#infant regressor
prncsslulu · 1 month
when carer's reply to babbles like youre speaking intelligently, “oh yeah, kid! you're so right!” “i’ve never thought of it like that before, smart little thing!” “i agree, we should have chicken nuggets for dinner!”
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tinyowlet · 2 months
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dreamdroplittles · 10 months
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the life of a baby,
is right for me!!
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Agere terminology!
Originally posted on QuoteV!
(Please keep in mind, at the roots, Regression is a coping/defense mechanism that many rely on. If it makes you uncomfortable, that is fine, you are entitled to your safe space. But please do not shame us who do it, and understand that it is in no way a kink, or anything sexual. It's always SFW!) 
(Also, mentions of panic attacks, trauma, and the term sexual are used here. But NEVER in detail! It is only for educational purposes.)
Age-regression: Is when someone mentally reverts back to the mindset of a younger age. This can range from a few years younger, to that of an infant. Those who are in the mindset of a child, can not consent to things they normally could. (Example: Alcohol.)
Pet-Regression: Is when someone mentally retreats to the mindset of similar to an animal. This allows our wilder sides to be free. Those who are in the mindset of an animal can not consent to things they normally could. (Example: Alcohol.)
(Note the difference between Retreats and Reverts. Retreat implies it is a mindset that was not experienced before, but still used. Revert implies that you are going back to an age you once were! :D both are very valid coping mechanisms!!) 
Age-Dreaming: Is when someone acts, and often wants to be treated, as though they are a specific age of their choice. This can be a coping mechanism, or just for fun. But never is it sexual in any way. Those who are Age-Dreaming are still fully or partly in the mindset of their actual Age, and is still 100% valid.
Pet-Dreaming: Is when someone acts, and often wants to be treated, as though they are a specific animal of their choice. This can be a coping mechanism, or just for fun. But never is it sexual in any way. Those who are Pet-Dreaming are still partly or fully in the mindset if their actual species, but is still 100% valid.
Caregiver: Sometimes known as a Caretaker, is someone who is responsible for caring for a regressor and or dreamer. The Regressor/Dreamer that they are caring for may give them a nickname like Papa, Daddy, Mama, Sissy, Bubba, or whatever else makes them happy. (Note: Some chose not to use nicknames, others might use specific names that are a version of their caregivers name, and or a specific nickname that doesn't relate to being parental. There's no right or wrong way to do it! ^^)
Babysitter: A person who isn't the primary Caregiver(s) of a Dreamer/Regressor, but May watch over them for certain periods of time, especially if the Caregiver isn't available.
Flip: Is someone who fluctuates between being a Regressor/Dreamer, or both, and Caregiver/Babysitter.
Agere: An aberration of Age-Regression.
Petre: An aberration of Pet-Regression. 
Agedre: An aberration of Age-Dreaming.
Petdre: An aberration of Pet-Dreaming.
CG: An aberration of Caregiver.
Voluntary regression: Is when someone will purposefully regress into the mindset of an animal/younger age. This can be done for coping, stress relief, fun, etc. And can done by colouring, playing with toys, listening to baby music, or other things that make you feel safe, bring positive emotions out, remind you of your childhood, or the childhood you always wanted. (And hey, some like playing games like destiny, ark, etc! Or like listening to rock, watching shows for older people, it's about what makes YOU feel regressed!)
Involuntary regression: Is when someone will go into the mindset of an animal/younger age. This can be triggered by stress, fear, over or understimulation, or a variety of negative feelings.
Partial-Regression:  Sometimes also uses the term Age-Dreaming. Is when someone is only partially in their headspace. Those who are partially regressed can still not consent to what they normally could, as they may not be fully coherent. 
Full-Regression: Also known as just Regression. Is when someone is fully regressed, and will think and act as the age, or animal, they have regressed to.
Slipping: Somethings also known as regressing, or dropping, is when someone regresses. (Example: "Mary started to slip into the age of a toddler.")
Littles: Are someone who primarily regresses to the age, or around, 8 and under. This may fluctuate.
Middles: Are someone who primarily regresses to the age, or around, 9 and older. This may fluctuate.
Regressors: The general term for someone who regresses/chooses not to label themself!
Dreamers: The general term for someone who dreams.
Littlespace: Sometimes spelled little space or little-space, is the mindset of someone 8 or younger.  (Example: Mary slipped into Littlespace.)
