#ingrid plum
gianttankeh · 1 year
Nichola Scrutton & Ali Robertson at GLE4M Festival, Queen Margaret Union, University of Glasgow, Glasgow: 25/5/23.
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You can find out more about GLE4M and it's two day programme of events here.
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Blue bowl with plums   -  Ingrid Smuling , 2006.
Dutch, b.1944 -
Oil on panel , 20 x 20 cm.
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helen-with-an-a · 1 month
Can you do a Barca one where R is suffering with ED, but as one of the newest players, alexia and Jona are rough with her for a bit before she passes out on the field. Her bestfriend, and only friend at Barca, Ingrid, comes to her and feels how light she’s became and that’s when they find out about it?
Hiiiiii - thank you so much for the request and sorry it took so long to get through. Thank you to all the people who reached out offering advice about how to write this - I deeply appreciate it and I hope this helps someone out there. I know that it's scary and daunting but please, please talk to someone. Reaching out for help is the hardest thing, I am well aware of it, but I promise you it will get better. People love you. People want you in there lives. You are worth it and deserve every ounce of love in the world. I hope that my little corner of the internet can help you in some way. Lot of love to every single one of you. Forehead smooches for you all. I hope you enjoy this.
Different From Last Time
Barça Femeni x Reader
Description: R's eating disorder comes back when she moves to Barcelona
TW: Eating Disorder; Disordered Eating habits
Word Count: 3.1k
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You hadn’t meant it. Not this time. It wasn’t like last time. Last time, there had been a snippy comment by a jealous girl. Last time, there had been a throw-away quip from a boy that you thought you had a crush on that you hadn’t thrown away. Last time, there had been a slow descent into your Bad Place. Last time, people around you had noticed. Last time, there were hospital visits and psychiatrists. Last time was not like this time. This time, there was no catalyst, no remark that sent you spiralling. This time, it happened without thinking about it. This time the Bad Place had appeared around you without you realising. This time was very different.
It had started when you moved to Barcelona. Your usual breakfast of porridge had made you feel ill one morning. The heaviness of the dense meal sat in your stomach for far longer than was comfortable and paired with the heat … it was not a fun time for you. The next day you had felt the same … and the next, and the next. So, you decided to cut the oats out, and pick at some of the fresh fruit sitting in the fridge instead. It never crossed your mind to replace the oats with something lighter but still filling, like a yoghurt or something. This was fine on your off-days, But by the time lunch arrived, you were starving – so you ate a lot. You plate was piled high of pasta and chicken and vegetables. All healthy, all nutritious. But because you’d ate so much at lunch, you weren’t hungry at dinner. So, you ended up skipping dinner, or picking at some more fruit.
Slowly, without you even realising it, all you were eating at home was fruit. Fruit and a milky coffee or black tea. Your breakfast was a delicious nectarine or a juicy vibrant orange and a mug of freshly brewed coffee with frothy, milky latte art on top or a warm, inviting cup of tea. You knew it might not have been the most nourishing of ways to start your day, but the thought of anything heavier had your stomach churning. The weather was warm, and you truly honestly weren’t hungry. Until you smelled the food in the lunchroom. Every day, you were the first one in and the last one out of the cafeteria. Pasta, rice, potatoes, chicken, beef, pork, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, peppers. You name it, you probably ate it. It never really clicked in your mind that this could have been a sign. You never felt guilty after eating it, so you didn’t have a problem … right?
But then the off days rolled around. Without the structure of the training schedule, instructing you when and where to eat, you found yourself lost in the quiet of your little flat on the edge of town.  The fridge hummed softly, filled with vibrant colours of fruits you’d stocked up on. Baskets of peaches, plums, and pears lined your kitchen counter. They were beautiful to look at, reminding you of a still-life painting. That’s essentially all they were. A piece of decoration for you to look at.
It was an off day that you finally noticed the changes. You’d stepped out of the shower, steam still clinging to the small bathroom, and caught a glimpse of yourself. The skin stretched tight over your collarbones; your arms looked thinner, almost fragile.  The muscle you had worked so hard to gain was less noticeable. It was subtle, not something that would scream at anyone else, but you knew your body, and this wasn’t right. You brushed it off at first, telling yourself it was just the result of a new lifestyle. The Mediterranean diet, wasn’t that supposed to be healthier? People here were slim, fit, effortlessly beautiful. You were just blending in, adapting, right?
You refused to acknowledge it. You had been through this before. This was nothing like that. The words that lingered in your mind weren’t there this time. You didn’t fear things the way you did last time. You were fine. It wasn’t like last time.
You started to feel tired all the time. Not just sleepy, but exhausted, like your bones were weighed down with sand. It wasn’t the kind of tired that a good night’s sleep could fix. It was deeper, more persistent, as if it had seeped into your very being. You tried to ignore it, pushing through your days with a smile that felt more like a mask.
The coaches had started to pick up on your sluggishness. You were known for your speed – your nimble movements as you dodged round defenders like a dancer weaving through a crowded ballroom, your movements calm and calculated with perfect precision. But now, now your steps felt heavy – your timing off as you, once again, gave the ball away. It was preseason – surely you shouldn’t be this tired?
“Y/N, is everything ok?” Pere asked softly as he pulled you off to the side. You swallowed. Was everything ok?
“Yeh,” you sighed. “Sorry, I’m just tired. Still trying to get used to the heat,” you gestured around you. It was sweltering that’s for such. The temperature at the ground reaching an uncomfortable mid-thirties by mid-morning.
You knew you needed to step it up. You needed to be better. If not for you, then the team. The team needed you at your best. And you had to be the best. Maybe it was the Bad Thoughts talking, but you decided that being the best meant just training harder, not taking that step to talk to someone, to seek professional help. This wasn’t like last time. You could manage it.
