#int. sub
dongslinger--420 · 6 months
How is bojack more loyal to diane?
It's demonstrated in many ways throughout the show, but the bottom line is that BoJack's affection for the people he cares about is a lot more unconditional than Diane's. Diane's Cordovia arc is a good example of this: when Diane was at her worst, BoJack let her stay with him for an indeterminate amount of time, no questions asked. But after this situation gets resolved, Diane starts ghosting him because she believes that they bring out the worst in each other. As she looked back on the situation, she analysed it entirely objectively, and although you could easily argue that she was right, she completely failed to notice that BoJack was able to uproot his entire life (including his girlfriend who he loved) for her. Diane's tendency to think about things on a purely logical and objective level means that she fails to develop close bonds with people, and this also often manifests itself with throwing people under the bus. Diane does this to BoJack twice in the span of the series: once with One Trick Pony*, and once in INT. SUB, and both times she completely fails to consider BoJack's side of the story (or in the case of the latter, Penny's side), to the point where BoJack has to directly confront her to make her understand that actually, writing the humiliating stories of him without permission was a shitty thing to do, and it is weird that she neither considered how he would feel, nor did she ever apologise for it. By contrast, in Hank After Dark, when BoJack is given the choice to abandon Diane in her endeavours, when literally the entire world is against her, and when he could easily be dragged down with her, he chooses to stay with her and support her.
Diane is, at heart, a utilitarian. She has plagued herself with the idea that she can Save The World, regardless of who she has to throw under the bus to get there. BoJack, on the other hand, recognises deep down that the only thing truly worth it in the end is the people he cares about. In his words: "in this terrifying world, all we have are the connections that we make".
*Yes they agreed to have a "warts and all" version of the book, but they didn't agree on the format the book turned out to be in. Diane writing the book from her perspective made a significant difference, as it made it more mocking than reflective.
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
Honor: Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism
Did you notice how Bi-Han in the previous timeline barely talks about honor in contrast to his younger brother?
Like in Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Bi-Han does not describe himself as honorable man or part of honorable clan, as in his own introduction he calls himself mortal, then thief and assassin before Lin Kuei warrior and Sub-Zero
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When accused by Raiden for putting Earthrealm in danger, only says "I was just earning my living" - considering how he balances between death and life, as he either fulfill incredible difficult missions or he will be killed for failure sounds to me more like "I'm trying to survive" kind of argument.
The Elder Sub-Zero mentions honor only when facing the Grandmaster
"Grandmaster, in honor of the Lin Kuei, I bring you this sacred Map of Elements."
as Lin Kuei custom demands and MK11 Noob Saibot's BIO points out Wraith's desire to reclaim the honor that was forcibly taken away from him
Mortal Kombat 11: "Shadow of the Netherrealm. In life, Noob Saibot was known as Sub-Zero. Unjustly murdered by Scorpion, he was resurrected by Quan Chi and granted power over darkness, but as Quan Chi’s slave. Now, Quan Chi is dead. Noob Saibot is finally free to reclaim the honor that was stolen from him."
and that is basically all? None of Noob’s intro dialogue directly uses this word but honor (and honoring someone or something or alternatively, dishonor) is one of Kuai Liang's constant used term, from 
Mortal Kombat 9
"[...] assuming Bi-Han's identity is the best way to honor him."
"I am his family and clan! I fight for his honor!"
Mortal Kombat X
"Our honor is indeed stained. Please. Sit."
"After you and I were freed from Quan Chi's control, I sought out my clan. I had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the Grandmaster's plans. But Sektor had realized his father's vision. The Lin Kuei had been fully cyberized. I pledged to kill Sektor and his followers. Reform the Lin Kuei and restore our honor."
"When I finally killed Sektor, I discovered the Lin Kuei had not sacrificed its honor with the Cyber Initiative. We had abandoned it long before."
 to Mortal Kombat 11
Erron Black: That's some outfit. Sub-Zero: It honors Lin Kuei tradition.
Liu Kang: I admire your discipline, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: And I your honor, Liu Kang.
Mileena: You're so cold to me, Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero: Because you are utterly devoid of honor. Mileena: Who needs honor when you have power?
Sub-Zero: Can Tarkatans be redeemed? Baraka: My tribe seeks no redemption. Sub-Zero: Then it has no honor.
Sub-Zero: You serve Shao Kahn. Kollector: And I am well compensated. Sub-Zero: Wealth without honor is pointless.
to name few examples.
And this seems to be carried out to the new timeline even though the games don't exploit much this difference between brothers, the Bi-Han’s disillusion vs Kuai Liang’s idealism. Previous timeline gives the feeling Elder Sub-Zero was more aware of Lin Kuei's true nature, as he witnessed Grandmaster and Quan Chi's deal that resulted in death of Scorpion's clan but Kuai Liang would not believe Lin Kuei could be responsible until he found a hard evidence how wrong he was. Now, one brother sees Lin Kuei servitude as enslavement while the other blindly believes and chose to honor the tradition passed down for generations.
At the same time I feel like original timeline Kuai Liang, the same as his elder brother, was much more disillusioned about Lin Kuei but I will leave that subject for another time.
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littlebluestars · 5 months
Maria Ylipää - Inte jag (Nästan unplugged S3 E3)
Text & music: Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus, Tim Rice Translation: Björn Ulvaeus Keyboards: Lasse Piirainen
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skimmeh · 1 year
I accidentally stumbled upon some videos of my old undertale fancomic that was dubbed and subbed over
And I find it so very sweet and heartwarming!! Even though it was years ago now ... Seeing how many people that silly lil comic series touched is cool
Though I admit at the time in my life I don't remember much because I was going through a lot of shit ..and the comic was basically my escapism from that
All I wanna say for the people who enjoyed that comic or even have stayed following my art since those days I thank you!!!
And I'm sorry for sorta leaving that story unanswered haha, I couldn't tell you how it ended cos it was a long time ago now.
But I do hope to create something as loved as that comic again!!! Because even though it was the worst time in my life the comics and story was also the most fun I've had online!!!
And I wish to run a series like that again!!!! :D
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navysealt4t · 1 year
mm. i dont wanna go to schol. tomorrow. today?? in 6 hours.
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blcssom · 1 year
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it’s not as though finn’s anti-social.... it’s more that he’s selectively-social, which makes the staff lounge a minefield at lunch time. unfortunately, with his usual hiding spot occupied ( why a choir comprised of six year olds feels the need to practice at lunch time is beyond him ) he has no choice but to approach the only table with an opening. “mind if i sit here?”
closed starter for @seducteurs​ // open m/f
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bitterseadrop-a · 2 years
i fuck with the gnb aesthetics so hard and yet i‘m too pussy to play tank in savage content…..
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cameronsprincess · 7 months
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— summary: Rafe finds out about some of your darkest fantasies and decides to bring them to life.
— warnings: smut! 18+ non/dub con, kidnapping, rafe chases reader through the woods, bondage, open-mouth gag, breath play, edging, fingering, ass play, biting, forced blow job, knife play, forced unprotected sex, forced creampie, spitting, slapping, spanking, branding, hair pulling, choking, degrading, praise kink, sir kink, possessive!rafe, sub!reader, dark!rafe. (is this considered DDDNE?)
— note: my book series has sparked the DARKEST parts of my mind… please read all warnings carefully! this is a work of fiction! if you’re uncomfortable with anything in the warnings, DO NOT READ. DO NOT READ UNLESS 18+ !!
likes, comments + reblogs are appreciated <3
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❥ run, little one— r.c
“Run, little one! ‘Cause when I catch you, you’re going to wish I hadn’t”
Rafe’s voice booms through the dark woods, my pulse is racing, blood rushing to my ears, nothing but the sounds of my heavy breathing and ringing fill my ears. My eyes scan the length of the woods, I have no clue where I am, and i’m terrified, but i’m also soaked.
Thoughts of what Rafe would do to me when he catches me have my panties dripping with my arousal, pussy pulsing with need. It may be fucked up, but the fear of the unknown, the thought of the pain he’d bring me is what got me excited. The pure rush of adrenaline, not having a choice in anything, him being forceful and rough with me— it excited me.
The sound of a branch snapping behind me makes me gasp, my feet taking off through the woods again, running, hoping I can find anywhere to hide. I take a turn, thinking i’d finally lost him but a loud scream is ripped from my chest when I run into something hard, the impact knocking the breath out of me and making me fall right on my ass.
“Shhhh, don’t worry princess, ‘m gonna take good care of you” Rafe whispers in my ear.
I feel something slapped over my mouth, preventing me from screaming and then my vision goes black. My eyes rip open, realizing i’d been dreaming, but now i’m not. My face is covered by a black hood, duct tape over my lips, making unintelligible noises fall from me. I hear the sound of metal clanking, and Rafe roughly forces my arms behind my back, crossing them before slapping handcuffs on and tightening them so tight they pinch at the skin of my wrists.
Rafe lifts me from the bed and tosses me over his shoulder. I begin pounding at his back as best I could with my restrained fists, screaming into the duct tape, trying to fight for him to put me down, but it’s useless.
A harsh slap is landed across my ass cheek, exposed by the short sleep shorts i’d put on before my nap, making me whimper from the contact.
The sound of a door opening and closing makes me jump, the cool fall air hitting at my skin and sending goosebumps up my body. What is he doing? Where is he taking me? I was terrified, but I was also ashamed at how soaked I was, my pussy throbbing as he carried me outside and to God knows where.
I hear him open a car door, my body being tossed into the back seat before he slams the door shut and hopping into the driver seat.
I hear the truck pull out onto the road, the windows rolling down and letting the cold air slap at my bare skin. I try my best to roll onto my stomach in the seat, my handcuffed wrists pinned underneath my back uncomfortable and making me whine.
I try and shout through the tape some more, wanting answers as to what was going through Rafe’s mind, but my body sags into the backseats, remembering it’s useless, my mouth is literally taped shut.
“Don’t worry, little one. We’re gonna have some fun”
I whimper at his words as he turns the radio in his truck up, “Church” by Chase Atlantic the last thing I hear before my mind goes blank.
I pull down the long and over grown driveway, the large cabin that’s sat abandoned for few years finally coming into view. I smirk to myself, my eyes glancing up into the rearview mirror to see Y/N laid still in the backseat. She’d finally stopped whimpering and squirming about thirty minutes into the drive, probably made herself pass out, she was exhausted, and I had woken her from her nap to have some fun.
My girl doesn’t know it, but i’ve been reading her dream journals, her diaries, getting an inside peek at her dark and dirty mind. My girl wants to be chased, wants to be bound and gagged, having any choice or control taken from her. She wants me to be forceful with her, she wants me to hurt her, make her cry, make her beg me to stop— when her mind and pussy are really begging me to continue.
She has no idea what I have in store for her tonight, and the thought of her whimpering, unable to see, speak, breathe, tell me no. It had my cock straining against the fabric of my jeans.
I pull the truck to a stop, shutting the engine off and hopping out to open the back seat door. “Time to wake up, little one. Let the fun begin” I whisper in her ear, the weight of my body pressing down on her bare legs.
She begins squirming in the seat, the sounds of her muffled cries filling my ears, blood rushing to my already painfully hard cock. She must have thought she was still dreaming this whole time, and waking up — completely stripped of her ability to see or speak — She must be terrified again, exactly how I want her.
I carefully scoop her body into my arms, her head and legs trashing from side to side as unintelligible noises fall past her lips. I walk us into the cabin, glancing around at everything i’d set up, i’d been planning this for weeks, getting everything i’d need to have some fun with my girl. There’s a large mattress sitting on a metal bed frame pushed against the wall, laid out on it are ropes, an open-mouth gag, a silky red blindfold, various toys, and a long paddle whip that has the word WHORE engraved into it.
Smirking to myself, I continue walking through the old cabin and out the back door. When I finally decide we’re far enough into the woods, I set her body down on the ground, removing the black hood from her head and yanking the duct tape from her lips.
Her eyes rip open, going wide as she whips her head around, taking in her surroundings. “R-Rafe? Where- Where are we? Why did you fucking kidnap me?!” She shouts, a small look of fear in her eyes.
