#indian snaks
mayerhaterranna · 1 year
পিয়াজি রেসিপি | How To Make Bengali Onion Pakora | Bengali Style Piyaji Recipe | Onion Fritters
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taajrecipes · 11 months
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Indian Aloo ke pakode
Aloo Pakodas are an ancient and popular Indian snack. In this, pieces of aloo are dipped in a bowl of water and fried, which makes them crispy and chewy. Aloo pakodas are delicious with garam-garam chutney and are often taken with tea on rainy days.
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Crispy Tasty Onion Pakoda 🌰 😋 | Indian Tea Time Snaks
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minefoodhub · 3 years
You could have eaten potato and lentil kachori on many occasions, however, this time strive to make PYAZ KI kachori. What to say about its style. PYAZ KI kachori full of scrumptious spices and chilies will make your temper. PYAZ KI kachori is an easy recipe, which you’ll strive at residence every time you need. So why ought to we strive in the present day? Pyaaz Ki Kachori is a scrumptious night…
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eudaemonius · 5 years
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Taste Test - INDIAN SNACKS PART 1 - Soan Papdi and Dried Fruit Samosas - Day 18,175 - https://youtu.be/F4N72f96X9c #India #Indian #Snacks #SoanPapdi #Fruit #Samosa #YourEveryDaySanta #EudaemoniusMarkii
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fooddyyy · 3 years
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In indian in evening time it's best time snaks for evening they called somosa
For more update stay tune with @fooddyyy
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dreamingofhypno · 4 years
Getting Back to Nature
[A young man finds himself lost in the jungle and encounters a strange serpent]
The jungle heat was immense with hot and thick air. The jungle was more lush than he could’ve imagined with dense leaves and colourful flowers. Chris followed his tour group step by step through the bends and curves of the path. He was a good-looking guy with a strong jaw and brow bone, slightly neanderthalic, but in a hot way. He had found his way onto this tour during a backpacking trip across Asia just after finishing university. He wasn’t a conformist and liked going his own way but, decided it would be best to explore the Indian jungle in a guided group lest he cross paths with the dangerous creatures which lurk inside. 
“Legend has it that strange and powerful creatures reign over this jungle” the tour guide announced while the group followed, “many from the local villages pay homage to these creatures by making offerings, they are like deities to them”.
Chris pondered this. What about a jungle animal would be so fearsome to consider it a deity? After all, mankind can dominate nearly any creature it sees fit?. Still, he didn’t want to have to fend for himself out there. This dense jungle was a world away from the quiet English forest he had grown up around. As the group trailed on he daydreamed about the woods and fields from his boyhood. When he was young he liked nothing more than to run free in the natural surroundings of his hometown. No conformity, no rules, it felt like there were limitless possibilities when he was around nature. As a young boy it took him a while to conform to the normative rules of society when he was so used to following his more simplistic, natural inhibitions. Because of this, he was often thought of as an imaginative guy with a vivid imagination, with a tendency to get lost in his thoughts. It came as a surprise to him then, when he reached a fork in the road and his tour group nowhere to be seen.
It took him a second to gather himself. He hadn’t realised that he had slipped so far behind the rest of the group. “It’s ok” he thought, “they must not be far.”
He shouted after them. He listened to hear a response. A few long seconds passed. All he heard in return was deafening insect chirps and bird calls. His eyes darted between the 2 paths in front of him. He had no clue where either of them went. “Fuck ok, 50/50 chance” he rationalised, and legged it down the left-hand path. He knew he was ‘supposed’ to stay put but he didn’t like the thought of himself being a sitting duck for some carnivorous predator. He continued to jog through the jungle, passing countless trees, boulders and shrubs all the while shouting out for his tour group. As the pathway became more and more overgrown he began to think that he had made the wrong decision. He was a fit guy but even for him the think humid air wore him down faster that he expected. His already warm body was now sweating through the loose tank top he was wearing. He hoisted the top over his head and felt some relief as his bare torso was exposed to the open air. The hair on his chest and stomach blew gently as he moved forward.
“Dead end” he thought. Frustratingly, he turned around and began his way back the route he came. He checked his mobile. No signal. He began to panic slightly. Before he reassured himself that he wasn’t that far from the group but now the thought that he might actually get lost out here was becoming dangerously real. This panic made him step up his pace as he passed through trees and bushes followed by trees and bushes followed by…the same trees and bushes? He could swear he had already passed these trees before. His heart sank. 
