#including whipit
windmill-ghost · 1 year
Unfortunately no matter how charming and cute e-celeb cats are, they are never as adorable as my cat. Shame that I'm the only one who gets to see the best little kitty in the world.
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sniffanimal · 1 year
Don't reblog thai bc I don't want it to be like some viral post yet I want to make this into an autobio comics but an extremely formative experience for me was when I was 10 I went to a Juggalo funeral.
You see, my big sister was married to this guy at the time, and this guy's brother, Nick, was a Juggalo. My sister and her ex husband were tangentially Juggalos, I think. A lot of their friends were. Nick had a very unfortunate early death related to his interest in various illicit substances and firearms. I didn't know him very well, I don't think he was at his brother's wedding or anything. But since he was family, I attended his funeral.
My mom helped organize some of it, including a slideshow presentation to play on a TV in the church lobby. This was like 2007 I think, so it was a looping series of photos of Nick set to November Rain by Guns n Roses (odd choice but ok). I was standing in the lobby for a long time, I think I was handing out a little In Memoriam pamphlet or something. In any case I listened to nearly an hour of that song looping.
Once it was time for the funeral to start, I enter this little downtown capel/event hall thing. I think there were pews so it must have been a church. You know how at a wedding when the two newlyweds families are really different people? And you can see that clear divide down the aisle? That's what it felt like, because on one side you had Nick's family, somber and wearing dark formal wear and clutching tissues. On the other side you had his Family, most dressed down, or in their nicest Tripp pants. A few with black and white clown makeup on, as you do.
An important thing to note about my experience here, is that at the tender age of 10 years old I was incredibly sheltered. My big sister had moved out three years prior, and I wasn't allowed to really see any of her friends for any reason. My family minus her were very conservative, straightedge people. I had been to funerals before this, but the culture shock I got from meeting Juggalos like this as a small child was something that permanently etched itself into my memory.
Now, this was an open casket service. When it came time for me to pay my respects to a man I barely knew, I approached the coffin to find that he wasn't dressed up like his friends. He was in a suit, his piercings removed. But around him in the casket like an Egyptian Royal Burial were pill bottles, Kandi bracelets, and other paraphernalia. I didn't really know much about drugs at the time but there was definitely some glassware in there. Eyes wide, I went back to my seat to go ignore the eulogy and go home.
That's where the story ended for 10 year old me. An extremely bizarre funeral to introduce myself to the idea of found family and my sisters weird friends. I would tell this story sometimes if it felt right, and people enjoy it. A few years ago, I told my sister how I talk about Nick's funeral a lot and she gave me some more information: I didn't go to the after party (because I was 10).
The after party took place at a public park a ways from the chapel. The night drug on with at least one person chanting at all times "true clowns never die". There were whipits to be had, and public nudity to be enjoyed. Pretty sure there was some cop mooning that occured. Oh to have had 10 year old me know about what it really means when a Juggalo dies.
My sister divorced her ex husband a few years after that, and I haven't seen him in over a decade. If only he knew the impact his brother had on me to this day.
I'm going to go trawl Facebook and see if I can find any pictures from the event, since it seems like something my sister would have posted. Though she was probably still on myspace then. But anyways I just felt like sharing my Juggalo funeral story since it'll be some time before I can really make it into a comic to tell the story
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websitevisitor · 1 year
ketamine was insane btw. i bumped it twice in each nostril and they shut me in a dark room with a huge lounge sofa and a starry sky ceiling projector i had a moment where i was sure i was dying because i couldn’t feel my body but it was fun i only got scared when i heard employees in the hallway because i couldn’t understand anything they said like one of them would say something in charlie browns teachers voice and they would all laugh i was so afraid they would come in and interrogate me about something i already forgot. even that wasn’t too bad because the whole thing felt like a really long intense whipit. including the dizziness and nausea after
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The dangers of Whipit should not be taken lightly. These recreational drugs are made up of nitrous oxide, a colorless gas that is inhaled to produce a feeling of euphoria. However, when abused, this drug can have serious consequences on one’s health. Side effects of it include dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination, and impaired judgment. In addition, long-term use of It can lead to nerve damage, memory loss, and even death. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with using this drug so that it can be avoided. If you or someone you know is using it, it is important to seek help from a medical professional immediately.
