#insane. inSANE behavior!!! I don't want to live like that anymore! Go back to making ugly games with the most fucked (loving) decision tree
ziracona · 1 year
I would so much rather play a game that is shorter and looks worse and has less area, but is complete, than an expansive beauty where they do shit like like the most beloved companion dies 99% of the time because they just cut the entire last 3rd of their questline, and didn't even patch the end to not default to a failstate.
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thosewildcharms · 5 months
How insane it is that she’s been raising 2 kids alone and running, protecting a community but hasn’t felt safe in near a decade. And the one man that gives her security was pushing her away
me when rick said he wasn't going home:
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i'm so glad danai gurira is the genius she is and that both she and andy are the actors they are because in less talented hands rick's behavior may have been unforgivable. because what the FUCK rick?? i'm probably rick grimes' number one apologist and even I wanted to smack him, even while feeling incredibly sad for him. hell I'm pretty sure he'd go back in time and punch himself in the face for hurting her like that if he could. LUCKILY FOR US THOUGH towl (and 1x04 in particular) is fucking great and all of this just made them stronger :')
but yeah, it's honestly devastating when you think about how michonne went through all of that grief and pain and suffering for years, suffered even more trying to find him, all the while thinking everything would be okay again once she got him back. because it really is only when he's around that she doesn't feel like she has to be so strong all the time, doesn't have to be so self-reliant, can be vulnerable and soft because she knows she has a real partner who will protect her and their kids and will help her carry the weight of everything they have to deal with. for years she didn't have that anymore and had to go back to being hard and hyper vigilant, constantly. only to find him and instead of finally being able to let her guard down again, had to fight him for him. because all of his strength had been replaced by fear.
like, that really is the love of her life and he must really be worth it, really must make her feel safe on a level so profound that she was literally wiling to do anything to get him back because my god, anyone else really would have walked. anyone else wouldn't have tried to find him in the first place. she really is the strongest woman alive. and for what it's worth i don't think there's any question that rick knows this and is gonna spend the rest of his life making it up to her and living up to who she deserves him to be.
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colemorrison · 8 months
Okay look, I’m not crazy… Well I mean I am a little but it’s fine… Here’s some yandere overwatch..
This will include blood, possessive behavior, blah blah.. Mauga, Ashe, Junkrat, Sombra, Sigma and Ramattra are included.
Mauga :
He was always this over protective right? He threatened anyone who looked at his friends right?
"Where ya going? You're supposed to stay with me remember? Who will protect you and keep you safe if you're not with me?"
The look in Mauga's eyes was slightly scary, desperation pooled in them, he needed you after all. What would he do without you? He'd simply pass away.
"No, no.. You can't go see them. Stay with me, don't you wanna be safe? Darling, I don't want to have to tell you again."
His touches were rough, almost too rough, like he was worried someone would steal you.
"Can't have anyone taking you away from me, mine... All mine."
Ashe :
"Awh how cute, you think you have a chance with them? Oh no, they're mine.. Lay a finger on them and I swear I will show you what hell is."
Her fingers danced over your shoulders, displaying how only she could touch you, touch your body. Ashe was practically dangling you in front of them, showing exactly how much power she had over you.
"Aren't they just adorable? Such a sweet sight, look all you want. But I'm not keen on sharin'."
It happened so fast, painted nails digging into your throat, a shot firing straight past you toward the man, blood splattering across your face and Ashe's.
"No one gets to see my pretty little thing and live. Now.. Each time you think about going toward someone else, speaking to someone else, anything with someone who isn't me, I want you to remember this moment."
Junkrat :
"I'll kill em! They can't have you, you belong to me remember? I will make sure none of them even look at you."
His fingers gripped your skin, he couldn't let you go, his body wouldn't let him, what if you ran away? He can't possibly live without you, you're his favourite person, he needs you.
"Maybe I'll make you a nice little place and keep you here, that way you can never ever leave me. Would you like that? I would, I would love to wake up to you every morning."
Jamie's metallic hand drew hearts all over your back, obsessive traced hearts decorating your skin because of how hard he pressed.
"Mine, mine, mine, mine."
Sombra :
She had access to everything possible, she knew every little thing about you, that thing you wanted to hide and completely forget? Oh.. Olivia knows.
"What do you want for your birthday?"
"My birthday? I didn't tell you my birthday."
"You didn't have to, I know everything about you."
Her tone was playful but you could tell she was serious, the way her finger nails traced over the veins in your wrist showed you that..
"You have no idea mi amor, you are everything to me.."
Sigma :
Yes you knew he was insane but this..? Paper's scattered across his room, photos of you, photo's you didn't take. Your name written repeatedly over the walls, it was his own little sanctuary of you.
"See? I love you. No one else loves like I do."
His eyes were full of obsessiveness, insane cackles leaving his throat as he pinned up more photos of you. He needed to be surrounded by you at all times, he would go absolutely insane without it.
"It would be such a shame if this went poorly. I do not wish to kill you and then myself just so no one can have you."
Ramattra :
He took care of you but you weren't allowed to speak to anyone, absolutely no one. If you needed something you ask him, if you need help you ask him. He's learned how to do anything you might need, that way you'll never ever need anyone else.
"What is it? Oh you're hair is tangled? Well let me help you."
Ramattra moved you to sit on his lap, a brush softly going through your hair while his other hand held you by the throat.
"I need you to be still, you can handle this right?"
He chuckled at the small nod you gave.
"Ah.. My wonderful little pet human. No one else even knows you exist anymore, you really do belong to me."
Now... I've never written something like this so enjoy, also I wrote this with the help of @bruhhhh-huhhhhh. So he deserves some credit too.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Omg your Sora/Banchina post is so good 😭 i loved read this, and like, Sanji's brothers (and sis) would be really protective of Sora and their brother, so when Sanuso start to date would be kinda a chaos
When Sanuso starts dating, it is the most chaotic thing in the world.
You see, the brothers are always being a bit mean to Sanji because he is a crybaby but it's just in the regular, normal, sane way siblings act. But if there is any possibility of Sanji being in danger/away from them, they get really protective.
They don't have any issues with Banchina and, in fact, they love her so much it's insane. They enjoy her company and help and they're always asking when she's coming over too because "Mommy looks happier when she is around, so we want her to come back!". Until one day they don't have to keep asking because she is constantly there. And they love her. They are... Intense and clingy with Sora, yes, and won't dare to leave her side either. And if they realize there is something romantic going on, they won't hesitate to be even more protective. But in general they accept Banchina right away because, again, she looks happier than when she is alone with her thoughts (<- Sora tries to hide it, but they did run away from Germa, after all. She is worried Judge might find them. Always thinking what would have happened to her little angels if she hadn't saved them. Always, always taking care of them).
But!!!!!! It's a different story with Usopp.
You know, when they meet, they are kids. And Sanji is a sweetie pie. And naive. And maybe Usopp gets a bit carried away with his lies and maybe Sanji believes all of them. But they're cute little lies and they always make Sanji happy, so it's fine. Basically, more storytelling than anything. And it's not that the siblings don't like him! In fact, Usopp's aiming/shooting skills are already pretty good and they're impressed by that. Always asking him if he can do tricks with them.
Buuuut. Usopp is younger and anxious and God the brothers love to tease him about Sanji and they try to make him stutter when he is lying/storytelling to make fun of him in front of Sanji. It's just silly and it's all kids games. Nothing cruel. But!!!!! But there is also the realization that "they like each other. Usopp likes Sanji". And at first, it's just a silly thing so they make fun of them, but as they grow up together, their crushes on each other also do and it's like,,, It's something they learn to live with. They get used to it.
