew. “Oh, just peachy.” You winced, closing your eyes and focusing on his voice. “Listen, I know Champ and Ginger want you to stick with me on this one. But I…” He swore under his breath. “I need you to stay with the Pony when we land. Can you promise me that?”  What? Your eyes flew open, brow creased with confusion. “That’s not…” You shook your head even though you knew he couldn’t see you. “Jack, that would be a violation of a direct order. I can’t-”  
2- @djarins-cyare tagged me in a sneak peek of a Din story she's working on, so I figured I'd reciprocate with some tin can man of my own.
You gasped as you stepped out from the cavern, mouth dropping open and eyes going wide as you took in the sight of the open sky, illuminated by Concordia’s silvery green glow, for the first time in your life. It’s real. You took another step, chin tilted upwards as you spun in a slow circle. A tear rolled down your cheek and slipped over your lip, your tongue flicking out to lick it away. It’s… “Beautiful,” you whispered. 
3- @oonajaeadira tagged me when she shared a snippet of Leave Off Your Wandering, which I cannot wait to catch up with because I adore that story so so much. The next thing I have cooking in my own Joel story is actually an Ellie interlude, so let's see what that girl is up to.
The faces that graced the pages of her notebook were all familiar ones, all people that mattered, all people that she loved. Working cameras were scarce in Jackson, and finding film for them wasn’t exactly easy either. But even if she could indiscriminately snap photos of everyone she cared about, she’d still opt to sketch them instead. To her it was a labor of love, capturing their features as she saw them through her eyes, using her own hand to create each likeness.  Joel on the porch steps with his guitar. Dina smirking with her arms crossed. Jesse with his teasing grin. There was a sketch of her and Kat from when they were together that still made Ellie smile even though they’d decided to go back to being friends. She’d even drawn scenes and images of things she’d seen around town or out on patrols. There was a whole page in one of her earlier books dedicated to her birthday trip to the Wyoming Museum of Science and History, including a side by side comparison of Tommy and the thick-skulled dinosaur that Joel swore was the spitting image of his brother. 
4- @burntheedges spoiled us by sharing TWO snippets - one of Girl Dad Frankie and one of Ballet AU Din (which I am very interested in, btw) and since I already shared some Din, let's see what I have for Francisco. (this is from a very nebulous wip for a Dog Rescue AU)
Standing from his desk and crossing his arms loosely over his chest, Frankie shifted his weight to one leg and called over his shoulder. “Hey, Ben?”  “Yeah?” The other man’s footsteps grew closer until he was standing in the doorway, one hand leaning on the frame. “You need somethin’? What’s- oh.” Frankie moved aside so Benny could see what - and who - he was looking at. “Well I’ll be goddamned.” The grin he wore was audible, causing Frankie to roll his eyes. Cocky little shit. “Guess I was right. She came back.”  “Yeah,” he said, letting out a small huff that was just as much astonishment as it was amusement. She sure did. He watched as you finished parking in the same spot you’d pulled into two days earlier, directly next to his truck, and then pulled a box out of the back seat. 
5- @stealyourblorbos tagged me in some wip drawings of Miguel O'Hara - a character who I only know through and because of her stunning artwork of him - and what I know I like very much. Gonna be *vague* here and post a couple bullet points from notes of something foolish I'm working on:
You’re co-starring in an action movie with Dieter. It’s your first time working together, but you get along really well and have instant chemistry. 
You’ve already filmed ⅓ of the movie - including a pretty hot sex scene - and now you’re working on scenes involving stunts and SFX.
Out Of Context Line Tags:
6- @littlemisspascal tagged me and shared a mystery snippet, so here I come with a mystery of my own. (this is fun. it's like tossing a confusion grenade and running away laughing.)
Normally, this was where he would veer away from the truth or else avoid it by changing the topic. It was a defense mechanism, putting up fences so tall he couldn’t be seen. In his mind, there was no point in delving into such deep character analysis. Not when the expiration date was already stamped on whatever skeletal relationship he was in with the mere asking of such a personal question
7- @burntheedges tagged me again but this time with no context. So I trade you one secret for another, Kate!
Despite the fact that you hadn’t fallen asleep until well after two in the morning, you were wide awake before sunrise the following day. For a moment, when you first blinked your eyes open, you thought - hoped - that it had all been a very vivid dream.
8- @keldabe-kriff came in hot with something that I truly have no context for, so in that vein, here you go.
