#other reviews
glapplebloom · 3 months
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Guess who finally got it on their iPod! (No Images in this Review)
I was a supporter of Prison of Plastic and one of the rewards was to get the audio book. Sadly, the audio book was only on Sound Theater and for a while there was no way for me to download it and put it on my iPod like all my other music stuff. But I eventually found a way and now I got it to listen to while I am on my walks. So what is Epithet Erased?
For those who don’t know, it is a series by Jelloapocalypse about a world where people gain powers because they’re inscribed with a specific word. Prison of Plastic is the continuation of the 7 episode long series, taking a week after the events. I enjoyed the show and wanted more, so I finally got to do so.
The book has 17 chapters but the first four are prologues to introduce us to the world and its characters. The first focuses on Molly and her two friends: Phoenicia Fleecity and Trixie Roughhouse. Molly is her nervous self but she is trying to be more confident. Feenie is a frikkin sheep in human form. She’s also rich so she’s not exactly the smartest bulb on the streets.
That honor goes to Trixie who happens to be the youngest sister of the toughest family in the city and man, does she sell it well. So after saving them from a mugger, Trixie broke down because she was afraid her bluff would get them hurt. That first prologue really sells the friendship of the Neo Trio as they’re called.
The second prologue focuses on Giovanni Potage, who has decided to leave the Bonzai Blasters and make his own group. His minions follow him and again, really sell their loyalty to Giovanni. From being just one of the guys in a group with no leader to being the fire that gets them to do things. A great showing of how Giovanni can help people in his own way.
The third Prologue focuses on Molly’s OLDER sister, Lorelai. She has the ability to create dimensional bubbles where she can create anything she wants. Live in her own fantasy world. It's basically Mabel World except on command. Nobody could get through to this girl, except Molly whose power can negate her effects. While the previous chapters do sell the four of being great people, Lorelai makes you hate her from the start.
Lorelai is 17 years old. Yet she acts like she’s younger than Molly. All she had to do was do the dishes but she spent two hours making this world instead, meaning Molly will have to do the dishes, cook for these people, and somehow do her homework. And what's worse, she frikkin says their father actually likes her since he usually takes her side.
I’m hoping the end of this story has her actually grow up, and they do set it up with her internally realizing it but not outright expressing it, because I really want to punch her in the face. The final Prologue focused on the CEO of STEM Industries Naven Nuknuk. He’s basically a male Molly except replace an Epithet with money. He teaches her and her friend about communication skills. And with our players set, we come to Chapter 1.
It was after the Third Prologue and the Neo Trio went to the beach since it is a rare time off for Molly. They were putting slugs back into the sea when they found a body. His name is Rick Shades and he came from a city under the sea. He also hasn’t eaten or drunk anything for three days so he’s almost dying. Chapter 2 brings everyone together as Naven is waiting in their store as the girls bring Rick there for help.
Molly is a criminal now, so she can’t call the cops for help. Luckily for them Naven is there who actually provides help unlike Lorelai or her father. Giovanni comes in now calling himself Vincent Murder and honestly seeing everyone Molly cares for together was really nice. Even she feels like it was a birthday party for her. But then Lorelai finally pops out of the bubble to see what’s happening since it was too noisy for her.
Lorelai likes Giovanni. Outside her father, it really seems like he gets her. Problem is Giovanni is very loyal so when he finds out Lorelai was Molly’s sister, their connection quickly fades. Goivanni wants Bear Trap to help with an upcoming mission and Lorelai wants to help. But since Molly isn’t giving her a recommendation, she decides to prove she’s bad guy material by kidnapping Naven and trapping everyone else (that matters) in her bubble.
Chapter 2 has Molly and the Gang pretty much setting up what the majority of her side of the story is going to be: The Neo Trio having to travel through Lorelai’s world to save Giovanni and Naven. Molly is basically at her breaking point physically and emotionally as she yelled at her sister, something she probably should have done a while ago but never did. This turned her friends into fairies and she has to use her Epithet to keep herself normal.
Chapter 3 has Lorelai’s side of the story: trying to win Giovanni’s approval. It is a nice showing compared to how we see her treat Molly, showing she probably could be a better person if she had the right people in her life. And all she has to do to prove her being Minion Worthy is bake some cookies. You think it would be easy since she basically has Reality Warping Powers but the trick is to make them without powers. 
And that’s all the recapping I’m going to do. I do recommend this as it is a very fun listen to. The old cast are just as good if not better than they were on the series. The new cast fit with the ones established so well. Giovanni proves to be the best things for both Blyndeff girls, Lorelai has a very interesting arc after a certain point. And honestly the ending is the best thing to happen to Molly. So if you liked the series, you would still enjoy this.
