nscode · 2 years
Infinite Scroll lazy loading using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML | Lazy Load...
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atinyreindeer · 9 months
That grid theme I'm working on
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It's almost ready! It's now responsive to tablet and mobile sizes, and I've stripped out jQuery because bleh.
I think it needs some more customisation options before I can make it public but currently it features:
Masonry layout (with Masonry.js)
Infinite Scroll (with InfiniteScroll.js) - it even updates your URL as you scroll through the pages!
Read more links for long posts that let them expand without breaking the masonry grid.
Legacy photo posts now use the neue Tumblr default lightboxes.
No JS fallbacks!
Permalink pages with notes.
Tag pages.
Ask and reblogged asks support!
To do:
No JS fallback for pagination. - Now has a no JS fallbacks and will show navigation if infiniteScroll is disabled. I just need to add the switch in the customisation options to allow you to enable / disable at will.
Customisation options for fonts, colours, and column amounts.
Add the Google Font API loader to avoid any weirdness with masonry layout and font loading. - turns out this api is er, terrible and old and doesn't really work so I think it'll just have to do as is.
Better link options in the header.
Check the like button is loading properly - it should all be set up but doesn't seem to want to update?
Issue with iframes being loaded in :( - fixed I think?
Hopefully I can release this by the new year, but we'll see.
Originally based off the GRID theme.
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forced to switch my dashboard into infinitescroll mode and oh my god it hasnt even been 2 hours and its already struggling to keep up AUHGHG
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Xebia Explores How Generative AI Can Impact Business
Mumbai, Dec 29: Xebia, a prominent global IT consultancy firm, proudly announces the successful conclusion of the 14th AgileNCR 2023. This dynamic two-day live virtual conference united IT experts, industry leaders, and decision-makers worldwide. 
The hallmark conference in the Delhi-NCR region, now in its 14th year, focused on the theme, 'Impact of Generative AI on Business Agility,' and facilitated engaging discussions on evolving leadership landscapes, DevOps, and platform engineering.With over 350 participants, AgileNCR 2023 embraced a virtual format, creating interactive discussions and networking opportunities among key figures shaping the future of global business and IT services. 
Ajay Kabra, Senior Director, Global Business Excellence at Xebia and co-host of the 'Agile Ninja Challenge,' expressed, "In the realm of agility, each challenge is an opportunity to hone our skills and embrace the transformative power of agile practices. The 'Agile Ninja Challenge' aims to unleash the agile prowess within every participant, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration."
Source Link:https://www.bizzbuzz.news/technology/xebia-explores-how-generative-ai-can-impact-business-1277736?infinitescroll=1
Website Link:https://xebia.com/apac/
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persephonedevoted · 1 year
Not that I’m not loving all the DP/DC reblogs, but like. I’m infinitescrolling cuz I’m burnt out as shit, why are YOU infinitescrolling
*virtual frozen treat of choice* 🍦🍧🍨🍹🥤
Damn, I really wish mobile would give any indication that I had a message 🙃🙃🙃 So I’m really sorry if I’m super late replying
I’m infinitescrolling to escape reality lmao
I feel the being burnt out thing so hard dude
I shall take the ice cream! 🍦🍨
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E Portfolio 4= Sport Event Bid Analysis for a Global Sport
All over the world in every country within every sport athletes train and coaches plan for the biggest events. The athletes and viewers at home understand there is only one chance at these events and that why there so special that’s why it’s called the Olympics. The Olympics comes around every 4 years and within every sport trains so hard to be number one even though one the day anything could happen. During these times however countries work with the Olympic committee to fight and bid for a chance to be the host nation in the following Olympic Games while attempting to be the best country in sport out of the rest.
The BRIDGE (2023) has stated that when biding for the right to be the next host country for the Olympic Games the biding war starts 7-9 years prior with the countries to send individual letters to the National Olympic Committees on why they are the best and why they deserve this opportunity. It then comes down to the executive board of the International Olympic Committee after a detailed analysis and the new host city finds out 5 years prior however this process take around 2 years to complete.
During the bidding process countries would bid over $50 billion dollars to try and win the rights to a game however overtime it has decreased in price with broadcast deals and their profit helping out richer countries. When bidding for the games you need to be serious about it otherwise you shouldn’t bother as it is an expensive process that can shack a nation if not completed correctly (Council on Foreign Relations, 2023).
Schnitzer and Haizinger (2019) has explained that the impacts of losing a bid of a major sporting event can reach the attention of local residents and not have a great impact on the community. It may even provide negative impacts toward the financial outcomes of the countries this is why it is important to go hard first to make your name appealing first.