“I can’t fucking believe it, Joel.” She plopped down on the seat beside him, drawing one leg up and resting it over his thigh. Hands coming up to the sides of her face, she blew out a breath that broke into a laugh. “Two offers? I-”  She laughed again, stopping only when he reached over to encircle one of her wrists with his fingers, pulling it down and away from her face. “I can.”
9- @rulexofxnines tagged me and shared a moodboard for an upcoming fic, and while I don't have a moodboard, here's the main inspo picture for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May server challenge that I've been fiddling with:
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THANK YOU AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO TAGGED ME!!! I promise I am digging myself out of this deep funk and things are going to start moving again!!
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louisupdates · 1 year
Louis Tomlinson In Asbury Park
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Photos and words by Jenna
Louis Tomlinson In Asbury Park along with Andrew Cushin, and Giant rooks hit the Stone Pony Summer Stage in the heat of the summer after a highly anticipated wait. Louis, Andrew and Giant had Asbury Park hopping off their feet the entire night with their electric energy and engaging personalities. The heat wave didn’t stop fans as hundreds of thousands of people wrapped around blocks down the Asbury Park streets.
Andrew Cushin Gets The Crowd Rollin
Andrew Cushin came out alongside his partner who was playing the keyboard. Andrew had his guitar in hand and was ready to go. Andrew performed many songs that had the fans jumping and singing, including his hit song ‘You Don’t Belong.’ Andrew also performed heartfelt songs which included “4.5%” which had the fans listening intently and feeling every emotion through Andrew’s voice and strumming of his guitar.
Giant Rooks Gets Rowdy
From the second Giant Rooks ran on stage you could tell they were going to own the stage, and that’s exactly what they did. Their energy did not stop once through the entire set, keeping fans on their toes! They played a wide variety of songs. Giant Rooks is known for their song “Tom’s Diner,” they climbed their way to well-deserved fame. Fans traveled from multiple states to see Giant Rooks perform! The weather was hot, but Giant Rooks really brought the heat!
Louis Tomlinson With A Night To Remember
Louis Tomlinson entered the stage with his sunglasses on and ready to rock. Fans were roaring, you could hear them from blocks away. Louis Tomlinson’s fanbase is extremely dedicated and that was shown throughout the entire night. Louis performed many of his hit songs, including ‘The Greatest, Kill My Mind, and Bigger Than Me’ which had fans going insane with excitement. Louis had an absolute blast on stage, you could tell that it was like a second home to him! Louis was ear to ear while playing with beach balls during his first song with fans! The energy was high, the music was blaring and Louis definitely gave everyone a night to remember!
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Final photo with the people we’ve met in Fontaine before heading off to Natlan!! (I wish Wriothesley and Neuvillette was here)
My thoughts on Natlan so far…
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Kachina’s so cute I wanna pet her and squish her bunny ears!!
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Cute scene of an npc playing music with animals gathered around them
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I LOVE YOU ALMOND!!!! 💕💕💕🫶🫶🫶✨✨✨ If anyone hurts Almonds I will kill everyone and everything including myself
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Road on top of this creature (forgot their name already :p)
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I’m getting you Kinich and I might get obsessed with you soon……O_O (<-Staring really hard into Kinich’s beautiful eyes)
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I’m definitely gonna get Mavuika too, she looks awesome with that flaming hair (I’m very curious about the lore of Natlan that will unravel soon hmm…)
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Some cool and cute artworks of the Traveler in a new outfit for the first time ever (He looks very cute in a high pony tail too)
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Sucked out the bad poison of the Abyss on a nice lady who we just met but Atea was already too damaged on the inside to recover anymore. Farewell and it was nice to meet you in this short time…
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THEY’RE SO FUCKING CUUUUUTE!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 They might just be my favorite Saurians awwwww!!! The way that baby just cocked its head at the transformed Traveler was so ADORABLE!!! RAAAAAAHHHH!!
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Tried to get this blobbly thing (I failed aw)
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Got a Capybara at least!! YES
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Tried to kidnap uh I mean get the goat (I succeeded!! ✨)
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Got the white and brown Alpacas. I wish I could hug them to feel how soft they are!!
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Got the cute green chicken bird (whose defense mechanism is to faceplant and stick their butt feathers upwards to pretend as a flower, it’s kinda neat to see!)
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Couldn’t get the new bug and the cute flying squirrel creature sad 😔
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Wow I want you……….I just hope I have enough primos left after Kinich, Mavuika and that pretty blond cat-eared girl (forgot her name)
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Looking kawaii as fuck sleeping like this :3c
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A portrait of Mavuika’s family before she became the Pyro Archon
Cool new area! Natlan makes me wanna explore and do chests more unlike Fontaine for some reason
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sonarsunbeam · 6 months
2×1 grimora and magnificus (Im asking for your headcanons)
aw yeah a twofer!