And so, you pushed harder. You told yourself that this was the answer; that all you needed was to work through the fatigue, to out-train the tiredness that clung to you like a second skin. Early morning runs before the sun had fully risen, extra drills after everyone else had left the field, more laps, more weights, more sweat. You kept telling yourself that the ache in your muscles was proof that you were getting stronger, that the exhaustion in your bones was a sign that you were working toward something better.
You hadn’t really noticed it, but you were so focussed on training that you had stopped interacting with people. You were so tired all the time, your response became short and snippy. You were getting more and more irritable as the days went by. The little things that never used to bother you—the noise in the locker room, a teammate’s joke, even the way someone chewed their food—started to grate on your nerves. You could feel the frustration bubbling just beneath the surface, ready to spill over at any moment. But instead of addressing it, instead of acknowledging that something was wrong, you buried it under layers of denial and discipline. You told yourself it was just the stress, that everyone got like this sometimes. It was just part of being an athlete, right?
It was Alexia who first approached you, a few weeks after her return from the Olympics. She had been well aware of who you were before you signed for Barcelona – she had been on the receiving end of a few of your nutmegs and perfectly executed presses. This was not the Y/N she had played against.
She had found you outside, setting up for free kick practice. She found it strange – that you would choose to practice those of all things. You weren’t on the list to take set pieces, your name so far down the list the pigs would sooner fly then you participating in that part of football games.
“Hola,” Alexia said, coming to stand next to you. You jumped, your body tensing at the intruder. “Lo siento,” she smiled at you.
“Alexia, um, hi?” You sounded genuinely shocked she was near you, voluntarily talking to you.
The Catalan captain scared you a little. It was something about her composure, her intensity that made you nervous to even breathe the same air as her, let alone talk to her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, honestly curious at your choice of activity.
“Practising,” you dismissed, looking across at the set up.
“Because I need to …” you trailed off, making it sound more like a question than anything else.
“We haven’t even had a game yet, I think you’re fine,” she consoled.
“No, I need to push myself. I need to be better. I want to do this for the team.” With those words, Alexia made up her mind. Something she would later regret massively, but something that, in the moment, seemed like a very smart idea.
Alexia observed you the following afternoon. You were right, you were moving more slowly than usual. You were slower, you were less agile, you were making mistakes that you never used to make. Alexia thought she was helping.
“No, de nuevo.” Alexia barked. You flinched at the tone, the harshness of Alexia's voice cutting through the afternoon air like a whip. It wasn’t just you who noticed – everyone on the pitch turned their heads, eyes widening in surprise. Alexia was known for her leadership, for guiding the team with a firm but fair hand. But this? This was different. It was almost like she was pushing you, testing your limits in a way that felt more personal than professional.
You forced yourself to focus, your heart pounding in your chest. Sweat dripped down your forehead, stinging your eyes as you tried to reset, to shake off the growing sense of unease that had taken root inside you. You couldn’t afford to mess this up, not in front of her, not in front of the team.
Again and again, you repeated the drill, your legs growing heavier with each attempt. You could feel your breath hitching, your lungs burning, but you pushed through, ignoring the screaming protests of your body. This was what you needed, right? To push harder, to be better. But with each failed attempt, each barked command from Alexia, doubt crept further into your mind.
Your teammates watched with a mix of concern and confusion. They could see something was off, that you were struggling more than usual, but no one dared to say anything. Alexia’s presence was too commanding, too intimidating to question. So they stayed silent, exchanging worried glances as you faltered once again.
“No, no, no,” Alexia snapped, stepping closer, her frustration palpable. “That’s not good enough. Again.”
You nodded, barely hearing her words over the pounding in your ears. The world was starting to tilt, the edges of your vision blurring as you bent over, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. But there was no time for that. You had to keep going. You had to prove yourself.
“Y/N,” Alexia’s voice cut through your haze, sharp and unyielding. “Again.”
You straightened up, legs trembling, and moved to take your position. But the ground seemed to shift beneath your feet, and suddenly, you were stumbling, your vision narrowing to a pinpoint. Panic flared in your chest as the world spun, and before you could stop it, darkness began to close in around you.
Was it the heat? Was it the food? You really couldn’t tell. You felt horrific. But you had to keep going. You swayed gently as you began to sprint off. You needed out … you needed to breathe. Your body was on autopilot as you went through the motions.
Esmee was the first to notice. Your skin had a sallow, sickly paleness. Your eyes were sunken and your hair too thin. You looked awful. Her concern quickly turned to alarm as she watched you sway; your movements unsteady and uncoordinated. She could see the strain etched across your face, the way your muscles trembled with every step. Something was terribly wrong, and it was no longer just about your performance on the pitch.
She reached over to Ingrid, tapping her gently on the shoulder. The pair of them looked over to where you and Alexia were standing – you were barely conscious. How you were still on your feet was anyone’s guess. They exchanged glances, silently agreeing that something was terribly, terribly amiss and Alexia was taking things too far.
“Y/N, stop!” Mapí shouted, her voice breaking through the fog that had settled in your mind. But you barely registered it, your body still moving on instinct, trying to obey Alexia’s last command. The group didn’t hesitate. They were over to you in a flash. They sprinted across the field, reaching you just as your legs buckled underneath you. Ingrid’s gentle arms wrapped around you.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” she said, her voice soft but urgent as she guided you to sit down on the grass. “You need to stop, Y/N. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
Alexia’s frustration melted into concern as she watched the scene unfold. She hadn’t realised just how bad things had gotten until now. She had been so focused on pushing you to be your best that she hadn’t seen the toll it was taking on you, both physically and mentally. Guilt gnawed at her as she hurried over, her expression shifting from stern to worried.
“Y/N, why didn’t you say something?” Alexia asked, kneeling beside you, her voice uncharacteristically gentle.
You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. Your vision was blurry, and the world felt like it was spinning out of control. You felt Ingrid’s hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles, but even that small comfort wasn’t enough to calm the panic rising in your chest.
“I… I thought I could handle it,” you finally managed to whisper, tears welling up in your eyes. “It isn’t like last time.”
