#ingvar bb
nothernghostbat · 1 year
everybody saying they didn't realize how fruity ingvar was for Hal and I'm just sitting here like... did y'all not read the spectacles scene in book five? or the hypothermia scene in book three. or the--
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 years
I know I made this joke a while ago but I don't think it's a joke any more...
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vilintux · 8 months
It's 1.30 AM and I cannot fall asleep so here are some BB Heirons headcanons:
) Stefan used to cry easily, but learned how to control it.
) Jesper loves hugs but is scared to ask for them.
) Stig is crazy over head pats (Hal likes to tease him bc of that).
) Ofc Ingvar is a cudlle bug.
) The heroins like to wear matching costumes on Halloween, but they don't always do that.
) when Thorn was a kid, he liked to collect pretty rocks and seashells.
) little Edvin got hit by a rock in the eye and got a black/blue eye, so now he is afraid... of... flying rocks???
) Jesper wishes on Dandelions.
) Lydia has a friend who died saving her (IM SORRY-).
) Hal is very VERY ticklish.
) Ulf and Wulf loved playing hide and seek with each other, just because they would always find the other twin and claim that they are better (Twin magic).
Edit: some people liked this post at night. DO YOU PEOPLE DON'T SLEEP?
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perotovar · 10 months
wednesday wip
tagged by my lovelies @swiftispunk @for-a-longlongtime and @nerdieforpedro thank you bbs <3
alright, i've been working on my holiday pero fic lately and i wanna share a small snippet~
unbeta'd as of yet
Pero hummed softly and nodded his thanks. “Did any of them see an old man? In the woods?”
The girl tilted her head and asked the man next to him, the one with the axe in his belt, if any of them had seen such a man. The man raised a brow and shook his head, looking at Pero skeptically. 
“Ingvar says–”
“Yes, I understood, thank you–” Pero cut himself off and looked back at the man with the axe. This was Ingvar? Pero looked back at the girl and nodded his head as she bandaged his wound, the cloth wrapped around his ankle. He would have to be careful if he was to carry out this contract. “Thank you,” he repeated, the words foreign on his tongue.
The girl nodded, cheeks pink, and stood to leave. As she left, the cloth covering the room moved to show a large fire in the middle of the hall with an even larger feast around it. The girl came back with a tankard of something for him and he took it gratefully. As the sweet liquid hit his tongue, he coughed slightly.
“What is this?” He wheezed a little, looking at the cup like it slapped his mother.
The girl giggled before saying, “Mead. It is honey wine.”
Pero rolled the words around his tongue for a moment. “Interesante,” he mumbled to himself.
np tags: @sp00kymulderr @chronically-ghosted @oonajaeadira @kedsandtubesocks @chloeangelic @jksprincess10 @beskarandblasters @undercoverpena @ezrasbirdie
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mostlyonthefloor · 1 year
BB Reread: Ch 39&40
Jesper helping! Team spirit! Character development!
Ooogh row boys row
Touch wood ... uh oh
Poor Ingvar ... everyone is too panicked to tell him what's happening
This is so tense I don't even have anything to write I'm on the edge of my seat
I will never be over the fact that the Herons' victory literally came down to a wave
Lotte not even being name-checked when she kisses Hal ... I have a bit of writing somewhere about how the minimal focus afforded to Nick's dalliances with women in The Great Gatsby suggests he is invested comparatively little in them and considers them more a box to tick and honestly ... same here
All of Tursgurd's crew except him congratulating the Herons. Awwww
Rollond my boy T-T he's such a good sportsman
"All his life, he'd felt like an outsider. Now here was the Oberjarl himself, publicly expressing his total acceptance." HELP
The idea that Svengal is just hanging around within earshot of Erak dependably enough that he can just turn around and shout and expect Svengal to show up like a genie or something. Gold.
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theoakleafpancake · 3 years
Btw guys, RPH released an extract from The Stern Chase, so if you want to read it, I’ll drop the link down below
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araluen-arrows · 5 years
Hal: Did you have to stab him?
Lydia: You weren't there. You didn't hear what he said to me.
Hal: What did he say?
Lydia: He said, "What are you going to do, stab me?"
The other Herons:
Ingvar, nodding: That's fair.
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thelastranger · 5 years
“Man door hook hand ship door”
I have no excuse except the image of Jesper telling Thorn Hookyhand this has not left my mind in several days. 
The Herons are sitting around a campfire one night on the The Heron. It's in the middle of their journey and they need a break. Thorn had gone off grumbling about how he needed some alone time and the teens were alone.
