#international super spy
gay-bowl-ofcereal · 1 year
being a fem-passing enby at the gym is so fucking funny. I was at a workout class bc I'm a fitness girly 💅 (/s) and there was ONLY WOMEN THERE. (I mean as far as they knew but still.) and every time the instructor said "LET'S GO LADIES YOU GOT THIS" I was kinda just in the corner like
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tiyoin · 2 months
what’s that descendants 4 song again?
something something ‘sun shines a little more brightly’
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backyardi-gang · 2 years
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[Image ID: Two spliced-together screenshots from The Backyardigans. The top image is from Imternational Super Spy. It shows all five characters inside of Big Ben, in Lady in Pink's room. It shows them walking forward and snapping.
The second image is from Who Goes There. Curator Tasha is standing in a hallway, smiling with her hands clasped. She is wearing the same outfit in both, a brown jacket with an orange flower and black skirt. End ID]
Was listening to Backyardigans songs and noticed that Ms. T wears the same outfit as Curator Tasha :}
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going-to-superhell · 2 years
Me playing imp shape shifter and no one thinks I’m sus: I’m an international ✨super spy✨
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p1nkshield · 2 months
Prompt idea: Danny has been attending Wayne family dinners for weeks now and he truly doesn’t know how he got this far
Danny has been without a home or a means to get food for a while because of either identity reveal gone bad or Dan timeline shenanigans. Either way he needs to eat. As a last ditch attempt Danny tries to attend/infiltrate a Wayne family dinner. He’s seen the Wayne kids around Gotham and he’s sure that he could look and act the part enough to get in the door and out with some bread rolls at least.
Was it his best idea? No.
But he sure as sugar ain’t firing on all cylinders rn.
And Bruce already has a gaggle of blue eyed, black haired children.
What’s one more?
Batfam of course notices immediately when a whole new kid shows up, grabs some miscellaneous pieces of food and then prattles off some excuse about “not being that hungry.” (Clearly a bald faced lie) And that they were “Going to the library to study for finals, bye Dad!”
1. No one skips out on family dinners. Even Jason was here.
2. Alfred sets the table for everyone ahead of time and the kid had no place to sit.
3. Nobody in this house studies anything beyond case files.
4. Nobody in this house calls Bruce Dad.
Danny thinks he is suffering from success. No matter where he is in Gotham someone picks him up and insists he’ll be late for family dinner which is unacceptable.
Alfred just wants to feed the boy.
The batkids are amused by his efforts to look as though he’s been here all along.
Bruce is drafting adoption papers as we speak.
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demigods-posts · 5 months
headcanon that when estelle is old enough. percy and annabeth take her trick or treating. and estelle dresses up in the loudest colors she can find. and claims she an international super spy. and percy and annabeth accompany her while wearing tuxedos. claiming that their her bodyguards.
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one tab open texting a cute girl other tab open chocolate milk roleplay third tab fanfiction abt fictional 14 year olds
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Everything we know about Project Apple (and, by extension, Anya's past) thus far
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thought i'd compile all of that now while endo's on break Just In Case the next chapter happens to start anya's backstory (i don't Think it will but endo likes surprising us LSDFKLFS)
important disclaimer that project apple and the organization in charge of anya's experiments have not been confirmed to be related! there's evidence that they have things in common, in particular employees, but that's our only real connection between the two thus far. still! worth looking into
more under the cut!
so, starting very strongly with the very first mention of anything related to the project: anya's introduction in chapter 1
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despite her being a main character, we know very little about her past at the moment, and this little blurb at the beginning makes up a very big portion of what we know.
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things to note here:
as an experiment, her name was "Test Subject 007". important to note that the notation differs between her and bond: she was Test Subject 007, bond was Subject 8, no zeroes in there;
she had been made thus by accident, the phrasing itself implying quite heavily that she was just a normal child before said accident (but this is the translation! i don't know japanese so i can't cross-reference with the raws to clarify if the phrasing changes anything, but the fanbook uses the word "gained" to describe her powers too);
because her mind-reading is an unintended consequence, that means the scientists were presumably not, at least initially, trying to achieve cognitive enhancements in humans, and were instead trying to achieve something else, whatever that might've been;
she escaped from the facility and then moved from institution to institution, looking for a family.
so, crucially, through this little introduction we learn that there is an organization, government-funded or otherwise, that is or was conducting human experiments for unknown purposes. we also learn that whatever family anya had prior to being involved in the experiments is more than likely unreachable, at least as far as she knows, and so she has settled for finding a new family to take care of her instead.
in terms of the facility itself, here we see they clearly drilled it into her that she can't ever reveal her secret (and the darn plush is there too -- in the anime it's even more emphasized, as you can see in the gif i made)
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through her reminiscing though, we get our very first look at the scientists that were in charge of her! they're in the gif above but here they are in the manga too. it's so interesting that the anime actually shows their eyes behind the glasses though, fascinating choice.
