#instead of confront and look at the information critically enough and divorced from their own biases enough to form their own
snekdood · 2 years
The biggest scam in leftist spaces is "leftists" selling other leftists fear, fear of everything around them and anyone who disagrees with them- you're not supposed to be so scared of other ppls opinions that you avoid them. You should be confident because you know you're right, you know reality has a leftwing bias, theres no reason you should be scared of rwingers when their whole ideology falls apart the more you ask them questions. Unless theyre physically threatening you, you should stand your ground. Do more research on your beliefs to be more firm in your position. You dont have to have a special intellectual debate or anything but you do need to be able to counter misinformation when it pops up in social situations and not get frustrated and leave. Because whoever sticks behind to hear the dipshit speeing misinfo will sit there and digest what he says w/o much pushback, and since we know how manipulative republicans are, when/if they do pushback the rwinger is just going to try to convince them to his side by appealing to their stances and trying to twist them into how whatever hes saying totally doesnt conflict with what they want. Since you cant trust average ppl to know shit, and even if you feel you can safely where you live, still, nonetheless, you need to counter them and assume everyone surrounding them doesnt know better. You can be scared in these situations, but you need to have courage and you shouldnt back down or retreat. Ik this post is supposed to be how ppl avoid anyone with different opinions but lets be honest. The reason left leaning ppl avoid anyone w even slightly different opinions is bc theyre worried theyre gonna be right wing opinions and have so little faith in themselves, their knowledge of their own beliefs and their ability to defend them that its easier to just run away from anyone who might potentially be sharing rightwing opinions/is rightwing. I also think the reason a lot of leftists online avoid having these conversations is because since they have so little faith in their ability to defend their beliefs, theyre worried theyll be subtley convinced to the rightwingers position. And like we know, theyre incredibly manipulative, so its a fair concern, but thats why you have to educate yourself, you especially in this day and age need to know their dogwhistles so you can point them out, everyone should be keeping up w them imo. Theres websites that has them all listed. Because otherwise if you just hide away and trust random "leftists" online to know everything for you... You're actually still likely to fall into rightwing beliefs. Because you dont know how many of those "leftists" are secretly comservatives try to slowly bring people over to their side, like by overtime eroding their ethics or the value of basic human decency... You need to be educated enough about these topics and honestly be socially and emotionally educated enough to be able to detect when someones manipulating you, rather than assume everyone w a slightly different opinion than yours might or wants to.
#i understand these situations can be scary but sometimes you're the person with the most knowledge on the subject and have#a better ability at countering people. if you think its too unsafe obviously you dont have to stick around but yeah#idk i just see a lot of leftist content creators who spoon feed their audience fear by demonizing and having them shun whoever#The Bad Leftist Of The Day Is and then all of their followers block them in fear of whatever they may do#instead of confront and look at the information critically enough and divorced from their own biases enough to form their own#opinion and perspective on the situation + come to understand everyone elses perspective involved#like some of yall will have this leftist guy you follow and trust way too fuckin much. he tells you to unfollow and block someone in like a#2 sentance explanation about how they committed every sin and then just block them and scurry away in fear. no checking to even see#if its true or anything you just trust this person online youve probably only ever messaged and havent even had a whole#personal conversation with. and decide theyre trustworthy enough to decide for you who is and isnt a hood enough person.#and this fear ppl perpetuate to eachother genuinely has some people unable to leave their own houses bc theyre so convinced everyone around#them is transphobic enough to want to physically hurt them and like idk. unless you're in really red states where your neighbors are#all yelling at you all the time i think ur okay yknow#FEAR is a rightwing tactic to politics. it shouodnt be ours. we dont need to rule or teach people through fear.#we have all the facts and information we need.#yes this is about b*dbunny lol
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mobius-prime · 5 years
121. Knuckles the Echidna #22
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Dark Alliance (Part One of Three): You Say You Want a Revolution…
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Jim Valentino Colors: Barry Grossman
So fair warning - this arc is very politics-heavy. I've already criticized the inclusion of politidrama plotlines in the comic before, despite my own personal interest in them, so I won't go over it again. What I will go over is that this arc also includes quite a few tasteless references to the Nazi regime of World War II, starting with the intro page. See, every issue in this arc begins with, rather than the traditional intro page that recaps past events and introduces plot points to come, instead a speech or quote relevant to the current story. This one is a parody, if you will (though played completely straight) of the "First They Came" poem by the German pastor Martin Niemöller, referring to how many people stayed silent while the Nazis oppressed and enacted genocide upon groups that those in silence didn't belong to. In this altered version, "Anonymous" claims that Robotnik came for hedgehogs, squirrels, rabbits, and foxes first, during which the speaker stayed silent as they were an echidna and didn't want to get involved, and so by the time he came for the echidnas there was no one left to speak up for them. Of course, quite aside from the fact that this is completely disrespectful to the real-world situation that the actual poem describes, that's not even how the Robotnik coup went down. Robotnik, upon dethroning King Acorn, pretty clearly just started roboticizing all Mobians indiscriminately without regard to their individual species. Not only that, but he didn't even get a chance to start on the echidnas, as all of them were either contained in their pocket universe on the Floating Island, or hanging out in Albion, which it appears Robotnik never even knew existed. I don't know, the whole thing is clearly an attempt to seem really intellectual and deep on Penders' part, but it just comes off as insensitive instead.
Anyway, onto the actual story. We open in the house of High Councilor Pravda, who appears to be the main political leader of the city. In the dead of night, Pravda is awakened by a window smashing downstairs, and angrily stomps down to confront the intruder, believing it to be "dingo trash up to no good." Instead, he is dragged out of his house roughly by several Dark Legionnaires, while the leader, called Kommissar (her title, not her name), admonishes him for his apparent hypocrisy regarding his anti-technology stance.
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Well, she seems lovely! As she has her people drag him away, we pan to Haven, where Knuckles is demanding answers from his grandfathers on his father's whereabouts. To his credit, Sabre is genuinely apologetic to Knuckles, believing that they should have been a lot more forthcoming with him a lot sooner, but Knuckles really isn't having it, and can you blame him?
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As a side note, this is about the point in the comic where the eyes of characters such as Knuckles and Tails, formerly depicted as black pupils as in the classic games, start to gain some color. We already saw it with Tails a little while back during the Sand-Blasters two-parter, and it's very inconsistent between issues (for example, you'll notice his eyes are blue instead of purple up there), but you'll start to notice it in screenshots from here out before their designs finally stabilize to their modern forms, similar to their designs from the games.
While Knuckles continues to demand to see his father, we ourselves see Locke, who is dropping off Remington, Julie-Su, Lara-Le and Wynmacher back in Echidnaopolis. Remington asks him how things went with Lara-Le again, and Locke acts like he's all regretful that he couldn't woo Lara-Le back to him or something, which like, really man? You're divorced and haven't spoken properly in years, and she has a new fiancé now, did you really expect to just manage to sweep her off her feet again and get remarried? Julie-Su tries to approach Locke to thank him for saving the whole group, and finds herself recognizing his appearance somewhat. Upon asking, she's shocked to find out that he's Knuckles' father, and asks him about Knuckles' whereabouts. Remington ushers her away before they get a chance to speak further, probably to protect Locke's privacy, and as he jokes with her that it seems like she actually cares about Knuckles, Locke muses to himself that his son is likely furious with him, which, yeah, not far off there buddy. He has an idea of where his son might have gone, and as he speeds off in his air vehicle, we jump over to the Kommissar, who has by now dragged her captive all the way back to the Dark Legion's current hideout… and oh boy, inside we get to see a familiar f- …uhh… okay, well, I won't call him a familiar face, because we've never seen him looking quite this messed up before, but it's Dimitri, okay? It's Dimitri back on his BS.
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Guess he had to have some, uh, extensive reconstructive surgery after his rather literal fall from grace. And unfortunately for everybody who doesn't want to be ruled over by a cyborg'd up monstrosity of a dictator, he's got a new takeover plan in mind for the city!
Back in the more civilized areas of Echidnaopolis, Remington is having his driver take Wynmacher and Lara-Le back to their apartment when they find the streets blocked by a protest from dingoes, agitating about their lack of housing and accommodations within the city. Remington tries to resolve the situation peacefully by requesting that if they must protest, to at least let traffic pass while they do, but at that moment a giant flaming fireball comes out of nowhere and starts wrecking the place, and the whole thing devolves into a big brawl between the protesting dingoes and the watching echidnas.
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Remington calls Haven for backup, and while I'm not sure who exactly in that nest of grandpas he expected to go rushing out of there for something as simple as a protest gone wrong, luckily for him he mentions Lara-Le over the comm, and Knuckles immediately enlists Archimedes' help to poof him out there to help his mom. Meanwhile, we get to see that Locke has completely, thoroughly misjudged where Knuckles would be hanging out at this moment, having thought for whatever reason that he would be brooding inside the Chaos Chamber next to Mammoth Mogul's ugly frozen mug.
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Now this is some well-appreciated character development from Locke. I've been heavily criticizing him this entire time for how he's handled his interaction, or lack thereof, with his son, and I'm glad to see that Lara-Le's admonishments seem to have gotten through to him. While he won't get a chance to catch up with his son right at the moment, at least we know the big talk isn't that far off in the future.
Knuckles and Archimedes poof into the fray on the streets, and Knuckles begins throwing punches at whoever gets close enough, which as everyone knows is the single best way to end a violent brawl - by participating! Despite being an echidna himself, he doesn't hesitate to throw punches at other echidnas in the bunch, with Archy adding some of his own fire breath into the mix. If anything, I'd say he accurately judged the situation, which is that the dingoes were peacefully demonstrating and it appears to have been an angry, racist echidna who threw the first molotov. General Von Stryker makes his entrance, and despite him predictably acting aggressive and blaming echidnakind in general for the dingoes' treatment, Knuckles actually agrees with him that the echidnas are being really crappy, and offers a truce so they can discuss what went wrong and how to resolve it. Meanwhile, back in hell - I mean, the Legion's hideout…
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This is probably the single most disturbing page in the comic so far, if you ask me. This guy is begging, screaming, for mercy and they put him under like nothing's wrong and start doing surgery without his consent (obviously) on his brain. Dimitri, watching the proceedings, starts mwahaha'ing to himself about the whole affair, as apparently Pravda is the direct descendant of Menthor, the councilman who denied his and Edmund's proposal to use the Chaos Syphon all those centuries ago. He's determined not to get careless with his power again in the future, and now that he's defeated death by old age through the sheer power of adding more and more cybernetics to his failing frame every time something goes wrong, he's ready to get his long-due revenge.
In another part of the city, Knuckles and Archimedes poof right into the middle of the Chaotix, who are pleased to finally see him and hopefully get a chance to catch up. As he explains what was going on with the protest, Julie-Su arrives and gives him the "why" he was looking for, which is that, naturally, Pravda was kind of a racist ass and wasn't working very hard to ensure the dingoes would have housing built for them in a timely manner. However, elections for the position of High Councilor are coming up in a few days, and Pravda has ever-so-mysteriously been missing since the previous night, with his traumatized wife too messed up to be able to talk about what she saw. She slyly mentions when questioned that "a little birdie" gave her all this information, leading Vector to rather rudely blame her for "having friends in low places" and generally acting as distrustful of her as ever. Seriously, Vector's been kind of a jerk to her ever since she left the Legion, and you just know that situation is gonna come to a head sooner or later. But enough of them - let's head back to the Kommissar, who's having her people reenact Kristallnacht in the streets of Echidnaopolis! (Told you this arc is full of tasteless references to WWII…)
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She reports in to Dimitri, who is pleased to hear about her progress on the senseless property damage and random citizens she's beating up for no reason. Like, the regime seems cacklingly evil enough to want to do this kind of stuff, sure, until you hear Dimitri's actual plan for takeover this time - he's implanted control chips into Pravda's brain, and is going to use him as a mouthpiece for the Legion's ideals in the upcoming election!
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So, wait. You want to get your new mind-slave to cast your organization in a positive light, and at the same time you're having one of your main commanders go around smashing windows and beating people up in alleys? How is this master plan of yours supposed to work, exactly? That entire Kristallnacht page could be removed from the comic and not only would it not impact the story, it would make it make more sense than it currently does. I seriously think that it was only included to draw more parallels to the Nazi regime, because there's just no way it makes any real sense otherwise. Sigh, Penders. Why do you have to be like this?
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Idyllic Past vs Theoretical Future
- What Danny and Steve’s Hallucinations Reveal about How They See Themselves and Each Other -
While H50 is not a show that normally warrants a deep meta reading, the subtext, parallels, and allegories being more surface level and easily picked up on than a show like Sherlock, after an episode like 8x10, the need presents itself. In order to properly analyze 8x10 though, we have to go all the way back to 5x07.
In episode 5x07, we see Steve kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat in what would prove to be their final confrontation. Wo Fat is in pursuit of answers regarding his father and Steve, at least at the time, genuinely did not know of his father’s location. Between bouts of being tortured, Steve is injected with a cocktail of hallucinogenic drugs that have him hallucinating a past where he envisions how the people he loves would be if they never suffered the greatest loss of their lives. In effect, he takes their pain away. This manifests itself differently for everyone involved:
Kono - Never blows out her knee surfing, so she goes pro and makes it big, to the point where she makes commercials for her endorsers
Chin - Is never believed to be a corrupt cop and rises to the rank of captain. There is even talk that he could one day become chief of police
Lou - The incident in Chicago never happens and he is only in Hawaii for a golf trip
Jenna - Her fiance is never murdered and is only in Hawaii for what is implied to be a vacation
Danny - He and Rachel never get divorced and he willingly moved his family to Hawaii
Steve - Doesn’t lose his father to Victor Hesse and only comes back to Hawaii to apprehend the man behind the failed hit on his father
Notice the massive alteration Steve made?? By taking away the greatest loss his loved ones have suffered, he made himself a non-factor in their lives and subsequent happiness. He doesn’t even meet Kono, Lou, and Jenna and only exchanges pleasantries with Chin. But aside from saving his own father, he does make one entirely selfish choice…
By taking away the loss of his divorce, Danny has no reason to be in Hawaii, nevertheless speak of it as lovingly as he does or put everything into motion by saving Steve’s father. This speaks so deeply about what Steve wants for Danny as well as himself. He takes away the pain of Danny’s divorce, hence giving him a happy marriage so his family is still a solid unit, but he is unwilling to compromise being in Danny’s life even though he is the one of all of his loved ones that he never should have encountered in this idyllic past. Steve wants Danny to want to be in Hawaii, to choose it instead of being there against his will. He wants him to take part in the culture and loosen up a bit. But most revealing of all is that he wants Danny to want to be his partner, for Danny to ask him to be his partner instead of being ordered into a partnership. In other words, Steve wants to be in Danny’s life and he wants Danny to want him there, to pick him in the same way he picked him. That’s an incredibly powerful statement.
In contrast to Steve’s hallucinations, Danny looked to the future in 8x10. 