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"this is a universal queer experience"
>ask if it's universal or white
>they don't understand
>I pull out a diagram explaining what is universal and what is white
>they laugh and say "It's a good experience sir"
>I'm a native american trans woman
>Experience is white
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aropride · 4 months
i’ve begun saying people “obviously aren’t in a romantic relationship, they have something deeper and more intimate going on” as this seems to confuse and upset alloromantics
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(ID: a banner with text over the aro flag. the text says: i don't care about blorbotags go wild but this post is about hating the hierarchial system of relationships & if you're mad about it you're probably been poisoned by ace discourse brainworms. and are also proving my point. /end ID)
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amazon-dot-com · 6 months
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hell yeah gamer grandma
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 7 months
people who don't study history will simply never understand the joy of reading historian beef. there's nothing like it
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hamletthedane · 1 year
my brother just called me late at night, barely able to get two words out because he was laughing so hard. Finally, through the wheezing, he told me “go google the new Gollum game. Please”
So I did. And now I just spent half an hour on the phone nearly dying. We just kept sending eachother pictures of Gollum from the game and LOSING IT all over again. I haven’t laughed this hard in YEARS.
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isjasz · 1 year
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[Day 96]
Together they become GUY!!
(Context: On the stream yesterday they were joking about just combining into one player for decked out LOL)
(And Hermittober: Day 1 Frost ❄️)
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Never will I stop with the steadfast notion that folks in the DPXDC fandom should interact with at least some form of canon DC media.
There are comics, tv shows, radio dramas both old and new, podcasts, movies, magazines, so much shit that intentionally avoiding the media is simply preventing yourself from spawning new ideas and gaining a new appreciation for a fandom that you’re already in.
The Superman Radio Show has episodes 11 minutes long. A lot of the TV shows don’t have episodes that surpass 30 minutes and most are nearly fully clipped on the official DC YouTube channel. The amount of fan made motion comics is astounding. The amount of fanmade animations is equally as incredible.
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mihotose · 9 months
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disco elysium will literally joke about how communists love complaining about other communists, lightly make fun of some communists (who are themselves making fun of other communists for not being the right kind of communist), and people will be like Oh they made fun of communists. i guess disco elysium was centrist all along
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The Boy and the Heron How Do You Live? (2023) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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softpng · 2 years
sometimes I think about that guy on amazon who reviewed pride and prejudice and did an entire angry, weirdly math focused rant about how awful darcy is and then ends it all with "I could carve a better man out of a banana"
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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The Terror that Flaps in the Night is back! I just wish his series did...
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Darkwing Duck returns as the Mayor of St. Canard, a retro-fied Zan Owlson from the Ducktales Reboot, is awarding Darkwing Duck with a statue. But when everyone took out their cell phones to get a good shot of the unveiling, they all turned into mind controlled slaves. And who is behind this Callous Capture Of Cell Phone Consumers? It’s Megavolt!
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So Darkwing and Launchpad chases him as Gosalyn and Honker decide to try their own thing. Both groups realized that the Cell Phones are responsible for this. With Gosalyn wanting to stop this so Darkwing can give her a Cell Phone of her own (since he wouldn’t allow it) and Darkwing glad that he never gave her one. Also being upset with Launchpad because it meant he wasn’t taking any pictures.
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Gosalyn’s plan is to create a big power surge to lure Megavolt to them. And she does so with a Rock Opera of the Darkwing Duck theme. But the thing about Mind Controlled Slaves is you can use them to do the dirty work. And Megavolt has them tied up as Darkwing arrives. He escapes as Darkwing prevents a large current heading towards them, by letting himself get shocked instead. 
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It’s thanks to that St. Canard got their power back, everyone being freed, and Darkwing confirming he’s not getting Gosalyn a Cell Phone. Overall, a pretty good beginning. There are two more issues after this beginning a storyline where Darkwing quits and tries to give Gosalyn a normal life. Seeing the episode about this as well as the previous comic series, I expect him to get back to Darkwing pretty soon. I do hope this series continues longer than the last one.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
i fucking love how watching xfiles in order gives you such insane emotional whiplash
like for example, s1 you have ice, this amazing "the thing"-esque thriller, immediately followed by space, which is probably top ten least memorable episodes in the world. beyond the sea has so many emotional beats and insane levels of acting skill, immediately followed by fucking gender bender lmfao. the absolute mindfuck of having the duane barry/ascension/one breath trio interrupted by the 14 year old emo kid's vampiric wet dream that is 3??? unparalleled levels of unhinged decision making in that production room
anyway, i just watched colony/end game, and it ends with that poignant scene between mulder and scully in the hospital, after she put on such a demonstration of loyalty and love by ignoring his wishes and going after him and saving his life, and mulder finishes the scene by talking about how he has renewed faith in his search for truth despite his heartbreak, and it's beautiful bc in the end, isn't loyalty, love, and faith what this show is all about? -cue credits-
then "watch next episode" pops up and
it is the one with the invisible gorilla
this shit sure does keep you on your toes, huh?
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aropride · 4 months
guy in the club on his phone squinting at a wikipedia article and then holding both his hands out making L shapes with his fingers to figure out his right from left so he knows if the guy with the hankys in his pocket is a top or a bottom
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setaflow · 4 months
People in the comments of the Assassin's Creed: Shadows trailer becoming armchair historians trying to explain why Yasuke shouldn't be a protagonist actually are hilarious. Like besties this is a franchise where people can control eagles with their minds and a good 5% of the population are descended from evil psychic aliens. I THINK we can expand on a story of Japan's only-recorded African koshō without it jumping the shark.
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