"Thorn's not around. Let's tell some scary stories." suggests Stefan eagerly. They all agreed, some more reluctantly than others. 
Stefan told the best one of the night so far, but Lydia had a bone chilling tale of a miner and a collapsed mine. Ingvar straight up refused to tell one and Edvin's was too convoluted for it to be truly scary. Finally, it was Jesper's turn. 
"This is the scariest tale I know. Be prepared to scream."
None of the Herons took Jesper's warning seriously. They should have. He started his tale.
"man & girl go out to sail under moonlight they stop at on at a side of riverbank
he turn to his girl and say
"baby, I love you very much
what is it honey?
"our ship is broken down. I think the rudder is broken. ill swim and get some more wood."
"ok ill stay here and look after our mangler. there have been news report of mnglers being stolen
good idea. keep the doors locked no matter what i love you sweaty. 
so the guy left to get wooud for the ship. after two hours the girl say where is my
baby, he was supposed to be back by now". then the girl here a scratching
sound and voice say "LET ME IN
the girl doesnt do it and then after a while she goes to sleep. 
the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there she gets out to
check and man door hand hook ship door" 
There was silence for a long time. Jesper had a satisfied smile on his face; he had scared everyone. 
Finally Wulf spoke. "What in the name of Gorlog was that supposed to-" 
Stefan cut him off with wide eyes. "Shut up! Do you all hear something?" 
Everyone strained their hears. Slowly, but surely, they could hear something in the distance. Scritch, scritch, scritch. It was the sound of metal on wood. Scritch, scritch, scritch.
The sound came closer. It was louder now. Scritch, scritch, scritch. 
In the loudest whisper he dare muster, Ulf yelled at Jesper. "ARE YOU DOING THIS?" 
Jesper shook his head, terror plain on his face. "N-no." 
His face white, Stig stood up. "I'll take a look." The dark didn't quite disguise his gulp of fear, but everyone ignored it. 
"What if it's the man door hand hook ship door?" Ulf pulled Stig down but was thrown off for his efforts. 
Stig crept towards the side of the ship carefully. When he got to the side, he looked around and shook his head. 
"There's nothing here you-" A hooked hand slammed down on his hand, interrupting his thought. 
"AHHHHHHH!" No one was quite sure who screamed first but soon they were all screaming. Ulf and Jesper ran into each other, knocking the other down. Stefan was halfway out of the boat, frozen in terror.
A shadowy figure burst onto the ship and waved his hook hand around. Everyone screamed louder. 
"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!" No one had ever heard Hal scream that high. 
Finally, in all the commotion, Ingvar grabbed Edvin's frying pan and slammed it into the shadowy figure's head. The figure dropped and rolled into the firelight. It was Thorn. 
Now everyone was really frozen in terror. They heard a splash; Stefan had fallen into the water. 
"What are we going to do?" wailed Wulf. 
"You knocked out Thorn!" cried Ulf. "He's gonna make us run drills until we die! It's all Ingvar's fault!" 
"Don't blame Ingvar," Lydia twirled and pointed at Jesper. "Blame him! H etold the story"
"Me? You're the ones that got scared!" 
Stefan was splashing around in the water. "My whole brain is freaking out right now!"
This started a four way argument between Lydia, Jesper, Ulf and Wulf, and Ingvar. Stig was trying to keep the peace, but Lydia kept making some really good points. Thorn was still sprawled on the ground. 
Personally, Edvin was more scared of how quickly the brotherband had turned on each other, but all things considered it was a reasonable response. Edvin turned to Hal. "Please tell me you have some idea of how to fix this..." 
Hal thought deeply. He looked at the mess in front of him. He looked at Thorn, unconscious on the ground, limbs sprawled all over. He looked at Stefan splashing around. Hal had only one shot to fix this. 
"Guys, this may sound crazy but you have to trust me." 
Some time later, Thorn started to stir from the frying pan induced slumber. All around him, the other Herons started to wake up and look around. All Thorn could remember after he came back to the Heron was dark shapes, a whole lot of screaming, and not much else. 
"What in Gorlog's beard happened?" He said, rubbing a bump on his head. 
The Herons exchanged guileless looks with each other. 
"I guess we ALL got hit with a frying pan." Hal was a bit too nonchalant in his deliver, but Thorn didn't notice the over enunciation. 
"Yeah, somebody hit all of us with a frying pan," Jesper swayed a little. They really needed to sell this act and someone had to carry the team. 
