#interrupting my On* Piec* live action marathon to bring the schedule
kaymarie-bell · 10 months
TWST JP September Schedule
Lost in the Book with Stitch event (cont.)
Main Story, Book 7 Chapter 5 release
Jamil's Birthday Campaign
NRC Masterchef (Leona & Epel)
Ace's Birthday Campaign
Glorious Masquerade event rerun [New SSR: Rollo]
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Attempt #11: Movie Marathon
<< the tenth attempt
wc: 2.5k
warning/s: male masturbation
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When Jaehyun came back from your apartment, he locked himself in his bathroom and stared at his reflection. His ears are still red from what he had witnessed, he almost felt bad for dragging out his stay.
He thought you weren’t home. He remembered overhearing you saying you would go out with Yebin to check out a new cafe or something, so he left his flower shop job early that day to surprise you with flowers and the cupcakes you liked. He felt bad for using the emergency keys your mom entrusted him with to do this, but it would only be for this one time.
The lights were closed and if you were home, you would have had music playing to fill in the silence. He puts the flowers and cupcakes down on the coffee table to grab an unused vase and filled it up with water, trying to recall what the ladies at the flower shop told him to do to make sure the gardenias won’t wilt. As he sets them down, he thinks he hears something coming from the hallway. 
Jaehyun quietly makes his way over, not thinking much of it. Maybe you left the window open and the wind knocked something over. The door is ajar, too, so he puts a hand on the pane to push it until he hears:
“Oh my god.”
He freezes, recognizing your voice. For a split second, he thought you were in pain from the way you whimpered, but then you moaned over and over again. He’s not stupid, he knows what you were doing and it’s taking everything in him not to sneak a peek like a horny teenage boy (that he technically is) but he steps away instead until he’s back in the living room.
He stares at the flowers — that ironically symbolizes innocence, too — a little embarrassed for catching you in a very private and personal… moment. He’s heading for the front door, trying not to dwell on it. He’s shamefully jacked off to the thought of you, t— 
Jaehyun pauses with his hand on the door. Were you thinking of him?
He scolds himself; he shouldn’t care about who you were thinking of at this moment. But still he stubbornly turns around and clears his throat.
“[Y/N]?” He hates himself already for disrupting you, “Are you home?”
And then you come stumbling out of your room, flustered and panting with a light sheen of sweat all over your skin. You looked like you were glowing and it sent reactions to his dick. When he took your hand, he tries to convince himself you weren’t using the same hand to pleasure yourself before he interrupted. On the way to the living room to show you the reason why he was in your home in the first place, he hears a buzzing sound — thinking a bee came in, but it didn’t sound like one. In fact, he can definitely pinpoint when and where he heard something similar. As the buzzing continued while he explained why he was there and your expressions were forced, it dawned on him; you had a vibrator in you.
It was a miracle a boner didn’t pop out of him *immediately* and he pretends to be oblivious to it all. He hadn’t intended to hug you, but it was out of character for him not to do so after you just told him you had a “nightmare.” When your hands grasped onto his shirt and your body lightly shook in his hold, he knew you were cumming so he held you against him until you recovered.
He wanted to tease you so badly, but he bit his tongue and left after pretending Mingyu’s text was from his parents. If you only knew he wanted to get out just as much as you wanted to take care of the growing problem in his own pants. 
So now he’s in his bathroom, sticking his hand down his pants and wincing at how hard he was. He holds up his shirt to his chest and pushed his bottoms down enough until his cock is free, bobbing up and down.
Jaehyun backs up until he’s pressed up against the wall, a fist around his length and squeezing lightly. His eyes are shut as he remembers your expression; eyes blown out, and shy, bottom lip swollen and red, your cheeks flustered and glistening with sweat. Your dress was haphazardly fixed, leaving a very generous amount of cleavage he could have ogled a little longer. When he was about to leave, he saw your essence dripping between your legs and he wondered how you tasted. It was a crude thought to think about his best friend, but he could add it to the list of other obscene things he’s thought of doing with you (and it guilts him everyday.)
He could hear your moans again, how delicate they were. He’s always found porn annoying because of the exaggerated moaning that he had to turn it halfway down and put some music on when he did watch them. He wants to hear you moan again; hell, he wants to watch you. But he knows it’ll be a long time before that could happen — it probably never will.
“Fuck.” He hisses, arm straining as he chases his high. Letting go of his shirt, he brings his hand under to gently knead his balls with his palm. He could imagine your soft hands on him, working them over his length. The brief image of you on your knees in front of him with your mouth agape is what finishes him. He comes with a choked groan, shooting his load onto the floor. 