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teffiiiiii · 2 years
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In January 2018, Gray's participation in the 2018 'Binibining Pilipinas' national pageant was officially confirmed. The costume round in the competition required her to wear a princess’s attire native to the Mindanao region. She bagged the award in the category. Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray’s Biography
Catriona Gray is a Filipina model, singer, and philanthropist who was born in Australia. She is the fourth Filipina to be named 'Miss Universe,' having earned the title in 2018. Gray grew up in Australia, where she won her first beauty contest at the age of five. Minor modeling assignments followed. Gray was already on her path to become a supermodel by the time she graduated high school. After relocating to the Philippines, she began her profession. She appeared in various television ads and finally grew in popularity in the fashion world. When her modeling opportunities dried up, she shifted her focus to charities.
This is a biography of Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray. She was born on the 6th of January 1994 in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Gray was named after her paternal grandmother, Catherine Gray (née Ross), a Scottish immigrant to Western Australia in 1952, and her maternal grandmother, Elsa Magnayon (née Ragas) from Oas, Albay, Philippines. Her mother, Normita Ragas Magnayon a Filipina, and his father Ian Gray, is of Scottish descent from Australia.
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Gray attended Trinity Anglican School in Cairns, where she served as a house captain and sang in the school choir. Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts awarded her a graduate certificate in classical music.
Catriona was the main singer of her high school's jazz band and had also appeared in a local theater rendition of 'Miss Saigon.'
Gray, at five years old, was crowned 'Little Miss Philippines' in Sydney in 1999. After graduating from high school, she began her modeling career. Gray participated in a few small-scale modeling jobs in Australia.
Gray's family relocated from Cairns to the Philippines when she finished high school. She went on to work as a commercial model in Manila.
She has a master's degree in music theory from the Boston-based 'Berklee College of Music.' Gray also has an outdoor recreation diploma and a black belt in Choi Kwang-Do (martial arts). She studied martial arts from the age of eight to twelve.
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She was 18 when she moved to the Philippines, using her savings.
She received offers for TV productions, commercials, and runway modeling in the Philippines. Gray rose to prominence in the advertising sector after a few years. Her most well-known advertisement was for 'Pantene #WhipIt,' which was praised for its social message against gender norms.
Gray has worked as a runway and fashion model, walking in a number of fashion events and associated shows. Unfortunately, the modeling opportunities began to dwindle later on. Gray then shifted his focus to charitable activities.
In Tondo, Manila, she began working with a few non-profit groups. Valerie Weigmann, 'Miss World Philippines 2014,' advised that she compete in beauty pageants to raise funds for her philanthropic endeavors.
She took the advice and went on to win the 'Miss World Philippines' pageant on October 2, 2016. She also took home a number of other awards in the competition, including "Best in Swimsuit," "Best in Evening Gown," "Best in Fashion Runway," and "Best in Talent."
Gray was also awarded 'Miss FIG Image Gateway,' 'Miss Folded and Hung,' 'Miss Hannah Beach Resort,' 'Miss Figlia,' 'Miss Manila Hotel,' and 'Miss Organique.'
She then competed in 'Miss World 2016' in Oxon Hill, Maryland, and finished in the top five. She also received a slew of sub-category accolades, including the 'Multimedia Award' and the 'Talent Award' (second place), and was named one of the top five in the 'Beauty with a Purpose' project.
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In January 2018, Gray's participation in the 2018 'Binibining Pilipinas' national pageant was officially confirmed. The costume round in the competition required her to wear a princess’s attire native to the Mindanao region. She bagged the award in the category.