Middlespace: Sometimes spelled middle space or middle-space, is the mindset of someone 9 or older. (Example: Mary slipped into Middlespace.)
Petspace: Sometimes spelled pet space or pet-space, is the mindset of someone who is pet regressed! (Example: Mary slipped into Petspace.)
Headspace: Sometimes spelled head space or head-space, is the general term for Littlespaces, Middlespaces, and Petspaces.
Positive regression: Previously known as Pure regression. Is when regressed, you might feel happy, bubbly. It can involves playing, laughing, and or other things associated with the happier side of regression. (Note: some still chose to use the term Pure Regression, and that's absolutely okay!)
Negative regression: Previously known as Impure regression. Sometimes known as Vent Regression. Is when regressed, you may feel sad, moody, angry. It can involve tantrums, crying, kicking, and or other things associated with the less happy side of regression. (Note: some still chose to use the term Impure Regression, and that's absolutely okay!)
Little gear: Sometimes spelled littlegear or little-gear, is the supplies used while regressed/dreaming, this can include, but not limited to: Pacifiers. Blankies. Bottles. Fidgets. Diapers. And or other things used by Regressors/Dreamers, that fit their age and preferences! (Note: Little gear isn't required to regress! ^^)
Petre gear: Sometimes spelled petregear or petre-gear, is the supplies used while regressed/dreaming, this can include, but not limited to: Chew toys. Teethers. Treats. And or other things used by Regressors/Dreamers, that fit their animal and preferences. (Note: Petre gear isn't required to regress! ^^)
(Often both can be shortened to just Gear if wanted!)
Positive triggers: Are something used to trigger someone into Voluntary regression. (Example: Colouring, Music, Dancing, Etc.)
Negative triggers: Is something that triggers unwanted memories, Involuntary regression, panic attacks, or other things that are unwanted to the regressor.(Example: a Negative trigger caused Mary to have a flashback.)
In the closet: It is when someone who is part of the Agere/Petre community is still secret. Sometimes, they are also known as Discreet Littles! (Generally, "closeted" means you are secretly, or not directly promoting that you are in a certain community. The term is often associated with it's use in the LGBTQIAP+ community!)
Finally, if you know a term that I don't, do not be afraid to share! And remember, not all regressors/dreamers are the same! One may love Pacifiers, the other may strongly dislike them. That's okay! We're all different and unique in our own ways! 
Remember that Agere is beautiful, all sides of it. Sometimes you have to have negative regression to feel better, it's okay! All sides of it are needed, and rather voluntarily or not, it's your brain trying to help you, and cope! It's a completely healthy coping mechanism, as long as you don't let it become your life 24/7. (That goes for all coping mechanisms, becoming obsessive over something is a big factor in it becoming unhealthy!)
Please try to hydrate! Stay safe! And have a wonderful day/night/evening my friends!
(To confirm: When regressed, you are still valid if you like swearing while regressed. You are still valid if you like playing/watching more mature games or shows or movies while regressed. You are still valid if nobody can tell you're regressed without you telling them. There are no rules to regression, expect that it's never sexual. Cater to how YOU need to regress, not everyone fits into the same box, and that's the beauty of diversity in how we each do it.) 
Remember I'm not an expert! I've been in the community for years, and I'm trying to share my knowledge! :D
Bai!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩷🩵🤎🖤🩶💛
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wonderinglullaby · 4 months
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🐰 Infant regressor! (movie) Bonnie stimboard!
cred: 🍼 🍼 🍼 // 🍼 🍼 // 🍼 🍼 🍼
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cool-lilfella · 25 days
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🥞・Caregiver Clark Kent headcanons
Banner by @ Bunnelbaby & Art by Carlo Pagulayan
- Loves baking you treats. He uses his Ma's recipes and it's always delicious.
- Extremely EXTREMELY gentle with you. He'd never let anything happen to you.
- A little too lenient sometimes and has a hard time sticking to rules. He just wants to get you everything you want all the time for you to be happy. But he knows that isn't always the best. He's trying to be more strict but you're just too cute sometimes! When it comes down to your health or safety though, he's real serious.
- Heavily values routine, but everythings adjusted to your ability.
- He loves all nick- and pet names you give him. Just don't call him supes/superman in public hehe.
- He loves calling you nick- and petnames too of course!His favorites being buddy, prince(ss), sweetpea, kid/kiddo, sunshine and love. But he's up to call you anything you'd like!