Jaehyun catches sight of his reflection in the mirror, disappointed in himself yet again. He’s not the pure, golden boy everyone — including you — cuts him out to be. Maybe people can expect him to jack off to porn, but no one would ever think he’d get off to the thought of you.
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Despite the whole heated fiasco the two of you dealt with individually the day prior, you and Jaehyun still sat by each other in your living room like nothing had happened and continued on with the movie marathon you planned. After you cooked dinner for the both of you, you let him choose the movie and he picks the first one recommended in the landing.
Neither of you have seen it, but have heard about it. With your respective movie snacks and drinks laid out on the table, you and Jaehyun sat on the couch with too many pillows and a blanket each. As the movie plays, like always, you both made commentary about it; disagreeing with the character’s views on opposite sex friendships.
“He should take a look at us.” You huff, tossing a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.
“17 years and counting.” He adds with a little laugh.
When the scene turned a little steamy, you both involuntarily leaned away from each other and focused on eating your snacks. You’re feeling your cheeks heat up at the reminder of yesterday’s events, pulling your legs up to your chest and pretending to be cold from the air conditioning. 
Jaehyun is quiet until the movie finishes, even when you started sniffing at the little clips of old real life couples sharing their love stories. If there’s one thing you’re both certain of wanting, it’s growing old together. He wants to pull you into a hug, but he hesitates and watches you skip the credits.
You chose Descendants of all movie choices and when he makes a face at you, you playfully threaten him, “Shut up, I like the songs. We’re watching all three.”
“Fine. But we’re watching all three HSM movies after.”
You don’t have a problem with that, you liked their soundtrack, too. After agreeing to his conditions, you leaned back down and ripped open a new party pack of chips. Jaehyun sticks his hand in after you, humming when the taste of honey butter hits his tongue.
You space out for a minute, genuinely enjoying this moment with him. Movie marathons were a monthly occurrence for the two of you until SATs happened and your friends wanted to hang out more because it might not happen as frequently after everyone graduates.
“Why are you staring?”
It hadn’t occurred to you that you were, but there’s no point in denying it. “Because we haven’t done these in a long time… we haven’t done a lot of things we used to do before senior year and honestly, I don’t think we’ll be able to do them when we’re in college.”
Jaehyun purses his lips, “Well, I can take up Child Education with you.”
“What? Why?” The movie is just background noise at this point, “That was just a suggestion.”
“But I love kids, you know I do. And I get why you want to be a teacher because I want to be around kids, too, and help them learn and grow. I don’t know what other options I have aside from going pro.”
In the back of your mind, you don’t think it sounds so bad if you two both took Child Education and had the same schedule. But you start thinking about Jangmi or other potential, future girlfriends he could have. You would have to deal with them and although you’re hoping you wouldn’t care at that point, you’re a little reluctant to push him. “What’s Jangmi’s plans for college?”
He looks surprised that you asked. Jangmi had specifically told him not to talk about her or even mention her name or any other girl’s name when he was with you, but you had asked and it would be rude to ignore it. “Uh, Zoology, I think?”
“Oh!” You perked up, “Taeyong is taking up Veterinary Medicine.”
His face slightly falls, “Really?”
“Mhm. He loves animals so much, like, think of us with kids, but with him it’s animals. He told me he’d take me to the animal sanctuary he wants to work in next week.”
“Next week?”
“Yeah, for that… auctioned off date. I can’t wait, actually, he keeps talking about it.”
Jaehyun nods, looking back at the ignored movie. “Well, if it’s great, then you should take me there.”
“We should all go!”
That’s not what he meant, and he had every intention of correcting you, but then “If Only” starts and you gasp, “Wait, I need to sing along.”
His somber mood is uplifted immediately, laughing as you exaggerated your actions as you sang along with Mal. From then, you both watch animatedly, singing along whether or not you know the lyrics. After the Descendants franchise and you’re on the last movie of HSM, Jaehyun couldn’t help himself and said after singing along, “We have a garden like that in school.”
You glance at him, “We do?”
“Yeah, Jangmi—” He pauses, “Uhm, when we had those Japanese exchange students, as a bonding activity, they had the students plant and arrange flowers. Jangmi hangs out there sometimes; it’s nice and cool. She accidentally skipped a class once because she fell asleep there.”
You always, always had the butterflies in your stomach after watching the scene for “Can I have this dance?” but it felt like you got punched right in the gut as he tells you this.
“I can take you there during our break.”
“What? But that’s Jangmi’s place.”