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𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖀𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊
On March 18, 2018, Rachel Peters, Miss Universe Philippines 2017, handed up the crown to Gray. Gray won many sub-category honors in the pageant, including "Best in Evening Gown," "Best in Swimsuit," the 'Miss Jag Denim Queen Award' (endorsement), and the 'Miss Ever Bilena Cosmetics Award' (endorsement).
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She has collaborated with the organization 'Love Yourself PH,' which conducts HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns and educates people about the disease in order to eliminate the stigma associated with it.
Gray enjoys drawing and painting in addition to singing. She frequently posts her drawings on her 'Instagram' site, which has over 2 million followers. She has also auctioned off some of her paintings to benefit local charity and the 'Paraiso Project.'
Gray is currently in a relationship to Filipino–American actor Sam Milby.
On May 23, 2020, their relationship was made public via a social media post.
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creaturebehavior · 4 years
i miss fighting with adam sometimes. fuckin yuck
when i see couples fighting on tv shows i like, miss him.
weird how being abused by a man feels so comforting when you grew up being abused by your dad
clearly there is still trauma to be processed and to heal from. still building new neuropathways. i have so much time to create a new comfort zone for myself. thank god for that.
so crazy i deliberately attract abusive men to myself. so crazy how low your self esteem is when you grew up thinking you deserve nothing more from men than abuse. very common, but very surreal and weird. being a human is ridiculous.
i found it so addicting to scream at each other and then get high and then fight more when we were running low. i found it so addicting to hussle money for us, to beg him to buy more when i was broke, to run up his credit cards and call him my daddy in the process of it all. it was exhilarating to love him when he was sober, hate him when he was high, and hate myself more for not being able to leave him for basically two years. i found it exciting to be hurt by him, no matter how stressful being with him was. no matter how much he disgusted me. my best memories with him include us reaching oblivion together. my worst memories are of him being high or drunk when i wasn’t, or him being drunker or higher than me and him treating me like garbage and i could really see what addiction looks like from an outside perspective. our cycle was being sober together, going to meetings together, him asking for me to drive him to pick up drugs, us fighting about it, then us using together, and sometimes being in so much denial together we would use and drink any chance we could while still trying to look good on the outside and somehow managing to pull it off. then we’d run out of money or energy or reach another emotional all-time low or hate the effort it all took and swear we were gonna get sober together. three or four weeks later, we’d be high again. the sneaking, the trashing of my car and then cleaning it out after a binge, me yelling at him to be careful while he’s driving high and him yelling at me to be careful when i was driving while high, us being crazy and not being able to wait to get home until we drank or used, me driving drunk to go pick him up only for him to buy me more alcohol before we went to Inverness to fuck and I got all sloppy and then paranoid, him screaming at me to not leave anything behind so his parents wouldn’t find out and him getting caught anyway and me draping things over the empty whipits in my car so the people at my sober living wouldn’t see and him telling me to not snort the coke so loudly and me not caring, him checking on me while i was in delerium in the back seat of his car, me dropping whipits between the seats in his car and him yelling at me to just keep doing whipits. him waking me up from seizures and us both binging just as hard, as if nothing happened. us dancing in the car outside college of marin before he had to go to work. pissing in cups in my car cuz i was too paranoid to get out and pee and i also didn’t want to come down from my high. him accepting me at my worst, and me accepting him at his worst. me begging him to clean up the spills in my car and him actually doing it. me getting out of the car and running from him and calling for help. me begging him to get out of my car or i’m going to call someone to remove him and get us both in trouble. us pulling into the VIP parking lot as soon as it opened, and pulling into the VIP parking lot one minute before closing. us buying out the whole shop. the brass crackers. watching cooking shows while high. pulling over so he could throw up. pulling over so i could throw up. getting fast food after not eating for days. him yelling at me to look out for cops every time we took the exit to his house. us driving out of town to pick up coke and acid. giving me adderall when i was sad. telling me “you’re so fucking hot” while he fucked me. fucking with the bedroom window open and everyone in the neighborhood and at the gas station could hear me. getting the cops called on us for domestic disturbance after fighting at a gas station in monterey and neither of us remembering what we were fighting about because we were always fighting. me lying to the cops when they asked if he’s ever hit me. me sleeping on his balcony because he woke up still drunk and he was angry and he laid his hands on me even when i asked him to stop. that first time he picked me up while high and i was so scared of his driving and told him to take me back home. the flowers he bought me after sexually assaulting me.... and feeling confused and sick to my stomach.
