#international flights news
2mycountry · 2 years
$485 & up
Barcelona nonstop from LA (Roundtrip)
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numberfiveisback · 26 days
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Sketches of that one scene from Prepare for Trouble
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
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“We’re not gonna die today, though.” “No, we’re not.”
a demigods!malum moodboard inspired by Win or lose I’m screwed by my sweet betrothed and recipient of my holiday edit exchange edit @cringeycal
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nerdie-faerie · 4 months
Bout to test this public WiFi
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works-of-magic · 11 months
WHEW. Okay!
I let Mr. Fuji know not to expect us this year. The cupcakes were successfully baked thanks to a little (...a lot of) help from my youngest sibling. My hair has been dyed black. The breeding center's taken care of.
And now I'm finally settled in at my Combee'n'B in Icirrus City. The flight from Sinnoh to Unova is Insanely Long, and I had a two-hour layover on top of all the air time (I found a cool Galarian to talk to while waiting), but these international flights come with So many perks! In-flight movies, two meals and a snack, they even gave us free blankets?
I didn't need it (not even when I stepped off the plane into Unova's, what is it, like 40 degrees), but I still thought it was rather thoughtful.
I'm probably not going to be able to sleep until it's like 5am here, so it's a good thing I don't have to leave 'til 5pm. :3c
I do still have to decorate the cupcakes, because the bloody berry icing might melt before the party if I do it tonight, and I have to figure out how to do my makeup. I had all my hair black a couple times before, but I looked different then! It still kinda smells like the conditioning treatment...
Anyways, I have to get the Pokemon their dinner; I decided to travel with a full team of 6 for this one! (Mistress of course, couldn't go anywhere without my partner Mismagius, I brought Murky in case I find an opportunity to show off my favorite dark-type, Ninetales because he's a constant travel companion, and I also brought Starpoint, Reina, and Alma, three well-socialized Misdreavus that I thought would enjoy the atmosphere of a party!)
Oh, and if anyone going to Basil Mistrest's Halloween party sees this, hello and I'll see you there! I'll be the one with three feet of black hair and a very fancy black dress.
(I'll take some pictures when I get it on tomorrow. For now, Murky is DEMANDING food!)
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mars-ipan · 1 year
this is the wildest fucking airport experience i’ve ever had in my life
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readingthief · 1 year
This is going to be the busiest weekend of my life.
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adampage · 1 year
me, anxiety ripping through me as we sit grounded on a plane unable to leave: this is what the wrestlers go through every week emi. fucking cowboy up
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networkthoughts · 2 months
Akasa Air to start operations to Kuwait from Aug 23
Mumbai headquartered Akasa Air will launch its fifth international destination – Kuwait, from Aug 23, 2024. The airline operates to Doha, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Jeddah. The airline will operate its MAX 8 aircraft, daily as per the below timings. QP571 BOM1950 – 2200KWIQP572 KWI2300 – 0535(+1)BOM As per media reports, India and Kuwait have 12,000 weekly seats each side as per the current…
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purecommemasolitude · 2 months
[crawling out of the marbit mines weakly coughing with visible bags under my eyes] I was supposed to shower an hour ago
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capyclub · 2 months
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bookviaus · 3 months
Cheap Flights to New Zealand! Explore glaciers, bungee jump, or soak up the sun on pristine beaches. Book discounted flights & start your NZ adventure today!
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 3 months
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Astronaut Brought the Bhagavad Gita on Historic Starliner Flight to the ISS By ISKCON News   |  Jun 08, 2024
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thedaveandkimmershow · 8 months
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When January officially started, we were flying high above the Labrador Sea, the one right there above the North Atlantic Ocean. We were flying somewhere south of Greenland, three hours behind Greenwich Mean Time, as December 31, 2023 became January 1, 2024. 
Earlier, when we boarded and took our seats, I asked one of the stewards if there was a way to know when New Year’s would arrive on the plane.
He said “Yes there is… but it involves math.”
Oh good grief.
Fortunately there was WiFi on board and I managed to figure it out.
After that, we were on a fully immersive and meaningful visit with my family in Holland through Sunday, January 7th.
The way it felt is as if we jumped into 2024 midstream.
“Midstream” with a touch of jet lag that hung on for a week, week-and-a-half.
“Midstream” where, after the 7th, I mean the very next day, I immediately returned to all the different places I work including my personal edit suite.
“Midstream” where Kimmer continued her doctoral studies during our trip and every day after, a relentless exercise of writing writing writing after reading reading reading on top of lectures, tests, and class discussion.
Oh yeah. And then Kimmer's full-time job. 
My uncle, aunt, and their two kids (my cousins who are, in fact, no longer “kids”), took off from Amsterdam mid-month and we've been following their grand adventure to and across Indonesia in an app called Polarsteps ever since with about a week, week-and-a-half to go. A ton of photographs, a map tracking their progress, and the occasional post updating their experiences.🙂
This is also, legitimately, the beginning of the year and we're considering any and all things that need to be done differently. Or even… things that need to be done. Mostly those considerations have to do with businesses, receipts, and accounting. You know. The super fun stuff. 🤣🤣🤣
I'm also seeing us wanting to be more intentional in our relationships including (and especially) the ones five thousand miles away and the ones temporarily adventuring eight thousand four hundred miles away. Largely because the experiences we had with the people closest to us at the top of the month (even as they live far away) created a lot of continuing memories.
Continuing memories?
Like imagining what happens next. Like thinking about what would be great if it happened next.
Continuing memories.
Here's something new, though. 
We are now a family of four.