Ingvar stiffly began his rehearsed part. "And now we're ALL," He spread his arms out wide. "Gaining conscious together. At the exact same time. What a coincidence"
Thorn looked at them and scratched his head with his hook. This act caused all of the Herons to stiffen. 
"I don't understand. How were all of us knocked out and by who? Did someone try to enter the ship? I told you to keep the doors locked." Narrowing his eyes, Thorn looked around the boat suspiciously.
Jesper glanced at Hal. Halt nodded at Stig who slowly reached for the frying pan. 
Man door hand hook ship door indeed. 
Thorn never really figured out what happened that night and no one dared to tell him. It slowly became a laughable moment and all it takes for then on is the single utterance of "Man door hand hook ship door" to break any of the Herons down into laughter. 
The tale becomes very popular around Hallasholm and, over time, gets immortalized forever and is inscribed in a book of famous tales. The book is forgotten until Professor Giles MacFarlane and his assistant professor Audrey find a copy in their excavation of Hallasholm after their success in Araluen. The story is revived, but distorted, and it inspires many other tales like it. 
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aggressivemacintosh · 5 years
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nothernghostbat · 1 year
the way Ingvar switches from pining over Hal to pining over Lydia
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 years
The Outcasts chap. 5
what's this? descriptions of the geography around Hallasholm? better note that down for reference and immediately forget it
Hal's nOt LiKe tHe oThEr bOyS
go Anders, to be honest. seems like a solid guy. RIP Gunter "Awesome McCoolname" Moonstalker, you will be missed
Hal believes in Special Twin Magic but the boys are about to prove him extremely wrong
Hal has unlocked: Confidence
I mean all the jokes about shitty Skandian tactics are kind of funny but given what we saw Erak display back in Chapter 1 probably misplaced? however "LET'S GET 'EM!" is best war cry ever
"I'll pull hard enough on your stuck-out ears, you bowlegged monkey." boys BOYS that will do
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vilintux · 6 months
Okay so.... I have been thinking about what allergies would RA and BB charactera would have.
Here are some headcanons
RA first:
I just kinda want George to be allergic to cat fur.
Jenny sneezes so much from dust.
Alyss is allergic to peanuts.
Will's allergy is lobsters
And Horace is allergic to strawberries (why? Because I am too)
BB characters allergies! Go:
Hal is allergic to avocadoes (is that how you say it???) .
Tomatoe allergy goes to Stig, Ingvar and Stephan.
Thorns is allergic to goat milk (not sure how he found out).
Honey allergy is given to Jesper.
Wulf is allergic to raspberries, while Ulf has allergy of blueberries (I decided to make it diffrent).
Edvin doesn't get a food allergy, instead he has a huge allergy of bee and wasp stings. He found this out the hard way.
Lydia is allergic to Coconuts (ALSO DON'T KNOW HOW SHE FOUND OUT)
Note: it's just a headcanon and maybe I missed something in the books so feel free to correct me or give them a different allergy. I also want to give allergies to other characters like Halt and Sele el ten (Seleten) so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE THIS LIST ON FURTHER 🙏🙏
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juicingbeetles · 2 years
Day 10: Elaborate! In which I elaborate on my favorite Brotherband moments.
When the gang pretend Ingvar is a bear, Stefan is Tursgud, and generally wreak havoc on the Sharks. Good times.
Thorn and Lydia's scouting mission is one of the reasons the Hunters is my favorite BB book. They have a great dynamic!
Edvin knitting the caps. I love him so much.
Any time the Herons break out the instruments and start on "The Herons, the Herons, the mighty fightn' Herons" is a good time. The terrible rhymes, Hal hating it and Erak loving it....wonderful.
The Heron flee from Hallasholm, pursued by a vengeful Erak is one of the funniest scenes in fiction, change my mind. You can't.
Gilan interacting with the Herons gives me immensely happy feelings. And his mission with Lydia? Deceased.
On that note, Gilan's fight with the Shurmel gets me excited every time!
Thorn stopping the crossbow bolt? Badass.
Thorn threatening the Ghostface by saying he'd nibble on his fingers and toes...why is this amazing? I love it.
This list grows Thorn heavy, but you know the scene where the ship is riding the wave from the Caldera, and everyone is terrified? Thorn is so excited, like he's in a Wisconsin Dells ride. Glorious.
Stig calling out Olaf on his bullshit gives me immense satisfaction. Then him finding healing and family with the Herons? Immaculate.
Ulf and Wulf tying at rock-paper-scissors every time, to the horror of the judges will live on in my memory as the second funniest scene John Flannagan wrote.