They've been in love forever and they are 17/15 and haven't confessed yet and it is just their normal behavior. Everyone can see they're in love. And when the "they are actually in love and it's not only a crush thing" sinks in, the brothers do get a bit protective. Because Sanji knows how to defend himself thanks to them but, again, Zeff's influence is crucial for Sanji's character so I think here he'd be just a little tiny bit softer than usual? Not really. Same personality. But the sibs just feel like they need to take care of him. Not gonna explain this word for word but-- There is obviously the "we're so done with you pining over longnose, PLEASE just confess so we don't have to hear you anymore" conversation with Sanji and "if you hurt him we will kill you. We could do it. Eyes closed. No hesitation. Don't you even dare make him cry once-" with Usopp. They regret it immediately, tho, because when Sanji and Usopp start dating they become ever more annoying and clingy and it's,, Impossible.
They all share a room. Not really. Reiju has her own room and the brothers sleep on a different one. Bunkbeds and everything. And even if they didn't sleep there together, the house is small and the walls are thin and they can't have any privacy in there. And they're always eating together because of course they all love Sanji's cooking, but he is always so cheesy with Usopp they prefer to kick them out of there and eat leftovers. This starts when they're 17/15, right? So it's two... Whole years... Dealing with them... Until they go with Luffy.....
Oh!!!!!! And Reiju. She is the sweetest and gets along with Usopp SO well. She and Sora are always talking with him about Sanji and they're so so so supportive. Reiju is the one to always defend these two from the other 3 idiots.
But it's alright because the brothers always find ways of teasing their new brother-in-law ("I'm not married to Sanji, though-" / "With the way he looks at you, you might want to start preparing for the wedding already"). So at least they have fun. But sometimes they look at Usopp in a weird, defensive way and he gets,,,, Scared.
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buckleydiazmp4 · 4 months
please give me buddie and/or bucktommy and or/ buddietommy headcanons i just think you have good takes uhhh runs away
ohhhh hi hello i love this ask
well listen the buddie headcanons are endless but like. one that i think would be pretty much the thesis statement of their relationship (or at least how i'd love for it to go) is that once they're past the whole discovering the new romantic side to their partnership they just pretty much go back to their default dynamic which is just them being sickeningly, obnoxiously joined at the hip.
when they have breakfast at the 118's table buck pulls eddie's chair as close to his as physically possible. everyone rolls their eyes but they don't care. if they're not sitting side by side in the engine then they're facing each other and playing footsies the whole ride. buck will drive the jeep to eddie's house and eddie has to be touching him somewhere every single second. hand on his shoulder or neck. when buck grabs the gear shift eddie puts his hand on top so they're moving it together. i'm talking behavior that no one can stare at for more than a minute without wanting to haul themselves out a window.
when buck moves in? oh my god it's insane. their closet basically becomes one big unit until they don't know who owns what. sometimes they end up wearing each other's underwear because they don't even bother to separate the laundry anymore and their clothes just end up all scrambled in the same drawer.
it's terrible. at first most of the fam finds it adorable but then they can't be in the same room with them without getting nauseous for a few weeks but then they eventually learn to tune it out. it's an acquired skill.
they refuse to nap in separate cots so they almost always end up on the couch with eddie literally sprawled over buck like he's a human mattress. also because eddie's a furnace he acts like a blanket for buck. it's like a symbiotic relationship.
they take turns carrying each other to bed because hey why not use their skills to carry the weight of fully grown humans for personal benefit as well. when they sleep they can start on opposite sides of the bed but five minutes later they've drifted to the middle.
they hook their pinkies together at the supermarket while one of them pushes the cart one-handed. it's not very practical but again. they do not care
they're pretty much a single-celled organism and it's like. so so weird because it's not a honeymoon phase. it doesn't die out. when they need their space they'll go for like a thirty minute run or the very few occasions when they don't share shifts or when one of them stays with chris while the other runs house errands. otherwise they are almost literally stuck to each other. it's almost unnatural. and they've never been happier in their lives
(anyways. there can be a buddietommy side to this if you so desire but maybe send me another ask bc i don't want to make this one a mile long sorry!!)
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forbidding-souda · 9 months
Mod Souda!~ I have never requested fic before, this is entirely new territory so please forgive me if I misstep. ^_^; Could I please request HC's regarding Korekiyo x autistic S/O? I tried finding similar in the master list, alas I could not which is completely on me if I wasn't thorough enough.
A little afterword of gratitude also for your masterful works on Korekiyo in particular, the way you HC him is beautiful. He is my ultimate comfort character and your content is poignant for me. I also wish you the absolute best on finals and in life in general! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)♡ I hope you are faring well. Thank you for all that you do here
Shinguuji Korekiyo with Autistic S/O
I've had this blog since quarantine so I can't even remember if I've written anything like this so I'm happy to write one for you regardless or not if it's a repeat.
Hai guys I don't have my edited sprites anymore bc I deleted them awhile ago so here's normal souda. Also if this is ass then my bad
hashtag actually autistic btw for anyone reading, i think it's right to share that when I write these ofc
okay mod souda behavior here where I say random stuff before each story but I'm watching impractical jokers rn and I don't know how some people watch this because the secondhand embarrassment is insane I literaly have to look away PLZZZ. This took an hour to write because half way through I started watching impractical joker clips on youtube (while the show is playing on the tv)
-Mod Souda
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♥ He isn't a stickler about your interests. A good thing about being with him is that he won't make fun of you for anything you enjoy, no matter if he enjoys it himself or not. He'll never ask you to turn a movie off or to stop talking about something. He knows more than anybody else how isolating it can feel when somebody refuses to try and tolerate other people's passions; he would never put you down.
♥ He's naturally off-putting. If you experience people considering you off-putting then don't feel alone because Shinguuji is considered off-putting as well. He brushes off the negative things people thinks when it comes to himself, but when it comes to you and the negativity you face, it's hard for him to conceal how irritated he gets.
♥ I know some people have hyperfixations of like medieval torture methods so imagine how much he'd love that.
♥ ^ You also have the chance to teach him about really niche things, that's pretty sweet.
♥ ^ But I imagine that with some topics, he's gonna try and teach you about your own hyperfixation and it's gonna get annoying.
♥ He loves ur reactions to things. He gets so gushy-gushy and poetic. He likes finding what words make you smile, which ones make you laugh and which ones make you want to roll your eyes.
You stared back at him for a few seconds. He held an intense, filling gaze. The two of you were sitting on a park bench, facing the trees and enjoying the sounds of the birds. In between the conversation, there were moments of silence. Usually, he'd break them with small, unrelated sentences, but he's been quiet. "Korekiyo," you said quietly, a bit worried to startle him. To you, he was either in deep thought or, more humorously, sleeping with his eyes open. It took you to say it louder before he turned away. "My apologies," he smiled with a tilt of his head. His hair cascaded down his shoulder. His eyes went to the green leaves dancing in the wind. "We sit here in such a beautiful place, so lively. Most people would give their life away to view a sight like this." With no response, you just stared at him more, already knowing what he was going to say. He looked at you. "I've been all around the world and so I do not wish to waste my time looking at something I've seen before. You, however, do not come close to any of the beauties our world gives to us." "You love me so much, don't you?" You gave him a smile while his yellow eyes developed a look of interest: "You say that but do not realize that jests can be true words, too."
♥ If you need your alone time, he isn't going to stop you because he likes his, too. He knows that obviously you can be infatuated with somebody while also finding comfort in solitude.
♥ ^ And with that, he also has his own boundaries when it comes to where he goes whenever he wants solitude. He likes reading his books and analyzing his artifacts, all of which takes place in his study.
♥ ^ Yeah and don't touch his stuff because he is very protective of his collections. Therefore, he'd also never mess with something you own.