what a horrible relationship. and still i sometimes miss him. because the abuse and the rollercoaster and the oblivion and the promises of us getting sober together brought me comfort. and sometimes i want another boyfriend to be dysfunctional with. but that’s not the path i’m on anymore.
fucking crazy brain
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z-exie · 4 years
Take an outlandish dare of the heart. Be foolish again. Disregard names. Break rules. Be free as a wind-whipped flag. Shake your hips. Loosen your hair. Kiss freely as rain through leaves. Unbutton. Unzip. Undress right and wrong. Kill clocks. Cancel tomorrow. Stand on the toe-tips of desire. Reach up for the stars. Dive in!
So easy to do the day before regret.
Written by Jane Ellen Glassner -Lighthouse Point, Florida – USA
Feature Photo by Artem Beliaikin
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  45 Mag accepts submissions year round. Enter yours today!
Non Fiction
  Take a Risk - Just Nike that thing! #goforit #moveahead #whipit Take an outlandish dare of the heart. Be foolish again. Disregard names. Break rules. Be free…
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ulrichfoester · 4 years
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death
Introduction of Whipits aka Whippets or Whippits
You know that canister of whipped cream in the fridge? Well, that is a health risk—not the whipped cream itself (unless you are watching your calories), of course, but it is the nitrous oxide booster that turns the contents into whipped cream that can cause serious harm to a young person hell bent on experiencing “whip-its.”  Whip-its is just another variation of the dangerous inhalant craze among kids and teens, and understanding how they are abusing whip its can arm parents to be on the look out so they can take action.
It isn’t just teens who are in on this bizarre recreational drug experience.  Actress Demi Moore was hospitalized at age 50 due to binging on nitrous oxide from industrial grade whipped cream chargers.
In the dental profession where nitrous is commonly used to aid patients during dental procedures, nitrous has been misused for centuries. In fact, dental associations have had to create treatment programs for dentists and hygienists who ended up addicted to the gas. Nitrous oxide abuse is also common among anesthesiologists.
As fringe as the practice of whip-it abuse may seem, more than 12 million Americans have fessed up to trying it, according to statistics reported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Abusing nitrous oxide, whether is via a whipped cream canister, a booster, a helium tank, or a balloon, is a silly and potentially deadly, practice.
About WhipIts and Nitrous Oxide Abuse
The name “whip its” –also whippets or whippits—refers to getting high from sucking the nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canisters. The euphoric high and a sense of floating that results is caused by a loss of oxygen to the brain.
The broader use of the term, whip its, refers to any form of nitrous oxide abuse, including inhaling straight from the canisters of nitrous for filling helium balloons or the small nitrous whipped cream chargers used in restaurants.  Also called “hippie crack,” “laughing gas,” “ballooning,” “noz,” and “chargers,” whip its are readily available at raves, dance clubs, rock concerts, and parties in balloon form.