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the insistence on world peace is important, as it explains her own personal obsession with it and shows that it's not just because of twilight's own focus on preserving the peace. i also don't think twilight ever really talks about "world peace," only about "preserving the current peace between westalis and ostania" -- anya seems to be the only one talking about WORLD peace (even in the very first scene where either of them mention it in proximity to each other in ch 1, loid says "understanding the other party is the first step towards peace" and anya's interpretation is "understanding me makes world peace?") but take this with a grain of salt because i might be wrong! going through every single mention of peace in the story just to fact check this one little trivia fact is a bit much i think so i'm not doing it JSDFKLSD
but yes
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remember mr hair strand and baldy, we'll see them again. not her though, ig she wasn't in charge of bond
now, fast-forwarding to chapter 19, we finally get a name and a premise for the experiments:
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"but oana," you might say, "this is talking about animals only! how do we know it's the same project as anya's, which involved human experimentation?"
i don't think it is, is the thing! i think it's related to the experiments anya was a part of, which is evidenced by the same scientists being featured in project apple too, but there's more going on that we don't know about. there wouldn't be such adamancy on keeping the two separate in every official mention of them if they were just the same thing, imo!
back to the evidence, we learn that the project, conducted and funded by the previous ostanian regime (meaning donovan's related to it one way or another, since he was prime minister), was marked by franticness and desperation -- a prime place for accidents like anya's telepathy and bond's future vision.
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we also learn that the project was sacked by the new administration and that the former test subjects ended up on the black market.
(this makes it very important, imo, to learn when anya escaped the facility vs. when the project was sacked. it's clearly no longer in function, but while we've heard nothing from them thus far, i'm willing to bet the shady dealings around the desmond group are NOT related to the war, as W.I.S.E. has been led to believe, but rather to reignite project apple. that is speculation however so i'm going to refrain from theorising much on why the desmond group is focused on acquiring pharmaceutical companies!!)
ok speculation tangent over, back on track
so, that's already a decent amount of info! but moving to chapter 22, when bond is finally home, and we finally see some familiar faces
behold! baldy and mr hair strand!
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and 2 other guys we don't know but will see again in another bond flashback!
that's 2 out of the 3 scientists we've seen thus far from anya's own time as subject 007, confirming that there IS a connection between anya and bond's experiments, regardless of whatever the project anya was a part of might've been named.
this is also the chapter in which we learn that bond himself was subject 8 (or, if we take it from the fanbook, subject #8. still, diff notation from anya!)
in chapter 31, we learn an interesting tiny piece of trivia. we don't get any further info on it, but it IS mentioned as something that is known by W.I.S.E.:
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ostania is rumoured to have done human experimentation! and W.I.S.E., and by extension loid, are aware of that.
do i know how them knowing may be important later? not really!
the next droplet of info we get is in chapter 40. we see that project apple had collaborators that are still functioning unhindered.
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of course, born industries is only rumoured to have been involved with project apple, but regardless of whether or not they actually were, the rumour itself implies that the project likely pulled scientists from various other companies' R&D departments.
(this makes the desmond group's acquisition of glooman pharmaceuticals shadier, but anyway)
as a side note, twilight is emoting so much at just his wrong assumption that bond is seeking revenge against the scientists. imagine how he's going to react when he finds out about anya JKSDFKLFSD
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and now aaaaall the way in chapter 58, we see the bald guy who anya also knows, the two scientists from bond's previous flashback, and one whole new guy!
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and thus ends our current knowledge of it all!
the only other thing worth discussing is anya's knowledge of classical language
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but plenty people have already discussed these scenes, especially recently, so here are some links: 1 | 2 | 3
the only thing i can add is that i'm fairly certain that classical language is a lot more likely to be latin than old english, because it's a very common language to learn in school (in europe at least, and ostania is based on east germany so it makes sense to me. i learned mandatory latin in school for a few good years too, even if i wasn't that good at it lol) and because one of the most common modern usages of latin are in medicine and science, it would make sense that she'd be better at it due to exposure.
a possibility is also that the scientists would think in latin to conceal their thoughts from her, and that's how she ended up learning so much. she's not fluent in latin, she's just well acquainted and that cicumstance would explain the how.
also i don't think "ANIA" is an acronym, nor do i think anya's been misspelling her own name out of lack of knowledge. "ania" is a polish diminutive of anna and an alternate transcription of Аня, so i think it's far more likely that anya isn't ostanian or westalian than it is that her name comes from an acronym.