I smirk, “You’ll get a five minute head start, little one” I pause, watching in amusement as her chest heaves up and down, my eyes scanning over her plump breasts as they threaten to spill out of the small top she’s wearing. “Hope you can run fast, and hide well. Because if I catch you, you’re mine to use however I want”
She begins struggling to stand, her wrists still cuffed behind her back making a fairly simple task more difficult. I watch her struggle for a moment before I bend over and grip the inside of her left arm, jerking her to her feet. She winces when rocks and twigs begin stabbing at the bottoms of her bare feet, “Rafe! This isn’t funny, undo the cuffs, I wanna go home”
“Now, now Y/N.. I’ve read your dream journals, your diaries. I know all of the sick and twisted dreams and thoughts you have. I know exactly what you want me to do to you, why should I deprive you of what you want?”
Her eyes nearly pop out of her head, her face turning a deep shade of red, shame taking over her features when she hears the words that slip past my lips. I take a step toward her, and she flinches back, but it doesn’t stop me. I reach my hand out, the pad of my thumb running over her mascara stained cheek, “No need to be ashamed, we all have our kinks baby” I pause, placing my hand on the back of her head and pulling her forehead into my lips, kissing softly at the skin before I pull back and whisper, “Now run”
“Now run”
His words make my heart begin hammering in my chest, my body turning as I begin running through the dark woods. I’m dodging trees, trying not to scream out in pain as twigs, and rocks and God knows what else stabs at the bottom of my feet.
My ears begin ringing, my head throbbing when I come to a stop, trying my hardest to catch my breath. My head whips from side to side, trying to find anywhere to hide, but all I see if acres and acres of woods. The sound of a twig snapping close by makes me take off running again, I run and run, afraid to stop. I shouldn’t be so turned on, but I am. Part of me wants to get caught, wants to let him use me however he pleases, but the smallest part inside me that says to keep running wins.
I come to another stop after what felt like hours of running, my back pressed against a tree. My throat is sore, lips and mouth dry from my heavy breathing. I peek around the side of the tree, but all I see if darkness. I let out a sigh of relief thinking i’d lost him for the time being, but that thought is quickly gone when I feel rough hands grabbing the backs of my arms, twisting them in an uncomfortable way, making me scream out in pain.
“Caught you” I hear Rafe say, voice low and raspy.
I begin kicking and screaming, trying to push myself out of his grip, but it’s no use, he’s got me in a tight hold. He lifts my feet from the ground, tossing me over his shoulder as he begins walking through the woods. I don’t stop fighting, my body thrashing in his hold. “Rafe! Rafe stop!” I shout, but he ignores me, continuing his way through the woods until he finally comes to a stop.
“Time to have some fun, yeah?” He asks. He lands a harsh slap across my ass again, making me whimper from the contact, the sting his hand left behind making my pussy throb.
He walks us up some stairs, and into an old house. The house smells musty, the air stale, and the floors are covered in leaves and trash. “Where are we?” I ask softly, voice barely above a whisper.
“This, little one, is our playroom” He says simply, tone of voice void of any emotion.
I let my eyes trail upward, finding a large bed on a metal frame pushed against a wall. My heart begins pounding, the loud thump of my own heart the only noise I can hear in the moment. He has the bed laid out with ropes, a wooden paddle, a few toys, an open-mouthed gag, and a red blindfold.
My mind tells me I should be afraid, but my body doesn’t react that way. My nipples harden underneath the thin fabric of my small shirt i’d tossed on earlier, panties now soaked, likely dripping with my arousal.
Rafe uses one hand to tightly wrap around the underside of my knees, keeping me in place on his shoulder while his free hand begins moving the things on the bed, clearing an open space for me to be laid down.
Once satisfied with the now open space on the bed, he flips me off his shoulder and onto the bed, my still handcuffed wrists pinning beneath me on the bed, making me wince in pain. I watch him intently as he makes his way toward a small table that’s off to the corner, grabbing the rope he’d just removed from the bed.
He makes his way to the end of the bed, grabbing my right ankle and tying the rope around it before securing the other end to one end of the metal bed frame, moving to my left ankle and repeating his actions. Satisfied with my bound ankles, he digs into his pocket, digging out a key that I can only assume belongs to the cuffs that restrain my wrists. He grips my by the top of my head, fingers tightly fisting at my hair and yanking me into a sitting position, sticking the key into the lock of the cuffs and undoing them.
I bring them to the front of my body to rub them. they’re now red and sore from how tightly he had them on my wrists, but he quickly pushes me onto my back, “don’t get too comfortable, little one” he says, a smirk plastered on his beautiful face while he climbs on top of me, straddling my waist. He harshly grabs my left wrist, pulling it above my head and reaching over to the table to grab the other set of rope he had. He pins my wrist against another metal bar, tying my wrist to it before moving to my right side and copying his actions.
He climbs off of me, his bottom lip between his teeth as his darkened over eyes scan my body. “Fucking gorgeous” He whispers, and my body jerks. I instinctively try and yank my wrists down, making the rope dig into them, making me pathetically whimper.
Rafe walks back over toward the table, pulling his tightly fitted black shirt over his head and tossing it down. I can’t help but let my eyes trail over his perfectly sculpted chest and abdomen. He grabs the open mouthed gag off the table before slowly making his way back over to me. I try and fight my restraints again, but stop when he harshly grips at the back of my head, yanking my neck up and forcing my eyes on the ceiling.
“Don’t fight this, princess. Okay?”
I whimper out an “okay” before he lets my head go, my neck returning back to a normal forward facing position. He brings his fingers to my slightly parted lips, pushing them inside my mouth and down my throat, making me gag around the thick digits before he pulls them out. “Keep your mouth open”
I obey, keeping my mouth open as wide as I could get it while he places the circular part of the gag into my mouth and behind my teeth. He pulls both sides of the leather straps around my head, buckling it together and tightening it so it’s secure. He pulls back and admires his work, my mouth spread wide open, hands and legs bound to the bed frame, spread open wide for him to use.
“Perfect” He says, the corners of his lips pulling into a smirk.
The sight before me is like something straight out of my dreams. She looks so fucking gorgeous like this, her arms and legs tied to the bed frame, spread wide open for me to use, her mouth gagged, but still open wide for me, allowing me access to shove my cock down her throat, spit into her mouth, shove my fingers into her throat. I trail my eyes from her beautiful face down to her glistening cunt, she’s fucking soaked for me, ready to be fucking used.
I climb myself onto the bed, her arms and legs jerking, pulling the ropes tighter into her smooth skin. Drool is running from her mouth, down her chin and onto her plump breasts, whimpers and whines falling from her as she continues to try and fight the restraints.
“Keep fighting Y/N/N, I want you scared. I prefer it actually, it’ll make forcing my cock down your throat and in your cunt that much more fun”
I reach over onto the small side table and grab the blindfold, the sounds of her whimpers bouncing off the walls of the old cabin, making my hard cock pulse. I crawl up the bed, sitting between her spread thighs and bringing the blindfold up to her face. She whines, shaking her head from side to side, but I grip her cheeks harshly with my left hand. “Stay still” I demand, and she quickly obeys, stopping her movements, her beautiful, wide eyes staring back into mine.
I quickly place the silky material over her eyes, bringing the two ends around the back of her head and tying it as tightly as I could.
Her breathing picks up, chest heaving up and down rapidly once i’ve taken away her sight once again. I smirk to myself and reach into my back pocket, pulling out my phone and turning the back camera toward her trembling body, snapping a quick picture of her before locking it and tossing it to the table.
I reach into my other back pocket, pulling out a pocket knife and flipping it open. I hear her whimper at the sound of the knife opening, her arms jerking downward some more as she spews unintelligible words from her drooling lips. I bring the blade down to her inner thigh, running it up the length of her leg until it reaches her clothed pussy. “Let’s get these off, yeah?” I say lowly before bringing the blade to one of the leg holes of her shorts, slicing upward until the material pools by the sides of her legs.
My eyes find her cunt again, staring at the wet spot that’s soaked through the pink lacey material. “My girls fucking soaked, you like having no control?”
She whines, her head slowly nodding. I bring the blade back up to the waistband of her panties, running the sharp end across her stomach before I cut her panties off of her body as well. I tap at her thigh, ordering her, “Lift your hips, little one”
She quickly does as I say, lifting her hips as best she could off the mattress, allowing me to pull the now ruined shorts and panties from underneath her. Tossing the shredded material to the floor, I bring the blade back to her pussy, flipping it so the blade is in my palm. I run the handle of the pocket knife through her slick cunt, running it up to her clit and applying a small amount of pressure. Her hips buck forward and I take my free hand, pushing her hips back down and holding her in place. I run the handle back down to her folds, slowly pushing it into her pussy, stopping when the entire handle is inside of her.
She begins whimpering, her chest heaving and head rolled to the side as I begin pulling the handle from her cunt, pushing it back inside of her just as quickly. I love the way her body reacts to me, the way she’s letting me fuck her with the handle of my knife, my filthy fucking girl loves this shit.
I continue to fuck her with the handle of the knife and her body begins shaking, her legs tensing as her restrained fists ball above her head. “That’s it baby, let it out, cum all over the handle of my knife”
She begins panting, drool running down the sides of her mouth and down her chin, soaking her chest as she comes undone, her cum soaking the handle. I slowly pull it from inside her, bringing it to her open mouth and shoving it inside, running it up and down the length of her tongue, coating her mouth with her juices. “Good girl. Taste yourself, you did such a good job f’me, little one”
I pull the handle from her mouth, her head flying forward and chasing it, making me breathe out a laugh. I quickly flip the knife shut and sit it on the small table. I stand from the bed, and my hands pop the button of my jeans before moving the the zipper. I slide the rough material down my legs and to my ankles before kicking them to the side. I palm myself through my boxers, trying to relieve some of the pressure I felt from just staring at her like this, thinking of how she just came from the handle of my knife, it has my head spinning, my cock throbbing.
I shake my head, shoving my boxers down my legs and kicking them to the side as well before climbing back into the bed, her breath hitching in her throat when she feels my presence on the mattress again. I bring my hand to her face, wiping at the fresh tears that have fallen down her face, smearing more of her mascara on her face. I run the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip, it’s soaked in her drool. I push my thumb into her mouth, and she instinctively tries to close her lips around it, but fails, the metal part of the gag keeping her mouth open wide for me.
I lean myself into her, my lips ghosting over the shell of her ear. “‘M gonna fuck your throat now, little one, and you’re going to fucking love it”
His words whispered in my ear send goosebumps down my body, my more breathing erratic than it had already been. I try and swallow, but fail, the gag in my mouth making it difficult to do anything but drool all over myself. He’s barely touched me, and I can guarantee I look like a fucked out mess.
I feel his hand on my cheek again, his waist now straddling my chest as he runs his thumb over the length of my face and lips. He shoves two fingers down my throat again, holding them there as I gag around them. Pulling them from my throat, he demands, “Stick your tongue out” and I quickly obey, sticking my tongue out for him. I feel him spit into my mouth, the saliva hitting the flat of my tongue, and sliding into the back of my throat. I bring my tongue back into my mouth, and wince when I feel a harsh smack landed across my face.
“I didn’t say you could do anything, tongue back out. Now” Rafe says, tone harsh and demanding. I quickly push my tongue back out, the swollen head of his cock slapping against it as he groans.
I feel him slide his head into my mouth slowly and he moans, the feel of the circular metal part of the gag in my mouth squeezing at him tightly. He continues to push himself further into my mouth until he finally reaches the back of my throat, his swollen tip kissing the back of my throat making me gag. Saliva pools in my mouth, drool running down the sides of my lips when he begins slowly pulling himself back out, slamming his hips forward again. I gag around him, trying to swallow the saliva in my mouth, but I can’t, the gag makes it hard to do anything.
He places one hand on my cheek, his free hand moving to the back of my head and gripping at my hair, his grip tight and bruising. He quickly settles on a harsh and quick pace of his hips, pulling himself back and slamming his pelvis into my face. My mouth is forced open wide for him, allowing him to fuck my throat with ease. He begins grunting loudly, his hips stuttering before he quickly pulls his hips back, spit flying from my mouth as I cough and gasp, trying to catch my breath.