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas that has a sweet scent. It is used as an analgesic during medical procedures, such as dentistry or outpatient surgeries.  Because the nitrous oxide canisters are legal to purchase for the legitimate purposes of blowing up balloons for a party, the gas is readily available.  Likewise, any dairy case will offer a selection of whipped cream products.  The individual abuses them in various ways, including:
Inhaling the gas rapidly from a canister or charger, sometimes punctured and vapors inhaled through the nose
Sucking the gas out of a whipped cream canister before shaking the product. The nitrous oxide functions as a propellant to push the whipped cream out of the can
Sucking the gas from a balloon
Inhaling the gas with a bag over the head
Just like any other recreational drug of abuse, the more someone uses whip it’s the more likely they will develop a tolerance to the effects. As tolerance builds, someone may go from using one canister to 12 to 40 in a given day. Nitrous is not physically addicting, however, so there are not any withdrawal symptoms. But over time, the substance can cause serious health effects.
Health Dangers of Abusing Whipits
The “high” experienced by inhaling nitrous oxide is very brief, literally lasting only three minutes. For this reason, individuals desiring to produce a longer last effect will repeat the process of inhaling the vapors multiple times. The high is described as producing sensations of euphoria, lightheadedness, feeling uninhibited, and experiencing hallucinations. However, there are possible adverse effects to abusing nitrous oxide that include dizziness, loss of motor functions, dissociative effects, loss of inhibitions, and loss of consciousness.
Inhaling nitrous is extremely dangerous. An article published in Practical Neurology, “Whippits, nitrous oxide and the dangers of legal highs,” highlights three patient studies. These patients had used either straight nitrous oxide or whipped cream canisters seeking a recreational high, resulting in significant neurological disabilities.
Unlike its use in the medical or dental field where oxygen is added, straight nitrous oxide can cause serious health dangers. These dangers include:
Accidents due to dizziness and lack of coordination that results
Hearing loss
Freeze facial tissue
Slowed body movement
Slurred speech
Brain damage
Heart damage
Neurological damage
Liver damage
Lung damage
Limb spasms
Bone marrow damage
Spinal cord degeneration
Hypoxia, deprivation of oxygen to brain and bodily tissues and sometimes fatal
Vitamin B12 deficiency that can lead to subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, leaving the user with permanent nerve damage, causing stiff limbs, weakness, tingly hands, and a sense of grogginess
Cardiac arrest
Inhaling own vomit leading to death (suffocation)
The condition called Sudden Sniffing Death can occur after just one use of a highly concentrated use of the gas, often with a bag over their head or a mask. This can cause the heart to stop within moments, leading to death.
Inhalant Abuse Facts
The inhalant category of recreational drug abuse is experiencing a new wave of popularity. Using common household products makes the practice on inhalant abuse one that impacts kids and teens primarily.  Adolescents seeking high-risk behaviors that are typically fueled by teens on YouTube videos may be drawn in on a dare or simply out of curiosity. Often, these teens are not informed about the dangers that inhalants pose to their health and wellbeing.
Of all the inhalants being abused, the nitrous oxide category is the most popular. Other inhalants of abuse include Dust-Off, Freon, glue, spray paints, gasoline, lighter fluid, vegetable oil sprays, felt-tip marker fluid, paint thinner, butane lighters, and leather cleaner.
Treatment for Nitrous or Whippits Abuse
When someone has acquired a habit of using whip its drug or nitrous oxide they are placing their health at serious risk. What may seem to be a fairly harmless recreational high can pose devastating health risks, many of them permanent. In some instances, nitrous abuse can even result in death.
Depending on the degree of whip-it abuse, the individual will benefit from either an outpatient or residential addiction treatment program to help them overcome the psychological addiction to this dangerous substance.
Addiction is always related to a need to escape one’s reality, to exchange reality for an altered reality. A treatment programs can guide the person toward understanding what underlying issue or issues may be driving the repeated use of whip its, to discover why they feel the need to escape their personal reality.
Addiction Treatment for Whipits aka Whippits
Outpatient treatment programs are the most appropriate for someone with a problem with nitrous, unless there are other substance use disorders resulting in a poly-drug addiction. If not, an outpatient program is probably going to provide the appropriate level of care.
