#ingrid jensen
tiaramania · 2 years
Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th Birthday Gifts
The Norwegian royal court has released the annual public gift list and the gifts received by Princess Ingrid Alexandra for her 18th birthday are included. They released a list and some photos this summer but this one is a little more detailed. Someone sent it to me and I realized that I never made a post about the jewelry she received like I did for her confirmation a couple of years ago so here it is.
King Harald & Queen Sonja
Diamond Ring - The ring was formerly a gift to Queen Sonja from her parents, Karl August and Dagny Haraldsen, in 1954.
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Diamond Bracelet - This was originally owned by Crown Princess Märtha and then by Princess Ragnhild. The bracelet along with the earrings and necklace below are items that were returned to the mainline after Princess Ragnhild passed away in 2012 and are now being given to Princess Ingrid Alexandra.
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Earrings - They belonged to Crown Princess Märtha and then to Princess Ragnhild. I’m not sure which earrings these are because they didn’t release a picture.
Necklace - This is the most exciting item to me and the person who sent me the list since it had a bunch of emojis next to it. A picture was not released so we don’t know which necklace it is just that it belonged to Queen Maud and then to Princess Ragnhild. Princess Ragnhild had several that I don’t know the provenance of like this emerald necklace and Queen Maud had several that are lost in the wind like the Pearl Necklace Tiara and the ruby necklace from Queen Victoria. If I had to guess I would say that it’s not any of those and probably a diamond rivière necklace. There are multiple ones in the family that belonged to Queen Maud and at least one that went to Princess Ragnhild but they are really impossible to tell apart so keep an eye out for Princess Ingrid Alexandra wearing one.
King Willem Alexander & Queen Maxima of the Netherlands - January Birthstone Multi Ring Garnet by Anna+Nina
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Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary of Denmark - Esme Galaxy Earrings by Dulong Fine Jewelry
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Princess Elisabeth of Belgium, Duchess of Brabant - Ruby, Pearl, & Blue Topaz Moon Earrings by Percossi Papi
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Sámi Parliament - Fápmu Earrings, Ring, and Necklace and Árbevierru Hair Clip by Erica Huuva
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Sámi Parliament's Youth Policy Committee - Komsekule (a traditional Sámi design meant to offer protection) Earrings and Necklace by Juhls Silver Gallery
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Norwegian Children and Youth Council - Coco Pearl Necklace by Biehl
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The Crown Prince Couple’s Foundation - daisy bracelet by Georg Jensen (They didn’t release a picture of this one and Georg Jensen makes several different daisy bracelets but I assume it’s one of the classic gold with white enamel styles like these.)
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Princess Ingeborg’s Pearl Circle Tiara was not included in the annual gift list which is only for public and official gifts not private ones but we know that it was given to her for her 18th birthday by Haakon, Ingeborg, and Ragnhild Lorentzen at the request of their mother, Princess Ragnhild.
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reverieinter · 1 month
Informe Policial: Caso de Asesinatos en Jutland, Dinamarca
Fecha: 24 de agosto de 2024 Agente a Cargo: Inspector Lars Jensen Unidad: Departamento de Investigación Criminal Ubicación: Jutland, Dinamarca
Resumen del Caso:
El pequeño y remoto pueblo costero de Jutland ha sido el escenario de una serie de crímenes que han atraído la atención del gobierno danés y la unidad de investigación criminal. En el último mes, se han registrado tres asesinatos, con un intervalo de cinco días entre cada uno. Las víctimas han sido encontradas en el cementerio del pueblo, dispuestas en rituales complejos que sugieren una conexión con antiguas creencias locales. A lo largo de los años, se han reportado seis desapariciones no resueltas que podrían estar relacionadas con estos eventos recientes. Este informe detalla los hallazgos hasta la fecha, el contexto cultural y la situación actual del caso.
Contexto del Pueblo
Jutland es un pequeño pueblo costero situado en un rincón aislado de Dinamarca. La población total del pueblo es de menos de cuarenta personas, lo que contribuye a una atmósfera de cerrada intimidad y desconfianza hacia los forasteros. El pueblo es conocido por su imponente faro, que se alza sobre un acantilado rocoso y sirve tanto a navegantes como a turistas. Sin embargo, Jutland es también conocido por su tradición de advertencia a los visitantes: "Eres bienvenido para entrar, pero no para quedarte."
Este aviso ha sido transmitido informalmente entre los habitantes y los turistas, y aunque no aparece en las guías de viaje, ha contribuido a una sensación de misterio en torno al pueblo.
Tradiciones Locales y Creencias
Uno de los aspectos culturales más destacados de Jutland es la tradición de usar talismanes protectores. Estos amuletos, hechos de madera y adornados con símbolos ancestrales, son considerados esenciales para protegerse de los malos espíritus. La comunidad cree firmemente que estos talismanes previenen la influencia de fuerzas malignas y mantienen la armonía con los dioses locales.