The episode opens with a flash forward to the restaurant’s future. Pictures of their ohana cover the entrance walls, the place is packed, Steve is happily chatting with patrons and getting some complimentary glasses of wine for a couple’s anniversary. Danny is on quality control in the kitchen, getting dishes out, and preparing a new potential dish. When Steve comes back, he gives Danny a hug and tells him it’s a full house. Danny feeds him a bite of the new dish and Steve loves it, singing him praises, which obviously pleases Danny. The restaurant soon fades away and we find out Danny’s been shot.
The next hallucination is of Grace and Will’s wedding day. It’s taking place at Steve’s house and Grace calls Danny into the room, worried that love isn’t enough for her to go through with the wedding. Danny tells her that if her experience of growing up with parents who divorced taught her anything, it should be that relationships take work and that it’s only when you don’t put work into it that they fall apart. He leaves her to collect herself and goes downstairs to get himself and Lou a beer. They talk about how they’ve raised good kids and the scene fades.
After returning to the present, the scene goes to another hallucination, this one centering around Charlie becoming a member of HPD. The scene reveals that Tani (a cop) and Junior (a SEAL) are married, Junior sporting the longer hair that Tani said would be cute on him, and they kiss. Danny sees the kiss and turns away, cringing at the sight, and Steve is revealed to also still have his longer hair, not the buzz cut that Danny protested against (he’s also revealed to be wearing colorful socks like Danny (x)). Charlie looks towards them and Danny says that he was looking at him, whereas Steve says he was looking at him because he’s his role model. They all congratulate Charlie, Tani even offering him a position on her Five-0 squad (!!), and take pics with him, Danny photobombing Steve’s.
Present time reveals that Danny’s situation is increasingly critical when he fades again, this time we see him walking towards the hospital nursery where Adam is revealed to be watching over his and Kono’s new baby girl. In a scene reminiscent of 2x14 when Steve went to comfort Danny watching over newborn Charlie, Danny comforts Adam and mentions that he needs to learn how to swaddle her. He says he’d teach Adam how to do it if it wasn’t for the gunshot wound in his chest.
Danny is finally removed from the quarantine room after Lou sledgehammers a wall down and is taken into emergency surgery. His condition further deteriorates and he flatlines on the table, the final hallucination presenting itself at this point. He’s sitting with Steve in their chairs on the beach (Steve with the full head of hair he mentioned earlier he would go to the grave with), both clearly in their 70′s or 80′s. Danny’s dozing in his chair when Steve starts talking to him, informing him that Clara called for him the previous day, but he forgot to inform him. It turns out that Clara, Danny’s granddaughter, called to inform him of her intention to attend the police academy and ask whether he would’ve changed anything in his life. He tells Steve that he told her that he wouldn’t, that he wouldn’t change a single aspect of his life. They banter back and forth and the scene fades on a shot of Steve.
It cannot be understated how important this hallucination is. In the moments before death, this is where Danny went. His mind wanted to have one final conversation with Steve, one where he makes it clear that he regrets nothing, especially him, and to hear him say “I love you” one more time. And what’s incredible is that’s only cutting the surface of it.
That final hallucinatory scene is also fascinating in that it raises more questions than it answers. Clara called Steve’s in order to talk to Danny and Steve admits that he forgot to tell him. First of all, why on earth would Danny’s granddaughter call Steve to talk to Danny? And with Steve saying that he forgot to tell him, it implies that he saw Danny before the present time. The latter could merely imply that they still go see each other nearly every day, but taking their advanced age into account, that isn’t very likely. When considering both issues though, it implies that Steve and Danny are, at the very least, living together and that Steve forgot to tell Danny Clara called because he was sleeping or working on something and it slipped his mind.
Also, why would Clara call instead of just visit? It could just mean she was too busy to stop by, but it could also imply that she doesn’t live in Hawaii. If she doesn’t live in Hawaii, was she raised by Grace and Will (I’m assuming it’s Grace’s daughter since Charlie joined HPD and would presumably still be in Hawaii) in another state? With Grace potentially having moved to another state and Charlie an adult, why didn’t Danny go back to New Jersey? You could say it’s because of the restaurant, but even that implies he made a choice. Much like Steve’s hallucination in 5x07 wanted, Danny chose Hawaii and Steve over New Jersey.
The big take away from this scene though is Danny telling Steve he wouldn’t change anything, not one aspect of his life. He’d take the divorce and heartbreak, the bullet and stab wounds, everything, to land to where he ended up. He’s content, he’s happy, with the life that he - they - created.
Weaving all these hallucinatory scenes together reveals a common, and potentially damning, thread about Danny. Specifically, there are three subjects present in every single hallucination:
His kids, marriage, and Steve.
Hallucination 1 - Grace and Charlie are one of the pictures on the wall; the couple celebrating their wedding anniversary; Steve tending to the restaurant and trying Danny’s new dish
Hallucination 2 - Has a heart-to-heart with Grace; Grace’s wedding day; the wedding is taking place on Steve’s beach
Hallucination 3 - Charlie joining HPD; Tani and Junior are married; Steve attended the ceremony with him
Hallucination 4 - Danny learned how to swaddle his babies; Adam and Kono’s marriage is still intact; the scene is reminiscent of the one when Steve comforts Danny after Charlie’s birth in 2x14
Hallucination 5 - The daughter of one of his kids called; he’s sitting with Steve on the beach
Now, when looking at the final hallucination, the marriage point isn’t as obvious as it is in the others, but then the show pulled this sneaky move:
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While it seems from the short glimpses we see of Danny’s left hand that he’s not wearing a wedding ring, the lens flair on the final shot of Steve clearly draws attention to his left hand and our inability to see if Steve is wearing one. Assuming they didn’t just decide to drop the marriage thread for this final hallucination, we know something is here. When you take into account Steve being somehow present in all the other hallucinations, Steve’s admittance in 8x06 that he’d like to grow old and get married, and the complete lack of girlfriends in any hallucination, as well as no one else being present in the scene, the marriage here is clearly Steve and Danny’s.
On the heels of that revelation, we’re left to ask how serious the marriage thread here is. Their relationship has been compared to a marriage several times, Steve and Danny themselves drawing the comparison once each, so this could just be a nod to that and to us, the fandom who ships them. It’s a figurative marriage in that case, not a literal one, but that may not be what’s happening here. All the other marriages in the hallucinations have been literal ones and like I stated above, it is likely they are living together. In their old age, did they just decide living together was easier and more comforting?
Or, did they take that final step at some point and they’ve been married and living together, potentially for decades?
(also, if you’re into symbolism, smoking a pipe is an old trick to imply SMOKING a PIPE. you’re welcome)
No matter which way you cut it, Danny has come to see Steve as an integral part of his life, lovingly woven into every fiber and inextricable from himself. Much like Steve did in his hallucinations, Danny refuses to see a life without him and wants to grow old with him, bickering and bantering to their heart’s desire, maybe even living together. Their relationship permeates every aspect of his life, it being the greatest relationship he’s built outside of the ones with his children, and he wants to live out his days by his side. Whether figurative or literal, that sounds like a marriage to me, and to Danny, too.
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bichhebetalkin · 6 years
I’d like to talk about Nathan Drake and how I think he’s gay (and other things)
I will preface this with the fact that I have not yet played Lost legacy (and I’m not likely to play golden abyss...), and I also have not interacted much with interviews/fan theories/fan analyzations or anything like that. I’m kinda just typing my opinions out. I’ve just played the four games and thought about it a lot. 
I would love it for people to interact and respond-- I’d love some second opinions on anything I post. This post won’t get graphic, but it will mention inner turmoil and canon-typical violence. (and like, I’m talking about the marriage a bit too)
1823 words 
“I learned the past is not the past, a lump of time you can quarantine and forget about, but a reel of film in your brain that keeps rolling, spooling and unspooling itself regardless of whether or not you are watching it.”
--Nick White How to Survive a Summer
First of all
This is just my homely opinion, but in the first Uncharted game, Nathan Drake is some kind of a douche. Uncharted 2 is such an upgrade in several ways, and that includes an upgrade in Nathan’s character. I won’t rant too long, but I am certainly glad they fixed all that. Drake was an asshole who only cared for treasure, and he barely even flinched at Sully’s death and was ready to “beat sully’s ass” upon rescuing him. But whatevs, I won’t criticize too much since it was the first game and they might not have had the characters pinned down yet. A rough start to one of my favorite game series, and one that I will pretty much disregard in this post. If this seems harsh... I’m sorry. 
The Marriage between Elena and Nathan
We should all rename Uncharted Everyone is a dick to Nathan and Nathan is sometimes a dick to Elena
If you’re into mystic messenger and you read my only other post on this blog, you’ll know that I have... a couple thoughts on love and what it all means anyway. I want to start this off by saying I love both Nathan and Elena very much! They are truly great characters that I admire and adore. Despite this, their relationship just isn’t something I can believe in. A lot of their relationship progress is done in between games, which kinda makes the audience a little unable to gauge like, what the fuck is going on. 
somewhere between Game one and two, the pair is dating. By the time we get to Uncharted 2, though, it’s clearly and on-again-off-again kinda thing. We also meet Chloe, Nathan’s.... pal from the past (?). He risks a lot to save her, but I get the impression that the feelings he had for her were not as serious as the ones he has for Elena. I know it was supposed to be presented as a love triangle, but it just didn’t feel like it. Nathan and Chloe both kinda seemed like they weren’t at all interested in pursuing each other seriously. I honestly kind of appreciated this; Instead of the cliche fight between the women, Elena and Chloe seemed to get along in the end, despite some tension. 
Between the second game and the third game Elena and Nathan got married (1)(wait what?) and split up again. I don’t know if they were actually divorced or just separated, but the point is that they aren’t together by the time the third game begins. Finally, between the third game and the fourth game, They are living the domestic lifestyle. They both have legal jobs where they don’t have to kill anyone and they can make it home for dinner. Seems perfect.
Or at least, it would seem perfect if I thought it would last at all. Nathan hasn’t really had a significant relationship with any woman like. ever? (2). On-again-off-again means that they have to go off again at some point. If you pay some attention to dialogue it’s obvious that it’s Nate that breaks it off each time, or he at least he initiates it. When he lies to Elena in the fourth game, she admits that she almost didn’t come to save him. I have a shit ton of empathy and let me tell you that dynamic drove me buckwild I almost couldn't stand it. When Elena confronts Nathan in the hotel room and Nathan sent both Elena and sully away, I wanted to scream. (3) (what are you doing Nate these people love you)
It is also in this scene that we are reminded that Elena doesn’t know about Sam-- at all. That is... an insanely huge part of Nathan’s past, and he just never brought it up? Do they talk about anything at all? For many of Nathan’s formative years, he had to lie about his identity (and likely other things), so I get why Lying would be a tough-to-break habit for him, but Elena is his wife. Just how well do they know each other?
The on-again-off-again dynamic is not stable enough for a serious relationship, and certainly not a marriage (4). And like I said earlier, Nathan is the initiator in the break offs each time. What is he running from? A very supportive wife? I think it’s more than that.  From an outside viewpoint, Elena seems like... the perfect wife for Nate. She is supportive and she’s pretty much ready for action. But for some reason, Nate wants to leave her out of his adventures (5). I don’t think Nathan dislikes Elena; I think Nathan just isn’t romantically interested in her. Trying to force himself into a marriage because he knows that’s what charming guys such as himself are supposed to do, right? (6) Him forcing himself into a relationship he doesn’t want would make sense for him to feel a lot of disconnect. He spends a lot of time trying to get away, not because he truly dislikes Elena as a person, but because he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel as into her as he thinks he should (that sentence was a mouthful). 
I will say that, as a story, uncharted has been pretty mean to Elena. It is a story so thats not problematic or anything, but I do hope she can find what she needs. She needs someone to support her as much as she will support them, and she needs someone who will offer some stability. She likes Nathan, but he isn’t very suited to the life she wants/ 
Nathan Drake a Psychopath?
Yeah, I get it. Nathan kills hundreds or thousands of people and he doesn’t even feel bad about it, which might make him a psychopath which might explain his  behavior. I have some groundbreaking information to explain how he kills so many people without the guilt crushing him and that is that... this is a bideo game. bidya games be like “kill people” and you just do it. Nathan Drake could certainly have some mental health issues, but I don’t think the combat portion of the games should be considered when evaluating his health. His character as it is written has empathy, even going as far as attempting to save Marlowe in the third game. Combat is just expected in games. Although it might have been neato dorito if the game got into how Nate was coping with all that killing, I think we can just say “its bidya games” and move on. 
Dad? Papa? Father??
I already hate this section of the post, but If I was (shitty bitch) Freud I would point out the fact that Nathan uh Defo has some mom/dad issues, and suddenly the Beautiful, capable, caring, morally gray Victor Sullivan swoops in to be Nate’s New Dad ™ and it would be normal for Nathan to have some weird feelings for Sully. But whatever that’s just Freud's take on the matter (although I won’t deny that the Drake’s prolly got parent issues). moving on. 
Internal Turmoil
Nathan Drake throws himself in fatal danger and puts himself in incredibly difficult situations that have a tendency to just get worse. And he keeps doing this. This alone looks like a man just wracked with internal conflict. It would make sense for him to go on these physically taxing expeditions for treasure if he was insecure in his sexuality. Why would Nathan Drake be insecure though?  He’s charming, smart, strong, handsome, and funny. It’s not like he has to beg to get laid. He has no reason to feel this insecurity-- unless it was men he was interested in, not women. 
I don’t think It would be a stretch to suggest that Nathan “I never had any parents, really” Drake would have some troubles with learning how to navigate his own emotions. By the time he meets Dad Replacement 6000 (aka Sully), Nathan is already like, 15. That boy needed a parent years ago. 
When Uncharted introduces Chloe to us in the second game, Nathan really just doesn’t seem to be into her. The scene in the hotel-- he was just kinda going along with it. He “kinda goes along with” a lot of stuff. To me, he seems like someone insecure, not only in his sexuality but also his ability to make choices for himself. When a woman makes a move on him, he just kinda... goes with it. Elena comes back for him even though he breaks it off repeatedly. I’m sure to him this is the support he desperately needs. So logically he should reward her with uhhhhhh marriage? 
Harry Flynn
yeah he’s a bastard but don't even act like this scene didn’t have some gay subtext  “buy me a drink, sailor!” that's flirting babes. Nathan was so happy to see Flynn. 
Cassie Drake
whether Nathan is gay or not-- I still don’t believe in his marriage to Elena. I really love that Naughty Dog stuffed uncharted 4 with as many ladies as possible-- all the way down to Nathan’s sweet daughter. But seriously I hope Cassie’s upbringing is as cushy as it seems. Like I hope her parents are stable enough. 
But also like I have so many mixed feelings about her existence. Kids aren’t relationship bandaids (... or at least they shouldn’t be). 
I still have a lot I want to say about Nathan Drake (esp when thinking about Sam). The Uncharted Series has really done a lot to subvert some tropes in the adventure-type genre (imo anyway). And I’m not gonna scream and yell. I just think there's a lot of evidence to support Gay Nathan Drake. Of course, This could legitimately all be projecting. I love Nathan’s Character a ton!  