“What’s not like last time?” Esmee’s gentle voice drifted over you.
“All of it. The Bad Thoughts aren’t like last time. I didn’t mean to do it. I …” If you had the energy, you would have been hysterical.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me,” Alexia’s tone posed no arguments. This was Captain Alexia talking. She brought a hand to your cheek, her palm gently guiding you to look at her. “Have you hurt yourself? Do you need an ambulance?”
“Not cuts. I … I don’t do that,” you whispered.
The sigh of relief was audible from all the girls around you.
“What didn’t you mean to do, Kjære?” Ingrid asked the question. She figured that since you were still in her arms, your back against her chest, that it might be easier voicing whatever it was that plagued your mind.
“I …” You remembered how hard it was to voice it all last time. At that had been to a total stranger. But then again … that had been to a total stranger. A stranger that had your best interests at heart, but they didn’t know you. Not like these girls did. “Food,” was what you settled on.
The moment the word left your lips, you felt the air around you shift. The weight of the confession hung heavily in the silence that followed, pressing down on everyone around you. The tension was palpable, each of your teammates processing what you had just said, the reality of the situation settling in.
Mapí's sharp intake of breath was the first sound that broke the silence, her shock evident. You could feel Ingrid's arms tighten around you slightly, as if she was trying to shield you from the world, from the consequences of your admission. Alexia’s hand remained on your cheek, her eyes searching yours for any sign of what you were truly going through.
"Food?" Ingrid repeated softly, her voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it any louder would make the situation even more real. "What do you mean, Y/N? Have you not been eating?"
You hesitated, your mind racing with the implications of what you were about to reveal. But there was no turning back now. The truth had already started to spill out, and you couldn't stop it even if you wanted to. "Not… not like I should," you finally admitted, your voice trembling. "It just… happened. I didn’t mean for it to, but I’ve been skipping meals, and when I do eat, it’s like I can’t stop. At home I can't eat. But in the cafeteria, it's all I can do …"
The guilt in Alexia’s eyes deepened, her mind replaying every drill, every push, every time she had demanded more from you without realizing the burden you were already carrying. "Y/N," she began, her voice laced with regret, "I had no idea. I should have seen the signs. I’m so sorry."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time, they weren’t just from exhaustion or fear. They were from the overwhelming mix of emotions you felt—from relief that the truth was finally out, to shame for not being able to handle it on your own, to fear of what would come next.
Esmee knelt beside you, her hand reaching out to squeeze yours. "We’re going to help you," she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "You don’t have to go through this alone, Y/N. We’re your team, and that means we’re here for you, no matter what."
The others nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. You could see the resolve in their eyes, the silent promise that they wouldn’t let you face this battle alone.
Alexia took a deep breath, her hand still resting gently on your cheek. "The most important thing right now is your health," she said, her voice steady. "We’ll figure this out together. We’ll talk to the coach, to the doctors, and we’ll make sure you get the support you need."
You nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. The support of your teammates was more than you could have hoped for, and for the first time in weeks, you felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this time really was different. Maybe this time, you wouldn’t have to face the darkness alone.
Ingrid gently helped you to your feet, her arm still around your waist to steady you. The others formed a protective circle around you, their presence a silent but powerful reminder that you were part of something bigger, something stronger than any one of you alone.
As they guided you off the field, you knew that this was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey. But you also knew that with them by your side, you could face whatever came next. And for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were going to be okay.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3
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moeblob · 7 months
Your favorite Three Houses ships but they're in Clue.
Who plays what role?
OH ! Unrelated to ships 100% but I am SO HAPPY TO SAY I have entirely cast the Blue Lions house to the movie. Making them the 'Clue Lions' if you will. Such as:
Sylvain as Wadsworth and Byleth as Yvette as seen HERE .
Dimitri - Mr Boddy Felix - Colonel Mustard Dedue - Prof Plum Ashe - Mr Green Annette - Ms White Mercedes - Mrs Peacock Ingrid - Miss Scarlet
Catherine was the cook. Uh. I'm not on desktop where I wrote all my notes down so I forget who I assigned to the singing telegram, the driver, and the police officer. Alois was the chief (of FBI).
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theroyalsims · 2 years
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Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Jacques led the short walk back home from the chapel for this morning’s special Winterfest service. The Queen and her consort were accompanied by all their children, including the latest addition to their family, their son-in-law, Ibrahim, Earl of Harvelle.
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(Above: The royal kids (and Ibrahim!) welcomed The Queen and Prince Jacques with polite curtsies. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness were the last to arrive for the service.)
The Queen reportedly beamed that this has been “the happiest” Winterfest in a long time, what with her family complete and Eleanore and Ibrahim welcomed back into the fold. One source reveals:
“The Queen has never been so pleased, so happy to see all her children together, especially for such a wonderful occasion. Her Majesty actually remarked that this is the happiest Winterfest the family has had in a long time. All the royal kids joined The Queen and Prince Jacques - newlyweds E and Ibrahim included - to sleep over at the palace on Winterfest Eve and they had a lovely dinner followed by a festive family breakfast where they exchanged and opened presents. The guys, with Anya tagging along, went for a hike around the palace grounds, while Her Majesty, Ingrid, and Eleanore, spent the day baking and cooking treats for the local shelter.”
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(Above: The royal ladies braved the snowy morning with their fabulous coats on. Her Majesty looked beautiful in plum, while CP Anya wore a new blue coat, which she paired with a bright pink jumper. Princess Ingrid, meanwhile, looked adorable in a matching green coat and hat combo, while soon-to-be-mum Countess E looked toasty in a (hopefully faux) fur coat.)