He was well and truly, lost. 
Chris breathed deeply in and out. “It’s ok” he reassured himself, “it’s ok, they’re gonna notice that I’m gone and they’ll send someone out to find me”. He looked up to the sky, it was still mostly light out but it was starting to ever so slightly turn. “It’s probably best if I stay put somewhere”. He had reached a small opening that seemed like a good place as any to stay put. He took a seat at a conveniently placed tree stump. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. It was strangely peaceful being out here in nature, feeling the air against his bare skin. His shorts were stifling after all that activity and he wasted no time in taking them off. The air cooled his hot thighs and he was now only left in his loose red boxer shorts. His thumb hesitated around the elastic waistband of his boxers. Chris looked around. He knew no one else was around but getting completely naked still felt so risqué even if it felt wonderful. What if there was someone was watching? Indeed, he almost felt as if the jungle had eyes everywhere. 
Chris pondered the futility of this whole situation. Even out here, with no one around for miles he still couldn’t quite bring himself to just let go, to be completely naked and free of inhibitions. Just as he had that thought he could hear rustling in the canopy above and a strangely familiar sound.
"Sssssay now, what have we here? Has a mancub wandered into my domain?"
A voice came out of the foliage above. Chris, shocked by hearing another person immediate jumped up, hoisted his shorts back up and reached for his vest.
"Ohhhhh, have I caught you at a bad time?" the voice said playfully.
Chris had just managed to get back into his vest before turning around to face this stranger but, much to his surprise, he saw only the familiar jungle scenery. He looked around trying to find the source of his intruder.
"erm, I'm so sorry It's just I thought I was alone and er..." he trailed off trying to defend himself. "God, the only other person around for miles and they probably think I'm some kind of pervert" he thought, as his face turned red from the embarrassment.
"Well that'sssss nothing to be ashamed of, mancub hss hss hss" the playful voice above responded from above as it grew clearer.
"Sorry um, where are you exactly?" Chris asked as he searched the leaves above.
"Of course, where are my mannersssss..."
A green python with bright yellow eyes slithered down slowly from a branch above Chris, "my name, is Kaa. Nisssssse to see you, mancub".
Chris was stunned. What is going on? Had the heatstroke set in?? He watched in disbelief as the talking serpent gently dropped down to his eye level. Not only was he talking to a serpent, but one with an attitude??
"In fact, it's nice to see sssssso much...of you hss hss hsss!" Kaa laughed. 
Chris blushed, suddenly aware of how much this snake had been eyeing him up. 
“oh er...right, sorry, I thought I was alone and….”, he trailed off, embarrassed that of all things, a talking snake, had intruded on what he thought was a solitary moment. Chris took a second to take a look at this new acquaintance. He was clearly a sizeable python, long enough to hang comfortably from the branches above. But what stood out the most about Kaa was his large yellow eyes. They were bright, almost luminescent which stood out against surrounding jungle. Chris wondered, with eyes that bright how he could’ve missed them peering down at him from above.
"I'm Chris by the way" he introduced, offering his hand, then quickly returning it when he realised that he was talking to, well, a snake. Kaa chuckled at the manners of the mancub and brought down the tip of his tail from the canopy above. It wrapped itself in a loop around Chris's hand and gave it a gentle shake. He watched the cool scales of the serpent brush against his palm and returned to meet his gaze. His eyes were truly captivating, so large and bright that they almost demanded to be looked at.
“Pleasure to meet you mancub”, Kaa responded. 
“Umm, I don’t mean to be rude but...
“You can...talk?”
“Hss hss hss, i can do many thingsss mancub, the jungle is home to many experiencesss most humans...could only dream of”, Kaa looped a coil and draped himself over Chris’s broad shoulder, cozying up to him. “you know, it’s such a shame we don’t get more humanssss in these parts don’t you think Chrissss?”
He pondered what Kaa had said. What kind of experiences was he talking about? And why would Kaa want more humans in these parts? It was pretty obvious why there weren’t any other people around.
“I mean, jungles are pretty dangerous, you’ve got tigers, bears, snak-”
Kaa raised a brow. 
Chris gulped. “I mean er...panthers?”
Kaa didn’t look convinced. 
