#indipendent comic
laweyd · 8 days
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2 weeks left until my romantic thriller comic " The Fool, the Absolute Mad Woman." debuts at @shortboxcomicsfair 💫
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jhartshoobler · 6 months
Anyone want a free commission? I’m doing sketch commissions in exchange for retweeting posts about my brother’s comic “The Land Left Behind” here’s some covers I did the lineart for (both are on sale btw)
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iwriteandiamnosy · 3 months
Why Farcille isn't canon and it is not a bad thing part 2
(Part 1)
I continue, writing about Marcille's attraction to Falin.
Marcille thinks that Falin is a kid, but at the same time she longs for her, start to realize that she is now an adult, that she is now indipendent and they are at the same level (there's not anymore "I am your older friend and mentor, even if after they met the first time, there's still this dinamic).
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They are equal, Falin teaches her about the dungeon, has now pratical experience, that its what Marcille lacks. In the past Marcille was Falin's mentor and only friend, but now there's more.
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Why is Marcille angry at Shuro? Because she is jealous. The only reason she hates him is because "he is courting Falin", not because his request arrived out of the blue and Marcille likes a slow burn (me too sis), not because he is not a good person (he is kinda mean to Laios, but overall a good guy), but because he is simply courting her. Kinda jealous to me. Someone like Marcille, who is so in love with love, is not happy for her friend who found "romance", with no apparent reason? Yeah, you're jealous.
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Also the "Woah hey!!" moment and the bathtub moments speak for themselves, the sexual tension is palpable.
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Now we pass to Falin. I like to think that she fell first, is aware of her feelings (she fell first, but Marcille will fall harder, once she realizes) but she is not taking a decision.
She esitates to say something to Shuro and turn him down, but knows that she doesn't love him, she hesitates to tell Marcille that it was her idea to leave the magic school (also it's so cute that the few good memories she has about the academy are about Marcille), and that she is doing the one thing she loves, visiting the world with her brother, her true dream.
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We can't see too much of her true self in the manga (mostly because she is a Chimera lol), but I think that's like that also in her normal life; she is well posed, soft spoken, but she is not the person that can speak for herself when needed. The comic with Shuro let us see that she is willing to change, and I think she will.
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She is changing, for the best, and realizing what she really wants is one of the best things she can do, for herself (also in another panel Marcille bet a lot of money on Shuro's friendzone, she is so silly and jealous, I love her).
I reached the maximum images, so I'm continuing in a third (and I hope) final part :)
I own none of the images, sorry for any grammatical errors :)
(Part 3)
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scarlet--wiccan · 8 months
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In case you missed it, here's the lettered preview for Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1, on sale this Wednesday, 2/14 [source]
I want to encourage everybody to buy print comics from local, independent comic stores and be a conscientious consumer. This is your reminder that Disney and Marvel Studios are both on the BDS list, as both entities are financially and politically complicit in the ongoing occupation and genocide of Palestine. Supporting indipendant vendors as well as the writers and artists who will be impacted first by loss of sales is important, but not as important as the innumerable lives that have been lost in this war.
Be smart and ethical with your money. I love you.
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
I'd like to ask your thoughts on your Foster Parent AU, please!
(scuttling towards you at the speed of sound) WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT PARENTAL LOVE AND THE HORRORS
OK so. i. do not remember how this came to me BUT i am half certain it was due to my "the turaga are the mata's parental figures whom they love dearly and are loved by and artakha has lost the custody battle So Severely that he can see them once every two months" view of their relationship (which i have exaggerated in that description for comical effect) and then bloodborne got involved in it bc im watching a blindrun of it
this resulted in what was at first a Superpowered Teens AU becoming a Parenthood And Other Horrors AU. sort of. my thoughts about it are still unfortunately vague and the more i write it down the more incomprehensible it becomes BUT take this mess
Very simply put: six parentless teens, separated from birth but vaguely aware of having five siblings somewhere out there, are serendipitously handed over to six very loving foster parents who all happen to be friends and like to hang out.
except its not a coincidence, their instinctual knowledge of one another's existence is not just a gut feeling, their guardians are very aware of everything thats actually going on but wont say anything, a weird man claiming paternity of them keeps showing up and very aggressively demanding they be handed over to him, and they are not human.
So anyways!
the relationships between the turaga and the mata are the Big Focus for the chunk of story thats like Normal bc. i love them. ofc
Whenua and Onua hit it off immediately despite Whenua being the one whos the most tense abt this whole situation of Taking A Teen In His House - this is partially thanks to the fact that he has a business handling and selling bugs and especially worms and Onua loves being in the fucking dirt as much as possible, so they go on nice hikes collecting crawlies of all sorts and having a fun time bonding over their shared love for beasts that live in the ground. Onua used to get yelled at for being always dirty so hes having a blast with his foster dad who starts shaking and hooting in excitement when his incredibly autistic teen son pulls an entire mole out of the ground and proudly shows it to him so he can identify it properly. Onua has a small pocket that is always SQUIRMING with worms and he hands one over to each of his siblings when he meets them for the first time to... varying reactions (mostly baffled polite disgust, tho Lewa falls in love and decides thats his new pet)
on the completely opposite end of the spectrum, Tahu fucking HATES Vakama at first. he has a reputation for running away to "find his siblings" (nobody believed him) and this old man is NOT going to stop him. as in he literally isnt. Tahu glares daggers at him on the drive home and tells him hell disappear as soon as he can and Vakama deadpan goes alright, can i at least get you a tent first. can i get you a sleeping bag first. can i get you a portable stove first. can i teach you valuable working and cooking skills so you can find a way to keep yourself alive and indipendent first. and he manages to keep Tahu around by legit just preparing him for living alone when he inevitably runs off - which he ends up not doing bc of All That and also Vakama has a FORGE in his HOUSE and Tahu loves fire so much and also hes actually a very cool dad but hes embarrassed to tell him bc he was so mean to him at first. Vakama gets him into glass blowing (so he doesnt try to put his whole hand in the furnace) and he is so so proud of his lil crafts. Tahu gives him a necklace with beads he made and you bet your ass that old man is keeping it on 24/7
