#indie slave rp
munofmanyminds · 9 months
Based on this plot (open to f only) Muse: Reid Capello-King NB: Reid is heterosexual and sexually dominant. He is also not in any way opposed to violence. Please know that if your muse chooses to struggle, he will take measures to subdue her. His bio page is more or less useless in this case, since this is very AU.  Possible Triggers: physical abuse, blood play, mental abuse, slavery, cnc, noncon (if you don’t write this, just lmk and I’ll adjust to accommodate) 
He’d never liked the smell of the place. It reeked of… humanity. How the guards managed to make it through a whole day steeped in it, he’d never know. He would readily admit he’d never been particularly moved to inspect the basement where the slaves were kept until purchase, but he imagined the cells were where the stench originated. The auction hall was pristine at least; the auction master knew well enough that his elite clientele expected nothing less. It was where Reid Capello-King now stood, beside his seated sister, waiting for the wares to be brought forward. He was only there for her sake, and truth be told he’d rather be doing almost anything else. Unlike his sister, who liked her meals served on a platter, Reid enjoyed the hunt.
The next hour or so passed uneventfully. Slaves were presented, bid on, and eventually sold off to a new Master or Mistress. His sister Ariel chose two new playthings for herself; beautiful but demure creatures. He was tempted to yawn in order to display his boredom - until the presentation of the evening’s finale; a rebel. She was yanked into the stage, wrists and ankles chained to restrict her movement - but… that glare in her eyes. He knew instantly that, given the chance, she’d jam a stake into the heart of every single vampire there. There was a murmur among the audience as the auction master detailed her capture and enslavement, but Reid was only half listening, his eyes locked on her stubborn features. A wry smile took form on his own, and for the first time in his life, he lifted his hand when the auction began, throwing himself into a fervent bidding war. For a while, it seemed as though there’d be no end to it. Eventually, one gave up, and upon a look from Ariel, so did the other. Reid didn’t speak, but he did shoot his new $335,000 purchase a smile as she was dragged from the stage. Only then did Ariel open her mouth to speak, rising from her seat. “I hope you know what you’re doing with that one,” she said quietly, her cold, intelligent gaze moving over the crowd for a moment. Reid chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah? So do I.” Ariel smiled, shaking her head at him before taking his arm. 
The slave was delivered the next evening, bathed and dressed in clean clothes - still chained by her wrists and ankles. She and the two guards who accompanied her were let into the house by a female vampire just as Reid descended the stairs in the foyer, his pace humanly slow, eyes instantly locked on the human. “I’ll take it from here,” he addressed the guards, wry smile surfacing. The guards eyed each other for a moment, then handed a key to the female vampire and turned to take their leave. “Do you have a name?” Reid questioned the rebel as the door closed behind her guards and he stepped into her personal space. “Or should I stick with calling you slave?”
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helloxdesire · 1 year
Open starter - slavery is legal, justified by the fact that anyone sold as a slave has agreed to it, although the circumstances they agree under are sometimes sketchy. Henry has been bought by your muse (or mues) Open to dominant men.
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Henry knew he'd been bought by someone, and that's about the extent of what he knew about his situation. The pictures and videos they had taken of him at the handling center had been uploaded to a website. He wasn't sure it there had been an auction or a set price, or how much he'd sold for, but it didn't really matter he supposed.
He never thought he'd end up in this situation. He'd been short of paying his tuition, and not wanting to risk his space he'd taken up a loan. He'd be able to pay it back within a few months if he watched his spending, so he hadn't thought too much about it when he signed the slavery clause, allowing the bank to sell him if he failed to pay back within six months. He was going to pay it back. But then his job shut down, and he couldn't find another. And here he was.
He'd spent two weeks at the center, being processed, photographed, checked up on by their doctor, and informed of what would be expected of him. Then he was sold. He'd just been delivered to his new master, hands still cuffed behind his back, despite how much Henry had promised the handlers he wouldn't fight when they took him from the center. Now he was alone with his new owner for the first time, and Henry dared to glance up at him.
"Hi," he said, not liking the silence in the air. "I'm Henry."
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mavens-confessional · 4 months
Private School Confession… this might trigger some, might also make you cum…idk .., it’s a long read so buckle up
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The same year that my step-brother did those things to me (see previous post), I went back school and found that my teacher was one of the nuns who had also taught me in elementary school. I was now 14 and in 9th grade. This nun always took an interest in me and I was teachers pet when she taught me as a child. She seemed delighted to have me in her class and commented about what a pretty young lass I was turning out to be. She was Irish, as most of the nuns were at this school.