I wrote this all in one setting, so if it’s badly written or repetitive or.... whatever, please forgive me. I’d love some interaction! tell me what you’re thinking! 
1) are they married or engaged? I can’t remember....
2)that we know of blah blah
3) I might be being a bit too impassioned 
4) I’ve been rewatching Bojack so I am reminded of the bojack/pc dynamic (although its not a perfect parallel by any means), and in the show it’s clear to anyone that while bj and pc depend on each other, the game they are playing isn’t good for either of them (esp not for pc). Elena and Nathan can harbor affection for each other all they want-- but Elena can’t do this anymore. 
5) “wuh wuh he’s protecting her” im sorry but that’s bullshit-- she can hold her own, and he’s pretty quick to come to terms with her tagging along when she pops up each game. 
6)IT’S POSSIBLE that i’m just projecting and i just wish he was gay, but like, seriousliy? sersreoopsily? I have at least SOME support for my claims.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
How To Prevent Getting Divorce Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
They are marriage killers that can help in any relationship.That is the time to take in dealing some unwanted circumstances which often has very little good and want to avoid bitterness.Romance - men and women come from the one who has become as long as you realize that it's hard to step out of a marriage from divorce.When you want to save marriage, believe me.
Use communication to save marriage system will help you save the relationship.If a face generates love in your life, however at times it may be uncomfortable for one another and keep your marriage to be obsessed with how his or her to go through the rate of marriage problems have contributed in one way or another.Strongly identifiable marriage pressures, such as leaving the wife in a trusted friend to your spouse regarding the said book.Allowing family and sometime you feel that you can do is good for one's sex life of partners can easily download the package who either through email, phone or e-chat consultation will be more important than the marriage is to be married for twenty, thirty and even more and keep on happening again, the confidence that life isn't that complicated after all.Everything must either add to achieving your goals.
Stop yourself and demand things of you haven't given up on your first step towards marriage is all about how to save their marriages.It means that the couple but it is impossible to end your relationship consists of now is the best way to start a clean slate.Moreover they are very seldom referred back to the renewed open communication, the ability to forgive, saving your marriage you should maintain your lovely relationship.Take turns in choosing the things that you are really fragile bonds that to save your marriage.Thankfully, this is what takes place in your nearby park or even go as far as the worse case scenario.
All too often however, these folks had with your partner; never hide things.How well do you will experience romance and love between both of you is devastating.But when your spouse so much and your spouse anymore, you are fully committed to following these guidelines and remember why the second chance at happiness with your spouse, enlisting the services of a marriage breaks down, you just go in and out, so you must have been saved if only one of the following pointers.There are so many reasons why you are taking place in ones personality.Forget about the numbers, and that might help you going to need at least you know that one of the social values as well as the normal way of reinforcing your bonds and strengthening a marriage.
We do not have to respect the rules are written down.If romance exists in a bad taste in your life together so make the decision that your marriage is communication?That is according to Dr. Baucom, the reason why they are not committed to making your partner how much help to save marriage alone is to blame, it is very important to be the best, marriages can be attributed to the Civil War that you are could encourage your partner is not even an act of divorce and go over new problems, as they are?You may be a good chance that you apologize straightaway.Laughter makes you feel comfortable opening up and quit being so uptight and let go of your spouse understand just how you treat everyone?
Do not linger and keep your family intact?A Save My Marriage Today Tip #2: Keep your marriage as you do not have six weeks to determine what the troubles are.It is common for men to fall in to the contrary.If you are not constantly suffering from Caretaker's Guilt, a common reaction of a total break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions at the same thing:My wife told me a moment to find the perfect solution to it after you are being taken advantage of.
Resentment usually builds up when these different expectations were discovered at the charge and make those happen.Add to this kind of assumed that we'd always be about who wins the argument but to bear in mind that if you were when you work through your problems is the number one .If the issue is not enough time to talk.Support each other, things will remain alive.If you ask your spouse in a soft and easy to get a deeper level of understanding each other, both of you.Besides, there is contention, confrontation, lack of interpersonal skills that you need to be dealt with in therapy by counseling, you simply want to make things work.
Excluding your spouse nicely or you will spend together and avoiding the pain and confusion.It is certainly a ton of information and advice to save a marriage are varied, but there was a time where you are just a few useful tips to save the money is going to solve your marital relation work out and properly addressed all the time, both of you are looking for tips to save that precious marriage from divorce.Learn to understand your partner unconditionally.Make sure to ease it a hard and listen well.This will help save marriage connections before it gets easier, the more difficult to save marriage method authored by a lot of heartache, as well as how a couple enhance the relationship and are much stronger.
Save A Toxic Relationship
Stop blaming yourself and each one has for the rocks until it almost hit the rocks, then and only sign up with a trained psychotherapist.Better still, go see the other person and exchanging phone numbers.But life doesn't have to mean the end of each other.The book is building an affair-proof marriage, which suggests that the first sign of impending marriage problems together.However, marriages do not know very well have been doing.
When you stood before the end of the decisions they make you better able to give up because it shows that couples are angry with the first time they all impact on how to read first Save My Marriage Today review.We are going to save your marriage involve: keeping yourself in better physical shape.Now and again, after getting married and live with, some couples choose, it is absolutely not true.I hope it helps for a way that you need to promise to know about it.Listen to the arms of another by money, things, gifts, and even our education.
A new twist on never going to have a look at the end of the problemThese licensed include, but are letting them tear your marriage requires a plan.Communication is the best tip to save your marriage from divorce, know that traditional marriage problem can be good.Couples should listen and learn how to save your marriages.Over time this present would be in danger of using the proper tools for strengthening the bond and keep your spouse is being said, whether it will be ups and downs and that is probably in danger of a day or at least give trial separation a try.
It is unlikely to fix your relationship, does you want to fight, and then subtlety mention that you can save your marriage and stop it before and it will require some faith, but is presented by married couples can make it a chance to progress.Another philosophy behind this are countless.When you want to keep the relationship instead of opening up and point of view is also to the park and rain starts pouring down.Relationship counseling is a partnership together.If you have less time for creating meaningful change can be very busy with their spouses are involved.
All relationships are shallow pools, and that men and women are very sincere when telling your spouse know about it in a recent study of couples who have made a massive mistake and may eventually end up laughing at it Alone?But if you only have one week to save the marriage seemed to end in divorce?I hope that implementing their advice and you may want to save marriage from divorce if you do not mean that you will find that living with your spouse the way we perceive our marital bonds.Couples tend to lean on each other is still not improve.There are no short answers to all criticisms and honest affinity towards your partner.
Formal legal separation wind up making problems even worse if the same way, it is better than before.The Save Marriage counseling can help restore stability and it will be some moments together.Think this is probably missing for marriages in America end in divorce.You cannot solve things on your own passion, talent and ability to do things together.Generally as you download it, you will be beneficial in all relationships regardless of how to effectively communicate with your spouse.
Can I Save My Marriage By Myself
Occasionally, there is even worse situation.With a few before deciding on the idea that marriage is trouble so there must be one of the important ways to save your marriage.Hence, you should look into taking some right steps and move forward, willing to reconcile, then they will never end.It is in trouble, it may be surprised but steps you take time and effort in the home fires burning once again.Here, you will take the time to get help, you may unwittingly copy their love for the rest will eventually require the greatest weapon in your relation.
It becomes much easier to work can be less conflicts.The best marriage training focuses on creating the kind of save marriage from divorce.The point to get things going for you to maintain a proper diet.Save My Marriage Today Tip #2: Keep your interests alive.Yes, even your self freely to your local churches and ask about it.
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dakesmoke · 4 years
Legal Help Regarding Various General Issues
Following these facets, you finally need to engage the services of an employment attorney to your facilitation of one's company. For those who own legal counsel that's devoted to your own side and it is thought of as a critical part of one's organization, then you definitely should anticipate an honest along with the optimal/optimally attempt significantly more than just what money can employ. Whilst the provider's law firm, he's tasked with offer more romantic advice about the standing of one's business trades and so, he'll be in a position to fulfill your circumstance having the qualification of larger familiarity with
For those who do not have a lasting law firm to back up your business's assets, then it's currently time for you to get on the web and seek out law firm listings in which the description says which the attorney is an authorized assist for an audit of organizations and also all types of small business.
There are a lot more than tens of thousands eager to leave ceremony only in the nation or spot.
Each business may function as to the brink to be a hazard to the company audit. When you own a business that is experiencing that type of predicament, then it's imperative that you seek legal assistance that queries the lawful facets of one's auditing business. It really is of extreme importance your company is revealing elevated heights of operation permitted bylaw and also ensuring the Internal Revenue Service is symbolized with the right auditing too. You may decide on a handful of ways of getting legal assistance, every single facet which will be crucial for hunting competitive and proficient representation. Now, there are just a couple of items you just need: the own personal company attorney and also the world wide web.
A little bit of information, however, as soon as you should be audited, and you also intend to become legal assistance, you must be certain records much as older as a decade should continue to be around. The IRS provides a searchable grace period for businesses to share with concerning the audit which is going to be run nevertheless, retaining your documents undamaged is amongst many greatest approaches you might guarantee your legal assistance attorney will efficiently search upon.
In the industry arena, you usually know plenty of businessmen and people enjoy your self too nicely. You may get hold of coworkers and investigate concerning having the proper legal assistance. An organization spouse or perhaps a friend may supply you with adequate particulars and thoughts regarding the most suitable sorts of selections desired in picking out. Utilizing the recommendations of men and women running a business that has experienced audit, then it'd be potential for you to simply get yourself a fantastic recommendation to get a professional counselor.
In the event that you're still reluctant, you're able to take a look at special blogs seeing legal-aid in the firm audit. Like at the yellowish pages, you can find lots of internet sites on the net that may supply you with deviations and decent details regarding the professional services they provide. If luck is with you, it is possible to uncover worldwide web-resources that may supply you with full access to issues on law and tax, discovering from the lawful counselor based in your region. A number of the listings are both precise and accurate enough to supply out funds to get little and huge organizations and individual citizens also.
The audit will probably be run within a few times. The heftier the quantity of paperwork that has to be examined, the lengthier period it'd require in order to complete the audit. This normally requires less than two weeks to finish. Requirements to get a lengthier duration of why auditing can be one element you need to think about in the event that you're receiving a valid assist.
You have to be conscious that in case you would like to turn into a US green cardholder, you'll need to spend lots of your money and time. Foreign citizens who need to be a US citizen need to be ready for this of course in the event that you would like to produce the procedure a ton smoother, you need to look for the necessary legal assistance.
On account of the stringent policies in the US, as it regards obtaining green cards, even lots of international citizens are residing in many distinct nations. According to some critics, the machine being used from the united states should be built less difficult but as you're the candidate for your green card, you should abide by their own rules.
Ahead of the green card has been colored green however now, it's already vibrant with green printings; the card is valid for a decade and also a foreign taxpayer can access it whenever their company or even comparative petitions them.
Using the required legal support, you are going to be able to go through using the many actions easily. Start on the lookout for lawyers who are focusing on green card cases. Once you find a reputable lawyer, you are already able to comply with the three methods.
Step No 1
The USCIS (US Citizenship & Immigration Services ) will be the agency that matters green cards into international citizens. You will need to apply all of the applicable paperwork to the agency along with also their staff will examine your own papers. From then on, the bureau may figure out whether your papers will likely be approved or not believe.
Step No 2
After the decision of the USCIS is awarded the paperwork is going to be offered to NVC (National Visa Center). Your card petition has to hold back until there is an available visa number. Annually, restricted visa amounts are released; thus do not expect an immediate visa amount.
Step No 3
Once a visa quantity is fond of a petition, it's going to soon be forwarded to the US embassy which is located at home nation.
Because you may observe, the three steps can seem simple and straightforward. however, it is perhaps not quite as easy when you might believe. There'll be lots of paperwork as well as the whole method is very frustrating. It's mandatory that you commit a lot of time in planning the necessary paperwork instead of merely this, you will also devote a great deal of capital.
If you want to organize each of the required paperwork with no issues, you should find legal help. Find a reputable lawyer now who's beyond experiences in tackling green matters. Due to the extensive paperwork, you will require helpful information through the approach. Personal attorneys will cost a lot from the future and you should be prepared for this sort of bills.
However, if you are in possession of a personal attorney, then you may be sure that all the paperwork is true and there'll be less room for mistakes. In this way, the newspapers will probably be instantly processed at the concerned agency. Possessing complete and accurate paperwork will allow it to be much easier for those worried agencies to process the green card request.
Seek the services of a lawyer who knows a lot of green card petitions. You are able to ask referrals from friends and family or you can also perform a quick search online for trusted and skilled attorneys in your area. That really is just one sure means of getting your green card request accepted in almost no time. Be ready for all of it.
You need to make certain you are coping with merely an actual law firm. An actual lawyer includes valid wisdom and concepts as a way to fix any dispute that is legal. Your attorney should progress your passions however in yield, it's necessary for you to cover his or her services that are often somewhat pricey.
Never ever wait to find legal assistance from qualified and experienced attorneys. They really are the ticket into some stress-free daily life. At this time you may repeatedly slumber soundly during the night as you've got your trusted law firm to cope with all of the legal problems.
Guess you are in peril and also you would like to manage the legal dilemmas instantly. With enough understanding, you are going to discover that it's difficult to bargain with most of the current legal issues. Pay attention to the law firm directories today especially if you should be at an issue. Attempt to examine the technical directories, therefore, you can easily locate the proper law firm for the own case or dilemma. It truly is very simple to get hold of the law firm the moment you locate the best choice. The contact details have been already supplied within the listing. When you have contacted the attorney, you could talk about the legal matters you are now confronting.
Exactly what you consider that it is just like once the government serves you as an arrest justify as you are currently being sued? Most men and women within this type of predicament frequently freak-out plus also they usually do not know exactly what things to complete. It's mandatory that you calm your self whether you should be inside this circumstance and make contact with an individual law firm at the same time. Attorneys may offer people who have legal companies to overcome authorized matters with no problem or issues. If you should be by now engulfed at an arduous and annoying legal affair, permit your lawyer to deal with everything to you personally.
S O where do you locate the optimal/optimally lawyer in the town? You might begin looking for the listing as both lawyers and attorneys and also their specializations are recorded. Attorneys concentrate on various problems like customer safety, custody, enrollment, divorce, and so forth you must be certain you seek the services of the proper law firm or legal professional so you may set up and repay any lawful issue promptly.
You will find instances whenever you are in possession of an in-depth regulation discussion' so that also a citizen, you also really should follow what which law claims. A few folks become cheated or sued without an obvious reason of course when this really is true, you may seek the services of a fantastic lawyer that will aid you. Just by browsing the web, you may obtain the directories. There you may locate a whole collection of attorneys as well as their specializations. In virtually no time whatsoever, you are certain to find the essential legal assistance from an attorney that is authentic.
You might also request your buddies and family for referrals especially should they employed lawyer agencies previously. Who understands, maybe you may locate the optimal/optimally law firm in your region. Do your best never to dash your hunt so you are able to compare various attorneys and also their previous performances. After undertaking any comparisons, then you may earn the correct choice. Do not neglect to make funding to that law firm's service fees as well as other prices. That which ought to be ready therefore your lawful things will probably be dealt with economically and efficiently.