Sexuality headcanon: bi with a tentative female lean
Gender headcanon: woman, she/her. could not tell you if she was cis or trans i fw both
A ship I have with said character: DEATHSPELL (her and mags) FOREVER. i love them so so much. they write to one another in such a way that's one degree away from being love letters but grimora insists on keeping it professional due to their roles and the whole "arms race for the OLD_DATA will make them turn on one another in a second" thing
A BROTP I have with said character: i think that honest to god she's the scrybe that leshy respects the most, enough to include her mechanic in his game, something he doesn't grant to the other two scrybes. i think they enjoy having tea with one another- most of his raven cards come from photos he's taken on grimora's land actually! in turn he gifts her creature bones
A NOTP I have with said character: N/A
A random headcanon: this came from a good friend but she was originally alive in the georgian-victorian era. she was a well educated woman with eccentric hobbies who tended a graveyard and kept to herself, which was enough to turn away suitors and eventually get her accused of being a witch. she was executed and laid to rest in an unmarked grave somewhere in her own graveyard. when she came back to life she built her crypt apon the ground where she was buried
General Opinion over said character: holyyy fuck shes so good. so so so good. i love her, i love how shes written and her motivations <3
Sexuality headcanon: unlabeled, not much for romance anyway. if he had to pick he'd probably be with a woman
Gender headcanon: ill be honest every time someone asks me what gender i see magnificus as i put a bunch of options in a hat and pick a random one. he's.. something, alright
A ship I have with said character: ouuugh deathspell save me. save me deathspell. has a massive thing for grimora and tries SO hard to be dignified and smooth about it. his pupils can clearly see that he's got favoritism for her compared to how he acts around the other scrybes when they're around but nobody's allowed to acknowledge it infront of him
A BROTP I have with said character: asmodeus.exe from pony island and him would get along. theyre technically from the same universe so they could absolutely interact guys trust me
A NOTP I have with said character: him and any of his pupils for obvious reasons. eyuck
A random headcanon: his pelt looks like scratchy clumped-up leaves in-game because he doesn't take care of it. he paints for like, 12 hours at a time and forgets to actually take care of himself more often than not. hell, he uses his bathtub more for mixing paint than bathing. he usually only bothers to take care of it when he's got important business with the other scrybes, and when he does its really nice and shiny and silky
General Opinion over said character: he sucks and is a god awful person but holy hell i love him. i LOVE when people explore him being shitty (this is directed at you red hi)
ask meme
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danthropologie · 2 years
Hi. Sorry it’s me again. I’m having too much fun discussing Daniel with you and have to add on.
I like how you say he feels a sense of duty to people on his side of the garage and at the factory. Because when you watch the Through the visor episode on monza and Daniel says his first thought when he got the lead over max was that the team must be so pumped right now, we’re leading. That win was as much his as it was theirs and he was happy to be the one to have given them that. Also in Singapore this year, after all the shit that has gone down, he has his best season finish and he captions his Instagram post with we needed that and includes a photo of his team members.
But as you’ve said how fine is the line between duty and ego? Like after Baku 2018, his ego takes over. He knows he is not at fault and he doesn’t hesitate to say fuck em all in the media, that red bull deserves to have both cars out of the race. But in a way his lashing out at that time kind of spoke of how comfortable he felt in the team. Yeah, it was quickly becoming Max’s team, but it was still his team and he knew he could voice out his dissent and still be secured within the team. Which is so in contrast with his time at McLaren. Like all through this year and last year, through all the bad pitstops, strategy calls and team orders, I don’t think he ever once lashed out on the radio or in the press afterwards. I don’t know if that says he lost his fighting spirit or he felt like whatever he said was not going to be heard anyway or the dynamics in the team was so bad that he felt he couldn’t push back because he never truly felt comfortable there.