“Shit”, Chris thought. He is a predator. I should keep him on my good side or else I could end up his next meal. He was still perplexed over how a literal talking python could remain so unknown. Anyone who came in contact would surely notify the media or scientists…unless? In order to do that one would actually have to get back to civilisation which means...
 Chris gulped, brushed off Kaa’s coil, and took a few steps back.
“So er, would you happen to know how I could get back to my tour group? I’m sure they’re looking for me and I’d hate to keep them waiting and it’s getting a little late and-”, 
“Oh? Leaving so ssssoon?” Kaa interrupted, “and here I thought we were starting to find sssome common ground”
“No no no! It’s nothing like that I just I-I really need to be getting back and yknow I’m on a whole trip so-“
“And to think you were so clossssssse, tsk tsk tsk…”, he shook his head and turned away, as if disappointed.
Chris was confused. Close to what exactly? What was this snake talking about? Now was his opening, Kaa wasn’t facing him and he could easily outrun him. He told himself to turn around and get out but, a little morsel of curiosity was holding him back. What did Kaa know that he didn’t?
Against better judgement, he asked “close to what exactly?”,
“Well, let me assssk a question mancub, when was the last time you felt truly free?”,
There were a few moments of silence between them as Chris thought of what to reply but before he could respond, Kaa already had his answer.
“I’m willing to bet it was a few minutesssss ago, wasn’t it?”
“W-what do you mean?” he said, a little stunned.
Kaa laughed, he was constantly amazed by the inability of humans to recognise even their most basic urges.
“Hss hss hss, when I sssaw you from above, I saw a mancub getting in touch with what he really desires...being his most natural sssself....you were so closssse to having your whole manhood proudly on disssplay”.
Chris gulped and started to feel blood rushing to the growing bulge in his shorts. He didn’t know what to say, it was as if this strange serpent had looked right into his innermost desires that even he was too embarrassed to admit to himself. He turned away, looking at the ground shyly. He didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want Kaa to be right, he didn’t want to be some kind of exhibitionist...but he couldn’t deny how good it felt. How free, excited, and aroused he started to feel when he had stripped off like that. He knew what he really wanted was to be completely bare, out here in the open, for all of nature to see his nakedness.
“That’sss a kind of experiencssss...I can offer you”
Chris’s mind was getting increasingly fuzzy. He didn’t know what to say or think. His inner, primitive desires had been spoken out in the open and he didn’t know how to process it. What did Kaa mean? What kind of experience? His mind started running with possibilities about what that might feel like. The kind of pleasures it would hold. His cock was getting stiffer and stiffer as his curiosity was piqued.
“...h-how could you do that?”, he asked, raising his head back up to face Kaa.
He smirked a knowing grin.
“Oh, I have my own ssssubtle ways. Now…look into my eyes, won’t you?”
Chris looked forward at Kaa’s bright eyes and watched in amazement as they began to pulsate rings upon rings of colourful rays. Green...purple...yellow. It was as if he was watching the most beautiful display he had ever seen. So captivating and enriching, the colours blended into one and other in ways he couldn’t believe. He just had to keep watching to see what beautiful rings would pulsate from Kaa’s eyes next.
“Thaaaaat’s it mancub, jussssst keep looking into my eyes”, Kaa told his new subject. 
Chris felt his eyes widen uncontrollably, as if his unconscious mind was forcing him to take in as much of the beautiful display as he could. His mouth fell agape at the sheer surprise of such an amazing illusion. He gazed onward and started to feel the pulsation of Kaa’s eyes to be matched in his own. In doing so, his field of vision became completely saturated with the dazzling colours. In every direction there was a stunning display.
“Kaa wha....what is....”, Chris trailed off. He could barely string a sentence together. His mind was getting increasingly fuzzy and difficult to think. He had no idea what was happening. What on earth this display was. But his body knew. And it knew that it felt incredibly good. The bulge in his shorts was getting bigger as his cock got more and more stiff with each colourful pulse. 
Kaa’s playful smile had now become sinister. He had the mancub right where he wanted him. He knew how mancubs functioned. How intelligent they thought they were. How much they denied their animalistic desires, how just teasing the smallest primitive pleasure, was enough to crumble all of their restraint. Kaa knew from when he first saw Chris what he had found. A lost boy, looking to find that youthful sense of freedom once again.
“Thaaaaat’s it mancub, it feels, sssso good, doesn’t it?”.
