#innacuracy in video games
thebleedingwoodland · 4 months
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Being busy with real life, so I just watched The Sims channel on Youtube, I found youtube video
EA what is this? l Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack by Matinee
Ha ha ha.
"Coconut rice"?
What the ****, EA? As a Southeast Asian I never heard of term "Coconut rice"
I asked my real friend from Malaysia, and she was confused with word "Coconut rice" too, she laughed then replied to me, "You mean Nasi Lemak? *laughing emoticon*"
^ Yes, seriously, but I cannot show her chat screenshot due to privacy.
Probably Coconut rice is word invented by Westerners or White Caucasian race. As if the word sounds like "Rice" with grated "Coconut" toppings, which sounds very misleading.
As Southeast Asian, we say dishes that have rice cooked with coconut milk in direct name of the dish, not just "Coconut milk rice" or "Nasi Santan". Malaysians call it Nasi Lemak. Indonesians call it Nasi Uduk. Thais call it ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง (Khao Niao Mamuang) --> Thai Mango Sticky Rice
Here are pictures of Coconut Milk. For this kind of product it is called "Coconut Cream" because it has little amount of water. 100% legit my own photos I took from nearby minimarket.
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By Googling "Nasi Lemak", here is the result:
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How could EA, as big massive company make stupid mistake like this? Designer is not just 1 person in studio. There are Intern, Junior Designer, Senior Designer, Supervisor, Art Director. And there are a lot of people in the studio who can supervise and give feedback and advise internally. And yet they cannot Googling "Nasi Lemak" properly. What's the point of Supervisor and Art Director once again? Makan gaji buta? Eating salary without giving effort at all?
EA wrongly represented Nasi Lemak with random rice texture, but then they decided to just "renaming" it with Western/White Caucasian term "Coconut rice" instead of giving update correct Nasi Lemak mesh.
As a designer from corporate who had worked in video game company before, I can tell you this apologize is not sincere and lazy. The proper apologize is supposedly making proper new mesh update of Nasi Lemak.
CC creator, icemunmun, from India, has already created functional Nasi Lemak. CC LINK DOWNLOAD
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EA is massive company releasing The Sims as AAA video game titles from The Sims 1,2,3,4 with many expensive expansion packs who brought them massive profit yet they didn't want to spend any effort to give correct proper update with one new mesh.
As if they already know they made mistake and decided to not wanting to spend any more effort because
They already gained massive profit from international sales... and don't care much about players from Southeast Asian countries including Malaysian that their content depicted wrongly in-game as they thought Southeast Asian players are not profitable enough compared to USA and European players.
Ignorance about Asian culture, instead of hiring Southeast Asian people as staff/source person who are willing to give authentic information. They non-Asian people must be thinking that "Nasi Lemak and Coconut rice are the same thing because contains coconut!!"
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Yes I know EA studio who created The Sims 4 content is from U.S.A. Here I need to tell you something, U.S.A. people: We Asians, including Europeans, took food very seriously. Food is culture. If you U.S.A people depict our food wrongly, it means you insult our culture. I heard many Europeans complained about U.S.A people who don't take European food culture very seriously. What if USA flag is wrongly depicted by other flag such as Australian flag or Malaysian flag? I bet you USA people are very offended, right?
People tend to learn something from media, movies and video games. Because many Westerners don't know Nasi Lemak, they will think Nasi Lemak looks like porridge like what depicted in-game. Despite White Caucasian of British colonizer had colonized Malaysia, yet many White Caucasian people still don't know what Nasi Lemak looks like.
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This is not first time EA misinterpreted Asian culture. EA has wrongly misinterpreted Chinese culture very badly in Shang Simla world.
Thank you sister Martinee for daring to speak up about this issue.
What EA depicted as "Nasi Lemak"
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Looks like baby porridge I ate because I was sick.
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movedmovedjump · 4 years
59, 62, 88, 98
59. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
UMM. i think one of the things i just say as a habit like. "Yes sir!" or like. Ummmmmmm. oh god i just forgot everything ive said
62. Seven characters you relate to?
nao egokoro, pinkie pie, silver the hedgehog, tohru honda, giorno giovanna, diamond, annnnddddd god i dont like danganronpa anymore but ive always related to naegi because of how silly he is.
88. Your greatest wish?
i genuinely wish for world peace honestly
98. Favorite historical era?
AS someone whos studied lightly on each historical era i think they all kinda suck due to lots of innequalities and how morals were. i dont have a favorite at all. i am a little obsessed w/ rennaisance at least and not because its like "aaahh...art :)" more like just kinda like how people rebelled against the church and were like "WE WORSHIP KNOWLEDGE NOW FUCK YOU MR POPE" and also how like. i think fucking raphael got commissioned by the pope to create like. a very religious piece and instead put god and his angels in a brain as a fuck you to catholic religion it was kinda dope. i think i could go on but i might have some innacuracies but humanties was a really fun class and idk because of that i kinda wanted to work in an art museum because of it? like its just really interesting to see how stuff from the past made it into our present ... just kinda neat
also i accidentally added this wip pic of pipe cause im on mobile and dont know how to get it off so here. an extra treat.
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I’m considering making a sideblog where I go through all the Game Theory videos and timestamp each innacuracy / inconsistancy / failure of research.
The Metroid episode got me legitimately angry. Here’s a list of everything wrong with the video.
1. Nitpick, but Matpat accompanies his explanation of X parasites with a photo of an Omega Metroid. This photo has no X in it. That’s a real Omega.
2. Metroids never “rolled around” attacking people of their own volition. The Space Pirates stole and weaponized Metroids against the Galactic Federation and its citizens. Had the Metroids remained undisturbed on SR388 there wouldn’t be any problem.
3. The animals weren’t “randomly passed over” by the X, as MatPat claims. They were locked in one of the few areas on BSL that wasn’t compromised by the security bypasses, and bolted straight for Samus’ ship once they were free. Remember that one of them knows how to SHINESPARK. It’s more than possible to make the trip unscathed.
4. Adam ran a full diagnostic and found no X on the animals.
5. HOW THE FUCK WOULD ANYTHING ON ZEBES BE INFECTED WITH X? THE X IS ONLY ON SR388. The animals would have had to be infected during Super Metroid for the theory to work, and that’s impossible.