“Goddamn. You took me so well, such a good fucking girl…” He rasps, his left hand finding my cheek, stroking down the soft skin. He takes his free hand and brings it between my legs, running his fingers through my arousal slick folds, sucking in a sharp breath when he feels just how soaked I am.
“You’re soaked, sweetheart. You like being forced to do things? Like having your body used?”
I whimper at his words, every single one of them were true. I hated my body for reacting to such vile things, such forceful and disgusting behavior, but I couldn’t help it. Was there something wrong with me? Surely it’s not normal to get aroused at the thought of — or the action itself — being used, hurt, given no choice in the matter. But I could no longer deny it, my body craved the unknown, craved the fear and the pain, I wanted to be used, forced to do whatever he wanted me to do. I loved being his good girl, and I loved being his whore.
Rafe reaches behind my head, fingers grabbing at the buckle that strapped the gag to my face. He quickly undoes it and pulls the straps down the sides of my face before reaching inside my mouth and pulling the circular metal part out. I snap my mouth shut, swallowing thickly and licking at my lips. My jaw and throat hurt, but it was well worth it.
He leaves me blindfolded, but I feel his hands moving to the rope that bound my legs to the bed. I hear his pocket knife flip open, the ropes being cut from my ankles and allowing me the slightest bit of freedom. He moves to cut my wrists free next, but before he does, he orders me, “Don’t move, i’ll reposition you, alright?”
I nod my head, forgetting I have the freedom to speak now. His fingers tightly grip at my cheeks, squeezing them tightly and I feel tears begin to fill my eyes, “When I speak to you, you answer me. Got it?”
“Y-Yes, sir” I manage to choke out, my fresh tears finally falling and soaking into the blindfold.
He finally cuts the ropes that bound my wrists, my arms falling limp by my sides. I quickly bring them up, rubbing softly at the skin of my wrists, trying to ease the pain i’d felt, but the action is short lived, a high pitched squeal emitting from me when Rafe yanks me from my sitting position, tossing me onto my stomach.
“Hands behind your back, knees underneath your stomach” I demand, and she quickly does as I ask. She places her arms behind her back and crosses them over one another before she brings her knees up and tucks them underneath her stomach, letting her ass sit up in the air, giving me a perfect view of her soaked cunt and puckered ass.
I land a harsh slap to her ass, leaving a perfect handprint on the skin and causing her to cry out from the sting. I smirk to myself before I reach over and grab the cuffs again, placing the first cuff on her right wrist and locking it tightly in place, moving on to her left and doing the same. I smile once I have her wrists tightly locked in place, moving to grab the now cut rope from the bed and placing on the undersides of her ankles, wrapping it around a few times before pulling it up the underside of her body and through the chains of the cuffs. I pull the excess rope back down to her ankles and tie them tightly together, making it to where her cuffed wrists are bound together with her tied ankles.
“You look so goddamn beautiful like this” I say while my hand lands another harsh slap to her ass. My hands fly to her ass, gripping the plump flesh tightly and spreading her cheeks for me. I gather saliva in my mouth and spit down onto her untouched hole, moving my thumb to it and rubbing at it slowly, spreading my spit around. I slowly shove my thumb into her ass, making her hiss. “R-Rafe?” She cries out, her body rocking back and forth as I slowly push my thumb in and out of her.
“You want me to fuck your ass baby? Hmm? Would you like me to claim this hole too?”
She whimpers, her body tightening as she tries to fight her restraints. I pull my thumb from her ass and run my index and middle finger through her cunt, she’s soaked. “You’re so wet, princess. I think you want me to fuck your ass” I tease, before saying “But that’ll be another time. ‘M gonna stretch your ass in time, make it ready for my cock. For now, ‘m gonna fuck this sweet cunt, and you’re gonna take it”
“R-Rafe… Please?” She begs, the sound of her sweet, pathetic voice makes my cock throb. I run my fingers through her slick cunt again, pushing them inside of her and scissoring them to stretch her open. I begin pushing them in and out of her slowly, adding a third to stretch her more. Her body begins rocking back and forth, fucking herself onto my fingers, “That’s it baby, fuck my fingers, show me how badly you want me”
Weak whimpers and moans fall from her lips as she continues rocking her hips, fucking herself onto my fingers. I feel her pussy clamp down around them, her body tensing as she’s about to cum and I quickly remove them from inside her.
She whines at the loss of my fingers, “Rafe. Please?” She begs, and I let out a dark laugh. “Please what? Gotta tell me what you want, princess”
I hear her sniffle, “Want to cum, please? Let me cum” I slide my tongue across my top teeth and smile to myself, “Well, since you asked so nicely” I grip the base of my cock, stroking it a few times before pushing it inside of her wet cunt. I groan, throwing my head back when I feel her warm, wet walls grip my cock tightly.
She’s whimpering, unintelligible words falling from her beautiful mouth as I continue to fuck into her. She tries to fight the restraints again, body thrashing every time the head of my cock hits at her sweet spot. I lean my body forward, pressing my weight into her back as I slowly pull out, slamming my hips forward again and making her cry out.
I slap my hand over her mouth to muffle her cries, her tears falling down her face and onto my hand has my dick twitching, but I try and hold out. “‘M gonna take your air away now baby, try not to pass out on me” I whisper in her ear before my index finger and thumb pinch over her nose. She begins fighting me and her restraints hard, trying to fight my hand that’s over her mouth and pinching her nose closed, but I wrap my free hand around her waist, hand splayed across her stomach and hold her still.
Her pussy pulses around my cock, making me growl in her ear, “Fuck, you’re cunt is squeezin’ me so tightly baby, lack of oxygen turns you on?”
I chuckle when I hear her mumble into my hand, leaning my head down to her shoulder and sinking my teeth into her smooth skin. She stops fighting, her body growing weak from the lack of oxygen. Her pussy clenches around me tightly, her body beginning to go slack in my arms and I release my hand from her face. Her head shoots up, the sounds of her coughing and gasping for air bouncing off the walls.
“You did so good, little one. So good. Cum all over my cock and we can go home” I whisper in her ear, my teeth nibbling at her lobe. She lets out a loud, pornographic moan while her pussy clamps down on my dick, her body tensing and toes curling as she comes undone around me.
I pull myself back once more, slamming myself inside her while my dick twitches inside of her, my cum shooting inside of her and painting her inner walls white. I slowly thrust myself in a few more times, shoving my cum deep inside her cunt before I slowly pull out. I watch my cum slowly drip from her cunt before I drop to my back on the bed, chest heaving as I try and catch my breath.
Rolling my head to the side, I take in her exhausted body, limp and breathing heavily. I grab my pocket knife from the table, cutting at the rope around her ankles before cutting it free from around the chains of the cuffs. I toss my knife to the side, grabbing the key and undoing the cuffs, removing them and tossing them to the side as well. I scoop her limp body into my arms, running a hand across her cheek before using my free hand to pull the blindfold up and off her head.
Her eyes spring open, blinking a few times to try and adjust to the dark room. Her beautiful eyes find my blue ones and she weakly smiles up at me, making my pulse race and heart hammer in my chest. She’s always been so beautiful, but something about her fucked out look, mascara stained cheeks and heavy eyes has me falling more in love with her.
I lie her body onto the mattress, placing a soft kiss on her sweat slick forehead before standing and grabbing my boxers from the floor. I pull them up my legs and rush out to the truck, having one more thing I want to do before we go home, one thing that will let her, and everyone else know she’s mine, forever.
I open up the driver side door, grabbing the blow torch and tongs from the passenger seat and rushing back inside. I find her lying still on the bed, the sound of her even breathing filling my ears, and for a moment, I almost feel guilty that i’m about to wake her up again.
I slowly walk toward her, sitting on the bed, my weight making it dip in. “Baby, wake up. There’s one more thing to do, and then i’ll take you home and take care of you”
Her heavy eyes slowly open, blinking a few times before she whimpers, “Please, Rafe. I can’t. No more” I smirk to myself, she thinks i’m going to fuck her again, but no, no what i’m about to do will be more permanent than anything I can ever give her with my cock.
“‘S okay baby, just gonna do something to remind you and everyone else who you belong to, then we’ll go home” I whisper before quickly lighting the blow torch up. Her head shoots up off the mattress, eyes wide as she shakes her head from side to side. I remove my gold signet ring with my initials on it, and grab the circular end with the tongs, sticking the bulky end that rests on the top of my finger under the blue flame.
“Rafe, what’re you doing?” She asks, her voice shaking as her eyes dart from the ring under the flame to me. The corners of my lips lift up in a grin, “Marking you. You’re mine, and everyone will know it”
I use my free hand to reach over and grab a piece of rope from the floor, handing it to her and ordering her, “Bite down on this”
She hesitates, but ultimately does what I ask, placing the rough material between her teeth and biting down on it harshly. Once I feel like i’ve held the ring under the flame long enough, I shut off the torch and sit it at my feet. I turn my body to face her, and her eyes are swimming in unshed tears, “It’ll only hurt for a second” I tell her, and her head slowly nods up and down.
I spread her legs with my free hand, slapping harshly at her inner thigh before I bring the hot ring to her skin. She cries out in pain, body shaking as I hold the end of my gold ring to her skin. Her body goes slack, tears rolling down her cheeks when I pull it from her skin. I can’t help the large smile that spreads across my face when I look down and see a perfectly shaped small square with the letter “RC” branded into her soft skin.
Her body is still shaking, tears falling uncontrollably down her cheeks as she lets out choked sobs. I quickly stand and dress myself before tossing the hoodie of mine i’d brought over her weak body, lifting her into my arms and carrying her out to the truck.
I runs hand through her sweat slick hair, pushing it back from her face as I lean forward and press my lips to her forehead, “I love you, Y/N. You’re mine, now and forever. Let’s get you home and cleaned up”
She lets out a soft whimper, her face buried into my chest as she manages to whisper, “I love you too”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @rafeism @thelomlisrafecameron @rafegirly @f4ll-for-you @drewstarkeyslut @lizcameron @dilvcv @thewitchesofart @rafesgfxo @unsaidjaelinrose @abbybarnesstuff @itsmytimetoodream @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @r1vrsefx @yourfavborderhopper @moremaybank @rafetopia @rafemotherfuckingcameron @jade-is-jaded @lexasaurs634 @lyndys @presleyanswrites @carma-fanficaddict @rafescokenostril @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron @jjsmarijuana @ijustwanttoreadlols @luversgirl @sugarcoatedstarkey @skyesthebomb @nirvanaissogood @stvrkey @vhour @emma77645 @rafeinterlude @superlegend216 @mannstarkey @digitaldiary111 @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @crgirlsworld @atorturedpoetx @carolinaxvz @maybankslover @cantstoptherecs @pradabambie @slut4ani @kamninaries
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seungkw1 · 13 days
you're so sweet, but... — hvc
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♡ pairing: bf!vernon x afab!reader ♡ theme: smut ♡ wc: 3.1k ♡ warnings: brat!reader, brattamer!vernon, sub!reader, softdom!vernon, praise kink, degradation kink, slight exhibitionism, unprotected piv sex (do not do this), fingering (f. receiving), gagging (f. receiving), lots of spit going on, body worship, spanking, manhandling, hair pulling, head pushing, nipple play, doggy, riding, dacryphilia, oral (m. receiving/f. receiving implied), cum swallowing, slight possessiveness, pet names (princess, babygirl, good girl, slut), minor fluff at the end ♡ a/n: ummmm yeah so here’s the vernon fic i’ve talked about writing for a while i kinda went feral hope u like it !! :)
Your sweet, wonderful boyfriend always treats you so well - but you secretly wish he would be a little bit meaner sometimes. One day while he’s working from home, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
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“How long is the call?”
“Shouldn't be more than an hour.”
You pout at your boyfriend, tugging at his arm, trying to drag him away from work. 
“That's too longgggg,” you whine. 