Within the bidding process it is important to have your management operations up to date and ready to go as it’s a key factor in being successful. However having sponsor behind you and willing to help fund for the event is important to and is key to driving success (Jensen et al, 2016).
So in summary the bidding proses for the Olympic games is a lengthy process but also a reward if successful so being organised with sponsorships and management will provide you the best chance to win while the athletes are training hard and as they say the best team will win it.
Council on Foreign Relations. (2023). The Economics of hosting the Olympic Games. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/economics-hosting-olympic-games
Jensen, J. A., Cobbs, J. B., & Turner, B. A. (2016). Evaluating sponsorship through the lens of the resource based view: the potential for sustained competitive advantage. Business Horizons, 59(2), 163-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2015.11.001
Schnitzer, M., & Haizinger, L. (2019). Does the Olympic Agenda 2020 Have the Power to Create a New Olympic Heritage? An Analysis for the 2026 Winter Olympic Games Bid. Department of Sport Science, 11(2), 1-21. doi:10.3390/su11020442
The BRIDGE. (2023). How is bidding done for hosting the Olympics?. https://thebridge.in/tokyo-2020/bidding-hosting-olympics-22905?infinitescroll=1
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mehmetkali · 1 year
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codehunter · 1 year
How to avoid 'children with same key' when replacing state in ReactJs component
I have created a React Component that renders a set of sub-elements given an array of ids. The array of ids is kept in the state of the parent component, and then I run some ajax calls based on the ids to fetch data to render. The fetched data is stored in a separate data array in the state. The rendered components use the id as key.
The ids can change based on actions outside of the component, so I use setState on the component to replace the array. The updated id-state will probably contain some of the same ids as the in the original array. At the same time I empty the 'data array' so that everything will be rendered again.
When I do this I sometimes get the key-warning:
Warning: flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key. Child keys must be unique; when two children share a key, only the first child will be used.
The new array does not contain any duplicates. So why does it happen, and what can I do to avoid this?
Edit: Added some code by request. Note: I am using the Infinite Scroll module. Could this be causing it?
Initial state:
getInitialState: function() { return { hasMore: true, num: 0, movieIds: this.props.movieIds, movies: [] };},
Render function:
render: function() { var InfiniteScroll = React.addons.InfiniteScroll; return ( <InfiniteScroll pageStart={0} loadMore={this.loadMore} threshold='20' hasMore={this.state.hasMore}> <ul className="movieList"> {this.state.movies} </ul> </InfiniteScroll> );}
Simplified load more:
comp = this;$.ajax( { url: url, contentType: "json", success: function (data) { var m = createMovieLi(data); var updatedMovies = comp.state.movies; updatedMovies[num] = m; comp.setState({movies: updatedMovies}); }});
And finally when updating outside the component:
movieBox.setState({ hasMore: true, num: 0, movieIds: filteredIds, movies: []});
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aichls · 2 years
Comply With Directions To Install CCTVs In Police Stations : Supreme Court Gives Warning To Centre, Statesपुलिस थानों में सीसीटीवी लगाने के निर्देश का पालन करें : सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने केंद्र, राज्यों को दी चेतावनीhttps://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/supreme-court-sc-warns-centre-states-cctv-surveillance-cameras-police-stations-federal-investigation-agencies-222317?infinitescroll=1SPEAK BEFORE APPLY FOR THE MEMBERSHIP For more details, visit below9873005424, 9873087903https://humanrightscouncil.in/https://humanrightscouncil.in/membership-form-download.php https://www.hrcin.org/membership-form.html http://ihrac.org/membership-form-download.php https://hrcin.org/http://ihrac.org/ https://twitter.com/AdvAnthonyRajuEmail: [email protected] INDIA COUNCIL OF HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERTIES
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dailylogistics · 2 years
2022 — a review of Indian logistics & 2023 -an outlook
What changed in the Indian supply chain/warehousing/tech space in 2022?And what’s in store for 2023? Here’s a look
“The change actually began towards the end of 2021,” says DeveshGangal, CountryMarketing Manager,Borzo India. “We took abig step in unifying ourglobal brands under asingle umbrella, Borzo.Our goal for 2022 wasoperational synchronicityglobally as well as integrating operations of other acquired entities.
“The rebranding of Borzo was a global campaign as a part of the group’s growth strategy. Before this, companies in our group were operating under different names and we thought it was the right time to streamline our operations, especially when the world is witnessing a surge in on-demand deliveries.