6. How did the Dachora perform a Shinespark, Matpat? WITH A SPEED BOOSTER, DUH. THE DACHORA LIVES IN A PLANET FULL OF CHOZO RUINS. THERE’S MORE THAN 1 SPEED BOOSTER ON ZEBES. (Or the SpeedBooster is based on Dachora abatomy. The Chozo were very close to nature.)
7. The animals get along because they’re the only Zebesians left, Patrick. Their planet exploded. They need eachother.
8. The animals knowing how to pilot a ship is proof that they AREN’T X infected. The X need to copy an able pilot to leave BSL, and they never figured out how to do that during Fusion.
9. The Wrecked Ship didn’t belong to the Animals. It was a Chozo ship. It crashlanding on Zebes is the reason they colonized that planet in the first place.
10. The animals aren’t flying planet to planet spreading X after leaving Zebes. They are TRYING NOT TO DIE. After they left, they launched a distress signal and got moved to BSL.
Please research your goddamn topics, Mathew. Please stop throwing your half-baked brain trash onto Youtube. Your audience and the fans of the games you talk about both deserve better. Also, next time how about you DON’T spend half your video gushing about GDQ and actually talk about your theory? Goddamnit, MatPat.
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midorigxrxge · 5 years
Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[x ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[ ] Romantic Date
[x] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[x] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [x] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [x] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [x] Vampire movie to point out innacuracies (other options)
[x] Restaurant  • [x] Expensive/High Class  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [x] Fast Food
[x] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[x] Visiting a haunted location
[x] Staying at home • [x] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[x] …holding hands
[x] …a kiss
[ ] …in bed
[x] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[x] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
0 notes
sh4wnty · 7 years
I have a color TV and the most I see are white people. The same tropes and the same stereotypes when there is 'diversity', or a token black/gay/asian/etc when the rest of the cast is as white and straight as a pole. So boring, and so overdone. 
Did you know that there are ONLY white people in the Witcher 3? That was the first thing I noticed and it grated on my nerves that a great game with high quality graphics and mechanics, can't even muster up a slight skin color change or something. And people are like 'Oohh nuuu historical innacuracy', are you kidding? There’s dragons and griffins and people teleporting, and different dimensions in the game and yet there’s no other people of color? Like what. And the games about discrimination. Agggggghhh. 
As a non-white person myself, sometimes its difficult for me to relate to these characters, because there’s nothing really in common, and mostly its the same rehashing of the same problems. You know what I want to see? I want to see a sassy Indian woman as a main character in a steampunk world, I want to see a black gay man take on dragons, I want to see mermaids of different body shapes and colors, I want to see a badass mixed race lady take on thugs in a different planet, I want to see an asian woman turn the tides of war, not with steel and muscle, but with cleverness and words, I want to see a wheelchair bound boy save the world. I want to see new things, I want to see a different spin on classic fantasy and storytelling. What I don’t want to see is the main protagonist as a white/straight/good looking/fit/male wish insert fantasy, and their POC sidekick who gets the butt of all the jokes. 
I am so tired, and I am so done. D:<. I have seen these things over and over and over again. I want something different, I want something more. It's like the only people who can go on these adventures, on these epic tales, are what we see in the media, what we see everyday, plastered on the screen, on magazines, on the news, in books, in everything. A disproportionate amount of whitewashing and patriarchy. And that’s not fair, not fair at all. 
For some people, representation doesn’t seem like much at all, because they grew up with heroes that look like them, doing and achieving great things, and they know that they can also achieve those same things. But for other people, where the people who look like them in movies and books and video games are maids, cleaning ladys, savages, thugs, low-lifes, slaves, prisoners, criminals, janitors, tech-support, whores, prostitutes, the uncultured native, the side-kicks, the token person, the stereotype joke. Never a hero, never someone to save the world, or go on adventures or hunt dragons, or achieve the greatest things. Just an unimportant side character or not there at all, rarely ever the main protagonist. It's frustrating, very very frustrating. The world is diverse, with different people, views, ethics, beliefs, skin color, sexuality, and identities. Excluding them is a missed opportunity for enrichment and endless possibilities of storytelling. 
Someday, if I ever have any, I want my children and grandchildren to think they can be and do anything regardless of their gender or their race, and not be limited to the stereotypes that we see in media at large. The media, the books, the movies, the shows, the video games, the things they put out for our consumption matter. We learn to care for characters, we learn to emphasize and admire, and the want to be them. I think the most frustrating thing about diversity in a culture such as ours is the self-hatred that we are taught. That no matter what you do you will never be as good, as great, as heroic, as fulfilled, as clever, as good-looking, as brave, as fit, as achieved, because YOU ARE NOT LIKE THEM.
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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Time to release draft I wrote in year 2021. 
Warning: ⚠️Very long post, no hide. Important critical about faulty of The Sims 3 game content directed to EA (Electronic Arts) company. ⚠️ English is not my first language. I cannot input many images/pictures for evidences because the post is already too long, please do research by yourself to find more images/pictures. 
As an ethnically Chinese, I baffled seeing what EA portraying China/Chinese culture in TS3 World Adventures world Shang Simla. For more than 10 years. It is full of wrong ignorant portrayal, obviously without asking input from actual Chinese people and portraying the world as “China inspired East Asian world with American Chinatown based on what Westerners’ perspective”.
If you are non Chinese, non Asian, please do not believe nonsense what EA made in Shang Simla.   
Using icon of Japan: Torii Gate. 
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To be more specific, Itsukushima Shrine. 
There are Great Wall, Chinese Gate, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven in the game, why didn’t (logically) EA made the icon based on one of the builds? France and Egypt have correct icons with same build in the game, Eiffel Tower and Pyramid. Imagine if Windenburg, TS4 Europe world, has American Liberty Statue as icon, what’s your reaction? 