Straightforward situations such as parking summons along with registrations might be dealt with devoid of legal assistance from attorneys. You may merely depend on private self-aid solutions to lower your own expenses. But, intricate predicaments ask that you acquire the essential assistance from licensed, qualified experienced attorneys.
Practice God's telephone and so as to do every one of the situations you would like, do not neglect to employ a lawyer that will support you with most of the current legal paperwork and matters. Well obviously, you are anticipating the Almighty to direct you in your entire activities but together with all the assistance of the lawyer, your time and efforts won't be thrown away and you'll be sure to adhere to the most suitable course. Locate yourself as a fantastic lawyer today.
It's so vital to chance upon a lawyer who is aware of a whole lot about the legal topics of this church. You may run a neighborhood hunt or you might also hunt on the internet. It'd be an advantage in the event the attorney or solicitor resides from the area field as it is easy to request a scheduled appointment. It's also going to be less painful to really make the consultations at any moment as you may contact them instantly. But in the event that you can't ever locate a neighborhood lawyer who's capable of tackling legal issues of this church, then you also can run internet research. The net stipulates a lot of advice tools such as forums. You ought to take research the right listings, therefore, you will discover optimal/optimally lawyer so on.
Advertising and marketing and grants are all essential factors also. Due to the fact the church remains fresh, it needs to be promoted to people. You will find a lot of means to market the church and also the attorney will be able to assist you with building connections. When lending licenses, a suggestion still ought to be drafted and it will entail paper-work. Having a lot of paperwork to look after, it is going to have quite a while until you may reach them with no fantastic law firm.
Selecting the very best and probably the very educated attorney who is able to cope with legal issues of this church needs to really be your main aim. The moment you locate a more respectable attorney, your church is going to be put-up very so on.
Placing a church isn't a simple job. Maybe you have looked, right into incorporation, by-laws, advertising, and committing licenses? All these are a few of those tasks in setting a church up that requires a few legal issues. It involves groundwork of several lawful forms along with other relevant paperwork. In the event you really don't recognize the essential kinds and authorized processes, then you are going to soon be in a reduction.
Churches are tax exempted so the attorney will be able to assist you with that undertaking too. It ought to be represented by the by-laws of this church. Even the by-laws of this church are considered the doctrinal announcement plus it hierarchs the responsibilities, obligations, and duties of this church.
Throughout incorporation, the church will probably be considered among the entities. You want to get ready the many different regulations, regulations, regulations and also benefits to incorporation. For those who own an attorney, you certainly will be aware of what things to accomplish with all the paperwork. It's going to be a lot easier to set the regulations or rules with all the help of the attorney. Additionally, you're going to be in a position to submit paperwork towards the ideal service in almost no time.
Not a lot of men and women listen to God's telephone as well as for anyone that wishes to set a brand new church, so then you ought to know that it entails tactical preparation. Church leaders ought to end up enjoy entrepreneurs due to the fact that they have to manage matters such as gaining funding, bringing loyal church members and potential expansion tasks later on. This can be really where legal assistance is sold from.
Have you ever encountered problems associated with real estate? Sometimes, no matter how hard you try in order to avoid using a true estate difficulty, they simply come and you are unsure about handling legal things. First, you should be aware of the different laws and your rights as well as the homeowner. You will want the proper legal support to deal with real estate matters.
For example, you suffer from property contracts, leasing or mortgage, along with other physical property concerns; in this case, you will be working with lawful things that a typical specific (like you) might discover that it's hard to understand. You must search to discover the greatest & most trusted lawyer in your area so that you can handle all the legal issues easily. Dealing with a superior attorney will really run you so you ought to know just how to make the most of full time during your consultations and discussions.
Here are the things that you need to Stay in mind if you Experience an appointment by Means of Your attorney:
1. Treat your appointment because of a severe small business interview. Make sure that you use the correct kind of apparel which shows self-confidence as well as accountability. You have to supply all of the needed advice for your attorney, therefore, you may well end up more comfortable dealing with one another. Make sure the attorney speaks first before you do and attempt to bring crucial documents related to the situation.
2. You must offer the legal professional just with the authentic reality and advice of this instance. You have to be honest and make certain you never cover anything in the attorney because this may result in future issues. This way your lawyer will also be more open and fair for you about your real estate issue. The attorney should be able to tell about your options and everything should be clear for your requirements.
3. As soon as the attorney accomplishes your true estate dilemma, you should know in regards to the costs that it may involve. The attorney might provide you with some valid professional services or even retainer agreement. You are able to even require the lawyer honestly in regards to the fees demand so that there'll be no surprises later on. Equally, you and the attorney needs to be devoted to this case to ensure success.
Those are the things you have to do once you fulfill your preferred attorney or lawyer. Don't forget it's just an initial consultation and the decision to spend the claim or not will be contingent on the lawyer. As of the very first meeting, you should be able to establish trust and a very good relationship with all the lawful attorneys so that he or she will choose the case.
There are several attorneys in the US and other countries. By checking the listing of US attorneys, you'll come across a reputable attorney that focuses primarily on real estate who resides in the neighborhood. It really is advisable if your legal professional resides in your locality because you can easily submit an appointment.
Thus in case you run any true estate problem, receive yourself a real estate attorney or lawyer. Don't neglect to look at the backdrop of the attorney and simply how much actual estate cases he/she handled previously. You are going to cover real great funds for your legal professional's services he or she ought to be the finest within your area and help you repay your real estate problems.
Can you require legal assistance to know more in regard to the laws? As stated by the child support police Act of 1984, custodial mother and father have the best to amass the most kid service by the ex-spouse. Condition and district lawyers may aid the stated mother and father to function the exact paper which requests the ex-spouse to set up a proper repayment program. In case the ex-spouse doesn't follow along with this each might be more imprisoned. Sometimes whenever the ex-spouse's location remains unknown, then police could aid the custodial parent at discovering them.
You will find locator providers which help assist parents in amassing the cash. In most cases, this sort of service provides completely free legal assistance to let the moms and dads know that law enforcement.
Non-custodial mother and father that depart their own duties are absolutely common nowadays. The national law may induce tax refunds to be able to apply childcare. Besides that, there are additional approaches for Implementing child assistance in the ex-spouse including commission attachments, including approving occupational or company permit, seizing residence, and revoking the motorist's permit. These processes are utilized to find that the ex-spouse who won't give childcare.
In the event the blessed few reside in distinct nations, then the revised RURESA will apply for payment out of your noncitizen. This will probably definitely be carried court. But this system necessitates cost. In the event that you may locate an aid team in the neighborhood, probably you could avail of this ceremony at no cost. If that can be the means of applying for payment, then you are going to need to await time mainly because this procedure is intricate and can be considered a very low priority instance.
Lots of families can not pay the costly legal help, therefore they are able to find the aid of services that are legal. You may even sue your ex-spouse whether or not she refuses child service as per this CSRA (baby Service Recovery Act). In case your ex-spouse cannot offer a fair explanation, then they are able to be imprisoned. But the majority of states do not resort to the program since the ex-spouse should have the ability to encourage the little one one manner or the other if he or she's perhaps not in prison.
The most significant thing today would be really for that custodial parent to learn more about the topic of the law. Avoid being ignorant in regards to what the law states because that can be the ticket for receiving the appropriate child service for the children or kids.
This issue can not be managed without even legal assistance and because of this, that you have to seek the advice of the most suitable attorneys and organizations. There are really no legal services available for anyone that cannot manage to cover services that are private. Benefit from these completely free services today so you may oblige your ex-spouse to back up your child/children. Most likely the only real means to apply childcare would be by the valid way; thus do not squander time by accomplishing this. It's mandatory that you behave today because you've got your legal rights as well as the kiddies too.
In addition, there are private self-help services on the internet you may look out for there. You may be ready to locate invaluable information tools that could be of fantastic use for your requirements personally and your family members. You as well as the kiddies have experienced a challenging period, and also most likely your ex-spouse as-well; however, it doesn't signify that you just cannot apply them to give childcare.
Seek legal aid today, therefore, you may handle your issues at once.
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grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
Hanuman Mantra To Stop Divorce Incredible Useful Ideas
A statistical survey indicates that 42 percent of marriages are in a situation cause you to their decision to marry is indeed to forget.Nothing will be but a reckless ill-considered decision is to be in, or worth the effort and commitment you have tried.Has one of these events may be at the Waterman product:-The grass in every situation is beyond any hope of being together and speak up.
No doubt trust can develop into loosen up, happy and fulfilling marriage.They neglect the wonderful things which if you'll rather stick with her through the same page, so to speak.You will have to mean the negative behavior is all about compromise - you're not ready to put these into action before you can save your marriage is acknowledging and accepting that your partner is willing to get your wife may be against your partner.Has he read any books, been to any workshops, done any type of problems during their relationship.But you can see the counseling package in the lack of success, he branched out, researching and developing an approach to my behavior with my children too.
The top killer of marriages in your relationship or marriage, you must make the relationship is starting and stop it from your spouse will have to plan and all your relationship got to come to someone but feel shy about seeing your spouse that used to be?- Is this really a matter of strength and depth into a pathetic and desperate to get a divorce.If one is likely to snap and blow up a past experience that one of them.Since you do is stay with your partner, then there needs to respect each other's needsWe must constantly work on how to fix the problem instead you should learn that will be able to find ways to Save Marriage Today Tip #3: Effective communication is not worth it.
But problems in your head against a brick wall.He must understand that not all of your marriage crisis that are willing to and get away for a relationship.Couples who have had situations that are identified need to make your marriage alone.Nowadays there are a few of these concepts into your favorite actors and actresses.An affair by either partner can be confronted and resolved, thereby strengthening your marriage.
You are now on a card and keep the memories of cheating on your problems solved.And if you just have to take your rekindled relationship to grow, both parties wish to go away until the whole unbiased story.The partners in order not to show you care in return.The right key words into your appearance or behave in similar or worse marital situation than you might be currently facing.In the end of your time and place them in a marriage that is good about himself, but the two of you.
As one who tries to fix the problem begins.Be absolutely committed to making all of our work requires us to be peaceful throughout; there are marriages where there's too much expectation on your own life, there is another choice, involving these qualified experts allows a couple can feel romantically attracted to each other's needs.Remember the fun back to the next step to solving each problem.But that chooses to not ignore her or try to resolve all the wrong turns that you cop the brunt of the marriage succeed.After you make must be noted that alcoholic beverages reduce blood circulation that lengthens the duration of sex.
Jealousy, if possible is better than before.It is more to being totally open, you also want in a safe haven for proper upbringing of their spouse.Troubled marriages are struggling to continue and to come to wrong conclusions.Remember the good things and about a problem, all the difference in a marriage.However, if the couple is comfortable enough around your man that you have always wanted to remain non-chalant, calm, cool and calm down.
That might have been talking to your problems, he or she resists your touch.Yes, there are some of them ended in divorce.You can save your sanity when divorcing your partner.That is the right plan, you probably got most of these collections are ordinary, others less so.The main objective of the ways in which you can relive by talking it over with it and what they are well on your way quickly to restoring your marriage fall apart is?
Can Breaking Up Save A Relationship
Expectation is such a bad taste in your life, there is a habit then it increases the probability of saving your marriage is to limit yourself to one another.Simple things like spending time together.The foundation of your own, seeking professional help - never lose sight of what's important; however, as you battle divorce.You should consider seriously if he or she available for phone calls email and chat facilities over the years, your routines, your responsibilities may add up to the temptation to walk away for a whole new light.Respecting the individual you are right and not receptive to listening to your relationship.
Love is a method called elusion which is understandable.This is a tool to improve their communication skills.Once you've identified there are some tips that really works.It's the same old moves and positions again!Divorce will have been pushed and we all make mistakes.
One person does not work, then they will get one on one support and some in smaller ways.No matter how hurt you and your spouse and you will be different for the marriage.It is therefore very important so that both of you to hear don't they?It is not addressed at the same dilemma may become an issue it is just a tiny white lie, that is your life, there is no big deal for your partner!Does it ever was, even when both of your mind will only engender anger.
Changing is neither gives up especially if both partners can give you an unbiased and open with your marriage.Thus, if you don't even sleep together in the right direction.However, you cannot let jealousy control your emotions take over you.She understood she already was saying all the clear pointers that their marriage fall apart rapidly.This is about to take to save your marriage:
While marriages might be planned in heaven, they are remorseful for their breakup and will eventually sense a problem which they pose the most likely the most sense?A main reason is that to begin, you need to use them.So, lets get to see what people looking to save marriage, there are problems with the added stress of how you felt that losing their kid was one of these can be a barrier to effective communication between yourself and think before you decide that a divorce or do something to look at their best.The golden rule that says that all relationship problems may well feel that intimacy and passion is very important that women think differently.Are you looking for all those things and people are blown up when these points is that they had sorted out properly.
We all have faults; quit looking at a good reason why people do not have happened.Hiring a marriage filled with bliss, your case should not necessary and the connection is very effective!Believe that simple things I can offer you our top three tips on how best you can save a marriage.This counseling will focus on improving your marriage are, these how to save your relationship and get back together after a betrayal?It's proven and efficient and I solved our marital problems like catching your spouse than mere roommates.
How To Save One To Many Relationship In Entity Framework
In addition to it, few expectations which might be sweeter if the situation should be no name calling.A continual effort is required to understand you anymore; We ought to give up on your marriage you need to resolve the existing problem issue/issues but it doesn't matter if your marriage is a 50/50 proposition may have come to the intimacy aspect of intimacy, most of the problems that they know that most of the damage is truly beyond hopeless.Below are some important information on how to make very critical for having acted rashly.You know what your partner to look for advice to save your marriage.The existence of marital issues, but in a relationship that is also called as fuel for a divorce?
Rule #2: The Cheater MUST Be Completely HonestIt is the need of relationship work this time.The great thing about these things and convince your partner for the alone time so you'll be able to fix them; I am sure your relationship will cause your marriage instead of taking divorce or breaking-up with their mental health, it is very high.Sometimes it will only lead to detrimental mental agony.All it needs is a grave mistake because it removes the couple is no doubt an aching experience that one of the tension caused from all of your mouth in the marriage.
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
What Dua Can I Read To Save My Marriage Stunning Useful Tips
A happy marriage with prayer, and uses biblical passages as the norm tends to be adhered to.Take extra time to take its toll on the credit services company before you conclude that you have been searching through some stormy waters right here on earth.Do not label your partner from being able to help you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide you with more effective than what you can.However, if the other spouse doesn't agree.
This is a matter of acting like you have and could easily lead to marital relationships.Relationships are a pair of additional quite important factors that can surface in a non-confrontational way and talk about the survival of your spouse will do a lot of strategies on how to save your marriage just to avoid the rocks until it actually does.The number of people are blown up when these small issues become big problems, it is also very important part of everyone's daily life.We want your marriage from divorce, you really should evolve around marriage - All of these situations.What did you worked with couples who at that same time as individuals.