Speaking of Anya and E, things are “civil” but there’s definitely some coldness coming from Anya. The source further spills:
“There’s an unspoken truce of sorts where Anya and E are concerned. Actually, perhaps more accurately, Anya has agreed to be civil towards her sister, following a request by her mum and dad to join the family during the holidays. Anya was reportedly dead-set on spending Winterfest abroad with some friends, because she didn’t want to feel obliged to interact with E. But the Queen pleaded with her and asked that she stay in Brindleton and join the family, instead. So Anya, perhaps reluctantly, stayed. They’re not fighting, so there’s that, but they’re not the best of friends either.”
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(Above: Soon-to-be-mum Countess Eleanore was spotted rocking the tiniest hint of a baby bump!)
As for Eleanore, the pregnant Countess is reportedly hoping to patch things up with Anya:
“She and Ibrahim are on this path of healing and peace. They’re finally together, they’re happy, they’ve reconciled with the family, they’re having a baby, and then there’s Anya, who doesn’t even acknowledge E’s presence. E gave a beautiful custom snow globe to Anya to add to her collection. My sources inside the palace tell me that the present remained unopened and chucked into the bin, which Eleanore found later in the day. This upset her greatly, causing her to actually cry. She doesn’t know what else to do. She’s tried talking and apologising to Anya, but she’s put up this brick wall.”
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(Above: Ibrahim looked very worried as he guided his pregnant wife down the steps.)
But despite the apparent drama happening inside palace walls, Eleanore and Ibrahim looked pretty happy during their walk to and from the service. The two were quite expectedly inseparable and only had eyes for each other. A very worried-looking Ibrahim was even photographed assisting his pregnant wife down the chapel’s icy steps.
To be fair, Anya isn’t obliged to accept E’s apology, especially considering that Eleanore isn’t completely faultless either, but this seems a bit harsh, seeing that it’s Winterfest, after all. Will anything ever thaw Anya’s icy heart?
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thegrimalldis · 1 year
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I know, its heartbreaking 😭😭 Just when you thought Willanor and their family live happily ever after - the rug gets pulled out from us 🤧
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Yes, and you can choose that ending nonnie! Officially, that’s where the story ends for me. I’m not exploring what happens after, so if you want to pretend all these tragedies don’t happen, that’s okay! 
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Yes, she gets away from her cheating husband! She is FREE!!!!! with her doggies ofc! I mean if in your mind you think they end together, I’m not fighting it! Tamsin’s ending is open for interpretation! 
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😭😭 yeah, Ingrid dies and it was so freaking hard to write! she was the last one I worked on cause I kept postponing it 🥺 and Laurie honors both his siblings! Milian and Ingrid! 
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@time-to-hit-the-clouds OMG!!! I can totally imagine that! I would watch each and every single one of those documentaries! 
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@wa-royal-tea it’s almost like they are cursed 🤔 AND WHAT??!!! i swear I have written proof you knew about Emi!! I shall give it to my lawyer 😋
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they can’t 😭😭 but at least one good thing happens 🥺 Chriszola ending up together ❤❤❤
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I’ll tell you, they both hurt! I remember when I first learned Daria was considering killing Emi off in a car accident. She was just a kid in her story by then 😭😭 and Ingrid my sweet baby Ingrid! That truly made me cry cause it was just so unexpected for her family and they had just lost Eleanor the year before!
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@utamuse My heart hurts too! Why do you think it took me so long to work on it? I was breaking my heart left and right! 
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His Grimalldi side really did come out! But, he had to exile her. It was expected. With Helene out of Monaca, it gave the people the chance to see Leonora as their Crown Princess. 
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EYE - 😳😳😳😳 You are so right nonnie! 😅
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Same. It would have been too hard on her and even Max to see their family handle all that tragedy 😥
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@nadhirahhamidun​ me to hun! me too! Bttersweet is the right word for sure. 
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Eleanor became Queen 😭😭
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He was a bit disappointed, but respected her decision. The dynamic between Milian and Elora changed a lot! Their marriage was never the same, but they remained married. Elora supported her daughter. 
William was completely heartbroken about his baby girl but he had to push aside his grief for Leonora. 
Zola and Chris reunite romantically YEARS after Emi’s death. Amelia didn’t have anything to say about it - and Zola worked really hard to help repair Chris and his kids relationships. 
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Yes, the Grimalldis were hit really hard back to back. First Eleanor and then her sweet Ingrid 😭😭 That was the hardest thing to write. Her and Jacob leaving Leonora an orphan. 
Milian and Laurie grew closer after the plane crash, They both loved their sister. 
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Yes, I knew Ingrid was going to have a short life. I didn’t know until recently that her daughter would one day be Queen. It just felt right. 
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yeah, i was shocked when I first learned Daria planned on emi having a short life 🤧 though it could change if she ever comes back but from what I remember Emi was going to die young. Chris growing distant from the kiddos because he felt guilty he survived while their mother did not was also something she was toying with and I decided to go with it because that would be the one thing he could never imagine doing. Being an absent father like his own was. Yet, his grief got in the way. 