There is one person already complained about the matter on EA forum, no response from EA themselves. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-PC/Sims-3-World-Adventures-is-incorrect-and-technically-racist/td-p/3474359
Symbol for China should be: Forbidden City / Great Wall / Pai Fang (牌坊)
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Shang Simla residents bowing to other Sims when greeting. Chinese people DO NOT BOW when greeting people, but shake hand as usual. The only Chinese people bowing is when we are in important respectful and formal events, such as showing respect to the dead person in funeral / cemetery and religious events, or any formal apologies by company and services in China and Taiwan. For normal occasions, meeting other people casually, there is no bow in Chinese culture, only Japanese and Koreans who bow. I guess EA added the “bow” culture to make Shang Simla more “exotic” and more “Asian”, as Al Simhara and Champs Les Sims have local gesture greeting. 
Fortune Cookies. There is no such thing as Fortune Cookies in Chinese culture. Fortune Cookies are cookies originated from Japan, spread to USA country, popularized by Japanese immigrants to Chinese restaurant in USA.  “China” world? More like American Chinatown, located in USA.  It is not first EA did that mistake in TS3, In TS4, EA added Fortune Cookies symbol in street food vendor for Chinese food stall. 
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Accurate historical Chinese food / dessert  = Mooncake (in Autumn) or Zongzi (in Summer).
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Mooncake, TS3 CC made by LunaYue
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Left: Zongzi from Southern part of China, TS3 CC made by me, right: Zongzi from Northern part of China, TS4 CC made by Rex. 
There is Korean household in Shang Simla. Ho Sung Kim, Hui Young Kim, Sun Young Kim Why did EA added Korean Sims in “China” country? As if EA wants to mix up China setting, Japan icon & bowing culture, Korean Sims as one “exotic” East Asian country. Why called it China (literally in-game) if EA added fusion with Japanese and Korean elements? 
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“Asian trait” for Shang Simla residents, instead of “Chinese trait”. Did EA know Asian is continent, not only one country? Which consists many countries? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Asian_countries_by_area  China only cannot represent Asian continent. Southeast Asian countries and other regions of Asia do not use chopsticks when eating. Southeast Asia uses spoon & fork and hand. South Asia uses hand. 
Houses in Shang Simla are very exaggerated Ancient China palace style, so silly and hilarious. According to EA, Chinese resident house must look like stereotypical exotic curved palace like portrayed in movies. 
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While ordinary Chinese residents (in villages) are like THESE . 
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Square boxy, normal looking roof. Curved palace looking like what you saw is for kingdom in high position in ancient dynasty time, not for poor or ordinary peasant citizens. If you see that kind of curved building in modern time, is for community lots and as tourist attraction. Not for ordinary residential houses. I envy for Al Simhara and Champs Les Sims, they at least have better portrayal of Egypt and France in modern setting, but in villages. Their Sims residents do not live in tacky Versailles mansion- like house or Pyramid-like building. 
There’s one dish called Egg Rolls, which is actually called Spring Rolls in Chinese & Asian countries. The dish placed together with noodles in one plate, which looks very weird and gross 🤢 , it’s like putting burger and spaghetti in one plate. 
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Chinese and other Southeast Asian countries place and eat Spring Rolls in one plate, as a individual meal or snack, not place it together with another main course meal. Like THIS. 
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I suspect the culture of American people putting all food in one plate in “Americanized Chinese food” buffet restaurant.
Small issue but a bit annoyance: Shang Simla wives have the same last name with their husbands. While actually in Chinese culture, married women still keep their birth last name, not following their husband’s last name. What I know, western culture forces married women to change their last name same as their husband‘s last name. As TS3 game has feature of separating last name and household name, better make more sense to make the husband and wife of Shang Simla residents having different last name. 
EA confused “modern setting but taking place in village” with “ancient time”.  “Shang Simla, China is home to people that value discipline, peace, and clarity of mind over all else...”  . The description is very stereotype Hong Kong Kung Fu movie (Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, etc) taking place in ancient time. Real Chinese culture value family, fortune, culture, food over all else. “Discipline, peace, clarity of mind”...? Must be “fantasy” made by westerners thinking China is still stuck in ancient dynasty time practicing martial arts with martial arts-like “discipline” rules like depicted in fictional movies. EA must be confuse “Quietness, peaceful society” to Japan. Chinese people culture in general is very extroverted, loud, and noisy. Champs Les Sims and Al Simhara obviously taking place in modern but in village. “ Champs Les Sims, France offers the cultural elite some of the finer things in life. Sims can learn the fine culinary art of nectar making, or flash over with a camera to learn the Photography Skill.” Sounds normal and applicable in modern time. Local Champs Les Sims do not dress like in ancient European Medieval or France Revolution era.  Local Al Simhara wearing conservative long dress with head cover as Muslim society, not ancient Egypt Pharaoh-like clothing. 
Very stereotype view about Chinese by westerners: Kung Fu. TS3 Martial Arts in-game are not comparable to real Chinese Martial Arts, definitely not all. It’s just a made up cartoony fighting of generic punch, kick, parry for E rating game / suitable for children by EA, mix up with Japanese Karate (breaking block). If you want to see better portrayal of Chinese Martial Arts for Teen Rating game, go play fighting game like Tekken. (Nah, that’s fighting game. For real life wushu you can see example like THIS or many more on internet. I’m not interested in Chinese Martial Arts.) --- You know the most realistic ethnic Chinese people’s activities? KARAOKE & GAMBLING !  😂 Also, “fighting” to pay the restaurant bill first.   
Whoever making this chopsticks animation is violating the most basic principle of 3D animation : Doesn’t look at the real life reference. TS3 has the worst eating using chopsticks animation compared to TS2 and TS4. You cannot hold food with chopsticks in real life like this, it’s just lazy animating. 
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How to Hold Chopsticks (in English language) 
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(Do not use “It’s too difficult, it’s foreign culture!” as an excuse. Asian food is already globalized and famous in western countries. I know you westerners have experienced holding chopsticks to eat Chinese/Japanese food in your country. If you do the 3D animation job, do it professionally, regardless the difficulty!). Left-handed is very uncommon in Asian countries, and many Asian and Middle East countries with significant Muslim population sees left hand is “dirty hand”, right hand is “good hand” , including Egypt, which is Al Simhara, fictional country EA portrayed in-game. EA must be careful at portraying culture outside than American. Majority people in this world using right hand, not left hand. TS2 and TS4 right: Using right hand, why TS3 suddenly switched to left hand? 