Gali has been on her best behaviour for all 15 years of her life and she has so much Insane Wrath in her that shes desperate to keep inside. ofc Nokama (a very mellow linguist who likes to lay on the beach for five hours in her time off) decides its time to teach her the most insane martial arts combination possible and let her go to town on a training dummy until shes about to rip the stuffing out of it until she feels better. then they can do a bit of meditation and go down for her surfing lessons :) Gali was. deeply confused the first time around but Nokama was just like "sweetheart you need that. trust me i do it every saturday its a good way to get the pent up rage down. but do actually talk to me abt whats upsetting you also so i can lend you a hand if i can. that helps too" and wouldnt you know it She Was Right! and Nokama is like so smart and also so stupid and its SO GOOD to be able to tell her "thats a dumb idea" and not immediately get told to shut up. in the course of two weeks and a half Gali's shoulders and jaw finally unclench and shes bitching about school and whatnot and theyre telling each other stupid crass jokes and shes just so happy. thank you mom :) (not pictured is Nokama trying her hardest not to burst into tears bc oH MY GOD IM MOM NOW...... IW ILL PROTECT HER W MY LIFE)
Onewa got handed over this incredibly anxious people pleasing kid who crosses his legs weird to keep them from bouncing and hes like ah..... this one is NOT a sculptor. so he puts off the mallet for a while and tries to see which ball sport he likes the most before letting him loose doing soccer trickshots in the yard for about four hours while hes filing down some rocks into shape. Pohatu then runs twelve laps around the house, passes out, wakes up, runs twenty more laps, eats like a horse, passes out on the couch. thus begins Onewa's quest to get him enough enrichment everyday, which is actually pretty fun and also good for his posture now that he has to Stand Up and Go Places. it takes longer to get Pohatu to act completely genuinely around him bc hes used to some of his snarkier jokes getting him left alone or reprimanded so hes always walking on eggshells, but luckily for him Onewa has No Such Problems and will tell anybody to fuck off and snark back at him playfully and generally just make him feel a lil easier abt being mean. its also very fun to get yelled at by him when racing him bc he gets winded after five meters. Pohatu is still polite but by god if Onewa's influence isnt turning him into a lil bit of a bastard. and we love him for it
Kopaka and Nuju's first interaction was not talking for an entire day and then, at breakfast, Kopaka asking him "are you deaf?" and Nuju replying "are you?" and those were the first words they ever said to each other. and they continued to keep this pattern of minimal conversation for like three months. possibly longer. Nuju is trying very, very hard to remain detached for Reasons and i can tell you already that he is failing. he is respecting Kopaka's space n interests n introducing him as his "flatmate" instead of foster son bc Kopaka is refusing to call him dad at first, but he is NOT saving himself from getting deathly attached to this edgelord. He Is Not. he got Kopaka into photography by handing him a professional digital camera and telling him to do some nice shots so he can print them later if he wants, and Kopaka did just that and turned out to be VERY good at it. now if you look at the walls theyre covered in his photos. Nuju the unflinching astronomer never comments on them but prints them out all fancy and gets them in frames and all. he has set them up as his wallpaper on All Digital Devices. they Do Not talk about this. Kopaka is very flustered about it actually. not that hell say it of course, theyre the same in that regard lmao
Lewa on the other hand starts calling Matau dad after roughly two hours. he has Imprinted On Him and dad has Wholly Accepted That. it helps that the kid is as chaotic as him and loves to listen to him tell him abt his old days as a stuntman while hes custom modding motors and bikes. he very quickly realizes, however, that Lewa needs to be in his natural habitat aka At The Skatepark or he will start peeling the paint off the walls with his bare fucking nails so he puts a pair of rollerskates on that beast (plus protective gear) and unleashes him upon some unsuspecting ramps. he treats his practice like its the olympics. im talking full commentary, arbitrarily pitting him against random kids, and screamed cheering that scares off several smaller children and gets him ugly looks from the other parents. Lewa is soaking in that attention like its a hot bath, hes having the time of his life. Matau is also... surprisingly? good? at making him feel safe? Lewa has vivid night terrors and Matau knows how to ease him back down from the fear and panic without being silly or dismissive about it either. like hell lay down with him if it can help even tho Lewa is techically too old for that by now and just not. make a fuss of it
so anyways things settle into normality, the kids meet each other via their foster parents bein very close pals and become friends, theyre hanging out, weird elemental stuff happens sometimes but its so minimal they dont even notice it really (the turaga do, and theyre monitoring that closely)
and then Artakha shows up.
and Artakha's mere existence ANYWHERE in the kids' sorroundings is enough to make the turaga incredibly on edge and territorial. which in turn, together with Artakha claiming ownership over them, clues the mata in that something is going on and that it is not normal at all.
Artakha is. oh boy. he is certainly A Guy. he is incredibly cold, unfeeling, relentless in his insistence that the kids come with him. his skin is excessively smooth and his movements feel calculated in a way that is hard to describe. his hands are always cold. he seems to be a scientist of sorts, or at least he dresses in a way that reminds of a stereotypical scientist. he does not refer to the mata as his children or as people in general, but he claims to have made them and as such demands custody. he never touches them, but being near him stirs something confusing in them. he instigates a visceral reaction from the turaga that makes them almost literally bark at him by simply being in their line of sight. its so bad that their worry and discomfort is literally physical and they will sometimes puke or get a fever during or after an interaction with him. its like he activates some kind of lizard brain response from them.
he puts so much pressure on the kids that the previously dismissable element-related strangeness ramps up in intensity together with weird dissociative episodes to the point its genuinely getting scary.
Tahu steps into the spent furnace and immediately ignites a flame. Onua tries to bury himself and almost digs through a sewage tube. Gali falls off her surboard and does not resurface for half an hour. Pohatu clips through a block of marble and has to be carved out of it. Lewa leaps off during a grind and he just disappears into thin air.
Kopaka becomes snow.
