#indieflix foundation
breekelly · 1 year
Exploring the Cinematic Cosmos: LosMovies Alternatives Light Up Your Screens
In the ever-evolving landscape of online entertainment, LosMovies stood as a shining star for movie enthusiasts around the globe. With its vast collection of films spanning genres and eras, it served as a cinematic haven for countless viewers. However, as all good things must come to an end, the farewell of LosMovies left a cinematic void that demanded to be filled. Fear not, for the universe of alternatives has risen to the occasion, promising an enchanting and diverse array of movie-watching experiences.
The Quest for Alternatives
Imagine a world where your movie cravings are not bound by a single portal. Welcome to the era of LosMovies alternatives - a constellation of platforms that offer a similarly exhilarating journey through the reels of celluloid dreams. These alternatives come in various shapes and sizes, each with its unique charm to cater to the eclectic tastes of cinephiles.
1. StreamVids
Picture a river of cinema flowing endlessly, and you have StreamVids. This platform boasts an interface that mimics the simplicity of LosMovies, coupled with a powerful streaming engine that ensures a seamless playback experience. From the latest blockbusters to the hidden gems, StreamVids gathers them all under one roof, satisfying both mainstream cravings and the quest for cinematic exploration.
2. CineVerse
For those who believe in the power of community, CineVerse emerges as a haven of shared film experiences. It's not just about watching movies here; it's about connecting with fellow movie enthusiasts. CineVerse offers virtual movie nights, discussions, and even user-generated content that adds an interactive layer to your cinematic journey, replicating the camaraderie LosMovies was known for.
3. ReelScape
In a world where recommendations are gold, ReelScape steps in as the ultimate guide. Its intuitive algorithm analyzes your viewing history and suggests movies that align with your preferences, much like LosMovies' "related films" feature. This alternative is like having a personal cinephile friend who always knows what you're in the mood for.
4. RetroCine
Nostalgia knows no bounds, and RetroCine pays homage to the classics. If you're a fan of vintage cinema or simply wish to explore the cinematic roots, this platform is your time-travel ticket. Just like LosMovies, it celebrates the timeless gems that laid the foundation for contemporary masterpieces, reminding us that the magic of cinema spans generations.
5. IndieFlix Hub
For those who crave the unconventional and the avant-garde, IndieFlix Hub offers a curated collection of independent films that challenge norms and defy expectations. This alternative follows LosMovies' tradition of shining a spotlight on underappreciated gems, giving indie filmmakers a platform to showcase their artistic brilliance.
The departure of LosMovies Alternatives marked the end of an era, but it also heralded the dawn of a new cinematic adventure. The alternatives mentioned here are merely a glimpse into the vast expanse of options available to movie lovers. From the nostalgia-soaked treasures of RetroCine to the interactive community of CineVerse, each alternative is a star in its own right, contributing to the constellation of online movie platforms. So, gather your popcorn, dim the lights, and embark on a new journey through the dazzling universe of LosMovies alternatives. Your next cinematic odyssey awaits.
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indieflixhq · 6 years
An Update From the IndieFlix Foundation
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What are you most thankful for this year?
We are thankful for the good work and positive impact of the IndieFlix Foundation which raises funds to bring social impact programs to underserved schools. This year their big focus has been anxiety in schools. Here’s a little more about IndieFlix Foundation from founder Scilla Andreen.
Dear Friends,
I believe film is one of the most powerful mediums on the planet and we at the Foundation feel stories can have positive, life-changing impact when followed up with conversation. I’d like to share a little bit about what we do and what we support at IndieFlix Foundation. As we pulled the data to share with you I found myself in awe of how much has been accomplished this year; thanks to generous gifts, support, introductions, feedback and the hard work of many who assist in getting the word out. We are seeing and feeling the positive impact the projects we support are having in schools and communities across the country as well as abroad. They are reaching kids as young as 7 years old and seniors who are discovering for the first time that what they’ve felt their whole lives has a name; it’s called anxiety and it’s treatable.
Finding Kind a film about girl bullying has almost completed it’s 14th Founders Tour. Angst has booked school screenings spanning 20 countries and we just held test screenings of LIKE, a documentary about the impact of social media on our lives. Lastly, we’ve just created and launched the Creative Coping Toolkit (CCT), an interactive companion program designed to normalize and easily keep the conversation going about anxiety, social media challenges, digital addiction and mindfulness in schools and at home.
This year some of the projects we have supported have a combined reach of over 600K students and families as young as 7 years old. Thanks to you, we are changing lives for the better. These projects model conversations about mental health, bullying and empowerment. They teach coping tools, share resources and ultimately open hearts and minds to build a stronger social, emotional community.
Below is a brief update of some of the projects we have supported.
Thank you and happiest of holidays.
