#champions of the just
Play champions of the just for the cool spooky demon in your head questline, play champions of the just for Calpurnia, play Champions of the just to disband the templars forever WRONG play champions of the just so Dorian tells Cullen he's just like a blood mage to his face
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justanotherflemethstan · 10 months
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dalishious · 1 year
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Not shown: Mythana slapping the mask right off this idiot's face
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daitranscripts · 3 years
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Champions of the Just Masterpost
Main Quest:
Pt. 1 - To the Templars Pt. 2 - Therinfal Redoubt Pt. 3 - Ser Barris Pt. 4 - Shuffling Flags Around Pt. 5 - You Were Expecting the Lord Seeker Pt. 6 - Corruption Pt. 7 - In Your Head Pt. 8 - Up and Out Pt. 9 - The Plan Pt. 10 - Holding the Great Hall Pt. 11 - The Fate of the Templars Pt. 12 - Back at Haven Deleted Dialogue
Related Companion Cutscenes:
Cassandra: Deal. With. It. Vivienne: Something to Consider - Josephine: Ire Of The Chantry Leliana: Dealing With A Traitor
Related Companion Conversations:
Blackwall: Trust Cole: It’s Going to be Loud Iron Bull: Always Staying Positive Sera: Bunch of Polished Helms Solas: Betrayal is Worse Varric: That’s Enough Doom and Gloom - Cullen: Concerns Leliana: Things Worth Dying For
Previous Quest: The Threat Remains Next Quest: In Your Heart Shall Burn
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enderevynne · 2 years
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DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION ➤ GIFS: Cassandra Pentaghast
↳ Champions of the Just
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People who say "noooo how can you choose the templars over mages in dai????" annoy me. Bruh I just like the quest. It's not that fucking deep. Stop being a baby.
Before someone says that nobody ever said that, maybe not on this blog or this website, but I have seen this opinion multiple times on another social media platform.
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belleropheon · 9 months
Oke props to that noblewoman in Champions of the Just at the gate who asks the templar "have you looked at the sky, ser knight?" And then in the politest way tells the knight to either help or face annihalation lol
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hinterlost · 2 years
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Champions of the Just.
from top to bottom;
Ivhana: (softly) Cullen?
Envy: (incredulously) What can you give me?
Envy: (shedding it's mask of Leliana and now speaking with a deep gravely voice like several people speaking at once) EVERYTHING
OK so I never usually do champions of the just but I started a new playthrough as a Trevelyan mage inquisitor and ohhohohooo this has some dialogue/gameplay that just is the *chefs kiss* for a cool angsty story.
For this panel my Inky "Ivhana (Iva) Trevelyan" is trapped in her own mind by the Envy demon. She's not entirely sure what is happening yet and doesn't know whether or not the hallucinations made by the demon are real or not. She's developed a strong friendship (cough cough crush cough) with Cullen at this point so not being sure whether the scene is real or not really got to Iva. She spends pretty much most of the demons attack just being terrified that she has already been possessed and she is watching some sick hallucination of the demon killing off/ torturing her friends from inside her own mind.
Iva is a little different from my other inkies cause I wanted to use her to explore other in game choices/personalities that I don't really use in my more serious playthroughs.
She's a circle mage that actually believes in the circles/ that templars are necessary. I coin this opinion based on her more comfortable upbringing as a noble as well as having the luxury of a more relaxed circle with outside visits and socializing more common. She also had a bad experience with her harrowing where she was trapped within the fade for much longer than an apprentice should have been being subjected to the torture of a terror demon. Rather than being killed by the Templars, which is more common for apprentices who take too long during their harrowing, they continued to stand guard around her (wahoo; likely due to fear of the wrath of her parents if she were killed for any other reason beyond being possessed by a demon).