One night Nuju feels a sudden cold wind coming from inside the house and runs straight into Kopaka's bedroom praying it hasnt happened and find only a small tornado of snow violently tearing the place apart. hes despairing over losing his boy when he notices something that looks like a hand trying to reach out to him - so he grabs it and pulls as hard as he can, and the hand slowly grows an arm and an elbow and a forearm and hes yanking as hard as he can until he finally rips Kopaka out of the snow and falls to the ground with him. he hugs him as tight as he can and tells him how wonderful hes been, fighting back like that. then he notices, to his horror, that Kopaka has gone into cardiac arrest.
in five different households the mata instantly know something has happened. they dont know what, but they know its bad.
minutes after Gali tells her this, Nokama gets a call from Nuju. she drives herself and her daughter to the hospital to find her friend bawling his eyes out about his boy, his little boy, trying to tell her how it happened and how he almost killed him and while Nokama is trying to calm him and call the other turaga Gali sneaks off to see Kopaka, who is stable but catatonic. as the turaga arrive with the mata in tow, the latter all gather around their brother: touching him seems to let him live through them (or is it the other way around?) and he begins getting out of his vegetative state while they move him around and speak his thoughts as though they were him
which is. you know. Not Normal
so this extremely unnatural situation (and Nuju holding Kopaka and kissing his face like his life depends on it and let me fucking tell you It Just Might) is the perfect time to talk about WHAT in the FUCK any of this is about. you know. just in case all this happens again.
as it turns out, Artakha IS a scientist and he DID make the mata. the reason behind this is still unknown to the turaga, who know him as they were previous test subjects of his for the same project who managed to escape after essentially being sequestered - the main difference being that they were humans who underwent the side-effects of what he claimed to be a "vaccine" of sorts, whereas the mata were physically created in a laboratory and are something else. their bets were on very advanced robots, since the facility they were in did have some robot-making stuff. going back to the turaga, whatever the vaccine was had meant to elevate them in some sense or other; what it did was, effectively, giving them the ability to undergo a very painful transformation when encountering specific triggers. this also led to more or less useful sidepowers, like the ability to understand a "star language" and in Vakama's case getting The Visions! You Know The Ones. these two combined clued them in on the creation of the mata, and they decided that they would NOT have allowed Artakha and his buddy* to pull some shit on what the stars essentially described as newborn children. their plan was to break into their facility again and steal the babies and maybe raise them?? try to???? that seemed to be the plan in the stars?????? but effectively they. uh. Dont Know What Happened. they just collectively woke up with the knowledge that the kids were dropped off to the fostering/adoption system. between them making a plan to go get them and After there is a giant black hole and they have been desperately trying to find them again for fifteen years to try and give them a normal life away from everything as like. an apology for being born in such terrible circumstances
*wait Artakha has a buddy? yes! apparently! its hard to explain. there was certainly a second person, but the turaga never saw them properly. its possible they were one of the triggers that caused the transformation, as their memories get muddled if not just ripped away from their minds while transformed
from here to the next part of the story there is a gap of plot that i Do not exactly have in mind. the mata definitely experience the same thing as Kopaka, becoming their element and needing to be physically taken out of it before they are lost completely in it. Artakha might actively trigger this a few times, for example with Lewa (who kicks his ass as a result) and generally becomes much more aggressive in his pursuit of the kids while the turaga do their best to keep him at bay
AND THEN ITS FACILITY TIME. i do NOT know how they get there i just know they DO and the HORRORS are coming
first of all: the place is effectively some kind of very powerful observatory around which some insane sci fi bullshit was built. here the mata and turaga find themselves pursued by Artakha as well as his buddy - an enigmatic woman named Velika who observes them through the cameras and eventually corners them in a specific area of the facility
before that, the power briefly goes out due to the kids trying to make Artakha lose their tracks. during this time, Gali finds a locked door filled with medical equipment meant to keep someone alive through a coma. the room is covered in dust, very quiet, and there is a bed in the middle of it. someone is clearly on it. when the lights come back up the machines restart and she is able to see the state of the body on the bed just as a monitor loudly announces a flatlining. it is not shown, but baby you can bet that it is Not Pretty.
This, as they will find out later, is Karzhani.
who is a researcher who once partnered with Velika and was then replaced by Artakha.
Velika and Karzhani had different fields of expertise, essentially having an equal split between studies of the mind (Velika) and the body (Karzhani). while running completely different tests they had by complete chance made tentative contact with some kind of ineffable thing which they dubbed "the great spirit": this mostly unilateral relationship (as the great spirit showed very little responsiveness at their probing, providing them what they asked in an incomplete way and rather distractedly) very quickly consumed them, and from curiosity they slowly developed completely different obsessions. Velika remained focused on the strange creature and her studies, growing an unhealthy desire to bring the great spirit down to dissect its brain as she slowly stopped viewing living beings as sapient and began seeing them more as a series of increasingly more complex puzzles for her to crack; Karzhani, who instead had been heartbroken by his inability to have children, began obsessing over the concept of fatherhood and the possibility of creating his own offspring from scratch through the energy and materials they were picking up from the contact with the great spirit. These obsessions coincide in a singular project when it turns out that, in order to bring the great spirit to them, they need a number of sentient minds made with the aformentioned materials to "open the sky" beforehand - hence the idea to create the mata
Velika and Karzhani were on amiable if somewhat apathetic terms before getting their brains boggled by Knowledge Beyond Human Comprehension, but afterwards Karzhanis obsession with parenthood got so bad that he sort of deluded himself into believing Velika was going along with his fantasy of becoming parents and started talking about her like she was his wife who was 100% into his goal, which gave Velika INCREDIBLY BAD VIBES so she decided to replace him. by essentially putting him in a coma, extracting his consciousness, altering it to fit HER goals, placing it in a robot body which shed convinced him to make (bc she cant make bodies, thats his deal) and just leaving the real Karzhani to rot in a vegetative state as like a side experiment. bc as mentioned. she wasnt exactly sane either.
the result of All That is Artakha! who is incredibly despondent to and barely tolerates Velika since she regards him as another side experiment instead of a properly sentient if artificial being. he is essentially a refined version of Karzhani, though Velika was unable to eliminate his possessiveness towards the mata - which was useful to find them but becomes a problem when he refuses to let her use them for her alien contact attempt
so she brutally kills him by disabling his bodily autonomy and throwing him in a shredder as he screams in morse code for help
Livestreamed for the kids and turaga to see!