To add on about how things at red bull would go down if (or is it WHEN) he gets that seat, I think red bull would expect him to be grateful, which is a bit like how they did with checo. We saved your career so do as we say. But Daniel would be coming off a year in which he’s had to play the show pony for red bull (whatever brand ambassador means), he’ll be hungry to prove all the people wrong and Daniel’s strongest motivator has always been winning when people don’t expect him to (China 2018, Baku 2017, Mexico pole 2018 and going further back that one race at Silverstone in formula Renault series where he won over Bottas and he still goes on about that). People saying he will suffer the same fate as checo forgets the one key difference between them - Christian loves him. He’s the one that got away and they didn’t know what they had until they lost him. So maybe at first he’ll be firmly stuck in the 2nd driver role but if he starts showing he still has it, I think they’ll allow the drivers to fight it out.
once again, SO good, SO true, SO interesting to think about on so many different levels. in particular, i think that point you raise about him not lashing out on the radio or in the media while at mclaren is SUPER interesting. i think you're right that there's maybe a bit of ~hopelessness to that, but it seems to me like it's almost driven by his own self-perception more than anything? like for as lighthearted a person as he generally is, it seems like he really sees himself as (or at least is very much Trying To Be) this grown, mature person when it comes to his career. someone that doesn't lash out or air his feelings out to the media anymore, someone that's aware of the time and effort and dedication that's being put in by people on the team and knows that airing shit out or publicly putting the blame elsewhere isn't really helping anyone. and obviously that goes right back to that sense of duty towards the team, maybe also combined with that part of him that still doesn't really like interpersonal conflict or making other people feel bad.
but like i was kind of alluding to before and you're alluding to here, the real test of that maturity would be being put back in a situation like the red bull seat and fighting it out at the front with the best of the best again. but if, in that situation, he could walk the tightrope and keep control over himself and his emotions in a way he maybe didn't quite as much before, it would only make him that much more of an asset to the team, i think. cause like you said, they fucking LOVE him there, and sure you can be a loose canon at times if the team loves you and your talent is otherworldly enough to back it up, but it's a lot easier for everyone involved if you're able to self-regulate those emotions. so for him to be someone that the team loves, that's bringing results, that fights for himself but is also willing to play the team game or stick to the party line when necessary? they'd never ever want to get rid of him ever
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Hanging Junzhe
These two upside-down cuties in their One Night in Nanjing finest were too cute to resist!
The inspiration for the fig's outfits, are of course Zhehan's photo shoot in Nanjing on October 31, 2020:
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And so you can see the whole outfit:
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The fandom knows this as One Night in Nanjing because through analysis of Gong Jun's vlog footage from that day, JZP believe he drove 4 hours from Shanghai to Nanjing (and then back) to see Zhehan.
Gong Jun's outfit that day was this casual hoodie number:
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I missed this set when it was first released, so I had to track it down on the secondary market on Xianyu.
Xianyu, like eBay, is a bit of a mixed bag. You get sellers who treat each package with extreme care, carefully wrapping the purchases in tissue and tucking in little gifts and thank you notes. Then you have sellers who literally just throw items in a box and let the universe sort it out.
This seller set a new high bar on the "exceptionally nice" side!
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She sent me a fancy box (I am very familiar with the History of Whoo from my past life as a beauty blogger, so I was especially delighted to see this) chock full with fandom goodies! and of course, the figs.
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She included printed photos, a whole lot of cute red envelopes, earrings, an acrylic pawprint...ornament? a couple badges, and a note card.
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She also included the folding fan from the SHL booting ceremony fig set (you can recognize Junjun's hat, and he's holding the incense sticks, and you can see Zhehan's purple glasses and his set of incense sticks), a Wenzhou decoration, and a little prayer bag.
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Last but not least, she included a sticker set of SHL quotes. HSK Level One Lelanthe is looking forward to being able to read it for real (instead of MTL) one day.
These figs arrived separate from their removable hangers:
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You can see the little loops on Junjun's shirt and Zhehan's pants, respectively, where the lobster-claw clasps of the keychains connects to.
Part of the reason I bought this set from this particular seller was because she displayed it beautifully like this:
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Clever, isn't it? I was kind of hoping she would send the frame with it, but she was kind enough to send me a whole bunch of other stuff instead! I did go ahead and track down how to buy these frames off Taobao, and have a set on its way to me now, so kudos to her for the excellent idea.
In the meantime, this was a challenging set to photograph. I finally decided to do a set laying down, and then hanging so you could see them as they are supposed to be. I did my best. You will be the judge!
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Here they are with the chains attached. Their surprised faces are so funny and cute, I can't help but giggle! I love how we have Junjun's abs, and he's even wearing his headphones around his neck like we see in his pic in the car. Zhehan's little pose with his hands is ultra cute!
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Alright, I'm going to try and keep this straight myself. I took so many pictures from all different angles to try to capture these, that I confused myself! This first one is from one side...
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...and then the other...
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...the back...
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...the top...
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...and kind of the bottom, at least trying to get where the attachments hook in. Alright! On to the hanging ones.