“Sorry babe, duty calls.”
You cross your arms, rolling your eyes at him. “Vernon, you can't just say duty calls about a Zoom meeting.”
Vernon turns around, taking your hands in his as he steps back toward you. He leans in and gives you a big kiss on the lips. 
“Love you.”
He spins you around and sends you off with a light tap on the butt. 
“It's a good thing you're cute,” you say, looking back at him with a grin. He gives you a playful smile before shutting the door, leaving it slightly ajar. 
You last about 15 minutes. Ever since you moved in with your boyfriend, you hadn't spent much time apart from him at all - so when you went on a trip with friends, you didn't realize how much you'd miss him. You were only gone a week, but it was enough to drive you nuts - and make you stupidly horny. 
You lay upon your bed, caressing yourself lightly through your clothes, imagining Vernon was here on top of you, stripping your clothes off so he can worship your crevice of your body. He always is so good to you, speaking soft, sweet praises as he fucks you: 
“You’re taking me so well, baby.”
“You look so pretty riding me like this.”
“That’s it, cum for me darling.”
It’s incredibly hot, and you're so grateful to have such a loving partner who prioritizes your pleasure above everything. 
You’ve never admitted this to him, but sometimes you wish he would be a bit meaner. 
Vernon is well aware that you have a praise kink - it pairs perfectly with his love of complimenting you. But recently you’ve started dreaming of your sweet, wonderful boyfriend calling you a dirty little slut as he throws you around, pins you down to the bed, fills your pussy up with cum and then fucks it into you all over again. And it really turns you on. 
You’ve been hesitant to share this with him - only because you don't know if it’s something he'd be into. In the year or so you've been together, he has never spoken down to you in any way - the man simply doesn't have a mean bone in his body. You worry it would upset him if you expressed this desire to him and he couldn't deliver. 
You ponder this as you lay there, fantasizing about being dominated, degraded, fucked so hard you forget your own name. You don’t even have to touch yourself to know how wet this is making you.
A very debaucherous idea suddenly comes to you. 
You think about it for a minute. You know you probably shouldn't do it, but you're feeling so depraved right now that you don't even care. 
You hop to your feet, making your way back to Vernon’s office. The door is still unlatched. Praying the hinges aren't creaky, you slowly push it open about halfway, enough to bring your whole body into view. You see him sitting at the desk’s chair, looking a bit bored but focused, his posture pin-straight and perfect as always. His eyes flicker over to you as he notices you standing there. He looks at you with concern - you never interrupt him when he’s at work unless it's something urgent. He tilts his head slightly, silently asking you if something is wrong. 
You bite your lip to hide the smirk creeping upon your face. You slowly lift your shirt, sliding it above your bra to reveal your tits. His eyes widen. He’s still on camera, so he doesn't let himself react more than than, but you can tell he’s getting flustered already. 
You pull your shirt over your head, dropping it to the floor. Your hands make their way to your jeans, unfastening them, slowly dragging the zipper down. Vernon stares at you, shaking his head as subtly as possible. 
Don't do it, his face reads. 
Doing it anyway, you start pulling your jeans off, caressing your hips seductively as you slide the pants down your legs. As you kick the jeans off, you pull your underwear up tight against your cunt, showing off the existing wet spot - making it even wetter as the thin fabric sticks to your soaked folds. Your pussy is all but on full display. 
Vernon’s ears burn bright red. He tries to ignore you, turning back to his computer. 
“Sorry, can you repeat the question?” he asks somebody on the call, his voice straining to remain unwavering. You hear a muffled voice in his headphones, repeating what they just asked. Vernon gives an abrupt nod and answers the question. 
You wait until he finishes his response. Once he’s done speaking, you see his attention start to drift back over to you. You reach behind you, releasing the hook of your bra. Your breasts fall softly out of the garment as you slide it off; you toss the bra toward Vernon, not quite far enough for it to be spotted in the webcam, but daringly close. 
The flush begins to spread to his neck. He maintains a cool facade, but you can tell he is stewing inside. You smirk, pleased with yourself for managing to make him so distraught so easily. 
He answers another question, shifting in his seat slightly to accommodate the growing erection in his pants.  
You take a step into the room. He shoots you a panicked look. You take another step, reaching over to the desk. You lean over and- 
With a sad sounding noise, the entire computer shuts off. You release the power button. Vernon stares at the black screen for a moment, in shock. He turns back to you, shock washing over his face. 
“What the fuck are you doi-”
You disappear from the doorway in an instant. Vernon runs after you. 
He chases you into the bedroom. 
“What the hell was that for??”
“I dunno,” you reply, grinning at him coyly. “Just felt like it.”
“You can't just interrupt when I’m in a meeting like that! What if it was important??”
“Was it?”
“No, but-”
“See? You’ll be fine. Just say your internet went out.”
He purses his lips shut. “That’s not the point. You could have gotten me in huge trouble.”       
“Oh no,” you say cheekily, poking him in the chest. “I guess you'll just have to put me in my place then.”
Vernon looks at you, his expression shifting from anger to disbelief. He lets out a huff. 
“So that’s what you want,” he responds incredulously. “You’re acting like a brat on purpose.”
You step forward, grinning as you get in his face. 
“Now you get it.”
“Jesus y/n, that was too risky!” he scolds.  
You clasp your hand tightly on the bulge in his pants. He lets out a sharp groan. 
“Yeah, but you like it.”
He stares at you, trying to be upset, but his eyes start to glaze over as you squeeze his cock. 
“Now,” you continue, speaking softly. You lean in and let your lips linger in front of his. “Are you gonna fuck me or not?”
He stands there, mouth slightly agape, dumbstruck by your audacity. 
Before he can continue, you start undoing the button on his jeans. You tug on the zipper, having to put a little extra effort in due to his hard cock straining to escape from the confines of the denim.  The zipper glides down over the bulging mass; he sighs at the relieving sensation. You pull the waistband of his boxers down just enough to free his tip - he's already leaking with precum. You collect it on your index finger and bring it up to your mouth, licking your finger clean. 
“God,” Vernon groans through gritted teeth, his cock twitching against his stomach. “You’re a fucking menace.”
He reaches for your core. He pulls your hopelessly drenched panties aside, dragging the pads of his fingers over your slit. 
“Look how fucking wet you are.”
You whimper as he slips his middle finger inside you. He slides it in and out a few times before adding his ring finger. You cry out as he curls his fingertips to hit your g-spot - he always knows how to touch you in your most sensitive spots to drive you fucking crazy. 
He starts fucking your pussy, the heel of his palm pressing deliciously against your clit with each motion of his hand. After several deep pumps he pulls his hand out - it’s already soaked. 
“Open,” he commands. 
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out. He shoves his fingers inside. You latch onto them, sucking your own juices off. He pushes further into your mouth, making you gag. Your eyes start to water. 
By the time he pulls out, his hand is coated with your spit. A big string of saliva sticks to his fingers; it breaks, the remainder dribbling down your chin. Vernon leans in, slipping his tongue into your mouth, dragging it around the inside of your teeth.  He reaches for your cunt again, gently circling your clit. His spit-covered fingertips glide easily over the bud, the stimulation making your pussy clench around nothing. 
“Oh my god,” you moan into his mouth. You start grinding your cunt against his fingers. “Just fuck me already.”
You whine as he pulls his hand away. Grabbing you by the hips, he pushes you over to the bed. He practically throws you onto the mattress. He pulls his jeans and boxers down in one go, yanking them off hurriedly. His shirt quickly joins the discarded clothes on the floor. Standing fully nude before you now, he slowly begins stroking his cock. With one finger he reaches beneath the crotch of your underwear, pulling the elastic back. The cool air of the room stings pleasantly against your wet cunt. He releases; you jump slightly as it snaps back against your pussy. 
“Get rid of these.”
You don't move. “Do it for me.”
He stares down at you, his eyes filled with lust.
“Fine,” he growls.
He reaches for you, running his hands up the sides of your thighs. You lift yourself up a bit so he can strip your panties off - but instead he grasps you by the hips, flipping you over onto your stomach.
He nearly rips your underwear off, not bothering to remove them, but sliding them down just enough to expose your cunt. He smacks you on the ass, hard. You let out a small cry at the stinging sensation.
“You like that?” he asks as he traces his fingernails over the tender area.
“Mhmm,” you mumble into the sheets.
He grabs you by the hair, yanking your head up.
“Speak up, princess.”
“Yes,” you whine. 
He spanks you again, even harder this time. Your skin begins to burn where his hand struck you.
“More,” you plead.
He leans over, gripping your hair in his fist still as he speaks softly into your ear.
“Oh I don’t think so,” he mutters. The hair on the back of your neck stands up. “You’ve been very bad today, I’m not just going to give you what you want so easily.”
He grabs his cock in his other hand, leading the tip to your heat. He strokes it over your entrance a few times, the combination of your juices and spit coating his cockhead. He pushes into you slightly to tease you, but you’re so wet that it slips right in. You cry out at the sensation; he lets out a long moan as he slowly pushes further, making you take his full length. He rests for a moment with your pussy wrapped around his whole cock, breathing deeply.
“God your pussy is so perfect,” he whispers into your ear. “And it’s all mine, isn’t it babygirl?”
“Y-yeah,” you whimper. “All yours.”
“Good,” he grumbles. “A good little slut all for me.”
He begins to fuck you, slowly at first, sliding in and out of you, making you feel every inch of him. Quickly though his pace increases, thrusting into you with powerful strokes, his hand unreleasing in your hair. Your legs start to quiver as his cock hits you in the perfect spot each time. You grasp onto the sheets, desperately clinging to them as your boyfriend fucks you like never before, your cries muffled into the mattress. Vernon pulls you up again, your moans filling the air as he wraps his other arm around your torso, squeezing your breasts as he holds you tight against him. He plays with your nipples, pinching them and rolling the bud around between his thumb and index finger. You already start to feel your orgasm approaching when he releases your tits, sliding his hand down your stomach and reaching for your clit.
“Fuck I’m so close,” you cry out between an unholy symphony of moans. Vernon groans as he fucks you even harder, his cock pounding into you as his fingertips flutter over your sensitive bud. Your screams escalate, so near to your climax - but before you can cum he pulls his cock out of you; he rests it against your ass, dragging your wetness all over your skin. He flips you around again to face him, throwing you onto the pillows. 
“Not yet,” he tells you as he climbs over you. He lays beside you, grabbing your arms and hoisting you on top of him. “Wanna see your pretty little face when you cum for me.”
You straddle him, sitting with your pussy resting upon his shaft. He laces his fingers through yours, holding your hands as he pulls you toward him. You begin to rock your hips back and forth, sliding your cunt up and down his length. Your clit pulsates as his hardness presses against it with each movement.
“Want you to cum like this,” he mutters, his eyelids halfway closed as your pussy strokes his cock. He grips onto your hands tightly, supporting you as you pleasure yourself upon him. You grind against him, your cunt throbbing, begging for release. A burning sensation builds in your gut; your mind starts to go blank - the only thing you can think about is Vernon, laying under you as he watches you unravel atop him, losing all composure on his cock.
“I’m gonna cum,” you wail. You relinquish all control, letting your orgasm take over. Your body trembles as every nerve in your body is set ablaze like fireworks. You scream out your boyfriend’s name as you release over him, cumming long and hard, your climax seemingly endless.
You start to come down, breathing heavily as you recover from your high. You collapse onto Vernon, laying your body on his chest as you bury your face in his neck. He lets go, sliding his hands around you, squeezing you against him in a tight embrace. He lets you catch your breath, but only for a moment. 
“Look at me,” he demands as he lifts you up to face him. Your face is undoubtedly a mess of tears, but Vernon thinks you’ve never looked more beautiful.
“Such a good girl for me,” he says as he plays with your breasts. His cock twitches against his stomach, painfully hard, straining for release. “Should I give you my cum now, love?”
“Please,” you beg.
“Where do you want it, baby?”
You open your mouth wide and exaggeratedly stick your tongue out. 
“Fuck,” Vernon groans. “Whatever you want, babygirl.”