Because She Is Totally Normal
and speaking of unnecessary cruelty she decides that shes too lazy to trap the mata and go get them herself, so she triggers the turagas transformation to use them as guard dogs fetching her the kids <3
slight problem in her plan being that the turaga get so stressed about this that they manage to slow down the process enough to throw their children to safety aka as far away from them as possible and give them at least some instructions on how to deal with them from their own experience and what little memories dont get blotted out by the transformation. once theyre fully gone tho they are Terrifying As Hell Beasts and start hounding the children like starving bears while the poor things scuttle away into the ventilation and Velika watches the whole thing with great interest
during this escape Lewa ends up finding their seventh "sibling" - that being Tren Krom, made entirely from cosmic material and technically not yet born as he is a failed first attempt by Karzhani to make a child. hes the one whos been pestering Lewa with all those fucking night terrors like a git in the attempt of getting him to find him and let him just stop existing in peace bc hes tired of this not-life not-death situation hes in
hes the most aware of everything thats going on due to being such a simple organism that the cosmic knowledge doesnt faze him. he reveals to him Velikas plan of getting the great spirit in this realm, as well as the fact that the great spirit itself does Not have a body and will have to inhabit one, possibly that of one of the mata (Lewa Will Remember That). before Lewa shuts his containment down and lets him drift to sleep Tren Krom also tells him that Karzhani would have been a terrible father for them, and it was for the best that the turaga got them out of there and still tried to give them a normal life despite everything going to shit so quickly even years after theyd last seen them as itty bitty beasties
speaking of the turaga, they DO each corner their respective mata eventually, bc theyre big terrifying monsters and those are highly stressed teens panicking as they try to scramble away, and they DO NOT HURT THEM nor bring them back to Velika bc that idiot did not account for THE MOM/DAD INSTICT. YES THE HORRORS ARE INEFFABLE BUT SO IS PARENTAL LOVE BITCH.
Velika, loading a gun: ah dangit, they were such a fun experiment
SHE DOES NOT KILL THEM DONT WORRY but she does knock them out and wound them enough to incapacitate them so she can actually get her hands on the kids and drag them into her Fucked Up God-Calling Contraption
she fires it up, the kids almost get atomized by it for a moment as their elemental part gets almost torn out of them...
aand then. it.
doesnt do anything.
the whole process goes through successfully and then everything stops, and the kids are catching their breath but still alive, and nothing happens. to say Velika is anything less than fucking pissed would be an understatement.
her up until now eerily cheerful demeanor drops. she starts checking her machinery and data trying to understand what went wrong, and all she gets back is that, technically, everything went perfectly fine. she turns to the kids who are still horrendously weak, shaking them and yanking them and demanding an explanation because it HAS to be something THEY did that caused this (she is only partially right*). shes pacing angrily everywhere. what the HELL did you do. WHERE is the god i wanted to dissect. im going to kill you. you damn kids. and why am i cold all of a sudden. (puts hands on her neck) wait wheres my pulse. (checks properly) holy shit i have no pulse.
she then spends about. i dont know. ten minutes? slowly going insane as she loses control of her body piece by piece. she reverts to a giddy scientist except now shes very audibly panicked about the situation, and loudly dictates the description of her demise to her computer as if it was another experiment. she ends up almost completely paralyzed on the floor snarling orders at the mata to come pick her back up until she finally stops breathing and hushes completely
and then her voice rises again. but its not her
*because in the brief moment while the mata were closest to getting Fucking Spaghettified, their supernatural bond shared the info Lewa had learned from Tren Krom and managed to contact the great spirit as he started looking for a body to inhabit in order to come visit, directing him to Velika instead of any of them :)
they didnt fuckin know that would have KILLED HER bc the great spirit DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO USE A BODY and Velika was VERY MUCH UNAWARE IT WAS THERE so to stop her from hogging the controls it just SLOWLY SHUT DOWN ALL ORGANS
so this cosmic entity is just There, On The Ground, calling for them through Velikas mouth without moving it bc as mentioned it does NOT know how to use a body. it knows theyre there bc they called it but it doesnt know how to move its eyes so he has no clue where they are but he wants to see em :( its been a while since its seen those six stars and it was so happy to hear their voices again so it was really looking forward to seeing them :(
except the second it sees them (when they manage to get up bc theyre. struggling) the cosmic horror experiences the Cosmic Horror right back! because it Does Not Have a body, and it hasnt seen any body, ever, and all this skin and flesh and bones and hair and stuff is SO absolutely nightmarish that not only does it not recognize the kids, as they are humans, but it also just leaves back for whatever recess of space it came from in no time. all this fucking unethical as hell work and descents into madness and then those two/three idiot scientists didnt even realize their alien mightve had this bad of a culture shock and felt compelled to get out in less than two minutes. fuckin hell.
the kids sort of let everything sink in very quickly. because goddamn that was a lot. and then they remember OH NO OUR PARENTS and hurl themselves back to the turaga to make sure theyre alright bc theyve had enough trauma already for today theyd rather their guardians be alive and possibly not big terrifying monsters anymore
theyre alright :) they get to hug their kiddos tight
and then i guess they all go to the Fucking HOSPITAL and as soon as theyre all safe and sound and fine they can take a fucking break
and that is. an absolute clusterfuck of an au dhgjsgdgkf
it sounded better in my head. damn
anyways take this hellish thing hope you find SOMETHING of value in it bc im slowly clipping through the wall thinking about it
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nofive · 2 months
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" What I did today, I did it for my family. I did it to                       save the world. "
      indipendent, sideblog, headcanon based, comics influenced, tv series divergent
" A small, serious boy blinks into existence, " ---                        "It was painless. "
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tomeart · 1 year
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Little Update! I tried to post on webtoon! This is the kind of comic I draw to help myself when I’m having a hard time hope you like it OwO
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oneofthepowerful · 8 months
Blog 1
Hello all, I hope you are all well! Welcome to my Tubmlr blog where I share updates and ramble on about behind the scenes content related to my web-series One of the Powerful!
Now "what is One of the Powerful" you may ask? For those who don’t know, OotP is an upcoming indie semi-animated web series on YouTube!
One of the Powerful is about a world divided in two, between Powerful (who are beings with magical abilities) and Powerless (ones who possess no magic) due to a war many years ago. As a compromise to stop most of the conflict, the leaders of Powerless and Powerful decided to have their own territories.
The series follows Erin Indipend, being a Powerful raised in Powerless Territory, Erin had to supress their magic for most of their life, due to the fear of being found out. Those Powerful who are unfortunate enough to be discovered in Powerless Territory are taken away never to be seen again, what truly happens to them or who is behind this, is all unknown to the public eye. Erin eventually saves up to move away to Seaside in Powerful Territory with their friend Cassidy, who’s in a similar boat to them, for a new start, for things to be better. However, is their new life in Powerful Territory really as great as Erin thinks it will be, or is everything not as it meets the eye.
This synopsis is really just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot I have planned for the series that I am super excited to share!