- Always asks questions to make sure your comfortable. "Do you like it when I call you this?", "Do you want me to hug you, love?", "Is it okay when I tease you? Always tell me if I'm being too harsh, okay prince(ss)?", etc...
- Carries you everywhere you want and in anyway you want. On his shoulders, in his arms, on his back, in one hand even!
- Good at taking care of all kiddos, from infant to teen regressors. One of the best at taking care of rowdy littles as well.
- Praise, praise, praise!!! "Amazing, good job!", "Wow! You're so smart buddy!", "Thanks so much sweetpea, couldn't have done it without you!", "You're such a good kid"
- Loves going places with you. Mostly his parents farm where you get to help feed the animals and collect eggs while he's helping with the big work. But you guys also go to parks, malls, aquariums and fairs whenever you can. You're always on an adventure.
- Speaking of his parents. Both Mrs. and Mr. Kent love you. Their house is so cozy and friendly. They babysit you every once in a while when Clark's busy.
- The absolute best at comforting you. After you'd had a bad day, when your sick, after/during meltdowns. He's calm and collected in these situations and he just always seem to know what you need.
- He's the type who wakes up early on weekends to make you a yummy breakfast. He'd greet you with a "Good morning sunshine!" and a "I made your favorite!"
- Good night stories every night. You often visit the library to find what you'll read this week. He also likes showing you books he liked as a kid.
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baby--charchar · 1 month
Social-Emotional Checklist for Age Regressors
This checklist can help you figure out a specific age that you, an OC, or your little one regress to, based on how they communicate, express emotions, interact with their caregivers, and socialize with other littles.
To complete it, highlight or check off any of the descriptions that apply to you or your little one. If you highlight ALL or the vast majority of the traits in one category, then your little is OLDER than that and is past that phase. If you highlight about HALF of the descriptions, then that is exactly where your little one is at when regressed. If nothing in that category applies to your little one, they are younger than that given age. Some littles may have a mix of multiple developmental ages, especially if they're neurodivergent, and that's okay!
I'm gonna do this for my age-regressing OC Rhea, and feel free to copy/paste this wherever you'd like, or just use it for your own reference! [original source]
You'll see that for Rhea, I could check off almost everything in the infant category. She has her favorite caregiver, she's anxious around strangers, and she's aware of other people's emotions and tries to respond!
Once I got to the toddler category however, things got a little more shaky. She throws tantrums and has some complexity to her emotions, however she's not playing with peers at all and doesn't care for pretend play. Once I reached the gradeschool level, nothing really applied to her so I stopped there.
This tells me that Rhea is about 2 years old, although this can shift a bit because age regression has its own natural ebbs and flows. Try it out with yourself or your little one, and see if it helps you understand them or help them out a little bit better!
Infants and babies
By 2 months
• Cry to get needs met ✅️
• Occasionally self-soothe by sucking on hands and fingers ✅️
• Start to smile and look directly at you ✅️
By 4 months
• Cry in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired ✅️
• Smile in response to caregiver’s smile ✅️
• Play with toys by shaking them✅️
By 6 months
• Are more aware of which people are familiar and which are strangers ✅️
• Can respond to other people’s emotions by crying, smiling, or laughing✅️
• Enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror❌️
By 9 months
• Start to show stranger anxiety✅️
• May cry when familiar faces aren’t around✅️
• Start to prefer some toys over others✅️
By 12 months
• Play favorites with familiar people✅️
• Are more interactive (like handing over a toy or a book, or making a specific noise to get a caregiver’s attention)✅️
• Enjoy simple interactive games, like patty-cake and peekaboo❌️
Toddlers and preschoolers
Ages 18 months–2 years
• Have more temper tantrums and become more defiant as they try to communicate and be independent✅️
• Start simple pretend play, like imitating what adults or other kids are doing❌️
• Become interested in having other kids around, but are more likely to play alongside them (parallel play) than with them (cooperative play)❌️
Ages 3–4 years
• Start to show and verbalize a wider range of emotion ✅️
• Are interested in pretend play, but may confuse real and “make believe”❌️
• Are spontaneously kind and caring❌️
• Start playing with other kids and separate from caregivers more easily❌️
• May still have tantrums because of changes in routine or not getting what they want✅️
Ages 5–6 years
• Enjoy playing with other kids and are more conversational and independent
• Test boundaries but are still eager to please and help out
• Begin to understand what it means to feel embarrassed
Ages 7–8 years
• Are more aware of others’ perceptions
• May complain about friendships and other kids’ reactions
• Want to behave well, but aren’t as attentive to directions
• Try to express feelings with words, but may resort to aggression when upset
Ages 9–10 years
• Share secrets and jokes with friends
• May start to develop own identity by withdrawing from family activities and conversations
• Are affectionate, silly, and curious, but can also be selfish, rude, and argumentative
Middle-schoolers and high-schoolers
Ages 11–15 years
• Start thinking more logically
• Are introspective and moody and need privacy
• Value friends’ and others’ opinions more and more
• May test out new ideas, clothing styles, and mannerisms while figuring out where/how to fit in
Ages 16–18 years
• Strive to be independent and may start emotionally distancing from caregivers
• Start trying to discover strengths and weaknesses, at times seeming self-centered, impulsive, or moody
• Show pride in successes
• Spend a lot of time with friends and may be interested in dating
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snugglebugs · 1 month
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KAI SMITH flip (caregiver-leaning!)