♥ If you're the type of person to have stuffed animals, and especially make them talk, he isn't going to pick up on that very quickly as means of a thing people still do. He'll give a history lesson as to 'ah yes, i've learned about this form of imagination within cultures of story telling, oral adventures'.
♥ Most of the time, he'll put your comfort over his.
♥ He'll stay up with you whenever you have trouble sleeping and are fully awake at 2am, no matter the cost. He is going to make sure that you know he is always there for you. He always has things to do.
♥ If you need help falling asleep, he'll do things like sing to you and let you watch videos in bed, whatever will make you most comfortable.
♥ He got some crazy eye contact btw I just want to put that out there.
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seas1mping · 1 month
Haha my phone auto corrects Candy and Pop to be capitalized because I talk about him so much isn't that so funny
Anyway time to talk about him in relation to Reena because they're my sillies but it's under a cut womp womp there's also art uh cw for like minor blood (it's in pen so it just looks like goop)
I know Candy Pop grown is absolutely hideous but I was rushed for time at the end of 3rd period so I did what I could :(
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Anyways time to talk about them hehe
First of all, Candy Pop is such a damn crybaby I cannot deny it
Bro gets a cut on his leg and CRIES so hard
"Oh no, Candy, looks really bad."
"Yeah we might have to amputate, I should get Mom."
That's okay because when they get old, since NT has regenerative powers (my hc I don't know if it's canon) he can stroll in with broken bones (tears still in his eyes, the crybaby part never goes away)
"Hey, Reena, I broke my arm."
"yeah we might have to amputate"
"... I said I was sorry for that.."
He's definitely thrown Reena before both jokingly and not
AuDHD / AuDHD duo supremacy
Good lord they bounce off each other with behaviors and stims it's insane.
One time Reena would have a snapping stim and she eventually stopped, only for Candy to start doing it two days later
He still has it.
Imagine if you met your best friend and then you guys found out you would have a sleepover for the foreseeable future
After Candy's parents were murdered mysteriously vanished when he was little, he and Reena got to hang out all the time because he lived at the castle with her.
So they had the same schedule basically just different stuff filling it
Reena would have her princess classes
Candy would research jester tricks and learn how to juggle (his special interest to me <3 his PB for juggling is 10 balls and a sword, yes he did end up stabbing through his hand)
Candy would go to school and learn cool historical events about Down Below
Reena would write down recipes over and over again until she could recite it to her mom that night at dinner and then make it with (almost) no mistakes (her special interest to me <3)
When they reunited when they were both adults after everything that happened to both of them (Reena with her ex husband, Candy with NT) they were basically inseparable
Even thought Candy Pop was a married man now, with a daughter no less, when they first got back to each other, he can't deny he hadn't felt that happy to see someone since he left the castle in the first place.
Reena remembers looking up at the sky from her bedroom window and praying to any of the deities out there that he was safe and okay, and that one day he would come back to her.
There's no romantic feelings between them anymore, they used to be really close like that and they definitely stole each other's first kisses or first dance, etc, but that's behind them now and all they want to do is enjoy each other's company after almost 300 years apart.
Anyways tldr I love them sm
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tinytinyblogs · 1 year
Obsession: Your Point Of View
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His love for you is overwhelming, and it is starting to consume you. You feel like you are being pulled into his world, and you are afraid that you will never be able to escape.
⚠yandere!Sunwoo, unhealthy relationship⚠
The Boyz masterlist here
Your pov His pov
"Where are you right now?"
"Where have you been?"
At first, Sunwoo was sweet and caring. He always asked about you and your day, and he seemed to genuinely care about you. But as you got to know him better, you realized that he wasn't who you thought he was. He was selfish and manipulative, and he didn't really care about you at all. The relationship that started out so sweet and promising turned sour. The butterflies in your stomach disappeared, the flowers stopped blooming, and the petals fell to the ground. The beautiful relationship you thought you had is now forgotten.
He bombards you with questions every time you go out. The same questions, over and over again. He wants to know where you're going, who you're going with, and what time you'll be back. He seems to be everywhere, controlling your every move. The once-beautiful flower path is now a prison, and his controlling behavior is making you sick.
"Why are you looking at him like that?"
He holds you tightly by the shoulders, trapping you in his gaze. His eyes are cold and calculating, like he could destroy the world in an instant. You wonder where your sweet boyfriend has gone, and why he has turned into this monster. You miss the sweet moments you used to share, and you don't understand why his eyes are now filled with obsession rather than love.
This is not how you imagined your relationship would be. You thought you would be happy and in love, but instead, you feel trapped and controlled. He doesn't seem to care about your feelings, and he is only interested in his own happiness. He is dragging you along in his world, and you feel like you are in a prison. "Why don't you trust me, Kim Sunwoo?" You ask him this question over and over again, but he never gives you an answer. You try to hold back your tears, but they keep falling. You feel like you are breaking down in front of him, and you wonder if this is what he wants. Does he want to see you cry?
"I love you, Y/N. I don't want to lose you. It makes me jealous and insecure to see how other people want you too. I hate the thought of you being with anyone else."
His love makes you feel scared and confused. You don't know if this is how love is supposed to feel. He screams at you about how much he loves you, and he only raises his voice to you. He claims that he is the only one who could love you like that, and you think that's sick. Your days are no longer filled with joy and excitement. You wake up, greet him, eat together, watch movies together, talk to him, and give him the affection he wants, but it all feels empty. You don't feel the same way about him anymore, but he seems to be living in a dream.
You had thought about breaking up, and you believed it was the best decision for both of you. You didn't want to stay with someone who didn't feel the same way about you anymore, and you wanted to be able to live your life the way you wanted. But when you finally said the words, he went mad.
"I don't want you to leave me. I love you and I care about you more than anyone else. I can't imagine my life without you. Please don't do this."
The word "forever" coming from his mouth makes you feel scared and uneasy. He seems insane, and you know that he will do anything to make you stay with him. This sounds like a nightmare to you. He will lock the door to keep you from leaving, and his sweet smile doesn't match with his actions. He seems like a devil hiding in an angel costume.
"Sunwoo, please stop. You're scaring me." You couldn't think straight. All you could do was cry. You didn't used to be this weak, but Sunwoo had made you feel small and useless. The hell he had created for you made you feel like you were nothing in this world. He was beyond anything you had ever imagined. He seemed to be able to do anything, and you were terrified of him. You couldn't see him as the same person anymore.
"Listen to me, my love. We are meant to be together. I don't know why you don't see it, but we have plenty of time to figure it out. You are mine and I am yours. That's the point. So love me the way you are supposed to."
In the end of the story, you are stuck with someone who claims to care about you so much and loves you so much, but his actions make you feel like you are living in hell. You can't do anything to escape. Cute love stories are all a lie. They only work if you meet the right person in the first place. But for you, love is going to be the world you hate so much. Every time you hear the word, it doesn't make you feel satisfied. It makes your heart pound so fast, not because you love it, but because you hate it with all your heart.
You should have realized it sooner. You should not have gotten caught up in his world, in the game he created. Thinking about what could have been if you had never met him makes you cry even more. Life would have been so much better than being stuck with him. But what's the point now? You can't run away anymore. You are his beloved, and he will protect you in his world, no matter what.
"Y/N, I love you so much. I don't need anyone else in my life. You make me feel complete. Please don't cry. I'm here for you. We're in this together. I promise to love you forever."
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turtlesocksv2 · 1 year
Kinnporsche Rewatch Finale Thoughts
Vegas is warning Porsche! He is telling Porsche that shit is going to go down! He likes Porsche!
The flashback is really well done. Namphueng just wanted freedom from the Theereapanyakul mess for herself and her kids. :( With Porsche hiding in the cabinet, do you think that Namphueng and Pat ran drills with Porsche about what to do if Korn and Gun showed up. Do you think they had code words. Do you think Namphueng knew she couldn't get away, not really.