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I have been developing OotP since 2020 (4 years already!!) being inspired by the many things I loved growing up - originally it was going to be a comic, however I kinda struggled with motivation as animation is more of my cup of tea, so I decided to develop this story into a semi-animated series (”semi-animated” meaning that the series will be an animatic with some animated segments due to currently being a one man animation team). And due to that, episodes may take quite a while to make, so I decided to create a blog to share what goes on behind the scenes in between the wait for episodes!!
Since this is my first post, why not introduce myself! I’m Ray, an 18 year old aspiring animator from Scotland - I love anime, video games, rock music and coffee!!
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Ever since I was a little kid, I LOVED learning how things worked, I remember opening up any electronic toy I had, trying to figure out how they functioned. XD At Primary School, I saw some of my friends were into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which I then got into myself, and adored. I vividly remember looking at behind the scenes content on YouTube of the show, and since I loved seeing how things worked, I was fascinated by seeing the process of how cartoons were made and how much went into them!
I remember being very artistic as a kid, and was always creating something! XD However, I never got into animation properly until 2022, I had tried it a few times in the past, but never got very far due to being intimidated with how time consuming it all was XD - until late 2021 when I got re-introduced to the medium by making a video project for a class I took in High School. The remainder of that year I was making a few animatics here and there and I found it really fun!! Then for a final project in the same class, I wanted to create an animated episode of my series, and creating its opening back then was really memorable for me, I had so much fun animating it! And even though I ended up scrapping the project in the end, I kept on making Oc animations in my spare time and here I am nearly two years later basically went around full circle!! It is my dream to someday become a professional animator and help create shows and movies, so OotP is great practice for that!
I hope this gives you all a little introduction to my series and myself, thank you all so much for reading, until next time!! ^^
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years
An attempt at a balanced meta on BNHA's female characters
(reddit version here)
This post is an attempt to write a comprehensive commentary on BNHA's female characters. I will divide this in a positive look, and a critical look. The first part will be the positive one, the second half of it will be a critical look on MHA treatment of female characters. All data used has been linked (if external), and all data on panels count comes from this post, where Heinous-Hare counted panel presence of characters up till chapter 342.
There will be spoilers up till chapter 367. There will be mention of sexualization too.
The reason why I started writing this was because of a tweet I saw circulating, regarding Mirko's condition after her fight with Shigaraki, when Deku finally reaches the battlefield and see her missing limbs. The tweet made a connection between porn/fetishization and Mirko's representation in MHA. It felt more like a window into the poster's mind than actual objective description of what was happening so I decided to reply, and I wrote down my opinion on what Horikoshi did of positive for MHA female characters.
A) No fridging (more or less)
Fridging is more than the death of a female character. It is the death of a female character for the sake of a male character, often to give them motivation or to let them go through a painful arc/realization. While this trope is extremely common, both in Western comics and manga, this doesn’t happen in BNHA.
There are four female characters who die: Magne, Curious, Stars and Stripes and Midnight.
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Curious and Magne are both villains, both die in battle, and Magne is the only female character who could probably be considered a case of fridging. Her death is shown to sour Twice and Toga’s opinions of Overhaul and it seems to affect Twice the most, but it is not use to develop their characters or give them pain. Twice's character has some pain related to Magne's death, but it is more related to the betrayal of his friends than her actual death.
Stars and Stripe and Midnight both die for the future generation, in a way, to let them have a chance to be heroes, and not for a specific character’s pain or growth, especially not a male character.
B) No damsel in distress
I have my criticism of how Ochako has been out of focus many times, but she is not a damsel in distress. BNHA is about the students helping each others, working together, and none of the female characters, not even the supposed “love interest” Ochako is set up to be the damsel in distress. Female characters are not in danger, to be rescued by male characters, and they are not hurt for the sake of male characters' pain.
Actually, Horikoshi specifically put Bakugou in that role, making him the weakness of Deku, the one who gets kidnapped or hurt to get to Deku’s emotional journey. And this holds so many less negative consequences because we usually do not see male characters (and men in general), but also because of the kind of character Bakugou is: someone who needs to learn how to accept help, and that "weakness" is not a weakness. Iida is also put in the position of being saved, same for Todoroki (emotional saving) and Deku himself.
Instead, we have Tsuyu fighting with Deku, Ochako also saving Deku multiple times, and being saved mainly by Tsuyu, another female character. Momo is also never put in that position, and nor is Jirou. Momo's whole arc about accepting herself is indipendent from Todoroki... Todoroki is the representation of impostor syndrome, for her, someone she accepts as a friend - it is in being able to accept herself that she gets her development.
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C) Fighting, not healing
I see often that in manga anime that women becomes healers or ends up in supporting roles (ex. Dragon Ball, Naruto). This coule be a female character (often a love interest) calming a raging male character or healing his “heart”, or full on women reduced in the role of non-fighters in a genre that is often battle shounen, so where the most focus happens through fighting. This is not to say that the only way to write a good female character is if they fight “Just like the male characters”, but in a battle shounen the emphasis is on battle, and by definition other roles are often sidelined. Putting all your female characters into “healers” is… bad. It somehow shows that there is something inherently pure and non violent about women - othering them from being humans.
Interestingly, in BNHA we do have Ochako jumping in to help a raging Deku - but she is not successful. She actually uses her quick thinking and not her “womanly calming powers”, and she immediatelly call on Shinsou to use his quirk. That is how Deku is calmed.
And we have Ochako as set up, alongside Tsuyu, in a major fight. A fight where it is only them and no other main male character. We also have a major female villain having an amazing solo fight herself, against the protagonist, and of course we have Mirko. Her character is, sadly, not as deep as other pro-heroes (compare her to Hawks amazing backstory or Endeavor development)… but at least she is an equal to other male characters in the field of battles.
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D) The Mineta situation
Mineta is a horrible character and I do believe Horikoshi uses him to give snippets of “sexy female characters” to the readers (I will talk about it later). We have him (and Kaminari) convincing the girls to wear cheerleader uniforms, just for the sake of drawing them in such uniforms. Then we have him spying on the girls in two occasions, just to show US, the audience, these female characters naked or half dressed.
Still, AT LEAST, Mineta’s behaviour is condemned in story. Iida, Deku, Kirishima, Mina (and even Aizawa) remark at least once about his behaviour. It is not excused (even if kept in the story). Compare it to something like The Seven Deadly Sin and it is a big improvement.
The clothes (tight clothes) are also in my opinion a problem, because of the higher percentage in female characters. Horikoshi tries to give it the “marketing, heroes also have to be marketed” excuse, which is quite flimsy… I wish we had a clearer explanation of how the in world sexism influences the heroes’ uniforms.