English version of the game is much more hilarious: 
In English version, Shang Simla signature dish named “Stir-Fry”.  “Stir-Fry” is cooking technique, not name of the dish. Is like naming boiled egg as “Boiled” and Fried rice as “Fried”. Why didn’t the dish named “Stir-Fried Chicken/Pork/Beef” or “Stir-Fried Vegetable” or “Stir-Fried Noodles” to make more sense?  Furthermore, the 3D food object themselves is bad. Sorry to say, what EA’s made is very laughable and doesn’t deserve to be called “Chinese Dish”. 
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Chinese food always combine all stir-fried ingredients into one in one plate! Not separated like North and South Korea! As a real life designer, I notice that EA employee pick wrong yellow colour for noodles-like texture, random western leaf decoration, separated (?) into two. Real stir-fried noodles looks like THESE.
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Appetizing yellow, vibrant colour, fresh, combining all types of ingredients into one. My guess is because American Chinese buffet again as the responsible why the “Chinese” food in American country look like what EA portrayed  🤢 To be honest, I am disappointed why the signature food of the in-game country must be ordinary home-cooked food cooked for 10 minutes, not something exquisite, restaurant/chef-made such as Peking Duck? Peking Duck is national dish of China. When I was in vacation trip in Guilin, China, I always served with Peking Duck in all restaurant I visited. Must be because American Chinese buffet again that serves Americanized style Stir-Fried food as popular “Chinese” food known for American people.  
In TS3 WA EP English version, Spring Roll is named as “Egg rolls”. In Asian countries, not just China, Spring Rolls (春捲)are THESE. You westerners are mistaken Spring Rolls with “Egg Rolls” name, then you wondered why “Egg Rolls” made without eggs  😂 . Egg rolls (蛋捲 )are THESE. Made from eggs. Biscuit and crunchy. In TS3 WA EP Traditional Chinese version, the dish is correctly named 春捲 . I researched about Spring Rolls in English language, it seems like U.S.A like / obsessed about Spring Rolls as Chinese food. Probably because Spring Rolls often served in Chinese restaurant in U.S.A? If EA wanted to create accurate signature dish of China, it must be: 1) Peking Duck  2) Noodles / Rice Porridge / Century Egg / Braised Pork Belly / Hot Pot . Not Dim Sum because Dim Sum already in Base Game. 
Shang Simla resident names in English version are confusing, mix up Last name as first name, first name as last name, there is parody of real life famous Chinese person, there are made up names such as Adaeze, Bebe,  Louie (??) How could these names fit to China world at all? 
If EA cannot portray specific country decently, don’t ever dare to call the fictional world as the real life ones.... If the result is disastrous like this, better to call it just Shang Simla, do not call it China. What EA portray is not China, but “East Asian inspired world mixed with American Chinatown in western view”.  
How could EA, a big corporation, biggest video game developer, with big budget, did not hire someone expert to do research about the culture they portrayed first? Was there no internet connection in EA studio? Didn’t they at least has Chinese descent employee in their office? California has many Asian descent include Chinese.  EA has headquarters in Beijing and Shanghai.... EA market this game to other Chinese countries (not just China) such as Taiwan and Hongkong, hiring Traditional Chinese translator to translate the game, also there are many ethnic Chinese and other Asians who play the Sims game, of course we can recognize the inaccuracies very easily. 
This is another example of westerners making profit from product sales portraying Asians without doing research, without consulting to the actual Asians people at all. Look how mess Disney’s Mulan (2020) movie is. Every Chinese descent and actual China people hate it for ignorant portrayal and inaccuracies by western moviemakers without doing research at all, also bad story plot, suddenly fantasy mixed with random Chinese element wuxia/xianxia stereotype that looks cringy parody, wrong phoenix (western/Egypt phoenix, not Chinese FengHuang), Chinese letters on sword looks like bad/awkward Chinese tattoo by westerners. I have real life sibling still hating and complaining everytime Mulan 2020 was mentioned 😂. Western Simmers from USA, Europe keep taking screenshots of Shang Simla, saying Shang Simla is beautiful.... You westerners call Shang Simla beautiful because you don’t know Chinese culture at all, you only see the landscape and don’t see how awful the culture portrayal of EA made in that world.  
Now I want to know how bad the portrayal EA made for Champs Les Sims as France world and Al Simhara as Egypt world.... I can see Al Simhara is too stereotyped as “Indiana Jones raiding tomb adventure” site. I see there are many French Simblrs.. please post and elaborate if you find any inaccuracies  😁
- It’s just a game: 
Whoever complain like this must be casual gamers who only playing The Sims as Barbie dressing simulator or Candy Crush mobile game and do not have experience of playing real video game titles. EA is one of biggest video game company with big budget releasing AAA video game titles to make profit, similar to Disney. They’re not free CC creators. Whoever create game placing expensive price tag with very big budget for making big profit from international players  must be responsible to create product with quality and effort, including consulting & do research to local people & culture to depict culture outside their default culture (American). I bet you Americans and Europeans complain if you find inaccuracies or any stupid fatal mistake depicting your own country and culture. It’s not just cultural inaccuracies, there are many bug, glitch, cheaply-made, bad animations, missing features or any factors are not deserved in The Sims game that supposedly AAA expensive game titles.
- The Sims is marketed heavily for U.S.A. and European countries to appeal U.S.A. and European players: 
Video games, any titles, any genre, is marketed to international people, not just western countries only. The Sims is translated to Chinese language, sold in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and any other Asian countries. If EA marketed heavily for western countries only, why are EA hiring Chinese translator then sell their games into those countries? Hiring translator + shipping + marketing to other countries have costs too.  
- But we westerners are accustomed/used to Fortune Cookies as they are cookies that usually available in Chinese restaurants! 