Porsche is distressed by the incest reveal. Kinn is...confused. but he's confused about everything right now. Korn immediately walks back the incest reveal. Kinn is no less confused. Korn says he's the only one who understood Namphueng and immediately call bullshit. I think you're just as possessive of her as Gun is, sir! I don't think you cared about her at all!
Ok, wait, now the subtitles are consistently calling her Nampheung. can we PLEASE get a confirmation on how to spell this woman's name. my poor ADHD brain cannot handle this.
Korn said Nampheung took pills, he absolutely told her the kids were dead and Gun did it. Everything he says is shady as shit.
I have a lot of feelings about the scene where they find out Korn 'died' but the mostly consist of me going BROTHERS!!!! a lot. but also,i know it's been mentioned before, what the FUCK is that look that Kim gives Chan. Kim has to suspect this is all a ruse and that Chan is in on it, right? And Chan IS in on it, right?
Vegas warns Porsche a SECOND time! the storm is coming! Vegas likes Porsche!
The dick measuring contest between Chan and Gun is so good. Also, I fucking missed it the first time because i was looking at the subtitles and not prepared for Chan to follow Vegas in speaking English but yeah, he really does say "The Adults Are Speaking Now" to Vegas. What a murder. god Chan has such swag. very interesting "don't make this a big deal. for me." there. something to think about. Chan taking down like a dozen guards by himself, getting shot like 4 or 6 times, only to take the time to call his boss and then pull himself up to smoke a final cigarette.... King Behavior. what a badass exit. RIP Daddy Chan, you will be missed. (personally, i will choose to live in Delusion Land. Chan did not die. he is in the hospital with Big.)
Porsche understood Vegas's warning and was like "I WILL be saving my man and I WILL be looking hot while doing it!" The spinning hug shootout is fucking Art.
OK y'all, Quick Sidebar to talk about Tankhun! We've been told the entire show that he was kidnapped, couldn't leave the house for years til Porsche arrived, couldn't lead the family and kinn had to take his place, but Look At Him. His home is under attack! His safe space! By people who WILL kill him. and he is FINE. Yes, he's probably locked away deep in the compound with Arm but he is as calm and rational as any of the other characters right now, actively helping! he is not freaking out at all! I don't think he is as troubled as Korn would have us believe, not anymore.
Erika is the best, that is all.
So like, does Chay even know Kim is there are the bar? this is my favorite Kim scene, I think. you go, murder kitten.
In Gun's version of the story, which i generally believe, there are three gunshots after he's dragged outside: Nampheung, Porsche, Chay. Gun really believes for years that all three of them were killed that day. And what kind of Flowers In The Attic shit was Grandpa Theerapanyakul cultivating in that house that both Gun and Korn are so obsessed with Nampheung.
Oh Vegas. "If I die today can you be the one to do it. I love you." and then running the fuck away. no wonder Pete is insane about you.
Atticwife Reveal! Nampheung has not aged a day, the magic of staying out of the sunlight! Nampheung is terrified and even more scared when Porsche calls her mom. That is the face of a woman who is scared out of her mind and trying to figure out a way out of it.
"Dad? You're....alive? and you have Porsche's mom in your attic???" poor kinn.
"Don't you remember? You were the one who shot her husband. And then when we brought her home you molested her!" Uh...... (x) Doubt. i mean not that Gun is above such acts but....i really don't think it played out the way Korn said. I don't trust a thing out of his mouth, he is trying to Jedi Mind Trick everyone. Did you seen Nampheung's eyes in the background when he says that??? Gun may have kissed her, but i don't think it was in a molestation way. Frankly, Gun may be Porsche's Bio Dad! I could be convinced! Nampheung and Gun have sex (consent? eh....i don't know either way. something hinky was going on in that house with the three of them growing up.) she gets knocked up, immediately marries Pat Kittisawat and runs away. (or maybe Pat really is Porsche's dad and Korn and Gun just think that's what happened. Anyway, it'd explain their obsession with Porsche.) Watch Nampheung's face when Gun says he loves her and will protect her. She's scared but not of Gun I don't think.
WHAT DOES GUN MEAN "The Truth that Nampheung is -" ???????? is Nampheung their half-sister? Is she an alien they're keeping hidden from the government?! WHAT IS SHE, GUN? I will get a ouija board!!!!
and Korn's promise to take care of Vegas and Macau?? oh no. He's going to atticson them like he did tankhun to go with his atticwife and he will have a whole empire of atticfamily that he rules with manipulation!!!
Just shoot him, Porsche. Just do it. Kinn will be sad for a few minutes but he already thought his dad was dead until just now so like, he's already started the grieving process. Everyone will be happier. Everyone will be free. do it Porsche. Doooo It. (Narrator: He does not do it)
Just shoot him, Vegas. Just do it. Kinn wouldn't even be that mad at you, probably. He sure looks at his dad like 'You had this coming' for a second there. Everyone will be happier. Everyone will be free. do it Vegas. Doooo It. (Narrator: He does not do it)
Korn knew about VegasPete, he's not shocked at all about Pete's resignation.
Pete "Joke's On You, You Can't Leave Me I Am Homeward Bound-ing Your Ass" Saengtham
Korn really trying to push "Nampheung is my Sister and you're my Nephew" and it just gets funnier when you remember just how much sex KinnPorsrche were having. Anyway, Porsche does NOT want to be head of the minor family. but he does look good in the suit. Anyway, DYING to know what the wider mafia world thinks of the two Theerapanyakul heads Keeping It In The Family.
Kim leaving the bodies of the wannabe kidnappers for Chay to find when he finishes his game is so funny. Cat bringing his owner a mouse he caught behavior.
Nampheung hears the door open and puts on the act, and you can see Chay crack it. When she realizes that that's her baby. Porsche was older, but this was a baby who is now full grown. She struggles to keep it together when Chay hugs her. but man, when Porsche says "we're together again. we're a family again" so looks so upset because At What Cost. now her babies are trapped here, too. As long as Korn is alive....
the aftercredits VegasPete scene is cute, Macau remains a little shit, and I'm happy the three of them are a family now.
Anyway, off to imagine the season 2 we won't get where everyone teams up to kill korn and live their best lives!
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camelspit · 1 year
alvar voters just don't get it. brant is the most pathetic man in keeper, hands down. alvar may have older sibling syndrome, but at least he didn't accidentally blow up any of his three weed smoking girlfriends.
brant has his ability banned. he gets manipulated into joining a rebel orginization by a guy who views him as nothing but a vessel for his own ambitions. he accidentally joined the opposing group to his fiance.
this boy only really had one person in the world. the ruewens loved him only because jolie did. he was only ever hers. she was his only somewhat healthy outlet.
and then he killed her. i don't think it was on purpose, and that makes it even more pathetic I think. the one person, probably the only person, he's ever had a true connection with.
and she betrayed him, in his eyes. so he let his anger out. and he will always regret it.
and at least alvar was able to somewhat carry the guilt of his actions? if he had any? not brant.
brant just. everblaze is so interesting because even when its revealed he's not fully broken, he's still so cracked and messed up. he has nothing to live for but his own desperate attatchment to the neverseen and what fintan offered him when he joined.
he's in too deep. he killed jolie (accidentally) in part because of them. if he hadn't joined them, it probably wouldn't have happened. if he goes back, if he gives up, it will have been for nothing.
so instead he clings on to his last shreds of sanity and does whatever they ask of him.
and he fucking loses it when he sees sophie. the symbol of the orginization that helped destroy him. one of the main roots of his anger. and she looks just like jolie.
he is haunted by a ghost that just fucking appeared in front of him.
and then oh god. grady and his hand. his scars in general. he's covered in burns from what I can only assume is everblaze, which is fascinating. everblaze is insanely hard to summon. so either he felt just that deeply about jolie, or he did it to himself to cover up the murder.
either way, it's pathetic. it's sopping wet. it's cat-like behavior.
and then grady does even more. he takes one of his hands. he almost drives him off a cliff. and this is someone who, at one point, cared at least a bit for him. even if it was only because of jolie, he looked after brant for years.
but you can't even feel bad because he did this to himself. he is a victim in his own story and a villain in everyone elses. except perhaps the one person he destroyed.
in the process of trying to fix his life (joining the neverseen), all he did was destroy it even more. he turned himself into a fragmented version of what he once was.
he is drowning, and he's been doing it for so long that he doesn't even remember how to swim anymore. doesn't even know if he even wants to.
and then he proceeds to have the most forgettable death in keeper, barring brielle.
go vote brant guys 👍 for me. also. brant day is may 1st. don't forget.