what we know about project apple (and the "mysterious organization"):
project apple was funded and conducted by what appears to have been donovan's regime and, from what W.I.S.E. knows, aimed to create highly intelligent animals for military purposes;
W.I.S.E. is aware that ostania is at the very least rumoured to have dabbled in human experimentation;
the project is presumably no longer on-going, though it is likely there are efforts behind the scenes to revive it;
it is rumoured but not confirmed that project apple had collaborating companies that are still functioning perfectly fine;
the same scientists who were in charge of bond were also in charge of anya, signalling that there is a very significant connection between project apple and the "mysterious organization;"
based on what they were telling anya, they were/are very focused on "world peace";
their experimentation methods include but likely aren't limited to electrocution.
and what we (vaguely) know about anya that relates to this:
she is at the youngest, 4 years old, and at the oldest, 5 nearing 6. we don't know her real age, all we know is she definitely lied about being 6;
she is very fixated on specifically world peace while twilight is focused on peace between ostania and westalis. the scientists are the very first we see talking about this, so it's likely their fault;
she is unreasonably well acquainted with classical language;
she has escaped the facility at LEAST 1 year ago;
and, one tidbit from the fanbook (page 29): "Anya has been reading minds for as long as she can remember," implying that her memory of a life before the lab is muddy at best and absent at worst.
that's all we know that i know of!!
if you got this far, thank you for reading :D hope any of this was interesting or sparked any theories >:] have a good day!
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 months
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The 16 strength? Like yea, ok sure.
More importantly,
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Is Lucien a spy?
Back again with another head cannon theory so here we go.
Lucien has been a fae always looking out for those he cared for since we met him. And although he did nearly get Feyre killed in the first book he did try to make up for it and apologized. Even took beatings UTM to heal her and help when he could. One thing that has always been obvious is that Lucien has had Tamlin’s back through and through.
However, when he left the Spring court and became the emissary of the Night Court it seemed that it was non stop dog pile on Lucien. Even Feyre is guilty of treating Lucien horribly and he gave up his home and left his best friend to be there. But… what if he didn’t?
It has been mentioned in the books that Lucien checks on Tamlin from time to time and gives updates when asked on how he is doing (which is not good). But perhaps that isn’t the case and Feyre and Rhysand just take him at his word because they don’t feel the need to check, since for them, Tamlin in misery is a ‘happy occasion.’
My theory is that Lucien is actually a spy for Tamlin and the Spring Court. He is doing this because Tamlin asked him to protect Feyre, despite everything, Tamlin still loves her and worries something may happen. He may have brought Rhysand back to life but that was because he knew how much Feyre loved Rhysand and wanted her to be happy. But even though he knows this he doesn’t trust Rhysand enough to believe something may be going on behind the scenes.
So while the Inner court receives reports of the Spring Court in ruin and Tamlin in shambles the truth is it is actually being rebuilt and Tamlin had started healing and putting his people first but consequently closing up his heart and refusing to find love.
So while Lucien is giving these report he is just telling what he saw before the reconstruction with some truth about how Tamlin is doing. And if at any time Rhysand or Feyre check his mind he puts up the mental memory of what the spring court looked like after the war or different parts still destroyed that haven’t been fixed.
While it may be seen as wrong as deceitful for Lucien to do this he has seen what Feyre and the Night court have done to the Spring court. A place that used to be and still is his home. And he may not want to give Feyre any reason to destroy it and innocent lives again.
Lucien cares for Feyre and he misses the human she used to be but his loyalty is to Tamlin. As much as it hurts him to be at the Night court, rejected by his mate, and hiding his true emotions every time the inner court beats him down he stays. Tamlin sacrificed so much for him when he allowed him to stay in the Spring court. And he may be counting down the days until he can earn Elain’s trust and love and hopefully move to the Spring court safely. Elain would love it there because she loves nature but as much as she will miss her sister they can always make visits to the Night court.
But then again this is just a theory.
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aardvaark · 1 year
prentiss in demonology: people thought i was a bad influence when i was a teen
everyone in the BAU: you? reallly? that’s kind of surprising, i don’t see why they’d think that.
[a few seasons go by]
everyone in the BAU: ohhh yeah okay i see it now
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faeriemarie · 7 months
this one’s for all my babygirls. i see your “___ dni” and it makes me smile. i’m lurking and im stalking when you least expect it
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ynkfva · 3 months
im watching the backyardigans and im not ashamed of admiting it
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stormvanari · 9 months
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“I. Serial Designation I.”
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sadbeautifutragic · 10 months
i get the vibe that some of my coworkers assume i'm straight which is lolololol
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maebyshifting · 11 months
song of the day - i can see you by taylor swift
this song is in my call of duty x spy playlist titled international super spy. i am a big taylor swift fan and have loved this song since speak now tv dropped! the music video captures the vibes of this dr: going on missions, sneaking around, and helping people.
and i can see you being my addiction
you can see me as a secret mission
hide away and i will start behaving myself
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