Descripción del Cementerio
El cementerio de Jutland es un lugar antiguo y enigmático. Las tumbas están en su mayoría cubiertas de musgo y enredaderas, y el ambiente está impregnado de una quietud inquietante. La bruma que suele envolver el pueblo intensifica la atmósfera fantasmal del lugar, haciendo del cementerio un escenario propenso para actividades de carácter ritual.
Detalles de los Asesinatos
Primer Asesinato (19 de julio de 2024)
Víctima: Lars Bjerre, 42 años, residente temporal.
Descripción del Crimen: El cuerpo de Lars Bjerre fue encontrado en el cementerio, dispuesto en una posición ritualística cerca de una antigua tumba. La víctima fue hallada en el centro de un círculo de talismanes rotos y con marcas en la tierra que formaban símbolos antiguos. La disposición de los restos y los símbolos encontrados indican una práctica ritual vinculada a una deidad local. Se observó que la víctima tenía marcas en la piel que coincidían con los símbolos en la tierra.
Segundo Asesinato (24 de julio de 2024)
Víctima: Ingrid Johansen, 37 años, turista.
Descripción del Crimen: Ingrid Johansen fue encontrada en el mismo cementerio, en una escena similar al primer asesinato. Su cuerpo estaba colocado en una posición ritualística, rodeada de talismanes rotos. Los símbolos en la tierra eran ligeramente diferentes, pero el patrón general seguía el mismo esquema ritual. La víctima presentaba cortes en la piel que formaban patrones similares a los encontrados en el lugar del crimen anterior.
Tercer Asesinato (29 de julio de 2024)
Víctima: Olav Andersen, 29 años, residente temporal.
Descripción del Crimen: El cuerpo de Olav Andersen fue hallado en el cementerio en una escena que replicaba los dos asesinatos anteriores. El cadáver estaba dispuesto en un patrón ritual específico, con marcas en la tierra y en la piel que coincidían con las de las víctimas anteriores. La disposición de los talismanes y los símbolos encontrados eran consistentes con los patrones rituales observados previamente.
Análisis del Patrón Ritual
Los tres asesinatos siguen un patrón ritual que parece estar vinculado a la adoración de una deidad antigua local. Cada escena del crimen incluye una disposición meticulosa de los cuerpos y símbolos, sugiriendo una intención ritual clara. Los talismanes rotos, la disposición de los cuerpos y las marcas en la tierra y en la piel de las víctimas indican un acto de ofrenda o castigo dirigido a esta deidad.
Desapariciones Anteriores
Seis personas han desaparecido en Jutland a lo largo de los últimos diez años. Aunque los detalles sobre estas desapariciones son escasos, la falta de cuerpos y la conexión con los asesinatos recientes sugieren que podrían estar relacionadas. Las desapariciones, al igual que los asesinatos, siguen un patrón que parece estar vinculado a las antiguas creencias y prácticas rituales del pueblo.
Reacciones de la Comunidad
La reacción de la comunidad a los asesinatos ha sido de temor y desconfianza. Los habitantes, tradicionalmente reservados, se han vuelto aún más cerrados y reticentes a hablar con las autoridades. La falta de cooperación y las respuestas evasivas han complicado la investigación. Los aldeanos suelen evitar hablar sobre los crímenes y las desapariciones, limitándose a decir que "es mejor no preguntar". Esta actitud ha dificultado la recopilación de información relevante para el caso.
Investigación en Curso
La investigación sigue en curso, y la unidad de investigación criminal está trabajando para desentrañar los misterios detrás de los asesinatos y las desapariciones. Se están realizando esfuerzos para descifrar el significado de los símbolos rituales y entender el papel de la deidad en los eventos. La colaboración con expertos en antropología y religión está en marcha para obtener una perspectiva más profunda sobre las prácticas rituales y su posible impacto en los crímenes.
Testigos clave
Effie MacLeod: Sobrina del líder y encargada de cuidar a su padre. Aunque parece nerviosa, conoce bien a todos en la comunidad.
Fiona Kerr: Una anciana que se jacta de saberlo todo. Es la principal seguidora del líder y defiende las tradiciones locales, incluyendo la necesidad de ofrecer tributos al conocido "árbol divino" que se encuentra al centro del cementerio.
Rory Grant: Exempleado del ayuntamiento, despedido tras veinte años de servicio. Nadie en el pueblo sabe por qué lo despidieron, y su rencor hacia el líder es evidente.
Conclusión y Recomendaciones
El caso de los asesinatos en Jutland es complejo y está cargado de elementos culturales y rituales que desafían la comprensión convencional. La combinación de supersticiones locales, un pueblo cerrado y una serie de crímenes rituales ha creado un enigma que requiere una investigación exhaustiva y detallada.
Profundizar en el Estudio de los Rituales: Es fundamental continuar investigando el significado de los símbolos rituales y el papel de la deidad en los crímenes. Colaborar con expertos en religiones antiguas y antropología podría proporcionar una visión más clara de las motivaciones detrás de los asesinatos.
Reforzar la Cooperación Comunitaria: Es crucial trabajar para establecer una mayor cooperación con los habitantes de Jutland. La desconfianza y el miedo que sienten los aldeanos deben ser abordados para obtener información valiosa que pueda ayudar a resolver el caso.