Kai Ninjago Smith is ABSOLUTELY an age regressor are you KIDDING me are you JOKING me. He is BASICALLY CANONICALLY an age regressor!!!!
> "I bet he loves being treated like a baby..." (Nya, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss)... Yeah he does because he IS a baby. He is THE baby. He is BABY.
His entire traumatic backstory is that, after his parents were taken from him from an early age, he had to step into a parental role for his little sister and become the adult of the family while still being a child himself. He had to grow up before he even really had a chance to grow at all. On-screen, we see that once his parents return and he's no longer forced into that role of responsibility, he canonically regresses into childish habits and language we have never before seen him use or display beforehand.
"Ham and cheese sandwiches with crispy bacon? Oh thanks, Mommy! You're the best! Mm... bacon is the best, too!" (Kai, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss).
Conclusion? Kai Smith is the most age-regressor to ever age regress ever I will not take criticism because I am OBJECTIVELY CORRECT.
Anyway!! I think Kai is regresses from 5-9~ years old. We can tell from his diction that he doesn't seem to be a baby regressor (at least in this scene), as he's capable of fully-formed sentences and has the cognitive skills required to play video games, so that leads me to believe he might be a little-middlespace regressor! Kai's parents left when he was around 5, so it makes sense he wouldn't be an infant regressor, but around the little-middle spectrum, regressing into the same range of years in which he didn't have a chance to be a child before.
I don't just think he's an age regressor, though, I also think he's a flip, too! He definitely has some care-giving tendencies built-in to him from having to be a caretaker for his little sister for so many years, and so he pretty naturally slips into the role of a big brother caregiver! I imagine he leans more towards the caregiving side then the regressing side, just because being a caregiver is what he's used to being - what he's always had to be - but that may be prone to change as he becomes more comfortable with his regression! He hates regressing around the other age regressors, especially when they're regressed, because he feels like when they're small he has to be big and adult to take care of them regardless of his own headspace. We can see his caregiver tendencies displayed in... countless interactions with Lloyd. Speaking of...
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I am, once again, OBJECTIVELY correct. Lloyd is basically canonically an age regressor. He IS canonically an age regressor. He is, quite literally, a child stuck in a teenager's body -- as in he was a child and then magic age-up tea turned his body into a teenager's but still left him with the mental capacity of a child. Which is the DEFINITION of what an age regressor is!! Bodily an adult but mentally a child!! He IS an age regressor!!!!
And even if that WASN'T the case, he'd probably be an age regressor anyway, because, like. Look at him. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders since he was, like, eight, was unable to be a child because he had to endure constant rigorous training and when he WASN'T training he was undergoing countless traumatic experiences while he was still a child.
> Lloyd: "Well...The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comix and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday!" Kai: "The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." Lloyd: "Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train..." (Season 2, Episode 18, Child's Play)
I don't even think I need to argue my case that hard for why Lloyd is an age regressor. I think it'd be harder to argue why he ISN'T an age regressor, actually. TRY to argue that he's not an age regressor. TRY. I BET you CAN'T.
I don't have much evidence for this one, but I imagine he may be a pet regressor, too! He's an oni-dragon-hybrid, after all, and his heritage have proven to come with strong instincts regarding this animalistic half of his genes, as seen throughout the Oni Trilogy.