Quickly you climb off of him, kneeling between his legs as he sits upon the edge of the bed. You take his cock in your hand, giving him a few pumps as you take his balls in your mouth. You lick up his length, letting his tip rest against your swollen, wet lips as you look up at him with big doe eyes. He brushes your hair out of your face.
“So beautiful.”
You stick your tongue out, giving his cock kitten licks as you gaze into his eyes. You then take his length in your mouth, swallowing him to his base.
“Oh fuckkkk,” he moans.
You look up at him as you suck his cock, gagging on his length and creating a mess of spit all over him. He stares at you as if he thinks you’re the most desirable thing in the universe - and to him, you are.
“Look at you, princess,” he coos. “So pretty with my cock in your pretty little mouth.”
You speed your pace, your head bobbing up and down faster and faster. Nothing matters more to you in the world right now than bringing him pleasure. His eyelids flutter as his eyes begin to roll back, soft moans emanating from his lips as he pushes your head down, making you take all of him with each stroke of your mouth. Grotesque sounds try to escape you, to no avail; the vibrations of your hums send Vernon over the edge. He lets out a string of “ah, ah, ah”s, getting louder as he gets closer and closer, until…
“Oh my goddddd.”
His hips jerk upwards as he releases, painting the back of your throat with hot white ropes of cum. His cock throbs in your mouth as you swallow his load. The pressure upon your head lessens as the tension in his body begins to fade. Giving you a final few spurts of cum, he relaxes; he pulls you back up onto the bed, taking you in his arms as he rolls over onto his side. He holds you against him, you as his little spoon, as he peppers your cheek with kisses. He whispers into your ear, his voice low and raspy.
“I fucking love you.”
You smile. “I fucking love you too, baby.”
He takes your chin in his hand as he turns your face toward his. He gives you a long kiss. As his lips part from yours, he squishes your face playfully.
“But don’t do that again,” he says with a grin.
You giggle. “I won’t - but next time I come home from a trip you have to fuck me right away.”
Vernon presses his nose against yours, his face dead serious. “Yes ma’am.”
You kiss him again. “Don’t you have to get back to work?”
He shakes his head. “Can’t work, the internet is out.”
“Oh yeah,” you grin back at him. “Bummer.”
“Besides,” he continues, shifting you onto your back and making his way down the bed, positioning himself between your legs. He wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you up to his face.
“I’m starving.”
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dongslinger--420 · 9 months
BoJack's "I have this friend" digression in Free Churro feels so tender to me. Live Fast, Diane Nguyen was one of the first times these two properly connected, so to see him feel such a connection once again, especially when their relationship is at its rockiest, just shows how much he cares about her. We also see that his parents' abuse made him internalise the ideology that he doesn't need anyone around him, which is why he can't do this in INT. SUB, despite the fact that he wants so desperately to connect with her over this again. I also think it's really interesting that, out of the many words he could've used to refer to Diane with, he chose "friend", because that is truly what Diane has been for the past 4 years. For better or for worse, she has been there for him, and he tries to connect with her once again by referring back to her in the eulogy, but just can't bring himself to do it in person.
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toku-fangirl-2015 · 1 month
Reblog for sample size, etc. etc.
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simpxxstan · 3 months
favourite (teaser)
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pairing: boss!wonwoo x model!mingyu x f.reader
genre: smut, slowburn, poly!relationship
summary: after being happily single for years, when you develop a crush, you don't know what to do. you think your closest friend (with benefits) can take your mind off things. but when you ask for his help, you certainly didn't imagine this kind of help from him.
final word count: tbd
teaser word count: 600 words
teaser warning: reference to sex with sub male, mention of jealousy, slight sugar daddy wonwoo, asymmetric power dynamics, the entire teaser is suggestive in line with the story itself. wonwoo and mingyu are both depicted to be bisexual in this fanfiction, it does not imply anything with regards to real life as this is just a work of fiction.
a/n: i swear my hormones made me write this. but i can't say i regret it- boss wonwoo will be the death of me. final fic will be nearly 10k words, if not slightly more. pls let me know your thoughts, i'll be waiting <3
release date: out now!
Because you have some time until your company’s jet is scheduled to depart, so you’re roaming through the duty-free stores. You’re walking out of a chocolate store when you notice Mingyu’s life-sized poster, modelling for Calvin Klein.
You smile and grab your phone to take a quick photo, before admiring the advertisement. It must be a recent shoot, because his hair is cropped short like you noticed when he last came over. His muscles look well defined in the photograph, where he’s posing shirtless with a single black tie tied loosely to his neck, and black jeans hung low on his lips. There’s a wildly sensual look in his eyes, as if begging to be taken as you pleased, and it makes you smirk. Now you have something more to tease him for, when you meet him the next time. 
“Pretty, isn’t he?” You haven’t realised when Wonwoo’s sidled up to your side, and you notice a Bulgari bag in his hands. So that’s where he’s been shopping while you were busy browsing through chocolates. Wonwoo’s eyes are fixed on the poster in front of you, an appreciative glint in his eyes. 
“Pretty indeed. For as long as I remember him.” 
Wonwoo turns to look at you, his eyebrow raised. “Are you a fan? Or a friend?” “The latter. Mingyu and I have been friends since high school.” “How interesting.” Eager to impress him, you elaborate, “I was the one who pushed him to get into modelling. Couldn’t have let looks like that slip, could I?” Wonwoo chuckles. “Indeed not. I’m sure many must thank you, including myself.” 
Wonwoo takes out a small box from the bag he’s carrying. Opening the box, you see there’s a bracelet inside. Set with at least sixty 24 carat diamonds. It makes your mouth water and your eyes shine, and you cannot help but envy his boyfriend, if he’s the one on the receiving end of such gifts. “What do you think?
You wonder if it’s too personal a question, but you’re also sure a lot of lines between professional and personal have gotten blurred over this trip. So you bravely ask him, “Is that for your boyfriend?” 
Wonwoo doesn’t show any sign of displeasure, if he feels it. His eyes still focused on Mingyu’s poster on the glowing display in front of you, he says, “Hmm. Do you think it’ll suit him?” 
Your throat goes dry. If he’s bought it for his boyfriend, why are his eyes fixed on Mingyu? But you don’t think about it. Mingyu’s looks are, after all, captivating. 
“I’m sure it will. He’s very lucky to be receiving such a pretty gift. He must be really precious to you.” You laugh lightly, trying to hide the bile of jealousy rising in your throat. 
Wonwoo puts away the gift. “He is, of course.” His eyes now shift to yours. “Any favourite of mine is bound to be the most precious to me. And worthy of the prettiest of gifts, whatever they want.” 
You fight the blush creeping into your cheeks, trying to stop your heart from racing on. This is ridiculous. Why on earth are you getting into your feels when he’s clearly thinking and talking about his lover? God, Y/N, get a grip on yourself. He’s not yours, and by the look of love and yearning on his face, he never will be. 
It’s his voice that breaks you out of your trance. “Miss Y/L/N? The jet’s arrived. Don’t wanna miss it, do we?” You can’t help but nod dumbly and walk behind him to keep pace.
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tommydarlings · 1 year
Pretty when you cry | c.l
pairing: mean!dom!charles x sub!gasly!reader
warnings: smut, taking virginity, cnc, gagging with fingers, gagging with a thong, chocking, dacryphilia, slapping, slight overstimulation, dumbification -> extended version!! (3.9k)
w/c: 2.5k
summary: After desperately trying to find your brother at a very noisy club, you surprisingly land in the arms of his best friend Charles, and you surprisingly land bend over his kitchen counter while he takes your virginity in a very mean and rough way.
song suggestion: Pretty when you cry by Lana del rey
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +25 works) <3 // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
The music was almost hurting your ears as you slowly tried to squeeze your way through the wild crowd, pulling your arms to your chest that was perfectly hugged by the thin, red dress that you’ve bought yourself not to long ago.
You sighed as you weren’t able to see your brother anywhere even though he told you that he’d stay by your side… most of the time.
Worked out great, didn’t it?
But who were you to blame — you should have known better than that. Obviously your brother, Pierre would be celebrating with his friends and drink until dawn breaks out instead of watching if his little sister and making sure that she’s having fun.
Oh, you were having sooooo much fun trying to find your older brother and telling him that you’ll go home now since you're… tired.
But after multiple hopeless minutes of trying to find Pierre, you gave up and just decided to take seat at the bar, ordering a harmless glass of water.
Suddenly a young but rather crusty and drunk man sat himself down, right next to you even though every other seat was still available. Could this night get any better?
“Well hello, gorgeous,” he slurred his words, obviously being under the influence of too much alcohol as he came a bit closer to you, making you sliding your body a few centimetres away from him,
“I am not-”
“Shut the fuck up and let the man speak, are we clear?” He interrupted you as his palm touched your bare skin on your back, fingers gliding along your shivering figure. You never felt that kind of fear before.
“Don’t be scared-”
“I am not int-”
“Shut the hell up bitch! God! You are really something else, aren’t you little one?” The stranger yelled at you in a loud tone before his fingers went further down, making tears fill up your eyes.
After swallowing at least a tiny part of your fear down, you swiftly stood up, “I said that I am not interested.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “And I said that you should shut the fuck up and let the man talk, you-”
“Excuse me?” Someone interrupted the stranger who was still touching your back. As soon as you turned around, you were quite suprised to see your brother's best friend, Charles, standing with a dark and almost possessive gaze right behind you.
You gulped as you looked up at Charles, “C-Charles, I-”
But before you could say anything, Charles grabbed the stranger by his wrist and removed his palm from your body, harshly throwing it away before he got a hold of his collar and slammed his against his seat.
“Touch her again, and I’ll make sure that you ain’t got no hands to touch her with anymore, am I clear?” Charles spoke up with pure rage in his voice, quickly letting go of the young, disgusting man before he looked down at your slightly paralysed figure.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He asked you as soon as the young man left, hand now gently touching your arm, thumb drawing circles onto your skin.
You slowly nodded, “I-I am-” but you couldn’t get the words out, you just started crying and before you knew it, you stood up and fell into your brother's best friend's arms, tightly hugging him as he put his chin on top of your head and shushed you.
“Shh,” he whispered as his palms caressed your back, “It’s okay now, I am here, alright?” Charles asked you as he looked down at you, wiping your tears away before he gave you a quick and short peck onto the top of your head.
You briefly wiped one last tear away before you lifted your head and looked up at Charles, “I w-want to go home b-but I can’t find my b-brother.” Quickly looking around the big, noisy room again to see if you maybe see him now but no chance, Pierre was nowhere in sight.
Charles briefly scanned the room as well before he brushed a strand of hair out of your face and answered,
“I can take you home if you want to, sweetheart,” Charles whispered in your ear while his hands didn’t leave your still shaking body, you nodded before your eyes widened.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“Pierre has my keys! I can’t go home without him!” You nervously told your brother's best friend.
Maybe you’ve imagined it, but you could swear on your older brother that Charles’s eyes briefly darkened as he looked down at you, hands leaving your body as he got his car keys with one hand, and his phone with the other.
You gulped and shook those thoughts away before you leaned forward and glanced at his phone where he’s typing something, other hand playing with his Ferrari car key.
“What are you doing, Charles?” You mumbled. He briefly looked at you, eyes still kind of darker than before,
“I’m texting your brother that I’ve found you and that I’ll take you home with me, okay?” Quickly putting his finger through the big chain that’s attached to his car key before he swiftly took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.
You were just able nod as the monaguesque leaded the two of your out of the loud club, hand tightly grabbing yours since he really didn’t wanna lose you in that big crowd.
Even through the two of you are not dating, Charles always had a special place in your heart that the other friends of your brother didn’t had. Since today you’re not sure which kind of place that is but you always just brushed the feeling away that you’ve got as soon as Charles looked into your eyes or touched you since you were the little sister of his best friend.
And something like that could never end well, right?
“Thank you,” you quietly thanked him in a hush tone as he opened the passenger door for you, closing it behind you before he went over to the drivers seat, immediately starting the engine, making it roar so loud that most of the people that stood outside turned their heads and looked in your direction.