Monitorear el Cementerio y el Faro: Dado que el cementerio ha sido el escenario de los crímenes, es esencial mantener una vigilancia constante en el área. El faro, como un símbolo central del pueblo, también debe ser monitoreado para asegurar que no haya actividades sospechosas.
El caso de Jutland continúa siendo un desafío, pero con un enfoque estratégico y una comprensión más profunda de las creencias y prácticas locales, se espera que se puedan descubrir nuevas pistas y resolver el misterio detrás de estos crímenes perturbadores.
Documentos Adjuntos
Perfiles de los sospechosos.
Runas encontradas en diferentes árboles y rocas del pueblo.
Talismanes usados en la protección.
Firmado: Inspector Lars Jensen Departamento de Investigación Criminal 24 de agosto de 2024
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spenglercore · 3 months
OC Masterlist
Made a list of OCs, organized by the IP they exist in. I'll add links to general info on them as I make the posts, and update this with missing info over time.
A lot of them are just different versions of an original, for example Victoria is the 'original', and all other OCs paired with a Harold look the same as her physically and share certain aspects of their backstory, but have different haircuts, styles of dress, etc.
-Victoria 'Vic' Smith, punk nerd and Ghostbuster and later wife to Egon and mother to Callie.
-Cameron Spengler, Callie's younger brother by a year.
-Piotr Kowalski and Ilse Spengler, Egon's parents.
-Johann, Wilhelmina (Willie), Iosif, Marie and Pierre Spengler, Egon's five younger siblings.
-Ingrid Antonova, greaser-punk and car mechanic.
-Zane Ziskey, Ingrid and Russell's wildass sentient mop of a son.
-Pater and Elsie, Russell's parents.
-Ian, Velma, Joseph, Maria and Piers, Russell's five chaotic younger siblings.
-Katya Brown, chemist and Stanford graduate just trying to make it work in the Bay Area.
-Maksym and Megan (Maks and Meg), fraternal twin children to Don and Katya and complete and utter surprise babies.
-Peter and Ellen, Don's parents.
-Giovanni, Willa, Joshua, Mariah and Pierce, Don's younger siblings.
-Sophia 'Trippy' Tripolski, artist and handyman.
- Edward and Andrea (Eddie and Andy), her two kids with Alan.
-Tracey Miller, secretary/office gofer currently pursuing a degree in Architecture
- Veronica, the daughter with Steven that shouldn't exist bc Tracey had always been told she wasn't able to even have kids.
For Dustin Eastwood:
-Cassidy 'Sid' Larson, general ranch hand type, occasional bounty hunter.
-Milo, her and Dustin's son who is FASCINATED by the outdoors.
-Piter and Elise, Dustin's parents.
-John, Elma, Joey, Mary and Pete, Dustin's five younger siblings.
For Officer Friendly, whom I named Oscar:
-Penelope 'Penny' Miller, professional 70s punk protestor.
-Benjamin, Casey, Melanie (Mel), Crystal, Shaun and Josephine, Penny and Friendly's six little chaotic felons.
- Philip and Lisa, Ofc. Friendly's parents.
For Moe Green:
- Emily Jensen. Info pending. Because Moe needs SOMEbody to comfort him, holy shit.
- Ryan, Erin and Joel, her three kids with Moe.
For the PTA Fucker, whom I named Sterling Silver (fuck you Sam):
- Judy 'Jude' Silver, formerly Judy Gold, all I have for her is sixties hippie vibes but to the left.
- Joy, Cassius (Cas), Bianca (Bee), Leroy, Charlie and Dawn, Jude and Sterlings half-planned, half-surprise counterculture mob.
Imogene [surname pending], assistant dockmaster on the station Zeke and Edsel operate out of. Tells Zeke that if he can land the goddamn ship sober and NOT fuck up the docks, she'll let him take her out. It backfires.
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olive-pit123 · 6 months
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asian-heart-92 · 4 months
Street Fighter fancast (part 4)
Shioli Kutsuna as Kei Chitose
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Jensen Ackles as my choice #1 for Cody Travers
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Garrett Hedlund as my choice #2 for Cody Travers
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Kaede Aono as Maki Genryusai
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McKenna Grace as Ingrid
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Kairi Sane as Rainbow Mika
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Ruka Matsuda as Karin Kanzuki
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Raffey Cassidy as Juli
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Clare Foley as Juni
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Ester Expósito as Enero
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Anamaria Vartolomei as Février
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Camren Bicondova as März
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Benedetta Porcaroli as Aprile
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Lyrica Okano as Satsuki
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Lovie Simone as Santamu
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Alexa Loo as Xiayu
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Wenwen Han as Jianyu
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Blu Hunt as Noembelu
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Lorenzo Richelmy as Maggio
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Manu Bennett as Rolento F. Schugerg
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Emilien De Falco as Remy
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Kaho Takada as Makoto
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Miles Teller as Ace
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Tyler Hoechlin as Vulcano Rosso
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Sho Kosugi as Gouken
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Adeline Rudolph as Juri Han
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Ahmed Mesallati as Rashid
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Xochitl Gomez as Lily Hawk
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Timothy Dalton as JP
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Okay, so:
Welcome to the humanised countries AU!