His slacked jaw slowly twisted into a smile. Chris’s mind was slipping away from him. It was like the messages sent in his brain were now traveling slower and slower through an increasingly dense fog. The problem for him was that this included those little precautions that had previously told him that he was face to face with a dangerous predator. They had been completely dwarfed by the only thing that was now on his mind: pleasure.
He nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on Kaa’s gaze. He didn’t even think of his response. He was asked if it felt good. And he nodded. Because he felt very, very good. 
“Good...it felt so nicssssse to be naked again didn’t it? so nicssssse to be free and natural” Kaa reassured Chris. He nodded his head again, this time a little more sluggish. Kaa knew he was reaching his cliff of restraint and that before long he would only need a little nudge to tip him over the edge.
“So why don’t we take care of these pesky restraintssss shall we? hss hss hss...” Kaa gestured to Chris’s clothes with the tip of his tail. He nodded sluggishly and without thinking, lifted his vest over his head and pulled down his shorts.
That instinctive freedom was coming back to him. He was once again that young boy at peace in nature, free from rules and restriction and curious about the wonders of the natural world.
“Aren’t you forgetting a little ssssomething?”, Kaa’s tail caressed up Chris’s bare thigh and gently snapped the waistband of his boxers. “Don’t you want to get naked?”.
Chris nodded. His last gram of resistance was the only thing stopping him. His deep subconscious knew that this pleasure was undeniable. This feeling was coming for him no matter what.
As he continued staring into Kaa’s eyes he could feel it approaching. A feeling of absolute freedom, submission and bliss. 
A peak. 
A cliff. 
It was coming. 
And closer. 
Whether he embraced it or not.
Either way. 
He was going to pull down his boxers.
Let his manhood spring out and…
Kaa’s eyes stopped pulsing colours as he swung back to admire his latest catch. He couldn’t believe his luck! A sizable and lean male specimen was standing in front of him, upright and stiff, as if standing to attention. While Kaa had ceased his hypnotic stare, Chris’s eyes were still wide open, pulsing the same colours he had been gazing into just moments ago.
“There now...that wassssn’t so hard now was it?” Kaa asked playfully.
Chris shook his head. His smile was beaming as if he was so utterly happy and joyful to be in this wonderful state. Kaa knew that at this point the mancub was completely defenceless. He had no weapon. He had no clothes. He didn’t even have any free will. He was just a mindless, naked mancub so overloaded with pleasure he couldn’t do anything but stand there, arms at his side, cock upright and stiff, and bask in this bliss.
Kaa smacked his lips and appreciated his latest capture. This mancub was certainly going to become a part of nature very, very soon.  
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madrassamayal · 4 years
Carrot laddu Recipe with Ghee | 10 mins Snack-Home Cooking in Tamil with.
#கேரட்லட்டு #carrotladdu #Carrotladdutamil #cookingwithrama #homecookingtamil #ammasamayal #MadrasSamayal About This Video How to prepare Carrot laddu within 10mins kids fav Sweet Snack for evening with less effort and healthy food for kids eyes , The Recipe #Carrot -5pic #Ghee - Required Quantity #Nuts - Required Quantity #Sugar- 1 or 2Cup #Coconut - samshed/crushed #Vannilaessence : if need hence its for kids we not added #Methods kindly visit Our website  ➜ https://goo.gl/rBEPDJ Please do spread the love by sharing the video. Starring: Rama Prabha Script :  Rama Prabha Direction & Editing :  Jameson DOP: Jameson   Studio Production : Tamilbuzz Entertainment India Ltd. Get More Great Videos - Subscribe  https://goo.gl/QRdHZa For more information visit our Website ➜ https://goo.gl/rBEPDJ Follow Our Social Network https://plus.google.com/1067291403818... Like us:➜ https://www.facebook.com/TamilbuzzIn Follow us:Twitter: ➜https://twitter.com/TamilbuzzIn Follow us:Instagram➜ https://www.instagram.com/tamilbuzzIn/ Follow us :Tictok:➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@tamilbuzzin Follow us:Snapchat➜ https://www.snapchat.com/add/tamilbuzzin Follow us :Telegram:➜ https://t.me/tamilbuzzin © 2017 Tamilbuzz Entertainment India Ltd. © Statutory declration under section 52A of the copyright Act,1957 (as amended): We, Tamilbuzz Entertainment India Limted, locted at old post office road,cantonment,Trichy-620001,Tamil Nadu, India; hereby declare that we are the owners of the copyright for distributing this cinematography of film or clip, having secured necessary consent and license for the film. Seo Keywords : Madras Samayal, Tamil Recipes , Tiffin items for dinner in tamil, ancient tamil food recipes, south Indian non veg food recipes , traditional food of tamilnadu ,The Cookery,MadrasSamayal,TamilRecipes, cooking in tamil,FastfoodCooking, Home cooking in tamil,Kids snack, kids snacks recipes indian,carrot laddu, carrot laddu recipe,carrot laddu recipe in malayalam, carrot halwa Tamil recipe,madras Samayal, sweet recipes in tamil, street food recipes in tamil,amma samayal meenakshi,amma samayal videos,amma samayal in tamil,Carrot halwa online delivery,food near me,kids snaks,kids snacks ideas,tiffin items in tamil