One day, a boy in my class took me behind a building at recess and tried to French kiss me. I was so nervous, but I let him kiss me on the lips, but he pulled me closer and tried to put his tongue in my mouth and I literally ran away from him with my heart beating a mile a minute. Well, it was all over school in about 20 minutes. I was so embarrassed and one of the boys called me a tease.
The next day at lunch, Sister Margaret called me and asked me to come to her office. I was a straight A student and never got into any trouble, but I knew it was about the incident the day before.
She had me sitting in front of her desk, and she looked at me and asked “Did you kiss that boy yesterday?” My face was burning with shame. Because we were taught that only “bad girls” did things with boys. I looked down and said “Yes, Sr Margaret - but only a little, and then I ran away”. She came and stood in front of me and said “Now you know Maven, that was sinful. You are a good girl, and God wants you to be pure.” I nodded and felt tears welling up. She grabbed my chin and made me look at her and said “Did you let him touch you?” “What? I., um.. no Sister”
“Well, that’s a good lass, but I think we need to make sure the sin is gone from you”. I was petrified because our school still used corporal punishment. I knew I was going to be spanked and that had never happened in all my years going to this school. I couldn’t help crying. I felt so shamed.
“Stand up” she said. I did as I was told. She sat in the chair I had been in. “Now, I’m doing this for your own good, and I want to teach you how to cleanse your soul, so God will love you, and you’ll continue to be a good girl. If you learn your lesson, you’ll continue to be my favorite student and we will forget about this whole incident. Is that understood?” “Yes Sister”.
“Now, be a good girl and bend over my lap.” I thought this was odd because they usually made the boys bend over the desk and used the paddle. But I thought maybe I’m a girl and she will go easy on me. I laid across her lap. She told me to hold on to the chair legs. I did as told.
Next, she lifted up my plaid skirt. I was wearing just white cotton panties. She put her hands on my little ass and asked:
“Maven - did that boy touch you here?” “ No Sister!” “That’s a good girl,” she said, while she was massaging my right buttock. She suddenly spanked me over the panties. It wasn’t very hard, but I felt very strange because her other hand was grasping my thigh, very high up and close to my groin. I felt myself getting hot all over. She spanked me again and this time it was harder. “Maven, did you like it when that boy kissed you? Tell the truth.” I was crying freely now, because the spanking was so degrading, “um..,I…I did, but I was scared because I know it’s sinful to…to..” I stuttered. “It’s sinful to what?” She asked, while she rubbed her hand around on my buttocks. “It’s sinful to be lustful” My voice cracked. I felt so hot and embarrassed, and….my heart was racing. Her other hand suddenly cupped my crotch - I gasped. “Yes Maven - lust is a sin! Did you let him touch you here in your private parts? Don’t lie - God knows if you are lying!”
“No no, he didn’t Sister - I swear!”
I was panicking. She was still cupping my crotch and I knew how warm it felt because my whole body was burning up. She removed her hand from my buttock and began to stroke my hair, and pet my pussy with her other hand. I was breathing so hard, my head felt like it would explode hanging down over her lap. I was getting aroused and I didn’t know what to do.