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Some of these are a bit blurry because they were moving around so much!
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Zhehan's hairstyle here is so great, with his little pony tail and fringy hair at the bottom. I think it's so funny the way they are made to hang, with Junjun revealing his oft-discussed abs, and of course Zhehan could only be hanging by his pants.
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This is a good shot of Zhehan's hair too.
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I love them! I can't wait to have them in the clear display box. I'll come back and update this post with them in it when the box arrives at my house.
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The box cards the figs came with are transparent! I love them, the artwork is so cute.
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I normally just take one pic of the boxes unless they're quite a bit different from each other, but again the artwork was so adorable, I couldn't resist.
Material: PVC (figs) and metal (hanging chains)
Fig Count: 272
Scene Count: 20
Rating: Legendary fandom cuteness!
[go back to Master Fig Index]
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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30/10/2022-Leaden Hall in the New Forest
We had a lovely walk here today in the vast landscape illuminated by the strong autumnal sun, that splendid and magical light of an afternoon sun post clocks going back, a time of year I love to be out in. The valley and the rest of the landscape with nice orange bracken was so inspiring to be out in and I really felt so invigorated being out in it. Shadowy bushes and views of the silver road, a lovely stream, sunlit pines, sweet willows, bright red berries of rose hips and holly and more were captivating sights this afternoon. There were great views across to Ashley Walk and the Turf Hill and Deadman Hill area nearby we have visited this area a lot lately. The sky looked epic too with gripping cloud formations. I took the second, third, fifth and ninth pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
A Kestrel hovering in the golden light kicked off a memorable afternoon of birds here. Headlined by a few fantastic glimpses of Fieldfares in flight and landed on the bushes of the square area where we again looked for another thrush the Ring Ouzel to no avail, but these shining Fieldfares made up for it. It was some of the most outstanding views I’d ever had of these winter stalwarts woven in beauty. I also really appreciated hearing their nattering call I’d not often or ever really heard them before. These were my first of the autumn and my first of any winter thrush species so far this season, an important milestone of the gateway into this time of year. I was pleased to get the sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of them among the most photos I’ve ever taken of a Fieldfare on an occasion which I was pleased with. 
It was such a good afternoon for fungi too with many mushrooms seen; from ones that looked like shells on a beach these are possibly fairy ring marasmius, ones around manure which I took the eighth picture in this photoset of and exquisite clumps of shaggy scalycap huddled around a tree trunk below a densely vegetated area which I took the tenth and final picture in this photoset of. These illuminated amazingly by touches of sunlit was a top sight of a species I loved learning last year. I also liked seeing the one in the fourth picture in this photose possibly the Prince and the ones in the first picture in this photoset which I think could be porcelain fungus. Club-like tuning fork were lovely to see on fallen wood too one I am fond of. More big moments in one of my best ever months of fungi that had it all.
Some flies possibly horse flies around dung by where we parked and top views of lots of majestic New Forest ponies in the sweet light of the lowering sun were highlights this afternoon. Heather in purple flower entangled with gorse by where we park, gorse itself in that coconut smelling flower, bright tormentil and hawksbeard I believe were nice flowers to see here today.��
It was good to see distant mistletoe on trees, a group of Feral Pigeons and Starlings at home again today with some spectacular sky scenes when home tonight too of special clouds including one long frizzy one, I believe I saw some mistletoe whilst out today too and did beside the motorway on the way home where it was nice to see a Red Kite on the way out. I hope you all have a good week.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: Fieldfare, Blackbird, possible Mistle Thrush, Robin seen and heard well, Great Tit, Kestrel, Carrion Crow, Raven I believe too and the flies.
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glapplebloom · 2 months
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While we’re at the Mid-Season, let’s look at this TV Special that was supposedly going to be the second movie.
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Let’s talk about some behind the scenes stuff before the review: this was animated by Boulder Media. They would go on to make the Pony Life Shorts and the G5 movie. They were also the ones who made those Equestria Girls shorts I talked about a few months ago. So put a pin on that as we talk about this Rainbow Roadtrip.
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So Rainbow Dash is a guest of honor at a Rainbow Festival and she along with all her friends are going via blimp to Hope Hollow. But after a crash with a big rainbow sign, they find Hope Hollow but it isn’t exactly very hopeful looking. In fact, everything seems more Gray than it should be. Like if the town was hit by a Grayscale Filter. 
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Now to a criticism. They’re not as expressive as the show or movie. The show has a ton of expressions and the movie showed it can be very expressive. But this special doesn’t really give them a lot of extreme Facial expressions. And this is after seeing the Equestria Girls shorts that showed Boulder Media could make expressive movements and faces. They made Fosters and Wander Over Yonder. Makes you wonder what happened with this movie...
