serairy : how can i support our children on 2 dolla dolla bills
how can you support our children on 4 dolla bills either
interimplexa : (Jumin voice) Should I lend you money in this case?
yea i guess altho i have cars more expensive than yours.........
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arisingstarr-blog · 7 years
interimplexa replied to your post
leaves a sneak bastard smooch on your neck and goes to work
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zen voice: u ass..... have a nice day & eat well
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dabemojis-blog · 8 years
WHAT THE FUCK? i mean the last pic you reblogged and all those talks 'bout reset theory— SEVEN IS TOO PRECIOUS TO ME AND ALL ARTS 'BOUT HIM WAITING FOR MC TO FINALLY CHOOSE HIM RIP ME IN SHREDS IT'S NOT OK
B’))) if you c ant tell already ,, i love making everyone suffer B)))) its part of my daily routine 👌
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thingonc-blog · 7 years
❝ i don’t get scared. i’m practically fearless. ❞
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     “That in itself is a scary concept,” he leans back a little, dotting an invisible cross over his body - forehead to chest, shoulder to shoulder. “You’re not really helping Zen’s theory that you’re a robot, y’know. But, does that mean you’ll go see IT with me?”@interimplexa 
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workspresso-blog · 7 years
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‘  ----- MR. HAN, THE DOCUMENTS for the merger are ready. Ms.Song’s assistant forwarded this information to me an hour ago and she wishes for you to look over it prior to the meeting.   ’   Delicate fingers hold onto the yellow file folder with care, as she holds it towards her. One hand holding her cup of coffee, taking a sip out of the contents from within, she looks up at the other.    ‘   Is there anything ELSE you need me to do?   ’
@interimplexa / starter call. 
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blurredsun-blog · 7 years
interimplexa replied to your post: When you wanna do shippy things with V but have no...
[ i ship it too in both ways, im gross ]
|| This ship is one of my OTP’s okay? Friendship wise and romantic I’m all for it! So you’re not gross!
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fxrmosus · 7 years
Casually sends you photos of cats in the midst of the meeting with the board of directors. (=ↀωↀ=)✧
     THE sound of a received message on his phone interruptedhis daily bragging in front of the mirror– fingers were forced to stop combing through his beautiful, well hydrated hair from lastnight’s mascara to reach out for his device and check it. 
  …  as soon as his eyes met the screen, Hyun felt instant regret. ( it was this moment that zen knew– he fucked up. )
     ALL those cat pictures almost made him drop his phone in surprise even though the feeling was suddenly suppressed by the urge to block Jumin from all social media and delete his number for once– nothing new, actually ( and a sudden itchy nose ). 
     [ ZEN ] WHA     [ ZEN ] IT’S EARLY IN THE MORNING     [ ZEN ] Didn’t you say you were attending a meeting today??      [ ZEN ] GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR WORK      [ ZEN ] Unless you’re going to bring me tissues, don’t!! send them!!      [ ZEN ] Or at least give a warning. 
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chipnhack-blog · 7 years
❝ what are you going as for halloween this year? ❞
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[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [  I don´t know Jumin, the possibilities are really endless… ! ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ You know… ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ I could go dressed like you—- ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ And take your place in the company… ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞… ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ How does that sound ?? ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ lololololol jk jk ! i want to go as ketchup, but i need to find my mayonaise you know ? ]
[ 707: ]  [ TEXT: ] —— [ If only you guys celebrated Halloween as i do !! ]
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       autumn/halloween sentence starters! 🍂🍁🎃 // @interimplexa
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queenharumiura · 8 years
interimplexa replied to your post: ((//silently whispering ‘Hello friends’ every time...
[ validates you more with tofu and truffles tbh ]
((AAAHHHHH YES. You know how to make a Neo happy. 8D //vibrates happily ))
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solisavior-blog · 7 years
❛ there are some people who believe a photo captures their soul. ❜
                                          a softer world || accepting || @interimplexa​
           bathe in sunlight , porcelain digits travels towards youthful complexion ; emerald opals reflecting sweet ebony as she remains completely entice by the lenses that rested onto the palms of his silk like hands . she LAUGHS a sweet melody , lips softly pursed as docile movements shifted idle gestures . ivory milk skin dances with life momentarily , no doubt carrying a single thought in mere unison . for despite how POETIC words escapes the scion’s lips —— , the talents that bears the fruit of sweet imagery does not fall under his best kept asset . BEAUTY befalls the eye of the beholder , and yet there was often a blur in between the lines of art . 
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 ❝ do you believe in that , jumin-sshi ? ❞ curiosity glistens within the moment , head tilted alongside wide eye gestures as she leans in closer ; PHILOSOPHY triumphantly peeking her genuine interest as a smile blossoms within rose tinted brims . ❝ a photo can capture both a moment in time and the soul in a matter of seconds . it’s quite a romantic saying, don’t you think ? ❞
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immerglxck-blog · 7 years
Jumin always wanted kisses from Rika :$ [i hope you dont mind]
[ FIRST THREE IN MY INBOX GET KISSES || (1/3) || @interimplexa ]
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It might have been a stupid idea, it might not, but she would probably do it anyways. What had she to lose? Sure it might make things a bit awkward for them afterwards, but that was something she would think about later. Then again, it was nothing bad that Rika wanted to do.   “Jumin!” she called out, walking over to the male, a soft smile on her lips. He seemed to be currently busy with something on his phone, so she took the chance and pressed a kiss to his cheek, chuckling lightly, before moving away. Rika really hoped that he didn’t mind it. 