“The re-branding exercise was conducted to integrate the company’s brand perception across all countries under a single brand name to help the company optimise its marketing resources and build a universally recognizable global brand. Now, the company operates in India, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Turkey and other countries under the same brand name.”
Borzo (erstwhile WeFast) had raised $35 million in August 2021 in a Series C funding round as part of its growth strategy, the company. Its investors include Mubadala, VNV Global, Flashpoint Venture Capital and others.
Devesh Gangal, Country Marketing Manager, Borzo India
Borzo strengthened its services by adding 18,000 courier partners in May, “and then again, to cater to the festive demand, another 4,000 were added to the workforce,” says Gangal. “This only shows that the market has bounced back since early 2022 and the demand was at pre-Covid levels. Over the year, we have acquired a sizable B2B customer base and will look to focus on SMEs in the coming year. We will be focusing on doing what we do best, plugging our services effectively by assisting companies across sectors to keep their consumers happy.
“Our aim will be to add more cities in our delivery radius particularly tier-II and tier-III cities and strengthen our workforce to enable more deliveries in 2023. We will also be looking to strengthen our delivery team and services for the B2C segment by enabling more hyper-local deliveries as we expect our hyper-local initiatives to drive growth in 2023.”
“If you keenly observe the segment, you will realise that Borzo is probably one of most capital efficient companies so far,” says Gangal. “So, because of our technology, because of the marketplace which we are building, we do not burn that much and I think this is one of our competitive advantages right now. Since the beginning, we have based our business model on SMEs and we will look to occupy a larger market share there while also eyeing the hyperlocal segment and catering to the B2C audience in optimised ways as we are already doing. With better products and service, Borzo has been able to hold a good market share and will continue to expand despite heavy competition.
“On the tech-front, we are building anti-fraud algorithms to enhance security which will be rolled out soon via the app update. We are also continuously updating our app to resolve bugs and provide a smooth user experience to the users.”
Borzo recently expanded its full-fledged services to Pune and are expecting a 10% contribution to revenue from Pune in the next one year. “”We are operating in 14 cities, and are looking to expand to about 20 cities by mid-2023. We are also looking to introduce new modes of delivery which will propel our overall growth,” concludes Gangal.
Source: https://www.itln.in/logistics/20222-a-review-of-indian-logistics-2023-an-outlook-1347585?infinitescroll=1
Website: https://borzodelivery.com/in
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "L'impact du scrolling sur la santé mentale et comportement d'achat" https://t.co/0zGFOkvuXr via @SurveyCircle #ConsumerBehaviour #MentalHealth #InfiniteScroll #IésegSchoolOfManagement #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/VgZl4bxgKu
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Oct 15, 2022
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herchaosbasement · 3 years
The problem is, we keep scrolling, trying to find purpose and inspiration when the answer is to put the phone away and do something.
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filipevb · 2 years
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Animalités Numériques #animalitesnumeriques #filipevilasboas - Work in progress with @gueno_leonar2_26 @jmaiollivier @makemefamily - #3dsketch #hamsterlife #infinitescroll #artinstallation #digitalart #interactiveart #interactiveartinstallation #mediaart #newmediaart #audiovisualart #visualart #arte #doomscrolling #artecontemporanea #humsterwheel #darkpattern #attentioneconomy #humanitesnumeriques #digitalhumanities #digitalanimalities #animalitésnumériques (à Rennes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CckJKQKgGOX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ryanknightart · 3 years
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The Infinite Scroll
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borntobewildcodes · 7 years
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Theme: HALLOWEEN I (vol.4)
{ preview 1 / preview 2 / pasted / pastebin }
Header: blog title, optional main links, optional search box, avatar, description
Menu: up to five extra links
Posts: 250px (2 or 3 columns), 300px (2 columns), 400px, 500px or 540px posts (1 column), post info, buttons (comment, permalink, reblog, like), optional captions, optional tags, disqus comments
Else: google fonts, font awesome icons, custom scrollbar, custom tumblr controls, tooltips, infinite scrolling (plus load more option), pagination, custom colors (not on all elements), monochrome or faded images, png elements
Do not redistribute this theme or remove the credits.
Edit as long as you keep the credits intact
Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
If you want a custom theme you can commission me.
Thanks for using my theme, I hope that you enjoy it.
Jquery | Disqus | Google fonts | Font Awesome icons | Masonry by David Desandro | Infinite scroll by Paul Irish | PXU Photosets | Masonry with Infinite Scroll and PXU Photosets tutorial by @shythemes​ | Load more buttons tutorial by @shythemes | Hide stuff tutorial @lmthemes | Changing Like and Reblog button colors by Georgi Demirev
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