“Now Maven, why do you feel so warm down here?” She was stroking me through my panties and I could not help it. I was aroused. “I..I don’t know Sister…please..” I felt so humiliated. She moved my panties and touched my little virgin pussy with my peach fuzz pubic hairs barely growing… I was in complete shock. I felt so helpless and I was mortified that she was looking at and touching my private parts! “Maven - I think you have lustful thoughts. And how to we repent from lustful thoughts?” She was actively stroking my clit now and I was getting hotter and wet, and I was paralyzed with fear? Pleasure? She held my prone body with her sturdy arms and I knew better than to squirm. “We confess Sister,” I said through a stream of tears. “Yes my good lass - we confess. Now tell me the truth - does this feel good” “Yes, Sister,” I stuttered with burning shame. “Do you want to be my good girl? And keep being teachers pet?” “Yes…Yes Sister”. I whimpered, as I succumbed to how good it felt to have someone else touch me. “God willing, I will get this lust out of you - and you will be forgiven. Do you understand?” “Yes Sister!” I cried. I didn’t understand, but I was too freaked out to know what was happening. She pulled my panties down and they fell to my ankles, falling onto my saddle Oxford shoes and my lacy socks. She spread my legs wider and continued to rub my clit. “Do you ever touch yourself like this when you’re alone at night Maven?” “Yes,” I sobbed. She spanked me “and do you bring yourself to orgasm?” I nodded, too ashamed to answer and crying uncontrollably. “You know this is a sin! Bad girl!” She spanked me while rubbing my clit faster. I was so wet and I started to moan and buck my hips onto her lap. I couldn’t help it. She felt the wetness and spanked me again. “That’s a good girl. Come on Maven - God is watching. Show him the lustful little whore you really are and he will forgive you.” I was so confused and so aroused l. No one but my mother had ever seen my vagina. Not even during PE class, not even my best friends. But she kept rubbing my little mound and knew exactly what rhythm was making me wet…and I couldn’t believe Sister Margaret was doing this to me. And my God - she was about to make me cum. She put her finger inside my tight little cunt and continued to rub my clit with her thumb - I bucked and moved my hips like a wild animal. I was feral in my need to climax and make her happy. She was really finger fucking me now - and I felt an inevitable orgasm building. “Oh My God!” I exploded on Sister Margaret’s finger and I writhed with waves of pleasure like I’d never had before. It was the most intense orgasm of my young life and I was still a virgin. I was panting and sweating and crying all at the same time. She pulled her finger from my cunt and turned me over. She held me like a child - and then she put her fingers in my mouth with all my wetness on them. She says “Taste your lustful sin! Clean my fingers and cleanse your dirty whore soul in front of me and God!” I sucked on her fingers and tasted my sweet and tart taste. She smiled and said “Now that’s my good lass Maven. You are now purified under God. You are forgiven.” She gave me a hug and patted my pussy which gave me little convulsions of pleasure. I didn’t want to leave her arms. She wasn’t even pretty but I didn’t care. She did something to me that made me want to please her. She stood me up and told me to put my panties on. I was in a daze, and did as I was told. I stood there in my wet sweaty white panties. My mouth tasting of my pussy. “Now go enjoy recess - and I’ll be watching you. If I see or think that you are being lustful, you will come back here and be cleansed whenever I think it’s necessary - do you understand?” “Yes Sister” “And this is private. This is only between you and God - and I am his intermediary - Do you understand?” “Yes Sister” She took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead and said “You were always my favorite lass. I will make sure you continue to be a very good girl!” And then she steered me out of her office.
I still can’t believe this happened to me, But this was the beginning of a four year education for me.
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your-basement-boy · 1 year
attention grabber.
If someone could degrade and or humiliate me right now in a slice of life rp that would be great.
Original characters only. 18+ only. Like this post for me to reach out.
Dead dove preferred
Yes this is a new account but if I don’t any interaction I will bite the ankle of the first person I see when I wake up in the morning.
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sunsrpmuses · 2 years
open to dom male fcs
Cam grunted as he was slammed into the wall in the locker room showers.  The senior had snapped a slave collar around his neck and forcibly stripped him with the help of a few of the other jocks.   The incubus braced himself, unable to help his blatant arousal and the way his body was preparing itself to be used by the man who’d just declared himself his master.  “Hey...what the fuck man?”
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎 。:*• ─ AU PLOTS.    ›  ( a compilation of alternative universe plot ideas I once posted on my indie rp blog. )
1. Spoils of war — muse A is a king/queen/clan leader who tried and succeeded invading a foreign land. Muse B is a prince(ss)/high priest(ess), brought to muse A as a spoil of war​. Will muse A make them into a slave, break their spirit, fall in love with their sweetness ? Will B forgive A and end up loving them, or will they resent them forever and look for an opportunity to escape, maybe even overthrow them ?
2. Pirate ship — muse A is the captain of a pirate ship, a very traditional man who abides by the rule that women are not allowed on board. Muse B is a girl who always dreamed of becoming a pirate and sail the seven seas, so she dresses up as a man and becomes part of A’s crew, working as their personal assistant. As they become closer, muse A starts developing feelings for muse B, but that can’t happen because they’re both men... or can it ?  Will he change his beliefs for muse B ?  Feel relieved by the truth, betrayed ?
3. Pandemic/zombie apocalipse — our muses are forced to live together, unable to go out other than to get food and remedies. Will they slowly start caring for each other, coming up with fun/cute ideas to pass the time, worrying if the other takes longer to come back, etc...? Or will they end up absolutely hating each other, even using tape to split each room in two ?