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I cant remember if i already sent in an ask, but i dont know what to do. Seven months ago, my dad relapsed back into his alcoholism. One night he got drunk, left my mom in an empty parking lot where my brother and I had to pick her up, and when we got home he had trashed all her things and threw her stuff out onto the front steps. It isn't the first time he's done this, my whole child it's all I can really remember him doing, but for awhile things were okay. Once he saw us though, he was an animal. He attacked my brother and they fought and we all had to pin my dad down while he screamed he'd kill us all. Once we thought it was okay to let him up, he lunged for my mom and my brother took the hit and they fought again. I had to call his brother, my uncle, to try and reason or stop him.
He nearly starts fighting my uncle, breathing heavily and his eyes just wild. I remember staring him dead in the face while he threatened he'd put a 40 in our skulls and kill us. That night we grabbed what we could and slept at my uncle's. The next morning, he felt guilty and apologized repeatedly but I blocked his number and refused to speak or see him. I still live at home though, meaning I'm still in a way in contact with him.
I'm done. I can't take it anymore, and what's worse is I'm alone in this decision. My dad is by no means a perfect person, I'm not either, nobody is. But this was too much and I've made my choice. My mother keeps trying to convince me to heal and accept my dad because he's an addict and given different circumstances, if I had an addiction or eating disorder, they wouldn't just abandon me right? But it's not the same, it really isn't.
I do have an eating disorder, I have CPTSD, I'm in pain and have been for a long time but I handle it and it's not something I let them see or know. What's his excuse. He's been abusive, manipulative, vile, and I can't forgive him.
I guess recently my dad had a small heart attack, and who knows maybe he'll die soon. But I don't feel anything about it. There's no anger, no sadness, no rage, just nothing. Maybe I'm in shutdown. Regardless, I'm not sure what's right anymore. I'm going to be saving up to move out, and if I don't have enough then I'll live in my car. He can kick me out for all I care. I can't stay anymore, not here.
Rent is insane where I live, I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to save or if I'll even achieve this goal, but I need to do something. Everyday gets worse and I can't keep waiting for another bomb to go off, or for my mother to comfort me by saying "the bomb is okay, accept it." She asked me to go a therapy session with her you know, mother daughter therapy. At first I agreed but after what she said today, she can forget it. Even after all this time, she doesn't understand. She never will.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. There is absolutely no obligation to forgive him. It's reasonable to resent him even if his behavior is related to substance abuse or whatever other excuse is given. Even if someone adequately takes accountability for their actions (which it sounds like he doesn't) you still don't have to forgive them, and it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to still feel hurt. It almost sounds like your mom is an enabler. You've seen a long pattern of violent, threatening, and hurtful behavior from your father, and so it makes sense why it's so hard to be convinced that he's something better. It's okay to not worry or even grieve if your dad passes away, especially in context. Do consider that if these violent episodes continue, it may be necessary to call the authorities, though it can definitely be easier said than done.
Although I completely understand your reasons for not wanting to go to therapy with your mom, being able to speak with a therapist could potentially help you a lot in processing these experiences and your feelings surrounding them, regardless of whether or not your mom benefits from it. It could be an opportunity to meet with that therapist individually as well, and they may be able to see the situation for what it truly is.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions feel free to add on, otherwise I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
So... I don't agree with Lilith Farren on a lot of things but she's spot on about the RWDE being full of it. I mean, they want to make her out as the real bigot while not once looking at the company they keep. Even if Lilith holds these secret prejudices... she's got the real receipts on them.
I've generally avoided talking about this, but here we go, I guess.
I'm so fucking tired of receipts, and discourse, and debating whether or not RWBY is good, (it's not perfect, neither is it the animated spawn of satan or whatever) or debating whether or not Rooster Teeth is evil, (they are, but they ain't special) or the suspecting everyone and their mother of secretly being a bigot or creep over their opinions on fiction, and just the endless pointless fighting over shit that really doesn't matter at the end of the day.
The world is burning down around us, queer people are under constant fucking attack, racism and antisemitism are having a resurgence, (not that they ever really went away in the first place,) the politics of imperial countries like Britain and America and Russia still have outsized ability to ruin the lives of people all over the rest of the world, and neoliberal capitalism is slowly killing us all with the constant monetization of basic survival. And yet, some people apparently have nothing better to do with their lives than either bitch about a show, or bitch about the people bitching about a show. It's so. Fucking. Asinine.
I will be honest, I do not particularly like or respect Lilith Fairen, any more or less than the 'rwde' people she's constantly picking fights with. I did follow her for a while at the start of 2021, because I was in a different headspace back then and that stuff felt like it mattered more, but honestly? Even when I was following her and considered her 'cool', something didn't sit right with me about the way she talked.
Whenever she was dunking on rwde takes, there was an even mix of really strong points she made, and arguments made purely using in-universe information without considering the OOU reasons for those things, then needlessly hostile assumptions being made about the other party. Sometimes they were retroactively validated, but not always, and either way they were usually completely insane things you would't just assume of someone out of the fucking blue.
It's really only since the big RT controversy that the why has come into focus. Because at the end of the day, with her response to that it's become clear to me that she cares about RWBY and defending everything about it, even the genuinely bad stuff, more than she cares about real people. She talks the social justice talk, but does not walk the walk.
I don't completely agree with the people who have gone the other extreme as a result of the controversy and insist continued engagement with the show makes you just as bad, (because like I said, RT are awful, but they aren't special in this) but I do still get where they're coming from and agree with them on not supporting RT financially in any way anymore. (Whether V10 should or shouldn't be greenlit, I'm still conflicted on, but also that's ultimately out of my hands to decide, so I plan to just roll with whatever does or does not happen there.)
LF's response, from what I saw, (for better or worse, I wanted to see how she was faring after the news broke and still offer some kindness if needed, hoping to see better of her I guess, so I logged out to go check her blog since I was blocked by that point) was to wring her hands a bit about how this would impact the show, then insist rwde were to blame somehow and go right back to her usual behavior.
Do I think she's secretly bigoted or something? Not really. (And the recent claim by someone that she was totes a neo-nazi definitely raised some eyebrows as a result, that's a very serious claim to make.) I don't think she has the capacity to care enough about real-world issues to have those kinds of beliefs, honestly. And on the flipside, I don't think she cares about social justice as much as she claims to; it's all props for her to justify harassing people over a show.
Which brings me to the other big reason I don't particularly care for her, which is her behavior in the magical girl community. I won't belabor the point, since I really don't want to make this some big callout post, (deserved or not, those have already been made about her, and I don't like the concept either way) but between her awful takes on PMMM and fans thereof, and actual harassment campaign against the creators of Sleepless Domain, she's been consistently pretty unpleasant-at-best over here.