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Surprise!!! 😳😳😳
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berena-winter-event · 2 years
The Official a (not so) Silent Night Playlist
As this is a song-inspired event, we felt some accompanying music was in order! Enjoy this collection of songs nominated by your fellow Berena fans
Auld Lang Syne Ingrid Michaelson // @daystarsearcher
Baby It’s Cold Outside Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Jordan // @choreomanic
Back to December Taylor Swift // @lilolilyr
Both Sides Now Joni Mitchell // @sapphicdbc
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Darlene Love // @doctorjameswatson
Christmas Lights Yellowcard // @lilolilyr
Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep) Diana Krall // @batnbreakfast
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy Tchaikovsky // @bonnissance
December 1963 Franki Valli & The Four Seasons // @slightlyintimidating
December Will Be Magic Again Kate Bush // @veganpepsibaby
Happy XMas (War is Over) John Lennon & Yoko Ono // @slbrigzi19
Hazy Shade of Winter Simon & Garfunkel // @tebarambles
He's Stuck in the Chimney Again Ana Gasteyer // @seahorsepencils
I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday Wizzard // @sapphicdbc
I'll Be Home For Christmas The Carpenters // @shippingsincebeforeyouwereborn
I’m Gonna Be Warm This Winter Connie Francis // @doctorjameswatson
Imperfect Christmas Malinda // @imagebender
In the Bleak Midwinter Julie Andrews // @lapalfruity
Just for Now Imogen Heap // @ktlsyrtis
Last Christmas Wham! // @choreomanic
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Dean Martin // @ktlsyrtis
Let the Bells Ring Kate Rusby // @doctorjameswatson
Men of Snow Ingrid Michaelson // @seahorsepencils
Once Upon a December David Newman // @starfleetwitch
One Toy Soldier Enya // @starfleetwitch
River Robert Downey Jr // @batnbreakfast
Santa Baby Eartha Kitt // @lapalfruity
Sleigh Ride The Ronettes // @ariverandasong
Snowfall Ingrid Michaelson // @tebarambles
Someday At Christmas Stevie Wonder // @danceswithcows01
Song for a Winter's Night Gordon Lightfoot // @pers-books
Stay Another Day East 17 // @akaanonymouth
Step Into Christmas Elton John // @veganpepsibaby
The Christmas Song The Raveonettes // @slightlyintimidating
The Heartache Can Wait Brandi Carlile // @seahorsepencils
The Longest Night of the Year Mary Chapin Carpenter // @shippingsincebeforeyouwereborn
The Power Of Love Frankie Goes To Hollywood // @slightlyintimidating
Underneath the Tree Kelly Clarkson // @ktlsyrtis
Valley Winter Song Fountains of Wayne // @akaanonymouth
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? Ella Fitzgerald // @batnbreakfast
Where Are You Christmas Faith Hill // @danceswithcows01
White Christmas Bing Crosby // @coldblizzardqueen
White Winter Hymnal Fleet Foxes // @akaanonymouth
Winter Song Ingrid Michaelson & Sara Bareilles // @tebarambles
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fruitchouli · 2 years
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hello lovers time for the next sale ❤️
Salvador Dali La Belle et L’Ocelot (2014) 3.4oz 95% full - old-school 80s soapy spiced floriental meets modern fruitchouli, with orange, apricot-y osmanthus, patchouli, benzoin, and incense. for fans of Coco Noir - SOLD
Montale Intense Cafe (2013) 3.4oz 98% full - “like opening a box of rose flavoured Turkish delight, sweet, sickly, slightly cloying and strong notes of rose and vanilla” -aspicmyopic on basenotes - $54
Bond No 9 Chinatown (2005) 3.3oz 95% full (cap is loose, so I put a layer on tape on the inside for it to fit more snug) - “takes the idea of the likes of Rochas Femme and Mitsouko of knitting waxy peach/plum skins together with spicy flowers and leaving them to musty up a bit inside lacquered woody chinese boxes” -pandarapt on fragrantica - $102
DS&Durga White Peacock Lily (2016) 3.4oz 88% full - naturalistic dew-kissed lily and jasmine. stemmy, salty, translucent. perfect for The Lady of the Lake - SOLD
Caron Yatagan (1976) 4.2oz 99% full - this classic green woody, and a little animalic, masculine conjures images of an herbalist mountain man cutting herbs and veggies that he will later add to stew - $34
Thierry Mugler Alien Oud Majestueux (2015) 3oz 99% full (gold paint on bottle has chipped) - this discontinued Alien flanker amps up the original with saffron, cardamom, and an industrial oud - SOLD
Estée Lauder Youth Dew Amber Nude (2005) 2.5oz 80% full - under the direction of Tom Ford, this is a streamlined take on the dusty old classic with a sparkling grapefruit ginger ale top and a spiced golden amber base. for fans of Youth Dew and Cinnabar - SOLD
Etat Libre d’Orange Putain des Palaces (2006) 3.3oz 95% full - sensual powderpuff in a fur coat. Marie Antoinette if she was hot - $56
Alaia Paris Alaïa (2015) 1oz 83% - fresh violets, mountain air, and musky suede. Luca Turin said this smells like the interior of a Concorde jet; leather mixed with perfume from past passengers - SOLD
Guerlain Apres l’Ondee (1906) 2.5oz 98% - “purple flowers deluged by foggy air” “airy, pastel pointillism impressions of spring gardens” -pandarapt on fragrantica. “the prototypical cold and melancholy perfume. Simplicity, aching nostalgia, and unadorned beauty.” -Luca Turin. a favorite of Isabelle Adjani - SOLD
Kenzo Kenzo Jungle l’Elephant (1996) 3.4oz 95% full - big sweet spicebomb of clove, caraway, licorice, cardamom, mango, and vanilla. lets you live your opulent Moroccan spice market, or your Christian girl autumn, shopping at Joann Fabrics fantasy - SOLD
Guerlain Mitsouko EDP (1919) 2.5oz 70% full - sepia toned dry fuzzy peach skins and spicy flowers on a bed of oakmoss. worn by Charlie Chaplin, Jean Harlow, Ingrid Bergman - SOLD
Robert Piguet Bandit (1944) 3.4oz 90% full - this classic leather-centered green chypre from WWII was designed to be the butch to Fracas femme. “bitter, dark yet fresh, beguiling without any softness, and several unlit streets ahead of every other leather chypre”- Luca Turin - $179
Lush Fresh As (2019) 3.4oz 99% full - originally conceived as Fresh As Fuck, this scent is described as grassy meadows and pines after the rain, combined with earthy orris and fruity marigold - $46
Prada Infusion d’Oeillet (2015) 3.4oz 98% full - soft spicy carnation and sandalwood in the signature soapy/expensive hotel lotion Prada Infusion line style - $48
Lolita Lempicka L’eau en Blanc (2012) 3.4oz 90% full - like sitting at your grandma’s vanity and seeing her pale pink powderpuff - $52
Kenzo World Intense (2017) 1.7oz 98% full - plummy synthetic candy sweetness with fresh peony - $35
Gucci Gucci Oud (2014) 1.6oz 99% full - safe and entry level rose saffron oud with a jammy sweet rose - $62
Hermès Twilly Eau Poivrée (2019) 1.6oz 95% - twist on the original white floral and ginger scent with added aspects of a fruity pink pepper and a sweet woody rose - SOLD
US only, free shipping😋❤️, payment through venmo or friends and family on paypal and please don’t leave a comment about it being a perfume, just do a cute emoji or something (so the tax man doesn’t find me) thank you!!