Jaehyun frowns, “She doesn’t own it. She actually told me that we can hang out there with her some time. Come on, it’ll be a nice change.”
“Alright.” You relent, taking an extra pillow and hugging it to your chest.
While you still feel uneasy about invading Jangmi’s special place in the school, Jaehyun is excited. He remembered Jangmi dragging him there after school and suggested he’d confess there; it was quiet, secluded, filled with flowers, and overall, romantic.
You put on a horror movie next, thinking you can handle it, but the jumpscares had you grabbing onto Jaehyun that made him tease you for choosing it in the first place. Eventually, you had settled yourself onto him, cheek pressed over his chest while his arm came over you for extra warmth. It had initially bothered you, thinking this seemed too intimate, but it’s past midnight and you’ve wasted all your energy from screaming at the horror movie.
The last movie you remembered watching was Love, Rosie. It felt a little odd for him to choose it, but you were nearly drifting off to sleep to even contest his movie choice. As it goes on, you found yourself almost in Rosie’s shoes: pining for her best friend while he was with someone else.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, dreaded this film when searched up movies about friends to lovers; this one was the embodiment of his fears. Sure they ended up together, but if they had cleared it up in the beginning then they would have been together from the start. The last thing he wanted was for anybody else to come in between you and him because he’s already having a hard time from both yours and his actions interfering with his attempts at confessing. He must have been imagining it, but he hears you sniffing again, probably crying at the scene playing, and he instinctively rubs your arm. 
“Just wait until tomorrow, [Y/N].” He thinks, leaning closer until his chin is grazing the top of your head. 
You woke up startled when you hear a bang, almost panicking if you hadn’t opened your eyes to an action scene playing on the television. You must have fallen asleep. Glancing up, you see Jaehyun’s head tilted away from you with his mouth just barely parted as he softly snored.
You would have moved away or woken him up, but when else would you be able to be like this with him? The clock on the wall tells you that you have 5 hours left before you should start preparing for school, so you encircle your arms around Jaehyun’s waist and nuzzled his chest.
“Jaehyun?” You whispered, softly and barely audible. He continues to snore and you hum, “Jaehyun…”
His heartbeat is nice and slow, like a lullaby coaxing you back to sleep. As it thumbs against your ear, you let out a sigh.
“I love you.”
He doesn’t move and his breathing remains the same, so you continue.
“More than just a friend… but if you’re in love with someone else, it’s okay. As long as we stay best friends, it’s okay.” Your bottom lip quivers and your eyes start to sting, so you shut them as tightly as you can, “I just don’t want to lose you.”
Before you know it, your silent tears are soaking his shirt. You can always say you had a bad dream from the horror movie you watched, you’ve been using that as an excuse lately, because it is — losing Jaehyun would be an absolute nightmare.
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the twelfth attempt >>
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
Hey love, I hope it's not too much of a bother, but do you have any tips on how to survive covid19 related shutdowns etc. on a psychological level? (I have the hygiene and logistics down, it's my brain going off that worries me). Everything happened super fast here. I hope you're doing okay.
Hi, my friend 👋🏻
So, first of all thank you for your question: I think it's a very important yet delicate topic so before proceeding further I wanna clarify that what I'm gonna say comes from someone who's not a mental health professional, just a common human doing her best to deal with a stressful unprecedented situation. These pieces of advice might not work well for everyone, especially the ones suffering of certain mental or physical illnesses I know too little about to offer proper help so I encourage everyone, especially Asian folks who shared are a similar experience or mental health professionals to add whatever they think could be useful.
Here we go:
One of the most "shocking" effect of lockdown and quarantine is the disruptuption of our routine. Our busy, regulated days now appear as a series of dull half empty or empty days and it happens from night to day, abruptly. My word of wisdom is: try to maintain discipline and bring order to chaos. Set your usual alarm and brush your teeth in the morning, schedule times for you lunches, exercise at home and so on. Keep yourself and your mind busy.
Set goals or little challenges: plank challenge? Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter movie marathon? Restart your favorite and embarrassingly long tv series? Book challenge? You name it! Whatever gives you a sense of purpose and makes you happy.
Chances are you might be asked to work or attend classes/study remotely now. Which can be quite nice: it "fills" part of your day with familiar activities. If you're not in this situation, don't panic: why don't you pick a new hobby? Grab that cooking book and try a new recipe or watch that ukulele tutorial! Not quite the musician? What about drawing? Or sewing? Or trying to learn a foreign language? Possibilities are endless, honey: isn't it even just a little bit exciting?