Jesper saving the kids from the bear after spending the book as a useless loser is such a good moment. You go Jesper!
Kloof. That's it, that's the bullet point.
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mostlyonthefloor · 1 year
BB Reread: Ch 43&44
Ohhhhh Thorn's bit is too long to quote here but like ... Hal's spark is going to get crushed out of him ... "Thorn loved the boy." HEEEEELP
"He wanted to drink himself into oblivion so that he didn't have to think any more about the boy he loved and the fate that was in store for him." AAAAUGH
Thorn being so shattered by what is going to happen to the boys that he resolves to leave himself. AHHHHHH
Help he feels like he's failed Mikkel. I'm running out of letters to express my anguish
"For the first time in my life, I felt like people actually respected me." INGVAR NOO
"'We should stick together,' Jesper said. 'After all, we're all we've got." hggggggggghgh
I feel like something constantly missing from a lot of Edvin characterisation is that he's fundamentally an optimist. He's sensible and pragmatic but he wants to believe the best he really does
Awwwww my boys are back together!
Stig not wanting to just run away but being on board with taking action nghag he's fundamentally unlike his father and he'll do anything to keep it that way
Also Ingvar being such a driving force, a force of optimism and motivation. How can he ever think he doesn't contribute anything aww
The lookout pausing his panicked report to be disdainful to Tursgurd is incredible
Ough the revelation that Erak expected they would do this and even wanted them to is such an incredible way to end this
AAAAAND THAT'S A WRAP! Hooray. Thanks for coming everyone.
Edit: I finished this like a month ago and then forgot to post. Whoops. I hope my devoted audience of one maybe two people enjoyed
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So yesterday, today at 2 AM actually, after I posted a courier aesthetic on my Ranger's Apprentice blog, and was scrolling through the RA tag, which has not been a thing I often do lately, I came across a post that was vaguely mentioning the deaths of Crowley and Alyss. My brain, the weird thing it is, pleasantly offered me a question: "What would happen if died one of the Herons?" and then it immediately went to full stop.
I think it wasn't because I am more of a BB person than a RA person, but because they are brotherband. In RA, you have these main characters who love each other, and spend lots of time together but are independent units. That's just how they work. You do say, for example, "Will and Halt and Horace and Gilan and Cass and Alyss". However, with BB, it's different. You do not say "Hal and Stig and Lydia and Thorn and Ingvar and Edvin and Jesper and Stefan and Wulf and Ulf and Kloof", you say "the brotherband" or "the Herons". The Herons, as the brotherband, are an independent unit by themselves, and you cannot expect the body to work when you kill the heart.
So I am writing this post just to tell you if something happens to any of them, I am out.
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Ikea's founder was a Nazi, and never stopped praising the Nazi leader he called "Best Brother"
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Ingvar Kamprad founded Ikea and invented some of the modern tax-evasion playbook, while amassing billions; despite this, he is lionized both in Sweden and abroad for his quirky frugality and the ubiquity of his stores and their products.
But Kamprad was also a member and patron of the Swedish Nazi party, enlisting at 17 years old in 1943, as Member No. 4,014 of Swedish Socialist Unity (Sweden's Nazis). He was an active recruiter to the Nazi cause and brought in several friends to join the party. There's no record of Kamprad ever leaving the Swedish Nazis, and as an adult, he fell in with Per Engdahl and his Swedish fascist organization, the New Swedish Movement. He hosted fascist meetings in his home, published one of Engdahl's books, and had Engdahl give a speech at his wedding in 1951, and in correspondence, Kamprad and Engdahl called one another "BB" for "best brother."
Engdahl was instrumental in smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Europe, and he knit together the post-WWII pan-European fascist network that encompassed fascists in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Denmark and Norway. He gathered the leaders of these movements together for a meeting in Malmo, and dubbed the outcome of this meeting the "Malmo Movement," AKA "Europäische Soziale Bewegung." The Movement published a Holocaust denial journal called Nation Europe, and Engdahl published a book that was the central text of the movement, called "The Renewal of the West" which Kamprad praised in a 1951 letter to Engdahl.
When all this came to light through Elisabeth Åsbrink's 2011 book "Och i Wienerwald står träden kvar," and Ikea headed off the negative publicity by making its largest-ever charitable donation, $51m for the UN High Commission on Refugees.
Åsbrink interviewed Kamprad in 2010 and asked him about Engdahl, and Kamprad reiterated his support for his Nazi "Best Brother," saying, "There’s no contradiction as far as I’m concerned. Per Engdahl was a great man, and I’ll maintain that as long as I live."
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