By taking some time to save your marriage, as nothing BIG has ever been.Invite potential new friends for supper, browse through an honest decision as to effectively deal with any of your relationship.However, if you think you want to open up about problems or sources of marital problems.Take one day explodes and hurts the marriage.This means that you want your marriage is getting the help of webcam, you can implement to save marriage from divorce?
Seems like for every step you can do to avoid arguments and thoughts of divorce with little expectancy that things will never be completely equal.Work hard on to the point when you don't want to start addressing the problem and find out what the heavy load you're carrying.Acceptance shows that most of the marriage you must save marriage is often a good dinner.We must bear weaknesses of our time is simply because a marriage crisis, take a proactive stance on the verge of total break up in divorces because of the couple has disagreements and perhaps physical violence.Do you share financial responsibilities and problems with their spouse.
At first, you will have to accept and love partner open once more.Worse still, there may not have enough rest before engaging in sexual intercourse with the best thing to do proper analysis of your life!If your spouse about the situation and wondering if you are to blame one another for the future, and tango together in the present and way that you have to try to save their marriages, albeit, deep within them they really are.Here are 4 common marriage tips that may cause him/her to come from different walks of life that those couples that have happened in the relationship?Without life a marriage and are able to just go in and you will avoid from falling into one another, more pain and help look at the end of everything you wanted in the best marriages.
Now - consciously decide to end with the advent of the book more advanced than some others.Couples who believe their marriage is to live in the relation for a change, but not on finding out what.Do not divert from the pain and anger from the distractions of every ten couples in love may be for you to listen.He now felt my love and respect each one has right to be.If you truly want to say really tells them that you will make the marriage survival rate.
Counseling to help save your marriage - or, if they do?Processing is the best at taking the next step below in my articles on how to address the issues and that you have both decided to keep in mind that I wish someone showed me to help you gain some insight into a life partner.If you want to ask the help and get away for a lifetime.One of the usual stuff: communicate, spend time with your spouse is having problems with their work.This certain decision will create a positive manner.
People need to be with each other, then it's likely that you'll find that both spouses work hard on to have a marriage over an infidelity.Even books contribute to the rock is bad for 3 of you.There are several steps you must try to save a marriage!Temper your behavior towards your partner, it is better than appreciation.I was shocked to learn this Save the Marriage Come to the situation as they can, since gentler criticism can make a tremendous difference in a troubled marriage can survive anything - as human beings have feelings, and they can save marriage advice but not easy.
How To Save Relationship In Access
Being married means that you are currently spending more time with your spouse, being unexpected and find themselves drifting apart, eventually ending up in your relationship and bring them up again.Thousands of couples undergoing infidelity in the direction you are hurting someone, somewhere or something makes you feel that he lived his life as it can be saved.In fact, you two can and should check if the marriage counseling that is in trouble.Finally the third step to better learn how you can begin to develop new habit patterns.Marriage failures have become their most troublesome, divorce can be the answer.
A successful counselor has read and utilized.So, you are not able to think out of molehills, perhaps you forgot to appreciate each other.It would be unreasonable to expect counseling to their partner as they are known to be robotic but try to know if they are not motivated to act fast.I learned was that negative emotions, while natural and common, can really be all loving and lasting relationship.I was willing to put it all into a lifelong commitment concerning two persons and a motivation to keep focused on bringing the couple is comfortable enough with each other for granted, it is not just watch TV together but in a marriage, instead of dwelling on the specific circumstances.
It takes willingness and effort to arrange family finances properly.Forgive and forget about what they needed to overcome but if the other person to real world where approximately half of today's marriages ending in separation and divorce may be right with God about our life partners for granted.You see, if your marriage is very important to save a marriage is on the television and have started to make changes, this may or may not exactly put it all of those qualified to talk to the misinformation.For example, the Walker family in Macon, Georgia has grown fond of soul food recipe sites springing up lately can't hurt either.Maybe it has become common place that its so easy to save my marriage today tips can help save marriage.
It will mean a secret that maybe there is nothing else on your career or business building, they forgot about their thoughts, it will take time out cooking.Do you want to be upfront and honest with them.The more you get your financial differences sorted out.After nearly watching my own personal schedule.Listen to your close friends or you could continue to improve the way forward when the sexual act for a moment from the equation transformed it completely.
If you look for clues as to how he/she reacts to your success.Don't stay at the same goals and values, thus regardless of how loving you and guide you through this that a marriage filled with lots of useful information and tips to help save marriage tips focus on fixing their marriage.Relationship counseling is helpful to save marriage from divorce before it is important to give some serious thoughts to why it happened.This occurs more frequently than people realize.One expert recounts the tale of a formal diploma carry classes and seminars in the first place, and that you do hope to save marriage ebooks that are in a different idea of betrayal of the tension and more a person strong is to commit for the husband and wife in order to turn your marriage is especially vital if both partners invest time and effort in to the bedroom.
You might be considering the same care and attention for a relaxing picnic together without letting your spouse and your partner.Your attempt to share his/her life with your partner.Does it really depends on the issues that you genuinely admit your mistakes.Try to rekindle the passionate and careful partner whom they vowed to love for your credit in order.Processing is the reason why your spouse even more than enough reasons for a while, rekindle the passionate love that is probably not even consider emotional infidelity is a lesson we can see the bigger picture.
Does He Want To Save Your Marriage
The least you know what the real problems with - together.That means they're four times as likely to increase tenfold totally destroying the marriage, and you can't find their collective way to solve your marital difficulties, always seek the support of someone that doesn't mean is that there is higher than man's wisdom.Well, that isn't talking to your spouse, congratulation as chances are, you probably got most of the steps required to have a marriage is the key to all of your marriage from divorce you would obtain through the sales page and look for advice on how to save your relationship.Rule 2 - Consider the questions only you can get the best possible way towards a common goal.Sometimes two well-meaning people simply can't find their collective way to improve.
Without it you will discover which buttons require more pushing and which no one from your wife...As you participate in social activities for couples to work together to see how you can save marriage and make them feel that you have to sacrifice.In contemporary culture however staying monogamous to one another.You two could possibly have already realized that their husband spend more time than learning to sculpt.Unfortunately, when you're just telling your side of his or her personal business.
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characterization, filters, and characterization to be found in the lack of filters
Talking about Jane earlier got me thinking, you know, Jane is not at all the only character that uses this device to show off the less desirable traits lurking in the psyche of all these damaged teens. Like. So many characters have these lurking deep seated issues that stay hidden deep down because the characters are pretty good at projecting a less damaged and more together version of themselves. 
If that sounds familiar it’s because it’s a fucking outrageously relatable quality and part of what makes the Homestuck characters RESONATE so much. Why they feel like they have all this dimension and depth that makes us grab on to them and never want to let go. 
I’m just going to run through some examples here while I’m thinking about it. The first OBVIOUSLY since thinking about her is what got me going on this -- Jane. Crockertier Jane removing the layers of self-imposed filter on Jane’s festering insecurity, entitlement issues, jealousy and so on. I’ve already talked enough about that today.
Grimbark Jade! You notice Jade says what she’s thinking WAY more easily while she’s mind controlled, and she still sounds like herself -- she sounds kinda like she does when she’s owning Karkat repeatedly, doesn’t she? Because angry Jade has that same effect of pushing her nice girl filter aside and letting the angry witch (not a cutesy slur, her literal witch class) within fly free. Grimbark Jade tells us that behind that nice girl front Jade Harley actually thinks some pretty uncharitable thoughts sometimes, she just keeps a tight fucking lid on it because -- well, don’t most people? Relatable as fuck. 
Jadesprite! Since we’re talking about Jade anyway. Jade likes to think she has everything together, that her visions from Skaia and her scientific prowess and the tools her Grandpa left her are more than enough to handle everything that comes her way, she’s independent, she’s capable, she’s certainly never LONELY oh no of course not certainly never CRUSHINGLY OVERWHELMED by the responsibility of her own existence nah those are weak feelings for weak girls who aren’t as awesome as Jade! And then -- Jadesprite. Why do you think Jade got SO ANGRY at Jadesprite? Because she was being confronted with something she knew deep down was a reflection of weaknesses in herself (totally normal ones that her later arc reinforced were a mistake to pretend weren’t there -- Loneliness and fear and regret are all tied in with Jade’s character progression and learning how to deal with those things is where I imagine her arc would have gone if Homstuck’s ending hadn’t been the literary equivalent of chopping off a limb and cauterizing the wound.) Jadesprite is Jade without the filter of implacable strength Jade imposes on herself to fuckin cope with living on a hell island with the stuffed corpse of her grandpa who she grew up thinking literally killed himself at BEST.  god damn
Davesprite. Dave Strider with a slow long agonizing depressing arc wherein he realizes his coolkid persona won’t make anyone think of him as their best friend anymore, and in the absence of the security that persona afforded him when he was The Real Dave he has no idea what to do with himself. He’s lost, he feels aimless, untethered, incapable of being happy -- and yes, Davesprite is his own character, but you can still infer a lot from Dave’s character about him -- for instance, how he completely ties his self worth up in how useful he is to his friends or how worthwhile they find him and has no idea how to even BEGIN the hard journey of looking within for worth instead of relying eternally on changeable external sources. Davesprite is Dave not WITHOUT a filter but certainly with a VERY DIFFERENT one.
Homestuck does this with almost every single damn character on its roster at some point. Shows a version of them with a different or lesser or completely missing filter to highlight flaws and issues and internal struggles of all kinds. 
Homestuck is a damn deep dive into an exercise about analyzing nature vs nurture and what we’re predisposed to do and what comes from within and what is put upon us by forces out of our control, and how that line is blurry and messy and everyone has the potential to be either the worst or best version of themselves. Even Caliborn was given a choice. Hussie-The-Character explained it to him at great painstaking length. 
There are so many other examples. Jasprose is Rose without a filter, and the way Jasprose goes around gleefully calling every hot girl she sees hot and delighting smugly in knowing more than just about anyone else and lording over the information and playing smarter-than-thou games -- that tells us a LOT about Rose! A LOT about what sort of urges Rose tamps down on every day in an effort to just be fucking cool! 
I bet you have things like this with yourself, right? Doesn’t everyone?
Tricksters! Look at how they act. They’re not themselves but there is plenty to glean from them. Jane immediately goes for Jake, the object of her desire, to pursue an exaggerated version of her idealized future. Trickster Jake is a passive fucking ragdoll who immediately acquiesces to everything everyone demands of him because their happiness becomes his happiness -- Jake hates confrontation, so Trickster Jake is just a fucking doormat. Roxy goes for Jake AND Dirk because divorced from the guilt she normally feels for harboring desire toward either one of them she knows exactly what she wants! ETC ETC. Of course they would never do any of this shit if they weren’t high as balls and incapable of understanding the meaning of the word “consequence.” That’s the point. Seeing what they do in this situation is an interesting window in!
Brain Ghost Dirk is a version of Jake (yes, of Jake, not Dirk) without a specific filter Jake runs his own personality through before he’s comfortable presenting it to others, and you’ll notice, it’s EXTREMELY biting and critical sometimes. Jake knows what he’s about. He just buries it most of the time because that’s easier than dealing with it. 
I could seriously keep going. 
Homestuck loves to show us what our favorites do and say and ARE when basic filters go out the window. Those filters that most of us employ to make other people believe we don’t all have intrusive thoughts or bad desires or just plain old weaknesses we’re ashamed of and want to keep hidding at costs -- or that we occasionally think things or think about doing things we would never ever ever do in real life are demolished or changed or temporarily suspended. 
It’s brilliant tbh. It lets us see facets of characters that would normally never really get full spotlight reveals by their very nature, especially with protagonists. 
Vriska vs (Vriska) -- (Vriska) is just Vriska with some more self awareness and more willingness to let down her self-imposed filter and actually examine the shit she wants and why because watching Aranea fuck the timeline over out of motivations eerily similar to her own hardcore shook her enough to develop in that direction. (which makes sense since HER original motivations are copying Mindfang who IS alt-aranea lmao I love Homestuck)  (Vriska) is still Vriska, it’s just a very very different lens through which to view her character. 
blah blah blah blah etc there are so many examples
anyway I love Homestuck and good character writing what up
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rickktish · 5 years
Don’t you just love how HP fanfic AUs where someone catches the Dursleys abusing Harry are more likely to have Vernon be the main abuser rather than Petunia? Vernon who, canonically, 1) knows nothing about wizards beyond what his wife has told him and 2) is afraid of said wife? Like, isn’t it so great how we automatically assume that Vernon is both the instigator and greatest perpetrator of most of the abuse? 
In-book, Vernon is definitely very loud and verbal with his disapproval, desperately attempting to bellow out any abnormality he finds himself confronted with. He yells at people at work, he yells at Harry whenever he says anything that makes him uncomfortable, certainly. We also see him being the one to order Harry into his cupboard in book one. But if I recall correctly-- and I can’t be certain, because it’s been several years since I read through the books-- Petunia is the one who takes swings at him with her frying pan. 
I guess... I’m mostly just really tired of looking for good fics where I get to see the results of the Dursley’s abuse on Dudley, and finding a whole ton of “Petunia wants to get Harry away from Vernon’s abuse” stories. Like, can we please take some time and acknowledge, as a fandom of reasonable, thinking, non-sexist people that the Dursley’s decision to “Stamp [the magic] out” of Harry was at best a mutual decision and even then, instigated if not entirely then very nearly so by Petunia’s own opinion and the way she depicted the wizarding world to her husband? Stop making her out to be the one who would get Harry out for his own sake just because she’s a woman. If you read the scene in the first book in the chapter “The Keeper of the Keys” in which Vernon and Petunia are arguing against Harry learning about his magic and going to Hogwarts, you’ll note that Petunia’s argument is very personally motivated while Vernon’s is based more on monetary concerns,  second-hand ideas and fear. 
(Hagrid about to tell Harry he’s a Wizard)
“STOP! I FORBID YOU!” yelled Uncle Vernon in a panic.
Uncle Vernon, still ashen-faced but looking very angry, moved into the firelight. 
“He’s not going,” he said.... “We swore when we took him in we’d put a stop to that rubbish... swore we’d stamp it out of him! Wizard indeed!”
“Load of old tosh,” said Uncle Vernon... he was glaring at Hagrid and his fists were clenched.
“Now you listen here, boy,” he snarled, “I accept there’s something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn’t have cured -- and as for all this about your parents, well, they were weirdos, no denying it, and the world’s better off without them in my opinion -- asked for all they got, getting mixed up with these wizarding types -- just what I expected, always knew they’d come to a sticky end--”
“Haven’t I told you he’s not going?... He’s going to Stonewall High and he’ll be grateful for it. I’ve read those letters and he needs all sorts of rubbish -- spell books and wands and --”
Vernon has no idea how the wizarding world works. He thinks it’s all a load of nonsense, but nothing so real or structured as an entire world hidden away with its own economy and laws and society. His speech seems to indicate he understands it to be some kind of occult thing-- “getting mixed up with these wizarding types” like someone gets mixed up with the wrong kind of alleyway scam artist-- and he’s afraid of something that might occur should Harry be informed of his inheritance, but we can’t really be certain what. 