E) Villains are not sexist
Another point is that there is no sexual violence in the show. Villains never remark on “being a woman”, or comment on girls and women. For all things considered, in the story, gender is irrelevant from the villains’ perspective (a part for Overhaul misgendering Magne, which is seen by the narrative as something negative and another puzzle in the reasons why we should like the LOV over Overhaul). This is not the same in other shounen or comics, where often the targeting of a female character by a villain is correlated to them being a woman.
I think an element of “sexual violence” can be seen in Toga when we look at the way Horikoshi draws her with Uraraka, but in the text, the violence is more related to her love/crush and almost innocent in nature. Plus, it is not about Uraraka being a woman or even the love interest, it is indipendent from it as Toga loves both Deku and Ochako.
A) The deaths
When we look at all the characters who died, we might want to make sure that we consider characters with at least a bit of "personality" (not just random guest stars). If we consider characters that have at least 40 panels (excluding vestiges, given that they live even if dead), these are the casualties: (female characters) Midnight, Star and Stripe, Magne, Curious, (male characters) Twice, Nighteye, Native, Crust. Considering that we are talking about characters with more than 40 panels, we in total (whole manga) 38 female characters, and 90 male characters.
This is the percentages of deaths:
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While the deaths are similar, the fact that there are so few female characters create an unbalance. If MHA had a more balanced number of female and male characters, this point would not be here.
On this note...
B) MHA is a world where male characters do, female characters exist less
My main criticism of MHA is the way the world is shown. There seems to be no limitation for having a quirk - a woman or a man can have amazing quirks, can be heroes. But still, the majority of the characters we see in MHA are male.
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Almost 3/4 of all characters are males. Almost 70% of all students are male, just look at how many male characters class A and B have, and we know that Horikoshi admitted to turning both Tsuyu and Hagakure into female characters, the first one because of lack of female characters. Vilalins are 88% male characters, heroes are also 75% male. The only category where male characters and female characters are 50/50 is if they are relatives (Inko, Rei, Endeavor etc.). This means that heroes are shown, in the MHA world, to be not 50/50 but somehow be in the majority male. There is no explanation for that, unless the quirk appearance also killed half of the female population.
What does this mean? It feels like Horikoshi's immediate instict for creating interesting characters is simply making them male. As someone one time told me "It looks like there has to be a reason for a character to be female, otherwise the `normal` status is male."
C) Mineta as a peek into sexualizing female characters
I said before that Mineta gets the disapproval of the narrator and other characters, but still - Horikoshi still uses him to allow the reader to peek at female characters. The status is not equal between male and female characters, for example, male characters changing is shown to have them talking and discussing. The "peek" into the female characters' changing room happens after Mineta attempting to spy on them, and it show the girls as static, reacting to it... and the comedic moment is Jirou commenting that she feels disappointed she was not sexualized given that Mineta named every other girl but her.
Another example comes from the forest scene. I kept the dimension of the two scenes:
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You can see that the scene with the male characters have them playing, being themselves, acting (Jirou and Kaminari), look at Tokoyami with his calm exterior, other characters are completely submerged and hidden, others are in the background, walking. The scene with the female characters is bigger, they are not talking, just posing, not really showing any particular character trait. And their nakedness is much more visible (look at Mina).
Also... two of Ochako's few double-spread-pages are the girls in cheerleader outfit or bikini... for absolute no reason.
D) Costumes (and Hagakure)
Another difficult point is the way Horikoshi created quirks... and costumes. None of these characters are real. There is no reason for Hagakure to be unable to off and on his quirk, no reason for Momo to need skin to create, or to even have a create quirk, no reason for Toga to be naked. Horikoshi decided that. Not only he did so, but we know (from the chapters comments) that the reason he decided to make Hagakure a girl is specifically because having a girl naked walking around would be funnier than a guy.
There is no reason for Momo and Hagakure to have such costumes because we know that in world Mirio himself wears a costume. This was a choice, from the author.
Remember that women (and men) have hair on their skin. If Mirio can have a costume made of hair, so can Momo, given that what she creates passes through her skin... and the skin's hairs.
In general, female characters tend to have more thigh skin costumes (even Uraraka comments on being a bit uncomfortable at wearing it, so Horikoshi is aware), and less elaborate costumes. Let's look at numbers:
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And these are the costumes of female characters:
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Such an extreme difference does not happen casually.
E) Female characters get less focus / development (Mirko vs Hawks, and the Ochako situation)
This is probably the longest point, so, please, bear with me.
Let's look at the characters with the most panel presence. Excluding Deku, these are the top 30 characters that have focus (panel count) in the manga. I colored in pink the female characters:
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So not only we have in general less female characters in the whole manga, but they also have less focus. We have only 7 characters who are girls, in the top 30 characters (23% female characters). And look at what we have... Sato enters the top 30. Also notices that we have a bit of a jump - we have characters over 1000 panels and characters under. The characters over 1000 panels are the protagonists of MHA: (Deku, not in graph) Bakugou, All Might, Todoroki, Uraraka, Shigaraki, Iida, Aizawa, Kirishima, Endeavor. Only one female character.
So it is hard to give female characters as much plot as male characters, but of course, panel count does not mean that they do not have a character arc. Most of the female characters do. But let's look at characters in the same "category".
The big three: Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire. These characters are introduced together, there is no order of power/importance in the presentation but we are quick to find out that Tamaki and Mirio not only gets more panels, but also battles. They get a full arc, meaningful interactions with their mentors, emotional fights that they win/succeed at. Nejire, on the other hand, has fights off screen, has very brief flat interactions with her mentor (no arc there, just pleasantries) and her character arc is the beauty contest. Nothing wrong with a beauty contest, but this is a battle shounen... the contest was nowhere as near focused, dynamic, emotionally deep as Mirio's fight or Tamaki's. Even their names are not the same: Mirio wants to save a million eaters, Suneater admires his sun, and Nejire is... Nejire-chan because she is cute.
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The teachers: Among the teachers presented in the manga we have only two female characters. Among these characters only a few actually have scenes and importance (plot importance): All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Nezu and Midnight. Present Mic, Midnight and Aizawa are also put together as a trio in the prequel, showing that they have been to school together... but only two of them go to see their old friend. Midnight character is also very sexual related, and all her jokes are about how she loves students and their youthness. Her quickly added plot point about recognizing Momo as a future leader really goes nowhere as she is never shown to be a real mentor until the actual war, just before she is killed. All Might and Aizawa, on the other side, are full round characters, with backstories, emotional arcs and focus.