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Look at him. JUST LOOK AT HIM. The most caregiver to ever caregive ever forever. He has chronic can't-stop-adopting-children syndrome. He's adopted, like, three separate children at this point. It is becoming a problem.
"Huh? Oh, no. Don't make that face. Don't cry. Oh, I can't take it any more. Hey, look at me. Hehe. Yeah. I'm not sad. Ha-ha, I'm not crying. Oh, fine. But this is between you and me. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there, don't get dimmer, dimmer. You like that, huh? Well, there's more where that came from. Glow, little glow worm. Glow and Glimmer—" (Cole, Season 8, Episode 5, Dead Man's Squall)
When his mentor canonically (mentally & physically) regressed into an infant his first and immediate instinct was to adopt and care for them. If that isn't agere caregiver behaviour I don't know WHAT is. HE BECAME THE FATHER TO AN INDIVIDUAL REGRESSED FROM THEIR NORMAL HEADSPACE INTO A CHILD.... HE'S LITERALLY A CAREGIVER GUYS!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU WANT ME TO SAY!!!!!!! I AM JUST STRAIGHT-UP CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!
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JAY WALKER padded regressor!
"Jay: Aah! [He picks up a ruined stuffed toy.] Mister Cuddlywomp… [sobs] is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and—
Cole: We know you still sleep with him.
Jay: And I don't care who knows it! Mister Cuddlywomp..." (Season 7, Episode 6, The Attack)
Jay Walker is DEFINTELY a regressor. His personality has been noted to be very child-like and babyish at times, to the point where the fandom (and showwriters) tend to infantilize him, despite the fact that in his own right he can be a very serious character when he need be. As much as I do believe he's an age regressor, it's important to remember he can be very capable and competent character when he's big, too, and not to define him by his regression!
If he's any regressor, it's definitely a padded regressor. Throughout the show, it's become a running bit that he's a bedwetter and has a weak bladder:
"Jay: But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear.
Kai: Jay, this is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much.
"Jay: You think I'm trying to be funny?" (Season 2, Episode 9, The Last Voyage)
"Harumi: Uh, forgive me, but is that...underwear?
Jay: We're usually more organized. Ahem. But our leader got lost in a time-stream. Uh, they're Cole's.
Cole: They're blue!
Kai: You're lucky they're not yellow." (Season 8, Episode 3, The Oni & The Dragon)
"Oh, that reminds me, Jay, honey, I need to teach you how to bleach your boxer shorts." (Maya, Season 14, Episode 7, Unsinkable)
"Jet Jack: Then tell us, who do these diapers belong to?
Kai: Oh, those are Jay's. Tell 'em, Jay.
Jay: Oh. I have a weak bladder." (Season 9, Episode 2, Iron & Stone)
These are only a few of many, many examples (You can find others throughout the show, such as in Only One Can Remain, The Darkness Remains, Darkness Within, etc), and though it's usually spun as a joke, there's no harm and shame in it! In conclusion
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ZANE JULIEN caregiver!
"I was built to protect those who can't protect themselves!" (Zane, Season 3, Episode 8, The Titanium Ninja)
I don't know what else you want me to say guys... he said so himself.,,,,,,. was built to protect those who can't protect themselves...,.....
Zane's entire identity is hinged around adaptability. Though I could go on a WHOLE 'NOTHER ESSAY about Zane's relationship with identity, the point here is that he often adapts to what people need him to be! I mean, he downloaded thousands pieces of detective media onto his hardware in order to try to track down the other ninja after they went missing, if called for I imagine he could very easily slip into the role of caretaker (he WOULD download hundreds of resources on age regression to help the other ninja)!
I don't have a lot of evidence for this one beside source: bro trust me but bro. trust me. The Vibes,,,, theyre there
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These are just my personal headcanons based on evidence I've gathered from the show - I am in NO WAY saying these are the only headcanons or that they are the "correct" ones!! In fact, if you have DIFFERENT headcanons for the ninja (esp. ones I didn't provide a lot of detail for), I encourage you to share them in the tags, I'd love to hear other's opinions!!!! ^^
If this gets enough interested, I might make a pt. 2, so stay tuned!!