You just gave the a small, polite smile before Charles already took off and drove you to his home.
- - -
“I’ve actually never seen your house before,” you said as you entered Charles's million dollar mansion in Monaco, feeling his big palm on your back as he leaded you the way towards his living room.
Charles hand left you right before he sat himself down onto one of the big sofas in the modern room, you took a seat at the other one right at the opposite of him.
After taking a deep breath, you leaned down and desperately tried to removed your black high heels, but you felt so exhausted that you just sighed and leaned back again, not even trying.
“Should I help you?” Charles asked you in a quiet but deep tone, already getting on his knee in front of you.
You just nodded, muttering a quiet 'thank you' before his fingertips touched your ankle, slowly gliding them down to the hard fabric before he gently opened your heel and removed it from your tired feet, putting it down right next to him.
Then his hands went to your other leg, fingertips touching your knee now, briefly looking up at you. With slightly widened eyes, you looked down at him, hands gripping onto the couch as his soft fingers glided down your leg until he reached the dark heel.
After a few seconds, he was also able to remove your other heel but this time he bend his body downwards and kissed the spot right above foot, just briefly pecking it but it made you blush like a little school girl that just received her very first kiss.
“Thank you Charles, for everything tonight,” you mumbled as he set the other heel next to the first one down, putting your foot down again, looking up at your sitting figure
“No need to thank me mon chéri,” he answered in a hush tone.
You bit your lip as you looked up at him after he stood up, your heels in his hands as he carries then to the front door, gently setting them down before he turned his body around and look at you.
“I am sorry that you guys have to go through stuff like that almost everyday,” Charles started talking about the man in the club, making your ears peek up, “Men are disgusting, no arguments there, that’s for sure.” The monaguesque told you while you nodded along,
“They r-really are, yeah,” you quietly answered as you crossed your legs and leaned your body backwards, eyes not leaving his slightly darker ones.
“I mean,” you started again, “I guess that I don’t know a lot about men or at least their… sexual behaviour since I’ve never been touched by one but they are definitely… disgusting, nasty, ugly, pricks.”
Suddenly, Charles stood a bit straighter, slowly taking baby steps towards your figure on the sofa.
“What do you mean that you’ve never been touched by a man before, sweetheart?” You briefly blushed at the infamous nickname before you spoke up,
“Well, I-I am a Virgin, so-”
And Charles quietly laughed. Only very, very quietly and softly but you were definitely able to hear it, no doubts.
“You-, You’re a virgin?” Charles asked as he stood almost right in front of you, forcing you to look up at your brother's best friend.
You nodded, “yeah, I j-just don’t want to waste it, you know?” You gulped as he stood right in front of you, hands in the pocket of his dark slacks as he looked down into your big eyes looking at him.
“Yeah, I understand,” he mumbled in a deep tone, eyes now visibly darker… for some reason that you couldn’t catch onto.
Then, after starring at each other eyes for a couple of seconds, Charles removed one of his hand from his pocket and put it on your check, thumb gliding along your bottom lip as his lips turned into a very tiny smirk.
You furrowed your brows as you looked up at the Ferrari driver, thumb now softly and slowly caressing your bottom lip. And then he tapped onto your lip, silently asking you to open your mouth and suck on his thumb.
And to your surprise, you did as you were told and opened your mouth and sucked on his thumb.
“I knew it,” Charles muttered as you furrowed your brows again, not knowing what he meant by that.
“I fuckin' knew that you were not the pretty little innocent girl that’s just Pierre’s little sister and nothing more,” he whispered in a deep tone, “Your doing so good for me, ma chérie.”
You took his thumb a bit deeper into your mouth while he opened his pants, removing his belt before he freed himself.
And oh my god, was that fucking big.
He chuckled in a deep tone as he saw how your eyes widened, thumb leaving your greedy mouth, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,” slowly leaning forward so that his mouth was hovering above your ear, “I’ll make it fit in every single hole of yours,” he told you, making you gulp before he brushed some hair out of your face.
“Stick your tongue out, baby,” Charles demanded in a rather soft tone. He got a hold of his big cock and slapped the tip of it onto your wet tongue, repeatedly doing so while you kept your hat on his one.
“That’s my good girl,” he muttered deeply as he shoved his dick down your throat, at first very slowly but then going a bit faster as he noticed your want for it.
“Fucking shit,” he groaned loudly, “if your brother would only know what I am doing with you now and what I am gonna do with you after you’re down with sucking my cock, then I would be dead.” He stated as his breathing pattern got more uneven, feeling his orgasm approaching him while you gagged around his cock.
“O-Oh my god, just l-like that!” He groaned deeply as he got a hold of the back of your head, forcing your mouth even further down his cock while he looked down at you.
You continued gagging on his cock as he shoved him further down your throat, making tears shoot into your eyes, Charles was only able to growl as he noticed that.
He removed your head from his cock and slapped his leaking tip onto your sticked out tongue, smirking while doing so, “if your b-brother should ever p-provoke before, during or after a r-race, I am gonna record you in that e-exact state and send it t-to him, I swear I-I do that.”
You gasped and quickly closed your mouth, in the meanwhile — Charles took your hand and leaded it to his erection, forcing you to jerk him off, “Please d-don’t do that c-charles, Pierre would kill b-both of u-us.” You answered quietly.
He chuckled at your reaction, one hand on your wrist as he guided your hand that was currently jerking him off while the other hand held your chin, thumb playing with your now slightly cum covered lip.
“We'll see… it depends.” He mumbled.
You tilted your head to the side but charles didn’t liked that, immediately turning your head again and pushing your face slightly forward.
“Depends on what?” You asked him innocently, hand not stopping the movements on his cock.
“Depends on how good of a good girl you are for me tonight, you understand?”
You slowly nodded, gulping at his demanding tone. Charles smiled in a wicked way, “Good.”
Then, he gently took your hand and removed it from his cock, tightly gripping your upper arm and pulling your body up, leading you in a quick and careless way towards the kitchen counter, swiftly bending you over it.
“C-Charles, what are you d-”
But your sentence was cut off by his big palm slapping over your mouth, suddenly feeling his closer to your body.
He got a hold of your thong, dragging it down your legs.
You expected him to put it down onto the counter next to you, or maybe dropping it onto the floor but that wasn’t the case, no — he tied the thin, white material around your mouth, not making it unable for you to speak but also not making it able for you to speak properly.
You gulped, or at least desperately tried to do so, as Charles made sure that the white piece of clothing is tightly tied around your mouth, feeling how he exposed your ass, dick gliding along your wet entrance now.
And once again, you gasped at the feeling, especially since you were feeling it for the first time.
“Do you trust me, mon amour?” Charles whispered in your ear from behind while the tears didn’t stop.
You refused to answer for a few seconds but then you mumbled through your thong,
He quietly sighed, “Bad idea.”
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caineinthecorner · 6 months
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Language (The Demon Brothers)
★ Based on my language general hcs. Part 2 is here.
Hi. Today we have the demon brothers language hcs, brought to you by a single dumbass bilingual. :D
I include mentions of bilingual/multilingual MC, but I use the term MC and you interchangeably in the bullet points. It's the same thing who cares (you can also add whatever languages you think fit I am just going off vibes tbh)
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★ Lucifer.
Since he was the strongest and highest ranked out of the brothers, his innate abilities were muddled the least.
This is to say that he remembers a lot from his innate knowledge as an angel, and can actually fare incredibly well on his own if you leave him in the human realm.
(the language he preferred back in his angel days was Archaic Latin, which is also Simeon's preferred language)
When Diavolo brought up the idea of the human exchange program he was like "(: ok" and binged human language for like two months straight like a total psychopath
He's like one of those fancy 10+ languages fluent polyglots (how)
Despite his fluency, it is rare to ever see him speak them. He has better things to do and prefers demon tongue.
Or if he does, the Loquar Ad Vos that was applied to you once you arrived in Devildom doesn't allow you to hear it.
You try to swear in your native language around him and oh boy it backfires
That is how you learn he's fluent in everything under the sun (exaggeration)
Frustrated, you grumble that you will learn demon tongue just to one up him
He takes it like a challenge. Enjoy reading a million books on the demonic language and having double the homework for your little joke.
(he gives you hard material to learn on purpose to see you fail. Enjoy hell buckoo. Double hell? Hell²)
You kept misspelling good morning in demon tongue as a demonic death threat and that somehow turned into an inside joke between the two of you.
He has to keep himself from chuckling whenever MC screws up words
Your accent is lovely though. Keep it up
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★ Mammon.
Spanish and English.
Ok I actually can't justify myself further than "Mams would absolutely fucking go to Vegas" and the fact that USA has a large Latino population but hear me out
You cannot tell me that he would not watch telenovelas. Like. C'mon.
he has the vibes of a Spanish speaker is what I am saying
he was SO frustrated about having to learn human languages you have no idea
In fact he probably still struggles a bit and that makes him really mad
Why is it so complicated all of the sudden?! It wasn't complicated Before!
He unconsciously associates human languages with the trauma of the fall, and the stress and hurt and turbulent emotions it conveys
So learning new languages besides the two he knows is a touchy subject for him
(but like, he will learn MC's native language despite this. Whining to hell about it, but he will. Everything for MC)
You are actually very lucky that you have Loquar Ad Vos with you, bcs he actually switches from demon tongue to either English or Spanish mid sentence sometimes.
Not that you notice with your crusty translator (Loquar also works for human languages it supports), of course.
"Ayo can you [Spanish phrase], oh and give me a [English word], for a [spanglish nonsense]" <- Mammon's dumbass not functioning in trilingual
Also he has an accent but he's trying
The others are used to it so they don't question it anymore, but they deadass could not understand Mammon at some point because trilingual was not computing
It was frustrating to say the least
You two play charades with each other when the other forgets a word in your respective languages
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★ Leviathan.
Japanese (very decent) and English (bad) are musts.
You cannot tell me for a second this fuck watches anime subbed OR dubbed. He's too weeb for that. He will watch the original dub version for the full emotional impact
He wanted to know what happens in the weeb world of the west (and internet discourse), so he learned English through shitty 2000s anime forums and Duolingo
Probably plays Duolingo competitively and/or cries if he loses his streak
His hearing and speaking English is okay, his writing is literally so so shit
Tried to learn a romantic language to be corny but failed miserably.
(He steered clear of languages his brothers know so he isn't self conscious)
It was probably Portuguese or something since Mammon kept talking about being good at figuring it out as a Spanish speaker (due to it being a romantic language)
The diacritical marks killed him on the spot
Meu português não é bom... (crying)
Victim of the you're* corrections
Runs his several-paragraphs-long rants about weeb stuff through Satan so the grammar is legit
Actually thinking about it would be absolutely fucking hilarious if he knew russian just for funsies. Yeah add Russian to the list
He sends you crusty Russian memes at unholy hours in the morning. Calls that bonding
Would absolutely swear in loud ass Russian while playing Valorant or smt
Ah + he knows Morse code (obviously). He was really excited when he discovered it and proceeded to obsess over it for like three weeks straight.
Although by the time he learned about it humans had already moved on from its wide-spead use at sea (post-1999), the Devildom Navy adapted Morse code for their own use as per Levi's command.
He teaches MC how to use Morse code (bashfully) and they send lil' messages to each other for fun
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★ Satan.
He inherited a good chunk of Lucifer’s angel-knows-all-languages innate talents.
He doesn't have the angel knowledge of every language, of course, but he definitely has a really high count since birth; Unlike his brothers who had to relearn their languages of interest.
However, he can tell™ that the topic of languages is kinda taboo-y, as it signifies the traumatic fall he himself was not there to witness, and kept quiet about it.
The others (mostly) think he just learned languages in his free time.
He is the designated google translate person. When the other brothers need translations, they ask him.
He gets very frustrated when he has to translate something on the spot
Absolutely knows Chinese and Latin just to read fancy old human books and be a menace about it
He has a copy of the Art Of War in Chinese I will fight you on that
Actually he probably owns every important human book in its native language
Culprit of the you're* corrections
If he has to read another thesis-length essay abt weeb shit by leviathan he will actually lose his shit
You know the Voynich manuscript? He's probably trying to decode it for funsies.