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In the morning, they notice that all the Town is Gray so they wonder what’s up. After a run in with twins and other characters of note, we meet the Mayor of Hope Hollow Sunny Skies. Now when I first saw this movie, I thought there was going to be a twist in the end but he’s actually exactly as he presents himself: over his head but wanting to help bring back the color that was lost.
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Told in song, Hope Hollow was once a vibrant and colorful town. Normally, they would throw a Rainbow Festival to celebrate their town, which includes a Rainbow Generator to be the finale of the fair. But eventually the people started to grow distant from each other. And after trying to make the Rainbow Generator bigger and brighter, it failed and turned everyone gray. It was the saddest story song of the series.
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After hearing this, the gang decided to help the Mayor. Twilight will help with figuring out what caused the Grayness while the others help in their specific way. Pinkie and Fluttershy work on the baking stuff, Rarity goes for the fashion, Applejack helps with repairing the Rainbow Billboard, and Rainbow Dash helps out the Twin members of her fanclub in said town. And the Mayor will be working on a speech while they do all that.
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So the big solution reveals itself in the halfway mark as when someone is doing something they’re passionate about, color slowly returns. The Barrel twins being excited to work with Rainbow Dash. Torque Wrench working alongside someone who appreciates her. Kerfuffle showing her own talents in fashion. Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington getting back to pie making. Moody Root’s fruits being used for something delicious.
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And all the while Twilight is researching what happened and how to solve it. That’s when she discovered the Rainbow Room with the Mayor working on his speech. The pictures of past Festivals are here and in color. This also includes the moment it all changes to gray. With that and Petunia still believing it was just an accident, this was a big hint of the reveal of what happened. Pin this for later.
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As hope begins to grow in the town, more color keeps showing up. Eventually, Applejack is the first to notice the color returning even before the machine gets activated. The Rainbow Generator is basically a projector, so it couldn’t do what Twilight was trying to do by using a reverse spell to fix it. So when everyone gathered together to get ready for the Rainbow Festival, Applejack shows them the color is returning on its own.
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With this revelation, Twilight figured it out: The three photos from before, they were out of order. So when the Mayor thought he was the cause, it was already happening before the button was pressed. So what caused it? Hopeless Magic. Since everyone was giving up on each other, they were losing hope and thus their color. And we’ve seen this magic before: Discord used it against the Mane Six during the Season 2 opening. 
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And like in Season 2, it was reversible when hope is brought back into their lives. And after a speech from the Mayor about Hope Hollow and a proposal to Petunia, Color and Hope is back in Hope Hollows. It sadly ends abruptly with a song and the six leaving. Overall, it is a very fun special. If this was originally planned to be a feature length movie, I think it would have worked better than the first movie. 
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Expand some scenes more. Add a few more songs. Make the ending not just them leaving in the blimp. Add more facial expressions. I could have seen this being a better sequel to the movie. But as it is, it is still very fun and a nice change of pace. I just wish they were allowed to be more expressive, but I guess the budget prevented that. Click here to see the original review and how it fits in GLAB canon.
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July 24: Today I drove to Chester to visit my mom's cousin Jo and my great uncle, Brian. The last time I saw Uncle Brian was 2017, and I had never met Jo before today. I met Jo at her house first, and then we picked up Uncle Brian from his care home and took him out to lunch in the town center. After lunch, we took Uncle Brian to the nearby model plane shop. He loves building those and his room is full of them. I asked Jo whether Uncle Brian remembers which ones he's done, and she said he's done all of them! :)
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July 25: Today was the last day of shearing at Brian & Tom's farm. Tom and Ben sheared today and Jana, Brian, and I wrapped wool. Sorry for those that are squeamish, but I included a photo here of a sheep that has had maggots. I mentioned before that sheep need to be sheared for health reasons, and this is a big reason why. Flies lay eggs under the sheep's wool, and then their maggots feast on the sheep's skin, creating sores that will eventually kill the sheep if not discovered and treated.
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Later, I helped Tom check the ewes' teeth to see if they were health enough to spend another year on the hill. The teeth are a good indicator of the sheep's overall health. The only have bottom teeth, so if that row of teeth is good, they are good to go...if not, they got an orange dot which means they have been marked to go to market :( Checking them is a tricky business because in order to keep them still and keep track of which ones you've checked, you have to use your body to hold a group of them in one place between the fences. You can see here that the ones Tom is holding in front of him have not been checked yet; the ones behind him (closer to me) have already been checked. Brian and I checked on the cows to end the day, and on the way back, noticed the lowest rainbow either of us had ever seen. Brian showed me some other photos of rainbows from their farm that I'll add below. They have some amazing ones!