I don't disagree with everything she's ever said, and I do agree that a lot of the post-Madoka grimdark Magical Girl trend has been pretty bad on the whole, (though at least some good stuff has come of it, like Symphogear) but her hardline refusal to see anything good in it, along with her sometimes completely insane bad-faith readings of Madoka in particular, is such an ironic echo of the same sort of behavior she claims to hate about rwde. And even then, it would be fine, if annoying, if she didn't then also go and mistreat people over it. It really boils down to the same thing as with RWBY, just in the opposite direction; "I like this show, show is good, people who don't like the show are bad and evil" and "I hate this show, show is bad, people who like the show are bad and evil", and then using social justice language to justify and prop up her arguments.
It was all that stuff, not so much the RWBY discourse, that led to my disillusionment with her, and her eventually blocking me. I guess if one good thing came of it, was spite powering me to work on my own magical girl stuff again, and the resurrection of a friend's dormant story that I proofread for. But on the whole, that period of life where I was really paying attention to what she had to say, just feels now like a waste of time.
I don't hate her, and I don't think she's secretly evil or whatever like that one person suggested, and I definitely don't think she should be harassed, despite her own behavior. I just think she's a kinda mediocre human being who really needs to get her priorities straight, and probably work through some insecurity issues or something. (It's not my place to diagnose, but like, therapy could probably help with whatever she has going on, if she ever becomes receptive enough for it to work.) As much as rwde people can annoy me too, her whole moral crusade against them feels like a waste of time and energy that could better go to other, bigger things, and her moral crusade against dark (or even moderately-toned like Sleepless Domain) Magical Girl stuff, her response to the RT controversy, and how she ignores or speaks for other marginalized people, shows it all to be ultimately hollow and shallow, more about opinions on some shows she likes or hates, than anything meaningful.
In the end, she's just not worth my time.
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starsarefire824 · 2 years
Sorry to unload Byler into your askbox but I am going *insane* with the concept of Mike knowing and understanding that he likes Will, even before the Big Reveal(tm) and the only reason that he hasn't acted on it is bc he has internalised some wild homophobia/self hatred and like maybe he also has some vague idea that Will is possibly queer and yeah it's fine if it's his friend and he will defend him until death but god forbid Mike is queer
No worries anon! I don't mind at all. I am actually going to go on a very long rant about this so buckle up. (Sorry everyone)
I think Mike's feelings revolving around Will are extremely complicated. I am wary of the idea that Mike knows and understands his feelings for Will directly. I think that the repression is real for Mike unfortunately.
That being said, I think that people's opinion's of Mike's behavior in season 3 and 4 being the way it was is because he's straight is completely wrong. If anything, it just proves to me more that he's queer. (I am a bi mike truther, and I think that having any positive bi representation is always a wonderful and a much needed thing, but in truth, I am not too attached to any, specific idea for him. Gay, bi, pan, unlabeled. It doesn't matter to me. He is queer lol) I do love the idea of him being bi, because I think it explains some of his back and forth and confusing behavior that we've seen from the beginning. I also think it is a very real reason as to why he is so confused and repressed. As someone who didn't have "the revelation" until my twenties, but also have had some very complicated relationships that didn't make sense until after I had that realization, I honestly really feel for Mike. I get him.
That’s why I have to laugh when people say if people's opinions on Mike and Will are based on subtext then they are looking too much into it. What people like that don’t understand is literally most queer people’s lives, especially when they are young and coming of age IS ALL ENTIRELY SUBTEXT. And the time period this show takes place in only exasperates that.
Things are never said out loud, true feelings are veiled with other issues, people are jealous and they don’t know why, they can’t figure out why they want that one friend all to themselves, why does it hurt so much when they choose to be with someone else? The way Mike acted in these seasons was very deliberate imo. He’s pushing Will away on purpose in season 3. And why is it exactly, that Mike can never balance Will and El emotionally when they are expecting and asking things of him?
So to answer your question lol after this tangent just keeps getting longer, I’m not convinced Mike truly knows why he feels like he needs to do that in season 3, but it doesn’t change the fact that his behavior is and can be very normal for queer kids figuring out their shit.
In that season, it's entirely to do with repression and nothing to do with him not wanting to play d&d anymore. So yes, internalized homophobia and self-hatred and denial of feelings is strong in Mike's character. Much more so than Will. Will has his issues and definitely has a lot of pain and feels like a "mistake" sometimes. We can see that shown to us in the destruction of castle byers scene. But as far as self-awareness and accepting himself for who he is, Will has never had too much of a problem with that. Will has never tried to be someone he's not. He has never given into a relationship or a situation because "it's what you're supposed to do" or to hide himself in anyway. I feel like Will is pretty unapologetically himself, even with his insecurities. That's why, imo, he receives the brunt of the bullying out of all the boys, especially in the beginning of the show. He doesn't change his clothes or his hobbies or his quiet sweetness. His true self never falters. The only time I can think of a time where he does anything like that is when he dances with the girl in season 2. But who's the one that pushes him to do it? That had more to do with pleasing Mike than it did with trying to be untrue to himself. And we've seen obviously from the scene in the classroom in season four that Will has most certainly not continued to do that as he's matured.
As for Mike, I think that season 4 something shifts a little bit. I think that Mike had a bit of a revelation at the end of season three and I think that being separated from El and Will really made him realize some things. Is he ready to face what that actually means in his relationship with Will? No, not in my opinion. But the way he so quickly and honestly responds to the fight in Rink-O-Mania (one last push for Mike to push Will away) and Will's support regarding El's letter in Jonathan's bedroom to me really is showing how Mike's feeling. He wants/needs things to be good between them. He wants Will in his life. He wants things to go back the way they were in season 1 and 2. He finally gives Will the attention he has so desperately asked for for two seasons all while struggling with this "issue" of telling his girlfriend he loves her. I think that the uncertainty and push/pull he is feeling is actually painful to watch. Because Mike does love El. And as Finn Wolfhard said, "he just wants to be normal." Normal is telling your girlfriend you love her. Normal is being in a relationship with a girl. Normal is not choosing your best friend over your girlfriend. Normal is putting her first. And so he does go through with it, but I really deep down believe that that is not what he really wants. I really think that since the end of season 3 Mike has realized that he also wants to spend his life in the basement with his best friend. Has he figured out that that love is romantic and that his feelings are sexual? I don't think he's completely figured that out yet. But I do think we'll get some more scenes of Mike having ??? in season 5, even before the Big Reveal. And i think that internal homophobia, self-denial, and refusal to accept who he really is all played a part in Mike's struggle.
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sugalaritae · 1 year
griddle's march reads
end of the month means 2 things - it's a new month soon and i've made a list of all the fics i've read!
this month was absolutely fucking insane and i don't know how i did it but i read over 30 fics. a lot of them were mxm (and new ships that i've never read before) but i also read several mxr!!
as always, please pay attention to all the tags in these fics as some of them were very very smutty and some of them were dark. (all summaries are from the authors)
and here we go!