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softcrow · 4 months
really attached to the idea of quiet and shy infant/toddler regressor!ghost with loud energetic preteen!soap and preteen!gaz where they act as ghost's big brothers.
just them playing with ghost and ghost seeing the two of them be loud and emotional and affectionate together and with him and not be punished for it by cg!price.
ghost slowly realizes he's got a family who loves him and who he's safe with. where its okay to cry, be loud, take up space, in fact its a family where its good to express needs and affection to others.
ultimately while he's never as loud or outgoing as gaz and soap, he does slowly become more comfortable asking for and receiving affection as well as voicing his needs
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littlemissagere · 7 months
Hiii hello!!! i hope youre having a good day :•) If it isnt too much trouble, id love regressor Neuvillette headcanons ^_^ please and thank you so much!!!
—————+ Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, Don’t Cry…
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——— ; 🌊 🐉 ✨ Neuvillette regressor headcanons!
🌊 I believe Neuvillette is an infant Regressor / New born regressor. Around 0-3, 4 at the oldest!
🐳 When the court cases overwhelm him, sometimes he will regress. Due to this, he always has a small stuffie in his pocket or at his station.
🌊 Freminet mentioned the little phrase “Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry”.. this is like a lullaby to Neuvillette, it brings him a lot of comfort when little.
🐳 Has a playroom / Nursery that has a crib, and lots of stuffies
🌊 He is a very sensitive person, and even more so when regressed. If he is masking his regression and someone gets mad at him even in the slightest, he will go to his office and cry. . .
🐳 He can’t talk well when little, so it’s usually just whines, babbles, and noises or gestures to get what he needs
🌊 He loves to be held, rocked, carried.. though sometimes it’s a bit difficult due to his size! Though, he has gotten custom things made for himself, that usually stay hidden in his nursery.
🐳 He has a blankie he chews on, that makes crackling sounds
🌊 He LOVES being read stories, even if it’s the exact same one every time
🐳 He doesn’t like Bath time sometimes, since he has to wash his hair
🌊 He is very observant, and quiet even when regressed
🐳 He regressed during a court case once, and one of the people yelled at him… during the break, it was raining… poor Neuvi' need up crying.
🌊 Some of his friends and assistants know he regresses, and help him when little (and eventually he will have his own place in the TeaPot!)
🐳 He loves having a warm drink in his bottle, not milk though.. it makes his tummy upset. :'<
🌊 He has a lot of sensory issues, and needs a lot of help and understanding
🐳 Has an otter Onesie, and Stuffy
Thank you for reading <3
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multifandomenjoyerr · 5 months
hihi!!! could i possibly request some regressor young neil (scott pilgrim) headcanons or a moodboard?? no pressure- the headcanon has just been on my mind hehe
- @beaistiny 🐝
🚀 Little!Young Neil HCS
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🚀 | I can 100% do that! Thank you so much for requesting^^ love your content btw! I hope you enjoy:]
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💙 : the type of baby to prefer naps over being awake when regressed. Don't get me wrong— he loves to play video games, watch every cartoon he can stumble onto and hang out with friends or family. However naps is something that keeps him calm literally 80 percent of the time. If he doesn't get his naps he will be a very cranky boy
💙 : his favorite little food(s) is anything involving ice cream or Mac and cheese. He highly prefers ice cream over Mac and cheese and everything else, but he isn't that picky. He gets what he can get, and he'll end up being neutral about it. If he were to hold a grudge about it; he'd forget about it within two hours
💙 : very very quiet around people. He's like the kid in your class who rarely talks at all. (Or socialize much in class). He's exactly like that most of the time. Just hand him a controller or a comic book and you won't even notice he's there.
💙 : is pretty liquid with his agere age and isn't sure what his age is. But all he knows is that he regresses younger than 10. Not much older than that. (I think hes either a infant or toddler regressor)
💙 : a very sweet baby. Will ask for cuddles from his babysitters and CGs whenever the opportunity is there. He will also follow them around while he's glued to his games. He will let you play his games, but only because he wants to watch and do commentary on your gameplay.
💙 : his little hobbies are mostly him napping, playing games or reading. But sometimes he will color for his friends or redraw scenes from his books.
💙 : I feel like when little he'd play animal crossing, red dead redemption and minecraft. He finds comfort in those games. When it comes to books the majority of it is comics. Such as manga or superheros (DC and Marvel)
💙 : steals his babysitters/caretakers shirts and or hoodies. You can't get them off of him because before you can, he's asleep. Sometimes he likes to tease about it when he's big because he knows nobody has the guts to wake him up. So he's pretty slick when it comes to getting what he wanted
💙 : doesn't have a permanent caregiver per say, but he looks up to Stephen Stills alot more than other people. He see's him as an influence and father figure enough as it was. So he trusts him to be his caregiver
💙 : owns 'too many' agere gear for one person. But it's often than not that he's spoiled rotten. But he doesn't mind it
💙 : he's probably a bluey and paw patrol fan. Change my mind
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dreamdroplittles · 10 months
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puppycatremus · 4 months
agere outfits!