During outpatient treatment the individual will participate in a specified number of hours engaging in therapeutic activities. Outpatient rehab allows the individual to remain at home outside of treatment hours, providing the flexibility to continue to attend school or work. Treatment is available in various intensities, depending on the severity of the addiction.
Residential treatment programs are appropriate for those with a more serious whip it addiction, or for individuals who have a poly-drug addiction. A residential program provides housing for an extended stay at the treatment center. There will be round the clock support available, and a full schedule of daily therapeutic activities.
Addiction treatment generally includes the following treatment elements:
Individual therapy
Using evidence-based models, the psychotherapist will assist the individual in making important chances in thought and behavior patterns that have resulted in a persistent addiction cycle.
Group therapy
Group counseling allows others also in treatment to share their personal experiences. Participants learn from each other, as well as form a trust bond that leads to the important peer support piece of treatment.
Family-focused therapy
Family groups help improve the family dynamic, offer effect communication skills, and provide a forum that allows for honest sharing between family members.
Addiction education
Rehabs offer classes to help clients learn more about how substances of abuse can impact their brain functioning and general health. The classes also teach important recovery skills.
Holistic therapies
The mind-body connection is strengthened using adjunctive holistic activities, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, journaling, and art therapy.
Whipits Abuse and Addiction Treatment Programs
The Treatment Specialist is a resource center for individuals or their loved ones who are in need of addiction or mental health treatment.  Abusing Whip its can have devastating long-term effects.  The Treatment Specialist’s free service can connect you to the best treatment program for your or your teens unique needs and preferences.
By addressing the tendency toward addictive or compulsive behaviors head on, important changes can be made before there are serious health or emotional consequences.  Parents who suspect their teen might be engaging in inhalant abuse or abusing whip its should contact The Treatment Specialist today at (866) 644-7911.
The post Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death appeared first on The Treatment Specialist.
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death published first on https://familycookwareshop.tumblr.com/
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karengruberart · 6 years
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It’s all happening ☺️☺️☺️ I have just launched my #redbubble store. There are #totebags #phonecases and more 💼 At the moment I have items featuring #integration and #springmoon and am happy to add any of my artworks that you would like included. Please check it out 🙏❤️ * * * www.redbubble.com/people/whipit #artistsoninstagram #wolf #watercolour #watercolourartist #painting #makingstuff #homewares
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windmill-ghost · 2 years
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Today I said goodbye to my cat, Whipit. We’ve had her for seven years when adopting her at around ten, making her a long-lived cat at 17. She was a trooper who had gotten through many health issues, including breast cancer, but age eventually caught up to her.
Whipit was a wonderful and weird little cat. She was both the most vocal and most affectionate I’ve ever met, who loved getting into long conversations and would run to the lap of anyone who sat on the couch. She had an unusually loud and persistent purr— it took almost nothing to get her to start and she could keep it up until falling asleep— and loved belly rubs. In some of the hardest and loneliest parts of my life, I was blessed to have a cat who was so eager to love. I know that while I may meet other wonderful cats, I will never be able to replace her.
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puresudsco · 7 years
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Today’s fun included hand shaving Organic Kokum and Mango Seed butters for adding to our Whipped Organic Shea “Skin Drink.” This Butter went into our Tuffy Pinot Whip AND our Key Lime-Vanilla Bean Whipped blends. It’s time to start hydrating! . . Check out our website where we have both of these emulsifying butters for sale: . . www.puresudsco.com . . #puresudsco #butta #skindrink #butter #sheabutter #kokum #mango #diy #handcrafted #whippedsheabutter #smallbatch #byhand #whipit #eastafrican #fairtrade #beadforlife #soap #bathbomb #lotion #scranton #wilkesbarre #philadelphia #denver #boulder (at Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania)
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ulrichfoester · 4 years
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death
Introduction of Whipits aka Whippets
You know that canister of whipped cream in the fridge? Well, that is a health risk—not the whipped cream itself (unless you are watching your calories), of course, but it is the nitrous oxide booster that turns the contents into whipped cream that can cause serious harm to a young person hell bent on experiencing “whip-its.”  Whip-its is just another variation of the dangerous inhalant craze among kids and teens, and understanding how they are abusing whip its can arm parents to be on the look out so they can take action.