“Chinese” restaurant? Ha ha ha. That is Americanized Chinese restaurant. Every Chinese restaurant in every country changed to suit local people’s taste, so no longer authentic. In my country, Chinese restaurant provides not authentic and hybrid to local cuisine in my country too. Please broaden your knowledge, google Fortune Cookies for 1 minute and it says originated from USA. Furthermore, Shang Simla is located in China in-game by EA, it is supposed to depict China, not Chinatown in western country. It is unprofessional/laziness from EA by not researching or consulting to actual Chinese people (I repeat: They’re big company, not free CC creators). No need to use World Adventures EP to provide Fortune Cookies, just release in Base game or Store content separately. Because using World Adventures EP to introduce in the Shang Simla, China world, it makes as if Fortune Cookies belongs to Chinese culture / China, while actually it’s foreign/alien cookies for us ethnic Chinese. 
- The Sims 3 World Adventures is focused heavily on adventure, explorations, and martial arts. It’s family-oriented / cartoony game / parody of life anyway. 
I know that The Sims game is parody of American suburb life. Countries often depict other countries with stereotype. Focusing on martial arts because China/ Chinese culture is often depicted by foreigners as Martial Arts because Hong Kong / Chinese martial arts movies taking place in ancient time is very popular internationally, no wonder Chinese culture is stereotyped with martial arts. But this inaccuracies or any stupid fatal mistake is supposed to be not happening if the employees whoever create the game do research carefully. Mistaking Chinese symbol with Japanese symbol? Seriously?   
How about American country world has Eiffel Tower or Pisa Tower as symbol icon? France world has American Liberty statue as symbol icon? Croissant and spaghettis placed on the same plate? Croissant has shape and colour resembles to poop? France world has Pizza and French Fries depicted as French culinary specialty in that world? Champs Les Sims, France world has German household and Italian and Spanish elements, local Sims trait has “European trait” instead of French trait? France world has stereotype castle-like or Versailles-like house build? France world has stereotype ancient French revolution clothing complete with fork sticks and fire torch, with depiction of the world like “Seeking for equality and fairness, [reference to French Revolution]” ancient stereotype for the world that supposed to be placed in modern setting in village?  You want to depict adventure and exploration culture, but with this kind of depiction, I bet actual French people will not feel comfortable, and other westerners from USA or any other western countries will recognize the stupidity and inaccuracies easily. 
- EA will not make super realistic depiction of world like its real life country. China in TS3 World Adventures is supposedly focus on exploration/adventure not miniature real life China and realistic society with karaoke, gambling, and focus on family. 
Yeah, I know. I didn’t expect EA, The Sims game developer from USA will include karaoke and gambling or any super realistic for cultural world depiction, it must be something famous and stereotype from the country. Champs Les Sims world has the most normal description:  “...offers the cultural elite some of the finer things in life. Sims can learn the fine culinary art of nectar making, or flash over with a camera to learn the Photography Skill.”  Shang Simla: “...value discipline, peace, and clarity of mind ...” sounds very exaggerated too heavily focused on martial arts in ancient time in fictional movies and confused with Japanese Zen Garden or Chinese Spa/Meditation by Americans. Better description if Shang Simla is “...offer the cultural experience, culinary, and successful exploration will be granted with good fortune. Sims can learn Martial Arts skill...” Strong points of China (and Chinese culture) is the culture and food. Martial Arts is supposedly a bonus, not the prime feature. If Champs Les Sims has nectar making, these prime features of Shang Simla that fits for the game: 
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Making noodles. Noodles are the most oldest food invention in history, recorded 4.000 years ago in China, becomes important meal in Chinese culture. Imagine the cartoony/goofy animations when Sims crafting noodles then fail with funny expression. Very fitting to the game. 
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Or making dumplings. 
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Majiang (Mahjong) technically gambling. EA had made playing cards table for TS2, just re-use the cards game table coding. 
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Giving simoleons in Hong Bao (Red Envelope) to Lion Dance, then Sims will be granted with ‘Good Luck Charm’ or ‘Good Mood Moodlet’. Lion Dance has cartoony moves, jumping from one pole to another, so it’s very fitting to The Sims game. 
Not the Fortune Cookies in-game. Fortune Cookies is American, so it’s useless, doesn’t provide any functional and wasting potential for The Sims 3 World Adventure EP to represent real culture.
It’s unfortunate that Americans or western people in general seem to think Chinese culture is “Kung Fu - Dragon - Kung Fu - Dragon - Exotic palace looking building from the East - qipao / cheongsam - Americanized/westernised Chinese food.” only. 
-But they are American company!!111!! As a company from different country/culture they could be at least cannot represent other cultures 100% accurately!  Shang Simla is fictional world!!1!! 
Whoever complain like this must be casual gamers who only playing The Sims as Barbie dressing simulator or Candy Crush mobile game and do not have experience of playing real video game titles. 😂
There are Lion Dance and Hong Bao (Red Envelope) as Lunar New Year update in The Sims Freeplay in year 2015. Yeah authentic representation 😁 , by The Sims Freeplay mobile division team, different team than EA The Sims 3, made exclusively for players from Asia. 
Whoever game developer team behind it had done great job: did research and obviously had consultation to actual Chinese people. (I mean, how many average American/western people in general aware of Lion Dance and Hong Bao?)
No need for EA team to travel far away to China to survey, just do deep research on internet and asking someone working in EA ethnically Chinese. Costs $0 for them. There are a lot of authentic real culture that will give more unique, fresh idea, great input into the game if only the game developer team willing to spend their time and effort to do research.
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 I applause the authentic representation but too bad it’s in mobile game. 
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Other games? Sleeping Dogs. 
Developer from Canada, Publisher from Japan, the team behind them seems to don’t have Hong Kong and Chinese ethnic, but they did great job at representing fictional Hong Kong setting looks like actual real life Hong Kong. 
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I’m not from Hong Kong, but definitely feels the Southern Chinese culture vibe. Authentic street food, noisy people, pedestrians eating noodles with styrofoam package in street, night market, shrine to pray, Chinese festival, Lion Dance, Jiangshi (Chinese hopping vampire), realistic street fighting (not Kung Fu), game price is more cheaper than The Sims 3, definitely they didn’t make stupidity such as mistaking Chinese icon symbol with Japanese icon symbol and including Fortune Cookies. (My Sleeping Dogs save game file is corrupt, you can take a look at Youtube videos).  