touch: an intermission - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - f2l, roommates Seokjin returns to Korea after a decade abroad and (temporarily!) moves in with his old university friend Namjoon. On paper, however, this seems like a poor decision: Seokjin is struggling to get back on his feet, while Namjoon has his hands full with his ten-week-old baby. When Seokjin thinks about it, the two of them were never that close either – living together is unlikely to turn out well. read on AO3
you and me. next level. - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - idol, pwp Amidst comeback chaos, Namjoon goes to Seokjin’s apartment to hang out and ends up getting seduced. Welcome to PWP land. read on AO3
a breach of protocol - anna (pineconepickers) & tragicamente ksj x knj - bodyguard, seokjin is an actor Actor Kim Seokjin’s love life has always been the subject of wild rumours but he has never been caught in a scandal. Behind closed doors, however, he is going through a rough breakup. Namjoon, as the Head of Close Protection, does not expect to pick up the pieces, yet here he is: standing at Seokjin’s door at two in the morning, about to make the biggest mistake of his life. read on AO3
model behavior - @bangtanintotheroom kth x reader - idol, smut Helping with photoshoots brought you stress, excitement and a sense of validation. Today, you experience a new and unexpected emotion, thanks to the man at the center of it all. read on tumblr
verified amateurs [online now] - beebalm myg x knj - roommates When you're broke, camming is a totally valid way to pay the bills. So what if Namjoon is giving up all of his gay firsts to his best friend every Saturday and broadcasting it to the world? He's 99% sure that it's going to be chill. read on AO3
sweetest perfection - beebalm knj x jjk - idol, pwp Wow, thighs – the fic. read on AO3
the one you think about - beebalm myg x jhs x jjk - exes, pwp Yoongi runs into Jungkook at a party. He's as beautiful as ever, even on another man's arm. read on AO3
1+1=3 - beebalm myg x jhs x knj - idol, pwp Yoongi always knew he would end up with either Namjoon or Hoseok eventually, when he finally made up his mind. It never occurred to him they might get tired of waiting for him to decide. read on AO3
black and blue and pink all over - beebalm myg x jjk - idol, pwp Jungkook always has his hands on somebody’s ass. Yoongi doesn’t even think about it anymore. Not until those hands stop being gentle. read on AO3
bleeding love - beebalm myg x knj - idol, supernatural It's not that Namjoon is hurt Yoongi only ever wanted him for a one night stand. And he doesn't have a crush. He just wishes they didn't have to keep seeing each other all the time. read on AO3
brooks to rivers, feathers to wings - beebalm knj x jjk - single dads Yesterday, Namjoon was an anxious single parent whose kid had just started preschool. Today, on top of all that, he’s got a crush on one of the school dads. As if life wasn’t already complicated enough. read on AO3
in the dark - beebalm knj x kth - idol, pwp Namjoon never meant to touch himself with Tae sleeping in the same room. And he definitely never meant to get caught. But here they are anyway. read on AO3
lights too bright for you and i - beebalm myg x knj - idol, pwp Somewhere in Japan, on the tail end of a long tour, sadness catches up to Namjoon. Yoongi stays right next to him. read on AO3
full bloom - beebalm myg x knj - s2l Reasons why Kim Namjoon is spending his summer at Jin’s house in the mountains: 1. To finish his book 2. To get away from the routine of Seoul life Definitely NOT reasons why Kim Namjoon is spending his summer at Jin’s house in the mountains: 1. Because Jin claims the mountain is magic and grants wishes 2. To fall in love with Min Yoongi read on AO3
winter in busan - booooin myg x pjm - s2l, dystopia, mafia (?) This fic is about environmental imperialism and the struggles of decolonization. read on AO3
rain again tomorrow - cloudko myg x kth - s2l, roommates yoongi can't sleep. he's overworked yet still short on money, and can't seem to find a roommate. then taehyung (who must be from heaven) moves in, and yoongi finds that as he opens his heart to someone and starts to feel safe and cared for, sleep comes more easily. read on AO3
illegitimi non carborundum - @hesperantha kth x reader - idol, smut Everyone except you seems to be madly in love with your boyfriend’s new hairstyle. But really, just how many unspoken words can a few inches of hair hide in a relationship like yours? read on tumblr
constellate - justawordshaker ksj x myg - powers, fluff The world would say that Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin are Gifted. When Yoongi writes music, people feel it. Sometimes, Seokjin will say something and it will come true. It's never felt much like a gift to either of them. Yoongi's music hurts the people he cares about most. So he runs away. Seokjin's words give him more knowledge than he ever wants to bear. He has no choice but to leave. This is how they find each other. read on AO3
summer bbq (3tan) - @kithtaehyung myg x reader - brothers best friend the summer cookout at your place is fun as hell despite the way you have to avoid yoongi looking like sin incarnate. but when he gets asked an unavoidable question, you suddenly feel exposed. and very, very cold.  read on tumblr
confessions of a dirty mind - @minisugakoobies bang chan x reader - roommates, smut The absolute last thing you want is for your roommate to find out just how much you want him. Right? read on tumblr
every kind of way - Oh_Hey_Tae knj x jjk - f2l, roommates Jungkook adores everything about Namjoon except that the man can't catch a clue. read on AO3
here is what i know - Oh_Hey_Tae knj x jjk - soulmates, uni There are flowers growing on Namjoon’s arm. read on AO3
oh darling - Oh_Hey_Tae myg x kth - s2l Yoongi works at a record store. Taehyung doesn't go there for the music. read on AO3
memories, like fingerprints - @reliablemittenmyg x reader - magic, f2l read on tumblr
silent running - Sharleena myg x pjm - dystopia, steampunk the inherent homoerotism of delivering encrypted info in a dystopian society by jumping from roof to roof. read on AO3
only breathing - Sharleena myg x pjm - drug lord yoongi x sex worker As a drug lord, Yoongi knows the rules: -you don't ask questions; -whatever the client wants, you sell it; -you don't do loans; -you don't fall in love with a customer's whore. Yoongi knows the rules. And because he knows them he also knows when he's about to break one. read on AO3
ghosts that we knew - sharpa ksj x myg, myg x knj/kth/jhs - time travel, immortality Or as they crash together across five turbulent centuries, Yoongi and Seokjin fight and bleed and eventually love read on AO3
slow rain - sharpa myg x knj - soulmates, magic It's been raining in Seoul for thirty-seven days. Namjoon and Yoongi are trying to learn how to love. read on AO3
and i fall - spudcity myg x kth - supernatural, magic, constantine movie Or, the Constantine AU no one asked for, where Yoongi is a bitter exorcist crushing on magic store-owner Taehyung, with no idea how to deal with his feelings. Plus demons. read on AO3
turn up your light - spudcity myg x pjm - fantasy Yoongi needs to secure a marriage to save his people. read on AO3
how to mend with gold - spudcity myg x kth - taehyung is a model Taehyung has a list of things to do to become a better person, and that's how he ends up volunteering at a queer youth centre. There’s only one problem – Yoongi works there. The same Yoongi who rejected him years ago and hasn’t given him the time of day since. read on AO3
a gilded world - smiles ksj x myg - arranged marriage, chaebol Jeon Seokjin has exactly four weeks to stop the impending engagement of his younger brother, doomed to a loveless marriage. The only way to stop it is to make a better match, more advantageous, more lucrative for the Jeon family. It's impossible. It's his only option. Min Yoongi does not want, will never want, will never ever even consider, marriage. It's not in the cards. He's stubborn enough to achieve the total ban on marriage talks. Except maybe his grandmother is a little more stubborn than he is, and maybe she's determined to see him march down the aisle. The chaebol arranged marriage au that exactly one and a half people asked for. read on AO3
soul on fire - @vyduanksj x reader - touch soulmates, idol What happens when you find your soulmate accidentally at a gala and he’s international superstar Kim Seokjin of BTS and you are both engaged to other people? Or the soulmate touch AU that no one asked for but I absolutely had to write.  read on tumblr
tell me what you want - @wwilloww myg x reader - f2l, smut Yoongi teaches you how to ask for what you want. read on tumblr
if any of the authors mentioned above do not want to be included on these lists please let me know or if there is anything you would like me to change please let me know 💖 
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agentem · 2 years
Emily watches "Shazam! Fury of the Gods"
I think Zachary Levi is aging out of this role (because Asher Angel is aging into it). It's weird Billy doesn't keep his same body when Mary does and she was the same age as him in the first movie, I think. Or maybe they will just recast Billy instead?