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im sure it’s obvious but just in case, the order goes patton, roman, logan, virgil, janus, and remus :3
i’ve never made outfit collage things before, so i hope y’all like these!!! i did my best haha
now for ages and headcanons and such under the cut :3
age range: he usually reaches like,, tiny baby age. i originally thought he’d be a bit on the older kiddo side cos i thought it’d be cute if he was like “i wanna help take care of the others even if im regressed” but nah his brain is like “you’re an infant now, let others help you whether you like it or not” ksjdjfkf
he’s nonverbal when he regresses, aside from the occasional single word sentence (such as “up!” or yes and no, though he usually nods or shakes his head for that)
it actually took him a while to realize he was an age regressor. he was the last of the group to realize their regression (though everyone else had their suspicions lol)
he doesn’t have a specific caregiver, everyone kinda takes turns caregiving, but baby patton is very (hilariously) attached to remus. his nickname for remus is “mouse” because he can’t really say remus or duke. mouse is just easier (roman is a bit jealous of the affection baby patton has for his brother, but he’ll take that to his grave)
age range: he goes from roughly 5 to 7, a bit younger if he regresses from stress
he started out being a rather proud regressor, not wanting to accept help from anyone. nowadays he’s the opposite, being extremely needy and clingy lol (no one really minds)
if you think he loves disney when he’s big, hoo boy little him is alllll about it lmao. he’s especially into bluey, watching at least one episode every time he regresses (and usually it’s not just one lmao)
big him isn’t really the biggest fan of remus, but when he regresses it’s a different story. he thinks of remus less as an annoying twin brother and more like a cool uncle that lets you do things your parents wouldn’t let you do. he’s embarrassed by this in a non-regressed state, and it doesn’t help that remus teases him endlessly for it lmao
age range: similar to roman, roughly 5 to 7, but much younger when stressed. he also has a tendency to age up slightly when others regress in his company. like if he’s seven, but patton goes baby mode, suddenly he’s twelve. not fully out of the headspace, but not as young as he’d prefer
surprisingly, he can be a bit of a brat. i mean this with love lmao. when he’s on the younger side, he has to have everything go his way or else. he also doesn’t handle rejection well. the others learned this very early on, and they each have different ways of dealing with it. but little logan’s smart and caught on to that, so when he needs or wants something, he chooses the big side he goes to carefully. little schemer <3
when he’s on the older side (or really when anyone is younger than him, which happens a lot), he becomes very protective. especially of patton, since he’s baby. he’s surprisingly good at knowing what patton needs, and verbalizes it on his behalf
when he’s feeling sad or stressed, he goes immediately to virgil. and if he can’t go to virgil for whatever reason, he goes to virgil’s room and lays on his bed. or, if he can’t go into virgil’s room, sits outside virgil’s door. virgil is his comfort person <3 or- comfort side. whatever kajdjfkf
age range: he’s a teen regressor. like, 14 to 16 ish. he gets even more emo when regressed and no one knows how it’s possible skdjfkfkf
he has a paci he rarely uses, and it took a long time for him to become comfortable using it. he only really uses it when he’s particularly stressed (which, i mean, he’s kinda always stressed lol but the paci is basically for emergencies)
he’s an extremely protective older brother to everyone, and is almost like a caregiver even when regressed. on days where everyone’s regressed (as rare as they are), it’s him against the world lmao though he can enlist help from thomas (or remy if thomas is asleep) (remy only shows up in the mindscape when thomas is asleep)
he doesn’t need a caregiver since he’s always old enough to care for himself, but there are days when he goes to janus. he’s always mortified by it when he ages back up, but when he’s in the throes of teenage angst he needs janus’s support more than anything. he’s just grateful that janus doesn’t really bring it up when he ages up
age range: usually about 3 or 4, and doesn’t really go outside of that
lil dude loves hissing. but not like mean hissing, just excited hissing. he just goes “ssss!” and everyone knows he’s happy. the hissing is usually accompanied by hand flapping. stimmy lil snake <3
loves giving everyone hugs all the time. he just clings and won’t let go. he’s probably given the most hugs to either patton or roman, the latter of whom is basically always caught off guard by it. patton was caught off guard the first few times but has since adjusted (and happily so)