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dopestudentunknown · 4 years
6 street food you should try while in Goa
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Here is some thing interesting I am going to talk about, *Street food* well all have there own made famous street food over the country or in that case you can also say all over the world. but today I will introduce you with 6 types of street food which you can have starting from breakfast too dinner. 1: Chorizo Pav or Roll
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By Konkan Tour This made of Choris (Goan Sausages) and wrapped as roll or normally eaten with Pav. Local loves this as there breakfast or even at tea time evening hours. this is made spicy pork meat using a pre-cooked sausage, onions and sometimes potatoes. Now you might be thinking where do I find it, well normally you will find the local men and women travelling on cycle and you can locate them on highways if you really prefer to eat you should try it once. 2: Chinese Fast Food
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by Konkan Tours Normally we have all eaten Chinese fried rice at the locality we stay or at a restaurant with friends and family. we normally taste the Indian style Chinese food with lot of spice and flavor, Correct? Here are some Chinese food I have tasted which are not spicy as normally the Indian Chinese are prepared, however very tasted to eat. In Goa Famous Chinese dishes are Chilli Chiken , Schezwan Fried Rice, Hakka Noodles and Manchow Soup, all these you can find in different flavor Prawns, Pork, Chicken, Lamb, ( on request ). So when you are in Goa try the flavor ad taste and do keep me posted. 3: Prawns,cooked in coconut shell, Goan Style
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By Konkan Tours This is something you might have never heard in Goa, This is a gravy it has coconut grounded with Jeera, lavang, dry red chilly, with onion and tomato Garam Masala Garlic paste, Ginger paste, and cashew nuts most important based on gravy quantity. After that you can use Prawn, Craps, Chicken, all on request. so the subject is dipped and covered properly and dumped at the pot hole where charcoal is lit and it is kept on low flame till the time the gravy starts boiling inside the shell and the layer of coconut starts melting within and you can then remove the Coconunt shell and keep it aside with opening it and serve it with hot plate of rice. try this out and do let me know if you liked this dish. 4: Bonda fry
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by Konkan Tours Bonda fry is something which everyone has tasted some are made with Potatoes in it called as Batata Vada, of only the batter is fried called as Bonda. bondas have made their way to Goa’s street also. Best to be eaten with chutney, bondas are enjoyed as a snack or as munching. you can find these at all most every stall near tea stall bus stand and shakes near beaches. 5: Shawarma Roll
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By Konkan Tours Shawarma was invented in Turkey,Introduced in Greece locals named it “gyros”, the Greek word for turn, It then started to spread all over Middle east where they called it as Shawarma, And now it is on Goa street and people love to eat it as snaks, It is garnished with diced tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions, pickled vegetables on bread or roll, Served with hummus or tartar sauce, this roll is wrapped in pita bread and is served with pickles. you should try it once if you have not tasted it yet.
6: GadBad Ice-cream
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Source tripadvisor.com Goa is Famous for Ice cream name as Gadbad it is normally severed in a tall glass or Bowl. It is a combination of all type of different ice cream served at one time in one glass or bowl with toppings of Noodles and jelly kishmish and other dry fruits. this Ice cream is normally enjoyed in summer season and you can find this in any Ice cream shop. So where ever you come from when ever you come taste this 6 things and then let me know. please follow for update Read the full article
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happychanachur · 2 years
Types of Bengali Evening Snacks flavors
According to Bengali history hours spices are our all in one flavors, our special spices are Chile, garlic, orange, garam masala, hingh and other types of special spice.