The Sims is the only proper game with genre of life simulator on the market, but disappointingly, the developer of the game do not take the quality of the game very seriously about dining. I often see many action games, fighting games, other genres portraying authentic food, how to dining properly with right utensils, right hand, although they are not life simulator genre. The Sims? The genre of life simulator? Eat with left hand, eating animation still like a cartoony greedy pig, do not use fork and knife elegantly but instead using only fork with stiff animation, wrong chopsticks hand position, not authentic food, food only represented in one plate = one meal = for one person which is lazy coding & no innovation. In real life, one person put many meals on dining table to pick and choose to put on that person’s main plate/bowl, not just eat on one plate only. 
-Why are you complain so much? Show some respect to EA’s employees!
I’m real life employee who have been working as 3D Artist & Animator for video games and movies companies for years. No need to be employee for this kind of industry, as a customer who had paid the product must be feeling disappointment and anger if the product you buy is broken, not working, faulty, and after service is bad. Not the employees’ fault, not at all, the fault must be upper management of company, who demand income as fast as possible, hiring few low-skill workers to cut production cost as possible to force them to create many assets in-products as many as possible in short deadline, not doing research, not brainstorming the ideas and resources well because the company do not have good communication and time management or probably do not have much fund to pay research, then release product immediately although the product is not finished/developed well. My guess is that upper management in EA doesn’t care quality of The Sims game itself, as the game is seen as “Children’s Toys”, marketing for teenage girls / majority women, so the company doesn’t take it seriously, contrast to EA’s sports game titles, Battlefield, Star Wars’  Battlefront, or any titles marketed strongly for teenage guys / men. 
Look at complaint at someone who’s saying Shang Simla icon is wrong, is Japan’s Torii Gate. No response from EA at all. Very unprofessional, while the fault is the company itself.
EA Sims 3 division, if you couldn’t do the research, give the world to ethnically Chinese, to be remade by actual Chinese employees (I know it’s impossible, The Sims 3 is ended, already 12 years old). Seriously. Clearly EA has money, power, headquarter in Shanghai and Beijing.. It would be much better, authentic portrayal, than ignorant stupid wrong portrayal that seems to make fun of Chinese culture in bad way and misleading to western/international players. I’m only Chinese descent, dislike portrayal of Shang Simla world, let alone Chinese Simmers live in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.   
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thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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⚠️ Long post as usual. ⚠️
I repeat again, I’m senior 3D designer who used to work in video game company, now in field similar to video game (I don’t want to reveal my current real life work due to privacy), it’s my job to analyze game content. Gamer for many video game titles and customer for EA (Electronic Arts) since The Sims 1. English is not my first language. 
Continuation from post:
EA Misinterpretation About China And Chinese Culture About Shang Simla World
Reply About Somebody Asked About Chinese Clothing And Accuracy About Shang Simla Clothing
EA Maxis Studio Is In San Francisco That Is Heavy Chinese Population And Has Shanghai Headquarters But Didn’t Know What Chinese Gate Looks Like And More Information About Manchu Queue Hair, Dragon Cave, Obscure “Chopsticks” Holder Clutter
Yes, I’m planning to write formal letter to EA. Not just about Shang Simla inaccuracies, but ALL. How low quality The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 despite the developer has already earned massive profits from The Sims franchise titles 1,2,3,4. So far, EA has been developing The Sims 5.
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No, actually EA Maxis Studio made the content based on stereotypes 😜All countries: Al Simhara, Champ Les Sims, Shang Simla are modern times at village. Sims in their hometown (present time) travel to the three countries immediately (logically by plane). No time machine portal to ancient times. Logically, the three countries are in modern times, right? 
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There's ancient Egyptian hair for Al Simhara. Very far B.C years. Must be because the famous “Cleopatra” stereotype. Obviously not recent historical period before modern times. 
And there are modern hairstyles and clothing for Champs Les Sims. France is stereotypically associated with “high fashion” & “romantic”. Definitely not year 1900-1920. 
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Despite the place Champs Les Sims taking place at village, far away from Paris city. 
The designers must be picking what stereotypes of the countries came in their mind first. They obviously didn’t consult or research about the history what dynasty or time period about the item they created for the game.
Where is Napoleon reference? 
I demand Napoleon hat, costume, French Revolution Era, Medieval clothing, mime clothing, but there are none in Champs Les Sims. 
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France is Western country located in Europe, the closest thing U.S.A. and Western people in general can relate, so I can understand why the portrayal of France is modern. No weird controversial historical content or major inaccuracies/wrong portrayal. 
I watched Youtube virtual tour about France village. Champs Les Sims resident houses look like real resident houses in real life. 
Champs Les Sims has correct icon symbol, it’s Eiffel Tower. It has hidden Eiffel Tower that player can access in Buy Debug mode. 
Champs Les Sims has four local dishes. (Cheese Plate, Bouillabaisse, Frog Legs, Crepes, indeed correct French Cuisine). Shang Simla and Al Simhara only has 2 local dishes, both are not correct and not authentic. 
“World Adventures” There is obvious dangerous & action element in Al Simhara (Tomb, torch, mummy), Shang Simla (Martial Arts), then what is so dangerous & action in Champs Les Sims? 
Making wine? 
Collecting fruits to create wine (EA censor it as Nectar) is adventure? 🤣
There are so many countries which better candidates for adventures setting. I prefer Russia (Yeah, because everything associated with Russia is “Strong & Dangerous“ such as cold climate, espionage, military, vodka, missile, tank, ever launched astronaut to space, Chernobyl). But because it’s EA who wants European country that is more famous internationally, fit for casual gamers and has selling points, I can understand why they prefer France instead of others.    
Back to your argument again 
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If you said Manchu queue hairstyle is chosen because it’s recent time period before modern times, why EA designers included “all time period” to Shang Simla? There is Hanfu, there is traditional Tang, there is modernised Qipao. Hanfu is from many many Dynasties way back before Qing Dynasty. 
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Years 1912 onwards, Chinese men have short hair.  
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Double braids were popular for Chinese women at that time. 
Manchu queue/braid hairstyle is chosen because of stereotypes about Chinese men in USA country. Historically because first immigrants of Chinese men came to work in USA having queue hairstyle. They retained the queue/braid hairstyles because of under Qing Dynasty’s Manchurian rule. History of Chinese American. 