DM me 💌💌😋
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thetavolution · 9 months
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MINTY LAM | Shield Dwarf | Cleric | She/Her | 27
What is your Tav’s…
Favorite Weapon: The Blood of Lathander
Style of Combat: She's good at range and melee. If she isn't hitting things with the Blood of Lathander, she loves to have a good maul. If she's far away from an opponent, she has plenty of spells at her disposal. She just isn't that great with a bow and arrow.
Most Prized Possession: She was given an amulet of Selûne by her late father. She guards it with her life. It not only had religious significance for her, she feels it connects her to her dad.
Deepest Desire: She wishes she could see her father again and spend just one more day with him. Outside of that, she wants to find happiness. She just doesn't know what that means for her yet. She's still figuring herself out.
Guilty Pleasure: She loves trashy gossip and hearing about god-related drama. If you've got something juicy to share, she'll be first in line to hear it. She doesn't want to be part of the drama, she just wants to hear all about it.
Best-Kept Secret: I can't give away any of her @thebonnevillegame secrets. In the BG3 universe, no one knows she's searching for a way to contact her deceased father. It's something a lot of people don't react well to, especially her mother.
Greatest Strength: She's loyal and intelligent. She is a damn good cleric, too. She can be a little too confident in herself, but she has the skills to back it up. On top of that, she's so bubbly and happy that her good mood can be infectious.
Fatal Flaw: Her ego can trip her up. She's not a megalomaniac, she just overestimates her abilities as a cleric. When she's humbled, she owns up to it. She also gets so stuck on what she wants in the moment that she can be oblivious to everything else around her.
Favorite Smell: Elderberries, Evergreen Trees, and Orchids
Favorite Spell or Cantrip: Inflict Wounds and Glyph of Warding.
Pet Peeve: She can't stand being talked down to. She also hates flies and doing laundry.
Bad Habit: She can be very single-minded. She gets consumed with what she wants and blows right past everything else. On the less intense side of things, she's a nail biter.
Hidden Talent: She's a good artist! She likes to draw for fun. She enjoys redesigning logos for stores. She can occasionally get some coin for doing it, too.
Leisure Activity: She loves reading scary stories, drawing, and listening to or reading about gossip.
Favorite Drink: Plum Wine and Tea
Comfort Food: Grilled Cheese and Pickles. I do not care if it is an anachronism, she loves them too much. It crosses over into every AU.
Favorite Person: She has several favorite people. Her oldest friends are Laura and Ingrid, and she's recently befriended Bex. She's close with Wyll and Karlach. It doesn't take long for her to fall head over feet for Wyll. He's the prince charming she's always dreamed of in the flesh.
Favored Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): Info dumping. Seriously, tell her all about something you love and she'll do it right back. She loves physical affection, but if you can just spew info at each other, she'll adore you forever. Not everyone will just sit and listen to each other so she considers it a very loving gesture.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Her fondest memories are when her father would take her out into the woods for her cleric training. She loves her mother and sister, but she had a special bond with her dad. One time, they ended up surrounded by trolls and had to figure out how to get out together. She was even able to use her fledgeling powers to help ward them off. After the adrenaline and fear subsided, it became one of Minty's favorite memories. She still sees her dad as a hero.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
Part 2 ~ The Movies of “The Lucy Show”
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Lucille Ball was a famous film star who became one of the biggest TV stars of the 1950s. She continued her trailblazing TV career in the 1960s with “The Lucy Show” where her character, Lucy Carmichael, was a huge film fan. 
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“Lucy Goes To a Hollywood Premiere” (1965) 
Lucy is movie mad!  When her plans to go to a Hollywood premiere with Mary Jane fall through, she disguises herself as one of the theatre’s ushers to work the red carpet and get autographs from the celebrities.
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Lucy’s movie poster collection includes: Radio City Revels (1938), which was filmed at RKO, the studio that became Desilu; The Overland Express (1938); and Suspicion (1941), another RKO picture.  
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Kirk Douglas is introduced as “The star of two great films: ‘The Heroes of Telemark’ and 'Cast a Giant Shadow.'” The Heroes of Telemark was released in the UK in November 1965, but would not premiere in the US for a month after this episode first aired. One month later (March 30, 1966), Cast a Giant Shadow premiered.
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Memorabilia crazy Lucy says she bought a pink chiffon nightgown from Lillian Goodman’s Goodies for $75 that was worn by Doris Day in Pillow Talk (1959).  Mr. Mooney says he wouldn’t buy a second hand nightie if it had been worn by Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot (1959).
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“No More Double Dates” (1963) 
Lucy and Harry (Dick Martin) and Viv and Eddie (Don Briggs) can’t agree on where to dine or what movie to see. They decide to pick out of a hat. 
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Searching for possible movies to see, Eddie prefers Ben-Hur (1959) at the Ritz over Two for the Seesaw (1962), because you get more actors for your money. Ben-Hur famously had a cast of 30,000. The movie was also mentioned in “Lucy’s Sister Pays a Visit” (1962). Ralph Hart (Viv’s son Sherman) was an extra in Two for the Seesaw. Although the play lived up its title with a cast of two, the film was fleshed out with many more characters. 
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Viv wants to see What Ever Happened to Baby Jane (1962), but Lucy thinks it will be too scary. The film starred Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, who will make a guest appearance on “The Lucy Show” in season 6. Lucy says she wants to see “the Cary Grant picture at the Danfield Theatre.”  She is probably referring to That Touch of Mink (1962). Herschel Graham, an extra in this episode, is also an extra in the film. Lucy notes that movie tickets are $1.50. 