Scilla Andreen Founder IndieFlix Foundation & the IndieFlix Foundation Board
Finding Kind Still Screening in Hundreds Of Schools
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In October, Finding Kind a documentary about girl bullying embarked on it's 14th Founders Assembly Tour with filmmakers Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson. Since 2009, Finding Kind has had thousands of screenings around the world. This was the first project we supported and its mind-boggling to think here we are 8 years later and Finding Kind is still having an impact in schools around the world. It's a testament to Lauren and Molly and their dedication to help eradicate bullying through their foundation Kind Campaign.
Watch the Finding Kind Trailer
Angst (2017) One Year 1000 School Screenings
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In just one year, Angst a documentary about raising awareness about anxiety has been booked in almost 1000 schools and communities in 20 countries. Recently, Angst was featured at the Mill Valley Film Festival to kick off their year-round educational programming in schools. We have received calls and emails sharing stories of how Angst has helped to improve the lives of some children and provided more understanding of teen suicide. We will be posting some of these stories on our website in the coming weeks as we clear it with the families to share.
Here's a snapshot of a recent survey of 2950 people across the country:
Gender 70.3% female, 28.3% male,1.4% other
53.4% students, 28.1% educators/counselors, 18.5% parents
80.6% believe anxiety is on the rise
96.8% think watching Angst could be helpful for teens
58.5% would be more open to talking about anxiety after watching Angst.
For full survey results please visit angstmovie.com
Watch the Angst Trailer
LIKE (2018) Are We Addicted To Social Media?
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LIKE (47 min) takes an in depth look at the impact of social media on our lives and what we can do to create more balance. Through interviews of kids, parents, educators and experts including Facebook "Like" button co-creator, Leah Pearlman, LIKE delves into what's really going on in the world of social media. Psychologist and author, Dr. Joe Dilley says in response to LIKE,
"...I am shocked at how moved, upset, and compelled to act I feel as a result of having seen this documentary. That LIKE will inspire you is an understatement. Quite simply, it's the most important film I've ever seen."
Thank you Dr. Dilley, we love your quote. For the full review please visit
Watch the LIKE Trailer
Screenagers (2016)
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Screenagers launched in 2016 and the website states more than 5,000 schools, community groups, churches, synagogues, mosques, and companies have hosted screenings in communities all over the globe. Congratulations Dr. Delaney Ruston on creating such a groundbreaking film.
Watch the Screenagers Trailer
The Bully Factor Coming (2019)
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The Bully Factor addresses how bystanders can fuel bullying. They also have the power to eradicate it. The Bully Factor explores cyber-bullying, bullying amongst friends, families, co-workers and the brain science behind it all. The film and series highlights new laws and programs already reducing bullying in schools and shows us how we can all make a difference. Appropriate for ages 10+
Release is slated for Fall 2019 and will be the newest addition to the arsenal of social, emotional impact films we support to create positive, solution-focused change in the world.
Read more about The Bully Factor
About us: IndieFlix Foundation is a 501(c)(3) that promotes and supports social impact films to create social change in the world. We maintain a roster of several film projects. Some are in the early stages of development or production, while others are completed and available for public screenings. Once the films are completed, we support the screening of them year-round in public settings for communities across the United States. In most cases, we work with K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and community-based organizations to screen these films for their students, parents, and other appropriate populations. And while some schools and organizations can afford to pay for the full cost of a screening (which includes use of IFF’s curriculum materials as well as facilitation support for Q&A sessions with attendees), many – especially those serving low-income communities – cannot. IndieFlix Foundation uses grant funding and individual donations to help subsidize the costs and make screenings free to these schools and organizations.
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angstmovie · 6 years
Join IndieFlix & IndieFlix Foundation to address anxiety in our schools
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                              Announcing our 2018 Give Big Campaign
Changing the world often requires changing the minds of people. One of the most effective ways to change people’s minds — by increasing awareness, by stimulating empathy — is storytelling, particularly visual storytelling.
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                                     Our Goal and Who Benefits? We work with middle school through college-aged students, as well as the parents, guardians, coaches, and teachers who care about them. Our films generally screen all week and typically reach 250 to over 2,000 people per school.
Our goal is to provide screenings and supplemental materials to 25 Title I schools.
The cost for a week of screenings and supplemental programming is $1000. To donate or to learn more, click here for more information.
More News!
"There’s something about 'Angst' that makes us feel not so alone. It’s filled with hope and resources and tools." - Scilla Andreen, Executive Producer of Angst 
Video Spotlight:  Kristen Bell has anxiety and depression. Our partner,  Child Mind Institute, asked her what she’d like to tell her younger self. Click to watch.
Angst in the news:  Parent Map: "Anxiety Is Universal" — And How This Documentary Will Help
Find Angst screenings: Events in your community
Host a screening: Click here to learn more
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