Yes. Now remember, we're empty-nesters so by definition we’re a family of two. Add a cat (Dinker)...
Now we've got a family of three.
Our fourth comes to us from a dear friend who's heading off to New York either to live at a friend's place while she's away a few months… or to be there be there.
No idea what's gonna happen.
So as of Monday afternoon, 2:30pm, we're a family of four in which cat number 1 (Dinker) and cat number two (Quarter Note) are aware of each other…
But they’ve not laid eyes on each other.
It's part of a routine we’re following from a YouTube channel to manage a good meeting and outcome between the two cats rather than let ‘em loose in the same room and hope for the best.
So far, Quarter Note’s spent a solid twenty-four hours under the protection of the family room couch, only venturing out from its safety for food, water, and bathroom breaks. When no one, of course, is around.
Over the last hour, though, Quarter Note's been sending mixed signals, coming out to rub up against my legs, enjoying his sides being stroked or his head.
And then low-key hissing.
Don't know what to tell you. There's no claws out. No arching back or incredibly puffy tail…
And then he's enjoying strokes and rubbing up against my legs.
At one point he considers jumping onto the couch. He's got his front paws on the edge… but decides against it, opting instead for wandering back and forth while letting his tail stroke against the bottoms of my extended legs.
Cats are weird.
Right now he's under the couch again. But every so often pokes his head out to look at me for a moment before pulling back underneath.
So that's happening.
Finally, I read an article in the New York Times that captured perfectly these weeks following Christmas. The article’s called “The Joy and Sorrow of Streaming”. Written by Melissa Kirsch, Desiree Ibekwe, and Melissa Clark, it starts like this:
“The year continues to get its bearings, to establish itself. Right now, it’s still a collection of post-holiday weeks, getting-going weeks, weeks for planning the year to come. An on-ramp where we get up to speed. Soon we’ll be properly in the flow of traffic, soon we’ll really be on our way.”
Of course being on an international flight leaving the States December 31 of 2023 and arriving in Europe January 1 of the New Year, 2024…
Definitely feels like we're already on our way.
We’ll see how this plays out.
In the meantime…
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wanderlustphotosblog · 8 months
The 20 Best Travel Accessories for 2024: An Essential Guide
Traveling doesn't have to be stressful if you have the right gear with you. Before you take your next big adventure, check out my list of the best travel accessories for 2024.
This post on the Best Travel Accessories for 2024 contains references to products on my Amazon Store site.  I may receive a commission when you purchase these products from my store, though at no additional cost to you.   I hand-pick and recommend only the products that I am either familiar with or comfortable recommending. This is one of my favorite posts that I get to revisit annually because…
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sreegs · 1 year
I reblogged it earlier but I'm glad the Something Awful Forums 9/11 thread was archived because it's an incredibly important slice of internet history. For the record I think 9/11 was thousands of personal tragedies for the direct victims of the attacks but one big national farce that led to America's ongoing slide into fascism, and the nationalism and remembrance around it is a joke especially in the wake of the same amount of deaths every fucking day in the US during the height of coronavirus.
Nevertheless I think it's important that if you do not remember because you were too young or just didn't exist on Sept 11, 2001 to read the Something Awful 9/11 forums to get an idea of what the internet was like at the moment when America changed to 24 hour news cycles and renewed hyper-nationalism not seen since WWII.
This all happened before Twitter, Facebook, before Discord. Before smart phones. Before most people had cell phones. When a lot of people still had dial-up internet, even. Some people in the thread were relying on radio because internet and TV weren't keeping up.
It was a live event of internet denizens reacting to the biggest national event (and among the biggest international events) of the past 25 years. It was also a slice of what the internet was like at the turn of the millennium. Not only that, but people accurately calling out who was responsible, and what would result before the attacks even finished.
Keep in mind that the links that follow contain images of the event, lots of Islamophobia, people calling for the Middle East to be nuked, people blaming Palestine, casual racist and homophobic language (this was Something Awful after all), etc etc. They preserved the first 17 pages which spanned about 24 hours during the events. It's the origin of the "WATCH BUSH START A FUCKING WAR" screenshot.
Links under the fold. I've also annotated the pages with notes regarding the timeline and any posts of interest. Note the thread was preserved in Pacific Time even though the page says times are Eastern. That's incorrect. Post timestamps are 3 hours behind Eastern Time, which is the time zone where the attacks occurred:
Page 1 - Note the first post was edited to include images of the second attack. The thread started after the first plane hit. Second plane hitting the WTC happens here too.
Page 2 - Poster accurately calling out Bin Laden was responsible at 9:14 AM EST
Page 4
Page 5 - First official acknowledgement it was a terrorist attack.
Page 6 - Pentagon hit
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9 - Commercial flights grounded by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Page 10 - First mention of towers collapsing at end of page
Page 11 - More reactions to collapse of first tower. People thinking it was a bomb or yet another plane. Rumors about a fourth plane just missing the White House (these are false and predate the actual 4th plane crash by minutes)
Page 12
Page 13 - By this point there's just rampant speculation about more bombs at the WTC, the US Capitol building being hit, etc (all false). Remember this is all just people reacting to TV news and radio and the rumor mill via phone, AIM, IRC, and maybe text messages.
Page 14 - By this point internet news sites are overwhelmed
Page 15 - Second tower collapses. First acknowledgement of the fourth plane that crashed in PA.
Page 16 - There's an abrupt time jump in the threads, I think it was the result of admins pruning the activity or the SA forums going down. This page starts on 9/12 even though it is page 16. American flag signatures and ribbons start appearing.
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