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CLEOPATRA ~ “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (1963)
At the Danfield Community Theatre, Lucy lands the plum role of Cleopatra. 
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Lucy says she should get the part because she saw the film twelve times. Sarcastically, Viv says “She means the one with Theda Bera.” Lucy is referring to the 20th Century Fox's 1963 extravaganza Cleopatra starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton as Mark Antony. Viv is referring to Cleopatra, a 1917 silent film. All known prints of this film were destroyed in a Fox Studios Fire in 1937. The writers might have also referenced Cecil B. DeMille's 1934 film Cleopatra starring Claudette Colbert.  
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GASLIGHT - “Lucy Gets Mooney Fired” (1967)
Lucy and Mary Jane watch Gaslight  (1944) on TV. Lucy sums up the plot for Mary Jane: “Charles Boyer tries to convince Ingrid Bergman that she is seeing things that aren’t there.” This inspires Lucy to try to make Mr. Cheever think that he is going crazy, much like the plot of the film. The movie was based on Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 play Gas Light (known in the United States as Angel Street). It inspired a 1940 British film before the 1944 Hollywood version.
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WINGS ~ “Lucy and Carol Burnett: Part 2″ 
Lucy and Carol get their wings as flight attendants and perform a graduation revue about the history of aviation with the stars of the 1927 silent motion picture Wings, Buddy Rodgers and Richard Arlen. The film was the first to win an Academy Award for Best Picture in 1929. 
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In Part 1, the in-flight movie unravels, causing Carol and Lucy to do live entertainment in the aisle. 
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LAWRENCE OF ARABIA ~ “Lucy the Disc Jockey” (1965)
Listening to the hourglass (egg timer) to win a radio contest, a sleepy Viv makes a joke about hearing Lawrence of Arabia calling for help. Lawrence of Arabia is a 1962 epic historical film based on the life of  T.E. Lawrence and taking place mostly in the desert. It won seven Oscars including Best Picture. The film was also mentioned in “Lucy the Stunt Man” (1965). 
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GONE WITH THE WIND ~ “Lucy and Robert Goulet” (1967)
When Mr. Mooney helps Chuck Willis (Robert Goulet) get on a horse for his photo, he comments that there probably was not this much trouble making Gone with the Wind. Lucille Ball was considered for the lead role in the 1939 epic, which went to Vivian Leigh (right) instead.  
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DANGER IN PARIS ~ “Lucy Dates Dean Martin” (1966)
Lucy admires (and later wears) a red beaded jacket she recognizes as one worn by Audrey Hepburn in Paramount’s 1937 film Danger in Paris (aka Cafe Colette aka K-33). She says it was sent over by Paramount. In reality, Danger in Paris did not star Hepburn and was not released by Paramount. This is likely something Lucille Ball wanted to wear so a story was made up for it.
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MILDRED PIERCE ~ “Lucy and the Lost Star” (1968)
Viv calls Joan Mildred Pierce. This was the name of the title character of the 1945 film that won Crawford her only acting Oscar.
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GOLDFINGER ~ “Lucy and the Starmaker” (1967)
When Mr. Mooney threatens to send Lucy to Fort Knox to be made into gold bars, Lucy says to Tommy (Frankie Avalon): “Who does he think he is? Goldfinger?” Goldfinger was a James Bond film released in the US in early 1965. 
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In “Lucy and the Undercover Agent” (1965) Lucy, Rosie (Ann Sothern), and Mr. Mooney have just seen a James Bond film. Although the title is never mentioned, Goldfinger was released in the USA in January 1965. A few weeks after this episode aired, Thunderball premiered.
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MY FAIR LADY ~ “My Fair Lucy” (1965) 
LUCY: “Rosie, I have a plan. Did you see ‘My Fair Lady’?” ROSIE: “Yes.” LUCY: “Now listen…” [fade to commercial]
The episode is inspired by My Fair Lady, a 1956 stage musical by Alan J. Lerner and Frederick Loewe that was turned into a major motion picture in 1964. To con a rich couple into funding their charm school, Rosie claims that under her tutelage, she can transform an uncouth, slovenly woman into a refined lady at an elegant soiree. Lucy’s cleaning lady character is named Liza Lumpwhomper. Eliza Doolittle is the name of Audrey Hepburn’s character in My Fair Lady.  
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The film starred Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison, recreating the role he played on stage. The film won eight Oscars and was phenomenally successful at the box office. It premiered in New York City on October 21, 1964, five weeks before this episode was filmed. In the feature film, a couple of familiar faces from Lucy sitcoms appear: Walter Bacon, George Holmes, Barbara Morrison, Jerry Rush, Bert Stevens, Ben Wrigley, and Lucille Ball’s good friend, Barbara Pepper. Although set in England, the film was shot exclusively in Hollywood.
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In 1965′s “Lucy Saves Milton Berle”, Lucy Carmichael disguises herself as a poor flower seller, bearing more than a passing resemblance to Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady. 
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IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT ~ “Lucy the Camp Cook” (1965)
After Mr. Mooney runs out of gas (because the last filling station didn’t give trading stamps), Lucy and Viv try hitchhiking. Viv says “Let’s give it that old Claudette Colbert try.”  Viv is referring to a scene from the 1934 film It Happened One Night in which Colbert ‘schools’ Clark Gable in how to get a driver to stop by hiking up her skirt above the knee. 
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THE KID ~ “Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney” (1966)
In Mickey Rooney’s theatre school recital Lucy plays Charlie Chaplin and Rooney is the Kid. The sketch is inspired by The Kid (1927) a silent classic starring Chaplin and Jackie Coogan. Praising Mickey Rooney, Lucy tells him “Those father and son talks with Judge Hardy helped a lot.” Lucy is referring to Rooney's portrayal of Andy Hardy in 16 films between 1937 and 1958.