Obviously she came out of her harrowing alive and very much not possessed but due to the horrors she was subjected to she solidified her opinion that the circles and templar order are an absolute necessity. (I feel the need to state that this is not my own opinion it's just creative exploration. I don't believe that the circles and templars as they are in game are the "good" option and personally believe that they should be abolished and replaced with actual schools for mages that are optional rather than forced requirements. I just think it's a cool vein of thinking to explore for a mage. Ya know, Stockholm syndrome)
Also because of her harrowing, plus now COTJ, she experiences anxiety about becoming possessed herself and slaying all of her friends. She constantly tormented by night terrors about COTJ long after the event among various other dreams about becoming possessed or watching everything she built crumble to the ground because of demons. (angst! how fun!)
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herearedragons · 10 months
The dark stone walls are closing in on her with every step. It’s cold and damp, and May has to remind herself, time and time again, that this isn’t real. Usually, her limited experience says, a dream doesn’t reveal itself to be a dream until you wake up - but this time she knows, because she remembers getting here. She remembers being tackled by that… thing. 
The demon.
May takes a deep breath and begins to recite to herself quietly.
“Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter.”
Her footsteps echo as she moves through. No other sound but this, her voice, and the clinking of her armor.
She might have bitten her tongue when the thing tackled her. She can still taste iron. Or is she only imagining that, and the pain too?
“Blessed are - blessed - ”
She can’t remember the rest. The verse, which has given her comfort many times before, escapes her.
Blessed are the protectors? No, that sounds wrong. Blessed are - 
“Blessed are the peacekeepers, champions of the just.”
It’s May’s voice saying the words, but she’s not the one who speaks.
In front of her, a beam of light shines into the hallway from a crack in the ceiling. Into that light steps another dwarf, adorned in shining plate armor, sword in one hand, shield in the other. The symbol of the Inquisition is emblazoned in gold across her chest.
The dwarf has her face, and her voice, and her scars, but she is not May.
“It’s difficult, isn’t it,” the regal, clean version of her says. “So many words to remember. And believing them isn’t easy either… Wouldn’t you rather have someone else do it for you? I would remember it perfectly.” The dwarf takes a step forward. “I would believe it perfectly.  What do you say, salroka?”
That last word snaps May out of her stupor, sending a sharp, hot prick of anger into her chest.
She grips her axe tighter and lets out a low growl.
“Don’t. Say. That.”
“Right,” the other May agrees calmly. “Too many things to remember here, too.”
Figures suddenly appear in the shadows behind her. Dwarves dressed in a patchwork of cloth, leather and metal, many with their faces covered, but those are familiar walks, familiar weapons.
Her Carta cell.
May takes a step back. At the same time, her double spins around, blade flashing white as it reflects the light, armor sparkling - and cuts down every single Carta dwarf, effortlessly, in one wide slash.
She turns back to May, armor now stained crimson, blade dripping, and smiles.
“I’d be better at dealing with them, too. I’d never run like you did.”
She’s right, and at the thought of that, May’s axe and shield become dangerously heavy. She feels weakness beginning to spread through her body.
No, no, no, this is bad. She needs the anger back, right now; anger is better, anger keeps you alive.
Fortunately, the demon provides.
“Come on, it’ll be easy,” May’s double says. “You’re already so much like me.” Her voice changes, becomes Blackwall’s, then Cassandra’s, then Mother Giselle’s. “You’re already trying to make yourself into other people.”
May screams and charges forward; shields clash, and then… nothing, there’s nothing, she just tumbles down to the empty stone floor, and there is no double, there are no corpses, even the crack in the ceiling is gone.
It’s just her again.
May gets up to her feet, slowly, heavily, with clenched teeth.
She’ll get out of here. She can take one demon. She’d killed so many of them in the waking world already.
As she begins to walk forward, another verse comes to her, almost as if whispered by someone nearby.
I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Fade.
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mizua · 1 year
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platoniccereal · 2 years
are you the "champions of the just🎉😊💞" quest title team or the "champions of the just, my ass" team.
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Blessed are they who stand before
The corrupt and the wicked and do not falter.
Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just.
Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow.
In their blood the Maker's will is written.
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azrean · 2 years
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bonus twisty legs
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leothelionsaysgrrrr · 2 years
Champions of the Just remains the BEST quest to take two days to complete because you were busy taking screenshots.
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izzy444angel · 1 year
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this is me all day
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enderevynne · 2 years
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↳ Champions of the Just
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