It isn’t just teens who are in on this bizarre recreational drug experience.  Actress Demi Moore was hospitalized at age 50 due to binging on nitrous oxide from industrial grade whipped cream chargers.
In the dental profession where nitrous is commonly used to aid patients during dental procedures, nitrous has been misused for centuries. In fact, dental associations have had to create treatment programs for dentists and hygienists who ended up addicted to the gas. Nitrous oxide abuse is also common among anesthesiologists.
As fringe as the practice of whip-it abuse may seem, more than 12 million Americans have fessed up to trying it, according to statistics reported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Abusing nitrous oxide, whether is via a whipped cream canister, a booster, a helium tank, or a balloon, is a silly and potentially deadly, practice.
About WhipIts and Nitrous Oxide Abuse
The name “whip its” –also whippets or whippits—refers to getting high from sucking the nitrous oxide out of whipped cream canisters. The euphoric high and a sense of floating that results is caused by a loss of oxygen to the brain.
The broader use of the term, whip its, refers to any form of nitrous oxide abuse, including inhaling straight from the canisters of nitrous for filling helium balloons or the small nitrous whipped cream chargers used in restaurants.  Also called “hippie crack,” “laughing gas,” “ballooning,” “noz,” and “chargers,” whip its are readily available at raves, dance clubs, rock concerts, and parties in balloon form.
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas that has a sweet scent. It is used as an analgesic during medical procedures, such as dentistry or outpatient surgeries.  Because the nitrous oxide canisters are legal to purchase for the legitimate purposes of blowing up balloons for a party, the gas is readily available.  Likewise, any dairy case will offer a selection of whipped cream products.  The individual abuses them in various ways, including:
Inhaling the gas rapidly from a canister or charger, sometimes punctured and vapors inhaled through the nose
Sucking the gas out of a whipped cream canister before shaking the product. The nitrous oxide functions as a propellant to push the whipped cream out of the can
Sucking the gas from a balloon
Inhaling the gas with a bag over the head
Just like any other recreational drug of abuse, the more someone uses whip it’s the more likely they will develop a tolerance to the effects. As tolerance builds, someone may go from using one canister to 12 to 40 in a given day. Nitrous is not physically addicting, however, so there are not any withdrawal symptoms. But over time, the substance can cause serious health effects.
Health Dangers of Abusing Whipits
The “high” experienced by inhaling nitrous oxide is very brief, literally lasting only three minutes. For this reason, individuals desiring to produce a longer last effect will repeat the process of inhaling the vapors multiple times. The high is described as producing sensations of euphoria, lightheadedness, feeling uninhibited, and experiencing hallucinations. However, there are possible adverse effects to abusing nitrous oxide that include dizziness, loss of motor functions, dissociative effects, loss of inhibitions, and loss of consciousness.
Inhaling nitrous is extremely dangerous. An article published in Practical Neurology, “Whippits, nitrous oxide and the dangers of legal highs,” highlights three patient studies. These patients had used either straight nitrous oxide or whipped cream canisters seeking a recreational high, resulting in significant neurological disabilities.
Unlike its use in the medical or dental field where oxygen is added, straight nitrous oxide can cause serious health dangers. These dangers include:
Accidents due to dizziness and lack of coordination that results
Hearing loss
Freeze facial tissue
Slowed body movement
Slurred speech
Brain damage
Heart damage
Neurological damage
Liver damage
Lung damage
Limb spasms
Bone marrow damage
Spinal cord degeneration
Hypoxia, deprivation of oxygen to brain and bodily tissues and sometimes fatal
Vitamin B12 deficiency that can lead to subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, leaving the user with permanent nerve damage, causing stiff limbs, weakness, tingly hands, and a sense of grogginess
Cardiac arrest
Inhaling own vomit leading to death (suffocation)
The condition called Sudden Sniffing Death can occur after just one use of a highly concentrated use of the gas, often with a bag over their head or a mask. This can cause the heart to stop within moments, leading to death.