If you're following any therapy that can't be interrupted, please don't forget to take your meds! They're important and you matter, love!
Over here but I'm pretty sure other countries will follow, there is a free help line for whoever feels in distress or struggling emotionally with the effect of this emergency. If you ever feel down, depressed or in need to talk to a professional, write down the number and give them a call. You are not alone!
Speaking of not being alone, connect. Grab the phone and text or call a friend. Organise Skype video chats with friends you can't see in person right now or who live far away. I swear, I now spend half my day on the phone with pals or relatives chatting about literally anything and it helps a lot.
Make a list of things that you are grateful for/makes you happy. Received a compliment? Got in touch (metaphorically speaking!) with a friend or your boo? Nailed a recipe from scratch? The sun is shining? No covid19? YAY! In a moment where it's so easy to get dragged down by concerns and gloomy thoughts, try this little exercise. It ultimately puts you into a better mood.
Have you considered meditation? It doesn't work for anyone but it might help you release stress and frustration.
If you're living with other people, either parents/relatives, romantic partners or roomies, understand they're going through the very same experience and dealing with similar feelings. Be patient and understand, support each other. Don't argue over every little things or give in to despair, they might need comfort too. Or you may: help each other 😊
Stay up to date but don't obsess over the news. Right now on telly there are hourly updates of the pandemic and it's needless to say how anxiety-inducing this can be to many. To everyone, I'd say. Media thrives over tragedies and emergencies, but you have the power to turn that f*cking telly or radio off if it gets overwhelming. And you're not a coward for doing that!
Hope it helps, love!
Stay strong, everyone, and stay home as much as possible, if you can! It's not a fear or panic reaction, it's a preventive action. It rhymes too, right? Pretty cool!
We're going to survive this but we have to be careful and look for each other, especially the vulnerable ones. Don't be ruthless, don't be selfish ✌🏻
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doublel27 · 5 years
Read on Ao3
“Umm, what the fuck?”
Things one did not expect to find when they came home from closing their store alone was ones father and partner in business and in love hanging out in your room together. They were each arraigned on a bed, thankfully Patrick on his bed and his Dad on Alexis’s. They had food strewn and worst of all no one really looked up when he entered the room, both of their eyes glued to the TV.
David’s intention had been to close the store, come home and enjoy an hour or two of solitude, possibly reading or possibly watching a Say Yes to the Dress marathon, before packing a fresh bag to bring to Patrick’s apartment. Instead, his sanctuary had been taken over in a most unpleasant fashion. Worse, no one seemed to care.
“Hey,” Patrick said, distractedly, frowning at the action on the screen.
“Oh, hey David.” His dad threw a quick glance towards him before focusing back on TV. “Do you want to join us?”
“Do I-“ David shook his head at that ridiculous question that he was certain they all knew the answer to. Instead, he focused on his boyfriend who hadn’t really looked at him since he walked in. “I thought you had somewhere important to be? Is that pizza? On my bed?”
Again, all David got was a brief look and then Patrick was right back to the television with narrowed eyes. “I did. It was rehearsal and then here with your dad watching the Jays game. And yes. You want some?”
“Of course,” David replied, again insulted by stupid questions. He put his bag down and strode to the bed. “But take the box off the bed, I don’t want grease stains on the duvet.”
Patrick didn’t look up at his boyfriend, did not greet hims with a kiss, but was instead craning around David to try and see the screen. “I put a towel under it. Stole it from the front desk.”
Of course, he did.
Was it wonderful and a little hot that Patrick was protecting his linens with cheap motel towels? Yes. Was the intrusion that had nothing to do with David and everything to do with stuff he cared nothing about the worst? Also, yes.
David knew it was petty as fuck, but he continued standing directly in front of Patrick while he flipped open the pizza box. There were things that were not to be endured, and that included the current treatment from his boyfriend. He darted in for a kiss but Patrick dodged left to continue watching the game. David’s kiss landed well off his mark and simply on Patrick’s cheek.
“Damn,” they said in unison. David knew he was the only one talking about the kiss.
The announcers’s droning voice gave way to the cacophonous sound of commercials. Finally, Patrick looked at David and placed his capable hands on David’s shoulders. The warmth lit up Patrick’s eyes and David felt himself melt a little.
Patrick’s voice was soothing as he rubbed David’s shoulders and said, “David, honey, I love you but you make a better door than a window.”
The actually meaning of the words crashed over him and David recoiled in horror. “Um, excuse me-“
“David,” his dad added calmly, not reading the room at all. David snapped his mouth shut, teeth grinding together and glare at his father. “If you don’t want to sit and watch with us, I know your mother would love some company. She’s working on the show and I know she would love your advice.”