Types of evening snack
In evening time Bengali prefer some crunchy some spices food with puppy rice and some authentic Darjeeling tea. And it's combination make best evening snack  for every Indian and bengali's. In this evening snacks Bengali include their ghoti garam, and chanachur specially. Because all spices and ingredients are available in this food.
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Bengali spices refresh their mind and motivating for another work, in snak market many brands are available but everybody does not provide a good flavours in their product. Choose the best and quality best product online and after that find it in your local market.
Indian snacks history
Many Western countries are attack in India specially for Indian and Bengali spices love. The tastiest and spicy flavours are attract more and more attackers in India and it is the proof of quality spices so that everybody can achieve it. And now this generation in Bengal make a good types of food with this flavours like Bengali chanachur. If you try it then you feel the authentic nostalgic flavours in this food.
How to find
Indian spices available everywhere in India but you need to find a good quality and good test chanachur product online. You can find it online and your local shop and try it see the ingredients, see there YouTube channels, absorb there social media accounts, they are all certificate, see they are videos if they are disclose in online, see the quality of oil and resources, and after that you can just try in evening time so that you can find the good Bengali chanachur online.
Nobody can disclose their making process in online so that if you try the best and authentic nostalgic flavours in bengals chanachur so you can research they are making process in online so that you clear your mind and find the best.
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nemzetinet · 6 years
Már több halálos áldozata van az Egyesült Államokban uralkodó rendkívüli hidegnek
Az Egyesült Államok területének mintegy 75 százalékán csontfagyasztó a hideg, a hőmérséklet fagypont alatti, sőt, helyenként eléri a mínusz 20 Celsius-fokot is. A meteorológusok szerint mintegy 90 millió ember – az amerikai lakosság egyharmada – él olyan vidéken, ahol mínusz 15-20 Celsius-fokos hideget mérnek. Az előrejelzések szerint azonban még mindig további lehűlés várható.
A leghidegebb város jelenleg Chicago, amelynek egyes negyedeiben hidegebb van, mint a Déli-sarkon vagy Alaszkában. A vasúti pályaudvar sínjeit gázlángokkal melegítik. A hideghez a középnyugati államoktól az északkeleti Maine államig erős széllökések járulnak.
Több tagállamban – például Wisconsinban, Michiganben, Illinois-ban, Indianában, Ohióban, Pennsylvaniában – felfüggesztették a postaszolgáltatást, ezekben az államokban kedd óta zárva tartanak az állami hivatalok és az iskolák is.
Az országban 2300 repülőjáratot töröltek, további 3500 járat pedig késésekkel közlekedik. A középnyugati és északkeleti államok főútvonalait is hó vagy jégpáncél borítja.
Az északon fekvő Nagy-tavaknál folyamatosan havazik, Buffalóban és környékén óránkénti 7-10 centiméteres hóhullást jósolnak.
A rendkívüli időjárásnak eddig 14 halálos áldozata van: Iowában egy 18 éves egyetemista, Michiganben és Illinois államban három idős ember, Wisconsinban egy 55 éves férfi fagyott halálra. Chicagóban egy hókotró sodort el egy 75 éves férfit, aki a kórházban elhunyt, Indianában egy fiatal pár lelte halálát a jeges úton, két halálos áldozata van a pennsylvaniai jeges utakon történt balesetnek is.
Az északi-sarki ciklon (polar vortex) várhatóan a jövő hét elejéig hoz még erős széllel párosuló rendkívüli hideget.
Már több halálos áldozata van az Egyesült Államokban uralkodó rendkívüli hidegnek a Nemzeti.net-en jelent meg,
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Almond Products Market Intelligence Report Offers Growth Prospects
Almonds are popularly known nuts, native of North Africa, Middle East and Indian Subcontinent. The Almond fruit consists of four parts kernel, middle shell, outer green shell cover and seed coat. The nutritional important part is kernel, but shell and outer coat is also being identified as nutritional and medicinal, and used for different purpose. Almonds are considered very important in diet due to its nutritional benefits such as, it is very low in cholesterol and sodium, good source of riboflavin, iron, zinc manganese, and magnesium and contains high levels of Vitamin E.