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haekeosin-blog · 8 years
🐶 so Luciel will cease his attempts to steal Elizabeth the 3rd
Surprised by the sudden appearance of Jumin outside of his apartment, he'd been about to say something charmingly funny as he allowed him entry into his home when a small yip came from the man. A mixture of confusion and curiosity had him forgetting his joke as the corporate heir stepped through his last security protocol, though, and he couldn't help but stare at the adorable bundle the other had in his arms.
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The tiny pup seemed to come to life at that instant and he continued to stare in fascination as Jumin bent to put her on the ground, Jumin’s words producing far too many emotions for him to immediately speak. He could've kissed the man, he'd got him a puppy and he was almost bouncing with his own childlike glee before rationality kicked in.
Almost as fast it had come, his excitement deflated and he sat down on his floor to pet the adorable creature. He couldn't have a pet, what would happen if something happened to him and he could no longer take care of it? He was sure he'd hear non-stop complaining from Vanderwood about it too.
❛ It's a nice gesture but I can't have a pet, Jumin... ❜ It had been the wrong time to look down at the adorable canine in question, the literal puppy dog eyes aimed at him caused him to melt inside, and he couldn't help but retract his statement with a slight grumble.
❛ Well, maybe just for a little while... Thank you. ❜
meme // accepting
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queenharumiura · 8 years
interimplexa replied to your post: interimplexa replied to your post: ...
[ indeed, i know how to please a lady— whydoesitsoundsomehowindecentcoughsespconsideringimfromjuminnowlaughs … also PLS i was barely productive since new year.. but thank you, seeing you on my dash from time to time also makes me happy.. i miss good old days, mayhap one day will slide on cloud asshole and drop on you our threads ]
((//strikes a ‘Jumin wishes he could successfully woo me’ pose lol jk
Lol the New Year just started so psshhhhh take your time in being productive ya know? Even I haven’t been all too productive on Haru. Oh yes, I miss it too. =w= It would be wonderful if you ever feel the muse to reply to one of our threads. ^^ Just do so if you ever feel like it. I’m perfectly content with just talking to you. 8) ))
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xdontmind · 7 years
RULES.  repost , don’t  reblog  ! tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED. @princelylight ( thank you Dad! ;D <3 ) TAGGING. @icebloodedprince, @athiefforhire @interimplexa @echarcsa @fiercefrizz and who ever else wants to because this was fun lol​​​​​
FULL NAME :  Akatsuki Kaneko NICKNAME :  Kane-Chan, Neko-Chan, Kane AGE : 19 BIRTHDAY : May 14th ETHNIC GROUP : Asain NATIONALITY : Japanese LANGUAGE / S : Japanese, Russian, French, English ( only a little ) SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Panromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Single ( verse dependent ) CLASS : Middle Class ( ? ) HOME TOWN / AREA :  Shinjuku CURRENT HOME : Japan PROFESSION :  Izaya Orihara’s Bodyguard - Bodyguard/Assassin for hire ( verse dependent )
HAIR : Russet Red, cut just above her shoulders and is slightly uneven in the front. It’s pretty soft and thin. EYES : Deep Purple. FACE : A little more roundest, especially in the face. ( Squishy cheeks. ) LIPS : Her lips are slightly thin, if not a bit puckered as well.  COMPLEXION : Very pale. You would think that she’s never been outside in her life. BLEMISHES : None. SCARS :  A few littered about her body here and there. Some from actual fights and others from being slightly clumsy. ( there’s a couple of bruises occasionally from walking into things – or the wall – while half awake. She doesn’t like talking about it. ) TATTOOS : None. HEIGHT : 5′4″ WEIGHT :  Around 130 lbs. BUILD : Pretty petite; her muscles are slightly defined due to her work, but pretty slender overall. Her hips are also slightly defined, giving her something like an ‘hourglass’ look. FEATURES : Usually has good posture, but also has a small habit of slouching. ALLERGIES : None. USUAL HAIR STYLE : Bangs are usually in her face if not swept to either side, and her hair tends to fall on it’s own after a good brush through. She doesn’t do much else to style it, as she sees no real need to. USUAL FACE LOOK : Blank expression, a look of either focus or concentration, slightly pursed lips.  USUAL CLOTHING :  She usually tends to wear a sleeveless turtle neck sweater with either a black skirt or black pants. She usually goes for sweaters, large t-shirts, pants, and boots. She tends to shy away from anything too revealing or form fitting as it makes me uncomfortable/embarrassed.