What he wanted was to be left alone with the pizza, a tub of ice cream and Sandy. David stared wide-eyed, glancing between the two most important men in his life who seemingly did not care at all for the inconvenience they were causing in his life. The frown settled deep on his face.
“I’ll just be taking this,” David said, snatching the half a pizza that was left and strode to the connecting door between his room and his parents’. The TV had switched back to the game and no one even gave him a second glance. David set his teeth and swept through the connecting door. The announcer’s voice returned and there was no cajoling “Come on, David,” from his boyfriend’s lips.
“Oh, David, what a fortuitous turn,” his mother said brightly, looking at him for more than a brief millisecond. “Come look at this blocking with Mummy.”
David flipped the pizza box back open and lifted a delightfully cheesy piece littered with pepperoni. They were done perfectly, crispy cups holding pools of grease. David took a bite and savored the pizza that was not quite New York-Style but was as close as he got here in Schitt’s Creek.
He strode over to sit with his mother, sliding the box onto the table. He couldn’t help but send furtive glances back to the door, not paying any attention to his mother’s voice. He kept taking bites and stewing about the interruption in his schedule.
“What the fuck is that?” he blurted out.
“Stage blocking, David! I just told you!”
There were several pages littered in front of him with x’s and names and arrows. His mother had clearly been explaining, in detail, her plans for Cabaret.
“Mm, no.” David used his half eaten slice of pizza to point toward his room. “That! In my bedroom!”
“Oh,” his mother’s voice softened along with her face. She sent a look that David knew was primarily saved for his father at the door. “Isn’t it dulcet?”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yes. Your father invited your beau over to regard some...” She casted about the room looking for what it was they were watching. Eventually she decively ended up on, “Sport. They couldn’t view it in here, clearly, because I am quite swamped, so I sent them over there.”
A cheer went up and there was the sound of slapping. David tilted his chair back to peer through the connecting door and saw his dad and Patrick grinning at each other. They were both talking animatedly and pointing back to the TV. It was weird.
“Okay.” David felt stupid for being mad that his father and Patrick were hanging out in his room, but he couldn’t shake the feelings. He picked at the edge of a pepperoni and peeled it off, leaving a cheesy crater behind. “I just think it’s funny that they play one softball game against each other and now they’re hanging out.”
David took another bite of pizza and chewed mulishly. Leaning back to put his chair back on two legs, David watched the duo in the other room. They were each sitting on the edge of their respective beds, hands clasped, leaning forward and squinting at the screen. The two of them looked like mirror images.
Oh, God! Was Patrick his dad?
They both laughed at the exact same time. Horror flooded through his body. What had he done?
“Sweetheart,” David turned to look back at his mother, who was regarding him with a very soft look. He didn’t like it. “This is a long-held bourne of your father’s. You and your sister never took an interest in sports. He built that whole chamber just to relish them in.”
David cast his mind back to the house they hadn’t lived in for years. He tried to picture what the hell she was talking about. Finally his brain settled on a space they had used for sleepovers and terrible movies, curled up with Alexis, and sometimes his mother if she had deigned to join them. “The one we used for lesser premieres and award shows?”
The decor in there had always been kind of tacky. David had always wondered why his mother had never redone it in her style.
“Yes, darling. But now, with dear, sweet Patrick, your father has a companion for his endeavors of reviewing sporting events.”
Another shout went up and this time it was not a happy shout but the sound of two men yelling at a box. David swiped another slice of pizza and tilted again to see them both pointing and shouting and then looking back at each other. Words like balls and count and blind were being thrown around in orders that made no sense to David.
Suddenly, a quick rap came across his knuckles, causing David and his chair to clatter back to upright. His mother just stared at him with bright eyes, holding a ruler in her hands. “Alright, enough. Let’s look at some costumes.”
“Oww,” David said, shaking out his hand. She hadn’t actually hit him hard, but it was the principal of the thing.
“Oh, David. Enough. It was a love tap. Now-“
David finished off his second piece of pizza and watched his mother file through the papers she had spread over the table. Another cheer went up from the other room as his mom began pointing at slips for the Kit Kat dancers. It wasn’t how he had intended to spend the evening, but it wasn’t the worst. He settled in for several hours of debates with his mother over various decisions for Cabaret, whether he wanted to have them or not.
A fabric swatch of particularly cheap poly blend was placed in front of him and David felt his lip curl. “Ugh, no. Not that. What are your other options?”
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