completeoveranalysis · 11 months
Evil Wolverine lookin GNC as fuck with all these yonic portals.
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akumastrife · 4 months
Happy birthday my fellow 31-year-old!! ✨✨✨✨
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vita-divata · 2 years
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Itachi commission for @infectedmetaphysic
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galacov6 · 2 years
For asks: 1, 11, and 13 (where xxx=Kabuto) 🥰
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
S*suS*ku. LOL. Like most other ships I don't like- I can at least get why people ship them for the most part. But like.....this is literally the worst pairing to me that isn't like a pedo/incest/ect type ship.
I don't get how someone who actually enjoys either one of those characters in the pairing would want them together, S*su or S*ku stan alike lol. Like. It just doesn't make sense to me at ALL.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I'm 99 percent sure Kabuto counts here because Naruto fans often look at me like I just took crack in front of them when I say I like Kabuto.
Liking Kabuto was a really funny process for me- because I came roaring into Naruto and as soon as I saw Orochimaru deep throat a scroll it was over for me. I was dickmatized. I had to see what that tongue do!!!!!!! Kabuto was a figure present in my mind and while I thought he was kinda cute, in like, a dorky bulliable way he was moreso there for me to mock. I called him a cuck so many fucking times. I'm so sorry Kabuto lmfaooooooo. Am I though?
When he went batshit and decided to grind up Orochimaru's corpse to inject in his veins and get all snake-y. There I was again. Losing my mind. He was hot. The character I had been mocking for like a few months was the hottest fucker on the series. ALL MY FRIENDS WERE CLOWNING ME FOR THIS. I WAS THE ENTIRE CIRCUS!!!!!!
The thing that pushed me over the edge that cemented him as my favorite in the entire series was the backstory though. The tragic backstory. Shit hooks me like nothing else will. Especially considering certain beats of it hit very close to home for me in ways that just straight up made me feel like I was getting Izanami'd for like two days afterwards. I still love Orochimaru a lot and it might be because I spent too much on merch regarding him (that looks sick as fuck btw.) and the fact I'm still a sucker for androgyny and snake bitches, but like before Kabuto's backstory I was just kind of ignoring every single major red flag about him until I was faced with a mirror of sorts reflecting certain aspects of my own trauma and I was like. Motherfucker. MOTHERFUCKER!!!! AAAAAAA
Sorry for the long winded explanation here.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Kinda glad he doesn't have more fans. Let the few of us here that are obsessed with him be weird about him without having to fear weirder weirdos.
I'm sick of people who just treat him as nothing more than JUST Orochimaru's sidekick/malewife (ick)/pale imitation of him especially the people who just like wanna shit on him for trying to do what Orochimaru did like......watch his backstory or I will Izanami YOU mf!
He was kinda OOC in the Three Tails/Guren arc but I just don't really care too much because it was an enjoyable arc.
Snakey Kabuto > pre-full on snakey Power Arc Kabuto. His hair is very cute in Power Arc tho.
And my most controversial of all
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lord-of-nowhere · 6 years
infectedmetaphysic replied to your photoset: lordofnowhere-art: back in highschool i wrote a...
Hey you could do something with these guys for the final assignment in Nick’s class.
im not gonna stop thinking about this now
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chimerri · 6 years
Aww I wish you were going to be at a con in my city. Your stuff is so cute!!
aaa sorry for the late response, but thank you so much!! ;o; I hope I can one day! So far my lineup isLVL up expo (Vegas)Fanime (San Jose)A-KON (Dallas)AX (Los Angeles)Roosterteeth Expo (San Antonio)Otakon (D.C)And tentatively Crunchyroll Expo or San Japan!
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hauntedbat · 7 years
Your Outsider cosplay is amazing! How long did it take to get those sclera lenses in? They look great.
Thanks so much! 
They can take from 30 minutes to an hour depending on how my eyes are treating me that day. 
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
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@infectedmetaphysic (I can't seem to @ you?) skdjnfksjd I guess it's not really like, Key to the lore, just more of subtext for the narrative of Breath of the Wild, but MY POINT STILL STANDS!
Anyway, here you go
The color blue in Breath of the Wild carries a huge amount of symbolism. Sheikah technology glows blue, which is a visual contrast to the world of Hyrule. The Champion's garb is blue. The royal color is blue. The flames that appear around spirits are blue. Link's tunic is blue.
All of these things represent something similar: the past.
Breath of the Wild really pushes the distinction between "One hundred years ago" and the time period we play in. One hundred years ago is when the story happened. It drastically shaped the world we're living in. It determines our quest, our main objectives, and most of our attachment to this story. Throughout the world, we find constant reminders that the world didn't use to look like this, and that it was lost. It was lost, and it's our job to pick up the pieces and clean up the mess left behind from the calamity one hundred years ago.