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FOLLOW THE FLEET / ROBERTA ~ “Lucy and George Burns” (1966) 
Lucy says that Ginger Rogers is her very favorite star. She describes a film she saw on “The Late Late Show” in which Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers fell in love despite her accidentally kicking him from the chorus line. Lucy is probably describing Follow the Fleet (1936) or Roberta (1935) in which Lucille Ball had supporting roles. Both films were made by RKO, which became Desilu Studios.
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“Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (1965)
Dimitri Orloff (Sid Gould) is the composer of “I Left My Kidney with Dr. Sidney,” the theme song from the film Doctors and Nurses A-Go-Go.
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Mimi Van Tysen (Beverly Powers) and Coconuts (George Barrows) are stars of the Love in the Jungle.
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“Lucy and the Monsters” (1966)
Lucy tells Viv that Jerry and Sherman are at the State Theater to see the double-feature The Surfing Werewolf and The Eggplant That Ate Philadelphia, both made-up horror films. Their worries about the effect of the horror films on their boys leads them to have a shared horror film dream. 
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“Lucy Meets the Berles” (1967)
To earn extra money Lucy takes a job working as a secretary for Milton Berle. When Lucy hears overhears him rehearsing a love scene with Ruta Lee, she jumps to the conclusion that he is being unfaithful to his wife.  The film they are rehearsing is titled The Friendly Skies, although the script he holds is titled The Friendly Sky. 
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“Lucy and the French Movie Star” (1967) 
Lucy says she saw Jacques DuPre (Jacques Bergerac) in the film Kisses at Dawn where he did his own stunts playing a lion tamer. He even goes so far as to demonstrate, using an office chair and a whip (Lucy's raincoat belt) with Lucy acting as the lion. When Mr. Mooney bursts in and sees the reenactment, he jumps to the conclusion that Lucy is attacking DuPre, instead of the other way around!  
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“Lucy the Stunt Man” (1965) / “The Return of Iron Man” (1965) / “Lucy and Bob Crane” (1966)
In all three episodes, Lucy makes extra money appearing in films as gruff stunt man Iron Man Carmichael. The title of the films go unmentioned, but in Iron Man’s first outing he is in a barroom brawl in a Western. In his return he is shot out of a canon in a Pirate movie. And when she meets Bob Crane she parachutes in during a World War One epic resembling “Hogan’s Heroes”, Crane’s hit series filmed at Desilu Studios. 
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DANCE, GIRL, DANCE ~ “Lucy the Gun Moll” (1966)
In an “Untouchables” parody, Federal Agent Briggs (Robert Stack) is in the dressing room of Rusty (Lucille Ball). Behind Stack is a photo of Lucy singing “Jitterbug Bite” in the 1940 film Dance, Girl, Dance. Ball met Desi Arnaz while filming this movie. It was filmed at RKO, the studio that became Desilu, producer of “The Untouchables”. 
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ludmilachaibemachado · 3 months
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June 23, 1966 - Ingrid, Christine Eastley, Grace Coddington and Jenny Boyd model bright green, navy and plum Mary Quant dresses in front of Kenwood House (and Donovan's Rolls Royce), by Terence Donovan💐🌸💐
Via Something About the Beatles’ Girls🌸
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dave83x · 3 months
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🎶 Ingrid Plum with Graham Dunning, Ian Stonehouse & John Harries - Everything is Becoming Science Fiction | Album #NowListening 🔊
• https://ingridplum.bandcamp.com/album/everything-is-becoming-science-fiction
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drinksgeek · 5 months
Top 6 Amarula Cream Liqueurs: A Taste of Marula Fruit Magic
The marula tree originates from Africa. Its delectable yellow fruits, comparable in size to small plums, boast a creamy, nutty taste enhanced by a zesty citrus note.
Sweet, fruity, and creamy, these top Amarula Liqueurs perfectly embody the exotic character of the citrus-infused marula fruit.
Best Amarula Cream Liqueurs:
Chocolate Cream Liqueur
Amarula Cream Liqueur
Vanilla Spice Cream Liqueur
Raspberry Chocolate and African Baobab Cream Liqueur
Ethiopian Coffee Cream Liqueur
Amarula Vegan Cream Liqueur
Ingrid’s Top Pick:
Since I prefer to avoid excessive dairy, my favorite choice is the delightful Amarula Vegan Cream Liqueur, as it retains all the flavor of a premium marula liqueur.
Full Article:
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uttersorcery · 3 years
Ingrid Plum top 5
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This Friday The Portrait series from Eyeless Records is releasing. an exclusive live performance from sonic explorer and all round genius Ingrid Plum, here she shares for Utter Sorcery 5 of her favourite artists.
1.Roomfull of Teeth
I was floored by their eponymous album, the range of voices and different vocal techniques is astounding. The compositions travel through genres and really open up contemporary classical music to be uplifting and inspiring.
2. Jenny Hval
I swear Jenny Hval writes and sings about my life better than I ever can. She seems to elucidate the minutiae of life in a way that is like a tonic for the mind.
3. Yo La Tengo
Their blend of songs and improv is like getting a hug from your best friend.
4. Julianna Barwick
This is my sonic hiding place, she creates a little sanctuary of sound you can escape into.
5. Grouper
I'm always geeking out at her gear after her shows, I'm the nerd up the front trying to get a look at what she's using. I saw her show at the tin tabernacle in London a few years ago and it was one of the best shows of my life.
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Plums in Brown Bowl  -  Ingrid Smuling
Dutch, b.1944 -
Oil on panel , 18 x 18 cm.
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brianmchenry · 7 years
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Working drawing for a gig poster
A working drawing for a gig poster advertising Sonically Depicting’s first night of sound art in The Whitespace Gallery Edinburgh.
The gig features Shadowplay from Leipzig/UK, Ingrid Plum from Brighton and The Reverse Engineer from Edinburgh.
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