And no, this isn't Hetalia.
It's BETTER, if I do say so myself(lmao).
Basically, it's a mix between Hetalia and Countryhumans, so you get the best and worst of each fandom.
Now, the countries themselves.
This is a list that’s being updated continuously, so all subject to change.
Argentina: Bruno Sanchéz/Alejandra Laurier
Austria: Felix Lothringen
Austria-Hungary: Maximillian Habsburg/Emilia Habsburg-Hohenzollern
Australia: Kyle Windsor/Grace Takahashi
Belarus: Nina Sanchéz-Romanov
Belgium: Christine Baumgartner/Francois Laurier
Bosnia: Amar Petrović
Brazil: Antônio Santos/Francisca Sanchéz
Bulgaria: Aleksandra Berzina
Canada: Jackson Windsor/Emma Sanchéz
Chile: Martina Andersson
Croatia: Nika Sepp
Cuba: Alejandro Sanchéz
Cyprus: Kyrenia Becker
Czechia: Tomáš Novák
Denmark: Kevin Jensen
Estonia: Kiira Järvinen/Mattias Sepp
Finland: Timo Järvinen/Kristiina Windsor
France: Michèle Bérnard-Windsor
German Empire: Michael Hohenzollern
Germany: Walter Becker
Greece: Eleni Bianchi
Hungary: István Almassy
Iceland: Gunnar Andersson
Indonesia: Matius Laurier/Gemi Windsor
Ireland: Kelsey Windsor/Saoirse Kowalski
Israel: Eliana Windsor
Italy: Nicola Bianchi
Jamaica: Marley Windsor/Tashelle Sanchéz
Japan: Sakura Takahashi-Windsor/Kenzō Takahashi
Latvia: Andrejs Berzina
Lithuania: Lina Kazlauskas
Luxembourg: Yvette Rossi
Malaysia: Barzin Windsor
Malta: Giulia Bérnard
Mexico: Sergio Sanchéz/Carmen Lothringen-Sanchéz
Moldova: Valentina Ionescu
Morocco: Faisal Idrissi/Amira Ackerman
Monaco: Christian Rossi
NATO(ik an organisation but hey): Lucas Windsor
Netherlands: Hendrik Laurier
New Zealand: Shane Windsor/Heidi Sanchéz
Norway: Ingrid Matić
Philippines: Angelo Sanchéz/Agila Windsor
Poland: Katarzyna Nagy/Robert Kowalski
Portugal: Maria Windsor
Prussia: Friedrich Hohenzollern
Puerto Rico: Sebastian Sanchéz
Romania: Andrei Ionescu
Russia: Sergei Romanov/Sofia Hassan
Serbia: Marijana Romanov
Singapore: Derrik Windsor
Slovakia: Tatiana Novák
Slovenia: Matej Matić
South Africa: Stoffel Ackerman
Spain: Jorge Sanchéz
Sweden: Stefan Andersson
Switzerland: Julian Baumgartner
TR: Klaus Schmidt
Turkey: Safiye Becker
UK: William Windsor
Ukraine: Daniela Windsor
USA: Alex Windsor/Amelia Windsor-Idrissi
Vietnan: Kieu Sanchéz
Yugoslavia: Bogdan Petrović
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
LGBT+ European female footballers P1
The Women's World Cup is going on as of writing and so made a list of all the LGBTQ+ footballers posted here 2018 to present (2023).
Below are the professional female footballers from Europe (retired and current), who have been posted on this blog since 2018. Some posts may be out of date/innacurate and so if you see any errors please get in touch. Have gone through more than 14 pages of this blog to provide this list. Hope you like it.
Due to various technical issues I had to split the Europeans into two posts and some links may look weird so apologies for that.
Total below: 39
Alex Scott - Lesbian
Ainhoa Fernández - Lesbian
Alisha Lehmann - Bisexual
Anneli Andelén - Lesbian
Babett Peter - Lesbian
Barbora Votíková - Lesbian
Becky Easton - Lesbian
Bente Nordby - Lesbian
Bethany England - Lesbian
Bev Priestman - Lesbian
Carly Telford - Lesbian
Carolina Morace - Lesbian
Cecilie Breil Kramer - Lesbian
Chelcee Grimes - Bisexual
Chloe Morgan - Lesbian
Claudia van den Heiligenberg - Lesbian
Demi Stokes - Lesbian
Dorte Dalum Jensen - Lesbian
Edda Garðarsdóttir - Lesbian
Elena Linari - Lesbian
Gilly Flaherty - Lesbian
Gunnhildur Jónsdóttir - Lesbian
Hannah Wants - Lesbian
Hope Powell - Lesbian
Laura McAllister - Lesbian
Laura Montgomery - Lesbian
Linda Bresonik - Bisexual
Lisa Evans - Lesbian
Lotta Schelin - Lesbian
Lucie Voňková - Lesbian
Inka Grings - Bisexual
Ingrid Syrstad Engen - Lesbian
Jess Fishlock - Lesbian
Jodie Taylor - Lesbian
Jodie Michalska - Lesbian
Katharina Lindner - Lesbian
Katrine Pedersen - Lesbian
Kassandra Missipo - Lesbian
Kelly Smith - Lesbian
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annah-kitathryne · 5 months
Got tagged by @mysteriousbeetle
Put Spotify playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
I used my liked songs because my regular playlist is 63+ hours long.