The color blue represents what we've lost. It represents what is dead and lingering. It represents what we grieve for as we find it.
And Zelda, in her blue garb, in thirteen memories, is one of the things we've lost.
(Side note: Every other Princess Zelda has had blue eyes. BOTW Zelda differs from them. She breaks tradition. The princess who is no longer a princess, the last descendant of the goddess who made peace with the loss of her powers.)
But, her eyes are green. And green, in Breath of the Wild, means something different.
Green is the color of life, of plants and living things. And the world of Hyrule, after the Calamity, has been mostly reclaimed by nature. Green is the color of the wild.
It's also the color of Farore, who is strongly associated with children and growing things. Farore, the goddess of life.
Green means new beginnings. It means hope, and growth, and starting anew.
Zelda is the only living being (besides Link) to survive the Calamity. The only person in a memory that we actually get to meet, and speak to. She is alive.
Zelda's green eyes represent the freedom she can have after the Calamity is defeated. After evil is banished, she can find happiness away from the failure and expectation of her past. Her green eyes represent how she, and all of Hyrule, can heal.
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sasusakut4tdivorce · 2 years
@infectedmetaphysic said:
Hey your askbox is closed but for the character opinions bingo, would you do Sasuke ;3
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idk if i have any extremely hot sasuke takes that haven't been said but i love him.... i miss him so bad, naruto as an anime is this long so that u end up missing sasuke as much as naruto does 300 episodes in lol
i think he's deeper than he seems bc honestly?? sometimes all his power feels like sheer luck LOL like that first fight with deidara felt like he just had a good hand that day
also so much waisted potential we know this. why didn't he actually get good closure on the uchiha massacre??? you end up feeling sooo cheated bc the narrative doesn't want u to root for him to get any sense of catharsis thru any means whatsoever
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purelyoscar · 3 years
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I got to try these cheetos once and they are delicious but they don't sell them in Canada. My youngest just got back from a trip to Seattle and guess what they brought me?
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I am going to make them last!!! @infectedmetaphysic is a great kid!!!!
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I think this is very much “Completeoveranalysis: The Experience”
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So @jewelsrulz and @infectedmetaphysic got me this novelty soda while they were out the other day, and it has been a... unique experience. So I figured I'd post something like a review.
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This is the soda in question. Infectedmetaphysic said they would get it for me if they saw it because, after all, I am Meg the Red. If you're wondering why there's plastic wrap on top, it's because I cannot drink it all in one go. It's too much.
If you've ever walked down the cleaner aisle in the grocery store and thought "gosh, I'd really like to know what that Lysol tastes like" this is the drink for you. It smells of cheap red sucker. It tastes... Look, I don't know what to call this flavour. Allegedly it contains natural flavours, but I'm not sure I believe them.
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Now that's a claim I believe. If anyone can tell me what the flavour is, hit up my inbox and tell me what planet you're from. My dad's opinion was that "this is why the USSR fell".
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Also believable. Maybe this is caesium flavour. (It sure isn't strontium, because it's "not a significant source of calcium.") The first ingredient is natural spring water... Springing right out of the reactor core?
Final verdict: 2/10
My brain still can't decide whether I'm indifferent to it or whether I hate it. It's... Drinkable. That's all. It's not horrible, but it is far from anything even resembling good. If anyone has a Geiger counter, do me a favour and run it over this stuff if you get the chance. Just out of curiosity.
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galacov6 · 2 years
Character opinion bingo: Kabuto and Gai!
just did kabuto here!
here's guy tho
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i like guy i think he's fun!! wish we got to see him in more fights but the fights we DID get to see him in absolutely fucked especially his fight with madara.
he escapes the why do they look like that because honestly i like how he (and lee by extension too) look. ive clowned on everyone else but they get a pass.
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wrenling · 4 years
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@sagittarius-mood tagged me to do this one
I absolutely could not fit all of my favourite movies, but these were the first ones that came to mind.
Little Witch Academia is one of my go to comfort movies.
I demand a Hamlet version of Romeo+Juliet, and no, the Kenneth Branaugh version doesn't count
I tag
@zomsaurus @akumastrife @titaniumcanary @elany @cylonbarnes @florianflux @infectedmetaphysic @birdmother @chaliceandsword
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jewelsrulz · 3 years
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nicoroni · 4 years
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@morlemia tagged me in a quarantine tag game!
Last photo of a celeb you saved to your phone is your quarantine buddy.
This is the only celeb photo on my phone and I saved it for cosplay ref so I'm not sure if that counts but... my buddy is either Hayden Christianson or Anakin Skywalker =P
I'm tagging @zomsaurus @logicalparafox @wrenling @infectedmetaphysic
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