If you and him (unfortunately) share a language, he will absolutely correct the living shit out of you when you speak it
Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't "erm ACtuAllY" MC. You can't.
His ass does not understand slang. At all. You tell him See You Later Alligator and he'll be like "tf you smoking ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ?"
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★ Asmodeus.
French. And Korean. Maybe very mid English.
Ok so french is the language of lOVe and whatever + Korea is known for their heavy beauty-focused culture
I can see Asmo definitely picking up Korean just for makeup and self care brands purposes.
Like it is easier to browse for products he wants if he can actually browse the original places/websites himself
It's just more convenient and he's actually very good at language learning
+ Korean it is a "cutesy" language so it fits his vibe.
Like he absolutely would go "안녕 teehee (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)" to look disarming is what I am saying
He flirts to hell with Solomon in French. It is a language they both know and isn't supported by Loquar for translation so nobody can snoop their conversations
If you have the misfortune of knowing French I am so sorry for you bcs they are NASTY
Solomon is teaching him English. Asmo fakes being bad at it on purpose
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★ Beelzebub.
He knows a decent amount of English.
What does he use it for? Order food. Obviously.
In fact everyone kinda assumes he just knows a few food orders and that's it but no he's actually very decent at English (borderline fluent)
He learned through clunky conversation with small restaurant owners
Beel actually makes a great effort to enunciate every word clearly, so he doesn't like speaking long sentences
"Would you like Salsa with that, sweetheart?" "... Yes," <- Beel has no fucking clue wtf salsa is but it tastes good so who is he to defy food gods (a nice Mexican grandma with a killer Pozole) whom have blessed him
I also think he would probably know some kind of sign language
Fingerspelling maybe, solely because it allows him to talk while having his mouth full or bcs his games are loud and he can't hear words very well
That and, like, the Devildom equivalent of sign language. DSL or something.
Look at him. Absolute sweetheart. He would absolutely want to include deaf or hard of hearing ppl.
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★ Belphegor.
Ok so
I am going to be very fr with you
I believe Belphie would be the only monolingual (demon tongue "native") of the brothers
at most he would remember a few phrases of a few languages from back when he was an angel, but not any specifics
Like this dude has ZERO interest in human culture I cannot think he would sit down to (re)learn anything
he would fall asleep trying to learn human verbs actually
He only knows how to tell you to fuck off on 4 languages (/hj)
None which you speak. So that's kinda awkward
He doesn't know how to cast Loquar (nor has any interest in learning how)
Beel casts it for him if he needs it
He can and will deadass just remove the translator spell from you if you try to annoy/interact with him (except if Beel is who casts it on you).
(so Beel now also casts Loquar for you)
Begone >:(
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domnamewoman · 11 months
I was wondering if I could request an angst we’re all of the MK 2023 characters S/O get turned injured severely by Titian Shang Tsung (could have a happy end, could not…up too you!)
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Characters: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile, Baraka, Shang Tsung, Rain
Warnings: Angst 😭, Canon-Typical Violence
Requests Are Open
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Liu Kang’s heart stopped as he saw your body lying there, lifeless on the ground. He bent down to cradle you in his arms as tears fell from his eyes. He couldn’t believe it, the love of his life was now gone. He blamed himself for not getting there in time. Why was fate always so cruel, was he really destined to be alone? No, no he wouldn’t accept it. He was the Keeper of Time. He would reverse time and make sure that he is here to prevent such a horrid outcome. He would end Titan Shang Tsung once and for all.
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Raiden felt as though he could throw up as he looked at your unconscious body lying in the bed. Titan Shang Tsung had blasted you off a cliff and you hit your head on a rock when you landed. The physician told Raiden that you were in a coma from the head injury. There was no telling when you would wake up or if you ever would. Raiden held your hand and rested his forehead on it as he let his tears fall. All he could do was stay by your side and wait. And he would, even if it was forever.
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Kung Lao was angry. At himself for not being there, at the physicians for not being able to save you, but mostly at Titan Shang Tsung. He was the cause of all of this. Kung Lao placed one last kiss on your lips as he promised you to get revenge. He would stop at nothing to see Titan Shang Tsung taken down. He pushed his grief to the side and focused on making a plan to get to Titan Shang Tsung. He would grieve once his promise to you was fulfilled.
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Johnny Cage struggled to find meaning in anything anymore. Without you, there just wasn’t any point to life for Johnny. Who cared about the movies, or the awards, or even saving Earthrealm from destruction? He couldn’t bring you back by doing any of it so he deemed it all useless. Johnny stopped trying, losing his arrogance and bravado. How great is “Johnny Cage” if he can’t even save his love? He was nothing but a failure in his eyes now and that’s how he would live.
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Kenshi Takahashi felt all the joy in his life slipping away as he felt your blood slip through his fingers where he was applying pressure to your wound. He tried to smile and reassure you that the physician was on their way and you would make it out alive but he knew it was too late. He knelt there, helpless as you exhaled your final breath, going completely limp. Kenshi sat there with you in his arms for hours, pushing away Johnny and Kung Lao as they tried to get him to let you go. He couldn’t, not ever.
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Kitana released a scream as she heard your neck snap at the hands of Titan Shang Tsung. Why? Why did it have to be you to charge at him? Why didn’t you listen to her when she told you to wait? Why couldn’t she move fast enough to prevent this from happening? Kitana gripped your shirt and cried into your chest as the fight continued around her. How was she supposed to go on? But she had to, for you. It’s what you would have wanted her to do. She vows to you as she grabs her bladed fans that she will avenge your death.
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Mileena spent all of her time trying to find someone to help you. She was the Empress and she would spare no cost of getting the best physicians, the best medicine, whatever was needed to accelerate your healing process. The court could be mad all they wanted, but she didn’t care about her duties. Her only priority right now was seeing you healthy and back on your feet again. The only thing that could distract her from this is any updates on Titan Shang Tsung’s whereabouts. She would make sure that he died by her hands for harming her love.
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Tanya watched in unbelief as Titan Shang Tsung stuck his claws deep into your abdomen. You crumpled to the ground, coughing up blood. Tanya rushed over and held you in her arms. She didn’t know how could she let this happen. She was Umgadi for goodness sake. And yet, she could protect her love from danger. She pulled you out of the path of battle, making sure you were as comfortable as you could be as she applied pressure to your wounds. She would make sure that you survived no matter what.
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Bi-Han was filled with rage. Titan Shang Tsung dared to take his love away from him. How could Bi-Han call himself Earthrealm’s protector when he couldn’t even protect you? No, he would make Titan Shang Tsung pay for what he did. Bi-Han would gather all of the Lin Kuei and hunt him down. No longer was their purpose protecting Earthrealm. Their only mission was to kill Titan Shang Tsung to avenge the death of his lover. Nothing else mattered or was more important to him.
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Kuai Liang couldn’t control the fire rolling off of his body as he saw you there unmoving, at Titan Shang Tsung’s feet. He rushed toward him, swinging out his chained knives aiming for his head. Kuai Liang fought with everything in him, letting his anger fuel his fire. He didn’t worry about his own well-being, what was the point now that you were gone? He ignored all the pain from his injuries and pressed on. He would put an end to Titan Shang Tsung, or he would die trying.
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Tomas ran with all his might holding on to your limp body. He had to get you to a physician and quick. He couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t lose another family member. After his family was killed and he joined the Lin Kuei, he thought he would never have to go through heartache like that again. He couldn’t imagine a world without you. He pleaded with you to stay with him as he looked down at you taking shallow breaths. He ignored the burning in his legs and he pushed himself to run faster. He won’t lose you too.
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Syzoth didn’t believe what they told him when he arrived at the palace. How could you be dead? It wasn’t possible. While he was out on a mission Titan Shang Tsung attacked? No, no that couldn’t be. He continued to deny it until they brought him to see your body. This couldn’t be happening to him again. Why could he never protect his loved ones? Why did he always have to be left completely alone? He will get his revenge. He will take away everything that Titan Shang Tsung has ever held dear.
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Baraka knew that fate could be cruel when he got infected with Tarkat. But he thought he would be allowed some form of happiness in his life. That proved to be wrong when you were killed, leaving him all alone. Baraka could feel his sanity slipping. He was left with nothing yet again. The only one he loved was taken from him. All he could think about was shredding Titan Shang Tsung into pieces. He would turn into the savage beast everyone thought he was. He had nothing more to lose.
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Shang Tsung couldn’t believe you were killed. To make matters worse, it was at the hands of his doppelganger. Shang Tsung would question what type of person he was for there to be a version of himself out there that would commit such a heinous act. Shang Tsung would practice all the sorcery in the world to find a way to bring you back. He didn’t care how many souls he had to steal. Starting with the soul of Titan Shang Tsung. He would prove that he was the best version in all timelines.
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Zeffeero dropped to his knees in front of your lifeless body. What was it all for? He spent all his time trying to get power and status and for what? Just for the beloved to no longer be a part of his life? Zeffeero looked up, no one seemed to notice you, the most important person to him, lying on the cold ground. No, they didn’t get to go on with their lives like nothing happened. He would ruin their lives just like his now was. He would rain down an endless flood and drown them all.
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samonroegf · 3 months
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⠀  ⠀ ⋆˚࿔ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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⠀   ⠀❝ best friend’s brother w/sam monroe ❞
dead dove, do not eat. dark!content. smut, fluff, angst. bfb!sam monroe x innocent!reader. girly!reader, naive!reader. perv!sam. bully!sam. dom!sam x sub!reader. mix of hc and blurb. read at your own risk, mdni. masterlist.
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જ⁀➴ brother's best friend!sam thoughts
ᨳ sam can be really very sweet, if your brother and he stop at your favorite food place, he'll buy it for you. but be very snarky about it. usually making you give him a messy kiss in return for it. the dirty taste of cigarettes on his tongue.
ᨳ sam can also be a little mean, pushing you slightly or tripping you in the hallways at school. he never really grew out of the ‘slightly bullies you to show affection’ era that most boys go through. he can a little pushy when it comes to you, get you so greened out that all you can do is listen to him, wants you to be all his. he wants to choose your outfits, cook for you, you're his little angel and he must protect you.
ᨳ he also will sabotage any relationship you have with a guy, he'll blame it on the fact that high school boys are slumdogs. they'll treat you horribly. he'd tell you, and you being his naïve little girl would believe him.
ᨳ he is going to steal your underwear. using the soft lace and cotton to jack himself off. or maybe pressing the ruined material to his nose, and relinquishing in the sent of you.
ᨳ he'd also steal all your more covering clothing, wanting to see as much of you as physically possible. it's so easy to do when he's over there almost every day.
ᨳ he loves saying things that make you go a bit dumb. litrle phrases that turn you into a bimbo, “hey, pretty girl.” “how’s my girl doing?” “being a good girl, lately?”
ᨳ his favorite pet names to call you are angel, princess, sweetheart, darlin’ and baby. when you're in bed, he loves to call you his dirty little girl, cockhungry whore, babygirl. princess is a must no matter where, you're always his princess.
ᨳ he'd love finding little knickknacks to give you, knowing you love those kinda things. type of man to bring u rocks he thought you'd like. sating something like “pretty bitches love rocks, so a pretty rock for my pretty girl.”
ᨳ sam loves sneaking around your brother, having to wait for him to go to sleep, go to the bathroom, or showing up when sam knows he won't be here. coming to just to tease and mock you.
ᨳ sam adores teasing you, grabbing your hair and giving it a little tug. squeezing your thighs, tits, or ass especially before you actually get with him. loves the little squeaks and mean glares that aren't intimidating.
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જ⁀➴ bfb!sam blurbs
ᨳ sam is notorious for not respecting your privacy, always walking into your room whenever he pleases. so when you're too busy to notice, hand in your pants, eyes screwed shut, your other hand over your mouth to keep you from making too much noise.
this is a beautiful site to sam, watching you arch your back as your so close to coming. he'd watch and feel his cock restrain painfully against his boxers. watching you squirm as you ride out your orgasm. palming his hard cock through his pants. slipping out right before you open your eyes. no clue he was even there.