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I doubt the designers in EA Maxis studio ever know what dynasty or what period queue hairstyle belongs to. If only they did research and consult to actual Chinese people (at least did effort ask to Ayi & Shushu who are Chinese elder women and men who are shop owners in San Francisco’s Chinatown nearby their EA’s Maxis Studio for 51 minutes by car or asking their own employees in Shanghai Headquarters), the Chinese people will strongly suggest popular hairstyles by celebrities and long haired with bun for ancient times. They would tell the EA designers why Qing’s queue/braid was very painful historically. 
Why are many Chinese people disgusted with the Qing Dynasty? (Quora answer)
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Western equivalent must be Adolf Hitler/Nazi/Holocaust-related something.  If EA Maxis released Nazi-related moustache/costume, I bet somebody complained to EA on Sims forum for being “insensitive’.  
The designers would say sorry and chose to not include Queue/braid hair in-game, but instead, ancient long hair with bun. 
Jay Chou, Andy Lau, F4. They are idol superstars known by Chinese people, were very popular in year 2000′s. 
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Must be argument again, “But Shang Simla is supposed to take place at village! The “emo” hairstyles are too modern Western & Japanese! Not Chinese enough! Blah blah blah” 
Relax alright...have some entertainment. Because in reality, I bet actual Chinese people in year 2009 would answer like that. (When I was in college year 2009, I had emo haircut similar to Jay Chou! 🤣 ) The fact that China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the people are modern not too different than France, U.S.A or any Western countries. Not stuck in the past having ancient hair. 
I already answered in my previous post. The usual Chinese men hair either: 1) Short hair for modern times  2) Long hair with bun for ancient times (for traditional style, usable for storytelling purpose taking in ancient times especially for Chinese Simmers)
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Ordinary farmers in China with very short hairstyles. 
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That’s it. Perfect for in-game local Shang Simla Sims, alright. The Sims game needs a lot of varieties for short haircut for Male Sim, because it’s very lacking real ordinary men hair, others are too fancy/girly/weird male haircut and female hairstyles. Hats and weird hairstyles are not really usable in-game. Who the hell uses “Queue/braid hairstyle” anyway?
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I’m not talking about painful history, but technically, this kind of “weird” and “ugly” hairstyle will not be used by general Sims players worldwide. 
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Too many hats...
”Straw Hats“ must be stereotype about Asian people by Western people. Asian in general, not just China. Wearing Straw Hats while planting rice plant at paddy field looks very “exotic” and “very Asian” in Western people’s eyes. 
In real life at Chinese village, there are farmers wearing straw hats. But technically in-game, they are taking too much space in catalog and not reusable. Who else creating Sims with straw hats? Probably almost none. Very rare occasion such as my Sim wearing straw hat only to commemorate World’s Food Day just for once and using EA’s content that never been used. After that, never been used at all. 
Except you want to make your Sim cosplaying as Raiden from Mortal Kombat. I doubt majority Sims players worldwide big fan of Raiden and will make use of straw hats in-game.
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 It’s supposed CC creators for creating specific hats for specific use, not game developer. 
There are Inaccuracies in Al Simhara, Egypt world. Not just Shang Simla. 
Snake charming with the shape of flute and basket is obviously from India. 
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I know because I read a lot of encyclopedias when I was kid way before internet. When I first seeing trailer for “Al Simhara” in year 2009, I was confused. Why EA added snake charming for Egypt world? That is from India. 
Al Simhara local foods are Shawarma & Falafel, which are Middle Eastern cuisine. 
Egypt is different country in North Africa with separate culture, then do not mix them with India, Arab and other Middle Eastern countries. Yes actually Shawarma & Falafel are exist in Egypt (spread from Arab) but there are more dishes that are more authentic in Egypt.  
Egypt’s national dish is Koshary. 
List of Egyptian dishes: 
Foul Mudammas/Medames and Taameya (Fava Beans Stew and Falafel)
Koshary (Mixture of Rice, Macaroni, and Lentils)
Hamam Mahshi (Stuffed Pigeons)
Tarb (Grilled Kofta Wrapped in Lamb Fat)
Molokhiya (Jute Soup)
Halabesa (Chickpea Soup / Drink)
Mahshy (Stuffed Veggies)
Kawaree (Cow Feet)
Hawawshi (Meat Sandwich)
Macarona Bechamel (Egyptian Baked Pasta)
Feseekh (Fermented, Salted, and Dried Fish)
Feteer (Egyptian Pie)
Akawi (Ox Tail)
Keshk (Savory Pudding)
Katayef (Mini Pancakes)
Egyptian Sobia Drink
Om Ali (Egyptian Bread Pudding)
Medalaa (The Spoiled Girl Dessert)
Meshabek (Egyptian Funnel Cake)
Must be too foreign/never heard before for general Westerners & USA people, so I can understand EA chose Shawarma & Falafel that are more famous and sold in Western country while they are actually Middle Eastern dishes. 
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Yeah, how disappointing. I bet EA’s Maxis employees must have ever eaten Chinese food in Chinatown, probably the cheap ones 🤣 all-you-can-eat buffet style, westernized, not authentic, and be served Fortune Cookies. No wonder the food portrayal in Shang Simla looks like that. There must be a lot of Chinese people that they can ask for interview and they can see actual big Chinese gate. Very very different shape from Japanese Torii Gate, that elementary school kid can tell the difference. *facepalm*
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I understand you like Wuxia/ancient fictional settings, but please be logical & rational. The worlds (Shang Simla, Champs Les Sims, Al Simhara) are in modern times but at village. If you say “ancient fictional” then it should be separate game, not together in the same timeline as The Sims. Example: The Sims Medieval is standalone game, not Expansion Pack. The game takes place in European Medieval ancient times.
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The better idea is, made by other game developer, not EA. 
Game developer from the country origin itself, from China (Everstone Games) You must be heard When Winds Meet which trailer was out late August. The settings are Wuxia during the beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty. Looks very Assassin’s Creed-like. I used to wishing there’s Assassin’s Creed taking place in ancient China but can’t expect Ubisoft or any Western game developer to make it.  