While  eating raw almonds or using it in different dishes , almonds are exclusively used for manufacturing of different almond based products such as  shakes, drinks, chocolates, almond based yogurts, Almond oil, Almond cream, biscuits, hair care, skin care and cosmetics, Almond Butter, flour, and many more. Considering all the benefits of Almonds, Almond products possess very high market demand and market potential globally.
Request Report Sample@ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-1871
Almond Products Market Segmentation:
Almond product market can be segmented on the basis of its applications, forms: a) liquid: oil, milk and others and b) Raw nuts and c) powdered, and on basis of region.
Almond products market is segmentation on basis of applications as beverages, snacks, bakery and confectionary, personal care and cosmetics, pharmaceutical and others. Almonds are the second most popular nut in snacking market. And used as raw or roasted and seasoned snack globally. In bakery and confectionary market segment almond are top most popular nuts exclusively used in products such as cakes, cookies, etc. Almonds are traditionally being used in production of chocolate bars, candies etc., as well as almonds coated with chocolates possess high demand by chocolate lovers. In beverage market segment, with increase health concerns related to consumption of traditional milk and milk based products, Almond milk has gained major share as alternative to traditional milk. Considering high skin care and anti-inflammatory properties of Almonds, Almond oil and extract is exclusively in cosmetics and personal care products and possess high market demand from the industry. Almond oil and extracts are used in products like body oils, hair oils, creams and lotions, treatments of skin allergies etc. Considering its health benefits for  heart, brain, immune system and  cancer prevention ability, almond extract’s and oil’s market demand is growing  in pharmaceutical products.
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Almond products market is further segmented on the basis of forms they are available in markets, such as raw nuts, liquid and powder. As raw nuts almonds are consumed by almost 50% of world population, at list once in a month. Liquid almond products can further be sub segmented as oil, milk and others. Oil is majorly used for cosmetics and medicinal purpose and in small amounts for cooking. Almond milk is gaining popularity as traditional milk substitute as well as in vegan diet globally. Products such as almond based yogurt, butter etc. falls under others almond products market sub-segment. Powdered almond, and almond flour are used in bakery preparations, in dietary supplements, infant formulae etc.
Almond product market is later segmented on the basis of regions as, Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific Excluding Japan, Japan and Middle East and Africa. As per the production North America market is major producer of almonds, almost produces 68% of total yearly global almond production. Europe region leads as the almond product market with almost half of shares of new products introduction globally.The European market accounts for more than half of global almond confectionary new product introductions, and also leads in private label startups with major share globally. Asia Pacific, and Middle East and Africa regions represent significant shares in almond production and almond based products market. China is major exporter of almonds in Asia Pacific Markets.
Almond Products Global Market Drivers and Trends:
With increasing health consciousness amongst developed as well as developing economies population, consumers demanding natural based products such as products containing nuts like almonds. The modern consumers are looking for tasty snack options, but also demanding a healthy and nutritious snack that has a touch of indulgence.Almonds fits with these criteria and becoming the hot ingredient of choice for snack manufacturers.
Growing concern with regards to traditional milk and milk products consumption is another driver, inducing manufacturers to produce natural milk substitute such as almond milk, rice milk, soy milk etc. However amongst natural milk substitute options available in market almond milk products grabs major shares. With growing consumer demand for innovative food products, regions like Europe and North America are ruling the product innovation in the area of almond product market. In developing markets like Asia Pacific and Middle East almonds are the dry fruit liked best and are considered healthiest by consumers, and also traditionally being consumed in the region.
With increasing concerns about cosmetics and personal care product ingredients consumers are demanding natural based products. And hence almond products such as almond oil are in demand. Considering health benefits, anti-inflammatory and nutritional as well as medicinal properties of almonds, these nuts are attracting cosmetic, personal care, food supplements, infant formulae and pharmaceutical market players too.
With growing market demand for natural based food, cosmetics, personal care and pharmaceutical products, almond has got significant market demand globally as suits in almost every demanding products with its novel properties.
Almond Products Market Key Players:
Almond products are popular and demanded in global markets and useful in major consumer applications, fueling high market opportunities for new as well as established market players. Key market players in almond based products includes, Blue Diamond Almonds, the Good Snack Co. Sahale snaks, Olam Internationls, ADM, Kanegrade Limited ,Kerry Group, The Hershey Company, Mars, Russell Stover Candies, Silk, Sanitarium, Honeyville, Red Mill, Himalaya, Bajaj etc
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