4. Deal with the Devil — muse A wanted to be famous more than anything in the world, so they ended up making a deal with the Devil, promising him their first born. Ten years later, all of their dreams have come true — A is very famous, rich and happily married to muse B, who has no idea about the deal muse A made all those years ago. Now they’ve just found out they’re having a baby... will A tell B all about the deal ? Will they try to ignore it until it’s too late ? How will B react ? 
5. Body swapping — our muses hate each other and are very judgemental of each other’s life choices. One day they have a huge fight in a restaurant, witnessed by the owner, which is an ancient, very wise person. By the end of their meal, each of them is offered a fortune cookie with a strange message, unbeknownst to the other. They think it’s just a silly thing, until they wake up the next day... and they’ve had their bodies swapped ! ( Bonus points if they’re of opposite genders ! ) Will they take the opportunity to mess up with the other’s life, or maybe make what they think are better choices ? Will they team up to solve the situation, and end up understanding or maybe even liking each other ?
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thc-wolves · 7 months
Indie Smut RP blog here, english/portuguese, looking for good friends and amazing stories.
I only RP at discord right now.
Can do mxf (as the male) and fxf plots.
I don't have any special rule, just the basics, no godmodding, no ooc drama, no kink shaming... All I look for are good stories that entertain me and my partner and I don't approve any type of discriminatory or criminal conduct in the real world.
That said, I enjoy rp dark/taboo stuff.
Also, I don't have regular muses, I'm always creating new ones. Can use FCs from your opp list if you have one and if I like them.
I'll leave a kink list below. If something you want isn't on the list, let me know and I'll tell you if I like it.
AGE GAP - Older woman/Younger Male.
BIMBOFICATION - Don't like the dumbification aspect but all the others.
MONSTERS - Aliens, werewolves, demons, etc.
AGE GAP - Older male/Younger female
SLAPPING - face, breasts, pussy, etc.
TATTOOS - Especially "breeder's mark"
BODY FLUIDS - blood, piss, etc
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willowsallen · 2 years
riley’s content rules.
these  are  the  standard  guidelines  for  using  my  content.
smut  rps,  slave  rps,  kink  rps,  krps,  harry  potter  rps,  high  school  rps,  real  celeb  rps,  mlm  or  wlw  fetishizing  rps,  any  rps  allowing:  incest,  rape,  dubcon,  noncon,  underage  smut.
indie  krp,  fetishizing  mlm  or  wlw,  canon  celeb  threads,  smut  threads,  race-bending,  anything  involving:  incest,  rape,  dubcon,  noncon,  underage.
are  racist,  anti-indigenous,  anti-black  /  pro-alm,  anti-semitic,  homophobic,  transphobic  /  a  terf,  a  zionist,  misogynistic,  etc.
are  blocked  by  me.  even  if  you  make  a  new  blog  &  know  you  have  been  blocked  previously.  it’s  weirdo  behavior.
reblog  the  content  post  on  whatever  rpc  blog  you  have  (  can  be  the  blog  you’re  using  the  gifs  on.  )  likes  only  serve  as  a  placeholder.
you  may:  crop,  resize,  recolor,  add  my  gifs  to  a  sidebar  or  edit  (  graphic  /  crackship  )  for  personal  use.  please  add  credit  to  edits.
you  may  not:  redistribute,  steal,  edit  &  then  give  to  others.
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erisgregory · 2 years
Tag Game ✨
Rules: put your “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and post the first ten songs that come up.
Tagged by the amazing @bekkachaos! Thank you for the tag sorry it took me so long to pull out my laptop and do this!
I've been writing some really angsty stuff in one of my rp's and most of this is from that playlist lol.
@crysty-indie-rp624, @ladyreivin, @stillcosmic, @spcecowboyyy
and anyone else who wants to play, plus no pressure to those I did tag. Thanks for letting me play!
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helloxdesire · 1 year
Open to dominant men. Set in a setting where sexual slavery is normal and accepted. Oliver's belonged to your muse for a few weeks, and they're still getting used to each other.
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Oliver hadn't been with his master for long, just a few weeks, but he was trying his best to keep the man happy and stay out of trouble. He'd been following the rules his master had for him the best he could, and up until now stayed out of trouble.
One of the rules were that he wasn't allowed to come without his master's permission, which Oliver figured was pretty standard, but today the man had left him with a vibrator in him, with stern instructions not to take it out, and just as he was finishing his chores he had an accident. Now, he knew he should just wait till his master came home and own up to it, but he had been warned about punishment, and he had a few hours until the man was supposed to be home, so he was fairly sure he could get away with it. He hadn't accounted for the man being home early, walking in on him trying to wash his underwear in the bathroom sink, some cum still on his cock and still oversensitive and whimpering as the vibrator still buzzed away inside him.