Inhalant Abuse Facts
The inhalant category of recreational drug abuse is experiencing a new wave of popularity. Using common household products makes the practice on inhalant abuse one that impacts kids and teens primarily.  Adolescents seeking high-risk behaviors that are typically fueled by teens on YouTube videos may be drawn in on a dare or simply out of curiosity. Often, these teens are not informed about the dangers that inhalants pose to their health and wellbeing.
Of all the inhalants being abused, the nitrous oxide category is the most popular. Other inhalants of abuse include Dust-Off, Freon, glue, spray paints, gasoline, lighter fluid, vegetable oil sprays, felt-tip marker fluid, paint thinner, butane lighters, and leather cleaner.
Treatment for Nitrous or Whippits Abuse
When someone has acquired a habit of using whippits or nitrous oxide they are placing their health at serious risk. What may seem to be a fairly harmless recreational high can pose devastating health risks, many of them permanent. In some instances, nitrous abuse can even result in death.
Depending on the degree of whip-it abuse, the individual will benefit from either an outpatient or residential addiction treatment program to help them overcome the psychological addiction to this dangerous substance.
Addiction is always related to a need to escape one’s reality, to exchange reality for an altered reality. A treatment programs can guide the person toward understanding what underlying issue or issues may be driving the repeated use of whip its, to discover why they feel the need to escape their personal reality.
Addiction Treatment for Whipits aka Whippits
Outpatient treatment programs are the most appropriate for someone with a problem with nitrous, unless there are other substance use disorders resulting in a poly-drug addiction. If not, an outpatient program is probably going to provide the appropriate level of care.
During outpatient treatment the individual will participate in a specified number of hours engaging in therapeutic activities. Outpatient rehab allows the individual to remain at home outside of treatment hours, providing the flexibility to continue to attend school or work. Treatment is available in various intensities, depending on the severity of the addiction.
Residential treatment programs are appropriate for those with a more serious whip it addiction, or for individuals who have a poly-drug addiction. A residential program provides housing for an extended stay at the treatment center. There will be round the clock support available, and a full schedule of daily therapeutic activities.
Addiction treatment generally includes the following treatment elements:
Individual therapy
Using evidence-based models, the psychotherapist will assist the individual in making important chances in thought and behavior patterns that have resulted in a persistent addiction cycle.
Group therapy
Group counseling allows others also in treatment to share their personal experiences. Participants learn from each other, as well as form a trust bond that leads to the important peer support piece of treatment.
Family-focused therapy
Family groups help improve the family dynamic, offer effect communication skills, and provide a forum that allows for honest sharing between family members.
Addiction education
Rehabs offer classes to help clients learn more about how substances of abuse can impact their brain functioning and general health. The classes also teach important recovery skills.
Holistic therapies
The mind-body connection is strengthened using adjunctive holistic activities, such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, journaling, and art therapy.
Whipits Abuse and Addiction Treatment Programs
The Treatment Specialist is a resource center for individuals or their loved ones who are in need of addiction or mental health treatment.  Abusing Whip its can have devastating long-term effects.  The Treatment Specialist’s free service can connect you to the best treatment program for your or your teens unique needs and preferences.
By addressing the tendency toward addictive or compulsive behaviors head on, important changes can be made before there are serious health or emotional consequences.  Parents who suspect their teen might be engaging in inhalant abuse or abusing whip its should contact The Treatment Specialist today at (866) 644-7911.
The post Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death appeared first on The Treatment Specialist.
Abusing Whipits and How it Can Lead to Death published first on https://familycookwareshop.tumblr.com/
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