much like how little patton is very attached to remus, janus is extremely attached to roman. initially, roman wasn’t a fan of this, as he wanted as little to do with janus (both big and little) as possible. but once the two of them managed to bury the hatchet (as in, janus actually apologized), roman didn’t mind as much. it took a bit to become fully comfortable, but now roman is quite fond of little janus (and maybe big janus isn’t so bad <3)
age range: he could be any age, really. he doesn’t have time to figure out how old he is, he has mischief to get up to. he’s usually pretty capable when regressed, so he’s probably older than most of the others. he doesn’t act like it tho lmao
dude loves aliens. wants to be one. also pirates. his aesthetic can be summarized as alien pirates. or pirate aliens? thats actually why janus has an alien stuffie, it makes him think of remus <3
loves messing with the others when they’re also regressed. says things like “you’re now aware of your own breathing” and no one is a fan <3
definitely the most physically active of the regressors. if he’s not running, he’s jumping. and if he’s not jumping, he’s running kajdkfkfkf bro wears everyone out, even fellow regressed sides. the only one who can calm him down fully is janus, but only when janus isn’t also regressed. if janus is regressed he’s joining in on the chaos
thats the end of the post. i love these guys so much <3
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legstheoctomobster · 7 months
Simon Petrikov + Fionna Campbell Agere Hcs
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(Some warnings for descriptions of bladder incontinence, mental illness, and diapers (all of it nonsexual!!) If you’re uncomfortable by any of these, feel free to skip this part!!)
A flip! Has more of a caregiver lean, and is more of a periodic regressor.
Here’s what I mean!
Doesn’t exactly have an age range when he’s regressed. It just feels like an amalgamation of being an infant, toddler and small child.
Regresses involuntarily as a symptom of his mental health, and as a way to help cope with his trauma!
Really shy with others when regressed, but will be a bit more bratty and social with loved ones.
Doesn’t necessarily need a caregiver, but Fionna and Cake are both babysitters for him! He’s alright without a caregiver, but needs help coming down from episodes/meltdowns
Prismo is also a caregiver, and is somewhat strict with him. Like in that one scene in episode 4. Simon feels a bit more safer to act bratty in front of Prismo for whatever reason.
Needs diapers both in and out of regression. The Crown took away his bladder control (along with many other things), so he needs protection to stay dry. Can thankfully change himself both in and out of regression as well!
Fionna accidentally walked in on him changing in the Winter King’s castle, and was like “okay dude just do whatever you need”. Simon wanted to cry from both embarrassment and gratitude.
As for being a caregiver, he takes care of both Marceline and Fionna!
He’s a little more stricter with Fionna than he is Marcy, because usually Fionna and him are in some level of danger, especially when she’s small. He sometimes spoils Marcy a bit, and he’s not going to admit that anytime soon
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(Some small warnings for panic attacks and depression. Feel free to skip out!)
A flip as well! Usually regressor/dreamer leaning. She usually is more of a babysitter/big sister caregiver, and is uncomfortable with being called “Mama”; she likes “Fi-Fi” much more, no matter how much she makes fun of it.
Regresses to about 4 — 13 years old, usually staying around 5 — 8. (Age)Dreams to about 2-5 years old.
Regresses both voluntarily and involuntarily. It’s to cope with stress and her mental health.
Sometimes she’ll make certain dates on when she’d regress/dream, and then completely forget them and be pleasantly surprised; like “Yipee small time now! I forgot!”
Usually very energetic and talkative when regressed/dreaming. When she’s not, it’s usually after a panic attack/episode.
Gary, Marshall, Cake and Simon are her caregivers. Gary and Marshall are like uncle-ish, while Simon’s more fatherly. Cake is like a companian cg for her!!
I wanna say the first time Fionna regressed (like in canon) was in episode 6. Like after seeing the Winter King die, she was shook up and had a panic attack while in the Baby-Universe, causing her to regress. Sorta my reason for why she was in that baby mobile thingy at the end of the episode.
Also during that episode ending, the group all just regressed. I don’t make the rules here.
Anyways have some gifs as a treat :)
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Bye bye!!
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fwayu · 10 months
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infant regressor mafuyu who has one of those rattle bracelets!! shaped like a whale and gets really excited to shake it around hehe
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