Noticing the man he dropped the underwear into the sink.
"I- Sir, I can explain," he managed.
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gifstorage · 2 years
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under  the  cut  you  will  find  an  all  inclusive  set  of  rules,  as  well  as  links  to  mine &  @sebestans  discord  server.  if  you  have  any  questions,  please  feel  free  to  ask !
looking  for  a  hunt  you  can’t  find  ?
my  mutuals  can  message  me  for  the  direct  links.
   ✩  smut  rps,  slave  rps,  kink  rps,  krps,  harry  potter  rps,  high  school  rps,  real  celeb  rps,  m/m  fetishizers,  any  rps  allowing:  incest,  rape,  dubcon,  noncon,  underage  smut.    ✩  indie  krp,  fetishizing  mlm  or  wlw,  canon  celeb  threads,  race-bending,  anything  involving:  incest,  rape,  dubcon,  noncon,  underage  smut.
   ✩  are  racist,  anti-indigenous,  anti-black  /  pro-alm,  anti-semitic,  homophobic,  transphobic  /  a  terf,  a  zionist,  misogynistic.    ✩  are  blocked  by  me.  even  if  you  make  a  new  blog  &  know  you  have  been  blocked  previously.
   ✩  reblog  the  post  on  whatever  blog  you're  using  the  gifs  on.  likes  only  serve  as  a  placeholder.    ✩  you  may:  crop,  resize,  recolor,  add  them  to  a  sidebar  or  edit  (  graphic  /  crackship  )  for  personal  use,  please  add  credit  to  edits.    ✩  you  may  not:  redistribute,  steal,  edit  &  then  give  to  others.
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bloodmirrored · 4 years
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                                vampire original characters, loved by summer
                                        …𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙸𝙻 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚉𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁𝙴 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙸𝚃 𝙰𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙴.
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itsyouxxatme · 4 years
Annabelle is a vixen, loves giving pain and torture. Hit me up for triggers. Open to M. Selective.
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“You’ve displeased me,” Annabelle stared down at the male on his knees, naked while she was still dressed. Hell, she was still wearing her heels as he’d not earned the chance to see her bare form. She knew she was beautiful and alluring and they were disobeying, making her feel resentful for even allowing them inside her gorgeous flat. “You made me look like a fool in front of my colleagues, as though you were the man in this. If only they could see what a pathetic mess you are now.” She held out the toe of her heel, “Lick it, fool.”
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wellingtonprep · 3 years
great news! wellington prep is now open for interactions, though don’t forget to keep those apps coming. we’re more than ready to receive them!
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click on the source link to be taken directly to the discord
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holygroundscafe · 4 years
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Looking for a Master/Slave rp thread!
my dom top vampire muse, Thorne(Michael Fassbender fc), very much wants to find a Taron Egerton fc slaveboy. He should be aggressive and bratty and not want to be Thorne’s slave, but at the same time be completely turned on by the situation, even though he doesn’t want to admit it. being a supernatural character would be preferred as well, but not required.
Kinks would include dubcon(obviously lol), bondage, impact and spanking play, perhaps even other type of “torture” play. Because Thorne’s a vampire, he’d include feeding in his sex, so “bloodplay” of that sort would come up. Watersports might be a partial option, but no other bathroom play.  Also happy to include daddy/son kink for those interested in that as well.
So yeah, dark Master/Slave kink here. but also, longterm, there would be a connection, even a romantic one. Thorne can be difficult, when he is given complete reins over a slave, but he’s also honorable, and understands the need to make sure there is aftercare. 
If you’re into it, hit me up @ holygroundscafe
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strayedcrown · 5 years
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        ¶  olivia had always been ‘the good girl’. never expected to do anything bad. and really, she hadn’t. she was always doing the right thing. always following the rules to a t. and sometimes, well, that got annoying. she didn’t want to keep being portrayed that way. not anymore. not when she was nearing thirty years old. it didn’t help that she was the daughter of a billionaire and people normally tried to take advantage of that. and tonight, well, maybe she’d let them. she was always in the news for doing something good, so the people here had to know her. and if they didn’t, that’s all the better. her hand traveled along the chest of the guy she was currently dancing with, a small smirk slowly forming on her lips. “do you maybe want to get out of here and show me moves other than your dance skills?”
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