1. Demons by Icon for Hire
Haven't listened to this one in a while. However, Icon for Hire is one of my favorite bands. I listen to a lot of the music.
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2. Body by Mother Mother
It's my favorite Mother Mother song. Listened to this one on repeat for a good two weeks a few months ago.
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3. DARKSIDE by Neoni
Honestly, I have to thank TikTok for this one. It's not my favorite by Neoni anymore, but I still listen to it a lot.
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4. Feel Like This by Ingrid Andress
Thanks @val-el , you gave me your JayRose playlist, and it introduced me to Ingrid Andress.
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5. Back from the Dead by Besomorph, AViVA, and Neoni
This song: I don't listen to enough. I always get shocked when it starts playing, but end up repeating is several time.
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6. Basket Case by Green Day
Green Day is the first band I memorized lyrics for. Thanks, dad, for playing the CDs on repeat for my whole childhood. This song is my favorite from the Dookie album.
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7. Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
2 am dance parties with headphones and a headache from being awake. If I can't dance around to this song, I'm either too sick or have died.
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8. Freak Like Me by Halestorm
This song is so fun to listen to. I think about Animatics I could draw to it a lot. That's if I had the dedication to actually draw consistently and learn how to make videos.
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9. The Hunter by Adam Jensen
I don't remember where I found this song or why I liked it. Had to listen to it again. Pretty good. Don't have much to say on it.
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10. Feminazi by Fea
This has been on my liked songs for years. It's a fun listen. This was a spite song. Someone I used to be friends with hated this song, and I found out some stuff they did, and would play it on repeat so when they looked at my discord profile they would see the song all the time.
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Tag List: @automaticsoulharmony @spoileralxrt @burritowitch and anyone else who might want to join.
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hey friends! I need your music recommendations! tell me what to listen to!
stuff I like: the mountain goats, the hold steady, dessa, jensen mcrae, hozier sometims but not always, the crane wives, rilo kiley, mitski (but not her newest album, oddly). ingrid michaelson, melissa ferrick.
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Larkin Best Dancer/Top 20 Results!
Junior Female Top 20:
Ashley Kollin
Teen Female Top 10:
Taylor Sieve
Teen Female 3rd Runner-up:
Taylor Sieve
Teen Female Top 10:
Kierstyn Tupa
Senior Male Top 10:
Jack Moore
Mini Male Top 10:
Diego Garcia-Kuhlman
Colin Benning
Andrew Imm
Ramsey Morrell
Lawson Sharrer
Junior Female Top 10:
Eva Igo
Junior Male Top 10:
Joshua Ukura
Alex Cohoon
Teen Female Top 20:
Lexus Johnson
Senior Female Top 20:
Madison Jordan
Senior Female 2nd Runner-up:
Taylor Sieve
Senior Male 2nd Runner-up:
Nico Lonetree
Mini Female Top 20:
Ava Wagner
Mini Male Top 22:
Colin Bennin
Mini Male Top 10:
Diego Garcia
Teen Female Top 20:
Eva Igo
Teen Female Top 10:
Ellie Wagner
Teen Male Top 20:
Eli Smutney
Alex Arce
Senior Female Top 20:
Madison Jordan
Senior Female Best Dancer:
Taylor Sieve
Senior Male Top 10:
Nico Lonetree
Mini Female Top 10:
Ali Ogle
Mini Female Top 20:
Isabella Jarvis
Mini Male Top 10:
Degie Setnes
Junior Female Top 10:
Ava Wagner
Bennet EspindaBanick
Junior Male Top 10:
Colin Benning
Teen Female 3rd Runner-up:
Eva Igo
Teen Female Top 10:
Ellie Wagner
Teen Male Top 10:
Joshua Ukura
Teen Male Top 20:
Ty Feldewerd
Alex Arce
Senior Female Top 10:
Lexus Johnson
Senior Male Top 20:
Dominick Burkhart
Eli Smutny
2018 - Orlando
Mini Female 1st Runner-up:
Ali Ogle
Mini Female Top 10:
Keira Redpath
Mini Female Top 20:
Claire Monge
Junior Female Best Dancer:
Ava Wagner
Junior Female Top 20:
Maria Neely
Teen Female 1st Runner-up:
Ellie Wagner
Teen Female Top 20:
Sara Gutz
Teen Male Top 10:
Chase Peterson
Teen Male Top 20:
Joshua Ukura
Senior Female Top 20:
Lexus Johnson
Senior Male Top 20:
Eli Smutny
Mini Female 1st Runner-up:
Savannah Manzel
Mini Female Top 10:
Claire Monge
Josie Lutz
Mini Female Top 20:
Brynn Kostka