ᨳ the time was inching towards three, your legs crossed as you scribble into your diary. sam leans in the doorway, a blunt between his lips, “whatcha writin’?” he drawls out. smoke flows out of his mouth and nose, he inches forward. the bed creaks under his weight as he sits down.
you're quick to close the journal, sliding it under your pillow as he gets closer. you shake your head, “nothing.” you almost laugh. unable to say that most of the scribbles are about him, about your school girl crush on the older boy.
he takes another hit. this time he grabs you by the jaw, his tight grip causes his rings to pinch the soft skin of your face. you whine against him, it makes him chuckle lowly. he presses his mouth to yours, blowing the smoke int your mouth. giving you no choice but to inhale and exhale, coughing a bit as you did. the smoke is harsh, and makes your lungs feel like they're burning. he smirks devilishly at you as you do.
“one day I'll smoke with you for real.” he rubs his hand up your thigh softly before retreating back to your brother's room.
ᨳ “you wanna help me out?” sam gruffs as he sees you peaking through the crack in the bathroom door. innocent and curious eyes prying on him, begging to be invited in.
sam’s hand was hard and rough against his sensitive cock. pink tip leaking precum that he lazily drags over the head with his thumb. you nod dumbly, falling right into his plan. you close and lock the bathroom door.
“yeah, perfect," his voice gravely with need, pushing you hips harshly against the bathroom counter. pulling your littke dress up on your waist, sam wanted to take all of this in. he just didn't have the time. he pulled down your underwear, the soft material bundling up and roughly scratching against the soft flesh of your thighs.
you squeak at the sudden movements, he pushes his cock in the middle of your thighs. being surrounded by your soft skin without entering you, he can't afford that satisfaction right now. he rutts unceremoniously, you can see the pink head peeping out between your thighs. the sight makes you drip down onto his cockz giving him even more pleasure.
“ugh, thanks for letting me use ya, doll.” he's mumbling, groaning out in between words. he comes quick painting the white counter with his liquid. the sight makes you needy. he presses a kiss in your shoulder, shoves his cock back in his pants and leaves the room. letting you clean up his mess, both the counter and you.
ᨳ you walked through your front door, hushed arguing upstairs. you set down your bag, walking silently up the wooden stairs to see what's going on.
“you can't do this, man,” you're watching theough the slightly cracked door. sam is pulling on his hair a little, something he never grew out of when he was frustrated or upset. your brother is sitting on the bed with a stone face and crossed arms.
“what the fuck-” whatever rant your brother was about to go on, died on his tongue as they both noticed your prescence. it was obvious they fought physically first, a busted lip on sam and a bruised cheekbone on your brother. both of their knuckles a little red, and bruised.
you didn't really know how to react to what you were seeing. they stood opposition to each other, the most important men in your life. your brother always did his best to protect you, keep you safe. only to realize he's been blind the entire time.
you took a moment, a deep breathe, “what the hell is going on?” your nose rung up in disgust at the violence, fighting was never something you liked to concern yourself with. thinking it was a bit dumb.
“he found out.” anxiety bloomed in your chest, at sam's words. sam threw a thumo up towards your brother, who was now watching your every move.
“oh. well you can't just beat up on each other. I'm dating sam, that's final. he's dating me, that's final. you guys are still friends, that's also final. good, glad, we're okay.” you clasped your hands together and tried to walk quickly to your room. you wanted to escape the embarrassing situation as soon as possible.
“hey! woah, that is not how things work.” everything with your brother was a fight, most hard headed individual you'd ever met.
“okayyy,” you drug out the word, turning on your heel to face him since he wanted to argue.
“are you gonna stop me? you want me to be heartbroken? want your beat friend to hate you? neither of us ever wanting to talk to you again? no? then i guess we're fine.”
you both were very close, expecting the other to bac down. which your brother did, unhappily, “fine! but im not happy about it!” he huffs storming away,
“cool, I don't really care!" you yelled down the hallway at him.
ᨳ “sam!” you screeched, applying more color corrector and concealer on the dark red marks that litter your neck. looking at sam, who lays on your bed, through your vanity mirror. he chuckles at you, and smirks. obvious pride in his work.
“i don't know what to tell you, doll, i just can't control myself around you.” you're surely going to kill him, no matter what products you put on your neck there's no covering up the blustering marks on your skin.
“if he sees this, and finds out it's from you, he's gonna kill us both.” you sighed, looking at the mark. you'd never tell sam but you admire the love bites.
“bold of you to assume that I'm scared of him, sweeheart.”
ᨳ “you look so pretty f'me.” he's mumbling, more to himself than actually talking to you. his hands are comfortingly rubbing your thighs. the soft skin growing goosebumps from the sudden touch. his shirt rode up on your torso, revealing your tummy. he pushed it up further so he could see your tits. his hands grab them, groping the flesh roughly. whines falls from your lips at his touch, any touch from sam always makes your nerves feel like live wires.
sam discards your underwear wanting to feast his eyes on all that is you. his fingers slide through your folds collecting the juices on the pad of his finger.
“you taste good, baby?” sam brings his fingers to your lips, absolute dumb for him, your lips naturally envelop his digit. your tongue wrapping around and collecting all the sweet yet salty taste of your cunt. you hum, nodding, half-lidded eyes trailing over sam. he wears a lazy smile, so wrapped up in your reactions to him.
“let me get a taste,” he's talking once more time, to himself rather than you. his head comes between your thighs, licking a stripe theough your folds. he licks and laps at the juices, like it's favorite meal. feverish with need for you, he rutts against the mattress. he's hard, boner hurting him. he refuses to come without making you orgasm at least once.
sam's lips wrap around your clit, tongue whipping against the bundle of nerves. the feeling is too much, overwhlming every one of your senses. you're wriggling under him, his arms wrapped around you the only thing keeping you from squirming too much under him. ot takes only moments for you to come, this new feeling all too much for your virgin cunt. you're rambling just his name, he's trying not to chuckle as you feed his ego.
“that's it, baby, you're okay. i got you, feels so good doesn't it,” he's helping you rude out your orgasm, little licks that keep your body jumping slightly under him.
ᨳ halloween, not one of your favorite holidays but it was sam's. so you weren't surprised when he showed up to your house, just didn't expect the way he did it. a bang on your window pulls you from your thoughts, startlingly. just to hear sam's maniacal laugh from the other side, while your hand rests on your chest. you and sam both trying to catch your breaths for completely different reasons.
he climbs in through your window, not wanting your brother to know he's there yet. they were supposed to have a movie marathon, but how could sam focus on that without having fun with you first.
“that was so not funny!” you're exasperated, but you'd be lying if you said seeing sam in a ghostface outfit didn't turn you on a little. the most fuckable slasher.
“don’t i look good tho?” he asks walking up to you, pulling your back against his chest. his cologne and the smell of weed and cigarettes invades your nostrils.
“yeah, whatever,” you huffed, arms crossed over your chest, a pout forming on your glossy lips. he takes out a pocket knife letting the blade scratch lightly against your bare thighs. not enough to hurt just enough to leave a lighter line marking your skin, before fading away in moments.
“sam,” you whined, somewhere betweent telling him to go away, and to never leave your side. he chuckles at this, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“i'll sneak back in later, your brother is expecting me.”
ᨳ sam laid in your bed, your brother gone for the week at basketball camp or whatever he gets up to. your head was on his chest, while his fingers comb through the tangled strands. your eyes are closed, and he's just watching you. taking in how you snuggle into him, when you get the chance.
“i can feel you staring." you giggle out, peaking open one eye and looking at him. his mouth is curved into a half smile, just admiring his babydoll.
“you’re so pretty, doll. most beautiful girl in the world,” his hand came to your jaw, thumb rubbing over your cheek. it wasn't like sam to be all mushy, it caught you off guard. you hid your face in his chest, taking in his natural scaent under the normal aroma of stale cigarettes, and burning bud.
“don’t hide from me, please.” this statement had your curiousity piquing. trying to figure out what's gotten into sam this time. one eyebrow of yours quirked, “what’s- are you okay?”
sam's face fell a little, “what I can't admire my girl?” the my in his sentence exaggerated, an undertone of jeakousy making it's way to the center stage.
“you can! you're just being...romantic. and that's not really your style, sammy.” you defended, coming to set your head up, really looking at him.
“well, i love you, and i want you to know that.” there wasn't an taboo of saying i love you in this relationship, neither of you having gotten around to it yet. your lips curved into a huge grin, immediately saying it back and pressing a soft kiss to sam's lips.
ᨳ “why are we at a park?” sam would complain, walking with towards the grass. although he seems to be in a hitty mood, he enjoys doing anything as long as he's with you. his hand swunging wildly intertwined with yours, the action makes your heart squeeze a little.
“i want to have a picnic.” you'd give him a soft smile as you speak. finally finding a tree with good ahade for the two of you to sit under. otherwise sam will burn and you'd have to listen to him bitch the whole time.
“fine. at least it's not a million degrees out today.” his words would seem agressive but he's cheesin at you. smiling, it's not something that he would do alot, at least not before you. now, though, he'd seem naked without it. without his white pearls gleaming in the sun.
you set out all the food on top of a checker print blanket, even though sam hates most cheesy things, he loves this, loves you and any moment he can spend eith you.
ᨳ your whines are loud, too loud in a house with other people in it. sam takes your lacy underwear that he had previously tucked in his pockets, and shoves them in your mouth. you can taste yourself on the material, proof to how worked up sam had made you.
“sorry, princess, but if you can't be quiet I'll have to make ya.” he pushed your head back into the pillows, a disgruntled whine falling past your lips. his hands hold your hips roughly, using them as handles to piston his cock in and out of your dripping hole.
everything is too much in the best way possible, how you can feel every ridge and vein of him streatching you out. the strained feeling in your back from arching for so long. the rough material of lace in your mouth. not to mention the little moans that sam is dropping, you feel like you might explode.
“fuck, squeezing me so tight, love fucking you baby. love how she sucks me in, and your body, god.” sam is pussydrunk, words falling haphazardly from him, babbling from the pleasure. he's super close, your fingers rubbing circles onto your clit makes you both cone at the same time. you see white or stars, you're not even sure as he collapses beside you. helping you take out the panties and catch your breath.
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જ⁀➴ bfb!sam + turns ons
ᨳ he loves your innocence, just the little head tilt when you're confused, or how your lips make the perfect o shape when you figure something out.
ᨳ your outfits, especially if you were to wear fishnets or little skirts. he also loves lace, and anything soft like satin or silk. loves how the colors compliment your skintone.
ᨳ your thighs, if he can see them, they're turning him on. it's monumental when he gets his hand on your skin. squeezing the flesh between his fingers, loves giving the soft, plush love bites, and marking them.
ᨳ you would think that something small like lip gloss wouldn't affect sam, i mean lip gloss is everywhere and most girls wear it. but it's not the actual lip gloss that turns him on, he loves watching you apply it. puckering your lips like you do when you beg him for a kiss. all glossy and wet like after you blow him, or when you're done having messy making out sessions with him.
ᨳ he loves to corrupt you, give you your first drink, smoke, bowl, tab. taking your first kiss, orgasm and virginity. he wants to make you his in every way he knows how. he needs to claim you.
ᨳ sam loves corrupting you, so the first time (and everytime after that) you ask him to pack the bong / roll up for you his entire face lit up. a spark ignited in him, when he's realized you're becoming just as fucked up as him.
ᨳ sam adores your little noises, if he hears you groaning annoyed with something you're trying to open or something like that he's probably getting hard.
ᨳ he cannot help it if you cry, he's getting horny. something about how teary eyed you get when he's fucking you, that whenever you cry he's turned on.
ᨳ when you start bratting off, whether that's being a smartass or trying to piss him off in hopes of getting laid, he thinks it's so cute and he likes a lil tussle with his sex life.
ᨳ you asking / wanting to enegage in sex, of course sam likes to be a little gross but something about your enthusiastic condent makes him hard. if you beg to suck him off, he might blow a load right there and then.
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