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Villains: Villains are overwhelmingly male, the only surviving villain who is a female character is Toga. She actually has a big arc, and I have really no complains here, as she gets as much focus and backstory as all the other villains. La Brava and Gentle Criminal are also having comparable stories/arcs and focus. Nagant is another rare female villain who is still alive, and her backstory has been shown to be comparable to Hawks (by Horikoshi, given that he wanted to add more and he connected their characters)... except that Hawks gets arcs, chapters, focus, interactions and Nagant gets a fight only and then she is out. My point here is... there is no reason for Hawks to be the male character and Nagant to be the female character, but here we are.
The only comment I would like to add here is notice how the female characters (a part from Nagant) in these four female "main" characters all have characteristics typically associated with femininity in common. Nothing bad with being feminine, but notices how Mirio's arc is about saving (nothing inherently masculine), Nejire's arc is about beauty (something that society values in women). Notice how Aizawa's character is being stern and rational, Midnight is bdsm and sexyness. How Dabi's arc is about revenge, and Toga is about love. How La Brava's quirk IS love and her motivation IS love, while Gentle Criminal manipulates elasticity and wants to be known for who he is.
Top Pro heroes: Among the top 10 pro heroes, the ones introduced together in chapter, we only have two female characters: Mirko and Ryukyu. Not all these heroes have the same focus, and we can divide them in "top heroes/acting as heroes" and "mentors".
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When we look at mentors we have Best Jeanist, Endeavor, Ryukyu, Hawks and we can add Fat Gum. The reason why I chose these are because we have actual focus on their internship, especially during Overhaul and during the war, and we have multiple interactions between the mentors and the students. Mentorship is tricky... we do not have significant and deep mentorship for any of the female students. Ochako and Tsuyu, the closest we have to this, are with Ryukyu but we have no emotional pivotal moment that is focused on their mentorship. Even Ochako big emotional moment during Overhaul (her desiring for a future where everyone gets saved), is connected to Nighteye more than Ryukyu... Ryukyu is just there. We never see her giving important pivotal advice to ger students.
Let's take Hawks: his mentorship led to Tokoyami to get a new move, we also have a very emotional moment of Tokoyami saving Hawks and wanting to learn from him. Best Jeanist gives Bakugou important life lessons, and then he is back again and he is the reason why Bakugou held his name secret for so long. Fatgum is shown interacting with both Kirishima and Tamaki, supporting them and reassuring them. Even Endeavor, in the context of the internship, is shown to give advice that results in actual developments. Other good mentorships shown are the ones with have with Nighteye, Gran Torino, All Might in general etc. We do not have any female hero being a mentor that is focused upon.
Reagrding the heroes with focus, I decided to see what heroes have at least one fight or backstory. Excluding the teachers, we have Endeavor, Hawks, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, Mirko, Kamui and even Mt Lady if we consider her role at Kamino a fight. What I want to describe is how we have no female heroes that have the depth Endeavor and Hawks get. Mirko is the closest we can get to that, but even her character is mainly revolving around being aggressive, and fighting - nothing wrong with it, but it is uncomparable when other characters in the same category (at least two other male characters) get a backstory, a character arc and a development... plus fights. Mirko only has fights.
The class 1a: Not all characters in the class have character arc. Let's see which ones have a focused character arc that we can pin point: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, Ochako, Momo, Jirou, Kirishima, Tokoyami. Secondary characters like Jirou, Momo, Aoyama, Kaminari Kirishima and Tokoyami all have minor but compelling arcs even if very small (ex. Kaminari). We still have more male characters but that is probably because there are more male characters in general.
Now, let's look at the protagonists: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida and Ochako. Here, we do not have equality in treatment. The most glaring issue is that all these arcs revolve around Deku, but only one character ends up never applying what they "learnt" to other characters.
Deku teaches Todoroki that his power is really his and that he can still save people - Todoroki applies it to save Iida (with Stain), to take care of his friends, and later on to save his brother
Deku shows Bakugou how to be a hero who saves - Bakugou applies it by saving Jirou and his class, saving Natsuo, and later on is also shown to help the class during Dark Deku (specific scenes where he supports Todoroki)
Same happens for Iida, what he learnt he applies it to Todoroki during Class 1a vs b, and to Aoyama too.
Ochako is the only one whose character arc... puts her in the background. This is a streamline of Ochako's arc:
She joines the hero course to help her parents, wanting to see them smile, so treating hero job like a job. She takes things not as seriously, at the beginning (we see her laughing a lot), and then faces Deku's determination and a loss at the sport festival. The consequence of this is her deciding to be more serious, admiring Deku, wanting to be like him, learning new skills. She applies these skills at Overhaul, by taking him down.
So you can see we have Deku's impact on the character, and then we have the character doing something/growing and then applying what they learnt to the world of MHA.
Later on, the main problem is that Uraraka stops interacting with the class. So in the next jump of her character arc we have:
Ochako sees hero work for the first time, fighting in Overhaul (notices how in this fight she and Tyusu were the only students who did not get a solo fight), she manages to take down Overhaul, but Nighteye dies after her attempt to save him. This really shakens her, making her realize that she not only wants to do her best, but she also wants to save people.
And then... we only see her saving Deku (black whip). That moment is also connected to her realization that heroes needs to be not left alone, but supported by the people. Still, even when she sees a hero quitting during the war, she does not offer comfort. Her arc at this point is completely sidelined. Her desire to save is only shown through nameless characters, but after her speech on the roof (closing the chapter of making sure that the people support the heroes) Horikoshi never shows us Uraraka being as present as kind as she was before Overhaul. All her interactions with other characters disappear - Tsuyu reassures her once, but that is it, everything else revolves around Deku. Her next step is Toga - and I won't say anything until I see the actual fight.
Add this to the fact that she is the only female main character, and that she gets less panels than other main male characters and you can see my worry.
I hope this post was clear enough!
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apothecarywormcrud · 9 months
🥀 and 💭?