Junior Female 2nd Runner-up:
Isabella Jarvis
Junior Female Top 10:
Ali Ogle
Junior Male Top 10:
Asher Lindamood
Teen Female 1st Runner-up:
Bennet EspindaBanick
Teen Female Top 10:
Sara Gutz
Senior Female Best Dancer:
Ellie Wagner
Senior Male Top 10:
Chase Peterson
Alex Arce
Senior Male Top 20:
Kevin Avila
Axel Amundson
Mini Female Best Dancer:
Savannah Manzel
Mini Female Top 15:
Finley Ashfield
Mini Female Top 30:
Isabella Charnstrom
Junior Female Best Dancer:
Ali Ogle
Junior Female 3rd Runner-up:
Josie Lutz
Junior Female Top 30:
Keira Redpath
Junior Male 1st Runner-up:
Caleb Abea
Teen Female 1st Runner-up:
Ava Wagner
Teen Female Top 15:
Bennet EspindaBanick
Teen Female Top 30:
Isabella Jarvis
Senior Female Top 30:
Sara Gutz
Kate Happe
Mini Female Best Dancer:
Kelsie Jakobson
Mini Female Top 10:
Finley Ashfield
Daphnie Braun
Lilly Anderson
Mini Female Top 21:
Isabella Charnstrom
Ingrid Wirtz
Junior Female 1st Runner-up:
Claire Monge
Junior Female Top 10:
Carley Jensen
Josie Lutz
Junior Female Top 20:
Siena Paradeau
Teen Female 1st Runner-up:
Ava Wagner
Teen Female Top 10:
Isabella Jarvis
Keira Redpath
Teen Female Top 20:
Sydney Ishaug
Teen Male Best Dancer:
Caleb Abea
Senior Female Top 10:
Bennet EspindaBanick
Senior Female Top 20:
Kate Happe
Sara Gutz
Mini Female Best Dancer:
Finley Ashfield
Mini Female 2nd Runner-up:
Lilly Anderson
Mini Female Top 10:
Isabella Charnstrom
Harper Anderson
Mini Female Top 20:
Malia Scott
Kate Monge
Neala Murphy
Junior Female 1st Runner-up:
Savannah Manzel
Junior Female Top 10:
Tahari Conrad
Junior Female Top 20:
Ingrid Wirtz
Siena Paradeau
Teen Female 3rd Runner-up:
Keira Redpath
Teen Female Top 10:
Ali Ogle
Isabella Jarvis
Teen Female Top 20:
Cami Redpath
Teen Male Top 20:
Juan Pacheco
Senior Female 2nd Runner-up:
Ava Wagner
Senior Female Top 20:
Sydney Ishaug
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nonesuchrecords · 10 months
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NPR Music's Best Songs of 2023 include Darcy James Argue's Secret Society's "Mae West: Advice," from Dynamic Maximum Tension ("Mae West ... is the inspiration for this lascivious big band number, which is fitting, given that she put Duke Ellington in one of her movies. Cécile McLorin Salvant purrs one-liners as Ingrid Jensen’s trumpet sashays over a lush arrangement."); Salvant's Mélusine title track ("The pensive, poetical title track of Salvant’s latest album is a mystery nestled within a bedtime story—infused with desire that slow-burns beneath Renaissance decorum."); and Vagabon's “Autobahn," from Sorry I Haven't Called ("Laetitia Tamko urges us to 'forget enough to love what you remember,' a poignant battlecry to discard trauma and/or embrace nostalgia. In other words, a song for basically everyone."). You can find the complete list here.
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theloniousbach · 11 months
FROM THE SMALL’S ARCHIVE: VIRGINIA MAYHEW with Roberta Piket, Harvie S, and Billy Mintz, SMALL’S JAZZ CLUB, 13 OCTOBER 2023, 7:30 pm
I had wanted to see at least one set of this two night run in real time, but I was out of town. Having seen the 9 pm set, I resolved to see this one and I will try again about the next night, but I think it’s lost. This one isn’t though.
Since seeing the 9 pm set, I’ve found some VIRGINIA MAYHEW recordings—with Ingrid Jensen and Allison Miller (proto Artemis?) including some pianoless ones. But when there’s a pianist it’s Kenny Barron. She belongs in such heady company.
And she belongs in this heady company. Harvie S and Billy Mintz help make Alan Broadbent’s working trio essential. They have also recorded and performed with Roberta Piket who also deserves those gigs. She’s married to Billy Mintz which explains their proximity. But she’d be getting gigs without the connection.
It’s fun to hear Mintz a little louder with the bigger room and the horn, but he remains a master of subtlety and minimalism. Harvie S though did not benefit from the size. He sets up to the left of Mintz not between the kit and the piano and the Small’s/Mezzrow’s sound is just the room sound, so it can be hit and miss. But his solos were smart and focused. Piket is not Broadbent, but she is sympathetic and fluid. While they did Mintz’s Flight to close the second set, her Bridge To Nowhere from their trio album was in this set. She was also particularly important in the closer, an early Mayhew tune with modal elements. Piket teased A Love Supreme (at medium tempo) and Softly As In a Morning Sunrise, a bit of Coltrane, but not Tyner, with humor not somberness.