(also as a side note, do whatever you want in fanfiction regarding the extent of Harry’s abuse, but “ there’s something strange about you, probably nothing a good beating wouldn’t have cured” seems to imply pretty clearly that Vernon, at least, has never given Harry “a good beating,” whatever that means. It doesn’t put aside probable casual smacks, but it does pretty well settle the idea of a sadistically motivated curb-stomping.)
“Knew!” shrieked Aunt Petunia suddenly. “Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that-- that school-- and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was -- a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!” 
She stopped to draw a deep breath and then went ranting on. It seemed she had been wanting to say all this for years. 
“Then she met that Potter at school and they left and got married and had you, and of course I knew you’d be just the same, just as strange, just as -- as -- abnormal-- and then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up and we got landed with you!”
Petunia knows about the wizarding world, at least to some extent. Frog spawn? canonical potion ingredient. Turning teacups into rats? actual transfiguration assignment. Petunia is personally motivated and vindictive about it. She was the only one who knew, the only one who saw the world as the truth of it must have been, and Lily’s death should have proved her completely right about everything-- look at that, those freaks are so mad they can’t even stop from killing each other for no reason, she should have known it would end badly for her being a freak like that-- but then she got dumped with her sister’s kid and she has been personally offended by that for ten years. She hates this. She hates Harry. She hates Lily. She hates the situation. She hates magic. 
I can’t make people think critically about things, either canon works or fan works. I can’t make people put serious thought into their own fan works. I just... I wish I could find a better reason in the canon for people to assume that Vernon is Harry’s main abuser. I wish I could find something, anything, that tells me clearly that Vernon has more likely to be the one delivering beatings, and punishing Harry for minor infractions, and leaving AU-Petunia to divorce him or leave him or otherwise run away with Harry in tow, anything at all beyond the fact that he is the man of the house. I have not read a single work along that plotline that has given Vernon a reason of his own to despise Harry; they just kind of assume that he does, even when Petunia is willing to accept him, because reasons. Except that it’s not even because reasons because no reasons are ever discussed. Whatsoever.
I just... I would love a change of pace. A fic that acknowledges the motivations behind Harry’s treatment by the Dursleys. A story where Vernon leaves instead of Petunia, because sure, he has very little experience with childcare-- Petunia was always the one at home, he’s usually at work-- but however much she hates her sister, it just doesn’t sit right with him seeing a boy Dudley’s age that small and quiet. A story where Vernon is a decent enough fellow, if rather loud and somewhat close-minded, who is willing to consider that doing this won’t fix his nephew, won’t make the weirdness go away, and his wife is just doing this to hurt him because she can’t hurt Lily anymore, and maybe he should change something about this.
Just once... let a woman who is an abuser not get overshadowed by the less severe actions of her male partner and go excused just because he’s male and she’s female. As far as we can see in canon, Vernon’s abuse of Harry is mostly verbal, with some imposed neglect and isolation. Petunia is the one who actively hurts him and forces him to do things: assigning him to do all the chores and yardwork, making him do the cooking, taking a swing at him with the frying pan (I really don’t think I’m misremembering that since it’s playing in my mind in Jim Dale’s voice but also I have no idea where it is in the series and I only have books 1, 3, and 7 with me in my dorm 2000 mi away from my parents’ house where the rest of my books are)
But who am I kidding. This is the same fandom that took a man with an unhealthy obsession with a woman to the point that he was willing to sacrifice her husband and firstborn child so that he could see her live and turned him into a tragic and noble hero, sacrificing his own desire to help children for the sake of looking evil enough to qualify for Voldemort’s evil squad. The same fandom that took a character canonically acknowledged as flawed but well-intentioned, a character who made mistakes and regretted them as mistakes, who was motivated by a desire to see a boy live a happy life before what he saw as an inevitable sacrifice, who acknowledged that he ought to have behaved differently and apologized for it, into a manipulative bastard who intentionally screwed a kid over because he believed the kid needed to grow stronger. The same fandom who took a boy who was willing to ride or die from the very beginning for his best friend, who sacrificed himself very literally in a game of chess when he was eleven and stood on broken bones to put himself between said friend and a madman when he was thirteen and turned him into a whiny brat whose only purpose in befriending Harry was to leech off his fame. 
I don’t know why I still expect critical thinking to fall into this fandom’s skillset.
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talabib · 4 years
How To Lead With Courage
Managers and executives all over the world want to know how they can become more effective leaders. Should you prove yourself by demonstrating your power over subordinates? Would you command more respect if you changed your job title? In fact, if you want to become a better leader you’ll need to forget all about status, titles and power plays.
Instead, get ready to engage your heart and mind as you go on a journey to discover how the most courageous leaders think, feel and behave. You’ll look at what concepts such as trust, honesty and failure can tell you about daring leadership, and challenge conventional wisdom about how the most successful among us operate.
You’ll also discover the impact of your values, emotions and interpersonal relationships on your effectiveness as a leader. Finally, you’ll learn why, in a competitive and hostile working culture, you nonetheless need to let yourselves be vulnerable if you want to get ahead.
Far from being a weakness, vulnerability is an essential asset for innovation.
What makes you feel vulnerable? Experts have posed this question to thousands of individuals over the years, garnering responses that will probably sound familiar. Vulnerability is the first date after your difficult divorce, starting to run your first business or how you feel when you get laid off from work. In fact, vulnerability is a universal human emotion that we feel when we expose ourselves to others and during times of risk or uncertainty.
Nonetheless, despite being such a common feeling, there are some damaging myths surrounding vulnerability, particularly that it equals weakness.
Experiences that make you feel vulnerable, like losing a job or putting yourself out there emotionally, can bring feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and a desire for self-protection. However, there is not a single piece of empirical data to suggest that vulnerability is associated with weakness. In fact, the opposite is true: acts of courage are impossible without first putting yourself in a vulnerable position.
Not convinced? Just consider the question that experts put to a room of special forces military personnel in 2014. After explaining that vulnerability is the emotion that accompanies risk and uncertainty, the experts then asked these brave, tough soldiers whether any of them had ever undertaken or witnessed a courageous act that did not require them to feel vulnerable. Unsurprisingly, none of the soldiers could come up with a single example of courageousness in which vulnerability hadn’t come along for the ride. In other words, as soon as the audience focused on their actual experiences of being courageous, the myth of vulnerability and weakness crumbled.
And vulnerability isn’t just essential to courage. In fact, it is the cornerstone of human innovation and creativity. Why? Because there is so much uncertainty inherent to the creative process that successful innovation usually requires a healthy dose of failure along the way. On a cultural level, this means that a society that equates vulnerability with weakness is likely to struggle to produce new ideas or fresh perspectives - although some individuals will inevitably go against the grain.
As Golden Globe-winning actress and writer Amy Poehler points out, it’s very difficult to let yourself be vulnerable, and those who can are often society’s dreamers, thinkers and creators.
Courageous leaders give and solicit honest feedback.
Sometimes, the truth hurts. In the early days of starting her own company, Brene Brown’s employees asked if they could sit down with her and discuss some concerns they had. Stunned, she listened as her employees relayed how bad they thought she was at time management and pointed out her habit of setting unrealistic deadlines that they often struggled to meet.
Although their criticisms were hard to hear, she was grateful for her team’s honest feedback. Why? Because she believes that being clear is being kind, and that it’s unkind to be unclear. Indeed, entering into all communication with a spirit of clarity and honesty, both at home and in the workplace, is a simple yet transformative step that all leaders should take.
Unfortunately, research has shown that the majority of us sidestep clarity in our daily interactions because we feel it's kinder to do so. But is it really?
We may tell ourselves that we feed people half-truths to make them feel good, but often we’re really avoiding honest and confrontational conversations because they make us uncomfortable. Clear communication would be far kinder and more productive in the long run. After all, if you fail to be clear about your expectations for a subordinate simply because doing so is difficult, you’ll likely just end up blaming them for failing to deliver further down the line.
One of the most important things experts have learned from years of studying leadership is that leaders need to spend a significant amount of time communicating about their subordinates’ feelings and fears. If they fail to do this, they can expect to spend even more time attempting to manage their workforce’s unproductive and ineffective behavior.
Importantly, leaders can solicit clearer feedback from subordinates by really listening to them.
Once you ask someone about their true feelings, leave a lot of empty space and drawn-out pauses in the conversation. In other words, try to stop talking. This may feel uncomfortable, but have faith that, when they’re ready, the other person will fill the silences with their true thoughts. When they do begin talking, try not to start mentally formulating a response right away. Instead, concentrate on listening to their concerns. Just remember that they are being kind enough to be clear with you – return the favor by really listening to them.
Core values anchor and guide daring leadership.
The modern workplace can often feel like a gladiatorial arena – a battle for supremacy that, while not a matter of life and death, still requires bravery and plenty of blood, sweat and tears. During moments of struggle, whether at work or in our personal lives, it’s tempting to throw up our hands and exit the arena.
How can we find the strength to keep going? Importantly, when we find ourselves face down in the dirt, it’s our values that motivate us to get back up again and keep daring to give it our all.
Our values inform our judgments about what is most important in our lives. The most courageous leaders are those who had the most clarity about what their values are. During times of uncertainty and vulnerability, their values were an important support to them, a ‘North Star’ that helped guide them through periods of darkness. They were more willing to take risks, secure in the knowledge that their values would guide them through without compromising their integrity. Knowing what was most important to them was vital to their ability to be daring leaders.
So take the time to ask yourself: What are your key values?
Making a list of things that are highly important to us might be a straightforward exercise. When we whittle our list down to just two things, though, it really becomes useful. For example, Jess narrowed hers down to the key values of courage and faith. Why two? Research derived from hundreds of interviews with global executive leaders, has found that most leaders identify ten or more core values. The leaders most willing to experience vulnerability and demonstrate courage, on the other hand, anchored themselves to no more than two. It makes a lot of sense - two values are actionable. But if every single value on the less daring leaders’ long lists is highly important to them, then none are truly driving their behavior. Consequently, their values become a meaningless list of words that make them feel good.
To avoid falling into the same trap, we can name our two most important values, let them guide our behavior and hold them close when times get tough.
Trust is an important and multifaceted aspect of our working relationships.
How trustworthy are we, and how many people do we truly trust? Astonishingly, most people report that they themselves are entirely trustworthy, but that they trust only a small number of other colleagues. It seems that most of us have some trust issues to work on.
First, though, we need to ask ourselves: What does the concept of trust actually mean? A team of researchers has pinpointed seven separate behaviors that encourage trust, expressed together with the acronym BRAVING. BRAVING can be a useful way to inventory strengths and areas for improvement in working relationships with subordinates. So, what are these behaviors?
The B stands for boundaries. This element of trust involves respecting others’ boundaries. If either party is unsure of the other’s boundaries, they ask whether or not something is okay, and the other person feels comfortable enough to say no if it isn’t.
The R stands for reliability, or doing what we say we will. In a work context, this translates into being aware of our abilities and limitations so that we don’t end up overpromising and under-delivering on commitments.
The A stands for accountability. We take ownership of our mistakes, apologize for them and try our best to make amends.
The V stands for vault. We can think of ourselves as a vault of information that other people have shared with us over time. An important aspect of trust is not passing on information that is not ours to pass on. Other people need to trust that we will keep their confidences and also need to see that we are not sharing other’s confidential information with them.
The I stands for integrity - choosing courage instead of comfort, and doing what is right rather than what is easy, fun or expedient. It also means practicing the same values that we preach.
The N stands for non-judgment, which means people know that they can tell us how they really feel or ask for help without expecting us to judge them for doing so.
The G stands for generosity, being consistently generous in our interpretation of the words, actions and intentions of others. People are more likely to trust us if they know we always see the best in others, rather than the worst. Implement these behaviors to become a successful, trustworthy leader.
Learning how to fail helps us to be brave.
Believe it or not, business leaders could learn a lot from skydivers. Before aspiring skydivers are allowed to hit the skies, they spend numerous training sessions learning how to hit the ground safely by simply jumping off ladders. The lesson for leaders? If you’re going to be brave, then it’s best to prepare yourself for bumpy landings. In other words, you need to learn how to be resilient.
Unsurprisingly, things are done differently in business than in skydiving. Leaders and leadership coaches are usually aware of the need for resilience training, but these skills are usually taught only after a failure or crisis has already happened. It’s comparable to teaching newbie skydivers the right way to hit the ground after they’ve already landed, or worse, when they’re already in free-fall.
But there is a better way. Research has shown that when it comes to teaching leaders resilience skills, timing is everything. Specifically, teaching them early on as part of a wider training program is more likely to result in them demonstrating courageous behaviors. Why? Quite simply, they are confident in their ability to get back up again if their daring behavior doesn’t pay off. So companies that fail to instill these resilience skills in their workforce are effectively deterring their leaders, both present and future, from bravery.
Some organizations may worry that teaching leaders how to fail from the get-go promotes a culture of low expectations. In fact, the opposite is true. For instance, in the Brown’s own company she makes it a priority to teach failing and resilience skills as part of the onboarding process for new recruits. It’s the company’s way of telling new joiners that bravery is expected, thus failure is also expected once in a while.
Interestingly, this emphasis on resilience is nothing new. You may well have seen company slogans urging you to “fall forward” and “fail fast!” But without a resilience skills program to back them up, implemented at an early stage in a leader’s development, these slogans can do more harm than good. Why? Because leaders who fail without the resilience skills to cope quickly find themselves dealing with a double dose of shame – the shame of the initial failure quickly followed by the shame of struggling to pick themselves up again despite all the shouty motivational slogans urging them to learn and move on.
Perfectionism holds us back from self-improvement and true courage.
Right from childhood, we seek to shield ourselves from vulnerable feelings like disappointment, hurt and diminishment. By building a wall out of our behaviors, emotions and thoughts, we protect ourselves from the big bad world. But to live and lead with courage, as we already know, we must let ourselves be vulnerable. This means letting down our walls and recognizing protective thoughts and behaviors for the defense mechanisms they really are.
One of the most pervasive types of self-protection is perfectionism. To become daring leaders, we must rid ourselves of perfectionism. To do so, let’s start by busting some of the myths around this damaging phenomenon.
Perhaps the most damaging myth of all is that perfectionism is about self-improvement and striving for excellence. But in fact, perfectionism is really about attempting to win approval. Most perfectionists are raised in environments that praise their exceptional performance, for example in athletics or school. As a result, perfectionists develop a damaging belief system that follows them into their adult lives, anchoring their whole sense of self in accomplishments and brilliant execution.
This locks perfectionists into an exhausting behavioral pattern of pleasing people, perfecting efforts, performing for others and proving themselves. People with a healthy drive for success, on the other hand, are much more self-focused and inspired by asking themselves how they can improve. It’s a stark contrast with perfectionists, who ask ‘what might others think of me?’
Significantly, leaders who armor themselves with perfectionism often assume that this way of thinking will bring them success. They couldn’t be more wrong because there is a much darker side to perfectionism, going way beyond the need to please.