🥀 Talk about some of your fictional crushes and why they aren’t your F/O!
p much all of these the reason is either there's not enough story for me to work with, said story is incomplete, or i just don't think about them very often. sometimes its also a vibes thing. idfk.
rammattra (overwatch) - big sexy robot! phenomenal fucking design! animations designed to Get My Ass! however, overwatch lore is garbage so i cannot be assed! this also applies to moira. i am not immune to evil butch scientist but bro there is nothing there. im stealing her and filling her with bloodworms. shes my oc now. billy (backlash) - hi. read backlash. look its right here go go go go. i love billy so fucking much she's charming she's smart she's funny she builds robots and loves anime and she can see ghosts and shuffle souls around into different bodies! i get heart palpitations when she smiles. trans lesbian queen of my heart. fucking look at her.
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i do actually have a backlash insert but they're busy trying to kiss the world's most garbage man. they can probably do better. honestly i have crushes on most of the women in this comic. hot ghost grandma pls dm me. lady sorcia (thieves and kings) - ok this ones. kind of obscure. rlly good comic tho you should also read thieves and kings. she's a sorceress who gets a good chunk of her power from a magical cloak and swords that are basically extensions of a dark force that really, REALLY doesn't want her gain indipendence. sometimes she does murders about it. i was entranced by her as a kid (for reasons that would become obvious to me later) and i still think she's really cool and tbh maybe i SHOULD make myself an insert for thieves and kings. do i not deserve a funny little wizard. glados (portal) - one time i played a VR game where you try to fix a robot and then when you fail she gets up real close in your face and berates you and chucks you into a pit of lava or whatever. fundamentally altered my brain chemistry in. a way. makoto nanya (blazblue) - super buff squirrel girl fights evil with the power of friendship and incredible violence! shes cute shes smart she's ride-or-die for the people she cares about and i would let her princess carry me into the sunset. unfortunately i cant reciprocate because my arms are limp spaghetti noodles but i can dream.
💭 What’s your favorite uncommon headcanon about your F/O?
i saw a comic where law tattooed his back by temporarily removing his own skin w/ Room and just went at that shit at his desk w/ a tattoo gun and it lives rent-free in my brain. that shit fucking rules. also i think he's autistic and on the aroace spectrum. idk how uncommon these are bc i don't interact with fandom much but anyways hes JUST like me frfr.
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frenciart · 1 year
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This is the pricing for non commercial illustration. for commercial work, we can find an agreement thru dms
I am also a skilled colorist and for an indipendent comic i will flat your pages 15€/page and fullcolor 25€/page for Bigger corporations we can discuss thru Email/DMs
I will draw:
☑️most fetishes/kinks
I will not draw:
❌Illegal parafilias
❌Needlessy hateful themes
❌bathroom kinks
If you want me to draw real people in sexual acts, I will need proof they approve. (Tasteful nudity is OK)
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laweyd · 11 months
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It all Ends with Me.
There are less than 2 weeks to grab a digital copy of my fairytale-inspired horror comic at ShortBox (online) Comics Fair!!
Please also take a look at all the amazing comics at the fair, you won't be dissapointed !!
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wolfman-al · 3 months
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Stuff from the local Luxor Fantastic Con I got a few weeks ago. A few comics from the indipendent comic artist Michael Wild and Dr. Mario for the Gameboy.
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viviski · 10 months
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Short comic I made for an indipendent student exposition.
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jaykeybloggz · 8 months
In this project I have taken my work in slightly different directions depending on which artists and topics I have been researching and looking into each week.
Initially I looked Into Sherlock Holmes and the victorian era, especially around London. I figured out that i especially liked how the characters of Conan Doyles stories were drawn in the Disney film "The Great Mouse Detective"
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I have always enjoyed drawing animal characters, as they are easy to design distinctively, so I decided to for this project.
With the knowledge that we would be designing a cult and a sacred object I took inspiration from one of my own interests, 1930s animation. In the great depression era cartoon "Bimbo's Initiation" comical looking cult leaders are seen.
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As these cartoons are rather macabre and gothic looking i thought it would fit with the grittiness of the victorian tone. Especially the backgrounds. (notice the broken windows and knocked over trash can, indication of the great depression) The hard times these cartoons were made in affected their visual design, just like how dark and gloomy victorian illustrations were.
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I decided To make a rough design for my cult leader, with somewhat comical robes. as well as design my logo.
The name of puddle gang was a completely off the spot thing, however I thought this could mean a puddle of blood. The name is inconspicuous enough to fly under someones radar as anything suspicious.
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At this point in the project we were looking into pixel art and experimenting with how that would look. It was then that I Designed my detective on the spot. Somewhat taking inspiration from Paul Robertson by using black continuous outlines.
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Then in the same week as my pixel art experiments we moved onto practical sculpting. first using clay and plaster to create a large logo and then moving down a scale to using super sculpy and resin to cast a wax seal.
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This wax seal would be used to seal any letters my cult sent out to its members. I have always been fascinated by wax seals, so i wanted to make this as good as i could. Here is a fairly nice initial mockup.
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I also played around with some basic anatomy by using tracing paper to create a skull from an already designed creature and by sculpting an ear, a very complicated shape which i am very happy i replicated as well as i did.
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At this time i also toyed with some basic pixel art animation and reseached the voxel art style. looking at paul robertsons amazing composition and the voxels 3d nature made me realsie i would like to add depth to my work when i can. Even if i am not the best at pixel art.
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I was able to do just that when i had a rather frustrating session with the program magicavoxel. while i can see the potential it has i found the controls unweildy.
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adding depth became less frustrating when i added it to text using phtotoshop. this i had fun with.
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I then designed my trading card, improving on an earlier design which is quite ugly. this is on paper and is just a rough sketch, however i liked it so much i vitualy traced over it.
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The next week I was able to complete my letter. i used coffee grounds and graphite to make my letter look aged which was a new process for me. when i was little i used teabags ro stain my own little treasure maps of our garden.
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I then was able to sculpt on top of the resin seal i had made. making a blade from thin wood and combing that with sculpy to make a hilt and a mound for the balde to stick out from.
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the next day we went to the EGX gaming convention in london whcih was good fun, however the most relevent thing to my work was seeing all the indipendeent creators set up shop and gain an audience in person. it was quite inspiring and gave me a little insight into the creative industry.
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Overall I am very happy with the outcomes of this project and I think I have given clearly explained how my project developed in this evaluation. I think to improve this project I really could show a more detailed record of my progression with more pictures of my semi complete work. I also think I could plan a bit better. I think the most fun I had was sculpting for the first time, it was really enjoyable.
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jenniferstolzer · 4 years
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Beetlejuice the Musical: Family Plot page 5
Read from the Beginning
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