Of course, it’s Mayhew’s gig and her tunes were fresh and varied. She opened with a tune she repeated in the second set, In Sunshine Or In Shadow which developed nicely but patiently with a light swing. New Blues was brighter and the first solo went to Mintz. As she did in the second set, there was a Billy Strayhorn tune, Lush Life this time, Chelsea Bridge then. That scores serious points in my book. She took both with fullest respect for the sumptuous tunes but not as big a tone. That allowed her to explore it in different ways. One for Sonny was properly full and Rollins-esque. Lazy He Calls Me was a slightly bigger ballad.
I haven’t seen Mayhew around, but I will make a point of being on the lookout. I’m grateful for this run.
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myordinaryeyes · 1 year
New Year's Eve
Sharing kali ini diambil dari sebuah film yang hari ini gw tonton
Sebenernya dari review-review yang ada, film ini biasa saja 
Tapi bentuknya memang unik karena mengambil tema film collage, atau multi-plot, atau pola jaring laba-laba.
Apa tuh? Ribet banget.
Artinya sebuah film yang menggabungkan beberapa plot kemudian diceritakan secara bergantian. Karena banyak, pasti ribet kan, makanya ceritanya ringan dan gak mendalam. 
Secara singkat film ini bercerita tentang beberapa kisah pasangan-pasangan di malam tahun baru 2011 ke 2012. 
Ada pasangan suami istri, ada pasangan baru jadi, ada pasangan orang tua dan anak, dll. 
Kenapa gw tetarik nonton ini? Karena cast nya terkenal semua haha
Ada Zac Efron, Ashton Kutcher, Lea Michelle, Josh Duhamel, Robert De Niro, Katherine Heighl, Jessica Biel dll sampai lah tiba-tiba ada Jon Bon Jovi disitu. 
Jadi, setiap pasangan itu punya masalah dan ceritanya masing-masing yang akan gw share singkatnya.
Claire Morgan adalah Vice President dari Times Square Alliance yang ditugaskan untuk mengurus perayaan New Year's Eve di Times Square. Salah satu & tugas terberatnya adalah mengurus bola lampu yang menjadi tradisi di Times Square untuk dijatuhkan sebagai penanda untuk countdown menuju pergantian tahun. Ternyata, disamping membawa tanggung jawab untuk memastikan acara New Year's tersebut lancar, bola lampu itu memiliki cerita personal antara Claire Morgan dengan ayahnya, Stan Harris yang sedang sakit dan menolak untuk diberikan pengobatan apapun karena tau saatnya telah tiba. Stan Harris menghabiskan malam tahun baru di rumah sakit yang memiliki rooftop berseberangan dengan tower bola lampu itu akan dijatuhkan. 
Di rumah sakit yang sama ada 2 pasang suami istri yang sedang menunggu kelahiran bayi mereka. Mereka saling berkompetisi untuk melahirkan anak mereka di malam tahun baru agar mendapatkan hadiah uang (ya ceritanya kan jarang ya ada bayi lahir di tahun baru jadi ya beritanya heboh gitu jadi dapet uang).
Selain itu, di perayaan New Year's Eve itu juga ada bintang tamu penyanyi bernama Jensen yang setahun yang lalu kabur dari ceweknya, Laura padahal dia mau ngelamar gitu. Trus si Laura patah hati dan lebih mengejar karirnya di bidang makanan. Malam itu, Laura jadi vendor acara New Year's Eve di Ahern Record. 
Ahern Record itu dimiliki oleh keluarga Sam yang punya kendala untuk pergi ke acara tersebut karena mobilnya nabrak pohon pas lagi cari jalan via maps (ini scene ngakak banget). Ternyata tahun sebelumnya, dia ketemu cewek misterius yang kasih petunjuk kalau mereka jodoh, tahun baru ini mereka akan ketemu di satu tempat (ini agak impossible).
Ada seorang Staf Ahern Record yang kerja disitu, namanya Ingrid. Di New Year's Eve dia punya 1 set list wishlist yang dia ingin capai sebelum tahun baru berganti dan dia dibantuin sama Paul untuk mewujudkannya. Paul itu seorang kurir (ganteng amat yang main Zac Efron, ada kurir begini juga gw cari-cari alasan bikin wishlist biar ditemenin).
Paul itu punya temen namanya Randy yang punya insiden buruk di malam tahun baru sebelumnya, jadi dia benci tuh ngerayain tahun baru. Terus dia kejebak di lift apartemennya sendiri sama Elise, yang ternyata penyanyi latarnya Jensen. 
Selain temen, Paul itu juga punya saudara namanya Kim yang punya anak ABG namanya Hailey. Ceritanya mereka berantem karena Kim gak bolehin Hailey pergi ke acara tahun baru sama temen-temennya (padahal mau ketemu gebetan gitu).