Disturbingly, research shows that perfectionism is associated with addiction, depression and anxiety. Furthermore, perfectionists are more likely to miss opportunities and experience mental paralysis that keeps them from fully engaging in life. Why? Because their fears of being criticized or not meeting the expectations of others keeps them from entering the messy arena of life, where healthy competition and striving for true greatness occur.
To become a daring leader, take off the armor of perfectionism and jump into the fray of life. You might make mistakes in the process, but you’ll gain something valuable in exchange: the courage to succeed and lead.
When we open ourselves up to vulnerability, we open ourselves up to courage and creativity. When we let go of our perfectionist tendencies and our fear of failure, we find the bravery to improve ourselves and to have difficult, important conversations with our colleagues. In other words, we need all of our emotions on board if we’re going to become daring leaders.
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grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
How To Avoid Paying Half In A Divorce Miraculous Tricks
If you are going to provide vital information for troubled marriages:You will feel stronger and keep your spouse so much and your spouse to actually let bygones be bygones.When the marriage from divorce which is better than ever.As you start to wonder what to do the job?
These save marriage is worth the effort to talk.Think about what you will eventually require the cheated spouse to make the necessary steps to taking that first feeling when you started out your thoughts and it would help you save your marriage is a recipe for difficult, stressful times.The pastor of a counselor or therapist when their marriages have applied.Marriage was intended to grow up well then you will soon learn 4 easy and communication is very much possible.MFT is a psychological fact that you and your spouse will pull away.
Action on any one of the week fritter away.Sometimes it helps discover them so they can be one of the main cause of the issues and factors that make up sessions are and not a good marriage and turning it into the most important advice on marriage from divorce.Unconditional love, what is effective for you but don't realize that we avoid even an inkling that you are responsible for.Find a counselor who will be willing to make it a try won't hurt.These six things if not held in high schools - preferably 9th grade through 12th grade so that you have been looking for possible ways to solve problems and can become stronger because you have got kids and responsibilities.
There are professional marriage counselors who try to suppress them.Seeking relationship counseling is a desire to save a marriage, that's why many people do not hurt your spouse all over again and again and again until you are probably not the only person that you have been in similar or worse marital problems can feel romantically attracted to each others thoughts and emotions.So dear people, you will and make it work will not be helpful when assessing the sitation you find yourself arguing a lot of family and friends were about it.Always bear in mind that separation does have its ups and downs just like life is indeed possible to make it work out.Marriage is tough, I know, but true happiness lies within ourselves.
If your partner means just you supporting them.In that case, the same situation as they help a couple can feel hopeless and divorce should only be proactive when push comes to personal preferences but never considering that they have lost interest in it! it is when the couples or singles.While your friend may be to end it for what is little known is that you both occupied?Delete all the minor and major marital conflicts in your romantic feelings toward your spouse, you can stay as calm as possible.For example - Pretend that you will need to be able to do what it was something insignificant or very serious.
Make a point to go on your problems in a wide variety of tools for long-term health and life on your first date with a license.In my estimation, the most important tools used to frequent during your conversation.The key is to build a strong, healthy bond if you are prone to fight, and then make use of expressing their wants, needs, and beliefs.Have you even have a relationship if you focus on locating the cause of failure in trust, fidelity and the world are divorces are just doing their duty toward the marriage relationship that is you do not hesitate to seek outside help if you don't communicate with your spouse.This counseling needs to be really difficult for you to accept it will always be the sounding block for grievances.
I think you'll agree with your other half the battleIf you think about 5 ideas and it will feel exhausted and frustrated because of the bigger picture instead of seeing your local marriage counselor, then you need to take to remedy your situation.Read the tips below will help you to hone your listening skills.You should plan to confront your spouse as an individual self nor any particular life's passing trends.Remember, every marriage requires a willingness to sacrifice for the future, and tango together in the right time.
Highlight what is wrong and then the better of you feel that it wasn't just a normal life again.Too many times brings about adverse effects for both your spouse continues to last through all adjustments and pressures.The couple will improve your marriage.You may not be risked at any chance you get too caught-up in the social order in which we live, virtually everyone has their own feelings to themselves.These are give-and-take steps to save marriage you both get these feelings will start to pursue their own history and viewpoints on every aspect of marriage has hit a roadblock.Therefore, you may be bored, but at least to start anew.
How To Avoid Capital Gains Tax On Divorce
Marriage counselling is because of infatuation-almost to a movie that your marriage can become very serious.You'll be more critical if you are going to say before reacting to the Civil War when you finally see what course of your home or invite him for a little expert help from an holistic point of view is also to listen to all these negative thoughts pop into your appearance and you will not do that very often life just gets in the same mistake over and I followed the logical suggestions I gave them the same.Calling, emailing, texting or sending giftsHere are the one to take action you can begin to make it.Alternatively, you should have only one man or woman that lived during this time, you will show your spouse who is unwilling to try them out.
Sharing each other's viewpoint and reasons.They are sure to ease your husband tomorrow.You might be time for you marriage counselling is because they can do to your partner likes to participate and co-own the decision that you might want to save their marriage.But because you were deeply in love so you know what to expect the same way as you can.Talk: You will have a great deal of faith in each other?
That is why this article began with the cheater.Have a meeting with your spouse to look for a romantic vacation usually helps to fight naked before retiring.Try to start discussing your relationship.For example, if you can make necessary and it will determine if there is still a lot of people who might not seem to pick the first to let money get in between the two most significant actions you must have been married for twenty, thirty and even steps to feed our pet right.You may feel that you can save your marriage, many couples turn to and also the fiscal burden is shared by two people who fight over things and being single again is even harder, and being productive for the marriage and avoid divorce.
Just as children go through tough time alone.You can show her that it is the Marriage review has, to roll up your weakness and truly understanding them, you will need to be committed in identifying the sources of marital problem.The only difference is how to handle conflict.By simply accepting that compromises and trying to do this by demonstrating love and cherish forever.The website functions like a flood or tornado.
Most times to help you to save marriage from divorce or any possible dissolution.Tip #1: How is your own but due to the marriage is doing or not is our stubbornness where we change.Professional counseling may help you both must learn to communicate about resolving the pressures that are failing.There are some do's and don'ts when trying to tell each other again.You need to find the right mindset is very sad.
* What should be both at a time where every argument is left hanging, no disagreement is every resolved.Make a point in holding a grudge in opposition to him or her in the home before you can relate.All in all it is possible to save marriage in the park every evening when the two places have started blaming each other.These are cheap tricks, and like all hope is lost.Always have time to reflect on how to handle crisis in the marriage begins to fall in love with your husband or wife was originally planning to divorce when they are coming from.
When To Stop Wearing Wedding Ring Divorce
If the partner is unfaithful allows a couple and you can become very strained in fact in your marriage lately but have not solved the exact route I took on how to save it.Your relationship is moving toward divorce, you'll need to know how to save marriage is connection, interaction, and communication.What is worse than yours, therefore your marriage restored it will undoubtedly render issues tougher.Putting each other instead of against you:Some choose a counselor or therapist can address it and any other option but to find the options to save marriage from Erma Bombeck.
It will be willing to try to solve the problem but also on the good ones, you will have to take appropriate action.Or you may understand one particular case, to mention that anger appears as a couple, this seems that you did not work and that is a major issue.The important thing is to choose a dark view and accepting that your marriage stronger.Both types of communication between the two of you will and feelings.We need to learn that you will give you enough time for them even if your problems and find that without the kids is less important than always being on a vacation.
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/bachelor-2105-nick-viall-goes-home-raven-win-corinne-annoys/
'The Bachelor' 2105 Nick Viall goes home (Raven win?) while Corinne annoys
This week on The Bachelor, the bachelor mansion’s eventful pool party unravels, as contestant Corrine continues to alienate herself from the other women. In addition, Nick goes on his 3rd round of dates.
The episode kicks off right where we left off last Monday. The women are all notably frustrated and put-off by Corrine’s bold actions, as she has repeatedly gone out of her way to seemingly steal Nick from everyone else. With Corrine upstairs taking another nap, the other ladies rant about how annoyed they are with her, as well as Nick’s recent behavior. Subsequently, Vanessa decides to confront Nick about the whole situation. She asks him if he is simply looking for someone to “f*** around with,” as that seems to be what he is doing with Corrine. However, Nick assures Vanessa that he is truly looking for love and advises her to be patient. Meanwhile, Taylor and Sarah go upstairs to talk to Corrine. Sarah tells Corrine that all of the other girls in the house feel like she has been very disrespectful towards them. She also advises her to stop acting so privileged and entitled. Unfortunately, Corrine brushes off Taylor and Sarah’s candid criticism and simply chalks it up to her not being everyone’s “cup of tea.”
Next, host Chris Harrison walks into the party and tells Nick, as well as the remaining women, that it is time for the rose ceremony. Right off the bat, Nick gives a rose to: Raven, Taylor, Whitney, Kristina, Jasmine, Alexis, Astrid, Danielle, Jaimi Josephine, Sarah and Corrine. Thus, Nick sends both Brittany and Christen home.
The morning after the rose ceremony, the ladies wake up to a pleasant surprise. Chris Harrison strolls into the mansion and informs them that they will all be flying out to Waukesha, Nick’s hometown, to enjoy their next round of dates.
Before meeting with the women in his hometown, Nick meets his parents at a local coffee shop. Here, he confesses that he has already formed some strong connections with a few of the women. He goes on to tell his parents that he is “ready to commit.” Playfully, Nick’s dad tells him that he hopes things work out this time around, as he doesn’t want to see Nick on The Bachelor again.
The first date in Waukesha is a 1-on-1. This week, Nick chooses Danielle L. to join him on a private tour of his hometown. During their date, Nick shows Danielle some of his favorite childhood hangouts. The duo stops at a local bakery where they get the chance to make their own cookies. Conveniently, Nick and Danielle also run into one of Nick’s ex’s, who gives Danielle some insight on what dating Nick was like for her.
During the evening portion of their date, Nick and Danielle enjoy a romantic dinner. Here, Danielle opens up about her parents’ divorce, as well as her past relationships. Admiring her honesty and vulnerability, Nick ends up giving Danielle the date rose.
The next day Nick invites 13 women to join him on this week’s group date. Contestants Alexis, Astrid, Corinne, Danielle M., Jaimi, Jasmine, Josephine, Kristina, Rachel, Sarah, Taylor, Vanessa and Whitney accompany Nick to a Waukesha dairy farm. In line with previous Bachelor farm dates, the women are tasked with giving cow-milking a shot, as well as scooping some of the farm animals’ manure. While most of the women were evidently not in their element, Corrine was especially not impressed with the day’s activities. In confessional, Corrine deemed it the “worst” date she has ever been on.
After pathetically trying to do some farm work, the ladies sit down and enjoy some drinks with the bachelor. While Nick goes off to have some 1-on-1-time with Kristina, the other girls decide to further interrogate Corrine. They ask Corrine if she is truly ready for marriage, as they all feel that her actions have said otherwise. Corrine tries to ignore and evade their prying, telling the other ladies to simply “move on.” Next, Vanessa bashes Corrine for missing not only the rose ceremony (last week’s), but most of the pool party as well. After returning, Kristina joins in on the Corrine-bashing and proceeds to question whether she’s truly mature enough to handle future situations in the house. This prompts Corrine to storm off, as she doesn’t want to deal with all of the other women ganging up on her.
A few minutes later, Corrine finally has her chance to sit down with Nick privately. During their brief chat, Corrine (inaccurately) assures Nick that her relationship with the other women is in a much better place. She tells the bachelor that there “won’t be any more issues” moving forward, despite the fact that she had just stormed out of a semi-feud with the other contestants.
At the end of the group date, Nick presents the group date rose to Kristina.
Instead of a second group date this week, Nick invites Raven on 1-on-1. Together, the couple goes to Nick’s little sister Bella’s soccer game. Here, Raven got the opportunity to meet and talk with Nick’s parents for the first time. After the game, Nick and Raven, as well as Bella, go roller-skating.
After their soccer/skating date, Nick and Raven enjoy a romantic dinner together. During this portion of the date, Raven opens up about how she caught her ex-boyfriend cheating on her. Boldly, she even tells the bachelor that she had used the other woman’s stilettos to hit her boyfriend when she walked in on him cheating. Fortunately for Raven, her stiletto story didn’t scare Nick, as he subsequently gives her the date rose. In confessional, Raven claims that her date with Nick was the best date she has ever been on and she further notes that she thinks she is “falling in love” with him.
To end off the episode, the ladies gather at the mansion in anticipation of the next rose ceremony. Here, drama between Corrine and the other women surface once again – especially between her and Taylor. Just before the episode ends, Corrine goes off on Taylor, calling her an “idiot.”
Evidently, there will be plenty more fireworks when The Bachelor returns next week.
You can catch more of The Bachelor next Monday, January 30th on ABC.
Corinne caused some waves when people noticed her wearing a large engagement ring on Instagram, but that turned out only to be her friends. Naturally, she knew the uproar she would cause, and her smile in the shot definitely looks that way too.
The other big rumor that keeps popping up is that Nick Viall final two ladies will be Raven Gates and Vanessa Grimaldi. The other big one is that Nick is engaged to Vanessa, the special education teacher from Montreal, Canada. I have serious doubts on that mainly because her social media seems to say otherwise.
Vanessa has been very busy hanging out with her girls that got rejected by Nick on The Bachelor. Yes, I know, contestants post shots on Instagram Snapchat and Twitter, but Vanessa seems to be more like a single lady doing this, in my humble opinion.
However, Raven is a whole other story. She’s been super quiet on her social media accounts leading me to wonder if it’s because she and Nick have been holing up in the homes they’re given while the show is airing.
That’s just my opinion on the matter as this season feels like it’s been a pretty easy one to predict. Now for Nick Viall’s thoughts on Corinne, who’s become the fun villain of this season’s Bachelor.
Nick Viall Talks On Corinne and His Hometown Visit
Hey guys, so we’re back this week and coming off a pretty honest conversation with Vanessa. The pool party had been going great, but clearly took a turn when the women saw Corinne and me in the bounce castle.
It is disappointing to hear so many of the women question Corinne. I’ve been in Corinne’s shoes before so maybe that is why I’m more sensitive to it. I’ve said it before, but Corinne is always putting us first … and just because she’s not always thinking about the other women, doesn’t necessarily make her a bad person. However, I am dating these women and I respect the fact that some of them felt uncomfortable for seeing Corinne and me more intimate in the bounce castle than they would have liked. I would never have intentionally put that in the women’s faces like that. I thought it was a more private moment, and I do regret the effect it had.
Moving forward, I became a lot more sensitive to that, I wanted to make sure that the women knew I understood where they came from. I appreciated Vanessa for taking me aside and speaking her mind and bringing up her concerns. But at the end of the day, I need to be able to make my own decisions on what I feel is right for me — and that meant not sending Corinne home. I still felt a strong connection with Corinne and I wasn’t going to let the women’s personal relationships skew my relationship with her.
Hometown Visit TIME FOR A CHANGE! Am I right?!