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EA’s idea of “World Adventures” taking place in real life actually great idea, original for The Sims game, but bad at execution. The only EA’s fault that they did not do research and consult to the person who is expertise and definitely lacking real life resources. China is actually suitable country for “Adventure” because of rich culture and fortune, which are very blended well with the game. 
Argue again that “The Sims 3 World Adventure was released in 2009, there’s not enough Chinese exposure in USA/West/etc at that time...?”
There’s no way “not enough exposure” while you can see Chinese ethnic are everywhere and migrated to almost all countries. Biggest human population is in China country. Biggest population Chinese ethnic outside China/Taiwan/Hongkong is in Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand). Visit websites that show counts how many population of Chinese ethnic in USA, Canada, Australia, that’s quite high too. If anyone with this question, don’t forget that The Sims 3 game is sold in Taiwan, Hongkong, China too.
I’m talking about corporate/professional level, not amateur free custom content creator. If big corporate wanted to do portrayal about other countries, then do some serious research and ask the experts, as they clearly have the budget and resources.
Many video game titles taking place in real life countries, able to portray them well due to effort they did on research and consultation to the person originated from real life countries. 
Take an example from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Developer: Naughty Dog. The game was released in 1998 (when I was kid). Game levels taking place in several countries and obvious ancient time machine portal. 
I can tell you whoever taking charge in designing Crash Bandicoot did research very well. Even thought the game theme is cartoon and fictional. The dragon, colour, Great Wall, Chinese writing 《萬里長城》 on banner, music, sound effects, everything are very good. NPCs wearing hanfu, long hair with bun, no Manchu queue braid hairstyle, no straw hats.  
Crash Bandicoot 3: Orient Express (1998)
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The dragon colour is yellow and blue. That is correct. Good portrayal for old game released in 1998. 
Crash Bandicoot 3: Orient Express (Remastered version) 
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The dragon was updated with actual Chinese dragon design. The colour is right: Orange, yellow, blue, green. 
The colour of Great Wall floor is jade green colour, which the colour meaning is prosperity and good luck in Chinese culture. 
Compared to EA’s Maxis Shang Simla: 
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Had EA’s Maxis employees ever seen actual Chinese dragon statue?? 
Red is not suitable for statue at all, especially the statue for fountain!  Really hot in the eyes (I speak this as designer). 🔥🔥
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Red is lucky colour in Chinese culture, but not for the dragon. Chinese dragon brings luck and prosperous. The sculpture is usually colorful: Yellow (symbolizing gold for fortune), green, orange, sometimes blue. 
Chinese dragon fountain (Google search in English language)
“Dragon cave” statue does exist in China and other Southeast Asian countries that have big Chinese population. Definitely not like EA’s Shang Simla. 
Yellow Dragon Cave, Zhejiang, China. 
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Cave entrance at Guilin, Guangxi, China. 
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Dragon tunnel at Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia.
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Kwan Sing Bio Temple, Tuban, East Java, Indonesia.
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Dragon Tiger Pagoda, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
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The dragons are colourful. 
Disney’s Mulan animated movie (1998). Portraying men’s hairstyles with bun. No random Manchu queue braid hairstyles.
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EA’s other version of The Sims actually can portray authentic Chinese culture: The Sims Freeplay 
Because it’s made by Firemonkeys Studio, mobile game developer based in Australia. Not Maxis from San Francisco, USA.  
// Youtube Link 1  //   Youtube Link 2 //
Don’t forget Sims Freeplay has Chinese New Year Update. I can say the portrayal is accurate. The clothing (modernized Qipao, Tang, have pattern, good design), Lantern has details, there’s Lion Dance with loud attraction music, Hong Bao (Red Envelope), Hong Bao tree, Chinese candies, decorations related to Chinese New Year (oranges), Sims can sit and pray in front of table with food offerings. 
I can relate to this, very true to real life in modern times, no matter live in big city or at village. Definitely cannot feel the same for TS3 World Adventures Shang Simla.  
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Eating animation is much better. Sims use both hands knife and fork, not too stiff unlike The Sims 2,3,4 for PC.
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Back to Maxis again. 
The Sims 4 “Chinese” food from City Living Expansion Pack (I can smell Maxis employees eating cheap, westernized, not authentic “Chinese” food. Typical American Chinese food.)  There’s Fortune Cookies aka American cookies on food stall logo.
Chinese food is far more variable not just sour-and-sweet something. No Peking Roast Duck? Chicken Feet? Stinky Tofu? Char Siu? Crispy Pork Belly?  Wonton soup? Noodles? Then not authentic. 
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Those are Spring Rolls (春捲), not Egg Rolls. 
Furthermore, Spring Rolls are more popular in Southeast Asian countries rather than China itself. 
Genshin Impact,  game developer from China. 
Egg Rolls are these. Literally EGG ROLLS. 
Simplified Chinese characters used in China:
蛋 =  dàn  (egg)      卷 = juǎn  (rolls)    Egg rolls can be thin biscuit and omelette.
Furthermore, the same Egg Rolls in Japanese: Tamagoyaki. Since Genshin is more into Japanese culture. The food recipes are mostly Japanese. 
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Genshin has anime cartoon stylized aesthetic. The texture and details (especially the food) are much better than TS4. 
More Additional Information (Read More):
Chinese New Year Greetings made by China people themselves. The boy and girl illustrations are stereotyped as well. Both wears modernized Qipao and Tang inherited from Qing Dynasty. The girl usually has double buns. The boy wears hat. Notice the boy usually has short haircut. No Manchu queue/braid hairstyle. 
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Now you can understand why no Chinese CC creators create Manchu Queue/Braid hair, many of them created long hair with bun as original ancient Han Chinese men’s hairstyles before Qing Dynasty.
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Shawarma is delicious, but it is Middle Eastern dish. 
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Watch Youtube documentaries to see what Egyptian food looks like:
10 EGYPTIAN FOODS You Must Try Forbidden Food Tour in Cairo!! Egypt’s EXOTIC Food!!
Egyptian Street Food - Seafood HEAVEN + Traditional Egyptian Food Adventure in Alexandria, Egypt!
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