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July 26: Adrian took me to the Royal Welsh Show, which is a major event in the British agriculture world. If your animal wins a prize here, you not only win prize money, but also the respect of other breeders who will pay big money for your animals. We watch the welsh pony competition for a while, then looked at all of the cows, chickens, goats, and pigs, and spent about an hour watching tug of war. Brian was a serious tug of war athlete and traveled internationally to compete. He also coached Tom's team. It's a big thing here. There are weight limits for each team, so teams will often have to carefully monitor their weights, sometimes literally going for a group run the day of a competition to shed weight if they are at risk of being disqualified due to being over the limit. Most pulls seem to be 1-2 minutes, but a well-matched team might pull for over 30 minutes! They wear supportive boots, but they aren't allowed to put anything on their hands except resin for gripping. My forearms are tired just thinking about how long you would have to grip that rope. It was really fun to watch. I could have stayed there watching all day if it wasn't raining!
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regard-luxury · 1 year
Chrono24 Apparently Plans Ipo
Sure there are the forums, which I do make the most of, however there is not a method to sell instantly on them. Value Your Watch will definitely be my marketplace of alternative, however I can’t argue the domination that Chrono24 does at present have. Fortunately, I am not as restricted as I was once chrono24 a pair years ago. I will certainly be utilizing both sites, but shall be driving as a lot of my traffic as attainable to my Value Your Watch listings. Turning our consideration to Value Your Watch, we can see that on login, we are taken to our dashboard.
They have an editorial workplace in Berlin, a location in New York City, and a house in Hong Kong. They service watch fanatics in over 100 different countries. The CB Insights tech market intelligence platform analyzes millions popular watch brands of knowledge points on vendors, merchandise, partnerships, and patents to help your team discover their next know-how solution.
And whereas it presents a seductively elegant and delicate dial, it is also Superlative Chronometer licensed and waterproof to a depth of fifty metres (165 feet). High curiosity and low manufacturing has resulted in a swollen secondary market; the Chronomètre Bleu has persistently traded for plus or minus six figures for the last 12 months. Journe, the brand, went forward and announced a fairly significant price increase to start 2022 – something that has become a bit of a development within the new year. Journe catalog is – and in my opinion, the Chronomètre Souverain Havana deserves a closer look. It was "about time" that legitimately rare, attention-grabbing watches carried out that way, he informed me.
He expressed that we're simply now starting to see sure watches mirror their potential true value – a Cartier London Crash, with perhaps a quantity of dozen examples recognized to exist, is one such watch. He completed by saying that anybody lucky sufficient to buy a Crash earlier than the present spike in worth received a "reward" – in different words, this collector doesn't think the Crash will, ahem, crash anytime quickly. I lately had a conversation with an skilled watch collector in regards to the excessive prices top 5 watch brands we're witnessing at public sale for watches produced by Cartier London within the 1960s. I bought an Omega Constellation which appeared nice in the photos, learn nice within the assurances about quality, but carried out miserably from the get-go. I sent the watch to Omega for repairs and came upon the guarantee had been invalidated by unauthorized third-party repairs. I really have waited for greater than a month for the dealer to take duty but they don’t even instantly answer their cellphone.
Note that the situation of your watch is key to its worth. So if you have any documentation detailing service or repairs of the watch, grasp on to them. Valuable collectibles from childhood include greater than motion figures and classic board video games — and having a number of of the proper objects in your old toy chest could presumably be value loads of money. Think again to these toys that everyone needed, similar to Teddy Ruxpin, Strawberry Shortcake, Transformers and My Little Pony.
Rolex certified pre-owned watches will only be bought by approved dealers, beginning with Swiss retailer Bucherer after which others subsequent year. They can't cut up the cost over two cost types top watch brands on the website. I needed to call to place some on a wire switch and the remaining on my bank card. I had to await the wire to go through and then give them my bank card.
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Punk Rock Pony
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My punk rock pony came about as a revamp of an existing piece. Those of you that follow my work may recognize Bisou the draft horse. This piece received many likes and was favorited quite often but I felt like it could be something more.