FEAR / S :  Being abandoned, Failure, Letting those she cares about down ASPIRATION / S :  Right now, she’s really unsure. She doesn’t like thinking about the future beyond where she is, as she thinks she has no right to. POSITIVE TRAITS :  Loyal, Hard-working, Talented, Trustworthy NEGATIVE TRAITS :  Insecure, Hot-tempered, Rude, Possessive, Obsessive ZODIAC : Taurus. TEMPERAMENT :   Your temperament is melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others. SOUL TYPE / S :  Thinker(15): Most Thinker types are cerebral, skeptical individuals, who often discount their emotions or intuition in favor of rational analysis. This intellectual approach to life can cause some Thinkers to appear restrained and unemotional to those around them. When hurt, they have to analyze or rationalize what happened before allowing themselves to feel their emotions. Once the emotions kick in, however, Thinkers can feel things as deeply as any other soul type. VICE HABIT / S :   VIRTUES / VICES: Diligence, Humility / Lust, Gluttony, Envy  FAITH :  None. GHOSTS ? : No. AFTERLIFE ? : Yes. REINCARNATION ? : So-So. ALIENS ? : Yes. EDUCATION LEVEL : High School Graduate.
FATHER :  Akatsuki Hiro MOTHER :  Akatsuki Ayame SIBLINGS :   Akatsuki Nowaki ( older brother ), Akatsuki Chiiko and Kiri ( twin younger brother and sister ) EXTENDED FAMILY :   Several Aunts and Uncles on either side. NAME MEANING / S : “Kaneko” means ‘doubly accomplished child’. HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? :  None.
HOLIDAY :  None really. When she was younger, she really enjoyed the Japanese New Year celebrations, tho. MONTH :  September. SEASON : Fall/Winter PLACE :  Shinjuku, Japan / Ikebukuro, Japan WEATHER :  When the clouds are grey and you can hear rain falling against the window. It’s the perfect weather to snuggle up in blankets to. ( Although her mood towards this is a total 180 if she has an assignment she needs to do that requires her to go out into the rain. ) SOUND : Pencil against paper. SCENT / S :  Lavender. Freshly brewed tea. Food of any kind. TASTE / S :  Oh boy, Kaneko is not picky at all, lol. She prefers flavors that are sweet, though. FEEL / S :  Wool. The feel of a soft blanket or sweater. The feeling of her favorite kind of sketching paper. ANIMAL / S :   Cats. Birds. COLORS : Black. Purple.
TALENTS : Drawing, Self-defense/fighting, Playing innocent, Arts BAD AT :  Emotional Honesty,  Expressing herself on a personal level, TURN ONS : Confidence, Dominance, Kindness, Strength TURN OFFS :  Patronizing, Cruelty HOBBIES : Sketching, Yoga, Exercise, Food tasting ( lol ) TROPES :
Cute Bruiser / Little Miss Badass / Badass Adorable ( They all overlap, so I choose them all instead of one lol ) – Kaneko is only 19 and 5’4” tall, and is pretty damn capable of driving most of her opponents and targets to their knees. You wouldn’t expect it, given her appearance. ( She complains that she looks like she’s 12 instead of 19 most of the time. ) And she’s been taunted and underestimated due to her ‘cute’ appearance. But she’s extremely talented when it comes to combat, and is more than capable of handling herself; especially when armed with her favorite knife.
Black Sheep – Out of her immediate family, Kaneko is the only one to rebel and go against their initial expectations and rules. Even though it was triggered by an outside source and her unhealthy desire to please him(them), she still manages to completely reject her role in her family and become completely estranged from them altogether. 
All Girls Want Bad Boys/Did you Actually Believe?/What does she see in him? – These are all more prone to her ‘main’ verse more than anything, as Kaneko’s feelings towards Izaya is anything but healthy. Izaya is the furthest thing from a good person – at least to those that he sees as disposable. She’s much too blind by her infatuated view towards him to realize that he may just toying around with her, and that she’s essentially being manipulated for his own purposes. People from the outside might notice it if they know who Izaya is and what he does, hence the last trope too.
Tsundere/Yandere – I personally always get torn when trying to decide if Kaneko is either a Yandere or a Tsundere, but I think the best way to go about it is to label her as somewhere in between. Like a Yandere, she can be really obsessive and controlling when it comes to the object of her affection, and depending on exactly how toxic the relationship or pining might be, she’d have no qualms about becoming violent for their benefit as well. And like a Tsundere, she can be very hot and cold; and can have a cold exterior with some sweetness that pokes out here and there. ( Usually with those she’s growing fond of. )
AESTHETIC TAGS : Paint Esal, Rain on windows, A hot Summer day with just enough wind, A sweater that’s a bit too big
MAIN FC / S : Nakaba ( animated ), Eri Kamei ( LA ) ALT FC / S : N/A. OLDER FC / S : N/A. YOUNGER FC / S : Machi Kuragi (?) VOICE CLAIM / S : Karen Fukuhara GENDERBENT  FC / S : If Kaneko was born male/or male presenting, I would think that she’d look a bit like Dazai Osamu. Just different color hair, and a little bit more of a baby face. And slightly longer hair lol
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