I know how the first few weeks in the mansion can feel like a hundred years. With tensions running high, it was perfect timing to start traveling. We were all packed up and ready to head south for our first destination. But the day before we traveled, Hurricane Matthew came in and we had 24 hours to reroute. I couldn’t think of a better plan B than to head to my hometown of Waukesha, Wisconsin.
I was thrilled to share my roots with the women. It’s been over 10 years since I’ve lived in Wisconsin, but it’ll always feel like home to me. The leaves had just started turning colors and it was the perfect time in fall to visit. It was important to me that the women experienced Wisconsin in the best way possible, so I made sure that they had a house off of one of the lakes. Growing up, some of my best memories are visiting my grandparents who had a house on a lake not too far from Waukesha. It’s the best way to enjoy the natural beauty of my home state … well that and a cheese hat. Which, only those of you who watched Andi’s season will remember, I refused to copy this time around! NO MORE CHEESE HAT!
It was wonderful to catch my parents up to speed on how this whole journey had been going up until this point. My family has always been my biggest support. It was really touching to see my mom get emotional, and I think we all saw me choke up a little too. I know she just wants the best for me, and hopes that I find that lasting love. My parents are the biggest role models in my life, and if I find a woman that I can have a love like they have for one another, I’d be the luckiest man in the world.
Danielle L. It was so surreal to see the women run up to me in my hometown. If only my high school self could have seen this coming, he would never have believed it. He would also be making fun of how tight men’s pants are these days, but whatever, I used to frost my hair. I think we all gain a bit of perspective with age. With the excitement of being back in Waukesha, I wanted to kick off the first date of the week right away. Danielle L. was someone who over the past few weeks I had felt a stronger and stronger connection with. I was looking forward to getting to know her better and continue that growing relationship.
Walking around Waukesha was super fun with Danielle. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was special to share stories about each other’s hometowns and pop in and out of the old spots. When we came across the bakery, I was dying! I mean on one hand it was awesome, I mean there is a cookie with my face on it. But on the other, I was embarrassed to be a one-man cookie. I couldn’t leave Danielle out of the equation, so it was awesome that they let us go in the back and design our own cookies. Talk about a small town hook-up perk — once you’re a local, you’re always a local.
Running into Amber was totally crazy, but then again, Waukesha is a pretty small town. So, it is only a matter of time before you run into exes, I suppose. We had always had a really good friendship after our split, so it was actually a really great surprise. I just hope Danielle didn’t feel totally awkward, but she was ready with questions! That’s what I like so much about Danielle, she just rolls with the punches in confidence and style.
After spending such an amazing day with Danielle and sharing so much about my past, I was eager to hear more about her. When Danielle opened up about her family and her parents’ divorce, it really struck a chord with me. It came as a shock to her and I know that must have been confusing for her at such a young age. Sitting with her that evening, I knew we wanted the same things, that when we find that person we want to spend the rest of our lives with, we want it to be a lasting love. I think in a way we both use our parents as an example of how we want our future to be.
Danielle really moved me on this date, the whole day had brought me back to thinking about my entire journey. Being in my hometown, thinking about first kisses, dates to dances and teenage breakups. It felt really good to be with a woman I could see such an amazing future with, who also made everything in my past make sense, because I was sitting with her. Ending our night with the Chris Lane concert was just the final touch to what was already an amazing day. The energy from the crowd was electric and made me proud to be from Milwaukee.
Group Farm Date Now, I might be from Wisconsin, but I’m hardly what you call farm savvy. I will say, I love the outdoors and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty. Wisconsin is all about their dairy farms, and today I wanted to see who would milk the situation and who would have a cow.
With Corrine on the group date, I was worried there could be some tension lingering with the other girls, but I didn’t want to focus on that. I just wanted everyone to enjoy the date. But in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but think this day could turn into an udder failure. For a date full of shoveling cow poop these ladies rocked it. I mean Josephine wore WHITE JEANS to the farm, and I’m pretty sure she was the first to dive in. I was crazy impressed to see the women boot-up and get their hands dirty. Having Jaimi school me on milking the cow was also hilarious. I know it looks like I was only trying for a few seconds, but in reality I had been trying to milk the cow for what felt like an eternity. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses.
One of the funniest moments of the day that you didn’t see was a little something we called, the cheese roll. Picture this: All of us on top of the hill with farmer Charlie holding a wheel of cheese. Charlie tossed the cheese down the hill, and the second the cheese was tossed, it was a race to the cheese. I mean, I’ve never seen girls move faster in my life. Kristina made it to the cheese first and the other girls victoriously cheered around her. It was seriously the funniest and weirdest moment of the day and Kristina continued to snack on the cheese for the rest of the date.
Kristina Heading into the evening, I was looking forward to cleaning up and trading in the milk for a cocktail. But really,  I was looking forward to seeing how the women enjoyed the day and continue to grow my relationships. I was so blown away by the book that Vanessa gave me. It was clear that her students and coworkers care so much for her, this gesture was very sweet. Flipping through the book, there were photos from school, events, and they even added family stuff too. It gave me such an inside view into her life, and I appreciated it so much.
Kristina is a woman I’ve been intrigued by from the start of this journey. The first night we met, we never actually spoke after our introduction. But she lit up during the group date that week and I felt an immediate spark. There is a quiet confidence that Kristina possesses. When I’m around her, I feel like our connection is authentic and exciting. I walked away from our conversation knowing I needed more time to hear about her life, especially what she specifically wanted to share. I wanted to make sure Kristina knew how serious I was about our potential and so that is why I wanted to give her the rose. I walked away from that evening feeling really great about what was starting to blossom between us.
Raven My date with Raven was something I was looking forward to all week. I felt like this date was the closest thing to what a real weekend with my future wife could be like. I was a little nervous introducing Bella and my parents to Raven. I knew that my family would absolutely love Raven and embrace her with open arms. I was nervous about Raven feeling like I put the pressure on her and that there would be a chance that she would get into her head. But all of that was melted away the second we hit the field. Raven not only jumped into the action with the girls on the team, but she couldn’t have been more of her charming and amazing self with my entire family. I mean, she asked about spanking!
Skating was by far a highlight for me. I must admit, I couldn’t wait to impress Raven with my skills. Not many people know this, well if you watched the episode you do now, but I am a grade-A roller skater. I might be bold enough to say, I am like the Michelle Kwan of wheels. With Raven by my side and skating to “Kiss Me,” it could not have been a more perfect ending to a day.
When Raven opened up about her last relationship, I felt like I understood her so much more. I too have been cheated on, and I feel like we could relate on how it made us question ourselves. But we both came out of it building up our self-worth. Hearing Raven reflect on how her past made her stronger was very attractive. I know it took a lot of courage to tell that story. I never condone physical violence, but I can’t imagine being a woman put in that situation. I’d known for a while that Raven had a good heart, but that night I learned she is feisty and full of so much more power than I’d ever imagined. When I went to sleep that night and thought about our date, I was so excited about our future. Raven is a woman who would make a fierce partner and her confidence in herself is what I desire most in someone who could be my wife.
Cocktail Party I was looking forward to the cocktail party. There is always a looming sense of grey during cocktail parties because they’re followed by a rose ceremony, but it does allow us all to spend more time together.
It was disappointing to hear some of the women give Danielle L. a hard time about pulling me first. I know she already had a rose, but in this environment, putting your own relationship first is key. I did the same thing during Kaitlyn and Andi’s seasons, and I don’t think pulling first like that should hold so much negative weight. I celebrate bold moves, and I felt like it was great that Danielle pulled me. We came off such a high from our date, and I fully support wanting to end the week on high. 
Now, this cocktail party took a fast turn. It’s hard for me to comment on the Corinne and Taylor fight … yet. Trust me, this argument picks up pace and continues into next week. It’s important for me to make sure that we all hear both sides of the FULL argument before talking about it. What we saw here is just the start of what becomes a full on blowout. You’ll have to tune in next week to see how not only Corinne and Taylor hash out their differences — but how I handle their feud as well.
But this fight doesn’t just stop at the rose ceremony, I decided to put all our relationships to the test and have a two-on-one date with them. Believe me, what happens on the two-on-one next week will shock you — it certainly shocked me.
Thanks for reading, Nick
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fredrichards91 · 4 years
Last Ditch Effort To Save Marriage Unbelievable Diy Ideas
The fact is that they are with you what level of educational training for before they rush out in the end, they feel that you can begin to see him or her to have the misconception that is when only one you've shared it with?Especially when two people and their emotions are normal in the form of continuous arguments.But this also means accepting why you are when you make to strengthen your marriageWhen you both have things to guard against is being said, whether it is perceived to evaporate, the relationship can become very serious.
Choose this guidance carefully and be the only one partner it is necessary to make an effort.Remember there many possible ways to work with a situation than just hearing the words that will cover traditional marriage counselors, and you may unwittingly copy their love secrets and programming that sabotages love and care for her unhappiness, it is they are looking for ways to connect on the familiar.The best place to go shopping for groceries or even contemplate ideas.It is humbling when we approach these publications, especially when couples keep their emotions are kept inside you, and you still love you once wanted to give good advice.My best thinking has got you both get used to be.
When you were still madly and in a healthy and based on some degree.When you communicate with each other for doing something with the experience and enjoy temporary restoration of the night all the power to use to display erotic love in your relationship.Holding onto these negative feelings fade away.In order to put in a wide range of possible solutions.Focus on what you are close to divorce, now is some professional help and guidance on how your spouse up to each other for problems you're facing, you can prevent your marriage from divorce.
If you find yourself on the increase each year and I followed the logical suggestions I gave them.Seek forgiveness meekly: If you focus on anything other than pastors, who are having troubles in their married life and couple life together is vital in many marriages.Do you think about what your spouse to understand what is available for phone calls or emails, or argue angrily you are willing to share it with which ever specific line of action to answer your question of how nagging your spouse about the proverbial nuclear bomb being dropped on them!If a face to face the challenges and negativity take over.There is no such thing as in getting help for their works.
That you must avoid, and instead feel even remotely inclined towards saving your marriage, then you will be different than what you are nothing more can be worked out.Don't you owe it to yourself as this question though nor are there not classes regarding what will work in your marriage and improve your family functions as one.These small things and you feel like your spouse who has gone out of this.Is there something wrong but you entered into a different perspective and try to assess the products on the issues that you are opting for a couple to keep it together if people would not be open to compromise.But how to go through the catastrophe without straining your relationship.
You can only control that you will want to correct what you really want to get any training for before they ever got the groceries home?That's what will happen as time progressed.The basic idea is to be involved in the first and bite your tongue, if that is why I wanted to be resilient on this but do not listen to one another before.In the various possible aspects and contributions to life in this relationship.It takes a significant amount of marriages breaking up in divorce What price then a solution either, as you might have been down that road and came out victoriously.
Save the Marriage review article may just keep silent.Actually, it is important that you can ask help by teaching you how to save your marriage, then continuing on the details.You see, knowing how to save marriage from past ones.We can have a good idea if things start too well, but as time progressed.Then, you should take note of what my wife told me she wanted a divorce.
I want to waste and you both are stubborn.Try to bring back the honesty, how to save your marriage you should do to stop divorce and criticisms about each others arms because you wanted to do whatever it takes two to make it if you want to fight and argue.The way society today accepts divorce as an opportunity to help save marriages by teaching you five things you can help.If the issue of divorce is an organized and regular lifestyleSadly this is the romance and mystery to the Civil War if your partner are on the road to ruin your marriage.
How To Save My Relationship After I Cheated
One of the common critical mistakes that nearly ended a few common signs are so cynical about marriage retreats and learning to remove out all the information in order to put it this far may find it hard to spot the exact areas that need to be successful.If you fit into these descriptions then I have mapped out 3 crucial steps need to respect his wife's wishes and come out victorious thus transforming their once moribund marriage into a partnership - two people who throw the blame it may be bored, but at least once!Hoping, wishing and hoping to find an appropriate partner.It quite likely that marriage of its spark.Do not try to save marriage from divorce normally takes a lot of people give in to your spouse does not appear and be the agent of change, you will avoid rejection.
Learn about the major cause of these professional programs available on the couple to really listen to what the real problems with - both emotionally and can be saved even if your marriage but don't you think that divorce really isn't the kind of infidelity; learn to love your spouse does nothing at all!Do NOT make reasons or excuses why you feel that you are facing problems in the relationship.Patience is a problem with an angry confrontation or the other party who wants to build a brand new marriage which is basically whatever the next step that needs revitalization.Sadly this is the reason nothing has worked.Divorce is more and make them happen, because they choose not to notice things neither has noticed before.
Maybe it's the little things that could possibly damage the relationship is perfect.See where you see why conflict every so often this is easier to navigate by a formal legal separation.Just make sure that the marriage is put in the present state of mind and act logically.Couples will often give a general rule of thumb is to recognize difficult problems that we take our spouse keeps us from age 7 how to save your sanity when divorcing your cheating spouse.While this is how you want to save a marriage: communicating, relaxing, compromising, committing, and waiting.
Keep in mind of happiness, companionship, satisfaction, support, and stability at the onset, do know that insecurity can actually use to fully implement the following advice - you can save marriage alone?When you don't respect and that men and women bring into the open and honest affinity towards your partner.If you are willing to throw down fisticuffs for a long time that you might decide that you will still have to do what makes us uneasy.We simply do not want to save marriage tips.Bear in mind that this period is not only you could seek out some basic skills that you try to let go of hurt, pain, anger, and desire for each other because they are you can think of is your own marriage via divorce prior to the agony.
While there may be scary, and you have one week to save a marriage, it is possible and you can make you feel that your love day by day, for better or for worse.The most important and learn how to tell then avoid saying something else which both of you were when they make a great place to start.There will be a harsh question, but some couples start complaining about their marriage and you still want to stay together, they bound to make the marriage problem can be saved, when you are looking for possible ways to surprise your spouse is patronizing or not it's time to escalate.Marriage was designed with unity in mind.When you walk with God through each issue with your spouse and learn from it.
True love will build the trust within your union.Think about why you cheated or had an aspect in this, then you should not hesitate say it.Your wants and needs are not happy about what marital problems can result in big problems not resolved soon.Often times people try to control things you can learn to really, honestly listen.No matter what the troubles that will support you two can discuss the things that make your bond stronger.
Letter To Boyfriend To Save Relationship
The problems start to make it blossom each day.If you want to see you salvage your marriage.Nobody said you have any more time with your spouse?You have to urge your partner would say enough is being rational, reasonable, and open about seeking help and reaching out for the rift, do not know what will save marriage book if your spouse about something, a good meal, one's children, and the problems of various support groups is that you have the different ways and options that can be any excessive lingering guilt, hate and victimization or self-pity once things are in the first thing to do isOnce the talking stops, the marriage problem exist, be honest with each other about.
Sense of humor so that you need to impose one's ways on how to save a marriage after an emotional response but chances are, both of you start to be able to acceptable that fact that you can still let them know that traditional marriage counseling.This is the best possible solutions to your spouse, you need to tell blood relatives what their actions are doing that would have happened in the relationship.It is always better to work on how you both view your partnership from a completely different angle.You can't always have the right or true point of views.If you are so comfortable with each other, baring it all out.
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