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First, I lengthened the bridge of her nose, darkened her muzzle and increased the size of her eyes. Then I decided that I didn't like her as taxidermy hanging against the wall. I pulled her off the plaque and lengthened the neck so she could be a sculpture. Sorry - I forgot to take pictures in process! Around the time that I converted her to a sculpture, I read an article by Daniel Swanick that highlighted the work of Jeffro Uitto. Jeffro creates amazing sculptures from driftwood.
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His horse busts inspired me to kick Bisou's look up a few notches and go punk rock. I created a series of wool ropes that I felted aggressively so they would hold their shape when they dried. Using a Joomchi process similar to felting, I also created paper rods. I flipped Bisou's mane all to one side and then attached the rods and ropes. As a final step, I also added some light, random swirls on the nose and cheek. It gives a marbled effect and makes it look like my girl has tattoos to go with the righteous haircut. Here are some photos of the final product.
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This girl is one of my most favorite all time! My punk rock pony was accepted into the GALEX 56 Exhibition at the Galesburg Community Arts Center. The exhibition opens April 1 and was juried by world renowned artist Claire Ashley so I am humbled to be included and excited to see the other pieces in the exhibit. Read the full article
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uamains · 2 years
Icloud extractor recovery photos
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When you reach or exceed your iCloud storage limit, you can remove the backup files you don’t need before paying Apple for more. After extracting your iCloud backup with iCloud Extractor, you can delete the unnecessary backups to reclaim precious storage space. When you don’t have enough storage on iCloud, you can’t back up your iPhone, or iPad until you have extra room. And that also keeps your vital data safe and manageable.įree up Your iCloud Storage Space before Paying for MoreĪpple provides just paltry 5GB of iCloud storage for free, and that can get tight quickly.
iCloud Extractor will display your backup data including camera roll, photo stream, app photos and videos, contacts, text messages, notes etc.īy extracting the iCloud backups to your Mac computer or external hard drive, you can make those data freely accessible. You start by choosing a backup point to extract the data from. Instead of ponying up more for iCloud storage, iCloud Extractor saves more space and money for you.Īccess and Manage Your iCloud Backups ConvenientlyĪfter signing in to iCloud with your Apple ID, iCloud Extractor automatically reads and lists all the backups from your iCloud account. By freeing up the iCloud storage space, it enables its users to back up the iPhone or iPad to iCloud when there is not enough room. to Mac or external hard drive in a breeze. Syncios iOS Data Recovery is your better choice because it supports previewing the photos and choosing necessary photos before recovering. After signing in, you are able to access iPhone notes, photos, calendars and so on. Visit from any browser on Mac or PC, and sign in the account with your own Apple ID and password.
ICloud Extractor provides the solution to extract the iCloud backup including photos, videos, contacts etc. How to perform iCloud recovery online You can also recover the iPhone data on or iCloud drive online.
Enable Photo Stream and make sure photos you click are on Photo Stream so you can recover in case you lose them from your Camera Roll.Downloading iCloud Extractor for Mac 1.5.0 Best for iPhone/iPad owners, iCloud Photo Library Backup only: Photos that. If you click photos a lot, increase the backup frequency. Joyoshare iPhone Data Recovery is a recognized powerful iPhone backup photo. Backup your iPhone in iTunes weekly once.But losing photos is really annoying, right? Here are two tips for you in case you lose important files: Some data could not be recovered if they are overwritten for many reasons. Apart from restoring from iCloud, you can try to recover deleted photos from iTunes backup by using this tool.
Let's just have a free scan and start a try. As you can see, the iPhone Backup Extractor allows you retrieve iPhone data using four different methods: Smart recovery, Recover from iOS device, Recover from iTunes backup, Recover from iCloud backup. And you data could be restore to your device without data overwritten via Syncios iOS Data Recovery. But, luckily this article provides a more effective way to selectively recover photos from iTunes backup. All or nothing, that's what iTunes can let you do. Also, you can't preview or selectively recover part of the data. That's to say, you'll only have the backup content on your device after the synchronization. You can restore photos from iTunes backup to your device later when you have a need, but you need to restore the whole one and give up existing data on your device. The End: When you sync your iDevice with iTunes, it will generate a backup automatically for your device, and updates it every time when you sync. Best iCloud Backup Extractor to Recover Files from iCloud Backup Option 1: iCloud Control Panel for Limited Data Extraction Option 2: Androidphonesoft iCloud. Now, you can check your deleted data now! Then your lost photos will be saved on your computer. Just select a folder to save recovered data and click Recover. Choose the third mode, Recover from iCloud Backup File on the top of the interface. Step 4: Recover Photos to iDevice or computer. Launch iOS Data Recovery and you can see the window.
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