There would be a real logistical challenge to making the third one hinted at in the second post credits scene.
Spoiler cut
Love Helen Mirren as a goddess. Maybe that goes without saying.
I kept thinking the random women saved in bystander scenes were Billy's biological mom. I don't know why. I guess I only remember she's a white lady with blondish hair and that is EVERYONE they cast as extras. SPOILER ALERT: None of them are. We don't go back to that well of pain for Billy.
I think it was wise to revive Djimon Honsou as the Wizard. I think he was underutilized in the first movie. And this time we got to see his biceps! So that's a plus. (Him removing the splinter from under his finger nail was tough for me though.)
I thought the scenes with him and talented-despite-being-a-nepo-baby Jack Dylan Grazer were some of the best.
Although, I did not really believe Rachel Zegler was into him. Like maybe she liked him as a friend and respected him as a person. But them like living together at the end? That's insane male writer fantasy shit. As a disabled person who loves superheroes, I would also totally do what Freddy does and turn into his "good" body all the time. But I think that needs to be examined and questioned, which Billy wants to bring up but it never gets addressed further. Not rewarded with hot immortal goddess love. Like the actors are very good and she does a lot in her performance to make it convincing, but I have concerns.
I was glad my fave Darla was able to see unicorns. But I thought the CGI was bad. I really wanted them to look like Lisa Frank cartoons after they ate the PRODUCT PLACEMENT. That would've been such a better choice.
Love Helen Mirren as a goddess. Maybe that goes without saying.
Very happy everyone is cool with Pedro being gay.
I thought seeing Billy's broken body was kind of dark. I mean, I guess the first one had that scenes where the Seven Deadly Sins attack a board room of people, but you don't see much. And even the bad guy lives at the end. Here there are deaths (and resurrections), I guess.
Diana is the real hero of the DC films. I think we all know that, right?
I wasn't a fan of the post-credits scene. Two characters from "Peacemaker" show up and ask Shazam to join the "Justice Society" that Amanda Waller is putting together. The two tones don't really match. And like is Black Adam's Justice Society the same one Waller is building here? Is this all going to get fucked around in Flash, probably.
I want to talk to some fellow nerds about Flash too. I don't know if I can go see it in good conscience. I know a lot of actors are problematic but... I feel kind of awful being like "lol it's got Michael Keaton so I don't care about Ezra's behavior anymore".
Is anyone else conflicted??
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somethingshifted · 2 years
i watched this video (put it off for all of 3 days because i get nervous watching video essays on my favorite things for some reason) and i loved it. it made me so happy. readmore cuz long post
even if the subject itself was how gorillaz nearly ended because of plastic beach's ambition, this video was so enjoyable. because i feel like getting an account of how people felt about the album release, at the time, from someone who was present is incredibly important for preservation? the extensive things fans have archived is important first and foremost as so much was personally privated by the band, but it's hard to get a pulse on fan feelings as a whole other than digging through wayback machine or knowing someone who was fandom present.
alongside this i'm appreciative of lady emily remarking on the landscape of releasing music at the time. where CD wasn't as huge, not as many people cared about vinyl, music channels were obsolete, and youtube was nascent even in 2010 when it comes to money making opportunities, especially for record labels forget about solo projects like lets-players. which just brings into perspective how taxing PB was to make. it's a beautiful project made off the failure of carousel to launch and didn't make as much of an impact as it needed to survive... which was something i personally was fully unaware of at the time. i just sat on youtube thinking that's where updates were mostly and relying on deviantart friends relaying info to me (i was very internet-dumb). carousel was insanely ambitious and destined to fail with how much they were expecting, and seeing the long list of projects that died out and the way the art being featured during tours became more of an after-thought was heartbreaking a bit so i can definitely understand why tensions blew up.
the idea of media (because PB isn't just an album even if that is the main skeleton veins and organs of it) being made for an era that doesn't exist is depressing, but her explanation to how it came to be and how different the climate is now is a great reminder to myself. because i keep asking 'why don't they do X Y and Z' and the truth is it costs SO much to do that, not to mention do it well AND have the artists and designers and so on be paid and treated well, and PB had so much going for it that didn't return profit. like the way the world is, passion itself doesn't reward you with a living which is sad, and appreciation and apt payment for visual arts doesn't get much better as the future moves on. and kind of humbles me to not have a stick up my ass for cracker island. KIND OF- i still feel my gears grinded when i see how sanitized some things are. major 'he wouldn't say that' feelings.
having reservations on gorillaz marketing behavior is fully allowed and honestly, needed because having a fanbase of only yes-men is detrimental, god forbid they thought NFTs would be well received. i feel hesitant to be a hater for newer stuff bc even if character writing choices annoy me so hard, i still find gems, and i still want to understand the full background of how much of what used to exist, can't exist the same way anymore as the world gets more expensive and a higher bar of quality is needed (outside the writing. that's more on current writers forgetting pretty well established easy characterization) idk if anything as wide-spread and ambitious as PB could ever exist today. isn't that sad? melancholy? i feel like being in your 20s during today consists of a lot of foot-in-one era, foot-in-the-other. the things you grow up with are impossible to go back to since technology is moving at a breakneck speed. but it being so expansive and story heavy was special and i'm learning more about that every day. as someone who's still iffy on the lore taking such a huge part of the overarching characters that it's still referenced at the end of the 2010's i really really do fucking love it. one of a kind. people who get very defensive of plastic beach have full reign to do so, just lemme stand behind you as a humanz defender
she also touched upon a feeling i thought was unpopular but i'm glad she did mention, and it's about how the story for the following albums were more self contained. i do feel though that wishing the band was a band and not characters milling about is a semi popular stance (?) i'm happy people recognize that because seriously my pulse on fandom feelings is sooooo lacking, even now as i venture to twitter and tumblr in 2023. anyways, even for how fantastical PB is and how much i love it, both the climate of the world not supporting projects like this and with gorillaz being self funded since 2019 (didn't know this and that is insane to me) gorillaz can benefit with the bar of expectations being lowered. multimedia projects are a rarity, with websites being sleeked and dumbed down for mobile users only, death of flash, social media being the hub for everything (why i get their reliance on it), singles needing to always be the strength of albums, and trends dying out faster than a mayfly, it's just hard. would i like to see them return to something like that, yes of course, but i sure as hell am not expecting it. unless some billionaire wants to dump their entire savings into their lap. the phases 1 and 2 performing well while being multimedia in the way of animation, interview, in-character and etc, is fantastic but there is no way that sort of MV quality would be passable today. and as a whole it was just less expensive AND way more new and fresh to make compared to making something in 2023 while also accommodating collaborators and managing the band. i guess it's difficult for me to hold a concrete stance. 'aw man why'd they do that... oh well...' times change ig. one thing i will shit on without feeling much guilt is the merch handling though like christ
i really want to hear her defend humanz like she said she might, like i'm on my knees... to wrap this up: very nice video if you want to hear about the behind the scenes of gorillaz all laid out in order. knowing the charting numbers didn't really hit for me till this video. and insight on how the band moved. there was a comment that said the flash games that are still archived today and she hearted it so you can check that out too, i've been going to that site archive for weeks now. i guess there was ONE thing which was i personally hated the way russel was used the entirety of that phase and i regard his mental break being phase 2 more than phase 3 so i raised my eyebrow at her depicting russel being cool and important, but like that's such a small bit, that i can understand why seeing him be a (silent) superhero was super cool. like yes he actually did do more actions on phase 3, bc even phase 1/2 he was, while well spoken gentle and wise, just there on the drums. i just want him to Say Something in phase 3 like that's his baby he's saving... well... ok. that's ok. don't get me started on my boy this post is already long e-fucking-nough
can i add. saying murdoc is the joker for gay teenage girls killed me
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