Yak dari semua konflik-konflik di atas, ternyata gw mendapat beberapa pesan yang mau gw share ke siapapun yang baca ini. 
Sebelumnya, pasti berasa gantung kan gw ceritain konfliknya tapi gak ada endingnya.
Akhir cerita, si Claire berhasil membuat bola lampu di Times Square diperbaiki dan acara New Year's Eve nya lancar. Dia juga bisa nemenin ayahnya, Stan Harris di saat-saat terakhirnya dengan merasakan kembali momen masa kecil saat Claire merayakan malam tahun baru bersama ayahnya. 
Trus dua pasangan yang berkompetisi itu akhirnya sama-sama ngelahirin anaknya barengan. Tapi salah satu pasangan, akhirnya mengalah untuk merelakan hadiah uang tersebut dimiliki oleh pasangan satunya karena mereka lebih membutuhkan uang tersebut. 
Jensen akhirnya sama Laura balikan lagi dan tetap mendukung karir masing-masing, walaupun Jensen akhirnya berkorban untuk gak melanjutkan tur konsernya untuk bareng-bareng sama Laura.
Sam akhirnya ketemu cewek misteriusnya yang ternyata adalah mamanya Hailey, yes, Kim (ini endingnya lebih impossible lagi haha mana kepikiran si, boleh lah twistnya disini). Trus hubungan Hailey sama Kim juga baik lagi karena Kim akhirnya gak terlalu posesif dan membiarkan Hailey seneng-seneng sama temen-temennya (+ gebetan).
Ingrid berhasil accomplish semua wishlist nya dan (ini juga gak ketebak) semacam jadian sama Paul. Padahal usia mereka beda jauh.
Randy sama Elise ending nya ya ketauan lah ya cinlok. Ya coba kejebak di lift berjam-jam pas malam tahun baru lagi, gimana gak baper.
Trus dari konflik ke endingnya kenapa bisa begitu gimana? Nonton aja sendiri ya. 
Kisah-kisah ini tuh gak jauh dari kehidupan kita. Ada kisah percintaan, ada kisah tentang pursue karir kita, pengorbanan, mengejar mimpi, dll. Di akhir film ini, gw disadarkan kalau untuk merayakan tahun baru itu gak harus dengan hal-hal besar kayak pakai kembang api, tapi hal-hal sederhana itu bisa punya impact yang besar buat diri kita dan juga orang lain. 
Dan personally, gw benar-benar merenungkan beberapa dialog dari film ini yang seperti post sebelumnya, bisa relate dengan perasaan yang gw alami selama ini. So here it is,
The ball has stopped half way to its perch. It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop, and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures, or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt, because that's what new year's all about, getting another chance,  a chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be So when the ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long. Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world we can't control. Earthquakes, floods, reality shows But it's important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts Because the one thing that turns the world from the longing place to a beautiful place is love Love and any of its forms. Love gives us hope Hope for the new year 
Looking forward for another adventure, chance, forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts, love and hopes
[Throwback] Written on 17 April 208; 00.33
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rich4a1 · 1 year
Christine Jensen Day Moon
Christine Jensen Day Moon Justin Time Saxophonist, composer, and conductor Christine Jensen steps in with a brilliant album, Day Moon. Her sister, Ingrid, of course, is a renowned trumpeter and original member of the female supergroup Artemis. Christine is usually very busy leading her own fabled jazz orchestra in Canada, but the pandemic gave her (or forced her) to work on a much smaller scale,…
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steamedtangerine · 2 years
But I Had To Say Goodbye - Roni Ben-hur
Roni Ben-Hur · Ingrid Jensen · George Cables · Harvie S · Victor Lewis
Nice, smart mellow weary Sunday afternoon wind-down music.
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10/13/22 Thursday
Errands. Find Club Tails. Eastwood Moonlight Bodega. No Strawberry. Got Long Island ice tea. Screwdriver. 3 bottled bloody marys at Shop City liquor store. 
2 PM -- Cocktail hour w/neighbor Sue. Brought brownie cake. Had tiny piece. Bean chips. 
4:50 -- Leave for Stevie Ray gig.
5:30 -- Arrive Homer Arts Center. Grand piano set up, ready to use. Don’t have to bring in equipment. Relieved. Gary I drums. Samantha Ray vocals. Fundraiser for arts center. Like a concert. People listening, being relatively quiet. Clapping. Had to pound to project. Had beer on break. Food. Mystery meatball. Middle Eastern? 
Quiet drive home. Route 11 to LaFayette. 
10 -- Home. Sleeping my midnight.
10/12/23 Wednesday
2 PM -- Corn Hill teaching. Mark M, 2 hour session. Played Mehldau My Favorite Things. Nice tone, control. 
4:30 -- Luke. I checked out rubato into, provided ideas. Ingrid Jensen chord - A major seventh, F# in bass. 
5 -- Nicholas. Maiden Voyage.
6 -- Veronika. Asks good questions. 
Home around 9. Leftover stew for dinner.
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